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The Jews Biggest Lie


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2005
The Jews Biggest Lie

Looking at the major claimed history and historical figures of the Jews we can see the plain truth. Their entire history is false and stolen from Gentiles. The real foundation of their history rests upon two major characters Abraham and Moses.

The supposed Great Patriarch Abraham and his family the first "official" Jews in history, are in fact stolen from the ancient Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, along with Saraswati:

Since Krishna was not born of man, he was not actually the earthly father of Brahma and Mahesh. Therefore, he himself was the protector (Tara) of Brahma. In Sanskrit, Tara means "savior; protector." It is a term generally used with the gods Rudra, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Even our Old Testament says that the father (protector) of Abraham was Terah (Genesis 11:26.) The Bible tells us that Abraham and Sarah were half-siblings. (Genesis 12:19-20.). The Hindu holy books also tell us that a blood relationship existed between them. The Puranas relate Sarasvati to Brahma and Vishnu. Most frequently, she is associated with Brahma. Her connection with him dates earlier than to any other God. She is portrayed mostly as his wife and occasionally as his daughter. When Vishnu's popularity in India increased, myths relating Saraswati to him appeared. (Ref: Sarasvati and the Gods; www.vishvarupa.com.) Therefore, Brahma or Vishnu would also have been the Tara (Terah) of Sarasvati because of her divine origins.

Brahm (Abraham) Sarasvati (Sarah)

Abraham or Brahma's home was the land of Haran (Genesis 1:4.) Haran was the coastal principality governed by Krishna. It was even named after him because Hara (Sun God) is another name of Krishna. Brahma/Abraham was 75 years old when he left Haran.

The Bible mentions Haran and Haryana. The Hindu holy books also say that Brahma/Abrahan lived in Ur of the Chaldees. Ur was a Sumerian name for "town; city." Chaldee (pronounced Kaldee) derives from the Sanskrit Kaul, a Brahman caste, and Deva (demi-god). The North Indian Kauldevas worshiped idols representing their ancestors. According to the Hindus, Brahma married Sarasvati in Chaldea, the part that is now Afghanistan.

In Hindu mythology, Sarai-Svati is Brahm's sister. The bible gives two stories of Abraham. In this first version, Abraham told Pharaoh that he was lying when he introduced Sarai as his sister. In the second version, he also told the king of Gerar that Sarai was really his sister. However, when the king scolded him for lying, Abraham said that Sarai was in reality both his wife and his sister! "...and yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife." (Genesis 20:12.)

But the anomalies don't end here. In India, a tributary of the river Saraisvati is Ghaggar. Another tributary of the same river is Hakra. According to Jewish traditions, Hagar was Sarai's maidservant; the Moslems say she was an Egyptian princess. Notice the similarities of Ghaggar, Hakra and Hagar.

The bible also states that Ishmael, son of Hagar, and his descendants lived in India. "...Ishmael breathed his last and died, and was gathered to his kin... They dwelt from Havilah (India), by Shur, which is close to Egypt, all the way to Asshur."
(Genesis 25:17-18.) It is an interesting fact that the names of Isaac and Ishmael are derive from Sanskrit: (Hebrew) Ishaak = (Sanskrit) Ishakhu = "Friend of Shiva." (Hebrew) Ishmael = (Sanskrit) Ish-Mahal = "Great Shiva."-Matlock

Lingam worship in the Bible:
In the 28th chapter of Genesis Jacob, after having a dream about a 'ladder' reaching up to heaven with angels 'limbing' it and God standing at the top(12), erects a 'pillar' with the stone he was using for a pillow and concecrates it with oil (18). He calls the place Beit-El ('Bethel' in english, which means 'House of God') (19). He says that the stone pillar itself was "God's house" (22). And he later, in chapter 35 v14, erects another one on the road from Paddan-Aram.

The worship of Brahma was also in the Near Eastern World:
"About 1900 BC, the cult of Brahm was carried to the Middle and Near East by several different Indian groups after a severe rainfall and earthquake tore Northern India apart, even changing the courses of the Indus and Saraisvati rivers."

"...the Temple of Mecca was founded by a colony of Brahmins from India.it was a sacred place before the time of Mohamed, and.they were permitted to make pilgrimages to it for several centuries after his time. Its great celebrity as a sacred place long before the time of the prophet cannot be doubted." (Anacalypsis, Vol. I, p. 421.)

"...the city of Mecca is said by the Brahmins, on the authority of their old books, to have been built by a colony from India; and its inhabitants from the earliest era have had a tradition that it was built by Ishmael, the son of Agar. This town, in the Indus language, would be called Ishmaelistan." (Ibid, p. 424.)

Before Mohammed's time, The Hinduism of the Arab peoples was called Tsaba. Tsaba or Saba is a Sanskrit word, meaning "Assembly of the Gods ". Tsaba was also called Isha-ayalam (Shiva's Temple). The term Moslem or Moshe-ayalam (Shiva's Temple) is just another name of Sabaism.-Matlock

The facts on Mohammed fictional existence:
http://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress. ... r-existed/

One of the shrines in the Kaaba was also dedicated to the Hindu Creator God, Brahma, which is why the illiterate prophet of Islam claimed it was dedicated to Abraham. The word "Abraham" is none other than a malpronunciation of the word Brahma. This can be clearly proven if one investigates the root meanings of both words. Abraham is said to be one of the oldest Semitic prophets. His name is supposed to be derived from the two Semitic words 'Ab' meaning 'Father' and 'Raam/Raham' meaning 'of the exalted.' In the book of Genesis, Abraham simply means 'Multitude.' The word Abraham is derived from the Sanskrit word Brahma. The root of Brahma is 'Brah' which means - 'to grow or multiply in number.' In addition Lord Brahma, the Creator God of Hinduism is said to be the Father of all Men and Exalted of all the Gods, for it is from him that all beings were generated. Thus again we come to the meaning 'Exalted Father.' This is a clear pointer that Abraham is none other than the heavenly father."

Where does the term Hebrew actually come from?

One of the most important finds in Egypt happened with the Egyptologist and Archaeologist Professor Walter B. Emery (1903-1971) while excavating tombs at Saqqara. Emery found men with blond hair and fair complexions. These individuals were revered by the Egyptians as a special class, an endowed elite the "Shemsu Hor" (Serpents of He of The Ari). The famous Egyptologist, author of Archaic Egypt discovered the remains who lived in the pre-dynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull larger than that of the local ethnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn't indigenous to Egypt…This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes….the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor….The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt."
-V. Di Cesare and A. Forgione "Malta: Skulls of the Mother Goddess"

Professor Emery wrote of these Shemsu Hor: "The Demigods of Manetho's history." These Shemsu Hor were stated to have originally lived on an island homeland as well. A very revealing text on the truth of the ancient Egyptians record of their origin:

"Hebrew comes from Ibaru he letter H added as a prefix meant the and so the word Hebrew means the Ibaru the term rabbi is a variant of this Ibarua. The Ibaru were part of the Shemsu Hor who travelled to Egypt in the ancient past. Due to the similarity to Apiru which means undesirable, this term has been confused."-Tsarion

The claims the Hebrews where Apriu/ Habiru are misleading again, the truth such peoples where from the region called Aryavarta {North India, Pakistan) when the gradual abandonment of the Saraswati civilizations due to the drying up of the river, there was major waves of former inhabitants of the region which from modern finds would have been extensive as the population of the Saraswati area was into the millions. These people became migrants and refugees that moved out over the generations to new areas:

About 1900 BC, the cult of Brahm was carried to the Middle and Near East by several different Indian groups after a severe rainfall and earthquake tore Northern India apart, even changing the courses of the Indus and Saraisvati rivers. The classical geographer Strabo tells us just how nearly complete the abandonment of Northwestern India was. "Aristobolus says that when he was sent upon a certain mission in India, he saw a country of more than a thousand cities, together with villages, that had been deserted because the Indus had abandoned its proper bed." (Strabo's Geography, XV.I.19.)

"The drying up of the Sarasvati around 1900 BCE, which led to a major relocation of the population centered around in the Sindhu and the Sarasvati valleys, could have been the event that caused a migration westward from India. It is soon after this time that the Indic element begins to appear all over West Asia, Egypt, and Greece." (Indic Ideas in the Graeco-Roman World, by Subhash Kak, taken from IndiaStar online literary magazine; p.14)

"The exodus of refugees out of ancient India did not occur all at once but over a period of one or more thousand years. If all these refugee ruling peoples were exclusively of Indian heritage, why doesn't History mention them? Indeed they are mentioned as Kassites, Hittites, Syrians, Assyrians, Hurrians, Arameans, Mittanians, Amalekites, Aethiops (Atha-Yop), Phoenicians, Chaldeans, and many others. But we have been wrongly taught to regard them as ethnicities indigenous to Western Asia."- Matlock

Many of these peoples became free companies, workers and in some cases criminals and conquers of new regions to settle in from the early records on the subject, many such as the peoples mentioned above would conqueror their own kingdoms and empires.

The Sumerian logogram SA.GAZ appears in texts from Southern Mesopotamia, dated from about 1850 BC, where it is applied to small bands of soldiers, apparently mercenaries at the service of local city-states and being supplied with food or sheep. One of those texts uses the Akkadian cuneiform word Hapiri instead of the logogram; another described them as "soldiers from the West". Their names are predominantly Akkadian; some are West Semitic, some unknown. Their origins, when recorded, are in local towns.

A letter to an Old Assyrian merchant resident in Ali?ar requests his aid in freeing or ransoming some Hapiri, formerly attached to the palace of Shalahshuwe (as yet unidentified), now prisoners of the local authorities.

The Tikunani Prism, dated from around 1550 BC, lists the names of 438 Habiru soldiers or servants of king Tunip-Tessup of Tikunani, a small city-state in central Mesopotamia. The majority of these names are typically Hurrian, the rest are Semitic, one is Kassite.

Another text from around 1500 BC describes the Hapiru as soldiers or laborers, organized into bands of various sizes commanded by SA.GAZ leaders: one band from Tapduwa has 15 soldiers, another from Sarkuhe has 29, and another from Alalakh has 1,436.

The Hapiru where simply the ancient equivalent of Cossacks. The truth is the title Hebrew [Ibaru] comes from Egypt it was a title for a Solar Priest. Its no mistake the important Jewish pass over is stolen from the Egyptian festival of Easter. A solar custom of Egypt.

"The priests of the Mysteries were symbolized as a serpent, sometimes called Hydra...The Serpent Kings reigned over the earth. It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery schools which later appeared as the Egyptian and Brahmin Mysteries... .The serpent was their symbol...They were the true Sons of Light, and from them have descended a long line of adepts and initiates."
- Hall

"The Apiru or Hapiru were not the same people as the Hebrews (Aryan) Magi had journeyed far and wide and established mystery schools throughout the world. The early Egyptians knew them as the Shemsu Hor "Disciples of Horus." The Shemsu Hor were counselors to, and perhaps even initiators of the pharaohs of Egypt."-Tsarion

"The word Hebrew can also be traced to the Gaelic Heber meaning "fire" or "sun" A "Hebrew" (Ibaru) was a priest of the sun."

"Cohen, the Jewish name for priest, comes from Cahen, the Egyptian pronunciation for a priest and a prince.13 Even circumcision, that uniquely `Jewish' tradition, came from the Egyptian mystery schools and was performed at least as far back as 4,000 BC. You could not be initiated unless you were circumcised. The Hebrew religion did not exist in Egypt and there was no Hebrew law because there was no Hebrew `race'. The only worship was Egyptian worship"

The High Priest of the Levities breast plate and all is nothing more then a stolen image of a Ibaru leader from Egypt.

This leads us to the next major claimed character of the Jewish "historical record" Moses:

Like that of Osiris, the story of Dionysus includes his own mythical conquest of India….Dionysus is not only Osiris but also the counterpart of Moses:"That the god Bacchus was the archetype of Moses seems to have been the opinion of many learned men, particularly the celebrated Bishop of Huet, and I Vossius, who agree that the Arabian name of Bacchus is Meses."

Biblical scholarship and archaeology have basically proved that the Pentateuch, or first five books of the Bible , were not composed by the great lawgiver Moses himself. In the Bible Unearthed, archaeologist Israel Finkelstien demonstrates that much biblical composition was done from the 8th century BCE onward. Even in ancient times it was recognized that Moses did not compose the Pentateuch."
According to the myth, the Jews at the time of the Exodus celebrated the feat of the Lamb, which refers to the Age of Aries. In the Dionysian myth, the sacred Lamb or Ram provides water to Dionysus's army in the middle of the desert, the water-in-the-desert motif also being in the Moses myth. Like Dionysus and Amon, Moses is depicted wearing ram's horns. "

Another tale that found its way into the Bible is that of Bacchus's miracle of stopping the motion of the sun and moon, replayed in the story of Joshua.

It is related in the hymns of Orpheus, that Bacchus had a rod with which he performed miracles, and which he could change into a serpent at his pleasure. He passed the Red Sea, dry shod, at the head of his army. He divided the waters of the rivers Orontes and Hydaspus by the touch of his rod, and passed through them dry-shod. By the same mighty wand, he drew water from a rock, and wherever they marched, the land flowed with wine, milk and honey.

Bacchus, was called the "Law-giver, and it was said of Bacchus," as well of Moses, that his laws were written on two tables of stone. Bacchus was represented horned, and so was Moses. Bacchus was picked up in a box that floated on the water, and so was Moses. Bacchus had two mothers, one by nature, and one by adoption, so had Moses. Bacchus and his army enjoyed the light of the sun at night, Moses and his army a pillar of fire by night.

Moses being called the Law-giver and the laws being written on two tablets of stone, were obviously copied from Bacchus, but the idea of his (Moses) receiving the commandments from the Lord on a mountain was undoubtedly taken from the Persian legend of Zoroaster.
"In his gentler (Dionysus) aspects he is a lawgiver."

It is also well known now by Egyptologists that the Ten Commandments are stolen from the 42 negative confessions from the Egyptian Book Of The Dead.

It seems apparent that the Israelite conquest of "The Holy Land" was
taken from Dionysus mythical conquests, they just changed the direction as awhole.

This leads into the next connection with Egypt and the Brotherhood of the Serpent centers again as Dionysus another form or alias of the Egyptian God Osiris:

Herodotus compared the Greek god Dionysus and the Egyptian god Osiris as long ago as the fifth century B.C. and found them to be nearly equal in all their mythology characteristics and virtues.
Pausanias, Description of Greece 10. 29. 4 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) :

" Both the Greeks and the Egyptians have many legends about Dionysos."
Like his alter ego Osiris, Dionysus, the most popular god in the Roman Empire, was considered an immensely old deity, according to Herodotus who imparted that, even though he was on of the "youngest" gods, Dionysus supposedly appeared "15,000 years before Amasis" (Ahmose.fl. 1550 BCE).- Murdock

The Egyptians, reports Herodotus, claimed to be "quite certain of this dates." Having kept careful records. The assertion that Dionysus/Bacchus's presence on Crete, where he was said to have been born, extends back even further, as his epithet "Iakchos" is found at the palace at Knossos, with an apparent Egyptian connection."
In Avaris archaeologist have found Cretan motifs on the walls only found appearing previous on the walls of the palace in Knossos in ancient Crete. Both Osiris followers of Egypt and Cretans held the Bull sacred. The Cretan culture was identical to the Egyptian one even being ruled by a Priest King along with Serpent Brotherhoods the Kaberoi.

Dionysus was born on December 25th, the same as Osiris… like Osiris, Dionysus was torn into 14 pieces, and also like Osiris, Dionysus was considered both the son and father of Zeus, according to an Orphic verse"-Murdock

"Osiris –who was the "first to drink wine" and who taught mankind about the vine, according to Plutarch-is referred to as the "Lord of Wine in the …festival." Dionysus was the great Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure and festivity."- Murdock

Dionysus was also the Lord of Whine.

The staff of Osiris and the thyrsos of Dionysus are identical in appearance both being pine-cone tipped.

With such antiquity also came an enormous territory, as Dionysus was much beloved in a widespread area from Egypt to Greece to Macedonian, the Near East and beyond.-Murdock

We can also see in the creation of the religion of Serapis created by the Greek pharaoh Ptolemy I. The later fusion of Osiris with an Hellenic guise. Which demonstrates the same God can be worshipped by two peoples.

The rites of Eleusinians where Dionysian in nature And Dionysus as shown was also worshipped as Osiris in Egypt. By examination of the Eleusinian rites and ranks we are seeing a window into the Brotherhood Of The Serpent centers in Memphis Heliopolis[ called ON meaning Sun in Egyptian] and Avaris in Egypt. This is the actual reason Avaris was known in the ancient description as the "City of the Hebrews" because it was a major seat of the Egypt Priesthood of the Ibaru. Avaris was also called Zaon {Zion} and had a Royal Court called the Levities there.

"Reverend Taylor discovered the truth when he studied the Eleusinian Tradition of Greece, which dates back to before 1500 years BCE. He lays out the schemata for the ritual and dramatic performances customary to the Eleusinians:

Eleusis- The Beginning or Opening
Hierophant- The Magus Overseeing the Rites
Hupereet-Ordinary Priest, or Minister
Diaconos-A Deacon, or lower Officer
Photagogue-Bringer and Wielder of Light
Autoptos-Candidate Witnessing the Rite
Autopsy-The Act of Witnessing of Seeing
Hebrew-The Initiated One (who has passed through all trials and been purified)
Teleios-The Perfected Adept
Israelite-The Purified, God-Inspired Adept (the "God Seer")
Jew-God Himself. The State of Perfection. Man as Enlightened Being."

"The ancient terms Israelite and Ibaru (Hebrew)referred to high ranking, spiritually endowed Egyptians and their ancestors."
Israelite also comes from "worshipper of Essa or Essaite" Essa, Esus. Etc Are all ancient titles for the Sun Gods, The Phoenician God Saturn was also called Israel, Saturn was a Sun God in the aspect of the period of the sun before its death and rebirth on the Winter Solstice hence the Winter Solstice festival of Saturnia in ancient Rome.

Yahweh is originally an ancient name for the sun concept, the Egyptians had a title for a solar diety called Yahu/yahew, the Persians word for sun was yawnah the Phoenicians had yahwe and the Syrians Yaw. Origins of this can be traced in the Veda with the title Yahva...etc Even the term "Ad-ON-i" is Egypt in origin.

The five books of the Jewish Torah is stolen and corrupted from the five suits of the Tarot, Tarot means "Royal Road" in ancient Egyptian, the name signifies the kundalini Serpent ascension up the spine. The Kabala was also stolen from Egypt KA BA ANKH = "Kabalah:


The Temple of Sol-om-on was stolen from Egypt. It's the temple of the soul and its most ancient symbol is the Pyramid and the capstone. It represents the Godhead. Once again we are looking at another literalized fictional event, taken and corrupted from a spiritual concept nothing more:

The PYRAMID is symbolic of the shape of the human chakra. The missing capstone represents the unfinished work and the ALL-SEEING EYE represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as "SAMADI" or "SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS." The photo at left was taken from the US One Dollar Bill. The United States, government and all, was founded upon Masonic principles and is not Christian by any stretch of the imagination.


The Benben stone in Egypt represented as a pyramid shaped stone and the dwelling place of the sun god with its association with the Bennu bird (also Benu bird). The Benu bird is the Egyptian name for the Phoenix. The Benben stone represents the Temple Of Solomon.

The Jews simply stole the core of their identity from the Gentile Brotherhood Of the Serpent and their orders in Egypt. Which was one of the major Serpent centers in the ancient world.

They was no exodus and no Biblical homeland in the Canaanite lands:

"Nay , only are there no proofs for the twelve tribes of Israel having ever existed, but Herodotus, the most accurate of historians, who was in Assyria when Erza flourished, never mentions the Israelites at all…How is this possible?-Madame Helena Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine, vol 3)

"Nowhere in Torah (also called the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Bible) is there any mention of Jerusalem let alone a temple anywhere in Jerusalem."- Stephen M. St. John
Many writers of this ear were not even aware of the existence of Judea. The Greek Historian Herodotus, painstakingly exact in his documentation of the nations and peoples of the known world, refers only to the Syrians of Palestine…when he describes the area-Joseph Atwill (Cesar's Messiah)

Although the Tell-el-Amarna tablets give much information regarding Canaan at about the period of the Exodus, they make no allusions to the Jews in Egypt or to the great catastrophe caused by the events preceding their escape-Ernest Busenbark

We need to recognize that our understanding of Israel as a people and as a nation is unrelated to any known historical Israel…They created this `Israel' not as it once existed in an earlier period, but in away that was meaningful to themselves-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)
Of course, there was an Israel! The name itself is used already at the close of the Late Bronze Age on an Egyptian monument to refer to the People of Canaan that Pharaoh Merenptah's military campaign into Palestine fought against. But this is not the Israel that the Bible deals with-Hyam Maccoby's The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity

While it is hard-won principle of Biblical archaeology that the historicity of ancient Biblical narratives about old Israel cannot be confirmed unless we have extra-Biblical confirmation, it is more likely to confirm the Bible's literary and metaphorical tropes than to establish it as historical record--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Jerusalem's history…remains impossible to write. Although the Egyptian Amarna letters, which give us correspondences between Palestine's petty princes and kings and the Egyptian Pharaoh of the late fourteenth an dearly thirteenth centuries, tell us much of about the town of Urusalim and about its patron and king, Abdi-Hepa, we know nothing about this town from archaeology. We are not even certain where it was located, though we have every reason to believe that it was Jerusalem. The Iron Age town of Jerusalem on Mount Ophel, which has been excavated by Kathleen Kenyon before the 1967 Israel-Arab war offered no significant remains from the Late Bronze Age-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Palestine never developed a political power of any great international significance. It was always so divided by its many small regions that it never developed a common history except when it was controlled by some power from outside, such as Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia. High culture, as expressed in art, architecture, literature and pageant, hardly existed. Most of what has survived is either foreign in origins or derivative from Phoenicia on the Syrian coast-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The annals of Pharaoh Ramesis II (the Great) make reference to
Semitic people who settled in the delta region of Goshen, but this does not really help because they are not specified as Israelites, but included in the Arab races of Syria, Phoenicia, Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent in general- Laurence Gardner (Genesis of the Grail Kings)

Although the name Judea is a geographical term occurring in Assyrian period texts, referring to the highlands south of Jerusalem, in the Persian period the name is political. It is the name of the Persian province. The Assyrians' name for the southern highlands, Jaudaa, and the Persians' imperial name, Yehud, were no more reflective of a people than were any of the other names for regions of the empire. Moreover the geographical spread of people referred to as Yehudim is so great that is would be rash to assume that this name refers to their place of origin. More should we continue to understand this term as ethnographic, without evidence-Thomas. L Thompson (The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

One of the most striking and wonderful tings about an "historian" like Josephus is that he knows almost nothing about "the past" that we ourselves do not already know from other sources. When an account he gives of a supposed event of two centuries earlier "confirms" something we can read in other works, it is only because he has copied or paraphrased it. Josephus has been well described as a person one wouldn't buy a used car from--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The earliest part of this period in the hill country has been traditionally presented as the "Golden Age" of ancient Egypt with its capital in Jerusalem. The ear has been associated with the "United Monarchy" wielding the political power of a Saul, a David and a Solomon and controlling a land-bridge from the Nile to the Euphrates, concept of a temple built by Solomon as the center of worship of Yahweh. Theses images have no place in descriptions of the real historical past. We known them only as a story, and wheat we known about such stories does not encourage us to treat them as if they were or were ever meant to be historical. There is no evidence of a United Monarchy, no evidence of a capital at Jerusalem….We do not have evidence for the existence of kings named Saul, David or Solomon; nor do e have evidence for any temple at Jerusalem --Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Megiddo, Gezer and Hazor and Jerusalem were in reality more like villages….with small public buildings and poorly constructed dwellings with clay floors. The objects reveal a material culture, which, even by the standards of the ancient Near East, could not be judged sophisticated or luxurious. The `magnificence' of the age of Solomon is parochial and decidedly lackluster- professor James Pritchard(Solomon and Sheba)

As far as the Bible geography is concerned it appears that the main person responsible for its misinterpretation was Constantine the Great, who had definite motives for transferring the arena of Jewish history and that of Christ to another region altogether. He used Christianity as a valuable political asset, selected the East as this Empire, and with the aid of Eusebius, Jerome and others, invented the present Palestine…

NOT A SINGLE INSCRIPTION HAS BEN FOUND IN Palestine which can be identified with the Hebrew kingdom- H.D.DAUNT (The Center of Ancient Civilization)

The 12 tribes of Israel are taken from the celestial kingdom of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac, with the Sun as the ruler, hence the Lion of Judah rules the Lion[Leo] is the symbol of the sun as its height of power as it journeys thought the Zodiac.

Note on the Hyksos, a popular view is the Jews where descended from the Hyksos Sheppard kings, this claim more then naught originates with the Jewish propagandist Josephus and was an attempt to legitimize the fictional history of the Jews in his day:

In his Against Apion, the 1st-century CE historian Josephus Flavius debates the synchronism between the Biblical account of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, and two Exodus-like events that the Egyptian historian Manetho apparently mentions. It is difficult to distinguish between what Manetho himself recounted, and how Josephus or Apion interpret him.

Josephus identifies the Israelite Exodus with the first exodus mentioned by Manetho, when some 480,000 Hyksos "shepherd kings" (also referred to as just 'shepherds', as 'kings' and as 'captive shepherds' in his discussion of Manetho) left Egypt for Jerusalem.[24] The mention of "Hyksos" identifies this first exodus with the Hyksos period (16th century BC).

One of the most striking and wonderful things about an "historian" like Josephus is that he knows almost nothing about "the past" that we ourselves do not already know from other sources. When an account he gives of a supposed event of two centuries earlier "confirms" something we can read in other works, it is only because he has copied or paraphrased it. Josephus has been well described as a person one wouldn't buy a used car from--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The Hyksos arose in a turbulent period in Egyptian history one theory handed down is they invaded by force but this claim has fallen apart on new findings:

The ceramic evidence in the Memphis-Fayum region of Lower Egypt argues against the presence of new invading foreigners. Janine Bourriau's excavation in Memphis of ceramic material retrieved from Lisht and Dahshur during the Second Intermediate Period shows a continuity of Middle Kingdom ceramic type wares throughout this era. She finds in them no evidence of intrusion of Hyksos-style wares.[16] Bourriau's evidence strongly suggests that the traditional Egyptian view, long espoused by Manetho, that the Hyksos invaded and sacked the Memphite region and imposed their authority there, is fictitious.
The German Egyptologist Wolfgang Helck once argued that the Hyksos were part of massive and widespread Hurrian and Indo-Aryan migrations into the Near East. According to Helck, the Hyksos were Hurrians and part of a Hurrian empire that, he claimed, extended over much of Western Asia at this period. Most scholars have rejected this theory and Helck himself has now abandoned this hypothesis in a 1993 article.[23]\

Egypt was divided into two lands upper and lower and scholar Peter Ellis states that Foreigner a term given to the Hyksos was the term applied to men of lower Egypt. The fact is the Hyksos where worshippers of the Egyptian God Set. Set was the dominate God of lower Egypt during this period. Set was a solar God and is among the crucified and resurrected saviors of the Pagan world. Another evidence shows Canaanite deities and worship around this time in the region. The constant terming of them as Asiatic is most likely a miss translation of Aamu, meaning Amorites who where described as Aryan in appearance and race.

Aamu was the contemporary term used to distinguish the people of Avaris, the Hyksos capital in Egypt, from Egyptians. Egyptologists conventionally translate aamu as "asiatics" The Jewish historian, Josephus, in his Contra Apionem, claims that Manetho was the first to use the Greek term, Hyksos, incorrectly translated as "shepherd-kings". Contemporary Egyptians during the Hyksos invasion designated them as hikau khausut, which meant "rulers of foreign countries",

The final clues as to their origin come from the latest finds in their capital Avaris:

Minoan Paintings in Avaris, Egypt
http://www.therafoundation.org/articles ... varisegypt

"To the East of the platform were found numerous dumps of wall plaster with Minoan wall paintings, which are discussed below. Most probably they originate from this building."

"base of this tableau a half-rosette and triglyph frieze can be reconstructed, which should be seen as an emblem of the palace, most probably of the palace of Knossos itself."

As shown they was a major cultural similarly of the Minoans with the Egyptians, around this time the Minoans ruled one of the most powerful Empires in the Aegean and had bases in Palestine /Canaan as well. They had been Nubian dynasties in Egypt and there was obviously mass intermarriage with Egyptian Royals with Royals of other Empires such as the Hittite's.etc We are probably simply looking another situation in which due to blood line connections a Minoan backed dynasty took control of a region, and displaced the weak Nubian one. This seems to be further evident when the Hyksos where driven out they left to major bases where the Minoans had imperial holdings in Canaan(which explains the Canaanite influence as well) and aboard.

The fact is the Hyksos where Gentile Royals[Priesthoods] who had extensive connections with the other Royal houses and bases across a larger area then Egypt. Part of the fighting between them and the rival Thebans was simply a replay of the old rivals between the two Kingdoms and the theocratic nature of the regions. And all this happened hundreds of years before any legitimate record of the Jews appears.

I also believe given the fact many of these Hyksos stayed in Egypt and where part of the dynasties that followed theirs shows the claims of the strife and bitter warfare of this period have been largely over dramatized in history, Tsarion states:

From an academic point of view, the Minoan civilization is considered the finest in Europe. It was sophisticated and an inspiration to many other races. The work of Butler and Dafoe reveals the Cretans to have been a technically advanced Western people. As we mention above, recent discoveries suggest the Cretans were related biologically or, at least economically, with the Hyksos kings of Egypt. Artwork found in the Hyksos city of Avaris appears to be of Cretan artifice, and a few investigators believe trade took place between these peoples. Writers, such as Ralph Ellis, point to the fact that when the Minoan civilization was brought to an end by the devastating volcanic eruption on the nearby island of Thera, the Hyksos empire subsequently went into rapid decline. The search for a stronger relationship between the Hyksos of Egypt and the Cretans continues.
Examples of Minoan merchandise have regularly turned up in various tombs in Egypt. They have been found in the Levant and, through the matter is somewhat contentious, Minoan-type jewelry and goldwork has even been found in the graves of Wessex Culture, a race living in what is now southern England at a time contemporary with Minoan Crete at its heyday. The Cretans established a chain of outposts throughout the Aegean and the Mediterranean...trade was probably on a fairly large scale. Soon after the takeover of Crete by the Mycenaeans of mainland Greece sometime around 1400 BC, there are records to indicate that the palace of Knossos alone was running over 50,000 sheep - Alan Butler & Stephen Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)

...there is much on Crete from Minoan times to show the existence of a flourishing middle class which may have been partly made up of private merchants. Plush villas have been located, some very close to the many ports of the island, whilst in those places where everyday Minoan life is viewable, such as in the lava-buried settlement on Santorini, it appears that even the common folk of the Cretans lived a very comfortable life – ibid,

Another theory pushed by Jew Sigmund Freud was that Ahnkenton was Moses. As researcher John Kaminski states on the subject:

The man who invented psychology, Sigmund Freud, thought so highly of
Akhnaton that he tried his best several times to attribute the Hebrew
religion to this odd pharaoh's precepts, speculating in chapter after
chapter how Moses might have interfaced with Akhnaton's idea that the
Sun was the source of everything and all those other gods were simply
not of the same all-encompassing magnitude. But in his last book,
Moses and Monotheism (1939), Freud couldn't make the connection
convincingly, and was left guessing because Egyptology was not
sufficiently advanced in his time; plus, he didn't live long enough to
learn that the Old Testament was a clumsy fiction of writers
fabricating a tradition out of ideas stolen from other Cultures

Freud's attempt to link Akhnaton and Moses failed not
only timewise but by intent, as Akhnaton's god Aton was a pacifistic
bestower of the gift of life on humanity, whereas Moses's dictatorial
Yahweh — or Jahve, as Freud called him — was a violent volcano god
more interested in scaring his flock into submission than in loving
them — or let's say, more interested in the profits than the promise.

Like Josephus his Jewish ancestor before him Freud is simply attempting to create another set of lies to attempt to give historical legitimacy to the Jews phony history. Further more we don't have an actual traceable record of Jews existing before around the mid part of the last millennium BCE. It appears the Jews created their core of their identity in Egypt at some point and moved outwards into the different major key networks of the ancient world. The one thing all these Jewish communities have in common from India, Africa, China.etc Is the Torah, meaning they most likely all came out of Egypt after creating this fake history. Graham Hancock mentions there is a record of a Jewish synagogue being demolished by the Priest of Sobek in Egypt around the mid 4th century BCE. This is one of the earliest actual records outside of the fictional accounts and dubious histories we get of them.

While the concept of the Messiah[meaning Chief Cornerstone/Capstone of the Pyramid] is Egyptian-Gentile in origin and deals with the Magnum Opus/Temple of Solomon. The Jews stole this concept and corrupted it just as they stole their identity from the Brotherhood of the Serpent centers in Egypt

The fact is the Jews as mentioned simply dispersed in every direction to infest every major capital center in the ancient world and work to bring the Gentiles down and create the base of an international network of power and control, same as they do today. Their fictional history is designed to unite them [they created Israel today from myth making this belief/myth manifested more in reality] and create a powerful psychic intent to manifest there Messiah and Zion who shall unite the Diaspora, conqueror the world for Global Zion and rule from his Golden Throne in Jerusalem. And have all Gentiles on there knees as servants and slaves. This is why the Jewish programs from Christianity to Islam all have the Messiah prophecy which they stole once again from the Gentiles. To create the intent and vortex of energy to manifest their Chief Corner Stone[meaning of Messiah] who shall be the capstone upon the pinnacle[the pinnacle is the place the capstone is laid on the Pyramid] of the Temple Of Solomon [The Jewish Race] and thus complete the Temple Of Solomon and bring the Jew World Order into full and absolute power. The Jews stated in their Protocol's this Messiah is the keystone[capstone] to their entire agenda.


The real Jewish Messiah is the Christ Character he has two faces one is Joshua[Yashua] the Torah Messiah who unites the 12 Tribes and conquerors the Gentiles and builds Zion. The second face is Joshua[Yausha] two for the Gentiles to be yoked unto the Jews and under their spell which uses Gentiles to bring about their own destruction and enslavement. While Yashua one binds the Jewish racial psyche together to manifest the same monster.

That is the cruel fact the Jews rub it right in our faces in the Bible especially in the New Testament in the parable of Jesus [Yashua/Joshua in Hebrew] standing on the pinnacle of the Temple dominating all the kingdoms of the world [showing him as the chief cornerstone of the Temple as the Lord of the Pyramid, the Messiah of the Jews, the Empire of the Jews manifested].

Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame" (1 Peter 2:6, NKJV).

The Apha and Omega represents the Chief Cornerstone:
Revelation 22:12 "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."

The biggest lie of the Jews is their own history.

Suns of God, Acharya S
Christ In Egypt, DM. Murdock
Irish Origins Of Civilization, Tsarion Micheal
Who Was ABRAHAM? Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.

How Almighty God was born, John Kaminski

KNJV Bible
Thank you very much for all this info, and thank you for your hard work putting it together. I have saved the links and have much reading to do. I have read the info on exposing christianity over and over now, and also a book by acharya S. I haven't even began to uncover a little bit about christianity, jew lies, and then there is the whole Islam angle that I have never even considered much. I like the epic of Gilgamesh too, a clear example of a Stolen story; they barely even bothered to change it. I guess we are all just that stupid to the Kikes! Oh they will see! The will all see!hahah!

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

The Jews Biggest Lie

Looking at the major claimed history and historical figures of the Jews we can see the plain truth. Their entire history is false and stolen from Gentiles. The real foundation of their history rests upon two major characters Abraham and Moses.

The supposed Great Patriarch Abraham and his family the first "official" Jews in history, are in fact stolen from the ancient Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, along with Saraswati:

Since Krishna was not born of man, he was not actually the earthly father of Brahma and Mahesh. Therefore, he himself was the protector (Tara) of Brahma. In Sanskrit, Tara means "savior; protector." It is a term generally used with the gods Rudra, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Even our Old Testament says that the father (protector) of Abraham was Terah (Genesis 11:26.) The Bible tells us that Abraham and Sarah were half-siblings. (Genesis 12:19-20.). The Hindu holy books also tell us that a blood relationship existed between them. The Puranas relate Sarasvati to Brahma and Vishnu. Most frequently, she is associated with Brahma. Her connection with him dates earlier than to any other God. She is portrayed mostly as his wife and occasionally as his daughter. When Vishnu's popularity in India increased, myths relating Saraswati to him appeared. (Ref: Sarasvati and the Gods; www.vishvarupa.com.) Therefore, Brahma or Vishnu would also have been the Tara (Terah) of Sarasvati because of her divine origins.

Brahm (Abraham) Sarasvati (Sarah)

Abraham or Brahma's home was the land of Haran (Genesis 1:4.) Haran was the coastal principality governed by Krishna. It was even named after him because Hara (Sun God) is another name of Krishna. Brahma/Abraham was 75 years old when he left Haran.

The Bible mentions Haran and Haryana. The Hindu holy books also say that Brahma/Abrahan lived in Ur of the Chaldees. Ur was a Sumerian name for "town; city." Chaldee (pronounced Kaldee) derives from the Sanskrit Kaul, a Brahman caste, and Deva (demi-god). The North Indian Kauldevas worshiped idols representing their ancestors. According to the Hindus, Brahma married Sarasvati in Chaldea, the part that is now Afghanistan.

In Hindu mythology, Sarai-Svati is Brahm's sister. The bible gives two stories of Abraham. In this first version, Abraham told Pharaoh that he was lying when he introduced Sarai as his sister. In the second version, he also told the king of Gerar that Sarai was really his sister. However, when the king scolded him for lying, Abraham said that Sarai was in reality both his wife and his sister! "...and yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife." (Genesis 20:12.)

But the anomalies don't end here. In India, a tributary of the river Saraisvati is Ghaggar. Another tributary of the same river is Hakra. According to Jewish traditions, Hagar was Sarai's maidservant; the Moslems say she was an Egyptian princess. Notice the similarities of Ghaggar, Hakra and Hagar.

The bible also states that Ishmael, son of Hagar, and his descendants lived in India. "...Ishmael breathed his last and died, and was gathered to his kin... They dwelt from Havilah (India), by Shur, which is close to Egypt, all the way to Asshur."
(Genesis 25:17-18.) It is an interesting fact that the names of Isaac and Ishmael are derive from Sanskrit: (Hebrew) Ishaak = (Sanskrit) Ishakhu = "Friend of Shiva." (Hebrew) Ishmael = (Sanskrit) Ish-Mahal = "Great Shiva."-Matlock

Lingam worship in the Bible:
In the 28th chapter of Genesis Jacob, after having a dream about a 'ladder' reaching up to heaven with angels 'limbing' it and God standing at the top(12), erects a 'pillar' with the stone he was using for a pillow and concecrates it with oil (18). He calls the place Beit-El ('Bethel' in english, which means 'House of God') (19). He says that the stone pillar itself was "God's house" (22). And he later, in chapter 35 v14, erects another one on the road from Paddan-Aram.

The worship of Brahma was also in the Near Eastern World:
"About 1900 BC, the cult of Brahm was carried to the Middle and Near East by several different Indian groups after a severe rainfall and earthquake tore Northern India apart, even changing the courses of the Indus and Saraisvati rivers."

"...the Temple of Mecca was founded by a colony of Brahmins from India.it was a sacred place before the time of Mohamed, and.they were permitted to make pilgrimages to it for several centuries after his time. Its great celebrity as a sacred place long before the time of the prophet cannot be doubted." (Anacalypsis, Vol. I, p. 421.)

"...the city of Mecca is said by the Brahmins, on the authority of their old books, to have been built by a colony from India; and its inhabitants from the earliest era have had a tradition that it was built by Ishmael, the son of Agar. This town, in the Indus language, would be called Ishmaelistan." (Ibid, p. 424.)

Before Mohammed's time, The Hinduism of the Arab peoples was called Tsaba. Tsaba or Saba is a Sanskrit word, meaning "Assembly of the Gods ". Tsaba was also called Isha-ayalam (Shiva's Temple). The term Moslem or Moshe-ayalam (Shiva's Temple) is just another name of Sabaism.-Matlock

The facts on Mohammed fictional existence:
http://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress. ... r-existed/

One of the shrines in the Kaaba was also dedicated to the Hindu Creator God, Brahma, which is why the illiterate prophet of Islam claimed it was dedicated to Abraham. The word "Abraham" is none other than a malpronunciation of the word Brahma. This can be clearly proven if one investigates the root meanings of both words. Abraham is said to be one of the oldest Semitic prophets. His name is supposed to be derived from the two Semitic words 'Ab' meaning 'Father' and 'Raam/Raham' meaning 'of the exalted.' In the book of Genesis, Abraham simply means 'Multitude.' The word Abraham is derived from the Sanskrit word Brahma. The root of Brahma is 'Brah' which means - 'to grow or multiply in number.' In addition Lord Brahma, the Creator God of Hinduism is said to be the Father of all Men and Exalted of all the Gods, for it is from him that all beings were generated. Thus again we come to the meaning 'Exalted Father.' This is a clear pointer that Abraham is none other than the heavenly father."

Where does the term Hebrew actually come from?

One of the most important finds in Egypt happened with the Egyptologist and Archaeologist Professor Walter B. Emery (1903-1971) while excavating tombs at Saqqara. Emery found men with blond hair and fair complexions. These individuals were revered by the Egyptians as a special class, an endowed elite the "Shemsu Hor" (Serpents of He of The Ari). The famous Egyptologist, author of Archaic Egypt discovered the remains who lived in the pre-dynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull larger than that of the local ethnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn't indigenous to Egypt�This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes�.the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor�.The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt."
-V. Di Cesare and A. Forgione "Malta: Skulls of the Mother Goddess"

Professor Emery wrote of these Shemsu Hor: "The Demigods of Manetho's history." These Shemsu Hor were stated to have originally lived on an island homeland as well. A very revealing text on the truth of the ancient Egyptians record of their origin:

"Hebrew comes from Ibaru he letter H added as a prefix meant the and so the word Hebrew means the Ibaru the term rabbi is a variant of this Ibarua. The Ibaru were part of the Shemsu Hor who travelled to Egypt in the ancient past. Due to the similarity to Apiru which means undesirable, this term has been confused."-Tsarion

The claims the Hebrews where Apriu/ Habiru are misleading again, the truth such peoples where from the region called Aryavarta {North India, Pakistan) when the gradual abandonment of the Saraswati civilizations due to the drying up of the river, there was major waves of former inhabitants of the region which from modern finds would have been extensive as the population of the Saraswati area was into the millions. These people became migrants and refugees that moved out over the generations to new areas:

About 1900 BC, the cult of Brahm was carried to the Middle and Near East by several different Indian groups after a severe rainfall and earthquake tore Northern India apart, even changing the courses of the Indus and Saraisvati rivers. The classical geographer Strabo tells us just how nearly complete the abandonment of Northwestern India was. "Aristobolus says that when he was sent upon a certain mission in India, he saw a country of more than a thousand cities, together with villages, that had been deserted because the Indus had abandoned its proper bed." (Strabo's Geography, XV.I.19.)

"The drying up of the Sarasvati around 1900 BCE, which led to a major relocation of the population centered around in the Sindhu and the Sarasvati valleys, could have been the event that caused a migration westward from India. It is soon after this time that the Indic element begins to appear all over West Asia, Egypt, and Greece." (Indic Ideas in the Graeco-Roman World, by Subhash Kak, taken from IndiaStar online literary magazine; p.14)

"The exodus of refugees out of ancient India did not occur all at once but over a period of one or more thousand years. If all these refugee ruling peoples were exclusively of Indian heritage, why doesn't History mention them? Indeed they are mentioned as Kassites, Hittites, Syrians, Assyrians, Hurrians, Arameans, Mittanians, Amalekites, Aethiops (Atha-Yop), Phoenicians, Chaldeans, and many others. But we have been wrongly taught to regard them as ethnicities indigenous to Western Asia."- Matlock

Many of these peoples became free companies, workers and in some cases criminals and conquers of new regions to settle in from the early records on the subject, many such as the peoples mentioned above would conqueror their own kingdoms and empires.

The Sumerian logogram SA.GAZ appears in texts from Southern Mesopotamia, dated from about 1850 BC, where it is applied to small bands of soldiers, apparently mercenaries at the service of local city-states and being supplied with food or sheep. One of those texts uses the Akkadian cuneiform word Hapiri instead of the logogram; another described them as "soldiers from the West". Their names are predominantly Akkadian; some are West Semitic, some unknown. Their origins, when recorded, are in local towns.

A letter to an Old Assyrian merchant resident in Ali?ar requests his aid in freeing or ransoming some Hapiri, formerly attached to the palace of Shalahshuwe (as yet unidentified), now prisoners of the local authorities.

The Tikunani Prism, dated from around 1550 BC, lists the names of 438 Habiru soldiers or servants of king Tunip-Tessup of Tikunani, a small city-state in central Mesopotamia. The majority of these names are typically Hurrian, the rest are Semitic, one is Kassite.

Another text from around 1500 BC describes the Hapiru as soldiers or laborers, organized into bands of various sizes commanded by SA.GAZ leaders: one band from Tapduwa has 15 soldiers, another from Sarkuhe has 29, and another from Alalakh has 1,436.

The Hapiru where simply the ancient equivalent of Cossacks. The truth is the title Hebrew [Ibaru] comes from Egypt it was a title for a Solar Priest. Its no mistake the important Jewish pass over is stolen from the Egyptian festival of Easter. A solar custom of Egypt.

"The priests of the Mysteries were symbolized as a serpent, sometimes called Hydra...The Serpent Kings reigned over the earth. It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery schools which later appeared as the Egyptian and Brahmin Mysteries... .The serpent was their symbol...They were the true Sons of Light, and from them have descended a long line of adepts and initiates."
- Hall

"The Apiru or Hapiru were not the same people as the Hebrews (Aryan) Magi had journeyed far and wide and established mystery schools throughout the world. The early Egyptians knew them as the Shemsu Hor "Disciples of Horus." The Shemsu Hor were counselors to, and perhaps even initiators of the pharaohs of Egypt."-Tsarion

"The word Hebrew can also be traced to the Gaelic Heber meaning "fire" or "sun" A "Hebrew" (Ibaru) was a priest of the sun."

"Cohen, the Jewish name for priest, comes from Cahen, the Egyptian pronunciation for a priest and a prince.13 Even circumcision, that uniquely `Jewish' tradition, came from the Egyptian mystery schools and was performed at least as far back as 4,000 BC. You could not be initiated unless you were circumcised. The Hebrew religion did not exist in Egypt and there was no Hebrew law because there was no Hebrew `race'. The only worship was Egyptian worship"

The High Priest of the Levities breast plate and all is nothing more then a stolen image of a Ibaru leader from Egypt.

This leads us to the next major claimed character of the Jewish "historical record" Moses:

Like that of Osiris, the story of Dionysus includes his own mythical conquest of India�.Dionysus is not only Osiris but also the counterpart of Moses:"That the god Bacchus was the archetype of Moses seems to have been the opinion of many learned men, particularly the celebrated Bishop of Huet, and I Vossius, who agree that the Arabian name of Bacchus is Meses."

Biblical scholarship and archaeology have basically proved that the Pentateuch, or first five books of the Bible , were not composed by the great lawgiver Moses himself. In the Bible Unearthed, archaeologist Israel Finkelstien demonstrates that much biblical composition was done from the 8th century BCE onward. Even in ancient times it was recognized that Moses did not compose the Pentateuch."
According to the myth, the Jews at the time of the Exodus celebrated the feat of the Lamb, which refers to the Age of Aries. In the Dionysian myth, the sacred Lamb or Ram provides water to Dionysus's army in the middle of the desert, the water-in-the-desert motif also being in the Moses myth. Like Dionysus and Amon, Moses is depicted wearing ram's horns. "

Another tale that found its way into the Bible is that of Bacchus's miracle of stopping the motion of the sun and moon, replayed in the story of Joshua.

It is related in the hymns of Orpheus, that Bacchus had a rod with which he performed miracles, and which he could change into a serpent at his pleasure. He passed the Red Sea, dry shod, at the head of his army. He divided the waters of the rivers Orontes and Hydaspus by the touch of his rod, and passed through them dry-shod. By the same mighty wand, he drew water from a rock, and wherever they marched, the land flowed with wine, milk and honey.

Bacchus, was called the "Law-giver, and it was said of Bacchus," as well of Moses, that his laws were written on two tables of stone. Bacchus was represented horned, and so was Moses. Bacchus was picked up in a box that floated on the water, and so was Moses. Bacchus had two mothers, one by nature, and one by adoption, so had Moses. Bacchus and his army enjoyed the light of the sun at night, Moses and his army a pillar of fire by night.

Moses being called the Law-giver and the laws being written on two tablets of stone, were obviously copied from Bacchus, but the idea of his (Moses) receiving the commandments from the Lord on a mountain was undoubtedly taken from the Persian legend of Zoroaster.
"In his gentler (Dionysus) aspects he is a lawgiver."

It is also well known now by Egyptologists that the Ten Commandments are stolen from the 42 negative confessions from the Egyptian Book Of The Dead.

It seems apparent that the Israelite conquest of "The Holy Land" was
taken from Dionysus mythical conquests, they just changed the direction as awhole.

This leads into the next connection with Egypt and the Brotherhood of the Serpent centers again as Dionysus another form or alias of the Egyptian God Osiris:

Herodotus compared the Greek god Dionysus and the Egyptian god Osiris as long ago as the fifth century B.C. and found them to be nearly equal in all their mythology characteristics and virtues.
Pausanias, Description of Greece 10. 29. 4 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) :

" Both the Greeks and the Egyptians have many legends about Dionysos."
Like his alter ego Osiris, Dionysus, the most popular god in the Roman Empire, was considered an immensely old deity, according to Herodotus who imparted that, even though he was on of the "youngest" gods, Dionysus supposedly appeared "15,000 years before Amasis" (Ahmose.fl. 1550 BCE).- Murdock

The Egyptians, reports Herodotus, claimed to be "quite certain of this dates." Having kept careful records. The assertion that Dionysus/Bacchus's presence on Crete, where he was said to have been born, extends back even further, as his epithet "Iakchos" is found at the palace at Knossos, with an apparent Egyptian connection."
In Avaris archaeologist have found Cretan motifs on the walls only found appearing previous on the walls of the palace in Knossos in ancient Crete. Both Osiris followers of Egypt and Cretans held the Bull sacred. The Cretan culture was identical to the Egyptian one even being ruled by a Priest King along with Serpent Brotherhoods the Kaberoi.

Dionysus was born on December 25th, the same as Osiris� like Osiris, Dionysus was torn into 14 pieces, and also like Osiris, Dionysus was considered both the son and father of Zeus, according to an Orphic verse"-Murdock

"Osiris �who was the "first to drink wine" and who taught mankind about the vine, according to Plutarch-is referred to as the "Lord of Wine in the �festival." Dionysus was the great Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure and festivity."- Murdock

Dionysus was also the Lord of Whine.

The staff of Osiris and the thyrsos of Dionysus are identical in appearance both being pine-cone tipped.

With such antiquity also came an enormous territory, as Dionysus was much beloved in a widespread area from Egypt to Greece to Macedonian, the Near East and beyond.-Murdock

We can also see in the creation of the religion of Serapis created by the Greek pharaoh Ptolemy I. The later fusion of Osiris with an Hellenic guise. Which demonstrates the same God can be worshipped by two peoples.

The rites of Eleusinians where Dionysian in nature And Dionysus as shown was also worshipped as Osiris in Egypt. By examination of the Eleusinian rites and ranks we are seeing a window into the Brotherhood Of The Serpent centers in Memphis Heliopolis[ called ON meaning Sun in Egyptian] and Avaris in Egypt. This is the actual reason Avaris was known in the ancient description as the "City of the Hebrews" because it was a major seat of the Egypt Priesthood of the Ibaru. Avaris was also called Zaon {Zion} and had a Royal Court called the Levities there.

"Reverend Taylor discovered the truth when he studied the Eleusinian Tradition of Greece, which dates back to before 1500 years BCE. He lays out the schemata for the ritual and dramatic performances customary to the Eleusinians:

Eleusis- The Beginning or Opening
Hierophant- The Magus Overseeing the Rites
Hupereet-Ordinary Priest, or Minister
Diaconos-A Deacon, or lower Officer
Photagogue-Bringer and Wielder of Light
Autoptos-Candidate Witnessing the Rite
Autopsy-The Act of Witnessing of Seeing
Hebrew-The Initiated One (who has passed through all trials and been purified)
Teleios-The Perfected Adept
Israelite-The Purified, God-Inspired Adept (the "God Seer")
Jew-God Himself. The State of Perfection. Man as Enlightened Being."

"The ancient terms Israelite and Ibaru (Hebrew)referred to high ranking, spiritually endowed Egyptians and their ancestors."
Israelite also comes from "worshipper of Essa or Essaite" Essa, Esus. Etc Are all ancient titles for the Sun Gods, The Phoenician God Saturn was also called Israel, Saturn was a Sun God in the aspect of the period of the sun before its death and rebirth on the Winter Solstice hence the Winter Solstice festival of Saturnia in ancient Rome.

Yahweh is originally an ancient name for the sun concept, the Egyptians had a title for a solar diety called Yahu/yahew, the Persians word for sun was yawnah the Phoenicians had yahwe and the Syrians Yaw. Origins of this can be traced in the Veda with the title Yahva...etc Even the term "Ad-ON-i" is Egypt in origin.

The five books of the Jewish Torah is stolen and corrupted from the five suits of the Tarot, Tarot means "Royal Road" in ancient Egyptian, the name signifies the kundalini Serpent ascension up the spine. The Kabala was also stolen from Egypt KA BA ANKH = "Kabalah:


The Temple of Sol-om-on was stolen from Egypt. It's the temple of the soul and its most ancient symbol is the Pyramid and the capstone. It represents the Godhead. Once again we are looking at another literalized fictional event, taken and corrupted from a spiritual concept nothing more:

The PYRAMID is symbolic of the shape of the human chakra. The missing capstone represents the unfinished work and the ALL-SEEING EYE represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as "SAMADI" or "SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS." The photo at left was taken from the US One Dollar Bill. The United States, government and all, was founded upon Masonic principles and is not Christian by any stretch of the imagination.


The Benben stone in Egypt represented as a pyramid shaped stone and the dwelling place of the sun god with its association with the Bennu bird (also Benu bird). The Benu bird is the Egyptian name for the Phoenix. The Benben stone represents the Temple Of Solomon.

The Jews simply stole the core of their identity from the Gentile Brotherhood Of the Serpent and their orders in Egypt. Which was one of the major Serpent centers in the ancient world.

They was no exodus and no Biblical homeland in the Canaanite lands:

"Nay , only are there no proofs for the twelve tribes of Israel having ever existed, but Herodotus, the most accurate of historians, who was in Assyria when Erza flourished, never mentions the Israelites at all�How is this possible?-Madame Helena Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine, vol 3)

"Nowhere in Torah (also called the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Bible) is there any mention of Jerusalem let alone a temple anywhere in Jerusalem."- Stephen M. St. John
Many writers of this ear were not even aware of the existence of Judea. The Greek Historian Herodotus, painstakingly exact in his documentation of the nations and peoples of the known world, refers only to the Syrians of Palestine�when he describes the area-Joseph Atwill (Cesar's Messiah)

Although the Tell-el-Amarna tablets give much information regarding Canaan at about the period of the Exodus, they make no allusions to the Jews in Egypt or to the great catastrophe caused by the events preceding their escape-Ernest Busenbark

We need to recognize that our understanding of Israel as a people and as a nation is unrelated to any known historical Israel�They created this `Israel' not as it once existed in an earlier period, but in away that was meaningful to themselves-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)
Of course, there was an Israel! The name itself is used already at the close of the Late Bronze Age on an Egyptian monument to refer to the People of Canaan that Pharaoh Merenptah's military campaign into Palestine fought against. But this is not the Israel that the Bible deals with-Hyam Maccoby's The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity

While it is hard-won principle of Biblical archaeology that the historicity of ancient Biblical narratives about old Israel cannot be confirmed unless we have extra-Biblical confirmation, it is more likely to confirm the Bible's literary and metaphorical tropes than to establish it as historical record--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Jerusalem's history�remains impossible to write. Although the Egyptian Amarna letters, which give us correspondences between Palestine's petty princes and kings and the Egyptian Pharaoh of the late fourteenth an dearly thirteenth centuries, tell us much of about the town of Urusalim and about its patron and king, Abdi-Hepa, we know nothing about this town from archaeology. We are not even certain where it was located, though we have every reason to believe that it was Jerusalem. The Iron Age town of Jerusalem on Mount Ophel, which has been excavated by Kathleen Kenyon before the 1967 Israel-Arab war offered no significant remains from the Late Bronze Age-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Palestine never developed a political power of any great international significance. It was always so divided by its many small regions that it never developed a common history except when it was controlled by some power from outside, such as Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia. High culture, as expressed in art, architecture, literature and pageant, hardly existed. Most of what has survived is either foreign in origins or derivative from Phoenicia on the Syrian coast-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The annals of Pharaoh Ramesis II (the Great) make reference to
Semitic people who settled in the delta region of Goshen, but this does not really help because they are not specified as Israelites, but included in the Arab races of Syria, Phoenicia, Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent in general- Laurence Gardner (Genesis of the Grail Kings)

Although the name Judea is a geographical term occurring in Assyrian period texts, referring to the highlands south of Jerusalem, in the Persian period the name is political. It is the name of the Persian province. The Assyrians' name for the southern highlands, Jaudaa, and the Persians' imperial name, Yehud, were no more reflective of a people than were any of the other names for regions of the empire. Moreover the geographical spread of people referred to as Yehudim is so great that is would be rash to assume that this name refers to their place of origin. More should we continue to understand this term as ethnographic, without evidence-Thomas. L Thompson (The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

One of the most striking and wonderful tings about an "historian" like Josephus is that he knows almost nothing about "the past" that we ourselves do not already know from other sources. When an account he gives of a supposed event of two centuries earlier "confirms" something we can read in other works, it is only because he has copied or paraphrased it. Josephus has been well described as a person one wouldn't buy a used car from--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The earliest part of this period in the hill country has been traditionally presented as the "Golden Age" of ancient Egypt with its capital in Jerusalem. The ear has been associated with the "United Monarchy" wielding the political power of a Saul, a David and a Solomon and controlling a land-bridge from the Nile to the Euphrates, concept of a temple built by Solomon as the center of worship of Yahweh. Theses images have no place in descriptions of the real historical past. We known them only as a story, and wheat we known about such stories does not encourage us to treat them as if they were or were ever meant to be historical. There is no evidence of a United Monarchy, no evidence of a capital at Jerusalem�.We do not have evidence for the existence of kings named Saul, David or Solomon; nor do e have evidence for any temple at Jerusalem --Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Megiddo, Gezer and Hazor and Jerusalem were in reality more like villages�.with small public buildings and poorly constructed dwellings with clay floors. The objects reveal a material culture, which, even by the standards of the ancient Near East, could not be judged sophisticated or luxurious. The `magnificence' of the age of Solomon is parochial and decidedly lackluster- professor James Pritchard(Solomon and Sheba)

As far as the Bible geography is concerned it appears that the main person responsible for its misinterpretation was Constantine the Great, who had definite motives for transferring the arena of Jewish history and that of Christ to another region altogether. He used Christianity as a valuable political asset, selected the East as this Empire, and with the aid of Eusebius, Jerome and others, invented the present Palestine�

NOT A SINGLE INSCRIPTION HAS BEN FOUND IN Palestine which can be identified with the Hebrew kingdom- H.D.DAUNT (The Center of Ancient Civilization)

The 12 tribes of Israel are taken from the celestial kingdom of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac, with the Sun as the ruler, hence the Lion of Judah rules the Lion[Leo] is the symbol of the sun as its height of power as it journeys thought the Zodiac.

Note on the Hyksos, a popular view is the Jews where descended from the Hyksos Sheppard kings, this claim more then naught originates with the Jewish propagandist Josephus and was an attempt to legitimize the fictional history of the Jews in his day:

In his Against Apion, the 1st-century CE historian Josephus Flavius debates the synchronism between the Biblical account of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, and two Exodus-like events that the Egyptian historian Manetho apparently mentions. It is difficult to distinguish between what Manetho himself recounted, and how Josephus or Apion interpret him.

Josephus identifies the Israelite Exodus with the first exodus mentioned by Manetho, when some 480,000 Hyksos "shepherd kings" (also referred to as just 'shepherds', as 'kings' and as 'captive shepherds' in his discussion of Manetho) left Egypt for Jerusalem.[24] The mention of "Hyksos" identifies this first exodus with the Hyksos period (16th century BC).

One of the most striking and wonderful things about an "historian" like Josephus is that he knows almost nothing about "the past" that we ourselves do not already know from other sources. When an account he gives of a supposed event of two centuries earlier "confirms" something we can read in other works, it is only because he has copied or paraphrased it. Josephus has been well described as a person one wouldn't buy a used car from--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The Hyksos arose in a turbulent period in Egyptian history one theory handed down is they invaded by force but this claim has fallen apart on new findings:

The ceramic evidence in the Memphis-Fayum region of Lower Egypt argues against the presence of new invading foreigners. Janine Bourriau's excavation in Memphis of ceramic material retrieved from Lisht and Dahshur during the Second Intermediate Period shows a continuity of Middle Kingdom ceramic type wares throughout this era. She finds in them no evidence of intrusion of Hyksos-style wares.[16] Bourriau's evidence strongly suggests that the traditional Egyptian view, long espoused by Manetho, that the Hyksos invaded and sacked the Memphite region and imposed their authority there, is fictitious.
The German Egyptologist Wolfgang Helck once argued that the Hyksos were part of massive and widespread Hurrian and Indo-Aryan migrations into the Near East. According to Helck, the Hyksos were Hurrians and part of a Hurrian empire that, he claimed, extended over much of Western Asia at this period. Most scholars have rejected this theory and Helck himself has now abandoned this hypothesis in a 1993 article.[23]\

Egypt was divided into two lands upper and lower and scholar Peter Ellis states that Foreigner a term given to the Hyksos was the term applied to men of lower Egypt. The fact is the Hyksos where worshippers of the Egyptian God Set. Set was the dominate God of lower Egypt during this period. Set was a solar God and is among the crucified and resurrected saviors of the Pagan world. Another evidence shows Canaanite deities and worship around this time in the region. The constant terming of them as Asiatic is most likely a miss translation of Aamu, meaning Amorites who where described as Aryan in appearance and race.

Aamu was the contemporary term used to distinguish the people of Avaris, the Hyksos capital in Egypt, from Egyptians. Egyptologists conventionally translate aamu as "asiatics" The Jewish historian, Josephus, in his Contra Apionem, claims that Manetho was the first to use the Greek term, Hyksos, incorrectly translated as "shepherd-kings". Contemporary Egyptians during the Hyksos invasion designated them as hikau khausut, which meant "rulers of foreign countries",

The final clues as to their origin come from the latest finds in their capital Avaris:

Minoan Paintings in Avaris, Egypt
http://www.therafoundation.org/articles ... varisegypt

"To the East of the platform were found numerous dumps of wall plaster with Minoan wall paintings, which are discussed below. Most probably they originate from this building."

"base of this tableau a half-rosette and triglyph frieze can be reconstructed, which should be seen as an emblem of the palace, most probably of the palace of Knossos itself."

As shown they was a major cultural similarly of the Minoans with the Egyptians, around this time the Minoans ruled one of the most powerful Empires in the Aegean and had bases in Palestine /Canaan as well. They had been Nubian dynasties in Egypt and there was obviously mass intermarriage with Egyptian Royals with Royals of other Empires such as the Hittite's.etc We are probably simply looking another situation in which due to blood line connections a Minoan backed dynasty took control of a region, and displaced the weak Nubian one. This seems to be further evident when the Hyksos where driven out they left to major bases where the Minoans had imperial holdings in Canaan(which explains the Canaanite influence as well) and aboard.

The fact is the Hyksos where Gentile Royals[Priesthoods] who had extensive connections with the other Royal houses and bases across a larger area then Egypt. Part of the fighting between them and the rival Thebans was simply a replay of the old rivals between the two Kingdoms and the theocratic nature of the regions. And all this happened hundreds of years before any legitimate record of the Jews appears.

I also believe given the fact many of these Hyksos stayed in Egypt and where part of the dynasties that followed theirs shows the claims of the strife and bitter warfare of this period have been largely over dramatized in history, Tsarion states:

From an academic point of view, the Minoan civilization is considered the finest in Europe. It was sophisticated and an inspiration to many other races. The work of Butler and Dafoe reveals the Cretans to have been a technically advanced Western people. As we mention above, recent discoveries suggest the Cretans were related biologically or, at least economically, with the Hyksos kings of Egypt. Artwork found in the Hyksos city of Avaris appears to be of Cretan artifice, and a few investigators believe trade took place between these peoples. Writers, such as Ralph Ellis, point to the fact that when the Minoan civilization was brought to an end by the devastating volcanic eruption on the nearby island of Thera, the Hyksos empire subsequently went into rapid decline. The search for a stronger relationship between the Hyksos of Egypt and the Cretans continues.
Examples of Minoan merchandise have regularly turned up in various tombs in Egypt. They have been found in the Levant and, through the matter is somewhat contentious, Minoan-type jewelry and goldwork has even been found in the graves of Wessex Culture, a race living in what is now southern England at a time contemporary with Minoan Crete at its heyday. The Cretans established a chain of outposts throughout the Aegean and the Mediterranean...trade was probably on a fairly large scale. Soon after the takeover of Crete by the Mycenaeans of mainland Greece sometime around 1400 BC, there are records to indicate that the palace of Knossos alone was running over 50,000 sheep - Alan Butler & Stephen Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)

...there is much on Crete from Minoan times to show the existence of a flourishing middle class which may have been partly made up of private merchants. Plush villas have been located, some very close to the many ports of the island, whilst in those places where everyday Minoan life is viewable, such as in the lava-buried settlement on Santorini, it appears that even the common folk of the Cretans lived a very comfortable life � ibid,

Another theory pushed by Jew Sigmund Freud was that Ahnkenton was Moses. As researcher John Kaminski states on the subject:

The man who invented psychology, Sigmund Freud, thought so highly of
Akhnaton that he tried his best several times to attribute the Hebrew
religion to this odd pharaoh's precepts, speculating in chapter after
chapter how Moses might have interfaced with Akhnaton's idea that the
Sun was the source of everything and all those other gods were simply
not of the same all-encompassing magnitude. But in his last book,
Moses and Monotheism (1939), Freud couldn't make the connection
convincingly, and was left guessing because Egyptology was not
sufficiently advanced in his time; plus, he didn't live long enough to
learn that the Old Testament was a clumsy fiction of writers
fabricating a tradition out of ideas stolen from other Cultures

Freud's attempt to link Akhnaton and Moses failed not
only timewise but by intent, as Akhnaton's god Aton was a pacifistic
bestower of the gift of life on humanity, whereas Moses's dictatorial
Yahweh � or Jahve, as Freud called him � was a violent volcano god
more interested in scaring his flock into submission than in loving
them � or let's say, more interested in the profits than the promise.

Like Josephus his Jewish ancestor before him Freud is simply attempting to create another set of lies to attempt to give historical legitimacy to the Jews phony history. Further more we don't have an actual traceable record of Jews existing before around the mid part of the last millennium BCE. It appears the Jews created their core of their identity in Egypt at some point and moved outwards into the different major key networks of the ancient world. The one thing all these Jewish communities have in common from India, Africa, China.etc Is the Torah, meaning they most likely all came out of Egypt after creating this fake history. Graham Hancock mentions there is a record of a Jewish synagogue being demolished by the Priest of Sobek in Egypt around the mid 4th century BCE. This is one of the earliest actual records outside of the fictional accounts and dubious histories we get of them.

While the concept of the Messiah[meaning Chief Cornerstone/Capstone of the Pyramid] is Egyptian-Gentile in origin and deals with the Magnum Opus/Temple of Solomon. The Jews stole this concept and corrupted it just as they stole their identity from the Brotherhood of the Serpent centers in Egypt

The fact is the Jews as mentioned simply dispersed in every direction to infest every major capital center in the ancient world and work to bring the Gentiles down and create the base of an international network of power and control, same as they do today. Their fictional history is designed to unite them [they created Israel today from myth making this belief/myth manifested more in reality] and create a powerful psychic intent to manifest there Messiah and Zion who shall unite the Diaspora, conqueror the world for Global Zion and rule from his Golden Throne in Jerusalem. And have all Gentiles on there knees as servants and slaves. This is why the Jewish programs from Christianity to Islam all have the Messiah prophecy which they stole once again from the Gentiles. To create the intent and vortex of energy to manifest their Chief Corner Stone[meaning of Messiah] who shall be the capstone upon the pinnacle[the pinnacle is the place the capstone is laid on the Pyramid] of the Temple Of Solomon [The Jewish Race] and thus complete the Temple Of Solomon and bring the Jew World Order into full and absolute power. The Jews stated in their Protocol's this Messiah is the keystone[capstone] to their entire agenda.


The real Jewish Messiah is the Christ Character he has two faces one is Joshua[Yashua] the Torah Messiah who unites the 12 Tribes and conquerors the Gentiles and builds Zion. The second face is Joshua[Yausha] two for the Gentiles to be yoked unto the Jews and under their spell which uses Gentiles to bring about their own destruction and enslavement. While Yashua one binds the Jewish racial psyche together to manifest the same monster.

That is the cruel fact the Jews rub it right in our faces in the Bible especially in the New Testament in the parable of Jesus [Yashua/Joshua in Hebrew] standing on the pinnacle of the Temple dominating all the kingdoms of the world [showing him as the chief cornerstone of the Temple as the Lord of the Pyramid, the Messiah of the Jews, the Empire of the Jews manifested].

Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame" (1 Peter 2:6, NKJV).

The Apha and Omega represents the Chief Cornerstone:
Revelation 22:12 "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."

The biggest lie of the Jews is their own history.

Suns of God, Acharya S
Christ In Egypt, DM. Murdock
Irish Origins Of Civilization, Tsarion Micheal
Who Was ABRAHAM? Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.

How Almighty God was born, John Kaminski

KNJV Bible
  [/IMG]</var> dug up in the NE are kikes.   88
From: roadtohel <roadtohel@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 7:16:19 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jews Biggest Lie

  Thank you very much for all this info, and thank you for your hard work putting it together. I have saved the links and have much reading to do. I have read the info on exposing christianity over and over now, and also a book by acharya S. I haven't even began to uncover a little bit about christianity, jew lies, and then there is the whole Islam angle that I have never even considered much. I like the epic of Gilgamesh too, a clear example of a Stolen story; they barely even bothered to change it. I guess we are all just that stupid to the Kikes! Oh they will see! The will all see!hahah!

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

The Jews Biggest Lie

Looking at the major claimed history and historical figures of the Jews we can see the plain truth. Their entire history is false and stolen from Gentiles. The real foundation of their history rests upon two major characters Abraham and Moses.

The supposed Great Patriarch Abraham and his family the first "official" Jews in history, are in fact stolen from the ancient Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, along with Saraswati:

Since Krishna was not born of man, he was not actually the earthly father of Brahma and Mahesh. Therefore, he himself was the protector (Tara) of Brahma. In Sanskrit, Tara means "savior; protector." It is a term generally used with the gods Rudra, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Even our Old Testament says that the father (protector) of Abraham was Terah (Genesis 11:26.) The Bible tells us that Abraham and Sarah were half-siblings. (Genesis 12:19-20.). The Hindu holy books also tell us that a blood relationship existed between them. The Puranas relate Sarasvati to Brahma and Vishnu. Most frequently, she is associated with Brahma. Her connection with him dates earlier than to any other God. She is portrayed mostly as his wife and occasionally as his daughter. When Vishnu's popularity in India increased, myths relating Saraswati to him appeared. (Ref: Sarasvati and the Gods; www.vishvarupa.com.) Therefore, Brahma or Vishnu would also have been the Tara (Terah) of Sarasvati because of her divine origins.

Brahm (Abraham) Sarasvati (Sarah)

Abraham or Brahma's home was the land of Haran (Genesis 1:4.) Haran was the coastal principality governed by Krishna. It was even named after him because Hara (Sun God) is another name of Krishna. Brahma/Abraham was 75 years old when he left Haran.

The Bible mentions Haran and Haryana. The Hindu holy books also say that Brahma/Abrahan lived in Ur of the Chaldees. Ur was a Sumerian name for "town; city." Chaldee (pronounced Kaldee) derives from the Sanskrit Kaul, a Brahman caste, and Deva (demi-god). The North Indian Kauldevas worshiped idols representing their ancestors. According to the Hindus, Brahma married Sarasvati in Chaldea, the part that is now Afghanistan.

In Hindu mythology, Sarai-Svati is Brahm's sister. The bible gives two stories of Abraham. In this first version, Abraham told Pharaoh that he was lying when he introduced Sarai as his sister. In the second version, he also told the king of Gerar that Sarai was really his sister. However, when the king scolded him for lying, Abraham said that Sarai was in reality both his wife and his sister! "...and yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife." (Genesis 20:12.)

But the anomalies don't end here. In India, a tributary of the river Saraisvati is Ghaggar. Another tributary of the same river is Hakra. According to Jewish traditions, Hagar was Sarai's maidservant; the Moslems say she was an Egyptian princess. Notice the similarities of Ghaggar, Hakra and Hagar.

The bible also states that Ishmael, son of Hagar, and his descendants lived in India. "...Ishmael breathed his last and died, and was gathered to his kin... They dwelt from Havilah (India), by Shur, which is close to Egypt, all the way to Asshur."
(Genesis 25:17-18.) It is an interesting fact that the names of Isaac and Ishmael are derive from Sanskrit: (Hebrew) Ishaak = (Sanskrit) Ishakhu = "Friend of Shiva." (Hebrew) Ishmael = (Sanskrit) Ish-Mahal = "Great Shiva."-Matlock

Lingam worship in the Bible:
In the 28th chapter of Genesis Jacob, after having a dream about a 'ladder' reaching up to heaven with angels 'limbing' it and God standing at the top(12), erects a 'pillar' with the stone he was using for a pillow and concecrates it with oil (18). He calls the place Beit-El ('Bethel' in english, which means 'House of God') (19). He says that the stone pillar itself was "God's house" (22). And he later, in chapter 35 v14, erects another one on the road from Paddan-Aram.

The worship of Brahma was also in the Near Eastern World:
"About 1900 BC, the cult of Brahm was carried to the Middle and Near East by several different Indian groups after a severe rainfall and earthquake tore Northern India apart, even changing the courses of the Indus and Saraisvati rivers."

"...the Temple of Mecca was founded by a colony of Brahmins from India.it was a sacred place before the time of Mohamed, and.they were permitted to make pilgrimages to it for several centuries after his time. Its great celebrity as a sacred place long before the time of the prophet cannot be doubted." (Anacalypsis, Vol. I, p. 421.)

"...the city of Mecca is said by the Brahmins, on the authority of their old books, to have been built by a colony from India; and its inhabitants from the earliest era have had a tradition that it was built by Ishmael, the son of Agar. This town, in the Indus language, would be called Ishmaelistan." (Ibid, p. 424.)

Before Mohammed's time, The Hinduism of the Arab peoples was called Tsaba. Tsaba or Saba is a Sanskrit word, meaning "Assembly of the Gods ". Tsaba was also called Isha-ayalam (Shiva's Temple). The term Moslem or Moshe-ayalam (Shiva's Temple) is just another name of Sabaism.-Matlock

The facts on Mohammed fictional existence:
http://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress. ... r-existed/

One of the shrines in the Kaaba was also dedicated to the Hindu Creator God, Brahma, which is why the illiterate prophet of Islam claimed it was dedicated to Abraham. The word "Abraham" is none other than a malpronunciation of the word Brahma. This can be clearly proven if one investigates the root meanings of both words. Abraham is said to be one of the oldest Semitic prophets. His name is supposed to be derived from the two Semitic words 'Ab' meaning 'Father' and 'Raam/Raham' meaning 'of the exalted.' In the book of Genesis, Abraham simply means 'Multitude.' The word Abraham is derived from the Sanskrit word Brahma. The root of Brahma is 'Brah' which means - 'to grow or multiply in number.' In addition Lord Brahma, the Creator God of Hinduism is said to be the Father of all Men and Exalted of all the Gods, for it is from him that all beings were generated. Thus again we come to the meaning 'Exalted Father.' This is a clear pointer that Abraham is none other than the heavenly father."

Where does the term Hebrew actually come from?

One of the most important finds in Egypt happened with the Egyptologist and Archaeologist Professor Walter B. Emery (1903-1971) while excavating tombs at Saqqara. Emery found men with blond hair and fair complexions. These individuals were revered by the Egyptians as a special class, an endowed elite the "Shemsu Hor" (Serpents of He of The Ari). The famous Egyptologist, author of Archaic Egypt discovered the remains who lived in the pre-dynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull larger than that of the local ethnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn't indigenous to Egypt�This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes�.the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor�.The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt."
-V. Di Cesare and A. Forgione "Malta: Skulls of the Mother Goddess"

Professor Emery wrote of these Shemsu Hor: "The Demigods of Manetho's history." These Shemsu Hor were stated to have originally lived on an island homeland as well. A very revealing text on the truth of the ancient Egyptians record of their origin:

"Hebrew comes from Ibaru he letter H added as a prefix meant the and so the word Hebrew means the Ibaru the term rabbi is a variant of this Ibarua. The Ibaru were part of the Shemsu Hor who travelled to Egypt in the ancient past. Due to the similarity to Apiru which means undesirable, this term has been confused."-Tsarion

The claims the Hebrews where Apriu/ Habiru are misleading again, the truth such peoples where from the region called Aryavarta {North India, Pakistan) when the gradual abandonment of the Saraswati civilizations due to the drying up of the river, there was major waves of former inhabitants of the region which from modern finds would have been extensive as the population of the Saraswati area was into the millions. These people became migrants and refugees that moved out over the generations to new areas:

About 1900 BC, the cult of Brahm was carried to the Middle and Near East by several different Indian groups after a severe rainfall and earthquake tore Northern India apart, even changing the courses of the Indus and Saraisvati rivers. The classical geographer Strabo tells us just how nearly complete the abandonment of Northwestern India was. "Aristobolus says that when he was sent upon a certain mission in India, he saw a country of more than a thousand cities, together with villages, that had been deserted because the Indus had abandoned its proper bed." (Strabo's Geography, XV.I.19.)

"The drying up of the Sarasvati around 1900 BCE, which led to a major relocation of the population centered around in the Sindhu and the Sarasvati valleys, could have been the event that caused a migration westward from India. It is soon after this time that the Indic element begins to appear all over West Asia, Egypt, and Greece." (Indic Ideas in the Graeco-Roman World, by Subhash Kak, taken from IndiaStar online literary magazine; p.14)

"The exodus of refugees out of ancient India did not occur all at once but over a period of one or more thousand years. If all these refugee ruling peoples were exclusively of Indian heritage, why doesn't History mention them? Indeed they are mentioned as Kassites, Hittites, Syrians, Assyrians, Hurrians, Arameans, Mittanians, Amalekites, Aethiops (Atha-Yop), Phoenicians, Chaldeans, and many others. But we have been wrongly taught to regard them as ethnicities indigenous to Western Asia."- Matlock

Many of these peoples became free companies, workers and in some cases criminals and conquers of new regions to settle in from the early records on the subject, many such as the peoples mentioned above would conqueror their own kingdoms and empires.

The Sumerian logogram SA.GAZ appears in texts from Southern Mesopotamia, dated from about 1850 BC, where it is applied to small bands of soldiers, apparently mercenaries at the service of local city-states and being supplied with food or sheep. One of those texts uses the Akkadian cuneiform word Hapiri instead of the logogram; another described them as "soldiers from the West". Their names are predominantly Akkadian; some are West Semitic, some unknown. Their origins, when recorded, are in local towns.

A letter to an Old Assyrian merchant resident in Ali?ar requests his aid in freeing or ransoming some Hapiri, formerly attached to the palace of Shalahshuwe (as yet unidentified), now prisoners of the local authorities.

The Tikunani Prism, dated from around 1550 BC, lists the names of 438 Habiru soldiers or servants of king Tunip-Tessup of Tikunani, a small city-state in central Mesopotamia. The majority of these names are typically Hurrian, the rest are Semitic, one is Kassite.

Another text from around 1500 BC describes the Hapiru as soldiers or laborers, organized into bands of various sizes commanded by SA.GAZ leaders: one band from Tapduwa has 15 soldiers, another from Sarkuhe has 29, and another from Alalakh has 1,436.

The Hapiru where simply the ancient equivalent of Cossacks. The truth is the title Hebrew [Ibaru] comes from Egypt it was a title for a Solar Priest. Its no mistake the important Jewish pass over is stolen from the Egyptian festival of Easter. A solar custom of Egypt.

"The priests of the Mysteries were symbolized as a serpent, sometimes called Hydra...The Serpent Kings reigned over the earth. It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery schools which later appeared as the Egyptian and Brahmin Mysteries... .The serpent was their symbol...They were the true Sons of Light, and from them have descended a long line of adepts and initiates."
- Hall

"The Apiru or Hapiru were not the same people as the Hebrews (Aryan) Magi had journeyed far and wide and established mystery schools throughout the world. The early Egyptians knew them as the Shemsu Hor "Disciples of Horus." The Shemsu Hor were counselors to, and perhaps even initiators of the pharaohs of Egypt."-Tsarion

"The word Hebrew can also be traced to the Gaelic Heber meaning "fire" or "sun" A "Hebrew" (Ibaru) was a priest of the sun."

"Cohen, the Jewish name for priest, comes from Cahen, the Egyptian pronunciation for a priest and a prince.13 Even circumcision, that uniquely `Jewish' tradition, came from the Egyptian mystery schools and was performed at least as far back as 4,000 BC. You could not be initiated unless you were circumcised. The Hebrew religion did not exist in Egypt and there was no Hebrew law because there was no Hebrew `race'. The only worship was Egyptian worship"

The High Priest of the Levities breast plate and all is nothing more then a stolen image of a Ibaru leader from Egypt.

This leads us to the next major claimed character of the Jewish "historical record" Moses:

Like that of Osiris, the story of Dionysus includes his own mythical conquest of India�.Dionysus is not only Osiris but also the counterpart of Moses:"That the god Bacchus was the archetype of Moses seems to have been the opinion of many learned men, particularly the celebrated Bishop of Huet, and I Vossius, who agree that the Arabian name of Bacchus is Meses."

Biblical scholarship and archaeology have basically proved that the Pentateuch, or first five books of the Bible , were not composed by the great lawgiver Moses himself. In the Bible Unearthed, archaeologist Israel Finkelstien demonstrates that much biblical composition was done from the 8th century BCE onward. Even in ancient times it was recognized that Moses did not compose the Pentateuch."
According to the myth, the Jews at the time of the Exodus celebrated the feat of the Lamb, which refers to the Age of Aries. In the Dionysian myth, the sacred Lamb or Ram provides water to Dionysus's army in the middle of the desert, the water-in-the-desert motif also being in the Moses myth. Like Dionysus and Amon, Moses is depicted wearing ram's horns. "

Another tale that found its way into the Bible is that of Bacchus's miracle of stopping the motion of the sun and moon, replayed in the story of Joshua.

It is related in the hymns of Orpheus, that Bacchus had a rod with which he performed miracles, and which he could change into a serpent at his pleasure. He passed the Red Sea, dry shod, at the head of his army. He divided the waters of the rivers Orontes and Hydaspus by the touch of his rod, and passed through them dry-shod. By the same mighty wand, he drew water from a rock, and wherever they marched, the land flowed with wine, milk and honey.

Bacchus, was called the "Law-giver, and it was said of Bacchus," as well of Moses, that his laws were written on two tables of stone. Bacchus was represented horned, and so was Moses. Bacchus was picked up in a box that floated on the water, and so was Moses. Bacchus had two mothers, one by nature, and one by adoption, so had Moses. Bacchus and his army enjoyed the light of the sun at night, Moses and his army a pillar of fire by night.

Moses being called the Law-giver and the laws being written on two tablets of stone, were obviously copied from Bacchus, but the idea of his (Moses) receiving the commandments from the Lord on a mountain was undoubtedly taken from the Persian legend of Zoroaster.
"In his gentler (Dionysus) aspects he is a lawgiver."

It is also well known now by Egyptologists that the Ten Commandments are stolen from the 42 negative confessions from the Egyptian Book Of The Dead.

It seems apparent that the Israelite conquest of "The Holy Land" was
taken from Dionysus mythical conquests, they just changed the direction as awhole.

This leads into the next connection with Egypt and the Brotherhood of the Serpent centers again as Dionysus another form or alias of the Egyptian God Osiris:

Herodotus compared the Greek god Dionysus and the Egyptian god Osiris as long ago as the fifth century B.C. and found them to be nearly equal in all their mythology characteristics and virtues.
Pausanias, Description of Greece 10. 29. 4 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) :

" Both the Greeks and the Egyptians have many legends about Dionysos."
Like his alter ego Osiris, Dionysus, the most popular god in the Roman Empire, was considered an immensely old deity, according to Herodotus who imparted that, even though he was on of the "youngest" gods, Dionysus supposedly appeared "15,000 years before Amasis" (Ahmose.fl. 1550 BCE).- Murdock

The Egyptians, reports Herodotus, claimed to be "quite certain of this dates." Having kept careful records. The assertion that Dionysus/Bacchus's presence on Crete, where he was said to have been born, extends back even further, as his epithet "Iakchos" is found at the palace at Knossos, with an apparent Egyptian connection."
In Avaris archaeologist have found Cretan motifs on the walls only found appearing previous on the walls of the palace in Knossos in ancient Crete. Both Osiris followers of Egypt and Cretans held the Bull sacred. The Cretan culture was identical to the Egyptian one even being ruled by a Priest King along with Serpent Brotherhoods the Kaberoi.

Dionysus was born on December 25th, the same as Osiris� like Osiris, Dionysus was torn into 14 pieces, and also like Osiris, Dionysus was considered both the son and father of Zeus, according to an Orphic verse"-Murdock

"Osiris �who was the "first to drink wine" and who taught mankind about the vine, according to Plutarch-is referred to as the "Lord of Wine in the �festival." Dionysus was the great Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure and festivity."- Murdock

Dionysus was also the Lord of Whine.

The staff of Osiris and the thyrsos of Dionysus are identical in appearance both being pine-cone tipped.

With such antiquity also came an enormous territory, as Dionysus was much beloved in a widespread area from Egypt to Greece to Macedonian, the Near East and beyond.-Murdock

We can also see in the creation of the religion of Serapis created by the Greek pharaoh Ptolemy I. The later fusion of Osiris with an Hellenic guise. Which demonstrates the same God can be worshipped by two peoples.

The rites of Eleusinians where Dionysian in nature And Dionysus as shown was also worshipped as Osiris in Egypt. By examination of the Eleusinian rites and ranks we are seeing a window into the Brotherhood Of The Serpent centers in Memphis Heliopolis[ called ON meaning Sun in Egyptian] and Avaris in Egypt. This is the actual reason Avaris was known in the ancient description as the "City of the Hebrews" because it was a major seat of the Egypt Priesthood of the Ibaru. Avaris was also called Zaon {Zion} and had a Royal Court called the Levities there.

"Reverend Taylor discovered the truth when he studied the Eleusinian Tradition of Greece, which dates back to before 1500 years BCE. He lays out the schemata for the ritual and dramatic performances customary to the Eleusinians:

Eleusis- The Beginning or Opening
Hierophant- The Magus Overseeing the Rites
Hupereet-Ordinary Priest, or Minister
Diaconos-A Deacon, or lower Officer
Photagogue-Bringer and Wielder of Light
Autoptos-Candidate Witnessing the Rite
Autopsy-The Act of Witnessing of Seeing
Hebrew-The Initiated One (who has passed through all trials and been purified)
Teleios-The Perfected Adept
Israelite-The Purified, God-Inspired Adept (the "God Seer")
Jew-God Himself. The State of Perfection. Man as Enlightened Being."

"The ancient terms Israelite and Ibaru (Hebrew)referred to high ranking, spiritually endowed Egyptians and their ancestors."
Israelite also comes from "worshipper of Essa or Essaite" Essa, Esus. Etc Are all ancient titles for the Sun Gods, The Phoenician God Saturn was also called Israel, Saturn was a Sun God in the aspect of the period of the sun before its death and rebirth on the Winter Solstice hence the Winter Solstice festival of Saturnia in ancient Rome.

Yahweh is originally an ancient name for the sun concept, the Egyptians had a title for a solar diety called Yahu/yahew, the Persians word for sun was yawnah the Phoenicians had yahwe and the Syrians Yaw. Origins of this can be traced in the Veda with the title Yahva...etc Even the term "Ad-ON-i" is Egypt in origin.

The five books of the Jewish Torah is stolen and corrupted from the five suits of the Tarot, Tarot means "Royal Road" in ancient Egyptian, the name signifies the kundalini Serpent ascension up the spine. The Kabala was also stolen from Egypt KA BA ANKH = "Kabalah:


The Temple of Sol-om-on was stolen from Egypt. It's the temple of the soul and its most ancient symbol is the Pyramid and the capstone. It represents the Godhead. Once again we are looking at another literalized fictional event, taken and corrupted from a spiritual concept nothing more:

The PYRAMID is symbolic of the shape of the human chakra. The missing capstone represents the unfinished work and the ALL-SEEING EYE represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as "SAMADI" or "SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS." The photo at left was taken from the US One Dollar Bill. The United States, government and all, was founded upon Masonic principles and is not Christian by any stretch of the imagination.


The Benben stone in Egypt represented as a pyramid shaped stone and the dwelling place of the sun god with its association with the Bennu bird (also Benu bird). The Benu bird is the Egyptian name for the Phoenix. The Benben stone represents the Temple Of Solomon.

The Jews simply stole the core of their identity from the Gentile Brotherhood Of the Serpent and their orders in Egypt. Which was one of the major Serpent centers in the ancient world.

They was no exodus and no Biblical homeland in the Canaanite lands:

"Nay , only are there no proofs for the twelve tribes of Israel having ever existed, but Herodotus, the most accurate of historians, who was in Assyria when Erza flourished, never mentions the Israelites at all�How is this possible?-Madame Helena Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine, vol 3)

"Nowhere in Torah (also called the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Bible) is there any mention of Jerusalem let alone a temple anywhere in Jerusalem."- Stephen M. St. John
Many writers of this ear were not even aware of the existence of Judea. The Greek Historian Herodotus, painstakingly exact in his documentation of the nations and peoples of the known world, refers only to the Syrians of Palestine�when he describes the area-Joseph Atwill (Cesar's Messiah)

Although the Tell-el-Amarna tablets give much information regarding Canaan at about the period of the Exodus, they make no allusions to the Jews in Egypt or to the great catastrophe caused by the events preceding their escape-Ernest Busenbark

We need to recognize that our understanding of Israel as a people and as a nation is unrelated to any known historical Israel�They created this `Israel' not as it once existed in an earlier period, but in away that was meaningful to themselves-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)
Of course, there was an Israel! The name itself is used already at the close of the Late Bronze Age on an Egyptian monument to refer to the People of Canaan that Pharaoh Merenptah's military campaign into Palestine fought against. But this is not the Israel that the Bible deals with-Hyam Maccoby's The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity

While it is hard-won principle of Biblical archaeology that the historicity of ancient Biblical narratives about old Israel cannot be confirmed unless we have extra-Biblical confirmation, it is more likely to confirm the Bible's literary and metaphorical tropes than to establish it as historical record--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Jerusalem's history�remains impossible to write. Although the Egyptian Amarna letters, which give us correspondences between Palestine's petty princes and kings and the Egyptian Pharaoh of the late fourteenth an dearly thirteenth centuries, tell us much of about the town of Urusalim and about its patron and king, Abdi-Hepa, we know nothing about this town from archaeology. We are not even certain where it was located, though we have every reason to believe that it was Jerusalem. The Iron Age town of Jerusalem on Mount Ophel, which has been excavated by Kathleen Kenyon before the 1967 Israel-Arab war offered no significant remains from the Late Bronze Age-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Palestine never developed a political power of any great international significance. It was always so divided by its many small regions that it never developed a common history except when it was controlled by some power from outside, such as Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia. High culture, as expressed in art, architecture, literature and pageant, hardly existed. Most of what has survived is either foreign in origins or derivative from Phoenicia on the Syrian coast-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The annals of Pharaoh Ramesis II (the Great) make reference to
Semitic people who settled in the delta region of Goshen, but this does not really help because they are not specified as Israelites, but included in the Arab races of Syria, Phoenicia, Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent in general- Laurence Gardner (Genesis of the Grail Kings)

Although the name Judea is a geographical term occurring in Assyrian period texts, referring to the highlands south of Jerusalem, in the Persian period the name is political. It is the name of the Persian province. The Assyrians' name for the southern highlands, Jaudaa, and the Persians' imperial name, Yehud, were no more reflective of a people than were any of the other names for regions of the empire. Moreover the geographical spread of people referred to as Yehudim is so great that is would be rash to assume that this name refers to their place of origin. More should we continue to understand this term as ethnographic, without evidence-Thomas. L Thompson (The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

One of the most striking and wonderful tings about an "historian" like Josephus is that he knows almost nothing about "the past" that we ourselves do not already know from other sources. When an account he gives of a supposed event of two centuries earlier "confirms" something we can read in other works, it is only because he has copied or paraphrased it. Josephus has been well described as a person one wouldn't buy a used car from--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The earliest part of this period in the hill country has been traditionally presented as the "Golden Age" of ancient Egypt with its capital in Jerusalem. The ear has been associated with the "United Monarchy" wielding the political power of a Saul, a David and a Solomon and controlling a land-bridge from the Nile to the Euphrates, concept of a temple built by Solomon as the center of worship of Yahweh. Theses images have no place in descriptions of the real historical past. We known them only as a story, and wheat we known about such stories does not encourage us to treat them as if they were or were ever meant to be historical. There is no evidence of a United Monarchy, no evidence of a capital at Jerusalem�.We do not have evidence for the existence of kings named Saul, David or Solomon; nor do e have evidence for any temple at Jerusalem --Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Megiddo, Gezer and Hazor and Jerusalem were in reality more like villages�.with small public buildings and poorly constructed dwellings with clay floors. The objects reveal a material culture, which, even by the standards of the ancient Near East, could not be judged sophisticated or luxurious. The `magnificence' of the age of Solomon is parochial and decidedly lackluster- professor James Pritchard(Solomon and Sheba)

As far as the Bible geography is concerned it appears that the main person responsible for its misinterpretation was Constantine the Great, who had definite motives for transferring the arena of Jewish history and that of Christ to another region altogether. He used Christianity as a valuable political asset, selected the East as this Empire, and with the aid of Eusebius, Jerome and others, invented the present Palestine�

NOT A SINGLE INSCRIPTION HAS BEN FOUND IN Palestine which can be identified with the Hebrew kingdom- H.D.DAUNT (The Center of Ancient Civilization)

The 12 tribes of Israel are taken from the celestial kingdom of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac, with the Sun as the ruler, hence the Lion of Judah rules the Lion[Leo] is the symbol of the sun as its height of power as it journeys thought the Zodiac.

Note on the Hyksos, a popular view is the Jews where descended from the Hyksos Sheppard kings, this claim more then naught originates with the Jewish propagandist Josephus and was an attempt to legitimize the fictional history of the Jews in his day:

In his Against Apion, the 1st-century CE historian Josephus Flavius debates the synchronism between the Biblical account of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, and two Exodus-like events that the Egyptian historian Manetho apparently mentions. It is difficult to distinguish between what Manetho himself recounted, and how Josephus or Apion interpret him.

Josephus identifies the Israelite Exodus with the first exodus mentioned by Manetho, when some 480,000 Hyksos "shepherd kings" (also referred to as just 'shepherds', as 'kings' and as 'captive shepherds' in his discussion of Manetho) left Egypt for Jerusalem.[24] The mention of "Hyksos" identifies this first exodus with the Hyksos period (16th century BC).

One of the most striking and wonderful things about an "historian" like Josephus is that he knows almost nothing about "the past" that we ourselves do not already know from other sources. When an account he gives of a supposed event of two centuries earlier "confirms" something we can read in other works, it is only because he has copied or paraphrased it. Josephus has been well described as a person one wouldn't buy a used car from--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The Hyksos arose in a turbulent period in Egyptian history one theory handed down is they invaded by force but this claim has fallen apart on new findings:

The ceramic evidence in the Memphis-Fayum region of Lower Egypt argues against the presence of new invading foreigners. Janine Bourriau's excavation in Memphis of ceramic material retrieved from Lisht and Dahshur during the Second Intermediate Period shows a continuity of Middle Kingdom ceramic type wares throughout this era. She finds in them no evidence of intrusion of Hyksos-style wares.[16] Bourriau's evidence strongly suggests that the traditional Egyptian view, long espoused by Manetho, that the Hyksos invaded and sacked the Memphite region and imposed their authority there, is fictitious.
The German Egyptologist Wolfgang Helck once argued that the Hyksos were part of massive and widespread Hurrian and Indo-Aryan migrations into the Near East. According to Helck, the Hyksos were Hurrians and part of a Hurrian empire that, he claimed, extended over much of Western Asia at this period. Most scholars have rejected this theory and Helck himself has now abandoned this hypothesis in a 1993 article.[23]\

Egypt was divided into two lands upper and lower and scholar Peter Ellis states that Foreigner a term given to the Hyksos was the term applied to men of lower Egypt. The fact is the Hyksos where worshippers of the Egyptian God Set. Set was the dominate God of lower Egypt during this period. Set was a solar God and is among the crucified and resurrected saviors of the Pagan world. Another evidence shows Canaanite deities and worship around this time in the region. The constant terming of them as Asiatic is most likely a miss translation of Aamu, meaning Amorites who where described as Aryan in appearance and race.

Aamu was the contemporary term used to distinguish the people of Avaris, the Hyksos capital in Egypt, from Egyptians. Egyptologists conventionally translate aamu as "asiatics" The Jewish historian, Josephus, in his Contra Apionem, claims that Manetho was the first to use the Greek term, Hyksos, incorrectly translated as "shepherd-kings". Contemporary Egyptians during the Hyksos invasion designated them as hikau khausut, which meant "rulers of foreign countries",

The final clues as to their origin come from the latest finds in their capital Avaris:

Minoan Paintings in Avaris, Egypt
http://www.therafoundation.org/articles ... varisegypt

"To the East of the platform were found numerous dumps of wall plaster with Minoan wall paintings, which are discussed below. Most probably they originate from this building."

"base of this tableau a half-rosette and triglyph frieze can be reconstructed, which should be seen as an emblem of the palace, most probably of the palace of Knossos itself."

As shown they was a major cultural similarly of the Minoans with the Egyptians, around this time the Minoans ruled one of the most powerful Empires in the Aegean and had bases in Palestine /Canaan as well. They had been Nubian dynasties in Egypt and there was obviously mass intermarriage with Egyptian Royals with Royals of other Empires such as the Hittite's.etc We are probably simply looking another situation in which due to blood line connections a Minoan backed dynasty took control of a region, and displaced the weak Nubian one. This seems to be further evident when the Hyksos where driven out they left to major bases where the Minoans had imperial holdings in Canaan(which explains the Canaanite influence as well) and aboard.

The fact is the Hyksos where Gentile Royals[Priesthoods] who had extensive connections with the other Royal houses and bases across a larger area then Egypt. Part of the fighting between them and the rival Thebans was simply a replay of the old rivals between the two Kingdoms and the theocratic nature of the regions. And all this happened hundreds of years before any legitimate record of the Jews appears.

I also believe given the fact many of these Hyksos stayed in Egypt and where part of the dynasties that followed theirs shows the claims of the strife and bitter warfare of this period have been largely over dramatized in history, Tsarion states:

From an academic point of view, the Minoan civilization is considered the finest in Europe. It was sophisticated and an inspiration to many other races. The work of Butler and Dafoe reveals the Cretans to have been a technically advanced Western people. As we mention above, recent discoveries suggest the Cretans were related biologically or, at least economically, with the Hyksos kings of Egypt. Artwork found in the Hyksos city of Avaris appears to be of Cretan artifice, and a few investigators believe trade took place between these peoples. Writers, such as Ralph Ellis, point to the fact that when the Minoan civilization was brought to an end by the devastating volcanic eruption on the nearby island of Thera, the Hyksos empire subsequently went into rapid decline. The search for a stronger relationship between the Hyksos of Egypt and the Cretans continues.
Examples of Minoan merchandise have regularly turned up in various tombs in Egypt. They have been found in the Levant and, through the matter is somewhat contentious, Minoan-type jewelry and goldwork has even been found in the graves of Wessex Culture, a race living in what is now southern England at a time contemporary with Minoan Crete at its heyday. The Cretans established a chain of outposts throughout the Aegean and the Mediterranean...trade was probably on a fairly large scale. Soon after the takeover of Crete by the Mycenaeans of mainland Greece sometime around 1400 BC, there are records to indicate that the palace of Knossos alone was running over 50,000 sheep - Alan Butler & Stephen Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)

...there is much on Crete from Minoan times to show the existence of a flourishing middle class which may have been partly made up of private merchants. Plush villas have been located, some very close to the many ports of the island, whilst in those places where everyday Minoan life is viewable, such as in the lava-buried settlement on Santorini, it appears that even the common folk of the Cretans lived a very comfortable life � ibid,

Another theory pushed by Jew Sigmund Freud was that Ahnkenton was Moses. As researcher John Kaminski states on the subject:

The man who invented psychology, Sigmund Freud, thought so highly of
Akhnaton that he tried his best several times to attribute the Hebrew
religion to this odd pharaoh's precepts, speculating in chapter after
chapter how Moses might have interfaced with Akhnaton's idea that the
Sun was the source of everything and all those other gods were simply
not of the same all-encompassing magnitude. But in his last book,
Moses and Monotheism (1939), Freud couldn't make the connection
convincingly, and was left guessing because Egyptology was not
sufficiently advanced in his time; plus, he didn't live long enough to
learn that the Old Testament was a clumsy fiction of writers
fabricating a tradition out of ideas stolen from other Cultures

Freud's attempt to link Akhnaton and Moses failed not
only timewise but by intent, as Akhnaton's god Aton was a pacifistic
bestower of the gift of life on humanity, whereas Moses's dictatorial
Yahweh � or Jahve, as Freud called him � was a violent volcano god
more interested in scaring his flock into submission than in loving
them � or let's say, more interested in the profits than the promise.

Like Josephus his Jewish ancestor before him Freud is simply attempting to create another set of lies to attempt to give historical legitimacy to the Jews phony history. Further more we don't have an actual traceable record of Jews existing before around the mid part of the last millennium BCE. It appears the Jews created their core of their identity in Egypt at some point and moved outwards into the different major key networks of the ancient world. The one thing all these Jewish communities have in common from India, Africa, China.etc Is the Torah, meaning they most likely all came out of Egypt after creating this fake history. Graham Hancock mentions there is a record of a Jewish synagogue being demolished by the Priest of Sobek in Egypt around the mid 4th century BCE. This is one of the earliest actual records outside of the fictional accounts and dubious histories we get of them.

While the concept of the Messiah[meaning Chief Cornerstone/Capstone of the Pyramid] is Egyptian-Gentile in origin and deals with the Magnum Opus/Temple of Solomon. The Jews stole this concept and corrupted it just as they stole their identity from the Brotherhood of the Serpent centers in Egypt

The fact is the Jews as mentioned simply dispersed in every direction to infest every major capital center in the ancient world and work to bring the Gentiles down and create the base of an international network of power and control, same as they do today. Their fictional history is designed to unite them [they created Israel today from myth making this belief/myth manifested more in reality] and create a powerful psychic intent to manifest there Messiah and Zion who shall unite the Diaspora, conqueror the world for Global Zion and rule from his Golden Throne in Jerusalem. And have all Gentiles on there knees as servants and slaves. This is why the Jewish programs from Christianity to Islam all have the Messiah prophecy which they stole once again from the Gentiles. To create the intent and vortex of energy to manifest their Chief Corner Stone[meaning of Messiah] who shall be the capstone upon the pinnacle[the pinnacle is the place the capstone is laid on the Pyramid] of the Temple Of Solomon [The Jewish Race] and thus complete the Temple Of Solomon and bring the Jew World Order into full and absolute power. The Jews stated in their Protocol's this Messiah is the keystone[capstone] to their entire agenda.


The real Jewish Messiah is the Christ Character he has two faces one is Joshua[Yashua] the Torah Messiah who unites the 12 Tribes and conquerors the Gentiles and builds Zion. The second face is Joshua[Yausha] two for the Gentiles to be yoked unto the Jews and under their spell which uses Gentiles to bring about their own destruction and enslavement. While Yashua one binds the Jewish racial psyche together to manifest the same monster.

That is the cruel fact the Jews rub it right in our faces in the Bible especially in the New Testament in the parable of Jesus [Yashua/Joshua in Hebrew] standing on the pinnacle of the Temple dominating all the kingdoms of the world [showing him as the chief cornerstone of the Temple as the Lord of the Pyramid, the Messiah of the Jews, the Empire of the Jews manifested].

Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame" (1 Peter 2:6, NKJV).

The Apha and Omega represents the Chief Cornerstone:
Revelation 22:12 "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."

The biggest lie of the Jews is their own history.

Suns of God, Acharya S
Christ In Egypt, DM. Murdock
Irish Origins Of Civilization, Tsarion Micheal
Who Was ABRAHAM? Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.

How Almighty God was born, John Kaminski

KNJV Bible

Yes, in my version of the Gilgamesh story it is not only edited by Jews but also the publisher is Jewish. Go figure! We will be able to re-claim it, but there is a long road ahead. I can't wait for the updated version, I am looking forward to it.
Hail Father Satan!
Hail the All mighty Gods and Goddesses of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

I have more updating on this article I need to do soon, the updated version will be put on the News letter group when its ready. You can see part of Enoch was stolen from the opening of Gilgamesh but I suspect Gilgamesh might have been altered in some areas as well. As most of the heads of Western scholars in charge of dealing with what is being dug up in the NE are kikes.

From: roadtohel <roadtohel@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 7:16:19 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Jews Biggest Lie

Thank you very much for all this info, and thank you for your hard work putting it together. I have saved the links and have much reading to do. I have read the info on exposing christianity over and over now, and also a book by acharya S. I haven't even began to uncover a little bit about christianity, jew lies, and then there is the whole Islam angle that I have never even considered much. I like the epic of Gilgamesh too, a clear example of a Stolen story; they barely even bothered to change it. I guess we are all just that stupid to the Kikes! Oh they will see! The will all see!hahah!

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote:

The Jews Biggest Lie

Looking at the major claimed history and historical figures of the Jews we can see the plain truth. Their entire history is false and stolen from Gentiles. The real foundation of their history rests upon two major characters Abraham and Moses.

The supposed Great Patriarch Abraham and his family the first "official" Jews in history, are in fact stolen from the ancient Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, along with Saraswati:

Since Krishna was not born of man, he was not actually the earthly father of Brahma and Mahesh. Therefore, he himself was the protector (Tara) of Brahma. In Sanskrit, Tara means "savior; protector." It is a term generally used with the gods Rudra, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Even our Old Testament says that the father (protector) of Abraham was Terah (Genesis 11:26.) The Bible tells us that Abraham and Sarah were half-siblings. (Genesis 12:19-20.). The Hindu holy books also tell us that a blood relationship existed between them. The Puranas relate Sarasvati to Brahma and Vishnu. Most frequently, she is associated with Brahma. Her connection with him dates earlier than to any other God. She is portrayed mostly as his wife and occasionally as his daughter. When Vishnu's popularity in India increased, myths relating Saraswati to him appeared. (Ref: Sarasvati and the Gods; www.vishvarupa.com.) Therefore, Brahma or Vishnu would also have been the Tara (Terah)
of Sarasvati because of her divine origins.

Brahm (Abraham) Sarasvati (Sarah)

Abraham or Brahma's home was the land of Haran (Genesis 1:4.) Haran was the coastal principality governed by Krishna. It was even named after him because Hara (Sun God) is another name of Krishna. Brahma/Abraham was 75 years old when he left Haran.

The Bible mentions Haran and Haryana. The Hindu holy books also say that Brahma/Abrahan lived in Ur of the Chaldees. Ur was a Sumerian name for "town; city." Chaldee (pronounced Kaldee) derives from the Sanskrit Kaul, a Brahman caste, and Deva (demi-god). The North Indian Kauldevas worshiped idols representing their ancestors. According to the Hindus, Brahma married Sarasvati in Chaldea, the part that is now Afghanistan.

In Hindu mythology, Sarai-Svati is Brahm's sister. The bible gives two stories of Abraham. In this first version, Abraham told Pharaoh that he was lying when he introduced Sarai as his sister. In the second version, he also told the king of Gerar that Sarai was really his sister. However, when the king scolded him for lying, Abraham said that Sarai was in reality both his wife and his sister! "...and yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife." (Genesis 20:12.)

But the anomalies don't end here. In India, a tributary of the river Saraisvati is Ghaggar. Another tributary of the same river is Hakra. According to Jewish traditions, Hagar was Sarai's maidservant; the Moslems say she was an Egyptian princess. Notice the similarities of Ghaggar, Hakra and Hagar.

The bible also states that Ishmael, son of Hagar, and his descendants lived in India. "...Ishmael breathed his last and died, and was gathered to his kin... They dwelt from Havilah (India), by Shur, which is close to Egypt, all the way to Asshur."
(Genesis 25:17-18.) It is an interesting fact that the names of Isaac and Ishmael are derive from Sanskrit: (Hebrew) Ishaak = (Sanskrit) Ishakhu = "Friend of Shiva." (Hebrew) Ishmael = (Sanskrit) Ish-Mahal = "Great Shiva."-Matlock

Lingam worship in the Bible:
In the 28th chapter of Genesis Jacob, after having a dream about a 'ladder' reaching up to heaven with angels 'limbing' it and God standing at the top(12), erects a 'pillar' with the stone he was using for a pillow and concecrates it with oil (18). He calls the place Beit-El ('Bethel' in english, which means 'House of God') (19). He says that the stone pillar itself was "God's house" (22). And he later, in chapter 35 v14, erects another one on the road from Paddan-Aram.

The worship of Brahma was also in the Near Eastern World:
"About 1900 BC, the cult of Brahm was carried to the Middle and Near East by several different Indian groups after a severe rainfall and earthquake tore Northern India apart, even changing the courses of the Indus and Saraisvati rivers."

"...the Temple of Mecca was founded by a colony of Brahmins from India.it was a sacred place before the time of Mohamed, and.they were permitted to make pilgrimages to it for several centuries after his time. Its great celebrity as a sacred place long before the time of the prophet cannot be doubted." (Anacalypsis, Vol. I, p. 421.)

"...the city of Mecca is said by the Brahmins, on the authority of their old books, to have been built by a colony from India; and its inhabitants from the earliest era have had a tradition that it was built by Ishmael, the son of Agar. This town, in the Indus language, would be called Ishmaelistan." (Ibid, p. 424.)

Before Mohammed's time, The Hinduism of the Arab peoples was called Tsaba. Tsaba or Saba is a Sanskrit word, meaning "Assembly of the Gods ". Tsaba was also called Isha-ayalam (Shiva's Temple). The term Moslem or Moshe-ayalam (Shiva's Temple) is just another name of Sabaism.-Matlock

The facts on Mohammed fictional existence:
http://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress. ... r-existed/

One of the shrines in the Kaaba was also dedicated to the Hindu Creator God, Brahma, which is why the illiterate prophet of Islam claimed it was dedicated to Abraham. The word "Abraham" is none other than a malpronunciation of the word Brahma. This can be clearly proven if one investigates the root meanings of both words. Abraham is said to be one of the oldest Semitic prophets. His name is supposed to be derived from the two Semitic words 'Ab' meaning 'Father' and 'Raam/Raham' meaning 'of the exalted.' In the book of Genesis, Abraham simply means 'Multitude.' The word Abraham is derived from the Sanskrit word Brahma. The root of Brahma is 'Brah' which means - 'to grow or multiply in number.' In addition Lord Brahma, the Creator God of Hinduism is said to be the Father of all Men and Exalted of all the Gods, for it is from him that all beings were generated. Thus again we come to the meaning 'Exalted Father.' This is a clear pointer that Abraham is
none other than the heavenly father."

Where does the term Hebrew actually come from?

One of the most important finds in Egypt happened with the Egyptologist and Archaeologist Professor Walter B. Emery (1903-1971) while excavating tombs at Saqqara. Emery found men with blond hair and fair complexions. These individuals were revered by the Egyptians as a special class, an endowed elite the "Shemsu Hor" (Serpents of He of The Ari). The famous Egyptologist, author of Archaic Egypt discovered the remains who lived in the pre-dynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull larger than that of the local ethnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn't indigenous to Egypt�This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes�.the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor�.The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt."
-V. Di Cesare and A. Forgione "Malta: Skulls of the Mother Goddess"

Professor Emery wrote of these Shemsu Hor: "The Demigods of Manetho's history." These Shemsu Hor were stated to have originally lived on an island homeland as well. A very revealing text on the truth of the ancient Egyptians record of their origin:

"Hebrew comes from Ibaru he letter H added as a prefix meant the and so the word Hebrew means the Ibaru the term rabbi is a variant of this Ibarua. The Ibaru were part of the Shemsu Hor who travelled to Egypt in the ancient past. Due to the similarity to Apiru which means undesirable, this term has been confused."-Tsarion

The claims the Hebrews where Apriu/ Habiru are misleading again, the truth such peoples where from the region called Aryavarta {North India, Pakistan) when the gradual abandonment of the Saraswati civilizations due to the drying up of the river, there was major waves of former inhabitants of the region which from modern finds would have been extensive as the population of the Saraswati area was into the millions. These people became migrants and refugees that moved out over the generations to new areas:

About 1900 BC, the cult of Brahm was carried to the Middle and Near East by several different Indian groups after a severe rainfall and earthquake tore Northern India apart, even changing the courses of the Indus and Saraisvati rivers. The classical geographer Strabo tells us just how nearly complete the abandonment of Northwestern India was. "Aristobolus says that when he was sent upon a certain mission in India, he saw a country of more than a thousand cities, together with villages, that had been deserted because the Indus had abandoned its proper bed." (Strabo's Geography, XV.I.19.)

"The drying up of the Sarasvati around 1900 BCE, which led to a major relocation of the population centered around in the Sindhu and the Sarasvati valleys, could have been the event that caused a migration westward from India. It is soon after this time that the Indic element begins to appear all over West Asia, Egypt, and Greece." (Indic Ideas in the Graeco-Roman World, by Subhash Kak, taken from IndiaStar online literary magazine; p.14)

"The exodus of refugees out of ancient India did not occur all at once but over a period of one or more thousand years. If all these refugee ruling peoples were exclusively of Indian heritage, why doesn't History mention them? Indeed they are mentioned as Kassites, Hittites, Syrians, Assyrians, Hurrians, Arameans, Mittanians, Amalekites, Aethiops (Atha-Yop), Phoenicians, Chaldeans, and many others. But we have been wrongly taught to regard them as ethnicities indigenous to Western Asia."- Matlock

Many of these peoples became free companies, workers and in some cases criminals and conquers of new regions to settle in from the early records on the subject, many such as the peoples mentioned above would conqueror their own kingdoms and empires.

The Sumerian logogram SA.GAZ appears in texts from Southern Mesopotamia, dated from about 1850 BC, where it is applied to small bands of soldiers, apparently mercenaries at the service of local city-states and being supplied with food or sheep. One of those texts uses the Akkadian cuneiform word Hapiri instead of the logogram; another described them as "soldiers from the West". Their names are predominantly Akkadian; some are West Semitic, some unknown. Their origins, when recorded, are in local towns.

A letter to an Old Assyrian merchant resident in Ali?ar requests his aid in freeing or ransoming some Hapiri, formerly attached to the palace of Shalahshuwe (as yet unidentified), now prisoners of the local authorities.

The Tikunani Prism, dated from around 1550 BC, lists the names of 438 Habiru soldiers or servants of king Tunip-Tessup of Tikunani, a small city-state in central Mesopotamia. The majority of these names are typically Hurrian, the rest are Semitic, one is Kassite.

Another text from around 1500 BC describes the Hapiru as soldiers or laborers, organized into bands of various sizes commanded by SA.GAZ leaders: one band from Tapduwa has 15 soldiers, another from Sarkuhe has 29, and another from Alalakh has 1,436.

The Hapiru where simply the ancient equivalent of Cossacks. The truth is the title Hebrew [Ibaru] comes from Egypt it was a title for a Solar Priest. Its no mistake the important Jewish pass over is stolen from the Egyptian festival of Easter. A solar custom of Egypt.

"The priests of the Mysteries were symbolized as a serpent, sometimes called Hydra...The Serpent Kings reigned over the earth. It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery schools which later appeared as the Egyptian and Brahmin Mysteries... .The serpent was their symbol...They were the true Sons of Light, and from them have descended a long line of adepts and initiates."
- Hall

"The Apiru or Hapiru were not the same people as the Hebrews (Aryan) Magi had journeyed far and wide and established mystery schools throughout the world. The early Egyptians knew them as the Shemsu Hor "Disciples of Horus." The Shemsu Hor were counselors to, and perhaps even initiators of the pharaohs of Egypt."-Tsarion

"The word Hebrew can also be traced to the Gaelic Heber meaning "fire" or "sun" A "Hebrew" (Ibaru) was a priest of the sun."

"Cohen, the Jewish name for priest, comes from Cahen, the Egyptian pronunciation for a priest and a prince.13 Even circumcision, that uniquely `Jewish' tradition, came from the Egyptian mystery schools and was performed at least as far back as 4,000 BC. You could not be initiated unless you were circumcised. The Hebrew religion did not exist in Egypt and there was no Hebrew law because there was no Hebrew `race'. The only worship was Egyptian worship"

The High Priest of the Levities breast plate and all is nothing more then a stolen image of a Ibaru leader from Egypt.

This leads us to the next major claimed character of the Jewish "historical record" Moses:

Like that of Osiris, the story of Dionysus includes his own mythical conquest of India�.Dionysus is not only Osiris but also the counterpart of Moses:"That the god Bacchus was the archetype of Moses seems to have been the opinion of many learned men, particularly the celebrated Bishop of Huet, and I Vossius, who agree that the Arabian name of Bacchus is Meses."

Biblical scholarship and archaeology have basically proved that the Pentateuch, or first five books of the Bible , were not composed by the great lawgiver Moses himself. In the Bible Unearthed, archaeologist Israel Finkelstien demonstrates that much biblical composition was done from the 8th century BCE onward. Even in ancient times it was recognized that Moses did not compose the Pentateuch."
According to the myth, the Jews at the time of the Exodus celebrated the feat of the Lamb, which refers to the Age of Aries. In the Dionysian myth, the sacred Lamb or Ram provides water to Dionysus's army in the middle of the desert, the water-in-the-desert motif also being in the Moses myth. Like Dionysus and Amon, Moses is depicted wearing ram's horns. "

Another tale that found its way into the Bible is that of Bacchus's miracle of stopping the motion of the sun and moon, replayed in the story of Joshua.

It is related in the hymns of Orpheus, that Bacchus had a rod with which he performed miracles, and which he could change into a serpent at his pleasure. He passed the Red Sea, dry shod, at the head of his army. He divided the waters of the rivers Orontes and Hydaspus by the touch of his rod, and passed through them dry-shod. By the same mighty wand, he drew water from a rock, and wherever they marched, the land flowed with wine, milk and honey.

Bacchus, was called the "Law-giver, and it was said of Bacchus," as well of Moses, that his laws were written on two tables of stone. Bacchus was represented horned, and so was Moses. Bacchus was picked up in a box that floated on the water, and so was Moses. Bacchus had two mothers, one by nature, and one by adoption, so had Moses. Bacchus and his army enjoyed the light of the sun at night, Moses and his army a pillar of fire by night.

Moses being called the Law-giver and the laws being written on two tablets of stone, were obviously copied from Bacchus, but the idea of his (Moses) receiving the commandments from the Lord on a mountain was undoubtedly taken from the Persian legend of Zoroaster.
"In his gentler (Dionysus) aspects he is a lawgiver."

It is also well known now by Egyptologists that the Ten Commandments are stolen from the 42 negative confessions from the Egyptian Book Of The Dead.

It seems apparent that the Israelite conquest of "The Holy Land" was
taken from Dionysus mythical conquests, they just changed the direction as awhole.

This leads into the next connection with Egypt and the Brotherhood of the Serpent centers again as Dionysus another form or alias of the Egyptian God Osiris:

Herodotus compared the Greek god Dionysus and the Egyptian god Osiris as long ago as the fifth century B.C. and found them to be nearly equal in all their mythology characteristics and virtues.
Pausanias, Description of Greece 10. 29. 4 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) :

" Both the Greeks and the Egyptians have many legends about Dionysos."
Like his alter ego Osiris, Dionysus, the most popular god in the Roman Empire, was considered an immensely old deity, according to Herodotus who imparted that, even though he was on of the "youngest" gods, Dionysus supposedly appeared "15,000 years before Amasis" (Ahmose.fl. 1550 BCE).- Murdock

The Egyptians, reports Herodotus, claimed to be "quite certain of this dates." Having kept careful records. The assertion that Dionysus/Bacchus's presence on Crete, where he was said to have been born, extends back even further, as his epithet "Iakchos" is found at the palace at Knossos, with an apparent Egyptian connection."
In Avaris archaeologist have found Cretan motifs on the walls only found appearing previous on the walls of the palace in Knossos in ancient Crete. Both Osiris followers of Egypt and Cretans held the Bull sacred. The Cretan culture was identical to the Egyptian one even being ruled by a Priest King along with Serpent Brotherhoods the Kaberoi.

Dionysus was born on December 25th, the same as Osiris� like Osiris, Dionysus was torn into 14 pieces, and also like Osiris, Dionysus was considered both the son and father of Zeus, according to an Orphic verse"-Murdock

"Osiris �who was the "first to drink wine" and who taught mankind about the vine, according to Plutarch-is referred to as the "Lord of Wine in the �festival." Dionysus was the great Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure and festivity."- Murdock

Dionysus was also the Lord of Whine.

The staff of Osiris and the thyrsos of Dionysus are identical in appearance both being pine-cone tipped.

With such antiquity also came an enormous territory, as Dionysus was much beloved in a widespread area from Egypt to Greece to Macedonian, the Near East and beyond.-Murdock

We can also see in the creation of the religion of Serapis created by the Greek pharaoh Ptolemy I. The later fusion of Osiris with an Hellenic guise. Which demonstrates the same God can be worshipped by two peoples.

The rites of Eleusinians where Dionysian in nature And Dionysus as shown was also worshipped as Osiris in Egypt. By examination of the Eleusinian rites and ranks we are seeing a window into the Brotherhood Of The Serpent centers in Memphis Heliopolis[ called ON meaning Sun in Egyptian] and Avaris in Egypt. This is the actual reason Avaris was known in the ancient description as the "City of the Hebrews" because it was a major seat of the Egypt Priesthood of the Ibaru. Avaris was also called Zaon {Zion} and had a Royal Court called the Levities there.

"Reverend Taylor discovered the truth when he studied the Eleusinian Tradition of Greece, which dates back to before 1500 years BCE. He lays out the schemata for the ritual and dramatic performances customary to the Eleusinians:

Eleusis- The Beginning or Opening
Hierophant- The Magus Overseeing the Rites
Hupereet-Ordinary Priest, or Minister
Diaconos-A Deacon, or lower Officer
Photagogue-Bringer and Wielder of Light
Autoptos-Candidate Witnessing the Rite
Autopsy-The Act of Witnessing of Seeing
Hebrew-The Initiated One (who has passed through all trials and been purified)
Teleios-The Perfected Adept
Israelite-The Purified, God-Inspired Adept (the "God Seer")
Jew-God Himself. The State of Perfection. Man as Enlightened Being."

"The ancient terms Israelite and Ibaru (Hebrew)referred to high ranking, spiritually endowed Egyptians and their ancestors."
Israelite also comes from "worshipper of Essa or Essaite" Essa, Esus. Etc Are all ancient titles for the Sun Gods, The Phoenician God Saturn was also called Israel, Saturn was a Sun God in the aspect of the period of the sun before its death and rebirth on the Winter Solstice hence the Winter Solstice festival of Saturnia in ancient Rome.

Yahweh is originally an ancient name for the sun concept, the Egyptians had a title for a solar diety called Yahu/yahew, the Persians word for sun was yawnah the Phoenicians had yahwe and the Syrians Yaw. Origins of this can be traced in the Veda with the title Yahva...etc Even the term "Ad-ON-i" is Egypt in origin.

The five books of the Jewish Torah is stolen and corrupted from the five suits of the Tarot, Tarot means "Royal Road" in ancient Egyptian, the name signifies the kundalini Serpent ascension up the spine. The Kabala was also stolen from Egypt KA BA ANKH = "Kabalah:


The Temple of Sol-om-on was stolen from Egypt. It's the temple of the soul and its most ancient symbol is the Pyramid and the capstone. It represents the Godhead. Once again we are looking at another literalized fictional event, taken and corrupted from a spiritual concept nothing more:

The PYRAMID is symbolic of the shape of the human chakra. The missing capstone represents the unfinished work and the ALL-SEEING EYE represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as "SAMADI" or "SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS." The photo at left was taken from the US One Dollar Bill. The United States, government and all, was founded upon Masonic principles and is not Christian by any stretch of the imagination.


The Benben stone in Egypt represented as a pyramid shaped stone and the dwelling place of the sun god with its association with the Bennu bird (also Benu bird). The Benu bird is the Egyptian name for the Phoenix. The Benben stone represents the Temple Of Solomon.

The Jews simply stole the core of their identity from the Gentile Brotherhood Of the Serpent and their orders in Egypt. Which was one of the major Serpent centers in the ancient world.

They was no exodus and no Biblical homeland in the Canaanite lands:

"Nay , only are there no proofs for the twelve tribes of Israel having ever existed, but Herodotus, the most accurate of historians, who was in Assyria when Erza flourished, never mentions the Israelites at all�How is this possible?-Madame Helena Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine, vol 3)

"Nowhere in Torah (also called the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Bible) is there any mention of Jerusalem let alone a temple anywhere in Jerusalem."- Stephen M. St. John
Many writers of this ear were not even aware of the existence of Judea. The Greek Historian Herodotus, painstakingly exact in his documentation of the nations and peoples of the known world, refers only to the Syrians of Palestine�when he describes the area-Joseph Atwill (Cesar's Messiah)

Although the Tell-el-Amarna tablets give much information regarding Canaan at about the period of the Exodus, they make no allusions to the Jews in Egypt or to the great catastrophe caused by the events preceding their escape-Ernest Busenbark

We need to recognize that our understanding of Israel as a people and as a nation is unrelated to any known historical Israel�They created this `Israel' not as it once existed in an earlier period, but in away that was meaningful to themselves-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)
Of course, there was an Israel! The name itself is used already at the close of the Late Bronze Age on an Egyptian monument to refer to the People of Canaan that Pharaoh Merenptah's military campaign into Palestine fought against. But this is not the Israel that the Bible deals with-Hyam Maccoby's The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity

While it is hard-won principle of Biblical archaeology that the historicity of ancient Biblical narratives about old Israel cannot be confirmed unless we have extra-Biblical confirmation, it is more likely to confirm the Bible's literary and metaphorical tropes than to establish it as historical record--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Jerusalem's history�remains impossible to write. Although the Egyptian Amarna letters, which give us correspondences between Palestine's petty princes and kings and the Egyptian Pharaoh of the late fourteenth an dearly thirteenth centuries, tell us much of about the town of Urusalim and about its patron and king, Abdi-Hepa, we know nothing about this town from archaeology. We are not even certain where it was located, though we have every reason to believe that it was Jerusalem. The Iron Age town of Jerusalem on Mount Ophel, which has been excavated by Kathleen Kenyon before the 1967 Israel-Arab war offered no significant remains from the Late Bronze Age-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Palestine never developed a political power of any great international significance. It was always so divided by its many small regions that it never developed a common history except when it was controlled by some power from outside, such as Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia. High culture, as expressed in art, architecture, literature and pageant, hardly existed. Most of what has survived is either foreign in origins or derivative from Phoenicia on the Syrian coast-Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The annals of Pharaoh Ramesis II (the Great) make reference to
Semitic people who settled in the delta region of Goshen, but this does not really help because they are not specified as Israelites, but included in the Arab races of Syria, Phoenicia, Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent in general- Laurence Gardner (Genesis of the Grail Kings)

Although the name Judea is a geographical term occurring in Assyrian period texts, referring to the highlands south of Jerusalem, in the Persian period the name is political. It is the name of the Persian province. The Assyrians' name for the southern highlands, Jaudaa, and the Persians' imperial name, Yehud, were no more reflective of a people than were any of the other names for regions of the empire. Moreover the geographical spread of people referred to as Yehudim is so great that is would be rash to assume that this name refers to their place of origin. More should we continue to understand this term as ethnographic, without evidence-Thomas. L Thompson (The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

One of the most striking and wonderful tings about an "historian" like Josephus is that he knows almost nothing about "the past" that we ourselves do not already know from other sources. When an account he gives of a supposed event of two centuries earlier "confirms" something we can read in other works, it is only because he has copied or paraphrased it. Josephus has been well described as a person one wouldn't buy a used car from--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The earliest part of this period in the hill country has been traditionally presented as the "Golden Age" of ancient Egypt with its capital in Jerusalem. The ear has been associated with the "United Monarchy" wielding the political power of a Saul, a David and a Solomon and controlling a land-bridge from the Nile to the Euphrates, concept of a temple built by Solomon as the center of worship of Yahweh. Theses images have no place in descriptions of the real historical past. We known them only as a story, and wheat we known about such stories does not encourage us to treat them as if they were or were ever meant to be historical. There is no evidence of a United Monarchy, no evidence of a capital at Jerusalem�.We do not have evidence for the existence of kings named Saul, David or Solomon; nor do e have evidence for any temple at Jerusalem --Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

Megiddo, Gezer and Hazor and Jerusalem were in reality more like villages�.with small public buildings and poorly constructed dwellings with clay floors. The objects reveal a material culture, which, even by the standards of the ancient Near East, could not be judged sophisticated or luxurious. The `magnificence' of the age of Solomon is parochial and decidedly lackluster- professor James Pritchard(Solomon and Sheba)

As far as the Bible geography is concerned it appears that the main person responsible for its misinterpretation was Constantine the Great, who had definite motives for transferring the arena of Jewish history and that of Christ to another region altogether. He used Christianity as a valuable political asset, selected the East as this Empire, and with the aid of Eusebius, Jerome and others, invented the present Palestine�

NOT A SINGLE INSCRIPTION HAS BEN FOUND IN Palestine which can be identified with the Hebrew kingdom- H.D.DAUNT (The Center of Ancient Civilization)

The 12 tribes of Israel are taken from the celestial kingdom of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac, with the Sun as the ruler, hence the Lion of Judah rules the Lion[Leo] is the symbol of the sun as its height of power as it journeys thought the Zodiac.

Note on the Hyksos, a popular view is the Jews where descended from the Hyksos Sheppard kings, this claim more then naught originates with the Jewish propagandist Josephus and was an attempt to legitimize the fictional history of the Jews in his day:

In his Against Apion, the 1st-century CE historian Josephus Flavius debates the synchronism between the Biblical account of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, and two Exodus-like events that the Egyptian historian Manetho apparently mentions. It is difficult to distinguish between what Manetho himself recounted, and how Josephus or Apion interpret him.

Josephus identifies the Israelite Exodus with the first exodus mentioned by Manetho, when some 480,000 Hyksos "shepherd kings" (also referred to as just 'shepherds', as 'kings' and as 'captive shepherds' in his discussion of Manetho) left Egypt for Jerusalem.[24] The mention of "Hyksos" identifies this first exodus with the Hyksos period (16th century BC).

One of the most striking and wonderful things about an "historian" like Josephus is that he knows almost nothing about "the past" that we ourselves do not already know from other sources. When an account he gives of a supposed event of two centuries earlier "confirms" something we can read in other works, it is only because he has copied or paraphrased it. Josephus has been well described as a person one wouldn't buy a used car from--Thomas. L Thompson(The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The Hyksos arose in a turbulent period in Egyptian history one theory handed down is they invaded by force but this claim has fallen apart on new findings:

The ceramic evidence in the Memphis-Fayum region of Lower Egypt argues against the presence of new invading foreigners. Janine Bourriau's excavation in Memphis of ceramic material retrieved from Lisht and Dahshur during the Second Intermediate Period shows a continuity of Middle Kingdom ceramic type wares throughout this era. She finds in them no evidence of intrusion of Hyksos-style wares.[16] Bourriau's evidence strongly suggests that the traditional Egyptian view, long espoused by Manetho, that the Hyksos invaded and sacked the Memphite region and imposed their authority there, is fictitious.
The German Egyptologist Wolfgang Helck once argued that the Hyksos were part of massive and widespread Hurrian and Indo-Aryan migrations into the Near East. According to Helck, the Hyksos were Hurrians and part of a Hurrian empire that, he claimed, extended over much of Western Asia at this period. Most scholars have rejected this theory and Helck himself has now abandoned this hypothesis in a 1993 article.[23]\

Egypt was divided into two lands upper and lower and scholar Peter Ellis states that Foreigner a term given to the Hyksos was the term applied to men of lower Egypt. The fact is the Hyksos where worshippers of the Egyptian God Set. Set was the dominate God of lower Egypt during this period. Set was a solar God and is among the crucified and resurrected saviors of the Pagan world. Another evidence shows Canaanite deities and worship around this time in the region. The constant terming of them as Asiatic is most likely a miss translation of Aamu, meaning Amorites who where described as Aryan in appearance and race.

Aamu was the contemporary term used to distinguish the people of Avaris, the Hyksos capital in Egypt, from Egyptians. Egyptologists conventionally translate aamu as "asiatics" The Jewish historian, Josephus, in his Contra Apionem, claims that Manetho was the first to use the Greek term, Hyksos, incorrectly translated as "shepherd-kings". Contemporary Egyptians during the Hyksos invasion designated them as hikau khausut, which meant "rulers of foreign countries",

The final clues as to their origin come from the latest finds in their capital Avaris:

Minoan Paintings in Avaris, Egypt
http://www.therafoundation.org/articles ... varisegypt

"To the East of the platform were found numerous dumps of wall plaster with Minoan wall paintings, which are discussed below. Most probably they originate from this building."

"base of this tableau a half-rosette and triglyph frieze can be reconstructed, which should be seen as an emblem of the palace, most probably of the palace of Knossos itself."

As shown they was a major cultural similarly of the Minoans with the Egyptians, around this time the Minoans ruled one of the most powerful Empires in the Aegean and had bases in Palestine /Canaan as well. They had been Nubian dynasties in Egypt and there was obviously mass intermarriage with Egyptian Royals with Royals of other Empires such as the Hittite's.etc We are probably simply looking another situation in which due to blood line connections a Minoan backed dynasty took control of a region, and displaced the weak Nubian one. This seems to be further evident when the Hyksos where driven out they left to major bases where the Minoans had imperial holdings in Canaan(which explains the Canaanite influence as well) and aboard.

The fact is the Hyksos where Gentile Royals[Priesthoods] who had extensive connections with the other Royal houses and bases across a larger area then Egypt. Part of the fighting between them and the rival Thebans was simply a replay of the old rivals between the two Kingdoms and the theocratic nature of the regions. And all this happened hundreds of years before any legitimate record of the Jews appears.

I also believe given the fact many of these Hyksos stayed in Egypt and where part of the dynasties that followed theirs shows the claims of the strife and bitter warfare of this period have been largely over dramatized in history, Tsarion states:

From an academic point of view, the Minoan civilization is considered the finest in Europe. It was sophisticated and an inspiration to many other races. The work of Butler and Dafoe reveals the Cretans to have been a technically advanced Western people. As we mention above, recent discoveries suggest the Cretans were related biologically or, at least economically, with the Hyksos kings of Egypt. Artwork found in the Hyksos city of Avaris appears to be of Cretan artifice, and a few investigators believe trade took place between these peoples. Writers, such as Ralph Ellis, point to the fact that when the Minoan civilization was brought to an end by the devastating volcanic eruption on the nearby island of Thera, the Hyksos empire subsequently went into rapid decline. The search for a stronger relationship between the Hyksos of Egypt and the Cretans continues.
Examples of Minoan merchandise have regularly turned up in various tombs in Egypt. They have been found in the Levant and, through the matter is somewhat contentious, Minoan-type jewelry and goldwork has even been found in the graves of Wessex Culture, a race living in what is now southern England at a time contemporary with Minoan Crete at its heyday. The Cretans established a chain of outposts throughout the Aegean and the Mediterranean...trade was probably on a fairly large scale. Soon after the takeover of Crete by the Mycenaeans of mainland Greece sometime around 1400 BC, there are records to indicate that the palace of Knossos alone was running over 50,000 sheep - Alan Butler & Stephen Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)

...there is much on Crete from Minoan times to show the existence of a flourishing middle class which may have been partly made up of private merchants. Plush villas have been located, some very close to the many ports of the island, whilst in those places where everyday Minoan life is viewable, such as in the lava-buried settlement on Santorini, it appears that even the common folk of the Cretans lived a very comfortable life � ibid,

Another theory pushed by Jew Sigmund Freud was that Ahnkenton was Moses. As researcher John Kaminski states on the subject:

The man who invented psychology, Sigmund Freud, thought so highly of
Akhnaton that he tried his best several times to attribute the Hebrew
religion to this odd pharaoh's precepts, speculating in chapter after
chapter how Moses might have interfaced with Akhnaton's idea that the
Sun was the source of everything and all those other gods were simply
not of the same all-encompassing magnitude. But in his last book,
Moses and Monotheism (1939), Freud couldn't make the connection
convincingly, and was left guessing because Egyptology was not
sufficiently advanced in his time; plus, he didn't live long enough to
learn that the Old Testament was a clumsy fiction of writers
fabricating a tradition out of ideas stolen from other Cultures

Freud's attempt to link Akhnaton and Moses failed not
only timewise but by intent, as Akhnaton's god Aton was a pacifistic
bestower of the gift of life on humanity, whereas Moses's dictatorial
Yahweh � or Jahve, as Freud called him � was a violent volcano god
more interested in scaring his flock into submission than in loving
them � or let's say, more interested in the profits than the promise.

Like Josephus his Jewish ancestor before him Freud is simply attempting to create another set of lies to attempt to give historical legitimacy to the Jews phony history. Further more we don't have an actual traceable record of Jews existing before around the mid part of the last millennium BCE. It appears the Jews created their core of their identity in Egypt at some point and moved outwards into the different major key networks of the ancient world. The one thing all these Jewish communities have in common from India, Africa, China.etc Is the Torah, meaning they most likely all came out of Egypt after creating this fake history. Graham Hancock mentions there is a record of a Jewish synagogue being demolished by the Priest of Sobek in Egypt around the mid 4th century BCE. This is one of the earliest actual records outside of the fictional accounts and dubious histories we get of them.

While the concept of the Messiah[meaning Chief Cornerstone/Capstone of the Pyramid] is Egyptian-Gentile in origin and deals with the Magnum Opus/Temple of Solomon. The Jews stole this concept and corrupted it just as they stole their identity from the Brotherhood of the Serpent centers in Egypt

The fact is the Jews as mentioned simply dispersed in every direction to infest every major capital center in the ancient world and work to bring the Gentiles down and create the base of an international network of power and control, same as they do today. Their fictional history is designed to unite them [they created Israel today from myth making this belief/myth manifested more in reality] and create a powerful psychic intent to manifest there Messiah and Zion who shall unite the Diaspora, conqueror the world for Global Zion and rule from his Golden Throne in Jerusalem. And have all Gentiles on there knees as servants and slaves. This is why the Jewish programs from Christianity to Islam all have the Messiah prophecy which they stole once again from the Gentiles. To create the intent and vortex of energy to manifest their Chief Corner Stone[meaning of Messiah] who shall be the capstone upon the pinnacle[the pinnacle is the place the capstone is laid
on the Pyramid] of the Temple Of Solomon [The Jewish Race] and thus complete the Temple Of Solomon and bring the Jew World Order into full and absolute power. The Jews stated in their Protocol's this Messiah is the keystone[capstone] to their entire agenda.


The real Jewish Messiah is the Christ Character he has two faces one is Joshua[Yashua] the Torah Messiah who unites the 12 Tribes and conquerors the Gentiles and builds Zion. The second face is Joshua[Yausha] two for the Gentiles to be yoked unto the Jews and under their spell which uses Gentiles to bring about their own destruction and enslavement. While Yashua one binds the Jewish racial psyche together to manifest the same monster.

That is the cruel fact the Jews rub it right in our faces in the Bible especially in the New Testament in the parable of Jesus [Yashua/Joshua in Hebrew] standing on the pinnacle of the Temple dominating all the kingdoms of the world [showing him as the chief cornerstone of the Temple as the Lord of the Pyramid, the Messiah of the Jews, the Empire of the Jews manifested].

Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame" (1 Peter 2:6, NKJV).

The Apha and Omega represents the Chief Cornerstone:
Revelation 22:12 "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."

The biggest lie of the Jews is their own history.

Suns of God, Acharya S
Christ In Egypt, DM. Murdock
Irish Origins Of Civilization, Tsarion Micheal
Who Was ABRAHAM? Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.

How Almighty God was born, John Kaminski

KNJV Bible

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
