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The Invention Of "Hell" Was Done By Jews

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As for those that do not know, the word "Hell" is rooted in the Nordic adobe of "Hel" which is the underworld.

Traditionally, this to Pagans was nothing negative, quite the contrary, "Hel" or "The land of Hades" to the Greeks was a place where souls were kept for reincarnation, as in the Egyptian Duat. “Hel” was parellelized as a place where the dead who didn’t have a lot of spiritual level did go, and they were kept there to progressively reincarnate, until they could reach a higher level of consciousness.

This is of paramount importance and nothing negative, as otherwise souls can be lost or harmed. We have never had a place of eternal torment for so called "Sins". The concept of eternal punishment is entirely jewish.

Then, the aliens who want humanity scared and into dead meat came in, and they started expressing ideas from their psychotic offspring, the jews, and we have had the rising of the situation of “Hell” being what everyone knows, this dumb terrorist hoax where one goes to burn for jewish disobedience.

In Christianity, which is a jewish cult that emerged as the direct child of Judaism, we have this laid out very clearly. It is called "Kolasee" or "Purgatory", which means "The place of punishment" and this deals with disciplining one's self or lack of discipline towards Rabbi Yehoshua's teaching or the teaching of the Hebrew Jehovah. This is a place of torment for the soul, the descriptions of which are arrayed in the same sick way by christianity.

Everyone is aware of verses such as that in the bible, which are the jews throwing threats way beyond mortal murder or death onto their enemies. These are used to push monkeys into submission. This hoax has basically collapsed today, with even the Pope admitting that there is no "Hell" and that this was a fanciful creation of the jews, but just sit there and think to yourself what this fear has done to people for centuries.

This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous
and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 13:50-51)

If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out. (Mark 9:43)

"It is better for you to enter life lame, than having your two feet, to be cast into Gehenna." (Mark 9:45:)

"It is better for you to enter the Kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes, to be cast into Gehenna.(Mark 9:47):"

"Fear the One who, after He has killed has authority to cast into Gehenna; yes, I tell you, fear Him.(Luke 12:5:)"

Just some loving verses about the religion, the loving 'angels' and the loving jews that express their will to fry you eternally becuase you didn't submit to them. Very loving of them. If this is the religion of love I am wondering what is like a RELIGION OF HATRED.

While this post says the evident, a line that goes by jews is that the creation of "Hell" has nothing got to do with Judaism. They invented this idea as I will prove below. The situation is however, for the "Jews" there can be no hell. This is the message of Judaism, where "Hell" is a trivial punishment and there is no punishment.

In the "Revelations", Rabbi Jesus returns to save his "Elect Jews" And only the Goyim or Non-Jews are thrown into Hellfire, not the jews. So in a sense, this does not affect jews, but it came to be from Jews. Then this was exported as what the culture of Judaism already claims on the Gentiles, and was put in as part of the 'religion' of the "Goyim Slaves". The same thing happened in Islam and all the denominations that the jews created later.

Jews know this is a hoax, and in Judaism, "Gehenom" is only for Gentiles, and a disciplinary place for bad jews, sort of like how Hades was for Gentiles, where the low level souls went. It was exported differently on their slave programs on purpose, for reasons of irrational fear, control, expression of hatred, and submission.

In Islam this goes to the term "Jahanam" which is basically the hebrew term "Gehenom" with a slight irrelevant change. This is all entirely the same concept, where one burns eternally, is punished forever, and is to melt and melt again until the end of eternity in the "Lake of fire".

What does this "Punishment" revolve around? Well nothing just by you disagreeing with their jew egregore.

"...fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones,- which is prepared for those who reject Faith" (Quran 2:24).

In the description of Islam, there are all sorts of further punishments for disobeying the sky given sky Jew and his Jewish Prophet Pedophile Mohammed, which also revolve around more "Specific" punishments, such as eating balls of fire for the end of your life. This goes into the bible in how the enemies of "Christ" will drink Sulphur for all eternity.

"Is that the better entertainment or the Tree of Zaqqum? For We have truly made it (as) a trial for the wrong-doers. It is a tree that springs out of the bottom of Hell-Fire. The shoots of its fruit-stalks are like the heads of devils. Truly they will eat thereof and fill their bellies therewith. Then on top of that they will be given a mixture made of boiling water. Then shall their return be to the (Blazing) Fire" (Quran 37:62-68) & "Verily, the tree of deadly fruit will be the food of the sinful. Like molten lead will it boil in the belly, like the boiling of burning despair" (Quran 44:43-46).

The general idea is that there is also no "Escape" from this, and it will be eternal, same as in Christianity.

"And those who followed would say: 'If only We had one more chance...' Thus will Allah show them (the fruits of) their deeds as (nothing but) regrets. Nor will there be a way for them out of the Fire" (Quran 2:167) & As to those who reject Faith: if they had everything on earth, and twice repeated, to give as ransom for the penalty of the Day of Judgment, it would never be accepted of them. Theirs would be a grievous penalty. Their wish will be to get out of the Fire, but never will they get out. Their penalty will be one that endures" (Quran 5:36-37).

The main idea is simple, either one follows the egregore now, or they will be tormented eternally. Of course, these are empty threats from the enemy for the meek minded people, but one can really see how much bottomless hatred the jews have. Also, in Islam and Christianity, this has to do with the "Final Days", where the jews will rule the earth, and therefore, all those who have not confronted to them, are given a punishment to be eternally punished.

So deep goes the hatred of the jews that they don't want to punish their "opposition" for a said amount of time - they are to be roasted in boiling cauldrons for all eternity, constantly, without beginning and no end. Their crime? They disobeyed the jews. That's all. This is like the ultimate hatred and evil expressed into something which is basically in front of us and people "Worship" and "Condone" everyday.

Obviously there are no said claudrons and the weak jews do not have this ability, but just for the sake of record, they had to put this out there to just show what they plan to do when they can.

The Bible and Quran however will never be judged as a book of hate speech now, will it? This is because it belongs to the Chosen People, and they allowed to threaten people for 20+ centuries with eternally boiling in lava fire and melting eternally, over their 'disobedience' to the Jews.

Due to the fact that this idea has been very ugly, even in at the face of the most deluded believers, who are at a cognitive dissonance in regards to how a "Loving God" is going to burn everyone for "Eternity", jews have rejected the authoring of this idea to the "Idolatrous Christians and the Gentiles".

This is the typical blame shifting the jews are doing, and this is always based on lack of understanding and awareness of both Jewish culture, and in many cases, total ignorance in what "Gentiles" believe in, such as Islam or Christianity.

As stated above, the jewish term of this, is Gehenom and it means "Purgatory" or "Hell" as it means in the other two programs of the jews. Here is material that was written before the advent of Christianity by hundreds of years, possibly thousands - and also of course before the advent of Islam:

" They so stated with his wife; all the more so with the wife of his friend. From this, the sages said, "Any time that a man increases conversation with the woman, he causes evil to himself and neglects the words of Torah; and, in his end, he inherits Geihinam." -Pirkei Avot 1:5

"As we all know, we have Oral Torah, and Written Torah [...]. You go the Gemara, at Rosh Hashana page 17, chapter A [My note Rosh Hashana has to also do with judgement day] - "Wrongdoers of Israel who sin with their body and wrongdoers with the Gentiles who sin with their body, go down to Gehenom, and are punished there for 12 months. [...] This first 12 months is the trial (of the punishment) - After 12 months, their body is consumed and their soul is burned, and the wind scatters them down on the feet of the Qadosh (Righteous Jews) as it's said "You shall tread down the wicked, and they shall be as ashes down to the soles of the righteous, of your feet. But as for the minim (Idol worshipers) and for the informers, and for the scoffers, who rejected the Torah and denied the resurrection of the dead, and those who abandoned their community, and those who spread terror in the land of the living, and who sinned, and made the masses sin, like Yeovam, the son of Davat and his fellows, these will go down to Gehenom and be punished there for all generations: And they shall go and see the caucuses of the men who have rebelled against me" - meaning Gehenom will be consumed but they will not be consumed [...] that continues forever". -Rabbi Yaron Reuven on Gehenom

Now, in regards to the idiots who still believe that Christianity is nothing else but Judaism, it makes you wonder why the original bible is the story of Rabbi and his 12 jewish apostles. Just know, you are going into "Hell" if you are non-jew, and that it's well documented into the contract you have signed with your faith.

It's pure ignorance, and also, based on spiritual laws of this universe, those who are foolish enough to believe they deserve eternal punishment because they disobey the jews and their horror terrorism, may actually manifest this reality after death (as our mind highly alters the 'world beyond' which is immaterial') and find themselves tormented 'eternally'. This is one of the prices to pay for one's own misuse of spiritual energy, and the price to pay for the mass deception of christianity.

This energy is pooled on the astral for dumb souls and the gullible to go in, and suffer 'eternally'. Obviously while this is not eternal, this should show people both the spite and irrational hatred of jews, and that the jew is a terrorist and nothing else, always procuring fear and terror for slavery of dumb subjects.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Someone, who was raised in a christian family but is not one, told me that in a book of facts they have, the anti-god/devil was created after people started using their brains and asking questions, about how and why bad things happen to good people and why "god" allows such things, etc. In older versions of "the" bibleses, "the devil" and "hell" didn't exist, and it wasn't until a certain time that the idea of "the devil"/"hell" was invented and added to the faerie tale story book. I did ask which book of facts it was which they said they had, but they never told me.

The general idea is that there is also no "Escape" from this, and it will be eternal, same as in Christianity.
In another thread I said, "cyclical redundancy and perpetual debt and slavery". This "eternal punishment" is the equivalent. You're nothing to the jew - expendable, worthless - and the jew wants this Planet to be an endless factory of Goyim slaves.
These disgusting beings are really becoming obvious with how ugly and evil they are:
I wouldn't be against the idea of us having/creating a real "hell" for the jews where we actually torment their spirits for as long as is satisfactory. They are deserving of every amount of suffering they had wrought against not just humanity but other races and species as well.
Talk about a Guinness World record of being the evil-most race in our SOLAR SYSTEM! :twisted:
Hel is originally the name of the root chakra, and the Goddess Hel, the daughter of Loki, its related to the "Shining city" note its common in many European cities to have the world "Hel" in them. The root chakra was shown as a beautiful city and palace that has the Shakti Goddess living within it sitting on a throne in the east. Its the same in the west. Odin travels to the palace of Hel to unite with the Goddess Hel, and from here he emerges reborn. Frey hangs himself on the tree for 9 days and 9 nights to unite and marry the Goddess Hel, its raising the serpent from Helheim, the root chakra to the crown.
There are all of these modern "Hell Testimonies" on youtube, how people have near death experiences, and visions and see relatives, friends, and such in Hell with demons tormenting them eternally,,,,, even sexually ( sick Jew minds here ).
Even many Christians are seen in Hell because their sincere prayer to Jesus for salvation was not enough to earn, appropriate, hold onto the blood of Jesus, as they died without repenting of some sin ( like masturbation ).
( It gets worse, haha ).
These ''faithful'' christians served their Jew god, faithfully, and for some little sin they had when they died, they went to hell for it.
The christian god in all of his ''omnipotence'' could not even spare these christians from the little ''mistakes''
This jew god did NOT use the talents given to hem ( omnipotence ) to save his faithful servants from trivial 'sins', so they went to Hell. This god is blatantly a Hypocrite ( pharisee ) jew.
Because of the weakness of the flesh, soul nature that this god supposedly created, his faithful are now in Hell.
This god is rightly labeled, what the new testament bible verse calls,, "Worse than an unbeliever".
He can't even keep his faithful out of Hell,, much less save the world.
This and my own experience with religion tell me, this god is a sham, hoax, lie, myth.
Which is one reason I got the courage to delve so much into the Occult.
On these Hell testimony videos I like to add a comment such as "The Kohen pure blooded Jewish priesthood that reject Jesus as savior and died are now in Hell fire, worms, and feces, with the Gentile criminals""
That should piss the Jewish elite off. ( I can get away with this,,,,,,, FOR NOW ).
Whatever is safe for others to do, I leave that to each person's discretion, and wisdom.
Saying things like this lowers the Jewish priesthood down to the level of the Gentile,, in the eyes of the Jewish elite,, That should piss them off.
Again, I can get away with it in my life situation, at least in this moment of time.
Saying thins like , "The Jewish Rabbis that reject Jesus, and died are now in Hell with the Gentiles.
The Jewish elite would spit me to Hell if I came around them on the street.
Fortunately I do not have to worry about that.
Kohen priesthood, pure blooded Jewish Cohen Genes. Change the C in Cohen to a K for Kohen
Hide in plain sight.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I wouldn't be against the idea of us having/creating a real "hell" for the jews where we actually torment their spirits for as long as is satisfactory. They are deserving of every amount of suffering they had wrought against not just humanity but other races and species as well.
Sa-weet. You can be one of mein leitenants, then, when I become Lord Grand-master Mad-hatter Maniacal Berserker in Perpetuity! :p If you haven't, see my posts about such punishment of the jew regarding this. It should be done, and not just as a fantasy.

jbkbmz said:
Even many Christians are seen in Hell because their sincere prayer to Jesus for salvation was not enough to earn, appropriate, hold onto the blood of Jesus, as they died without repenting of some sin ( like masturbation ).
( It gets worse, haha ).
These ''faithful'' christians served their Jew god, faithfully, and for some little sin they had when they died, they went to hell for it.
I can remember a muslim telling me that "god" says that if you are going to the fire, then you are actually going to the light, and if you are going to the light then you are actually going to the fire. i.e. not actually going into the portal which has "Hell" or "Heaven" over its lintel. :roll: Dirty deceiving "god".

The christian god in all of his ''omnipotence'' could not even spare these christians from the little ''mistakes''
This jew god did NOT use the talents given to hem ( omnipotence ) to save his faithful servants from trivial 'sins', so they went to Hell. This god is blatantly a Hypocrite ( pharisee ) jew.
Despite learning that "the first sin" was committed in "heaven" - to contradict that - it is also "true" that "heaven" and "god" are PERFECT!, so that means that even the smallest, tiniest, teeniest, ickle, itty-bitty "sin" is a blot on PERFECTION!, so then that means that you may not enter. Remember - that is despite "sin" originating in "heaven". :roll: When this was revealed to us, we were like, "Woooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwwwww!", but we forgot something - it was wow-y to us while not realising that "the devil angel" was in "heaven" and "sinned" originally while in "heaven"... Despite "god" being perfect, and not being able to create evil (COUGH!!), it still somehow managed to create "the devil angel" - but just like adam blaming "god" for creating evil eve, it was also not "god's" fault, but it was the debull's fault, that the debull sinned. It was said that "the devil angel" became proud and thought Himself higher and more powerful than "god"; thus, became cast out of "heaven".

I saw a picture, which I might have somewhere, which said that the fall of Lucifer was not Him having been cast out of heaven, but it was when Man fell (was pushed, rather) and was blocked from knowing Him and being in communication and communion with Him.

Because of the weakness of the flesh, soul nature that this god supposedly created, his faithful are now in Hell.
It's not their fault that they were given a Brain but forbidden from using it! :lol:

This god is rightly labeled, what the new testament bible verse calls,, "Worse than an unbeliever".
The very word "jehova" means "god of evil".

He can't even keep his faithful out of Hell,, much less save the world.
It* "created" the entire Universe in 6 days, was lazy on the 7th despite being omnipotent because it needed to show idiot Goyim how to relax because it gave them a Brain but demanded they not use it...and after having created the Universe, it was not able to destroy chariots made out of iron...

This and my own experience with religion tell me, this god is a sham, hoax, lie, myth.
Which is one reason I got the courage to delve so much into the Occult.
For some, it is extremely difficult-to impossible to escape; they're brainwashed and mind-raped since birth (and before birth for some, having been xians in previous lives), and this continues on for many years/many lifetimes. There truly is no - absolutely zero - "free will", in actual reality.

On these Hell testimony videos I like to add a comment such as "The Kohen pure blooded Jewish priesthood that reject Jesus as savior and died are now in Hell fire, worms, and feces, with the Gentile criminals""
That should piss the Jewish elite off. ( I can get away with this,,,,,,, FOR NOW ).
There is, or was, a video on the j00t00bs which had xians visiting "the holy country" "israel", and a couple of dirty jews there told them to go home, and said that they killed jewsus, and one of those behind the camera asked, "Did you hear that?!". The jew just takes the piss (and shit!).
As Mohamed ben Mohammed Muh Mohammed, otherwise known as "Moe" entered the gates of paradise after strapping a suicide vest to himself and shrieking "Allah Snackbar!" on his way out of the world. He looked with eager anticipation upon the 72 virgins awaiting him in paradise. "What is this!" Moe yelled in shock upon witnessing the 72 virgins that paradise granted him. Moe just stood their in shock as he watched 72 bronies, watching My Little Pony as they bro-hoofed each other and talked about friendship magic.
I think Xtianity and Muslim change the Gentile genes at the DNA level.The more deep in these shit a goy is the more they are transformed.At the final stage of these RHP religions these fools are turned into those grey slaves.
jbkbmz said:
On these Hell testimony videos I like to add a comment such as "The Kohen pure blooded Jewish priesthood that reject Jesus as savior and died are now in Hell fire, worms, and feces, with the Gentile criminals""
That should piss the Jewish elite off. ( I can get away with this,,,,,,, FOR NOW ).
Whatever is safe for others to do, I leave that to each person's discretion, and wisdom.
Saying things like this lowers the Jewish priesthood down to the level of the Gentile,, in the eyes of the Jewish elite,, That should piss them off.
Again, I can get away with it in my life situation, at least in this moment of time.
Saying thins like , "The Jewish Rabbis that reject Jesus, and died are now in Hell with the Gentiles.

Honestly, this seems half pointless. All this does is perpetuate the same Xian belief that Jewsus is on their side against the Jews. And in turn, doing what the Jew wants - keeping the gentile adherent to Xianity. A jew themselves will gladly try and spread the belief that the jews will burn if it means keeping the lies of Xianity and Islam going strong in the minds of gentiles. So no, the jewish elite aren't going to be pissed, this is basically doing their work for them. They WANT people to think Xianity and Jewsus is somehow "against" them.

You'd do far more damage to them simply by telling the truth outright. Exposing Jewsus jewish nature, how much the rabbis adore him, and how much he hates gentiles. Our whole purpose in online warfare is to spread the absolute truth. Pissing off the rabbis is a side-effect of this. So really, if you're going to put any effort into trying to rile them up, just speak the truth. Our cause isn't helped if you feed into their own lie, regardless of how "offensive" you think it sounds to them. Nothing hurts a rabbi more than the plain truth about all of their monstrous lies.
Hi to our spiritual leaders here I just want to say a massive THANK YOU for all your efforts in bringing us true knowledge and understanding, this shows me and I know Farther Satan is REAL so may the gods BLESS AND KEEP YOU ALL SAFE.
HP Mageson666 said:
As Mohamed ben Mohammed Muh Mohammed, otherwise known as "Moe" entered the gates of paradise after strapping a suicide vest to himself and shrieking "Allah Snackbar!" on his way out of the world. He looked with eager anticipation upon the 72 virgins awaiting him in paradise. "What is this!" Moe yelled in shock upon witnessing the 72 virgins that paradise granted him. Moe just stood their in shock as he watched 72 bronies, watching My Little Pony as they bro-hoofed each other and talked about friendship magic.

Mohammed's real name was probably Moe Greene and he owned a trading tent where he was selling mini torah scrolls saying how all goyim need to burn. Finding that these weren't getting much traction, he just decided to open his new religion based on this.
This Hell of theirs is what they do to any souls that they can get their hands on that are not complete and total slaves enough to be consumed into the borg or Heaven cube on the astral. Any resistance at all and the person is cast into what will feel like eternal torture even though its not as time isnt understood in the astral the same way.

Good Sermon Cobra. I want to go into something personal here to show you the mindset of these Jews. When I wasnt taking Satanism seriously at all I was attacked by the greys and they forced me to believe that Satan had eternally left me and there was nothing I could do I was going to that hell. That is what made me leave for about 3 years. I would just beg Satan to come back but of course thats not the right way to do it I had to show him I am serious and sorry for the stuff I did and would be loyal to him. So eventually I gave up and turned to the enemy cause they tried to convince me in my thoughts that if I serced them they would still torture me but lessen it.

I remember one of I believe it was enemy nordics this was different than greys. Laughing at me shortly as I was going to sleep and he projected this image of my soul burning and me screaming in this hell he was laughing and praising "god" for this.

Anyways these entities are very brutal and love murder and torture especially of children. They have a very violent society where nothing matters no advancement nothing like communism times 1000.

I do not believe for a minute that these "hell" ndes are just a persons mind manifesting their fears. I believe the greys reptilians and even maybe high level rabbis created this realm in the astral and try to enslave as many as they can into this. True its not eternal the spirit either dissapates or reincarnates eventually but it feels eternal to those tortured there.

There are also some other dark and bad astral realms that are not nearly as bad as this but are complete grayness and everything dead burned abandon wandering forever in despair etc I saw a vision of one of those too.

Trust me I am grateful to be back with Satan and willing to help out I have seen the enemy for how they truly are. Like I said in my other post I had the misfortune of talking to a Jew (he claimed he was gentile but I know he was not) who bragged about killing and torturing and rape of children and visiting these entities in the draco constellation (dont know where that is) where he talked to them and got instructions from them. This kind of stuff has taken away my innocence somewhat knowing what the enemy is truly like. It shocked me into having some strong emotional issues for awhile cause like Maxine said its better some people dont know about the worst of what is going on if they are Sensitive (i am cancer moon) but just know that the enemy is really bad. Anyways I am fine now but I want you all to know I strongly believe these realms are real on the astral it has to do with the greys and reptilians. Who knows maybe the even send naughty kikes there sometimes as a threat to keep them in line. On the old probb fourm there was a sermon that said much of the same stuff. Some Jews fear thr enemy just as much as the kind of thing I was describing above that happened with me. This makes me feel happy considering a lot of them will know and fear they will be tortured in the astral soon.

I am not sure we have to create such a realm for them. The reptilians will do it for us.

The thing we may have to focus on at some point is liberating some human souls from this place that are at least still somewhat worth it
jbkbmz said:
There are all of these modern "Hell Testimonies" on youtube, how people have near death experiences, and visions and see relatives, friends, and such in Hell with demons tormenting them eternally,,,,, even sexually ( sick Jew minds here ).
Even many Christians are seen in Hell because their sincere prayer to Jesus for salvation was not enough to earn, appropriate, hold onto the blood of Jesus, as they died without repenting of some sin ( like masturbation ).
( It gets worse, haha ).
These ''faithful'' christians served their Jew god, faithfully, and for some little sin they had when they died, they went to hell for it.
The christian god in all of his ''omnipotence'' could not even spare these christians from the little ''mistakes''
This jew god did NOT use the talents given to hem ( omnipotence ) to save his faithful servants from trivial 'sins', so they went to Hell. This god is blatantly a Hypocrite ( pharisee ) jew.
Because of the weakness of the flesh, soul nature that this god supposedly created, his faithful are now in Hell.
This god is rightly labeled, what the new testament bible verse calls,, "Worse than an unbeliever".
He can't even keep his faithful out of Hell,, much less save the world.
This and my own experience with religion tell me, this god is a sham, hoax, lie, myth.
Which is one reason I got the courage to delve so much into the Occult.
On these Hell testimony videos I like to add a comment such as "The Kohen pure blooded Jewish priesthood that reject Jesus as savior and died are now in Hell fire, worms, and feces, with the Gentile criminals""
That should piss the Jewish elite off. ( I can get away with this,,,,,,, FOR NOW ).
Whatever is safe for others to do, I leave that to each person's discretion, and wisdom.
Saying things like this lowers the Jewish priesthood down to the level of the Gentile,, in the eyes of the Jewish elite,, That should piss them off.
Again, I can get away with it in my life situation, at least in this moment of time.
Saying thins like , "The Jewish Rabbis that reject Jesus, and died are now in Hell with the Gentiles.
The Jewish elite would spit me to Hell if I came around them on the street.
Fortunately I do not have to worry about that.
Kohen priesthood, pure blooded Jewish Cohen Genes. Change the C in Cohen to a K for Kohen
Hide in plain sight.

The kikes wont be pissed off by this at all. Who do you think promoted the xtian "antisemitism" to infiltrate Nazi groups and back in the times of Martain Luther and the protestant thing when people were waking up to the Jews. This is what they do to controll the opposition. An actual Cohen would probably laugh about this and think something about "silly goyim" or think it is another Jew this wont offend them at all. You will be helping them. The synogauge shooter false flag Jew by race I believe called the Jews "Satanic". This is the same kind of thing.

If you want to help us then post exposing christianity stuff or stuff about how all xtians are going to hell or the only people that go to hell are those that believe in it. Then post a link to one of our sites. That is way more helpful. I know I used to troll the communists on some website and pretend to be one while saying obviously completely dumb stuff with the thought of making them look silly. I thought it was funny till I realized Shit what if I convince someone that communism is good damn I shouldnt do that. I know trolling can be fun but its not good to accedentally promote the enemy stuff and maybe even bring someone to the enemy side or keep them from looking further you never know. Internet warfare is a serious goal. Dont help the enemy accedentally.

Hail Satan
The Mage said:
I think Xtianity and Muslim change the Gentile genes at the DNA level.The more deep in these shit a goy is the more they are transformed.At the final stage of these RHP religions these fools are turned into those grey slaves.

That is the reason why many christian priests and Islamic fanatics have jewish traits even if they are gentile.
HP Mageson666 said:
As Mohamed ben Mohammed Muh Mohammed, otherwise known as "Moe" entered the gates of paradise after strapping a suicide vest to himself and shrieking "Allah Snackbar!" on his way out of the world. He looked with eager anticipation upon the 72 virgins awaiting him in paradise. "What is this!" Moe yelled in shock upon witnessing the 72 virgins that paradise granted him. Moe just stood their in shock as he watched 72 bronies, watching My Little Pony as they bro-hoofed each other and talked about friendship magic.

I make not apologies for this -

Dunham: Well, did they say it would only be female virgins?
Achmed: Holy crap!

Wotanwarrior said:
The Mage said:
I think Xtianity and Muslim change the Gentile genes at the DNA level.The more deep in these shit a goy is the more they are transformed.At the final stage of these RHP religions these fools are turned into those grey slaves.

That is the reason why many christian priests and Islamic fanatics have jewish traits even if they are gentile.
I think it was said in a post that the Gentile jew-worshipper is infested by/with the jew soul, and more and more so the deeper and deeper into it the Gentile goes. No wonder it is impossible to wake some of them up; they quite literally are beyond help. Their own Soul is so bound very tightly, it's like trying to unravel the strands in the knot part of a rope, as opposed to the knot itself, which has accumulated dirt and grime for years. You can undo a fresh knot quite easily, but not one which is very tight, old, and has a load of dirt and grime caked in to it.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I wouldn't be against the idea of us having/creating a real "hell" for the jews where we actually torment their spirits for as long as is satisfactory. They are deserving of every amount of suffering they had wrought against not just humanity but other races and species as well.

I approve.
HP Mageson666 said:
As Mohamed ben Mohammed Muh Mohammed, otherwise known as "Moe" entered the gates of paradise after strapping a suicide vest to himself and shrieking "Allah Snackbar!" on his way out of the world. He looked with eager anticipation upon the 72 virgins awaiting him in paradise. "What is this!" Moe yelled in shock upon witnessing the 72 virgins that paradise granted him. Moe just stood their in shock as he watched 72 bronies, watching My Little Pony as they bro-hoofed each other and talked about friendship magic.

Note the Goddess Hel was called Hella as well. The ancient Greeks called themselves Hellas, which relates to shining, illumination, noble and such.
The belief in being roasted forever has been declining in the western world, so it has been replaced by the atheistic belief that there's absolutely nothing after death.
While just as dreadful, the main difference is that there's nothing you can do about it, as there is no "savior" to believe in.
This belief makes the people demoralized/nihilistic and that's just fine for the (((ruling class))), it seems...
I think posting the Exposing Christianity ebook and such is the best thing. And I do . Just seems to be harder to do this, as links cannot be posted on youtube,, The Angelfire ebook and Joy of Satan material in general got taken down. ( Wonder if all of my Spamming the material had something to do with this ).
It can still be done, and I keep it up.
But to post Satan's Library on many media places run people away, ( even those that would appreciate the material ). The word Satan on it would cause their religious programming to kick in and run them away from even looking at the material.. I KNOW. I was like that 20 years ago. That brainwashed.
I walked out and abandoned the religious as I saw contradictions, as they revealed themselves. Decided to take a chance. Most people are not there yet.
I can post Satan's Library on occult and witchcraft forums easily enough. Still do on a regular basis. Mostly Personal Messages to people that are looking for meditations, techniques, answers on the occult and religion. These people usually are glad I shared it.
But,,, someone out there is making it a bit harder to share this information. Obviously they do not appreciate it being shared.
I have posted these links well over 10,000 times in lots of places, as I sensed even several years ago, that I would not be able to do so in the future, at least not as easily as before.
Seems that time is on us.
And as far as the Hell Testimonies are concerned. The Jews know how to use these stories to stir Gentile fears and cause the mass Gentile mind to feed Energy into these stories and the astral realm in order to create and strengthen these experiences for people when they die.
In essence, the people that feed into these stories,, Damn themselves.
So Hell is Self Created.
The solution is simple. Don't feed into it. For most people this is easier said than done.
jbkbmz said:
I think posting the Exposing Christianity ebook and such is the best thing. And I do . Just seems to be harder to do this, as links cannot be posted on youtube,, The Angelfire ebook and Joy of Satan material in general got taken down. ( Wonder if all of my Spamming the material had something to do with this ).
It can still be done, and I keep it up.
But to post Satan's Library on many media places run people away, ( even those that would appreciate the material ). The word Satan on it would cause their religious programming to kick in and run them away from even looking at the material.. I KNOW. I was like that 20 years ago. That brainwashed.
I walked out and abandoned the religious as I saw contradictions, as they revealed themselves. Decided to take a chance. Most people are not there yet.
I can post Satan's Library on occult and witchcraft forums easily enough. Still do on a regular basis. Mostly Personal Messages to people that are looking for meditations, techniques, answers on the occult and religion. These people usually are glad I shared it.
But,,, someone out there is making it a bit harder to share this information. Obviously they do not appreciate it being shared.
I have posted these links well over 10,000 times in lots of places, as I sensed even several years ago, that I would not be able to do so in the future, at least not as easily as before.
Seems that time is on us.
And as far as the Hell Testimonies are concerned. The Jews know how to use these stories to stir Gentile fears and cause the mass Gentile mind to feed Energy into these stories and the astral realm in order to create and strengthen these experiences for people when they die.
In essence, the people that feed into these stories,, Damn themselves.
So Hell is Self Created.
The solution is simple. Don't feed into it. For most people this is easier said than done.

In places you cant post a link you can go like exposingchristianity dot com or joyofsatan dot com also say all one word joy of satan dot com if it still doesnt post. Try that.
darkmonkey666 said:
I remember one of I believe it was enemy nordics this was different than greys. Laughing at me shortly as I was going to sleep and he projected this image of my soul burning and me screaming in this hell he was laughing and praising "god" for this.

These months ago when I was under heavy attack I saw them on some occasion and although they look different from the gray and reptilian they do not have human aspect, they are not nordics.
Those parasites what they do is project your internal fears, in my case they made me believe that I would always remain blind and deaf astrally and could never communicate with my GD and the gods.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
