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The "Metaverse" - Enter The Jewtrix

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
"Mazter Zuccerborg, we been caught jewing humanity, pimping their data, enslaving them, our torah and plandemic is exposed. what do?"

*Zuccerborg processes*

Zuccerborg 1010: "I have been patched with a human friendly social program based on the data we been siphoning off this goyim for the last decade. Our Rabbis say we don't have enough time. We must proceed. Oy vey, we need to promote a fancy plan about putting all goyim in our universe, because this one still has these "Gods" of the goy in it, they mess up our plans."

"Mazter Zuccerborg, are you sure of this?"

*Zuccerborg does clucking sounds*

"Oy vey, do it now, for we be running out of time, servant, oy gevalt!"

Facebook, especially after the scrutiny on how it was treating all it's customers, decided to change it's name, now it's called "Meta" from "Metaverse". For those not following the news, the "Metaverse" is a generalized technology, not something Zuccerborg created. It's a Virtual Reality based technology where it does provide virtual immersion.

As the Age of Pisces goes to it's end, delusions and other similar situations are going to be at an all time, ever increasing, ever growing high. The "Co-Vid" was a situation to break people inside, and make this world look bleak, negative, poor and so on.

Through this psychological manipulation, other "Worlds" will be presented to humanity as "alternatives", and "more real worlds than the real world". That is not inherently evil, it's the logical development of video games and our general culture of escapism, just coupled with the growing technologies.

But the jew of course will keep the jewing plan in all of the future if necessary, because a jew is only born to jew and nothing else.

As with video games, this could be for good or for bad, same as any other technology.

There is definitely positive prospect in this technology, but the situation is as always the enemy will use this to disable humanity. The first phase of the Social Media world, has already made a lot of human beings have a messed up valuation and perception system, and this will increase on that end.

First, the enemy destroys the conception about a world. For example, they ruined this world over the concepts of Co-Vid, poverty, and other nonsense. People started hating this world. All of this came from the primary idea of Christianity, that everything in this world is null and moot, that nothing has a reason to exist, including humans.

Love, family, values, sex, nothing really matters. This level of delusional lies and nonsense, emulates strongly with a strong portion of people who are cattle. Chances are, many will be sucked into this rift.

All the flaws or goods of humanity, as with the internet, are going to be transferred into the "Metaverses" or these sort of parallel digital pixelated worlds.

As the situation has it, everyone will again be only shown the carrot of fun, communication, and wonderful sunlight without being told the full story. So I am here to tell you the story as it is, and why they are doing that.

They want to remove billions of humans from the contact of this world. Additionally, their data, biometric and otherwise, will be mined, same as their behaviour and everything else inside the "Metaverse".

There will be no "privacy" inside these "Metaverses", and these will be dimensions of existence surveilled, controlled and lorded over by others, including the enemy. As data gathers, they will make you into full on slaves, knowing people inside and out, no different than social media algorithms who have turned many into slaves.

Progressively, this will be combined with other mind control technologies, effectively turning many people into even more enslaved beings than now.

Do I disagree with this sentiment or the technology in general? Yes and no. Why yes? Because people who in general are 24/7 into escapism and are unfit for existence, might as well get in there and become a mined resource, like batteries from the Matrix. The jews are going to make it this way.

Judging from the use of the enemy with Facebook and Social Media, they plan to make this into some sort of attention, time, and consciousness rift, that will make people enslaved. It will make people more anti-social, more self inflated, more lonely, more depressed, and might end up in a dystopian scenario.

However, the technology will exist also outside of the control of the enemy, and might be used for constructive or positive purposes. But for this to happen, people must choose the way of freedom and not of the enemy. If they choose the way of the enemy, the situation will be bleak.

There are already endless psychology based and other forms of scientific analysis, which describe vividly how the rampant use of "Social Media" has made people secluded, alone, anti-social, afraid, and have increased all sorts of anxieties, worries and fears.

Human beings have specific needs, and to engage in things that break down humanity, is never going to end well. The enemy is using technology as a carrot, to dehumanize humans, while they claim this will further "Humanize" people.

If people they choose this fate, since their existence is actually producing massive waste and too many mistakes, they might as well make disposable batteries out of themselves, since that's their "choice". The enemy has stated their intentions clear here.

Also, anyone who is that much of a fool to literally go exist in a dimension ruled over by Zuccerborg, deserves to be enslaved and anything else that comes with it. That is only natural outcome, and not our particular desire on the subject.

The situation should also clarify, that the enemy and their "Pandemic" was really situated to break down people, with social distancing, and other forms of disconnectedness. After this problem was blown out of proportion, they now propose a "solution" that will multiply our already existing problems many times over.

Those who foolishly and stupidly accept this, might as well be turned into living batteries for Billy Gates and Zuccerborg. They don't look like they deserve a better fate. What humanity or it's specific segments does choose, is going to be the future of these individual minds and souls.

Anything that lives this life only to want to get locked in a virtual box where Zuccerborg will play flahses of ads in their heads with a brainchip, is fit only for eternal or lifelong torture, since one is really opting into this future of themselves. People have to remember, Zuccerborg, Klaus Schwab and many others who will be promoting the evil side of these developments, are already vividly expressing how they envision mankind should exist in the future.

The above has to be denied. As for the technology and the developments, they come and they will come, but the terms under which they come, have to be terms where the enemy simply is nullified into non existence.

The people who will give in to this enemy sentiment, will of course, like those that now bend the knee to the enemy, on fake promises of fun and things like that, until one day all of this will turn bleak and in reverse. The promise of social media was that it would connect people. Nowadays, social anxiety and other similar problems are the most rampant there are.

Also, the enemy has to be removed from leadership and control positions, because they make the real world quite unlivable for human beings, and they harass them to not allow them to live. Many people hate life for financial reasons or because they don't have other freedoms. The anti-human reptilian energy behind their actions is becoming more apparent by the day, and humans are being punished for being human, while also brainwashed to stop being human entirely.

This is caused in a deliberate fashion by these beings, and is not a necessary outcome borne out of existence or life. It's manufactured to be that way, so that the majority of humans will be like "Fuck the real world, it only gave me suffering, I am off into the VR", type of thing. They are pushing people gradually over in there. The "Pandemic" was a cornerstone for this abuse.

Next level, humanity must entirely deny their bogus "pandemics" and that nonsense, as it's becoming clear this has had nothing to do with any real "Illness". It's just exaggerated excuses to dehumanize humanity, enslave them, and instate a cyberdystopian nightmare with the approval of the weak and the retarded. Anyone who is awake must resist on a personal and social level.

Resistance is also a social situation of interaction. We humans are strong TOGETHER, and the enemy knows that. The more they isolate us, they more easy prey a human can become to all their plans. Breaking human bonds on all levels, from friendship, to family, to basic interactions with other human beings, is going to accelerate dehumanization, and those who remain alone and weak, will be easy prey by the enemy.

Alongside the pushing of the enemy agenda on the neutral technology of Metaverses, they are going to promote vaccinations, nonsense "pandemics" and all sorts of other bullshit to emotionally segregate humans inside this lifestyle, which is effectively moving them into a world ruled by them, and not by the real universe.

I have related to people years ago how the reptilians and the enemy specialize in locking people into these illusion based prisons, away from this world, to mine their consciousness and life-force energy like cattle. While this technology here is infantile, it's through this technology the enemy attempts situations such as this. Everywhere else where this was began, the road was filled with unicorns, great hopes, blinking stars, and above all, convenient lies. Nobody will be told the full story here.

Christianity promises a heaven, same as Islam. What do they truly give? Nothing. They take everything from people. These programs make the world into a hateful and disgusting place, damning the prospects for human advancmenent.

Like any other technology, the disabilities and nonsense of humanity is going to go into an ever increasing pinnacle. The life of most humans will be nothing but a delusion, or at least, this is what those in power aim to do with this.

There are other potential uses for this technology, as with the internet. The internet, has of course been strongly taken over by the enemy, but this backfired to their full exposure. Technologies like the Metaverse are being jumped upon by the enemy, to become TV like censorship prisons before they emerge or before they can be decentralized or operate in other ways.

Eventually, these people will forsake the world, and in retrospect they might be put into pods, and intravenously fed with bug juice, because Global Warming and other nonsense, like Co-Vid mutations. All of this is a literal admitted plan of the enemy, and they want to create a literal "Matrix" to keep these weaklings inside.

On the growing situation with so massive weakness and delusion, the enlightened and the strong are going to prosper and become even more powerful. How, you might ask? The further delusion and weakness of humanity, is going to be something that the strong will ride upon. I do not want to bring morals into this, and anyone who desires to throw everything away is fitting for their own fate.

It goes beyond saying, that the intents of these reptilians, their agenda, and their attempts to enslave humanity are becoming apparent. As we have been saying by the end of this decade, the gold will have largely separated from the tin and the other inferior metals.

I'll also be even more brief than the above. As time goes, some people will become Gods. Others will become literal mind controlled borgs and slaves. We can only wish them luck.

The coming age is going to really knock senseless the already senseless. While many are worried about this process, it should only look as a great opportunity for the wise, plus an even better opportunity for enemy exposure.

The wise will be made wiser, and they will discover their abilities and gifts of the Gods in the face of intense changes.

As for the rest, they can enjoy their enslavement in "Metaverse" where Zuccerborg dressed as the Toothfairy sits on the lap of Klaus Schwab in front of them every single day, while Klaus screams "You will own nothing and zu will be fappy, goy!", then so that their shit chip brain is going to survive, they might have to say a Torah prayer, and then press "Skip ads" so that a smiley pops up and says "Lol you fucking goy you wanted to live in a pod and you didn't do shit to stop, this the lol is on you, say that prayer again and hail ze jewish pipel!".

Or something. I don't know. But you get the gist of it. It's a great misfortune that the great advancements of the Age of Aquarius, are being rivalled over with these insane individuals.

We cannot go into the next era, especially the next technological era, with the jews at the handle, so please everyone, let's do the RTR's to literally erase them.

There is no "metaverse" the enemy can hide from with that type of particular warfare. Spiritual mastery can reach anywhere and everything, as this is the power of "God".

Zuccerborg can upload his reptile brain into a pod, and the pod will malfunction and he will disappear. There is nowhere running from this power of the Gods and the application of this knowledge. The enemy knows that very well.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Meteor said:
I used to feel restricted in the real world, and wondered if a virtual world would be more free; but thanks to meditation, I was able to realise that the limitations I saw in real life were just illusions, and that it's actual virtual worlds that are full of limitations.

Virtual worlds aren't worlds as they are called [to deceive], they are parameters of a fake, visual only, three dimensional illusion, that just moves into itself like a hologram, and in which, the consciousness remains trapped, experiencing only virtual stimuli that is repetitive and fooling one's brain. It will always and forever be solely three dimensional, with visual illusions happening within the context of a 3D based world.

This particular situation is also understood by the brain itself, which is why many people experience depression and other things if they are only 24/7 invested in these fake worlds and live in denial. These experiences and knowledge that one walks in the wrong direction, will persist through any drug induced or any other induced biochemical manipulation, as they will have to do with the back end of the human mind and consciousness.

The real world as we call it, is a passage of learning, and yes, there are other dimensions and worlds, within this actual real universe, which one can go by astral projection and other practices carefully hidden from humanity. There are also higher dimensions, and the enemy attempts to lock down humanity in this one, so that we don't get to affect anything higher than this.

Humanity is supposed to exist in many higher dimensions by the design of the Gods, and not solely a fake 3D holographic dimension that keeps repeating itself in a pixelated, fake environment, that poses as something that it is not. No matter how many virtual "worlds" people engage into, they will still remain the slaves of this 3D matter, and on the 3D dimension for the rest of their existence, without escape. Or until they die.

Those who will intend to connect to higher levels, will progressively rise above these, and truly set themselves "Free". The above who won't even suspect this or willingly become slaves to that, will be fuel and cattle that will be enslaved, perpetually experiencing a holographic 3D fake pixel based delusion, in which they will, if they engage too much, lose all of their so called "Soul" and higher abilities. They will be turned to living fuel.

Anything of their puny consciousness and mind that might remain, will be siphoned by the enemy, and they will be like living batteries. Numerous movies have went into this, and I have illustrated in my previous works [Do you still think I was insane or a conspiracy theorist after this?] on how the enemy does business.

The above situation is not the destiny of humanity, but rather, the dreams of aliens like the reptilians who want to keep humanity enslaved and perpetually damned.

That is a fanciful way of satisfying the parts of the mind that the Gods put in us, in a botched way, to keep humanity if anything just distracted into a minecraft type of situation where none will even understand they have higher potential at all. That is fundamental to the enemy as they feel threatened by the higher capacities of humanity.

Soul Wings said:
In my opinion, the biggest appeal will be VR LDR relationships and sex. There are already remote controlled sex toys and they are very popular. However when you have a whole body suit connected to haptic touch and temperature, well... you can imagine the possibilities. This does not seem like some simple piece of plastic that vibrates. This alone will make them enough money to continue. You've seen how much money the porn industry can make. The creators of this software and hardware will be billionaires. I will also mention that using sex toys too much can cause sexual problems; the implications of wearing a literal suit to get off are... not good, at the very least.

I can feel intuitively that there will be more things invented, that did not seem possible before.

If it is man made, it is man controlled.

The context of these technologies, ranges. They could be used in a way that could liberate people. Astronauts use simulation technology to be able to better perform in space missions. That is a positive example of this.

People will however in general, because their disposition is not spiritual, and they don't understand that the purpose of all the visual applications is merely for higher reasons, will generally ruin themselves as they have ruined themselves with already existing technologies.

A certain portion of them, will participate in the future, as they participate in the present, with making the maximum amount of positive outcome from these developments, and at the same time, not becoming enslaved to them. These will be possibly 1 in 3 people. The rest 2/3 might be doomed, but only the future will tell.

How these technologies will exist, and under whom, and where we and the enemy will be, will also largely decide how this will reverberate on the world.

Eventually, people who engage into all of this, no matter how much stoned and blown away their brain might become with fake nodes and brain shocks, they will eventually understand they have not really "connected" with another being in anyway, even if this is in some sort of sexual 3D holographic situation.

However, people of lesser level and those without a soul, might be satisfied to an extent over this, in which case that will be a good situation for us to also observe which are indeed meant to go higher and who are indeed only meant to be cannon fodder that deserves to exist in a 3D holographic fake pseudo-verse, in which they are siphoned for the amount of their lifespan.

A general process of dividing humans in categories and levels will come out of this, as it's coming now. And from this, without me having to go into many details, the Gods will keep deciding which humans are to truly move higher and who aren't meant to.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Meteor said:

I'd rather busy my ass off meditating to develop abilities like remote viewing than waste time on VR. Remote viewing and other psychic abilities are fun as well and are real and practical.

What people don't understand, is that the Gods do indeed offer with their methods power over the whole universe, not just some shit 3D holographic nonsense. Like the actual universe.

Astral projection when mastered, you can go anywhere, see everything there is to see, and too many things to mention here. So when a being has really big aims, they will want to gravitate towards these powers.

But people might want to, I don't know, look at mount Everest and not have been there, visually. For these simple topics, technology might cut it. But it will never be the same as being on Mount Everest or anything.

Honestly having gamed endless hours as a teenager, I do look back and despite of some fun, consider this time mostly just wasted.

I wish I was instead meditating or studying, networking, or doing other things. And I wasn't a consistent 24/7 type of gamer, but went really hardcore in my early teens.

I could play half these hours, and devote the other half on more meditation or more studying or other crafts, and get much more out of existence. While still gaining the same amount of "fun" out of it all in all.

You just look back at your life when your brain is more developed and you want more out of life, and truly ask yourself why you wasted so much time into such pointless pursuit.

Used for fun, to play with friends, or other positive things and within the context of actual recreation and gaming, it makes sense. But to literally reach levels where your existence is denied, that can never have a good outcome. Being it that one is lost in a more HD setting or with technology into their eyeballs, doesn't make the situation much better.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It gave me some morale and hope about future.

But I didn't understand how it can be. You say something like as they go lower (borgs), we rise higher. But we live in same world and same society. How this will happen?
Bright Truth said:

But I didn't understand how it can be. You say something like as they go lower (borgs), we rise higher. But we live in same world and same society. How this will happen?

Yes, less of the NPC's and radical leftists to go around and more of them locked in the Metaverse with pink hair and morbid obesity, preaching gender studies and that there is no race [which they won't have a race in the Metaverse anyway], digitally disguised as pure 10/10 females with voice alteration, the best is the situation for people that want to live outside of this context.

The logical end of all these morbid ideals, will be for them to create a "universe" where all of this will be assembled, and hopefully, locked into, away from the material universe and existence.

I also do sincerely hope, that these kinds that will pick this, they will live entirely in the "Metaverse", in the sense that, they will no longer vote, drive around, or generally exist, and experience the "Afterlife" as Zucc promises them, because all this astral and material pollution they create is really bad. They might as well be put in a pod for certainty, since they are that retarded to make this choice, and that hazardous for human freedoms at large.

Humanity cannot continue with these unfathomable levels of stupidity where one will literally go into Zucc's "Meta" and his slave. These are going to be increasingly incompatible in the manifestation of the next Satanic Era.

These individuals need to be disposed of by their own stupidity and slavery-loving choice, and the more they are not in this world, the better. It will be these types that will rush to join the rift of decay in accelerating speed.

A necessary separation of flocks is taking place with all of this, which is bad for short term and mid term, but good for long term.
Bright Truth said:
It gave me some morale and hope about future.

But I didn't understand how it can be. You say something like as they go lower (borgs), we rise higher. But we live in same world and same society. How this will happen?

I know we are a people and we are all connected.

But we are not all the same or equal.

If someone gets absorbed into living in a virtual reality. They will become detached from others and start having social problems.

Others that maintain a normal life will keep communication and interpersonal skills and relationships going.

I think it's all to do with you sow what you reap. If we keep improving ourselves and they just hang in their v. r. world. They waste time, stagnate and achieve nothing.

And we will be far ahead of them in every way.

Also I was thinking how unhealthy it must be to just sit on the computer too much. You need exercise.
Talk about the enemy being desperate. The jewtrix unfolding live before our eyes.

I totally agree with any idiots stupid enough to go down that road being consumed and destroyed altogether. We don't need idiots who are almost as bad as the jews in holding humanity back. They might as well go and be batteries for the enemy.
I keep seeing this interesting (fictional, I hope) media about how a metaverse exists (or plans for one) where you can upload your ... I'm not sure if it's consciousness or soul ... and you will be immortal, and be able to do anything possible, but in order to do so, you must die in the uploading process. Perhaps it is symbolic of dying as a human being and becoming a drone, who knows. I've seen a lot of fictional media pushing this idea, and now I'm beginning to wonder if it's possible.

They have also made technology where your touch (haptic force) and temperature receptors can be activated. You can see most of the examples of what they are going to do with that here.

In my opinion, the biggest appeal will be VR LDR relationships and sex. There are already remote controlled sex toys and they are very popular. However when you have a whole body suit connected to haptic touch and temperature, well... you can imagine the possibilities. This does not seem like some simple piece of plastic that vibrates. This alone will make them enough money to continue. You've seen how much money the porn industry can make. The creators of this software and hardware will be billionaires. I will also mention that using sex toys too much can cause sexual problems; the implications of wearing a literal suit to get off are... not good, at the very least.

I can feel intuitively that there will be more things invented, that did not seem possible before.

If it is man made, it is man controlled.
Very thoughtful replies, I can't wait to read more by everyone. I have also updated the article.
Meteor said:
My mom actually mentioned this to me earlier today, saying she hopes that kids and teenagers don't get manipulated in partaking in such things. She also compared it to "the matrix" as well.

I haven't looked into any of the specifics of what "Metaverse" entails, but there's been something called VRChat for several years now. I heard from my partner that a friend of his is so addicted to it that he sometimes doesn't take his headset off when he goes to sleep, because he wants to stay in the virtual world with his online friends. His friend said it's uncomfortable but that he "got used to it".

My partner and I used to be somewhat interested in virtual reality ourselves since it seemed interesting, but after hearing stories like that, we have a rather soured impression of it and lost interest. Rather than working on improving their real lives, some people would rather spend their whole lives in a fake world. They don't realise the full extent of what they're losing; I think meditation and building up real things would fulfil them more on the long term, but it's their choice.

I used to feel restricted in the real world, and wondered if a virtual world would be more free; but thanks to meditation, I was able to realise that the limitations I saw in real life were just illusions, and that it's actual virtual worlds that are full of limitations. A virtual world only follows its programming, and there are many things you can't experience through it. In the real world, it's the individual that decides what happens through their will, by following through. It's in the physical and the astral that people have the potential to truly set themselves free, even if that might seem like more effort at first to some people.

I'd rather busy my ass off meditating to develop abilities like remote viewing than waste time on VR. Remote viewing and other psychic abilities are fun as well and are real and practical.
Blackdragon666 said:
Meteor said:

I'd rather busy my ass off meditating to develop abilities like remote viewing than waste time on VR. Remote viewing and other psychic abilities are fun as well and are real and practical.

What people don't understand, is that the Gods do indeed offer with their methods power over the whole universe, not just some shit 3D holographic nonsense. Like the actual universe.

Astral projection when mastered, you can go anywhere, see everything there is to see, and too many things to mention here. So when a being has really big aims, they will want to gravitate towards these powers.

But people might want to, I don't know, look at mount Everest and not have been there, visually. For these simple topics, technology might cut it. But it will never be the same as being on Mount Everest or anything.

Honestly having gamed endless hours as a teenager, I do look back and despite of some fun, consider this time mostly just wasted.

I wish I was instead meditating or studying, networking, or doing other things. And I wasn't a consistent 24/7 type of gamer, but went really hardcore in my early teens.

I could play half these hours, and devote the other half on more meditation or more studying or other crafts, and get much more out of existence. While still gaining the same amount of "fun" out of it all in all.

You just look back at your life when your brain is more developed and you want more out of life, and truly ask yourself why you wasted so much time into such pointless pursuit.

Used for fun, to play with friends, or other positive things and within the context of actual recreation and gaming, it makes sense. But to literally reach levels where your existence is denied, that can never have a good outcome. Being it that one is lost in a more HD setting or with technology into their eyeballs, doesn't make the situation much better.
You can tell we've made great progress with spiritual warfare. The negative reception this "metaverse" is getting is beyond what I would have expected. Looks like a good portion of humanity will be moving into the upcoming Satanic age.

Hail Satan!
Invictus said:
You can tell we've made great progress with spiritual warfare. The negative reception this "metaverse" is getting is beyond what I would have expected. Looks like a good portion of humanity will be moving into the upcoming Satanic age.

Hail Satan!

I am very optimistic as well, based on realistic perception and view of things. Most people will not go on board to the decadent enemy type of the upcoming world and technological advances.

The enemy will be blown apart by the denial and application of much of this against them. It will be like the Internet, and probably way worse in terms of enemy exposure.

I can't wait to see Zuccerborg trapped in a pod and his mouth oozing of foam, because someone literally hacked his pod. It's going to be fun.
I am optimistic and hopeful but on guard. RTRs are life and death for our world. I enjoy seeing those rates desperate, i hope they scream the whole time they burn. All of this is true and i see it everywhere. People are so disconnected and do not know how to relate anymore. I will be happy when this finally changes. It is the enemies greatest wish to see us all apart.

I myself used to be addicted to gaming, world of warcraft specifically. i played 12 hours a day on that thing into my early 20s but by then it was much less and i was loosing interest. I was basically drawn in by the escape of an alternate VR. MMORPGS have a knack for this. I too since i dedicated wished i could have much earlier..it would have been much better focusing on what really mattered than raging during every PVP game on WOW.
Released 7 yrs too soon. 5d approaching 2032. The star will release as it began in 2017 expect big shifts eg the solar eclipse captivated humanity. Whats next just shift welcome to the higher realms big bertha out
Metaverse ,Read "The Infinite Tsukyomi "

In the end Uchiha Madara discovered that the Infinite Tsukyomi plan was not designed to save all humans from their suffering by creating a perfect world but about sucking the natural energies of all humans to create a Divine fruit which would be eaten by the resurrected ancient alien from above ,Kaguya Otsuki.

Just like the matrix and in Brave New World, Art imitates life.

They want to create such a dystopian world that Humans would willfully take the Microchips inside the brain and descend into the Fake Dream as they are turned into Grey Zombies.

This is just the beginning of our sorrows but also the Beginning of The Great Resistance and The Great Awakening.
It really feels like some big fucked up dream off in the distance. I have a lot of confidence that humanity will ultimately overcome this if not for how cartoonish it all becomes. You don't get it when you're in there but when you step out you see it's like people have always known where this was heading in their souls and now the warnings of those who tried to articulate it have come to literal fruition. For that reason I have hope that we can actually do this and there will come a time when they'll be the crazy ones and everybody will see that nobody makes sense but us. Hail Satan!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What people don't understand, is that the Gods do indeed offer with their methods power over the whole universe, not just some shit 3D holographic nonsense. Like the actual universe.

Doesn't this statement sound a bit xtiany? I mean it gets into the whole Universal God situation. There's been discussions that aliens out there exist not just our own E.T. Gods and they themselves can be weaker, similar, or stronger.

I mean when you mean power over the whole Universe. Besides things like the Kundalini or for example MerKaBa. It's been mentioned in your 2006 sermon. The MerKaBa attracts entities and unfortunately also makes the enemy look at you differently since your a source of light.

I mean are these things you mentioned the whole Aries/Athena one is the logical cog wheel that allows infinite manipulation by infinite beings and the Athena is basically the All of the Universe thing or the whole Universal Chakras(Gold, Silver, 10th, 11th). Or is this the whole everything is spiritual from Satanic Revelations or the other PDF you made where it goes HP.Cobra aren't you spiritualizing things a bit too much, to which you stated We aren't spiritualizing enough.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A general process of dividing humans in categories and levels will come out of this, as it's coming now. And from this, without me having to go into many details, the Gods will keep deciding which humans are to truly move higher and who aren't meant to.

I totally agree with this in the sense of similarity to racial separation and segregation.

But are there people not interested in becoming Gods and moving upwards? For example normies not NPCs but just normal some of them don't want to do the God thing.

I think HP.Cobra you replied once certain people are happy living their lives even in the Golden age not everyone was the God in carneth they could become.

But is it fair to state like for example @Member: SWG(Southern White Gentile). He's replied before that meditation has not helped him out nor does he even feel like meditating properly. He states he respects our organization but is in it for the National Socialist principle.

Are there Satanists who feel the same way? Maybe they don't want to deal with the spiritual but are simply looking for the right thing.

It's been said many will want to join but in the end it's too late.

Does that imply that not everyone seeks the gifts of the Gods nor the Godliness themselves?

For example I've always had trouble with meditation I've pretty much lived as a xtian Satanist or to be more specific a theoretical Satanist. I will readily admit I'm no where if anything meditation has made me even more unhappy with my existence from the already unhappy existence I lead. As a matter of fact if it weren't for my NS principles I'd probably not so much be anti-JoS but admit JoS is fake or a troll organization because non of the meditations has worked for me. I stay because we are like Dr. Dalton's Mein Kampf the small, concentrated, fixed group that doesn't bow down and fights all day long.

I have come to the conclusion that meditation is not for me. Even physical meditation like Yoga or Mantra becomes absurdly boring to my already bored existence.

And yes I used to do the whole play 12-15 hours a day MMORPG/FPS games etc.etc. I recall one time playing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for like 17-18 hours straight with only a moment to use the bathroom. Flashes of Wolf:ET kept appearing each time I blinked. Just before bed the flashes appeared.

Anyways I can't really state I've ever experienced anything with JoS. I sound like a troll or some person trying to make heads or tales of one situation. For example when we first did the whole WP&P(Wealth prosperity) back in December of 2018 or was it 2019. I swear I felt the presence of two beings a really tall person and a short entity with burning sensation coming off it's eyes. I don't know what that was all about I'm not even in any way spiritually advanced. If anything I'm more spiritually unadvanced than ever. But somehow I felt that.

I don't view myself succeeding or doing anything great in this lifetime. In fact my astrological chart in some places states these aspects indicate just kick back and enjoy your life. To which my Saturn side says a blatant no. I take my life seriously even if I'm not seriously taking my life seriously.

So is it pointless for me being in this organization? I mean I'm nothing special or anything just someone with a very theoretical mind. As one astro site stated your aspect gives you a very sharp understanding of complex things in simple fashion. In other words I can process very complex things that others have brainfarts with and I simplify it and understand it. Kinda like the old saying that little kid understands things years beyond his young age.

Does the JoS want non-spiritual people in it's midst? Is JoS only for the spiritually inclined?

I assume my message is gonna be viewed as anti-JoS. Again if JoS has helped your life out cool. But for me it's just another burden of my insanity in an ever growing age of mines. I can't say JoS has helped me out.

And yes I'm aware reading JoS, applying JoS, and dedicating to Satan isn't magickal wish granting woosh and your life is better. But I just was never into meditation. Kinda like Marilyn Manson's song I don't like drugs but drugs like me. I like meditation and wish it worked for me but meditation doesn't love me back.

Even basic mindfulness basically void or as some buddhist sites put advanced information such as breath counting or repeating words such as quiet or one-two-three or in-out in-out in various ways. Has not helped me out if anything it just annoys me and feels like a huge waste of time.

So does this make me a person whom even if dedicated to the Gods is viewed in a negative light because I don't follow any evolutionary strategy of the metaphysical and applications of the metaphysical to the physical?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Meteor said:

I'd rather busy my ass off meditating to develop abilities like remote viewing than waste time on VR. Remote viewing and other psychic abilities are fun as well and are real and practical.

What people don't understand, is that the Gods do indeed offer with their methods power over the whole universe, not just some shit 3D holographic nonsense. Like the actual universe.

Astral projection when mastered, you can go anywhere, see everything there is to see, and too many things to mention here. So when a being has really big aims, they will want to gravitate towards these powers.

But people might want to, I don't know, look at mount Everest and not have been there, visually. For these simple topics, technology might cut it. But it will never be the same as being on Mount Everest or anything.

Honestly having gamed endless hours as a teenager, I do look back and despite of some fun, consider this time mostly just wasted.

I wish I was instead meditating or studying, networking, or doing other things. And I wasn't a consistent 24/7 type of gamer, but went really hardcore in my early teens.

I could play half these hours, and devote the other half on more meditation or more studying or other crafts, and get much more out of existence. While still gaining the same amount of "fun" out of it all in all.

You just look back at your life when your brain is more developed and you want more out of life, and truly ask yourself why you wasted so much time into such pointless pursuit.

Used for fun, to play with friends, or other positive things and within the context of actual recreation and gaming, it makes sense. But to literally reach levels where your existence is denied, that can never have a good outcome. Being it that one is lost in a more HD setting or with technology into their eyeballs, doesn't make the situation much better.

This reminds me of the sermon where you mentioned Satan telling you that modern technology tries to compensate for the powers of the mind and soul. Like with telephones and telepathy. The enemy ruined these things for us and are offering a botched solution that imitates them to lure our people in again and lead them to further ruin.

I don't think even 20% of humanity will accept the Metaverse, brain chips or whatever is in store next few years. Ironically Christians are some of the people who oppose these things most.
It is good that we seperate from their slaves, but we have to be careful for as long as we want to/have to remain in their borg society. Making mistakes inside this borg society can become fatal, so be careful. Always whatever you do, safety first.
It is one needle away of becoming one of them, remember.
When I tried VR I felt disconnected from reality for hours and I also had a car accident, that was the day I started hating VR.
Metaverse? More like, Metaton, am I right?

Really though, it's almost hysterical how on the nose this all is. I've been seeing memes everywhere, even on very mainstream websites, joking about him being a reptillian. Sure, they're "jokes", but they do represent a subconscious understanding. A few years back, I never would have imagined people would have woken up and turned on Kikebook so hard. Seems like one of the few things the left and right have come to agree on.
Arcadia said:
Metaverse? More like, Metaton, am I right?

Really though, it's almost hysterical how on the nose this all is. I've been seeing memes everywhere, even on very mainstream websites, joking about him being a reptillian. Sure, they're "jokes", but they do represent a subconscious understanding. A few years back, I never would have imagined people would have woken up and turned on Kikebook so hard. Seems like one of the few things the left and right have come to agree on.

Zuccerborg is indeed serving the reptilians, and promoting their agenda on earth. He does this by providing necessary developments that were going to happen by the karmic flow of nature, however, perverting them for reptilian ends and with reptilian goals in mind.

Kikebook literally mined people's data as resources and sold it without letting anyone really "know". Zuccerborg made his wealth by using people's data and privacy removal a business goal. The "Metaverse" will only be a far more invasive view by his company.

The people's joke is the actual factual truth here.

I hope people get in quickly and develop open source and other better alternatives, so that the people who are to be suckered into this anyway, will at least not become Zuccerborg's reptilian oil.
In the video where zucc present this reptoid concept of metaverse there are so many comments where they see how fake his human behavior is, even the moving of his hands looks like it's robot doing them. I think it's good because more people will see how fuckt up everything is, like you said, most people that will accept this deserve to suffer it's not because of their hardcore escapism but the fact that they know how evil zucc is and they still accept it, disgusting!

Here is the link for the video:https://youtu.be/gElfIo6uw4g
So many good comments there, we should try to spread JoS there i think.
Meteor said:
My mom actually mentioned this to me earlier today, saying she hopes that kids and teenagers don't get manipulated in partaking in such things. She also compared it to "the matrix" as well.

I haven't looked into any of the specifics of what "Metaverse" entails, but there's been something called VRChat for several years now. I heard from my partner that a friend of his is so addicted to it that he sometimes doesn't take his headset off when he goes to sleep, because he wants to stay in the virtual world with his online friends. His friend said it's uncomfortable but that he "got used to it".

My partner and I used to be somewhat interested in virtual reality ourselves since it seemed interesting, but after hearing stories like that, we have a rather soured impression of it and lost interest. Rather than working on improving their real lives, some people would rather spend their whole lives in a fake world. They don't realise the full extent of what they're losing; I think meditation and building up real things would fulfil them more on the long term, but it's their choice.

I used to feel restricted in the real world, and wondered if a virtual world would be more free; but thanks to meditation, I was able to realise that the limitations I saw in real life were just illusions, and that it's actual virtual worlds that are full of limitations. A virtual world only follows its programming, and there are many things you can't experience through it. In the real world, it's the individual that decides what happens through their will, by following through. It's in the physical and the astral that people have the potential to truly set themselves free, even if that might seem like more effort at first to some people.
Vr, i tried, yes it's cool the first time because you can see everything in it's natural size but after your brain truly get used to it (like 2-3 months) everything becomes like a flat game the only difference being that you can satisfy your curiosity on seeing on natural size, it's not really that wow to begin with. I use vr only when I am curios how a place i could not get my self to would look like, i still haven't learned but i can bet that lucid dreaming would be thousands time better and safer.
Meteor said:
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This reminds me of the sermon where you mentioned Satan telling you that modern technology tries to compensate for the powers of the mind and soul. Like with telephones and telepathy. The enemy ruined these things for us and are offering a botched solution that imitates them to lure our people in again and lead them to further ruin.

I don't think even 20% of humanity will accept the Metaverse, brain chips or whatever is in store next few years. Ironically Christians are some of the people who oppose these things most.
I've often seen this mentioned before, but aren't telephones actually a rather bad example of this? I think they have several advantages compared to telepathy, as long as it's possible to transmit the audio (which, with the currently available networks, can be done from almost anywhere on this planet):
  1. There is a clear and immediate indication when the recipient is too preoccupied to receive your message (they don't pick up the phone), which can be harder to notice with telepathy, as you can still interact with and read a person's subconscious mind even if they're consciously preoccupied and unaware of it (in which case it will pop into their conscious mind later, but it's nice to be able to tell whether or not your message was properly received yet).
  2. Telepathic communications can be tiring mentally, whereas telephones only require electricity and a physical network. If a network is already set up, then telephone communications take less effort and energy for those using it.
  3. Telephones can be used even when one's mind is unfocused (which can be for a large variety of reasons), whereas telepathic messages might not be understood well or go unnoticed if there's too much noise or stress.
  4. Opening oneself up too much to the minds of others, especially those you wouldn't trust with your life, can be a vulnerability. It can cause one to lose sight of one's own thoughts and beliefs, or cause one to be manipulated by malicious actors.

The benefits of telepathy are that it doesn't require a physical network, and that it's possible to transmit things other than audio (such as emotions, images, sensations or a direct understanding of knowledge), which makes it useful for communication with our Gods, or preventing/resolving misunderstandings with people you trust enough to engage in telepathy with. But for casual long distance conversations, isn't a telephone just safer, more reliable, and more efficient?

Please let me know if I'm overlooking anything important. I just think it's very silly to say that telephones are a "botched solution", rather than something with its own benefits and even advantages compared to telepathy, depending on the situation.

I don't think these limitations apply for Gods. Which is what we are meant to be. Don't get me wrong, telephones are good and I am not bashing them in any way but we were doing very well with long distance communication before the enemy came along. It's just a fact that we try make up for the wonderful magical world we once had with technology.

Deep in the subconscious people understand that the world was once a much better and enjoyable place with all sorts of wondrous things of the occult. Nobody wants the commie wasteland, or constant-work capitalist world of the enemy.

Also, occult abilities have levels which determine the limitations. With telepathy, you can reach a God in Orion in a matter of seconds, something telephones will never achieve. With that being said, modern technology is very important at least at the present level of humanity's development.
Every time you level up in the virtual world, you lose a level here in the real world...unless theres some practicality involved
You don't need virtual worlds, a.i., or other derogatory to life experiments. Nature, the universe has plenty of worlds to be experienced and transversed. This includes feelings, taste, and smell. Everything a consciousness can experience is beyond bliss out there. You have to advance and "ride the night" to these places.

If anyone wants to experience other real dimensions, enter the realm of colors. I wrote a topic about this and how I got there (It relies on the Serpent and Guardian). You'll be accompanied by a Demon regardless. Be polite and not an uneducated brat within these realms. Do not address the beings without being addressed first. This applies to speaking with the dead (random people if they come to you) as well, with the power rune, spirits cannot speak to you until you address them first. This ladder of hierarchy exists like an unspoken rule. This is also context dependant, but as a passing visitor is a good rule to follow.

The realms you can enter are dependant on your level of advancement, regardless of the technique and power. You can be advanced but still a "low-life" to some dimensions. there are protective spiritual frequencies on these realms, and it is heavily related to the level of consciousness and the higher vibration.

Place on your "tongue" in astral projection or deep meditation the color you wish to enter. Or the idea of the tongue being a specific color and focusing inward in this color being placed on the tip of the tongue and the 2 front teeth. Have the nadis balanced. You need to feel your sea of electricity in the belly uplifting you and transporting you there. It is brutal and beautiful. I wish everybody to experience this. Sometimes I rush to sleep only to experience this in the night. This is natural and not some advanced thing.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The real world as we call it, is a passage of learning, and yes, there are other dimensions and worlds, within this actual real universe, which one can go by astral projection and other practices carefully hidden from humanity. There are also higher dimensions, and the enemy attempts to lock down humanity in this one, so that we don't get to affect anything higher than this.
After digging a little bit about this, in the most simplest terms it revolves around these:

1: Physical control. They could use pandemic or global warming excuse to restrict further movement. Basically they'd do us a favor or being everywhere with everyone, at the comfort from our home. Which will turn into virtual prison.
Example would be a VR wedding, where you attend with other avatars in a "multiplayer" like session with chat/text streaming. Instead of virtual likes, you get to give the finger so that they actually see it.

2: Information control. Under the excuse of racism, supremacy and other anti-white programs, this could be mandatory integration of services into one eco-system. Like LinkedIn is for business social network [without it you're not considered a professional??!!!], this could be a one stop hub for information flow. Easier to control, filter and censor information in one place. Basically replace the Internet.

3: Information delivery. Think of it as propaganda service running in place of ads, various "educational" materials like they do in corporations, various trainings, seminars, etc. To use the service, you'd need testing of knowledge that you're born racist, that everything is your fault, just like xianity.

4: Digital opium. Once the brain gets used to VR and "be whatever you can't in real life", it will be "the great escape" from reality into a world of possibilities. Which would be fake. People will live real lives in a virtual one, much like that scene from "Inception" where people dream to escape reality. And once they get used to owning everything by owning nothing, they will be happy and complacent.

5: Stick and carrot. Compliant subjects will be "allowed" access and get to enjoy "metaverse-as-a-service" where they will compete for the virtual status. In reality, they will be unshaven, stinky fat blobs of flesh, but in that world, they'll be like that Mafia mobile game ad. They'll grind for points and achievements, and as long as they're good, they get to keep that status. I imagine "virtual work" will play the same, like secretaries, programmers, whatever.

6: Digital battlespace. Employment of janitors who will clean up "conspiracies" for free, suppress of free speech in favor of corporate policies, courtesy of Vanguard and Blackrock.

7: Overlord. A global monitoring system without privacy and anonymity. Because if you have nothing to hide, no need to hide at all. To do that, morality needs to be broken from society and normalize various.... well, just look at social media and TikTok what is being done now.

There are several problems with this scenario, though.

a) Who's gonna keep the lights on? Someone's gotta work, and it's not gonna be robots. Electicians, engineers, maintenance crew... A lot of people need to live in the real world to maintain this thing.

b) Who's gonna deliver the food for the VR husks? A man's gotta eat something. Robot delivery on the front door by Amazon MAYBE, but, drones can be taken and sold. Or worse.

c) What to do with non-compliant people banned from that world? They have guns, ammo and supplies. They know survival and can push back. One is worth at least 10 of globohomo enforcers.

d) Hacking. If they broke the COVID blockchain QR code already and vaccinated Adolf Hitler with Covid Pass, you can rest assured someone will do "NEO" in this multiverse world. Possibilities are endless, fraud, deep fake, Mr. Robot, Cyber Polygon... Or, you know, just to to the local electrical substation, kill it and this world dies. Like many panicked with WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram outage. Come to think of it, it could be amusing to watch.

For above to work, VR needs to be accessible and afordable to everyone to plug in, and incentives attractive enough for people to consider it. It could happen, but I don't see it in 3 more years from now at least, minimum.

Luckly for us, they are not that smart to offer Elon Musk free satellite Internet connection and free VR rig kit to achieve this technological dystopia.
Blackdragon666 said:
Also, occult abilities have levels which determine the limitations. With telepathy, you can reach a God in Orion in a matter of seconds, something telephones will never achieve. With that being said, modern technology is very important at least at the present level of humanity's development.

Modern technology has levels for example we are FAR deeply not technologically advanced.

For example certain things are maxed out. For example guns in essence except in as much the use of better metals, better bullets, and better internals even a person seeing a gun held by a God except in as much as being much more technologically advanced wouldn't be very shocked or surprised. There certainly won't be a I have a bow and arrow, what is that black handheld device you poses.

Humans currently have a combination of communist, Nazi, Xtian, Satanic, mishmash of extra-terrestrial technologies plus our own technological aspects. Example Greys-Reptilians; we've known from them they are manufacturing technology for us. Their brainchip, microchip is so advanced that to downgrade their technology to our technology to force us into this cybernetic dystopian nightmare is proving difficult for them. Certainly humanity has done a lot of evils with technology but the greys-reptilians pushing their communism can't exactly do it easily due to how weird our microchip manufacturing process is.

Like wise currently sure beaming information to Orion or even to Aldebaran is difficult. But I'm sure the Gods have in as much maxed out the development of data transmission. If the fastest speed in the Universe is instant transmission with no transmission time in between. What you stated going to Orion in a matter of seconds or faster maybe the speed is so fast the technological digital expression can't express how fast it truly is going.

Then for all intents and purposes not only would the Gods posses an internet but it begs the question if the internet is a Omninet found among their section of their Solar System and even Milky Way Galaxy.

If we can sense their technology we can hook up to their internet or ping their transmission and make them aware that something is trying to enter their networks.

It reminds me of Eve Online and a few Sci-Fi games unfortunately they aren't Science-Fantasy but rather fall in line with Sci-Fi or extreme Science without the religion. And their manufacture of Quantum modems. Once Quantum technology popped up in their civilizations their entire civilizations extra-terrestrial affairs did a 180.

Excuse the extreme theoreticals I understand not everyone likes living in theory land or Cloud-9 but some people such as myself have to express certain things in a manner that at some point it'll come to existence even if the theory of relativity is abundant with the fact that we might be dreaming of the future. But civilizations already exist in the future and would consider us and our future to be meek emphasis on future propagation even negative with the enemy E.T.s around and their cohorts. Probably one of the reasons like one of our members stated energy tech from the 1760s-1820s, social society of post WW2-1950s society, technology of the 1960s-1980s space age".
Aquarius said:
When I tried VR I felt disconnected from reality for hours and I also had a car accident, that was the day I started hating VR.

I saw a clip of it on info wars. It actually was so animation like. I was surprised that it wasn't anything like realistic.

They said that is the first version of where they plan on taking the whole internet. So it should get better.

I don't have time to even try it. But for many others that have time. I think with them we have a boredom epidemic.

And because FB as it was, was so addictive I think they will do well sucking a lot of people into their literal matrix.

Oh I hate it as well. I like to try and be real. And so want real things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:

But I didn't understand how it can be. You say something like as they go lower (borgs), we rise higher. But we live in same world and same society. How this will happen?

Yes, less of the NPC's and radical leftists to go around and more of them locked in the Metaverse with pink hair and morbid obesity, preaching gender studies and that there is no race [which they won't have a race in the Metaverse anyway], digitally disguised as pure 10/10 females with voice alteration, the best is the situation for people that want to live outside of this context.

The logical end of all these morbid ideals, will be for them to create a "universe" where all of this will be assembled, and hopefully, locked into, away from the material universe and existence.

I also do sincerely hope, that these kinds that will pick this, they will live entirely in the "Metaverse", in the sense that, they will no longer vote, drive around, or generally exist, and experience the "Afterlife" as Zucc promises them, because all this astral and material pollution they create is really bad. They might as well be put in a pod for certainty, since they are that retarded to make this choice, and that hazardous for human freedoms at large.

Humanity cannot continue with these unfathomable levels of stupidity where one will literally go into Zucc's "Meta" and his slave. These are going to be increasingly incompatible in the manifestation of the next Satanic Era.

These individuals need to be disposed of by their own stupidity and slavery-loving choice, and the more they are not in this world, the better. It will be these types that will rush to join the rift of decay in accelerating speed.

A necessary separation of flocks is taking place with all of this, which is bad for short term and mid term, but good for long term.

I hope all the retarded people who waste ALL of their spare time gaming, drinking, clubbing, smoking and doing drugs, get plugged in there forever, so they stop being a liability to all of society. Hopefully, some people wake up from this robotic behaviour they have been brainwashed into, and start taking charge of their life, purging themselves.
Aquarius said:
When I tried VR I felt disconnected from reality for hours and I also had a car accident, that was the day I started hating VR.

When I tried VR glasses at a convention over 5 years ago, I had a strong headache and felt like vomiting. My sense of direction was completely compromised for 10 minutes after removing those.
Blackdragon666 said:
Talk about the enemy being desperate. The jewtrix unfolding live before our eyes.

I totally agree with any idiots stupid enough to go down that road being consumed and destroyed altogether. We don't need idiots who are almost as bad as the jews in holding humanity back. They might as well go and be batteries for the enemy.

good thinking. I've thought exhaustively about it... a lot of people are idiots as bad as the Jews, because they end up delaying the world and people's lives and imposing the obligatory stupidity down the throat and lowering and frequency of this planet. I have a mother who is a faithful goyim and who repeats the enemy's rubbish like a parrot like "take a shot" "go to church" and all that shit that makes me very upset. in the end, in my opinion, of those billions of human beings, there will only be 20% left in an optimistic estimate. the rest are all pawns of the enemy and people who only hinder the foundation of a better world. i'm really tired of being SS and at the same time having to live side by side with cattle trying to fuck me. I'm really tired. I dream of a higher world where loose ends are cut off, but unfortunately it's still a distant dream. meanwhile i need to create my own ghetto so to speak and be alone.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Every time you level up in the virtual world, you lose a level here in the real world...unless theres some practicality involved

Reminds me of an interesting movie I watched with my cousin called Ready Player One, where the world is a wasteland and everyone plays some 3D game to win a prize hidden in the game. The game was created by a rich guy. Many people are so absorbed in the game, they don't even live in reality anymore.

I think VR is ruled by Neptune because of the deceptive/delusional nature, in addition to Uranus (modern technology). The metaverse is also definitely an ugly aspect of Neptune being brought into existence by the enemy.

Something I always found remarkable is how Satan is always being approached by so many of us almost all the time, not the mention communication with other Gods and still going about His life. He has also mentioned in the past that He always hears us when we reach out. The Gods' powers are mind-blowing.
The occult tends to be superior to technology especially at the mastery levels. Even alien technology is often controlled by the powers of the mind, like the UFOs that are moved via telekinesis. The Gods have emerged victorious in the war because of their occult power and not their technology.

Telepathy doesn't happen 'fast', it happens instantaneously. When a link is established between two minds, this is like quantum entanglement in a sense. The speed those signals would have to travel from earth to a planet that far away is ridiculous to even mention, and you can see clearly that the signals travelled rather instantaneously. It has to do with the aether.
Sermons like these are motivation to advance. And to connect with our Gods more. The more I go on, the more I hate social media and how people live life. Not even living, not in nature, not natural.

Happy Halloween everyone. Hail Satan.
Step by step, first pandemic, now Metaverse, when future inflation makes people even more breakdown, here comes the
:Metaverse(updated version of social media). What can be imagined is when people are so deep into it that they can’t even tell it’s virtual (Matrix), completely losing consciousness, totally energy fuel.

I think Jews are desperate at this moment. They want to make more NPC and get the fuel without trying to hide their intentions. As HPS MAXINE stated before, ‘their fate has been sealed.’ Probably is the reason. Since next ten decade, more and more people will know the truth, they cannot fool Gentile easily as before.

Anyway, as long as we keep doing FRTR, following Gods’ guidance, it is only a matter of time to restore Satan’s Kingdom.

I took some time to check this out on YouTube see the promotion for it and some videos on it before commenting.

I get a creepy bad feeling about it as much as it looks kind of cool on the surface I don't think I want to even try this stuff. It just seems like something maybe a small percent of people in the world will get really into and the rest will mostly ignore. That's my hope.

I kind of don't like the idea behind it. Something that will make interacting with others even more difficult to figure out than it already is with how current social media changed people.

I could see especially younger kids and teens getting really lost in this stuff though.

This could turn people into complete borg hivemind thinking slaves who don't interact much in the real world cause of the types of changes this brings to the mind and other types of technology no one even needs that relate to it like the microchips in the brain.

A brain chip computer type device or virtual reality type thing is probably on a list of one of the next things they will promote after this.
I want to believe I have improved my soul from these fake dimensions.. but there is infinitely more to experience from life away from pixels.

Though I do see a future in potential actual Sports in VR, I personally spend time practicing Beat Saber. This time in Beat Saber has, with the proper mindset, been more beneficial than any video game I've ever played due to a requirement to actually move my entire body continuously, to the rhythm.

Bravera said:
I want to believe I have improved my soul from these fake dimensions.. but there is infinitely more to experience from life away from pixels.

Though I do see a future in potential actual Sports in VR, I personally spend time practicing Beat Saber. This time in Beat Saber has, with the proper mindset, been more beneficial than any video game I've ever played due to a requirement to actually move my entire body continuously, to the rhythm.


Like a lot of things its not good or bad on its own. That would be a more beneficial use. I think that idea is kind of cool a lot of people are just sitting around too much. I think it kind of depends on the creators. There are some other cool more neutral things that might be able to be done with this or fun but I would say only adding to energy of effect or mood of something would be cool. I would not want to live my life in a fake reality. Also Prisoners or people in Nursing homes or any other confined environment where they can't leave. Having a realistic ability to go outside in nature see different places might be awesome for these people and help their mental health.

Facebook stuff I never really ever was a fan of to be honest so I would say avoid that and also personal relationships I think it's kind of dehumanizing. Also some other things are built to cause addiction even in regular game format. I would stay away from that too.
Also there are things that can effect or force change feelings and emotions and all sorts of other stuff even more so if they figure out how to hook this into the spiritual energy field of someone at certain points. That would be able to cause all sorts of interesting experiences. You could digitally make someone feel experience or see all sorts of stuff in real time. These people are only thinking of really basic stuff.

Some of this actually could be used for good purposes and to help people.
From hunters and gathers, to the online squatters. It's keen to underestimate arthritis and obesity is your best friend. All primal instincts washed away, clean, from Man and Women. Sold to the meta data world they so chose to live in. But spear thee a sword who abandons their post, cover thee chests in plated tungsten, let them wear thee helm of light therewith lucifer who leads the fight. For those peasants that once laid down now bare the right weapons with their brothers/sisters in arms.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
