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The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 4: Voting System in place for JoS Donors.]

This has made my night! I'm so excited and joyful that this is a thing now!!

Thank you so much to every Donator, to HP HoodedCobra666 & JG BlackOnyx!!!

This is awesome and amazing!!!! 😁😁💖💖💖
Thank you to everyone who writes positive feedback and I will tend to my e-mails later today. Yes, there is an admission that must take place as nobody gets in until we carefully check they have done their duties or donations before they get In.

A few people are sending me some e-mails along the lines of ”I am breathing and I also did a Ritual a year ago, I deserve to be a part of this”. 8 billion irrelevant beings do breathe on this planet that is not the important thing here, however.

One thing proves in this world what one deserves and that is not our opinions at all, it is what we actually do.

I am done with mentally diseased super-entitled humans who are walking the planet constantly and I think anyone of intelligence is also bored to death with this. If I want to see self entitled fools I would go and make an Instagram account there are plenty over there.

Same is the case about those who do not see reality and want to truly advance spiritually. This large miraculous work was created for actual guidance and rising in true progression both for the individuals in the Donor platform and also the JoS. Through the success these people will have other success will arrive on the community as a whole.

We want true progression here for everyone.

It’s still very early and most of the things we have in mind are not even open yet. We will explain more as we go.

Those who actually do for others, are those who can get in to this and grow in this. That’s the point here. Imaginary or “promised” nonsense about “how it will happen at some time” will not work nor with the Gods nor with me.

Talk like “I will lift bricks in 2047 but I cannot do it now” or “I will fight a war in the future but I won’t really lol but I want a position as a war general just because” or “I have the mindset of an instagram butt shower that believes she does a major contribution to the planet” are all non acceptable mindsets here.

That is the Grand Lodge of the JoS that has been made and a Temple University. Also the more one ranks higher the more the above mindsets of worthlessness are to be replaced by mindsets of actual worth; ie, to make you an actually better human being that is truly confident not just an imaginative fool.

People are supposed to give value and create value for others, that‘s beyond mentalities present in the regular world where people can imagine they are princesses in their own castle and make instagram-like demands. Respect the Gods and the people who do actual lifting and don’t do this to yourself to delude yourself so strongly, become like them instead, not like the false wave that you see people becoming left and right worldwide now.
ut we want to avoid a case where someone comes in 2045 and gives 1$ and they think they can match a person who has been helping around for 20 years or something. This could never happen all those who work for JoS will have a lifetime solidified position in it as honored members.
There are actually people in this world who think donating a dollar makes them equal to those who sacrificed hours every day helping the community. Such a weird mindset to have.

i can say i'm a translator yet haven't received a badge!
can i join?
It's been mentioned a few times before, all translators should contact HP HoodedCobra and/or JG ApolloAbove to get their badge :)

With all do respect HPHC, I've tried donating before and am not able because I have a credit and not a debit card.
Where there's a will, there's a way! Get a debit card, unless you live in a 3rd world country they are free and available everywhere. You can even get one online from another country, just have to send copies of your ID and a picture for proof.
With all do respect HPHC, I've tried donating before and am not able because I have a credit and not a debit card. It has been said on Crypto currency apps they won't allow credit cards for any reason. With this site being created will that be allowed? I see it's really important to be in the Temple of the Gods and I want to do all I can to support more than ever. Is there a way I can support tremendously without error, because the apps have really done it and I can't donate. I must donate regardless of any circumstance and want the Gods to be proud. If you can, it would an honor to know the details of the JoSdonor site as what to expect.

I'm crying inside that I've done nothing and want to build the JoS by all means. I'd love to do projects if my life depends on it. I love the Gods and thanks to the Gods I'm still here. I have to know. Please. It would extremely thankful if I'm able to help out and lend a hand.

It is doing something for one’s self and others also that makes the Gods look at someone and say “Now, that is a productive and creative human being, we must help them at all costs to become like us”.

There was a point in time I was writing sermons from a 50$ phone with a broken screen. Always did what I could. I did not let any circumstance stop me.

If one cannot help financially, there are as said numerous avenues to this. The point is to improve one’s capacity and make one a truly powerful being, while also doing the same for others. A vortex of positive creative energy. The opposite of inaction and weakness. This is how we all grow. One does what they do and the consequence on them and others can be extremely great.
I'm pretty poor, but I can afford to maybe donate a lightcoin every other month or so. I don't plan on being poor forever, but that's the best I can do at this moment in time. I hope it helps, even if just a little.
This is great!
I have one technical suggestion:
I noticed, after clicking on the "Create account" button after you type your donor e-mail, that there is no way to now that your click actually did something because no loader/spinner/etc is displayed, and the user might think they miss-clicked or it didn't work--so my suggestion (which is just a common sense UX design thing) is to have loaders/spinners for every action of this type.
Granted that perhaps clicking that button twice wouldn't have caused any issues, I think it's still important to have a good User Experience in all our websites!
I'm excited to see the rest once my account is granted access to the system.
And good job to everyone involved!
It depends on if you want the username here to be the same or not. It can be best to have another username there. The e-mail is only visible to me same as anything else; the platform is built on extreme level of security and privacy.
Beautiful work HPHC and JG BlackOnyx, so is better to use another identity there?
It took me a second to realize the shiny "Joy of Satan" Logo that pops in your face isn't 3rd, the design is amazing!
Thank you HoodedCobra666
a system put in place for donors and those who work hard for JoS is a very good thing, like you said why should those who do nothing reap the rewards of those who worked hard and continuously, it’s only fair their is a system for the hard workers and donors, and those who just hang around and do nothing should not have the same rewards and benefit’s. Ever since I’ve come here and joined the family I have contributed in the work of doing the FRTR’s, Demon Empowering Rituals and I have donated some money, I will do more as in the work for Jos and contribute in donations
With all do respect HPHC, I've tried donating before and am not able because I have a credit and not a debit card. It has been said on Crypto currency apps they won't allow credit cards for any reason.
Like you've been told, get a debit card: it's free. You also shouldn't be using credit cards for donations because credit card money is not your money, nor it is the bank's money either. It's other people's money that you and the bank borrow.

Using credit cards instead of your own money will put in you in debt, which is not the purpose of JoS.
We are building now a page, that upon you register, you will see how you can donate [if you have not previously donated].

That will unlock the content of the platform in accordance to assigned tiers. Tier 2, 3 and Tier 4 will see more and more of the abilities of the Platform which keep expanding through the ranking.
Hopefully we will all join by the help of our Gods. Though locations of some of us make it a bit difficult now but we'll definitely join by all means.
Thank you always High Priest Hooded Cobra 666. I have been a bit worried till now about not being able to donate yet seeing how we're benefiting from the community but hopefully my time will come and I'll be financially able to also donate to show my support and gratitude to our Gods.
Hail Father Satan
Hail Baalzebul
Hail Mama Astarte
Hail Azazel
Hail all Gods and Goddesses of Hell forever
Thank you, High Priest, and everyone, for the kind words. It was an honor to build this platform, which is of great importance to our community. I look forward to the endless possibilities that we now have with this new system.

Please let me know if you come across any technical issues. I hope everyone enjoys the new platform.
Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before

Thank you, High Priest, and everyone, for the kind words. It was an honor to build this platform, which is of great importance to our community. I look forward to the endless possibilities that we now have with this new system.
Beautiful website and excellent work as always. I wish that all JoS Donors/Helpers benefit greatly from this project and their effort is rewarded ten fold.
i haven't noticed that, thanks for mentioning it.
but are translators allowed to join the platform or only donors?!
Translators are on Tier 1 (or higher, depending on other factors), so you can join :)
Translators are on Tier 1 (or higher, depending on other factors), so you can join Translators are on Tier 1 (or higher, depending on other factors), so you can join :)
What level are community helper ?
Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before in the Donor System like PDF distribution, management, delays in donation verification for acceptance and everything else.

The point of this platform is to provide users with the highest level of quality for materials, rewards, seminars, private spiritual learning and other impressive things which will not be disclosed to the public, in accordance to what everyone is doing. When one does, they will receive gifts for their work to improve the House of the Gods.

It will function as a university type of Temple University among other purposes, where many perks will exist, more than the previous statements of the Donor Tiers that have been revealed. The platform allows for extreme developments. Those who help will receive ample and excellent reward for their holy work that helps the Gods and their people.

Any statements here will remain minimal. That is a huge step for those who help and assist the JoS and the Joy of Satan itself.

Fuller functioning of the platform is going to occur after 15th of August, but it's important that all donors start coming in.

There is also a decision underway in the limiting of how many members we will accept as a final number for the Donor System. That is because in 2035 "after we have won", admission and acceptance when power is higher, is going to be the easy bet. Those who believed in the JoS early will have more perks and have a solid existence inside this system for keeping the JoS alive and our community alive and able, while others were sitting on the sidelines.

This decision and the details are underway and will be shared privately inside the platform itself. After a point, the platform membership will be capped, and only certain cases of people upon strict decisions are going to be able to be members.

For those of you who are Donors, Translators, or Community Helpers, Project Creators etc, or otherwise do major work for the JoS and for humanity, please do register in the platform by visiting the following link: https://josdonors.org.

Press where it says "register now" and register.

Please use the above link to register; then admission will happen and then one will be officially instated into the platform according to their Tier. Please use the e-mails you have provided as part of the Donor's Materials. You can use any username you want and a strong password that you must memorize.

A new era begins with this project. Thank you all and thank the Gods and our people for making these grand tasks possible.

I want to thank JG BlackOnyx for following loyally on the design and the visuals of the platform and being so intuitive when it came to understand the functions of the platform that I arrayed. He worked extremely hard to bring this into existence based on the directions and vision given; and he has succeeded.

A wonderful project was created for the JoS and a most honorable one. May his name be remembered for this wonderful creation and may the Gods guide us as a whole to make the most out of these gifts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Father Satan
Beelzebub aka all powerful God
Hello HPHC666, I would like to donate and become a member of https://josdonors.org.
Where exactly can I donate? I wasn't aware that money was needed so urgently. I've only been a member of JoS since June2024 and I want to do my best to support Jos, not just with contributions. I have a coinbase account. Can I make a donation through it?
Please which address exactly do I donate to?
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before in the Donor System like PDF distribution, management, delays in donation verification for acceptance and everything else.

The point of this platform is to provide users with the highest level of quality for materials, rewards, seminars, private spiritual learning and other impressive things which will not be disclosed to the public, in accordance to what everyone is doing. When one does, they will receive gifts for their work to improve the House of the Gods.

It will function as a university type of Temple University among other purposes, where many perks will exist, more than the previous statements of the Donor Tiers that have been revealed. The platform allows for extreme developments. Those who help will receive ample and excellent reward for their holy work that helps the Gods and their people.

Any statements here will remain minimal. That is a huge step for those who help and assist the JoS and the Joy of Satan itself.

Fuller functioning of the platform is going to occur after 15th of August, but it's important that all donors start coming in.

There is also a decision underway in the limiting of how many members we will accept as a final number for the Donor System. That is because in 2035 "after we have won", admission and acceptance when power is higher, is going to be the easy bet. Those who believed in the JoS early will have more perks and have a solid existence inside this system for keeping the JoS alive and our community alive and able, while others were sitting on the sidelines.

This decision and the details are underway and will be shared privately inside the platform itself. After a point, the platform membership will be capped, and only certain cases of people upon strict decisions are going to be able to be members.

For those of you who are Donors, Translators, or Community Helpers, Project Creators etc, or otherwise do major work for the JoS and for humanity, please do register in the platform by visiting the following link: https://josdonors.org.

Press where it says "register now" and register.

Please use the above link to register; then admission will happen and then one will be officially instated into the platform according to their Tier. Please use the e-mails you have provided as part of the Donor's Materials. You can use any username you want and a strong password that you must memorize.

A new era begins with this project. Thank you all and thank the Gods and our people for making these grand tasks possible.

I want to thank JG BlackOnyx for following loyally on the design and the visuals of the platform and being so intuitive when it came to understand the functions of the platform that I arrayed. He worked extremely hard to bring this into existence based on the directions and vision given; and he has succeeded.

A wonderful project was created for the JoS and a most honorable one. May his name be remembered for this wonderful creation and may the Gods guide us as a whole to make the most out of these gifts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I will participate
I wasn't aware that money was needed so urgently.
All the websites cost money (including all the translated websites), these forums, and so on. The JoS struggled for a while to keep afloat, but thanks to the donors, we can expand more :)

And the more we expand, the more Satan will be understood in the world, and the more people have a chance to start spiritually advancing. Even just the average Joe starting to clean his aura and do money workings, for example, for his family, is a win. These all add up.

The more wins humanity has, the better. The more the enemy loses, the better. So the money donated, helps all of humanity.

You can join the donors platform, and there will be a way to donate through it. In the meantime, you can donate here: https://joyofsatan.org/Donate.html If none of those methods work for you, you can email HP HoodedCobra directly and he can advise further. Thank you! :)
All the websites cost money (including all the translated websites), these forums, and so on. The JoS struggled for a while to keep afloat, but thanks to the donors, we can expand more :)

And the more we expand, the more Satan will be understood in the world, and the more people have a chance to start spiritually advancing. Even just the average Joe starting to clean his aura and do money workings, for example, for his family, is a win. These all add up.

The more wins humanity has, the better. The more the enemy loses, the better. So the money donated, helps all of humanity.

You can join the donors platform, and there will be a way to donate through it. In the meantime, you can donate here: https://joyofsatan.org/Donate.html If none of those methods work for you, you can email HP HoodedCobra directly and he can advise further. Thank you! :)
First of all, I would like to thank you sincerely for answering me so quickly and always being so helpful. I will do it on the recommended website immediately. If it doesn't work, I will write to HPHC666. You are really great!
This is great! To be honest though, there is already a ton of information and guidance here and thank you everyone who put it all together! As such, I'll continue to help in spiritual warfare, translating, expanding our reach, expanding our message, leading people outside of here to the truth and I'm quite content continuing to donate anonymously. Hail Satan!!!
First of all, I would like to thank you sincerely for answering me so quickly and always being so helpful. I will do it on the recommended website immediately. If it doesn't work, I will write to HPHC666. You are really great!
HPS Lydia. I have just made a donation to JoyofSatan's wallet. The money should arrive in the next few minutes. How do I know that it has arrived? I paid with coinbase. Coinbase says that the sending process has been completed. The money should therefore be in JoS's account. Thank you for your help.
Very good, I want to donate right away.
I don't fully understand because there's no guide.

For the email confirmation to come, do we have to make the donation in Joy of Satan first?
Or only those who translate, those who are active on the forum, do they get email confirmation?

I really want to help!
I emailed the High Priest Hooded Cobra just in case.
Like you've been told, get a debit card: it's free. You also shouldn't be using credit cards for donations because credit card money is not your money, nor it is the bank's money either. It's other people's money that you and the bank borrow.

Using credit cards instead of your own money will put in you in debt, which is not the purpose of JoS.
I have just made a donation. I have a coinbase account and a transfer in bitcoin works great with it. It's also very easy to top up.

Incidentally, I also have a debit card, but I also had to pay for it at my bank and pay a small amount for it every year. So it's not free with us.

To be honest, it makes me a little sad that I've only recently joined JoS. I would have much preferred to have joined much, much earlier. But then I was so involved in other activities that I didn't really notice JoS. But I was always looking for something exactly like JoS. Little by little, Father Satan also showed me where and how he had entered my life since my earliest childhood. However, I have simply not known how to interpret these signs or have always been distracted by the Judeo-Christian religion and led down the wrong path. I am now also increasingly aware of all the things I have done wrong. There are really a lot of scenes that are put before my eyes and sometimes I just have to cry terribly and ask Father Satan for forgiveness for every transgression. It hurts me the most that I have been so blind. I really enjoy reading your posts, by the way.

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Wotan!
She's buying the stairway to heaven.
Better someone that give a dollar one time than someone who never give a shit
The badges does not directly translate to Donor levels. If someone would get donor level for only community help than it would probably be someone like JG Blitzkrieg.
Or not. Just read the replies to this topic by HPHC to be clearer on the subject.
Thank you for this new platform! Hp. Hoodedcobra666 and JG BlackOnyx
Hail the JoS!
Hail Father Satan Forever!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
