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The Horn of the Unicorn

Luna Black

Active member
Mar 11, 2018
It was an interesting read. What I knew about unicorns is I read somewhere that unicorns were a symbol of purity and could only be tamed by the pure hearted. Likely an old spiritual allegory. It makes sense with your post. The cleansing of the soul, the opening and cleansing of the third eye and pineal. The MO can only be tamed by the clean/pure of soul.

Now for the slightly more horn-y part.

We have this intriguing passage :
"Psalm 92:10 KJV
But my horn shalt though exalt like the horn of a unicorn; I shall be anointed with fresh oil.
Psalms is supposed to be the pure wisdom of god according to xtians.

So this Moses guy teaches some.. lubrication method of his.. "exalted" horn. Exalted means "raised, risen, elevated, made more intense"
I had remember seeing a video pointing out how many merchandise had unicorn symbolism, i guess you may also came across this video as well.

When i saw the part where unicorn poop was being sold as toys i'm like wtf are people actually going to buy this shit?

At the time i never thought much on it, when i was searching up on my GD Amdusias i noted that one of his symbols was a unicorn playing a trumpet.
one of Amdusias's planet is Neptune.

Neptune rules spiritual and psychic things as well as fantasy.
Unicorns don't exist, they're a mythical/fantasy creature.

People are cut of from spirituality but everyone has a Neptune in their charts, and it's transits still affect us, people since they're cut of from spirituality are still drawn to it.
I had been trying to figure out if there was any meaning behind unicorn symbolism or if the woman in the video was just exaggerating, i came up with the idea that since people are drawn to spirituality unicorn symbolism would naturally get their attention and have some sort of attraction.
Neptune is in it's ruling sign and will there for some years again, and i'm unsure if we're still in the age of Pisces.
But this just appeared to me as a marketing tactic exploiting what i said above to get people to buy merch.

However what you pointed about the actual spiritual ties to unicorn symbolism was helpful to me so thank you, i guess some of my questions were answers.

the biblical quotes were also interesting, as well as the part where the unicorn is bound in the royal arms, going back to Amdusias, his music is extraordinary and i have had some bizarre and fun experiences with him when i was having a very hard time in life.
Given his creative nature, it's also possible that the unicorn can represent creativity in general, which is most likely why it's bound in the royal arms.
zolaluckystar said:
I've noticed that there is a glut of unicorn symbolism prevalent today, cartoony unicorns everywhere; on baby clothing, t-shirts, you name it. It's everywhere. Now why is that, you might ask? I've been getting communications from one of our Gods. I feel He asked me to write about this...so here goes:

In the secret teaching of all ages Manly p Hall writes:

“Symbolism is the language of the mysteries; not only of mysticism and philosophy but of all nature, for every law and power within in universal procedure is manifested to the limited sense perception of man through the medium of symbol. Every form existing in the diversified sphere of being is symbolic of the divine activity (or principle) by which it is produced. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language. Rejecting man conceived dialects as inadequate and unworty to perpetuate divine ideas, the mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more ingenious and ideal method of preserving their transcendentanal knowledge. In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise (initiated) the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the symbol remains inscruitable. Hence, he who seeks to unveil the secret doctrines of antiquity must search for that doctrine not upon the open pages of books which might fall into the hands of the unworthy but in the place where it was originally concealed.”

This puts me in mind of what Satan says:

“I lead to the straight path without a revealed book.”

In alchemy, the Unicorn was associated with the male-female or androgynous mercury: A motif indicating attainment of the Great Work (Magnum Opus). Hence, it's a very powerful symbol. Symbols are a reflection of spirituality, which of course the enemy has worked hard to strip us of. And so, of course, the enemy works hard to denigrate it.

The Horn of the Unicorn also represents the Pineal Gland/third eye and the reason it's connected with Ancient Paganism (Spiritual Satanism) as an enlightened or magical spirit. The third eye is the middle eye of Shiva, it's the eye of Horus, it is the Horn of the Unicorn.

In both european and oriental traditions the Unicorn is identified with a messiah who comes when the world is in danger and heralds the coming of a new and better age. But this 'messiah' that comes is actually US. WE are our own saviours. It's us when we are risen and can no longer be decieved or fooled by the enemys lies. We who come when the world is in danger, as it certainly is right now, and here we are! We come. We're meant to rule because its our birthright. Birthright is a natural right obtained through birth. This privilege comes only through descent from our Father (being a Gentile, having a Satanic Soul) and does not depend on any other conditions or attributes (though of course we have to work to advance - that goes without saying).

So the Unicorn when viewed in this light becomes a symbolic representation of the risen man, one who has attained Godhead. It's a symbol of the Sceptre of Victory, the Right to Rule; by blood, by right, by the will of the God, the One True God, Satan. The right of Kings. It's also important to explain another word: 'Sceptre'. The Sceptre symbolises the royal office and power. Possession of the Sceptre means the continuation of the royal line and the right to rule. But it is WE who are born to hold that sceptre, not the enemy that has stolen it. It's our birthright.

As an aside: the belief in Pagan Europe was not that victory automatically went to the side with the better army but that, as with personal trial by combat, to the side that the Gods viewed with favour.

Now, with this in mind consider these mentions of Unicorns in the bible:

Job 39:9
Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?

Job 39:10
Can you hitch a unicorn to a plow? Or will he plow the valleys behind you?

Job 39:11
Since He's so strong, can you trust him? Or will you leave your labor to him?

Can you trust him to bring home your grain, and gather it to your threshing floor?

So here they are talking about us as an animal, a beast of burden, to be hitched to a plow, to do their work for them. But note they also say since he's so strong, can you trust him? So they know we're powerful when risen and ungovernable; the unspoken intimation being: keep the goy powerless.

On the british 'royal' arms, is a motto: Dieu et mon droit which means literally: God and my right. More jewish shit saying they are 'Gods' over us, and its their 'right.' On the Right hand side (right hand path?) of the arms we see a unicorn and it is in chains. Its depicted symbolically as always being chained because of it's inherent 'danger'.


Unicorns are also traditionally the national animal of Scotland, Scots in the independance movement take that depiction as a symbol of their oppression (and quite rightly so), It's felt the 'Royals' use that on the Arms of the British Monarchy to mock because Scotland is still bound to their chains and so Scots often use phrases like 'unchain the unicorn'.

A couple of other bible mentions of Unicorns:

Psalm 92:10 KJV
But my horn shalt though exalt like the horn of a unicorn; I shall be anointed with fresh oil.

This is a jew claiming his 'horn' is like ours – his occult power is like ours - and we should be exalting it – anointing it with oil is a form of worship and bowing down, acknowledging its superiority. Its a curse on us.

Moses speaking of Joseph – josephs two 'horns' are josephs two sons:

Deuteronomy 33:17
His glory is like the flirting of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh

I take this one to mean that the jew and their progeny shall use their occult knowledge to push US to 'the ends of the earth' – a fancy way of saying to push us to our last extremity – to destruction. Its another curse.

The high level jew Elites in robes chanting and performing rituals ala 'Eyes Wide Shut' know what's up, while the rest of society – those without - are being socially engineered back into children, decorating themselves in horns and rainbows, wearing childrens sleepers with unicorn heads while their kids play with glittery unicorn poop...the jews know the deep and profound meaning in the very same symbol the ignorant decorate themselves with who have no idea. And that meaning is our enslavement. Its a form of mockery and much more, as people tie into this infantilized shit.

It's time to 'Free the Unicorn'

Hail Satan!




from chilhood to adult


just look at the symbol its beside: One for child pedophelia. Coincidence?


I find this one disturbing in light of pedovore:


The dumbing down and infantilization of adults


or here, beside more of the enemy propoganda


and glittery Unicorn poop for your child to play with. The jew and their fetish for shit, pushing it on our children.

Gods damns. When did you go super sayan in knowledge.
Excellent sermon Zola. You never cease to amaze me, really. I've been loving unicorns ever since childhood, and with recent propaganda and mockery of this symbol, It's quite obvious that this symbol is important in its meaning.

Do you know some allegories/texts/legends where unicorns are mentioned?
zolaluckystar said:
Hmmm....Sinistra. Interesting! Can only be tamed by the pure hearted.....

Made me, too, think of the Magnum Opus and raising the serpent when you mentioned that. When you raise the serpent, there are those three granthis, three energy knots the kundalini has to pass through, third one located at the third eye...the Ajna Chakra. In Sanskrit Ajna means command; the place where the three main nadis or meridians (The Ida, Pingala and Sushuma) meet, merge and flow upwards....so...If memory serves me here...this is where we arrive at the nigredo stage of the Magnum Opus. The chaotic destruction that precedes purification...and theres that reference to purification....a 'pure' soul is needed to master this stage to move on the the rest...where we burn the dross out of our Soul and transform it into 'gold'.

Maybe that's where that idea of the need to be 'pure' of heart (heart being an allegory when its really pure in purpose or intention) comes from, in order to 'tame' the unicorn.

Oh...LOL! That 'horny' bit...thats so funny! I thought the same too...is he writing about....lube my 'horn' and jack me off? Worship my dick? EEEEWWWWW........LOL!!!!

'made more....intense.' HAHAHAHA!!!!

Oy vey woman how dare you laught at the wisdom of g_d ?

Fresh oil.. olive oil ? Olive oil was widely used in pre xtian times for body hygiene. And guys would just get nude, oil themselves up really good and wrestle together :lol:

Now I just thought of something HPS Maxine reminds us about on the main site : the heart is in the head.
Very enlightening post, Zola! Thank you for sharing this.

I'd also like to include that the seven colors of the rainbow often associated with unicorns are also the colors of the seven main chakras, in sequence.
Remember Alister Crowley's unicorn horn? I don't know if someone referenced this already, but he used to wear that.
Sinistra said:
Now for the slightly more horn-y part.

We have this intriguing passage :
"Psalm 92:10 KJV
But my horn shalt though exalt like the horn of a unicorn; I shall be anointed with fresh oil.
Psalms is supposed to be the pure wisdom of god according to xtians.

So this Moses guy teaches some.. lubrication method of his.. "exalted" horn. Exalted means "raised, risen, elevated, made more intense"

In fewer words:

Psalm 92:10 KJV
But my horn shalt though exalt like the horn of a unicorn; I shall be anointed with fresh oil.

"That's what he said"

That's late, but I just had to say it lol
Reckoned666 said:
SilentSeeker said:
The band Faun has a song called "Unicorne". I believe it's in French. It's really pretty haha

Faun is a German Pagan band.

I know, but that particular song is in French. They have a lot of songs that aren't in German. It's one of my favourite things about them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
