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The Meaninglessness of abrahamic """religion"""

Karnonnos [JG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Nov 10, 2019

This is Shamima Begum. She left the UK at 15 years old to join the Islamic State, led into this by her Dutch (white) Muslim husband who was considerably older.

Just look at the amount of ocular vibrance she has compared with us evil JoSers. Truly we are the bad guys.

Shamima reportedly was part of a group that has been documented as sex trafficking, torturing and assaulting Kurdish and Yezidi women and girls day in and day out as part of Islamic State's 'morality squad'. According to eyewitness reports, some of these women were gruesomely and slowly tortured to death. In a tweet she apparently laughed at beheaded women's heads in bins.

As the Islamic State fell, Shamima got caught and had three children in detention. Although she had Bangladeshi citizenship, Bangladesh for some odd reason refused to take her. She requested to be sent back to the UK and be given free housing, launching several cases for this. Oddly, every time this ploy legally failed, a child somehow died shortly after.

Looking through social media, which you can do yourself, most Western feminists hearts endlessly bleed for the case of beautiful and noble Shamima. They say she's a heroine afflicted by evil colonialism and racism. They say she is a political prisoner, held hostage in extremely oppressive and unbearable prison camp conditions, subject to ((typhoid)), where she barely can feed herself, let alone her children.


Under Yahweh, life is an endless game of good cop-bad cop! Who should we choose, between reptilian elite psychopath and some other psychopath? It's just like jeboo and Barabbas! EITHER WAY YOU LOSE, GOY!

The courts won't let her back in because she is brown, female and valid, they say (even though the UK won't let her white husband or white British male jihadists of a wealthy Oxbridge background like her fellow conspirator Jack Letts in either, but ehm... who cares about that). According to feminist praxis, she must be returned to the UK and be given a big house for her future children on the public's payroll.


Compared with 'white Rotherham hoes' (as one bright mind I saw on twitter put it as a point of comparison), Shamima was a little child groomed by a pedophile husband and has no responsibility for her actions, but the same intellectual feminist minds also insist she must be reunited with her heroic husband (look at his equally wonderful eyes full of light), as not reuniting them is 'inhumane'...




Anyway, Shamima insists she loves her husband and they will continue to believe what they believed before, which is great. After all, even though she was 'groomed', their relationship is beautiful, diverse and honestly cannot be subjected to Western standards of consent. And apparently, even her white husband is a victim of 'racism' because he converted to Islam. SHUT UP WESTERN PATRIARCHY LOVERS! HE DINDU NUFFINS! Who are we to judge?!


Now having launched a number of new cases against the UK government, Shamima has had a sexy instagram makeover with sophisticated styling in her extremely oppressive and inhumane """"prison camp"""", which is like, also totally in line with Islam. After all, even being a bimbo with matte lipstick and dyed streaky hair is totez hella permissible as long as it is done under the pretext of lying to 'heathens'. And of course, the responsibility of being deceptively and deliciously haram wouldn't fall to her noble husband.

Truly, this case shows how this religion can give your life such meaning and enrichment.
This whole insanity is just endless, in order to break the minds of people in Europe. The enemy insists of calling these people good, and if one didn't know why they do this [replacing Europeans] even in this case, nothing would make sense.

Only people of lesser intelligence would have to accept this as an "it is what it is" situation and "going into the future I guess" similar understanding.

In Europe you can be a Jihadist literally and nobody will do nothing but just boost events so that these people gain acclaim and notoriety.

This psychodrama that they are creating has no logic. On one, they tell European women to not have kids. On another, they want a mansion for Sharina or how her fucking name is, so she can breed indefinitely into the mansion on public funding. Meanwhile they claim that for a woman to do this would be denigrating, and "patriarchical" and that this would make her a "baby machine". Or something.

It doesn't make sense cause that's what they want. For it to not make any sense. It has to be totally irrational and emotion based.

They want to extinct Europeans as a species and conveniently replace them, during a twillight of insane psychodrama that breaks people mentally. This is just mental torture for victims and nothing else. That is all there is to it. Until this is understood then nothing will make any sense.
slyscorpion said:

*Let Islam spread in Britain by allowing millions of Islamics in there*
*act surprised when kids become Jihadists*
*Fight "Radicalization" while increasing exponentially the influx of Islamics because Muh Diversity*
*Create more Jihadism*
*act surprised when more and more kids become Jihadists*
*increase Islam because U CANT BE RACIST*
*realize you're 50% Islamic in your Nation*
*regardless increase with more and more Islam*
*feel good because you kissed foreign ass beyond all levels*
*realize you're drawing in to being 20% of non Islamics*
*don't stop it because that would be racist*
*enjoy a cucks death*

I remember I was finishing school when Shamina begum first tried to re enter back into the UK. I remember roughly 90% of my class (large portion of that percentage were muslim ) said how this is unfair to her and everyone should feel sympathy and that me and the rest of the class who disagreed are all racists and bigots.

On the BBC I also hear "debates" on why we should let her back in every time she tries to return, the jews just want us to accept her back and set the standard for future filth to re enter, probably as a case for "Common law "
Just look at those soulless eyes. The UK has been utterly destroyed by pisslam and the invasion of hajies who all the libs make endless excuses for while children go on to be raped and killed and other innocent brits are harassed in the streets by street sharia police. There are even no go zones that are totally islamified where the police refuse to go. Whites are a minority there in their own country and especially in Rotherham and London specifically. Hello little Saudi arabia! So progressive and diverse. *gag*
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:

*Let Islam spread in Britain by allowing millions of Islamics in there*
*act surprised when kids become Jihadists*
*Fight "Radicalization" while increasing exponentially the influx of Islamics because Muh Diversity*
*Create more Jihadism*
*act surprised when more and more kids become Jihadists*
*increase Islam because U CANT BE RACIST*
*realize you're 50% Islamic in your Nation*
*regardless increase with more and more Islam*
*feel good because you kissed foreign ass beyond all levels*
*realize you're drawing in to being 20% of non Islamics*
*don't stop it because that would be racist*
*enjoy a cucks death*


I am not in support of it at all! This is not white culture. I just posted the video to educate people on how horrible this is. It's actually really sad. People need to stand up to this more. You know what most the people that die from Jihadists are dead from nothing and they mostly are innocent even if they are some other enemy religion it was pushed on them they don't need to die like that. People need to stand up more this is why I never would visit Europe I can't stand this and think they are mostly a bunch of idiots even compared to the United States. At least many here are fighting back.
I know, the video, I skimmed through and it seems good.

I just commented a meme for the insane thought process behind it. It's really that insane. Despite of this happening, in Europe Islam is still being promoted and left to thrive.

At least in the US, Islam's spread being limited is being taken more seriously.

This program is deadly.

slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:

*Let Islam spread in Britain by allowing millions of Islamics in there*
*act surprised when kids become Jihadists*
*Fight "Radicalization" while increasing exponentially the influx of Islamics because Muh Diversity*
*Create more Jihadism*
*act surprised when more and more kids become Jihadists*
*increase Islam because U CANT BE RACIST*
*realize you're 50% Islamic in your Nation*
*regardless increase with more and more Islam*
*feel good because you kissed foreign ass beyond all levels*
*realize you're drawing in to being 20% of non Islamics*
*don't stop it because that would be racist*
*enjoy a cucks death*


I am not in support of it at all! This is not white culture. I just posted the video to educate people on how horrible this is. It's actually really sad. People need to stand up to this more. You know what most the people that die from Jihadists are dead from nothing and they mostly are innocent even if they are some other enemy religion it was pushed on them they don't need to die like that. People need to stand up more this is why I never would visit Europe I can't stand this and think they are mostly a bunch of idiots even compared to the United States. At least many here are fighting back.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I know, the video, I skimmed through and it seems good.

I just commented a meme for the insane thought process behind it. It's really that insane. Despite of this happening, in Europe Islam is still being promoted and left to thrive.

At least in the US, Islam's spread being limited is being taken more seriously.

This program is deadly.

slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
*Let Islam spread in Britain by allowing millions of Islamics in there*
*act surprised when kids become Jihadists*
*Fight "Radicalization" while increasing exponentially the influx of Islamics because Muh Diversity*
*Create more Jihadism*
*act surprised when more and more kids become Jihadists*
*increase Islam because U CANT BE RACIST*
*realize you're 50% Islamic in your Nation*
*regardless increase with more and more Islam*
*feel good because you kissed foreign ass beyond all levels*
*realize you're drawing in to being 20% of non Islamics*
*don't stop it because that would be racist*
*enjoy a cucks death*


I am not in support of it at all! This is not white culture. I just posted the video to educate people on how horrible this is. It's actually really sad. People need to stand up to this more. You know what most the people that die from Jihadists are dead from nothing and they mostly are innocent even if they are some other enemy religion it was pushed on them they don't need to die like that. People need to stand up more this is why I never would visit Europe I can't stand this and think they are mostly a bunch of idiots even compared to the United States. At least many here are fighting back.

I know I could not honestly live with doing nothing about this. Thankfully there are not many of those people here where I live if anyone at all. But anyways I heard a story about them allowing a woman to be raped by them in Sweden and doing nothing calling her dirty cause they saw sermon on her. This is just sickness in my mind. I could not stand this to be honest. What happened to Nordic people being warriors and fighting for their civilization against xtianity and Islam.

It's more like we need to do something or we are all dead. Politeness doesn't matter if you won't exist. I hate this. Ok yeah my ancestors were the Vikings I know that and this is why I say fuck the world and society the way it is now but their ancestry was the Vikings too the ones that lost their will to fight this.

I say fuck that and fuck Islam and this is a war. While most people are still doing nothing.
Please Read the news! Wearing The hijab is banned in many europian countries now, our RTR's are doing a good job. 👍🏻
Amongst the so called abrahamic religions, islam is the fucking worst. I was born into it, in a country where it's illegal to follow any other religion or even to question anything.

Since i was a kid, I've been seeing bitches like this shamima, heard their "sad" stories. I know people who became jihadists and went to syria, afghanistan, pakistan..etc. Some of them never returned, some are back with the government's help. These shitheads are living amongst people, and everyone acts as if nothing is wrong with them or that they haven't done anything wrong. In fact most people here think that they are "noble" people who went to "fight" for their "religion". It's all twisted, just sickening.

The usual trend here is this, teenagers and young adults from street gangs, they stab or murder a few people brutally and then suddenly become "religious". Suddenly they want to "repent" to their "god" and leaves to syria or iraq or some other militia training camp. It's so easy to do that here because there are so many recruiters here from isis and other extremist groups always on the hunt for new recruits or "soldiers".

Since this is a country following full on sharia law, everything is ao fucking messed up. Here's a little example, a guy who stole a few jars of some sort of fish paste from a shop was sentenced to prison for 6 years. But a family (great grand father, grand father, father) who raped and tortured a 2 year old girl multiple times aren't even sentenced yet. This happened over 1 year ago. Usually the most prison time these child molesters get is about 2 years max. Most molesters never gets sentenced or even taken to court.

There's no program worse than islam. Even the most fucked up muslims like murderers, rapists, child molesters defend islam and even goes to mosques to pray everyday. There's nothing more twisted and hypocritical than this.
"I can't wait" for that "Killing Islam Ritual." Too see Islam being destroyed here in Europe and the world, will be a pleasure!
Karnonnos said:

Great post, Karnonnos!

Personally I didn't know about this insanity happening before reading this. I knew about the Feminists and Islamic Apologetics, but not about this particular idiotic case.
One of the things I hate about Mudslimes is that they're like robots.

They preach all loud and forcefully but their brains are disengaged.

Say something that triggers them and that's it. Preaching lecture time. All emotion and no logic.

A person needs to be aware and present. Mudslimes are emotionally/ unconsciously programmed.
"Don't ban aunt Jemima, ban Shamima!" - someone
Blood_Raven1 said:
I remember I was finishing school when Shamina begum first tried to re enter back into the UK. I remember roughly 90% of my class (large portion of that percentage were muslim ) said how this is unfair to her and everyone should feel sympathy and that me and the rest of the class who disagreed are all racists and bigots.

On the BBC I also hear "debates" on why we should let her back in every time she tries to return, the jews just want us to accept her back and set the standard for future filth to re enter, probably as a case for "Common law "

I feel you, as NWO fact checkers are saying that she didn't return(and she must NEVER), that would mean and I just wish people could think with their heads more than their hearts, every lie the kikes make is like Zoroastrianism and communism all over again where there is always an absolute separation of good and evil. The psychotic pisslamic teen must not be accepted, she enjoyed the murder of innocents.

Speaking of racism, I want to get the full story out of how I lost great friends when the enemy decided to throw a massive attack on me. they made a "coincidence" happen to them which got them to suggest that I'm some bad guy and well...they dug into places I didn't double check and was exposed like a dumbass. It was a great long run to any dear past highschool friends reading this, it's time I give all your wellbeings a nice vacation without me, the "nazi-psycho".

When I debated with those people on the holyhoax, they bitched at me and spammed their reason that I'm supporting genocide when I say it never happened, just like that Phil donahue show, three times every saturday(What a cohencidence). I never said anything that is synonymous to "I love murder lololololol", and all of a sudden it's like they don't want to question the inconsistencies of the myth anymore but just listen to it like it's nonsensical historical xtianity. I'm not even a white and I can also see that so much use of zyklon b would mean a contradiction on germany's poor economy at that time. The worst part of it is that they cut me off and used fallacious threats of causing me more social ruin(use the past against me) if I didn't quit being an SS. Little did they know I put these past delusions of wanting "fame" aside and would rather do what's righteous in my new life away from them.

The box of rings for example, they were pulled out of corpses(Document PS-3868) that were said to be allegedly gassed(typhus epidemic) as another story is regurgitated where they had to hand over rings before alleged gassings(pulled out of a person's ass I debated, and along with stupid bias sources that had one fictional person named 'Siegfried Kellerman' mentioned). Just what is up with the inconsistencies anymore. If they couldn't backtrack that one moment where I told five people on two cyanide testing reports in the gas chambers on how there are no gassings then they are stuck in the excuse where all the holyhoax crap is missing "Luutzz ofvv ebidenze" when the german code was broken already which meant so much and all of german military transmissions being leaked by britain.

Just like counting percentage from one hundred to one hundred and one and so forth, it seemed that the nuremberg trials began piling up fake evidences again like the human soap and lampshade myths which was even confirmed by jewish historians themselves like deborah lipsdalt who said that the soap story is overblown. To be clear, this is just like xtianity and the contradicting bible all over again but it's history. I hope the holyhoax falls the same way xtianity is being memed to death nowadays. Every story the holocaust bullshits has either scientific errors or historical inconsistencies.

Without any stupid emotions in this, here's what I found according to historians and the story itself:

1) Hydrogen Cyanide is only lethal in 2000 parts per million and that kills in a minute, not in doses as small as three digits.

"300 ppmv of HCN is rapidly lethal to humans (see the discussion on toxicity below), whereas Degesch recommends a concentration of 8-16 g/m3 (7240-14,480 ppmv) for delousing."
- Richard J. Green and Jamie McCarthy, https://web.archive.org/web/20080604152626/http://www.holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/chemistry/not-the-science/

2) There was no iron door in the gas chambers and if there were, they weren't designed to open outwards of the gas chambers which would mean design flaws in making them.

3) 2000 people packed tightly in gas chambers would break the door

4) Carrying all those corpses out needs a lot of muscle, sure use the excuse of sonderkommandos that told eveyone what was going on, I wonder why there weren't anymore mass ape mob revolt attempts immediately.

5) There is an entire forums on the holocaust here(just check their sources) and some websites that contain a lot of interesting counter arguments on the holyhoax that could be a help to those who are working to debunk the holocaust:

6) Most holocaust footages get their places wrong

7) A rabbi said it himself, isn't the rounding up all because there were communist enemies in gemany? This is no different to what internment camps were in the allies. The soviets had an even worse method which is the damn gulag.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ/ [Timestamp 3:13:40] <<< Didn't mention this until Gear88 led me here which was after the lost debate that caused me a severely ruined reputation with past highschool peers, I saw this video in youtube back in 2017 before it started purging en masse.

8) ICRC even said that there were no gassings but typhus deaths

9) Truth does not morph itself so much like lies do. For example, water is wet, there are only two genders and that the talmud was the openly racist one in the first place that kept getting more and more hate from what it was doing throughout the pre-WWI centuries that people had to sneak their secret doctrines around by publishing books that got hit with "anti-semite" labels, thus the protocols of zion happened.

Just...holy fuck humanity, glad I left those sons of bitches to themselves that are soooo lazy to pull their own plugs out anymore. I don't know if it is right anymore that NWO should get rid of the masses of mental weaklings. I can't help it anymore but I'm beginning to grow very faithless with the dumb masses. I won't care anymore if those gullible nutcases all die in nuclear fire due to their mainstream and normieness intoxication.

The next time I'm going to get out there with more powerful load-outs, I'm going to need historian friends who know how much of a lie that emotionally charged kabbalistic story is. I'm literally pissed after that stupid attack, and like you I think I could feel resentment to their deception.

Mine's worse because there is no psychological help for me in wanting to literally kill them anymore. Thanks for letting me relate this because I don't know if I should death curse my enemies before they cause me more holes and ruin in my life.
Pisslam is surely one wacky and hyperactive sibling of xtianity
Wildfire said:
Pisslam is surely one wacky and hyperactive sibling of xtianity

Islam right now is exactly what xtianity was about 400 to 500 years ago.

I am not so sure I agree that it was pointless for some of our side to subvert xtianity from the inside. Though that approach never was going to win it bought us time. Even this statement is proof that it wasn't totally futile.
slyscorpion said:
Wildfire said:
Pisslam is surely one wacky and hyperactive sibling of xtianity

Islam right now is exactly what xtianity was about 400 to 500 years ago.

I am not so sure I agree that it was pointless for some of our side to subvert xtianity from the inside. Though that approach never was going to win it bought us time. Even this statement is proof that it wasn't totally futile.

What are you implying?
Wildfire said:
slyscorpion said:
Wildfire said:
Pisslam is surely one wacky and hyperactive sibling of xtianity

Islam right now is exactly what xtianity was about 400 to 500 years ago.

I am not so sure I agree that it was pointless for some of our side to subvert xtianity from the inside. Though that approach never was going to win it bought us time. Even this statement is proof that it wasn't totally futile.

What are you implying?

I am implying xtianity is weak and a former shell of itself to the point even the enemy may be giving up somewhat on it. I am also saying Islam right now is the way xtianity was before and intended to be.

I am sorry if you thought anything I say was implying anything about you it wasn't
slyscorpion said:
Wildfire said:
slyscorpion said:
Islam right now is exactly what xtianity was about 400 to 500 years ago.

I am not so sure I agree that it was pointless for some of our side to subvert xtianity from the inside. Though that approach never was going to win it bought us time. Even this statement is proof that it wasn't totally futile.

What are you implying?

I am implying xtianity is weak and a former shell of itself to the point even the enemy may be giving up somewhat on it. I am also saying Islam right now is the way xtianity was before and intended to be.

I am sorry if you thought anything I say was implying anything about you it wasn't

No need to be sorry, I feel like a smooth brain after reading things the wrong way. I'm just being cautious about anyone suddenly turning traitor and decides to take me as victim. Just like what kike zola did to you which is why I keep my guard up and always ready to deflect situations. Just like that game called among us where one decides to pass the imposter ball to someone, so they do not get inspected and most likely figured out.

Xtianity giving up means good news though, but with greater evil fronts of the enemy still intact, the strongest lie out there is the ho"lol"co$t(historical abrahamism, I also speak for my traumatic experiences trying debunk that lie for people). Some coven or any hidden god out there please trump that six million lie already.

I've read further into the whitedeathofislam website by the way, and the part where the pisslamics put women in death marches just makes me want to give them the same treatment. Don't worry though, it's not like we're already piking them with our RTRs.
Wildfire said:
slyscorpion said:
Wildfire said:
What are you implying?

I am implying xtianity is weak and a former shell of itself to the point even the enemy may be giving up somewhat on it. I am also saying Islam right now is the way xtianity was before and intended to be.

I am sorry if you thought anything I say was implying anything about you it wasn't

No need to be sorry, I feel like a smooth brain after reading things the wrong way. I'm just being cautious about anyone suddenly turning traitor and decides to take me as victim. Just like what kike zola did to you which is why I keep my guard up and always ready to deflect situations. Just like that game called among us where one decides to pass the imposter ball to someone, so they do not get inspected and most likely figured out.

Xtianity giving up means good news though, but with greater evil fronts of the enemy still intact, the strongest lie out there is the ho"lol"co$t(historical abrahamism, I also speak for my traumatic experiences trying debunk that lie for people). Some coven or any hidden god out there please trump that six million lie already.

I've read further into the whitedeathofislam website by the way, and the part where the pisslamics put women in death marches just makes me want to give them the same treatment. Don't worry though, it's not like we're already piking them with our RTRs.

Huh I came back to Satanism and Signed up at around the time Zola was being exposed. Around mid year 2018 is when I came back.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
