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The normalization of Genital Mutilation

I was circumcised at birth due to ignorant tradition. I lived a perfectly happy sex life and I've never let it get my self esteem or confidence down. It hasn't limited me physically or mentally whatsoever, but...
I see it as a slave mark of the jew after realizing them for what they are. I was indifferent about it until learning of the reason for it.
I'm grateful at least that a pedophile rabbi didn't do my circumcision and take it to a vampiric level by sucking my blood. Literally fucked up on innumerable levels in every way...
They also harvest negative energies from the baby and put a subliminal mark on their conscious. Slave mark to return to the flock after hearing some kike worshipper describe what circumcision is in some bleating retard sermon down the road.
I love the fact that I am a part of something that is capable of giving them their justice and making them pay for trying to mark me into slavery to their putrid "god".
I'm extremely happy to be a part something that fights them everyday, and I will fight against them until the day I die and ever after. Eternally if necessary and if I'm capable.
They will pay. I will not stop until everyone on earth knows them for what they are.
The God's of the Gentiles are free.
Free to use me as they will to crash the soul of judea.
jrvan said:
So men are thankful for having their genitals mutilated by jews because they're too lazy to wash themselves... why doesn't that surprise me.
Or maybe it’s because you always choose to interpret things in the most anti-male/masculine way possible. Take that up with your daddy not me.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
So men are thankful for having their genitals mutilated by jews because they're too lazy to wash themselves... why doesn't that surprise me.
Or maybe it’s because you always choose to interpret things in the most anti-male/masculine way possible. Take that up with your daddy not me.
Your reply is just for flaming. Just avoid it please.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
So men are thankful for having their genitals mutilated by jews because they're too lazy to wash themselves... why doesn't that surprise me.
Or maybe it’s because you always choose to interpret things in the most anti-male/masculine way possible. Take that up with your daddy not me.

or maybe it's because

What does that have to do with men being thankful for genital mutilation as a jewish tradition forced upon them as babies? You're suggesting that men express gratitude for this alien jewish custom as a reaction to me? What are you even saying?

There's no such thing as a universal gendered way of interpreting things. It has nothing to do with male/female or masculine/feminine.

Please stop with your propaganda and attacks against me.
jrvan said:
What does that have to do with men being thankful for genital mutilation as a jewish tradition forced upon them as babies? You're suggesting that men express gratitude for this alien jewish custom as a reaction to me? What are you even saying?

There's no such thing as a universal gendered way of interpreting things. It has nothing to do with male/female or masculine/feminine.

Please stop with your propaganda and attacks against me.
Your original comment basically said that men are too stupid and lazy to wash themselves. Always destroying the male image. That is how I showed the way you interpret things.
Aquarius said:
Your reply is just for flaming. Just avoid it please.
Hey you Italiano meatball kid just because you spammed your way to 8k posts doesn’t mean that you have any kind of authority over me. Since you told me to not flame (which I wasn’t doing) I’ll now flame you instead.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
What does that have to do with men being thankful for genital mutilation as a jewish tradition forced upon them as babies? You're suggesting that men express gratitude for this alien jewish custom as a reaction to me? What are you even saying?

There's no such thing as a universal gendered way of interpreting things. It has nothing to do with male/female or masculine/feminine.

Please stop with your propaganda and attacks against me.
Your original comment basically said that men are too stupid and lazy to wash themselves. Always destroying the male image. That is how I showed the way you interpret things.

That is irrelevant here, and the discussion is not about me.

For the record, I don't hate men and I'm not trying to destroy their image. I just think that modern humans have a lot of room for improvement, and I think we can all agree on that. There are plenty of things that females do that I criticize as well, but other people have already expressed all of those points here on the forums to death already. Do you want me to publicly show that I agree with those points criticizing modern females? Is it important to you that I do so? I don't understand what this is really about.

I'm not interested in gender wars, and I actively try to discourage them.
NinRick said:
Sundara said:
But also, anyone who struggles with this fact shouldn’t and shouldn’t try any strange false promises likely sold by Jews to “grow it back” or create the false image of a part being there. It’s best to have self acceptance over it and understand that you’re not limited by it and are fully capable of having a just as great relationship and sex life regardless.

My dick is like that as well, and I fucking love it. Idk what issues ppl have with that. It is also more hygienic. (And for me honestly looks better)
I have known those who have struggled with a really tight foreskin where they struggled to get fully erect. It was sad to see and I can understand the move to remove it in those particular situations. I myself am fairly happy the way mine is, self acceptance is important, but sad that it was not up to us to decide on our own. Not sure about being cut making the penis more hygienic, I see the foreskin as a protective barrier and allows the head (glan) to create liquids that make it more sensitive and act as an lubricant during intercourse.
The Outlaw Torn said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Objectively wrong.
I don’t have the 4skin and I’ve never had it before so I think I’m right. And I prefer guys with 4skin but that’s a bit hard to come by in the JU-SA.
Vert hard to come by, only a few times have I been with one.
SagittarianMage said:
I was circumcised at birth due to ignorant tradition. I lived a perfectly happy sex life and I've never let it get my self esteem or confidence down. It hasn't limited me physically or mentally whatsoever, but...
I see it as a slave mark of the jew after realizing them for what they are. I was indifferent about it until learning of the reason for it.
I see it the same, a sick mark left by ignorance of those that watched over me. Jewish bullshit and lies.
NinRick said:
jrvan said:
NinRick said:
My dick is like that as well, and I fucking love it. Idk what issues ppl have with that. It is also more hygienic. (And for me honestly looks better)

It harms the baby boy and creates major trauma in the soul. It's our natural body being mutilated against our will. A circumcised penis also is uncomfortable for the vagina during intercourse compared to a foreskin which is natural and feels better for the woman.

It's not more hygienic. Please don't propagate the lies of the enemy. This disgusting jewish practice of circumcision needs to be banned forever.

I am not praising it, just saying that my body is perfect as it is lol.
And this didn’t not traumatised me.

There is no sense in feeling bad about what happened in the past. I think you have the right idea in this regard.

However, the circumcision itself, besides being derived from the enemy, does cause a traumatic experience for babies, due to the level of pain inflicted on such a sensitive part of the part, and its result on a baby's brain. It is basically torture, and for what reason?

Personally, I don't care either way about the look or anything. I don't plan to "regrow" my foreskin either or anything else. However, I would never want this to happen to anyone else, for the above reason. It's just needless negative karma.
The custom of circumcision originated in Ancient Egypt, it is not necessarily that Jewish shit
SonOfFreya said:
The custom of circumcision originated in Ancient Egypt, it is not necessarily that Jewish shit
No it didn't. It's a jewish practice.
It's a common jewish tactic to say that enemy things were and are from us.
It's a method of the jew to mark all goyim as slaves and to subconsciously program them to associate pain as a way to stop development and self improvement. Alot of people won't even do something simple out of fear of pain or fatigue.
An amount of pain is always necessary to overcome in order to achieve a higher level of development, whether it be weight lifting, running, academics, etc.
I feel it is the jews way to get gentiles to lay down and be unwilling to accept pain as a part of self empowerment in any form. After the pain is overcome, it becomes easier and eventually painless.
It's also a way to openly torture and do Gods know what with the foreskin on the sly.
Any excuse to have some negativity and suffering energies to leech off of really.
SonOfFreya said:
The custom of circumcision originated in Ancient Egypt, it is not necessarily that Jewish shit

The High Priest has explained that the original practice had nothing to do with removing the foreskin. I would have to look for the post, but if I find it later then I'll link it here on this thread. Unless someone else feels inclined to post it first.
Looking further into it, he is right. Genital Mutilation was done at that time

“ The earliest Egyptian mummies (1300 BCE) were circumcised and wall paintings in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier than that”

“‘The Origin of Circumcision’ by W.D. Dunsmuir and E.M. Gordon, gives a broader exploration of circumcision as it got incorporated into culture and religion.”

“The authors explain that circumcision started as a dehumanizing practice by Egyptians on slaves they got captured from other areas. This was also used to identify their status in society.”

“Others believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery. In ancient Egypt captured warriors were always mutilated before being condemned to slavery.”

But take what you find to be factual.
jrvan said:
SonOfFreya said:
The custom of circumcision originated in Ancient Egypt, it is not necessarily that Jewish shit

The High Priest has explained that the original practice had nothing to do with removing the foreskin. I would have to look for the post, but if I find it later then I'll link it here on this thread. Unless someone else feels inclined to post it first.

It will be fine if you can find the post Jrvan. Thank you
SonOfFreya said:
jrvan said:
SonOfFreya said:
The custom of circumcision originated in Ancient Egypt, it is not necessarily that Jewish shit

The High Priest has explained that the original practice had nothing to do with removing the foreskin. I would have to look for the post, but if I find it later then I'll link it here on this thread. Unless someone else feels inclined to post it first.

It will be fine if you can find the post Jrvan. Thank you


"Male "Circumcision" And More Historical Forgeries"
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In regards to this practice this post may be brief and I understand many are worried in regards to this as it's a very problematic [and enforced since toddler age unfortunately] topic for many males.

The good news is that this is not going to hamper your ability to meditate, advance spiritually, or anything of the sort. One may not even be affected sexually at all from this. The other good news is that there are restoration, treatments, and there will be more and more scientific advances in the future to reverse this strange practice.

In regards to the falsehood that the Jews created from circumcision, [another gross literalization of spiritual texts that their reptilian brain could not properly comprehend], is that "Circumcision" has nothing to do with this grossly literal thing. It has to do with a Pagan concept of opening the mind.

The head of the penis, symbolically, has to do with the opening of the chakras of the head, and the open perception that results where the "veil" is raised, which has to do with the enlightenment and opening of the consciousness on the skull. This has ended up in modern language as "The Head" of the penis, or in other idioms used in slang such as "Giving head" and other stuff like this. That aside in regards to the Nadi system the penis also relates to the head.

Obviously, during normal intercourse, the skin of the penis comes out and when there is an erection, the head of the penis is out, representing the spiritual concept above. This has to do with both the nervous pathway and the situation of arousal, which deals with the awakening of that part of the body, which in turn connects to the rest of the body. Arousal has been connected with an elevated state which can be used spiritually.

But this has nothing got to do with any butchery ritual. Regardless, endless jewish pseudoscience has tried to "Tie in" the Pagans to their own jewish low level depravity, which is most common. To show you one example, here is one case of a trial of forgery by another (((Archeologist))) who made up fake evidence to support a "Pre-Christian Crucifixion of Christ". Obviously, the jewish apparatus may absolve him of it, but those of us here know how much of a hoax this all is, and everyone knows that.

As you will see in the article below, not only these dumb fucks decided to lie, but they did this also terribly, adding even commas. I guess they should also have added hashtags to like #RabbiJesus and they forgot about it, claiming the Ancient Romans were Christians and used the Hashtag, and that they also had Instagram. Jewish lying and desecration knows no bounds, but there is nothing to be surprised here from the race that has created the biggest and most blatant historical lies.

"Trial begins for archaeologist accused of forging earliest portrayal of Jesus' crucifixion"


In regards to Christian ethics on arousal, on the height of xianity, cutting the genitals, wearing security locks around your pelvis, and saying one will get roasted in eternal hell for having an erection or a nocturnal emission are all well known. These were the results of Jewish culture. Jews tried to heap this onto Gentiles as their Jewish interpretations of Gentile culture, are just Jewish.

They come from the Jewish soul, which believes stuff like if they have a nocturnal emission they will be getting roasted in "Gehenom" for all eternity. Gehenom is the place of fire and brimstone where the failed Jews are going to be punished. From Gehenna or Gehenom arose the Christian ideal of "Hell". Jews know this very well, but they tried to say the "Goyim" invented that one. Sort of how they always claim that Christianity and Islam were "from the goyim" even in the face of blatant evidence that they just made it all to mentally screw everyone up.

Now the Jews and their sexuality are a big topic but the situation is, Jews are totally mentally screwed. For lack of a better pun. On one hand, they have a neurotic, paranoid culture. On the other hand, in order to infiltrate, they have to race mix and practice infidelity to their race. On the cultural aspect, most of them try to stay as "Pure as possible" in order to avoid their extinction as mandated by their reptilians.

Which is nothing else but what the Gods told us Gentiles to do also, but this knowledge was later removed by Jews in their way towards conquest of the Gentiles. Jews try to practice eugenics and everyone else goes to practice dysgenics.

Returning back to the concept of "Circumcision", the Jews grossly misinterpreted this concept, of opening the "Head", and "Lifting the Veil" of the head, with the gross interpretation of butchering their own genitals. They tried to credit this practice by creating many forgeries and claiming this was the case because whatever pseudospiritual reasons.

Jews use commonly fake excuses to hide the fact that they are alien and that they engage in unacceptable acts, such as pseudospiritual shit as to how they claim ((("God"))) told them to ransack productive Gentile people because they are essentially the dross of the earth that never even planted a tree in their life for their own use. Or how they do death rituals to Gentiles and then claim it's all just "cultural" and "nothing major".

The real reason the Jews cut the penis in this way is because they believe that sexuality is evil and that is a way to reduce sexual interest and potency, which clearly doesn't work nor it affects this, but anyway, the neolithic practice they have remains. They also marry early to reduce the possibilities of sexual defection. By reducing sexual pleasure, they also hope that this will limit them from engaging in "Sacrilege" of mating with foreign Gentile races, and whatever sexuality they have, will remain within their tribe.

Another reason Rabbis engage in this strange ritual is because this has to do with the blood, the sucking of the blood, and because they believe that this nefarious rite instills a ritual for avoidance of things the jews consider "mishaps" such as going down the bad road with non jews, and essentially also so one could find who is the jew just by dropping their pants.

Now that is no longer a viable way of finding out Jews, as many others in their attempts to follow this strange jewish hearsay stuff [as they have been trying to follow a kike to become his chosen "Saved" people] have been severely misguided. As such one of these things that is done wrong is strange butchery rituals to toddlers.

One more basic reason is that the circumcision by the Rabbi towards the Jewish infant infliction of severe pain which registers in the mind [Trauma in plain] and when Rabbis do spells to discipline the Jews, this creates a tie in for their spells to work better, and to make them more capable of discipline of the Jews. The severe memories of pain in their unconscious serve as a means of control, which is just a form of adaptive torture.

Other gross practices which are butchery related are practiced by some races in some strange attempt to mimic things or just out of a culture built because of brutality. These include anywhere from personal whipping to cutting limbs, and who knows what else. Most of these have been inherited by Jews and they include kosher slaughter, or the blood loving mass sacrifices such as what has been inherited from "Kosher Slaughter" which is the "Eid Had" in which millions of cattle is sacrificed to "Allah" every year.

Meanwhile, they claim one dead sheep in an alley, is part of some very dark and sinister "Satanic" Ritual, while they conduct numerous, daily, unwavering rituals to their nefarious jewish idols. The hypocrisy and lying knows no bounds.

This is no different than how Jews say that "Gentiles are sexually immoral" over them having regular and normal, natural sexuality, while they engage in the most nefarious tenets in the "Holy sects" such as the Vatican, while preaching all the opposite.

We are dealing with aliens and extensive attempts of this species to hide it from everyone else.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Further quotes on circumcision by HPHC:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The jews also like to inflict debilitating pain on their own since infancy, which is why they do the circumcision ritual. The purpose of this ritual which was also done to Gentiles who have been unfortunate to follow this norm, done in such a young age, is purposed to make the jews hate their genitals, cause deep damage, with the ultimate objective of turning them into emotionally damaged individuals, who will be more servile to the tribe upon growing up. The jews have exported this forcibly on the Christians as well. Serial killers and murderers are easily created out of the jewish environment of existence, hating everyone and everything.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Icelandic people wanted to put forth a bill to ban circumcision of young kids beneath a specific age, because obviously it's a brutal practice. Immediately, the jews went into a rampage. Around 50% of the Icelandic parliament and 25% of all doctors singed bills to approve this, so it would pass if it was on the parliament most probably, which would spend the end to jews in Iceland, as they would all have to depart.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gray0123456789 said:
Excellent sermon Commander. I hate Jews. For blacks jew say they are monkeys. White people want to exterminate them until the last man, woman and child. I ask you to do some research on female circumcision. Obviously, the Jews are an idiot race. I was curious and ... I was just doing research on the circumcision of the penis that make those stupid idiots and even the gentiles do that stupid thing. The foreskin must not be removed ... it serves to protect the glans. The glans is very sensitive and delicate. I was saying that ... being curious, I did research on vaginal circumcision and of course, the Jews, since they are highly idiots ... bearded hen's brain ... they did something like that in Africa. Vaginal circumcision involves removing the clitoris and sewing that part and also the lips and leaving a small space for vaginal secretions. The reason for the removal of the clitoris, according to the Jews is that, that part is satanic. I hate Jews. Jews are ridiculous enemies. Please do some research on this subject and expose this foolishness. Now I want to ask you an interesting question. Can the knowledge and information of a book be absorbed without reading it? I mean like energy ... with some divine technique. Sorry for my laziness guys. But if there is such a wonderful and perfect thing, it is very useful. I love progress in all senses. HAIL SATAN

Jews are rats in human form, they are cowardly, but like rats, they are extremely skilled in measuring up their enemies and attacking them while they are at the weakest. If you leave an infant on a household with rats, the rats can in the span of 5 minutes massacre your kid before you even understand what is going on. They actually will size up the kid and understand that it cannot react to them.

The jews have some sort of insanity of cutting out male and female genitals and eventhough I have no proof on this, I believe this was exported to Africa from jews.

With male circumcision we know that this is from jews, but it doesn't take much to imagine that the African female genital mutilation is something the jews would also like to do or at least maybe did once upon a time. It perfectly coincides with the biblical narrative of destroying female sexuality.

On your last question yes, the knowledge of books can be absorbed, but this is an extremely, and I mean literally extremely, higher up power of the mind. One can even remember all the details as if they read the book in reality.
Pumpkin671 said:
Looking further into it, he is right. Genital Mutilation was done at that time

“ The earliest Egyptian mummies (1300 BCE) were circumcised and wall paintings in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier than that”

“‘The Origin of Circumcision’ by W.D. Dunsmuir and E.M. Gordon, gives a broader exploration of circumcision as it got incorporated into culture and religion.”

“The authors explain that circumcision started as a dehumanizing practice by Egyptians on slaves they got captured from other areas. This was also used to identify their status in society.”

“Others believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery. In ancient Egypt captured warriors were always mutilated before being condemned to slavery.”

But take what you find to be factual.

Slavery is also an exclusively jewish custom. You have to always remember that slavery is not a Gentile thing. Our Pagan ancestors didn't do that. Just try to imagine spiritual Pagans led by brothers of the Serpent schools putting chains around each other's necks - or anything like that even entering their wildest imaginations. Try to imagine a pure of heart, uncorrupted Gentile soul doing it. Try to imagine yourself doing it.

It just didn't happen. We aren't like that. It's not in our souls, it's not how we're made. Gentiles who enslave other Gentiles are seriously corrupted.
jrvan said:
Pumpkin671 said:
Looking further into it, he is right. Genital Mutilation was done at that time

“ The earliest Egyptian mummies (1300 BCE) were circumcised and wall paintings in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier than that”

“‘The Origin of Circumcision’ by W.D. Dunsmuir and E.M. Gordon, gives a broader exploration of circumcision as it got incorporated into culture and religion.”

“The authors explain that circumcision started as a dehumanizing practice by Egyptians on slaves they got captured from other areas. This was also used to identify their status in society.”

“Others believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery. In ancient Egypt captured warriors were always mutilated before being condemned to slavery.”

But take what you find to be factual.

Slavery is also an exclusively jewish custom. You have to always remember that slavery is not a Gentile thing. Our Pagan ancestors didn't do that. Just try to imagine spiritual Pagans led by brothers of the Serpent schools putting chains around each other's necks - or anything like that even entering their wildest imaginations. Try to imagine a pure of heart, uncorrupted Gentile soul doing it. Try to imagine yourself doing it.

It just didn't happen. We aren't like that. It's not in our souls, it's not how we're made. Gentiles who enslave other Gentiles are seriously corrupted.
Good point there.
jrvan said:
Pumpkin671 said:
Looking further into it, he is right. Genital Mutilation was done at that time

“ The earliest Egyptian mummies (1300 BCE) were circumcised and wall paintings in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier than that”

“‘The Origin of Circumcision’ by W.D. Dunsmuir and E.M. Gordon, gives a broader exploration of circumcision as it got incorporated into culture and religion.”

“The authors explain that circumcision started as a dehumanizing practice by Egyptians on slaves they got captured from other areas. This was also used to identify their status in society.”

“Others believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery. In ancient Egypt captured warriors were always mutilated before being condemned to slavery.”

But take what you find to be factual.

Slavery is also an exclusively jewish custom. You have to always remember that slavery is not a Gentile thing. Our Pagan ancestors didn't do that. Just try to imagine spiritual Pagans led by brothers of the Serpent schools putting chains around each other's necks - or anything like that even entering their wildest imaginations. Try to imagine a pure of heart, uncorrupted Gentile soul doing it. Try to imagine yourself doing it.

It just didn't happen. We aren't like that. It's not in our souls, it's not how we're made. Gentiles who enslave other Gentiles are seriously corrupted.

In ancient Rome they had slaves.
NinRick said:
jrvan said:
Pumpkin671 said:
Looking further into it, he is right. Genital Mutilation was done at that time

“ The earliest Egyptian mummies (1300 BCE) were circumcised and wall paintings in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier than that”

“‘The Origin of Circumcision’ by W.D. Dunsmuir and E.M. Gordon, gives a broader exploration of circumcision as it got incorporated into culture and religion.”

“The authors explain that circumcision started as a dehumanizing practice by Egyptians on slaves they got captured from other areas. This was also used to identify their status in society.”

“Others believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery. In ancient Egypt captured warriors were always mutilated before being condemned to slavery.”

But take what you find to be factual.

Slavery is also an exclusively jewish custom. You have to always remember that slavery is not a Gentile thing. Our Pagan ancestors didn't do that. Just try to imagine spiritual Pagans led by brothers of the Serpent schools putting chains around each other's necks - or anything like that even entering their wildest imaginations. Try to imagine a pure of heart, uncorrupted Gentile soul doing it. Try to imagine yourself doing it.

It just didn't happen. We aren't like that. It's not in our souls, it's not how we're made. Gentiles who enslave other Gentiles are seriously corrupted.

In ancient Rome they had slaves.

Which period do you consider ancient? There were different eras of Rome. There was the Holy Roman Empire hundreds of years after the fall of Pagan Rome. There was the Flavian Dynasty which could potentially match up with what you're thinking of. I don't think the Imperial Cult of Rome condoned slavery under the rulership of the Caesars. It was actually very similar to America today, and the jews hated everything about it just like they hate everything about America today. That probably means slavery was outlawed if the jews hated it so much.

If you're talking about the thing with the Phrygian Cap, I have reason to believe that it was allegorical. It may have even been a sort of baptism into the energetic state of freedom, kind of like wrapping yourself in an American flag so to say. Americans are born and raised with the idea and belief ingrained into them that they are free so I think it could be similar to this. You put on the hat, and you're symbolically a free man. It could have been like an immigrant to America getting a green card.

I don't know if that's true, but I do suspect that the cap was either allegorical or symbolic, or both. In any case, I rarely trust the (((historical))) account of things in history books. Those same history books tell us that our Pagan ancestors practiced human sacrifice. I remember seeing this flattering image of my ancestors in textbooks in class that they had us study in history class:

They said this wicker man structure was a depiction of Pagan human sacrifice.

So I tend to assume a lot of stuff written about Ancient Rome and other Pagan nations is just kosher revision of history. Slavery is and has always been a jewish thing.
jrvan said:
NinRick said:
jrvan said:
Slavery is also an exclusively jewish custom. You have to always remember that slavery is not a Gentile thing. Our Pagan ancestors didn't do that. Just try to imagine spiritual Pagans led by brothers of the Serpent schools putting chains around each other's necks - or anything like that even entering their wildest imaginations. Try to imagine a pure of heart, uncorrupted Gentile soul doing it. Try to imagine yourself doing it.

It just didn't happen. We aren't like that. It's not in our souls, it's not how we're made. Gentiles who enslave other Gentiles are seriously corrupted.

In ancient Rome they had slaves.

Which period do you consider ancient? There were different eras of Rome. There was the Holy Roman Empire hundreds of years after the fall of Pagan Rome. There was the Flavian Dynasty which could potentially match up with what you're thinking of. I don't think the Imperial Cult of Rome condoned slavery under the rulership of the Caesars. It was actually very similar to America today, and the jews hated everything about it just like they hate everything about America today. That probably means slavery was outlawed if the jews hated it so much.

If you're talking about the thing with the Phrygian Cap, I have reason to believe that it was allegorical. It may have even been a sort of baptism into the energetic state of freedom, kind of like wrapping yourself in an American flag so to say. Americans are born and raised with the idea and belief ingrained into them that they are free so I think it could be similar to this. You put on the hat, and you're symbolically a free man. It could have been like an immigrant to America getting a green card.

I don't know if that's true, but I do suspect that the cap was either allegorical or symbolic, or both. In any case, I rarely trust the (((historical))) account of things in history books. Those same history books tell us that our Pagan ancestors practiced human sacrifice. I remember seeing this flattering image of my ancestors in textbooks in class that they had us study in history class:

They said this wicker man structure was a depiction of Pagan human sacrifice.

So I tend to assume a lot of stuff written about Ancient Rome and other Pagan nations is just kosher revision of history. Slavery is and has always been a jewish thing.

With some research, you will find out that the only evidence there is about the wicker man, human sacrifice is one sentence of Julius Ceasars commentary of the Gallic war. It is safe to say that he just lied to make em look bad.

Slavery is not a jewish idea, but jews treat humans like trash. In ancient Rome, 500 Before our era, there were Slaves. Multiple accounts.

NinRick said:
jrvan said:
NinRick said:
In ancient Rome they had slaves.

Which period do you consider ancient? There were different eras of Rome. There was the Holy Roman Empire hundreds of years after the fall of Pagan Rome. There was the Flavian Dynasty which could potentially match up with what you're thinking of. I don't think the Imperial Cult of Rome condoned slavery under the rulership of the Caesars. It was actually very similar to America today, and the jews hated everything about it just like they hate everything about America today. That probably means slavery was outlawed if the jews hated it so much.

If you're talking about the thing with the Phrygian Cap, I have reason to believe that it was allegorical. It may have even been a sort of baptism into the energetic state of freedom, kind of like wrapping yourself in an American flag so to say. Americans are born and raised with the idea and belief ingrained into them that they are free so I think it could be similar to this. You put on the hat, and you're symbolically a free man. It could have been like an immigrant to America getting a green card.

I don't know if that's true, but I do suspect that the cap was either allegorical or symbolic, or both. In any case, I rarely trust the (((historical))) account of things in history books. Those same history books tell us that our Pagan ancestors practiced human sacrifice. I remember seeing this flattering image of my ancestors in textbooks in class that they had us study in history class:

They said this wicker man structure was a depiction of Pagan human sacrifice.

So I tend to assume a lot of stuff written about Ancient Rome and other Pagan nations is just kosher revision of history. Slavery is and has always been a jewish thing.

With some research, you will find out that the only evidence there is about the wicker man, human sacrifice is one sentence of Julius Ceasars commentary of the Gallic war. It is safe to say that he just lied to make em look bad.

Slavery is not a jewish idea, but jews treat humans like trash. In ancient Rome, 500 Before our era, there were Slaves. Multiple accounts.


Julius Caesar was a great man, and I highly doubt that quote is truly attributed to him. The jews edited a lot of things. They've claimed that Hitler said many things which he didn't say, and that's even in recent times so of course they would lie about ancient rulers. I suppose it would also seem more "believable" to people that their ancestors were barbarians practicing human sacrifice if it was said by one of the most prominent Roman leaders himself.

Thank you for the link. I stand corrected, and I suppose I was naive to think that Gentiles didn't own slaves. Although according to the High Priest in that sermon, slaves in ancient societies like Greece and Rome were more like butlers than slaves. I doubt they had slave brands or chains around their bodies like how the jews do to humans.
Pumpkin671 said:
Looking further into it, he is right. Genital Mutilation was done at that time

“ The earliest Egyptian mummies (1300 BCE) were circumcised and wall paintings in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier than that”

“‘The Origin of Circumcision’ by W.D. Dunsmuir and E.M. Gordon, gives a broader exploration of circumcision as it got incorporated into culture and religion.”

“The authors explain that circumcision started as a dehumanizing practice by Egyptians on slaves they got captured from other areas. This was also used to identify their status in society.”

“Others believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery. In ancient Egypt captured warriors were always mutilated before being condemned to slavery.”

But take what you find to be factual.
From what i have read from other advanced members, Akhenaton was a Jew. Perhaps these practices of slavery and dehumanization was done during HIS rule in Egypt.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Pumpkin671 said:
Looking further into it, he is right. Genital Mutilation was done at that time

“ The earliest Egyptian mummies (1300 BCE) were circumcised and wall paintings in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier than that”

“‘The Origin of Circumcision’ by W.D. Dunsmuir and E.M. Gordon, gives a broader exploration of circumcision as it got incorporated into culture and religion.”

“The authors explain that circumcision started as a dehumanizing practice by Egyptians on slaves they got captured from other areas. This was also used to identify their status in society.”

“Others believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery. In ancient Egypt captured warriors were always mutilated before being condemned to slavery.”

But take what you find to be factual.
From what i have read from other advanced members, Akhenaton was a Jew. Perhaps these practices of slavery and dehumanization was done during HIS rule in Egypt.
That is entirely possible, maybe including his offspring.
NinRick said:
jrvan said:
NinRick said:
In ancient Rome they had slaves.

Which period do you consider ancient? There were different eras of Rome. There was the Holy Roman Empire hundreds of years after the fall of Pagan Rome. There was the Flavian Dynasty which could potentially match up with what you're thinking of. I don't think the Imperial Cult of Rome condoned slavery under the rulership of the Caesars. It was actually very similar to America today, and the jews hated everything about it just like they hate everything about America today. That probably means slavery was outlawed if the jews hated it so much.

If you're talking about the thing with the Phrygian Cap, I have reason to believe that it was allegorical. It may have even been a sort of baptism into the energetic state of freedom, kind of like wrapping yourself in an American flag so to say. Americans are born and raised with the idea and belief ingrained into them that they are free so I think it could be similar to this. You put on the hat, and you're symbolically a free man. It could have been like an immigrant to America getting a green card.

I don't know if that's true, but I do suspect that the cap was either allegorical or symbolic, or both. In any case, I rarely trust the (((historical))) account of things in history books. Those same history books tell us that our Pagan ancestors practiced human sacrifice. I remember seeing this flattering image of my ancestors in textbooks in class that they had us study in history class:

They said this wicker man structure was a depiction of Pagan human sacrifice.

So I tend to assume a lot of stuff written about Ancient Rome and other Pagan nations is just kosher revision of history. Slavery is and has always been a jewish thing.

With some research, you will find out that the only evidence there is about the wicker man, human sacrifice is one sentence of Julius Ceasars commentary of the Gallic war. It is safe to say that he just lied to make em look bad.

Slavery is not a jewish idea, but jews treat humans like trash. In ancient Rome, 500 Before our era, there were Slaves. Multiple accounts.


In fact, the jewish idea is the right and correct one as far as slavery is concerned. The problem with the jews is that they want to dominate and rule through slavery. They want to enslave us all.

There is no middle ground between slavery and freedom. No free and superior being likes an donkey status, whether you treat him well or badly. And you can be sure that he will do everything he can to free himself and take his revenge.
Master said:
NinRick said:
jrvan said:
Which period do you consider ancient? There were different eras of Rome. There was the Holy Roman Empire hundreds of years after the fall of Pagan Rome. There was the Flavian Dynasty which could potentially match up with what you're thinking of. I don't think the Imperial Cult of Rome condoned slavery under the rulership of the Caesars. It was actually very similar to America today, and the jews hated everything about it just like they hate everything about America today. That probably means slavery was outlawed if the jews hated it so much.

If you're talking about the thing with the Phrygian Cap, I have reason to believe that it was allegorical. It may have even been a sort of baptism into the energetic state of freedom, kind of like wrapping yourself in an American flag so to say. Americans are born and raised with the idea and belief ingrained into them that they are free so I think it could be similar to this. You put on the hat, and you're symbolically a free man. It could have been like an immigrant to America getting a green card.

I don't know if that's true, but I do suspect that the cap was either allegorical or symbolic, or both. In any case, I rarely trust the (((historical))) account of things in history books. Those same history books tell us that our Pagan ancestors practiced human sacrifice. I remember seeing this flattering image of my ancestors in textbooks in class that they had us study in history class:

They said this wicker man structure was a depiction of Pagan human sacrifice.

So I tend to assume a lot of stuff written about Ancient Rome and other Pagan nations is just kosher revision of history. Slavery is and has always been a jewish thing.

With some research, you will find out that the only evidence there is about the wicker man, human sacrifice is one sentence of Julius Ceasars commentary of the Gallic war. It is safe to say that he just lied to make em look bad.

Slavery is not a jewish idea, but jews treat humans like trash. In ancient Rome, 500 Before our era, there were Slaves. Multiple accounts.


In fact, the jewish idea is the right and correct one as far as slavery is concerned. The problem with the jews is that they want to dominate and rule through slavery. They want to enslave us all.

There is no middle ground between slavery and freedom. No free and superior being likes an donkey status, whether you treat him well or badly. And you can be sure that he will do everything he can to free himself and take his revenge.

So when you give someone shelter, food, and the possibility to live at certain standards, you would try to take revenge?

Jews treat Humans like trash. Gentiles generally are not like them whatsoever, altho exceptions do exist.
NinRick said:
Master said:
NinRick said:
With some research, you will find out that the only evidence there is about the wicker man, human sacrifice is one sentence of Julius Ceasars commentary of the Gallic war. It is safe to say that he just lied to make em look bad.

Slavery is not a jewish idea, but jews treat humans like trash. In ancient Rome, 500 Before our era, there were Slaves. Multiple accounts.


In fact, the jewish idea is the right and correct one as far as slavery is concerned. The problem with the jews is that they want to dominate and rule through slavery. They want to enslave us all.

There is no middle ground between slavery and freedom. No free and superior being likes an donkey status, whether you treat him well or badly. And you can be sure that he will do everything he can to free himself and take his revenge.

So when you give someone shelter, food, and the possibility to live at certain standards, you would try to take revenge?

Jews treat Humans like trash. Gentiles generally are not like them whatsoever, altho exceptions do exist.

It is still a humiliating and hateful thing. This is an oppressive and offensive condition.

This is an unacceptable and intolerable level for Humanity. The idea of slaves is primitive. If we want to have servants, we have to create borgs or robots.
NinRick said:
Master said:
NinRick said:
With some research, you will find out that the only evidence there is about the wicker man, human sacrifice is one sentence of Julius Ceasars commentary of the Gallic war. It is safe to say that he just lied to make em look bad.

Slavery is not a jewish idea, but jews treat humans like trash. In ancient Rome, 500 Before our era, there were Slaves. Multiple accounts.


In fact, the jewish idea is the right and correct one as far as slavery is concerned. The problem with the jews is that they want to dominate and rule through slavery. They want to enslave us all.

There is no middle ground between slavery and freedom. No free and superior being likes an donkey status, whether you treat him well or badly. And you can be sure that he will do everything he can to free himself and take his revenge.

So when you give someone shelter, food, and the possibility to live at certain standards, you would try to take revenge?

Jews treat Humans like trash. Gentiles generally are not like them whatsoever, altho exceptions do exist.
this is an old post though what your saying sounds like a theme used in Stockholm Syndrome

after there are slave drivers and other monsters who do use shelter, food, water and gifts and high life standards etc. to get away with harming someone and make their victims feel guilty
I know it's only somewhat related, but on the subject of Roman slavery, there's been some interesting historical discoveries been made which I don't think have been mentioned so far in this thread. In Pompeii before the eruption, there was a Roman banker by the name of Caecillius Iucundus who lived there, and his life and that of his family has been fairly well documented. Apparently his first duty of the day after breakfast before he was allowed to do anything else was acting in the role of "Patronus", or patron, greeting any visitors that came to his house asking for help or advice, they were called called "Clientes", or clients. Many of these people had been slaves he'd formally owned. He had a legal duty to donate small sums of money to them, and give them as much help and aid they needed, financially or otherwise if they came to visit him with any problems they might have.

Also, it should be said that it was perfectly legal for any slave to buy their own freedom and become a full Roman citizen with property ownership and voting rights, all they had to do was save up enough money to do so, and their master wasn't allowed to prevent them from doing it. I don't think it was legal for Roman slave owners to mistreat their slaves either.

Slaves often had important jobs and were sometimes highly well thought of too. There's a famous stone fresco depicting the Tauroctony (Mithra slaying the bull representing the healthy control of emotions and passions, see HP HC's recent detailed post about Lord Azazel for more info about this: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=287767#p287767) with the following inscription underneath:

"Soli Invicto Deo Atimetus Augustrorum Nostrorum Servus Actuarius Praediorum Romanianorum"

Which translates to "Dedicated to the Unconquerable Sun God, by Atimetus, Slave of our Emperors and Banker on a large Roman Estate". So what we have here is a likely very expensive to produce stone fresco, made for the Roman cult of Mithra and paid for by a slave named Atimetus who looked after the money on a large Roman estate.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
