When I was into trading I came across a lot of what OP is talking about here; reprogramming the mind from the mindset of money being "the root of all evil", that one does not deserve it somehow, or that one will become a greedy bastard if a lot of money is obtained. They often say in trading that reprogramming the mind from this is the MOST important aspect of being a successful trader.
That's interesting, and probably has a lot to do with Jewish programming through Christianity (crap like "poverty is a virtue", "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" etc.).
As long as money is obtained and used in fair and just ways, it's not evil at all.
Some people give money to charity, start up businesses that help others in various ways, while others use it to buy drugs, prostitutes etc. It's not money that's necessarily evil, but the way some people is using and obtaining it, primarily Jews.