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The Leviathan The End Of Your Life

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The Leviathan The End Of Your Life

In Judaism "Leviathan" means to divide or cleave. In the Kabbalah, Leviathan is shown as a serpent encircling the human brain showing its dividing the mind from the left and right parts of the brain. The Gnostic's such as the Orphites whom were stated by Christian Church writers to be anti-Christian and to curse the name of Jesus in their company. Stated that Leviathan:

"Short excerpts of text from Origen Contra Celsus Book 6, Chapter 24 to 38:] Celsus says there is a diagram consisting of ten [or seven] separate circles, circumscribed by one circle which is said to be the world-soul and is called Leviathan. The diagram is divided by a thick black line, which is called Gehenna, or in Greek Tartarus. The "seal" is that of the one who imposes it...

There are seven angels, who delivered the seal; they stand on both sides of the soul set it free from the body; and there are other angels of light who are called Archontics. The Archon of the so-called Archontics is the accursed god of the Jews, who makes rain and thunder.

He is the Demiurge of this world, the God of Moses described in his creation narrative."

The Torah doctrine states that Yahweh divided humans from the right side of the brain where the psychic abilities are and divided the connection between the female and male chakra's and the crown and root chakra by driving down the serpent. The symbol of this is the seal of Leviathan which means to divide or cleave in two. The seal is the symbol of psychic impression a curse on the soul. The thick black line called Gehenna is the place of the grave and suffering in Judaism it has seven levels which relate to the seven chakra's all bound by the Leviathan.

The ancients stated the soul bound in a state of entropy is suffering or Gehenna in which the spiritual light could not flow thought it bringing the spiritual rebirth and the risen serpent. Which leaves a person to suffer the negative effects of Saturn which is old age, suffering and death. The Gnostic diagrams show the Jews have bound the soul with Leviathan. Their Torah magic. In Gehenna people are tortured by Jewish angels in the most hideous ways. The angels are the bindings the curses of the Torah the Jews on the human soul. The Leviathan is shown in Kabbalah binding the world tree the map of the soul and all the worlds the chakra's on it with Hebrew curses.

The other meaning of calling Leviathan the world spirit is the planet has an astral grid around it the ethereal aspect of its power. The Jewish Rabbi's in their own writings call Leviathan a spell they have generated in the astral grid around the planet they are working to bring down as they call it into the world and materialize the Torah, they have a special set of rituals they call the Feast of Leviathan which is a Kabbalistic event to help manifest this as well they relate the Vav letter to this as it connects the astral to the material and brings down the energies to manifest in the material world in Kabala:

"The soul of Israel is central on the map of creation and the Jews are in fact, behind a divine plan to take over not only this world, but the entire universe ...It is a conspiracy of the messianic Light of Kabbalah. This phenomenon is a universal Overmind that has been animating and networking all communication, all civilization and all history. "[1]

The Jews are celebrating in their own writings to each other they have bound the entire planet and divided it [Leviathan] from other communications with other worlds and beings and any higher communication. And that they are using the matrix of energy they have created to influence the entire planet into their world to come with black magic.

The Jews do their religious rituals on the day of Saturn which relates to binding and restraining to hold one to the law [Torah] and such. This is something more to this all of the Christian Churches and Synagogues are designed to be connected into the astral vibration of the planet Saturn by their designs and symbols even the symbol of Jewish Communism is the sickle of Saturn. Ancient temples where built on key area's of the ley line grid the astral template of the world and their diagram was built to connect to and resonate the astral vibrations of the planet Mercury and the Sun, Jupiter and Venus the beneficial planets. This would infuse the astral grid of the world with positive astral energies.

The enemy has built their Churches, Mosques and Synagogues over the ancient Pagan Temples to capture the key area's of the ley line grid for themselves. This is also their reason for the obsession with the region of Palestine. There was excellent work done by Norman Bergrun who worked for NASA and his book "The Ring Makers Of Saturn" showed the NASA images of literal artificial technology, ships creating and maintaining the rings around Saturn one can watch actual footage from NASA satellites of this in action. The ring shape if one studies basic psychic's is used because its better for sending out stronger waves further. The enemy is also Extra Terrestrials. The Rabbi's mention the "Angels" of their "god" that appear in rituals to them are reptilians. The Extra Terrestrial level of the enemy has created the rings around Saturn to increase the vibrational astral power of this planet to then broadcast this stronger signal to earth astrally and then connect into the astral grid of the earth connecting with the key area's of the ley line grid in which their Churches, Mosques and Synagogues are built on. The Jews do their rituals on the day the energies of Saturn are the strongest, Saturday to then connect into this power at the strongest time and direct the Leviathan to bind the earth and curse the Gentiles and bring about the world to come. The Jews believe the Leviathan is their Messiah who will consume and destroy the Gentiles and bring in the new world in which the Jews will be the Kings and owners of the planet. If one understands the psychological properties of Saturn this society is built on it. As the Jews brag their Leviathan grid has influenced and built a world in their own image, Gehenna, suffering.

The Gnostic's stated the angels of Yahweh where Archons who were responsible for binding the seven chakra's and the soul into the lower realm of entropy of Saturn. These angles are Hebrew formula's that create the needed thought forms, curses to bind the Gentiles. It was stated the Gnostic's used inverse formula's to open the seven lords. This is relating to reverse formula's, reversing the Hebrew curses.

The Jews state the Leviathan is the 22 Hebrew Letters. Think of this when it comes to the Final RTR.

The Ophities worshipped the Agathodemon which is Dionysus. Agathodemon means the "Good God" or "Good Serpent" and is the title of Dionysus. The Greeks called the Pagan Gods Daemon's but also spelled this Demon. The AE is a higher A sound De or Da mon. Dionysus was called Ioannes which is the Babylonian Oannes the name of Enki whom the Chaldeans called Satan. Sat the King or highest and An, God. The Gnostic's such as the Ophities where Pagans whom cursed Jesus and hated the "god" of the Jews. And were working to undo the curses of the enemy.

The Josephic Messiah, Leviathan, Metatron And The Second Serpent, Bakst
The Ringmakers of Saturn, Dr. Norman Bergrun
Origen Contra Celsus Book 6, Chapter 24 to 38
Thank you HP for explaining this.
In Poland we have chain of hipermarkets which happed to be around every corner is some larger cities.
Have a look:
These details are the most interesting parts of the whole thing.
I remember there was an older writing about archons but I couldn't find it.
And also the artifical rings of Saturn was discussed before...

But I hope people will not hate planet Saturn too much - lol. :D It's still my favorite planet, in vedic astrology it's a functional benefic "yogakaraka" planet for Taurus and Libra ascedants.

I should find and collect all former sermons and writings about these topics. (Leviathan, Saturn's negative energies etc). So important. I need to translate them too.

This obviously proves again why the final RTR works.
I've observed that there are 3 main ways of describing the Aton/Demiurge/G-d/YHVH entity:

  1. The jewish people as a whole.
  2. The biggest astral thoughtform around this cosmic neighborhood, created by jews and supported/maintained by christian/muslim dupes.
  3. An extraterrestrial "board of directors" consisting of archons/reptilians/greys. Crowley's illustration supports this claim.

According to this model, the Holy Trinity would consist of
  • Father: The reptilians/greys
    Son: The jews
    Holy Spirit: The thoughtform

According to the bible, denying the Holy Spirit is the only sin that shall guarantee eternal damnation. This makes sense in a way that supporting the thoughtform by prayer is the only way that the gentiles are directly enhancing the (((godly power))).
Ibbar said:
I've observed that there are 3 main ways of describing the Aton/Demiurge/G-d/YHVH entity:

  1. The jewish people as a whole.
  2. The biggest astral thoughtform around this cosmic neighborhood, created by jews and supported/maintained by christian/muslim dupes.
  3. An extraterrestrial "board of directors" consisting of archons/reptilians/greys. Crowley's illustration supports this claim.

According to this model, the Holy Trinity would consist of
  • Father: The reptilians/greys
    Son: The jews
    Holy Spirit: The thoughtform

According to the bible, denying the Holy Spirit is the only sin that shall guarantee eternal damnation. This makes sense in a way that supporting the thoughtform by prayer is the only way that the gentiles are directly enhancing the (((godly power))).

The jews describe the same of themselves.

Actually their "Holy spirit" is just this very thoughform matrix they have. There is a passage in the bible that says when someone is ingested enough in the study of this his very 'heart' is literally replaced.
Oh vey! Lol:


"...Dr Daniel Brown, an astronomy expert at Nottingham Trent University, said: “The 13-year Cassini mission is now coming to an end with its grand finale.“The space probe has revealed many surprises about Saturn and its moons, including further evidence of life-supporting conditions in the ocean below the surface of Enceladus.“The mission will end with a controlled crash into Saturn in three months’ time, but in the meantime it has started with the first of 22 stunning orbits diving in between Saturn and its rings.Something which has never been done and is also quite risky.“As an astronomer, I have been amazed by the rings around Saturn from a young age.“These dives might just be the thing that can tell us more about how old these rings are and how they work.“What is particularly interesting is that they are amazingly bright, as if the ice has not been covered by meteorite dust, but we’ll see today what more Cassini tells us.”
In the mid-1980s, Dr. Bergrun undertook a private study of Saturn’s rings and focused his efforts on images sent back by the Voyager 1 and 2 space probes. His work brought him to an unusual conclusion: the structures were formed by emissions emerging from gigantic electromagnetic vehicles (EMVs). Understandably, these vehicles must be controlled by forms of intelligence we’ve yet to discover.

Additionally, these extremely advanced vehicles have been spotted all over the solar system, their effects visible on the matter they interact with. Photographs have captured their presence near the Sun or other planets and even in deep space.

His work presents increased interest because Dr. Norman Bergrun is not your average UFO enthusiast. He holds a BSME degree from Cornell University, an LLB from LaSalle University Extension, a DSc (Hon) from World University and a California Professional Engineer (PE) License. His scientific career spans decades; he worked at the Ames Research Laboratory, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (a.k.a. NACA, forerunner of NASA) and held the position of research scientist at NASA for twelve years. When a man with such credentials makes some daring statements about extraterrestrial intelligence reshaping the cosmos, going out on a limb and lending him an ear wouldn’t be an unforgivable mistake.

“Presented herein are pictures of immensely large, enormously powerful extraterrestrial space vehicles located in the vicinity of Saturn and its moons. These photographic revelations are reinforced by, and are consistent with, scientific data extending over centuries as far back as Galileo,” Bergrun wrote in his book The Ringmakers of Saturn.

Since Galileo first spotted them in 1610, Saturn’s rings have been a puzzlement for every human eye laid upon them. Spanning over 22 Earth diameters, these peculiar structures are not completely motionless; separate measurements of the gaps between the rings and their overall thickness have given different values, leading astronomers to the conclusion that something is exerting its gravitational influence and modifying the planet’s celestial bling.

Dr. Bergrun argues these influencers are actually enormous artificial machines, anomalous (from our point of view) presences that might signal we’re not the only intelligent tenants in our solar system. He arrived to this conclusion by analyzing the differences between the photographs taken by Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. In the first set of photos, Saturn’s densest ring (Ring A) appeared to be very narrow while in the second set it shows its full width. Bergrun claims this discrepancy is caused by the actions of “something [else] there – an artifact of some sort that’s ‘making’ the ring”.


In the image above, a luminous object is seen interacting with the rings of Saturn, emitting exhaust at both ends and generating the A ring. The object orbits the planet clockwise, depositing a wide trail along its way. Bergrun calculated the gargantuan object’s size at approximately 1730 miles in diameter, or roughly the distance between San Francisco, CA and St. Louis, MO. “Such an immense propulsive body implies a space engine possessing unheard-of capacity and capability,” he wrote.

Just imagine what implications this scenario has. Right here in our solar system, where we think we’re the only intelligent species that has a chance at attaining greatness, there’s another, much more advanced presence doing some planetary landscaping. They certainly know about us and since we’re still here, we have to assume they’re mostly benevolent. If this is true, the most ardent questions would be who are they? and what is our relation to them?

Bergrun became interested in the UFO phenomenon in 1971, while on vacation. In an interview with MUFON’s Don Ecker, he described his experience:

“I was once vacationing near Monterey Bay, California, in September 1971. Every day a US Navy helicopter would fly along the same route nearby. One day around noon, I saw a shimmering bright light in the same area. I thought it was another Navy helicopter travelling the usual route. But it seemed to hover at a distance and it took on motions that made me realize it was no helicopter. I grabbed some binoculars and a camera and got a good look at it. It was one of those cylindrical objects, and it performed for me.

I could see azure-blue flames at each end, which looked to me like an airplane’s engine cowl; it was aerodynamically superb. Streamers came out lengthwise from this thing and joined together like a wishbone. The streamers were light yellow-green and tapered. They looked like what physicists call a ‘pinched plasma’. There was a projection on one side that looked like a wing or a cross, with another streamer, something like a flame, surrounding an interior black bar, ending in a rectangular device.”

Bergrun’s intimate experience with propulsion systems and flying machines made him convinced that what he saw was not one of our own.

“I had been around rockets and knew how you manipulated forces to get them to work. It was obvious to me that this thing was a space ship. I was privy to everything the United States had, and this was not ours.”

Unlike most mainstream scientists, he was unphased by the prospect of having his credibility lowered by admitting he suspected UFOs were a real thing.

Bergrun agrees that his hypothesis will cause disagreement: “Despite their straight-forward characteristic, actual photographs probably will not establish conviction for everyone.”

But to those who believe, they offer yet another confirmation that we’re not the first and we’re not the only.




How dared they touch my "baby"? :x :D



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
