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The Four Paths To Spiritual Satanism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In Spiritual Satanism, we all arrive from different paths, but we all have the same underlying final goal. Yet, depending on our nature and our upbringing, karma and soul, we take all a different way towards the final goal of this path which is the Godhead.

These levels are not always like a stairs from "lower to higher", but can in many cases reflect the levels one might surpass. But one might go back and forth and the line here is not linear.

The first category of people in Spiritual Satanism are those who come from distress. Coming from pain, being fed up with the world, having fought with delusions for too long, wanting to move on from this state - all of these are characteristics of this state of existence.

Spiritual Satanism can grant liberty from this state, through the teaching of magick and spirituality. Eventually, as one understands more, distress and pains of life will be replaced with wisdom and understanding on how to evolve and live a better life.

Generally, the above occurs because a soul can be too far in lies, ignorance, or suffering. As the lies crumble and as one starts to see the cracks, inner searching begins. That is very normal and part of our human experience. Many of us join because of strong slaps from life in our face, which force us to assess again our journey as a being.

The second category that comes in Spiritual Satanism, is people in seeking of joy or power. That is not dissimilar to the first category, other than the seeking of the individuals in this category being of a whole other goal and aim. Namely, these seekers will seek power and pleasure, or at least a way towards well-being. That is natural of course.

Yet, more people will come from distress, and fewer from this path due to human nature. These people can have a great opportunity to continue and expand inwards from this state rather than to have to settle scores with karmic distress.

Spiritual Satanism can of course assist the seekers who want to grow in this state, which will eventually form for itself a great path to continue on, so one can grow towards the final goal. Namely, the Joy of Satan is called JOY of Satan for a reason.

One finds inner joy and fulfillment in this path if it's applied on one's self and the self is constructed in a proper manner. Clearly one can use this joy one is into to proceed further in their spiritual journey.

Yet the mere "joy" that people know in comparison to the True Spiritual Joy that we profess, might lead to a form of gestation and ignorance of further things other than this level can of course lead to curiosity and need to grow.

Therefore, one might see the path and want to join. If one has reached this, one must definitely join and start their journey. Some people understand this and join as it is.

The third category that comes to Spiritual Satanism is those that know the Gods from a past life but might not have been able to practice a lot spiritually, yet they knew the path existed and so on. At the very least, one will feel a drawing to get in touch with the Spiritual realm and want to evolve and advance their powers.

Here, the interest can be strongly metaphysical and not rooted in the particular states of solving distress or advancing in joy or power and these might come secondary in one's mind. The interest here can be on the metaphysical state and on how to advance the self, the siddhis, or other powers and so on. A very natural course of affairs is at work here too.

Lastly, we have the fourth category of Spiritual Satanists. These people know the Gods. By knowing, we mean that one has advanced in the primordial path of Spiritual Satanism in a past life considerably and therefore has experienced some of the above and overcome some of it.

One will feel quite natural in the path and will quickly find their footing in the path, to continue in their respective line of advancement. All the above states can be mixed together or have a proper formation resulting in this one. Of course, distress, joy or power and spirituality will be longings again in this life, but one will want to seek the Gods again strongly in this life.

As one advances, this will unveil itself and one will again regain the direct connection and progress they had before.

The key difference before all the other categories is that here one has some form of direct knowing or contact with the Gods, or has had this before. Therefore, the longing is to re-connect with them and this might extend beyond the things mentioned above. One in other words continues from where they left of, and might have to rectify more issues in this lifetime in order to progress spiritually.

Any and all Gentiles coming from any path, background, from the humblest beginnings to literal kings are welcome in this path and will all walk towards the beautiful and promised goal of it, the Great Work.

Blessed be our family that walks in this path, in Father Satan's Name. May you all prosper spiritually and in everyway.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I found the JOS browsing around because i was very, very interested in magic in general because i heard a word in an anime that was a grimoire (Zero Kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho), and it stuck with me a lot and i knew that it had an ounce of truth and that it could be true the universal teachings of moving forward in power, after a lot of corrupted jewish garbage and disinformation books, i saw the truth on the website and my world fell apart, i read for months, until i made my commitment out of a desperation in a phase of my life, i wanted transformation, I gained a lot more, it hurts, it hurt a lot, but it will still be worth more to stay strong, when i was accepted I had already received my first divine sign in the first minutes and a giant pride entered my body, but i asked for it to be removed, i couldn't talk to other unawakened people, who were 100% who stayed in my circle, my body when i finished the words of resignation, froze and my blood pressure dropped a lot, as if lightning had hit me, i will never forget.

Like a drop created a tsunami in my life, in a good way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Spiritual Satanism, we all arrive from different paths, but we all have the same underlying final goal. Yet, depending on our nature and our upbringing, karma and soul, we take all a different way towards the final goal of this path which is the Godhead.

These levels are not always like a stairs from "lower to higher", but can in many cases reflect the levels one might surpass. But one might go back and forth and the line here is not linear.


Spiritual Satanism can of course assist the seekers who want to grow in this state, which will eventually form for itself a great path to continue on, so one can grow towards the final goal. Namely, the Joy of Satan is called JOY of Satan for a reason.


Blessed be our family that walks in this path, in Father Satan's Name. May you all prosper spiritually and in everyway.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I feel like I'm a combination of the first three. I may have meditated in past lives but simply not learned how to effectively use the little power I've gained. Anyway, I found this site while researching the true history of Adolf Hitler, because I found your sister site called Death of Communism first. When I first saw a link titled Joy of Satan I thought, "Joy of Satan, I thought he was evil, what's so joyous about him?" This of course was back when I had more (((programming))) in me. I must say it's a catchy title, threw me for a loop. :D

Great sermon HP Cobra.
Hail Satan!
I LOVE THIS!! Thank you for sharing ❤ This both beautiful and incorageing!!😍😀 And I NEEDED to hear this. And recognize the difference in myself as well as others on here too. For Improvement! , empowerment! And to be enlightened!🔥 Knowing where you belong and were you comfortably fit! At any rank or any level! Even to accept the mistakes that we make along the way.❤. encouraging us to move on and never give up. No matter where we are at, 🙂 on our path! 🔥 feeling 100% confident in yourself! Under any circumstances on our spiritual journey of Learning of yourself and Father Satan! 🦚 I enjoy reading your posts HP Hoodedcobra666 Thank you!!💯⚡⚡💀⚡⚡ Seig Higle HAIL SATAN!! HAIL HITLER !!
Hail Satan!!
HP cobra I feel like I am on all four paths and I can't choose one path it feels like a bit Of all four.
So really their are 5 paths to the God's what is your thoughts on this?.. I know people are different maybe. Their is more people like myself

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The second category that comes in Spiritual Satanism, is people in seeking of joy or power. That is not dissimilar to the first category, other than the seeking of the individuals in this category being of a whole other goal and aim. Namely, these seekers will seek power and pleasure, or at least a way towards well-being. That is natural of course.

Yet, more people will come from distress, and fewer from this path due to human nature. These people can have a great opportunity to continue and expand inwards from this state rather than to have to settle scores with karmic distress.

Spiritual Satanism can of course assist the seekers who want to grow in this state, which will eventually form for itself a great path to continue on, so one can grow towards the final goal. Namely, the Joy of Satan is called JOY of Satan for a reason.

One finds inner joy and fulfillment in this path if it's applied on one's self and the self is constructed in a proper manner. Clearly one can use this joy one is into to proceed further in their spiritual journey.

Yet the mere "joy" that people know in comparison to the True Spiritual Joy that we profess, might lead to a form of gestation and ignorance of further things other than this level can of course lead to curiosity and need to grow.

Therefore, one might see the path and want to join. If one has reached this, one must definitely join and start their journey. Some people understand this and join as it is.

Guess I'm in the 2nd category? I only came here out of curiosity when I found another SS was simply trying to teach people the truth on reddit years ago. I thought I finally met someone else who has experienced a blatantly magical phenomenon that had no other explanation. Someone who could teach or direct me to do actual magic was simply insanity to me but it's not like I had anything to lose so I simply had to know more. In the end all I came here and dedicated for was to find the limits of what could be done, only to find there are no real limits in the long run. It's still like a strange dream come true, I wonder so many times why I was led here. I only hope the Gods are proud of me.
Excellent sermon as always, thank you.

I have considered and attempted to become a hermit so that I could meditate all day long but unfortunately for the time being in this world there is no decent possibility to do this.

Physically we only have those insignificant and useless things christianity and islam, which only waste our time and resources and direct people into death instead of immortality.

How nice it would be to be a spiritual student or employee. Spirituality and spiritual warfare were to be institutionalised.

The need to advance spiritually would not be so critical if we were not in this level, that is, mortal intellectual pigs.

This world and this life greatly disadvantages people in spiritual advancement. If we lived thousands of years it would be very different. Living 60 years is a mockery. Being able to live 10,000 years instead would be a good achievement. Retirement would not be the foolishness it is today; so-called old age is even more foolish.

Old age is definitely and only a disease, and it must be cured forever. Nobody needs to become like that and die like that. And above all, no one needs ever to die because it simply does not make sense.

I was saying, live 10,000 years, work 50 years, then take a retirement break for 20 years and enjoy life, advance spiritually, etc. This will be a good life in the future and not the life of today.
I think I'm mostly the 3rd and some of the 2nd. As a little kid, I never had much interest in religion, and instead possessed some form of natural connection towards polytheism, despite always having been brought up in pisslamic countries.

As young as 7, I rejected everything around me, and for some reason possessed strong fascination towards Ancient Egypt and the Gods I learned about in books from the school library. Like Horus and Anubis.

When I was a little older, like in middle school, I found out about the "Goetia" and the Demons named therein, on my own as a child. The depictions of our Gods out there are horrendous, but I had this instinctual feeling there was more to it all, somehow. I vividly remember how the names of the Demons sounded super cool to me, like Crocell and Andras. When I attempted to show one friend about it at the time, though, he seemed so scared, and I couldn't really understand as to why or how.

As a kid I also strongly wished to have ghost friends, who I actually pretended existed and claimed to be able to see and talk to. Looking back on it now, it was most likely a subconscious desire for psychic abilities coming out in a childish way. I did know at the time that some kids actually can have such abilities, and perhaps I was jealous, lol.

Then, in my mid-teens, I became obsessed with the concepts of powers like telekinesis, mind-reading, etc. Though, as a result of puberty and desire, I also had the infamous misconceptions regarding Incubi/Succubi at the time. You know what they are. However, ultimately, that was what led me to the JoS site, from which I studied the truth behind both that, and everything else I thought I had known.

I performed my dedication almost instantly, really. Surprisingly, though, I do not remember how I felt when I did it. Perhaps I had always been here... and that's why I didn't feel much different? Of course, I would still receive massive guidance from my GDs and everything.
Most will eventually come to the path. It's the Natural Way. Divine Providence in its Wisdom puts desire infused into souls. Desire in this context can be defined as the search for contentment. Which can only be permanently relieved by Self Realisation. Pure Atma Consciousness,Sun God Consciousness is totally fulfilled, Unevolutiinary Perfection and is therefore desireless. Desire actually starts when lower levels of consciousness are emitted out of it. So the lower the consciousness,the more desire a soul has. Meaning the more the search for contentment ,a soul will have , because it's going further away from Pure God Consciousness,which is desireless ,it's fulfilled, Eternal Bliss. IT ,Atma is in all of creation,as creation emits out of it,like a wave Rising out of the ocean,but is never separate from it. It's called the Virgin , because it's never
affected by changes in the Maya i.e the creation. It's detached from it,but is in the creation and is supervising it's unfoldment in an Orderly fashion that is Creation, preservation, dissolution, obscuration and liberation or reaviling grace.
If a soul realises the Atma within it's self ,it's granted the same powers.
Every single person on Earth is searching for contentment,the trap is searching for this in things that are not permanent,based on the illusion that one is the physical body. There fore people search for contentment in the sensual pleasures of the Astral /Physical bodies,based on the intellectual (mental), instinctive mind. The Physical space is a world created for unfoldment,we are not supposed to be attached to it. Happiness is only in the Atma not in material objects. Sensual pleasures are based on an illusion,you can't get permanent gratification from an illusion. Creation is illusion because it's constantly changing and will eventually be reabsorbed back into Atma.
Now part of the Yoga is to liberate the mind from this. Mind you are first Atma, the Supreme Unevolutiinary, Uncreated Soul. The soul body is emitted out of this,which is the individual you,but not in the exact maturity of the Atma,this is what is evolving into the maturity of the Atma. It's paradox,you are already ARE and becoming at the same time. That's how the creation is , that's why growth can be stalled ,taken back and accelerated into the maturity of the Atma. Creation is accomplished and unfolding at the same time ,it's paradox of the Universe.
2. Then you have the Astral Body,now in the Astral Body ,you have the mental body that is the intellectual mind and the instinctive mind that's the emotions,the Aura is an expansion of this. Then the body that produces the physical body,the Astral Body itself.
3. Then the physical body.
Now what is called the Yoga is to withdraw your Awareness into Pure God Consciousness within you and go past it into the Unmanifested God State, Cipher (zero). The Formless Atma.
The liberation that's talked of ,Moksha ,is actually the liberation of the mental body from Astral time Consciousness into total pure, timeless Atma Consciousness.
What is called action or karma starts from the mental or intellectual body. Atma is actionless. It's this body where the ego personality is formed,which is based on mental activity and desire and constantly changes arccording to ones actions (mental activity or karma) and desires from lifetime to lifetime. That's why it called 'false ego'. The trap here again is when ones Awareness is caught in it and strongly identifies with it. Therefore, blocking the Yoga from happening,it's the biggest obstacle. Now when the Yoga (which is the withdraw of Awareness into Formless Atma within), happens a merger of the bodies happens. The Astral Body and the Soul body merge. The soul body which is your true individual self ,is always , totally in Pure Atma God Consciousness. This then brings the mental or intellectual body where action starts into total Atma pure God timeless consciousness. This is what ends the Karmic cycle. The karmic cycle happens is produced because the mental body is acting in Astral Time Consciousness. So seeds of action are planted ,as some take time to manifest. So a physical body is needed to fulfill them. Now when the soul body and astral body merge which is brought on by Kundalini rising to the crown chakra (the Yoga), the mental body then acts totally from Atma Consciousness,so actions intiated are quickly resolved. No seeds of action are planted, the mental or intellectual body ,which people call the mind is liberated. This is Moksha. One who has achieved this ,whatever they need or want will come to them immediately. If they are hungry ,food will be available,they need shelter ,money anything they need will come to them immediately. Atma is already accomplished. The soul body still has higher levels of unfoldment ,but the mind is now liberated into total Atma Consciousness. This is the aim.
When they say the elimination of desire and ego what is meant is not the actual destruction of these. It's Raising Awareness into God Consciousness within. So the mental activity has to be suspended long enough for it to unravel from the physical body and mind into the Atma within.
What's keeping people from realising God within is mental activity. Which keeps the Awareness externalised and falsely identifying itself with what it's aware of. When mental activity is stopped , creation disappears,(that's why it's illusion but the law of cause and effect will make you take it seriously) what remains is just Atma and the Awareness goes back to it's home base,where it's coming from , the Atma. The goal is to hold this long enough to go into Cipher ,the Formless Atma.
All the other training one does from, physical training, Asanas, breathing exercises, having a relationship with the Gods, good moral conduct, going into a trance and so on. Is so that you can do this successfully. These other things stimulate Kundalini ,it's mental concentration that raises it. Mental concentration is the Ultimate skill , there's nothing you can fail to bring out or achieve if you have mastered mental concentration. Even psychic abilities are a result of mastering mental concentration.
Therefore suspension of mental activity is the Supreme Victory. Which of course is the most difficult because the mind likes endless stimulation,awalys jumping from one thing to another. Submit the mind constantly to the Atma it will eventually be tamed.
The Great Ones (Self Realised souls) advise Be still,be a Watcher.
Second and first path. What got me here in the first place has already been saying many times. I wanted revenge and wanted to never be a victim ever again. I was here for the black magick development so I can make sure of that but the general path of Spiritual Satanism got me to see that there is more than just trying to in a spiritual context "fly a plane into your enemies". It's best to really know how to "fly a plane correctly so you can do the A-10 if you become accustomed to basic flying".

The rest of those that hurt me in that dark past, if they are reading this. They already knew what would happen if they kept poking the diligent and quiet nerdy kid too much if you treated him like a test subject that he'll become a monster himself. This "test subject" now has seen more to life and wants to repair himself for what has been done to him after freeing himself. If I cross paths ever again with those idiots then I will make sure they will never want to reincarnate ever again, for the memory of how I was left bleeding and beaten up on that day will never be forgotten.

Not only do I want to "make guns here", but I also want to ensure no one else ends up like I did the next time I see it happen before me.
I think there's an additional option. While I don't agree with JoS on everything, to my knowledge you guys are the only ones trying to reconstruct a spiritual practice that is completely free of jewish influence. I think that's an important draw for people who have reached a certain level of (((noticing))).
I am a mixture of levels 1 and 4. I was totally disgusted by society and the system in general and I also felt empty and unmotivated in my personal life.
Then at the same time I was very interested in the subject of the extraterrestrial gods and from deep inside me there was this feeling of nostalgia that I wanted to know the truth about them and what really happened in ancient times like Egypt or Sumeria.
Sunny said:
Beautiful words brother.

I am so looking forward to the disappearance of judaism and its twins (xianinism and muslims).It would be so nice if spirituality could become commonplace and accepted by everyone.

What I am really looking forward to is Pluto entering Aquarius.What a disaster for the jews.It was always a big problem for the Jews when Pluto was in a fixed sign.So, now imagine that the FTRTs have weakened them, and then Pluto enters Aquarius(To the solid sign).I am eagerly waiting.
I got here because when I was 18 years old or so I had a dream: a male voice inside my mind told me that I would become a witch and work for him. In the following days I dreamed of a very large horn covered in blood and then I dreamed that I was participating in some kind of coven with people wearing red robes.

I was never a person too interested in the occult. These three dreams didn't make sense to me at first, but someone on facebook told me that they were related to satanism.
likman666 said:

You recognize that the ego should not be destroyed, so how can you say that the mental activity should similarly be "suspended"?. Mental activity serves its purpose just as the ego does. For example, mental activity sustains our communications.

I think you are referring to simply controlling your consciousness appropriately, but this is much different than suspension of mental activity. There is a big difference.

As far as the Atma and what not, this is just referring to the ether and its potential to create things. This does not mean you are supposed to render yourself like a vegetable, being completely inert. We may be created out of Atma, but we are not Atma, nor should we return to this. We are allowed to advance as separate beings, alongside this.
gwton said:
I think there's an additional option. While I don't agree with JoS on everything, to my knowledge you guys are the only ones trying to reconstruct a spiritual practice that is completely free of jewish influence. I think that's an important draw for people who have reached a certain level of (((noticing))).

What do you not agree on?
Looking back, I dedicated with such a carefree attitude. I noticed as I got immersed while writing that things I visualise in my mind can have a profound effect on my well-being, so I became interested in meditation. But I thought "normal" meditation seemed boooring, so I wasn't sure where to start. The next day an online friend mentioned psychic abilities. I asked, what's the point in entertaining the idea of their existence if I don't know how to develop them? "If you do these meditations, you can develop psychic abilities", he replied. I said I'd like to start immediately then, since I'm interested in meditation anyway, and had been looking for a way to spice it up.

So he began to teach me meditations from JoS according to the 40 day program, while hiding that it had anything to do with Satanism (apparently he was worried if it would scare me). I got results immediately. I didn't care whether or not it was a placebo; I was just happy to do things with "energy" again like I did back in my childhood, as well as the rapid and concrete results in regards to my mental health. I teased him: "just you wait until I awaken my demonic powers!", to which he plainly replied: "No comment."

After a few days, I looked online and found where he got the meditations from. And I thought, Satanic meditation? That's just what I've been looking for! I dedicated a few days later, as I felt no reason to hesitate. "If it's a placebo, then it's beneficial to believe my journey is blessed with the guidance and protection of a powerful being. If it isn't a placebo, then all the more!" I always despised the xian church anyway, to the point that it wasn't a matter of renouncing, but denouncing that disgusting, false excuse of a religion.

But my experiences that night spoke for themselves, and I could no longer think of it as a placebo. Soon I began to experience things that went far beyond the boundaries of my own consciousness. Unfortunately, my lack of control turned out to be hazardous, and I was in for a wild ride after encountering a jew; but this was in itself a valuable lesson about their true nature. That situation ended with my life seemingly as ruined as the kike's; and yet, due to my Guardian's help and guidance, I "miraculously" recovered in nearly every way and more, but I recognise this to not be a miracle, but rather the fruit of my own diligence and perseverance in this path.

Now, I find myself unsure how I should continue from here. I already learned how to use all of the psychic abilities I was interested in back when I started meditating. My mental health improved so tremendously, that it feels surreal to look back on what I used to be like, for me and the people close to me alike. And even in more mundane and practical terms, I already have almost everything I ever wanted, and if I just keep walking the path I'm currently set on, I'll have it all.

Am I content just enjoying the rest of my life, which was transformed from a nightmare into a pleasant dream as sweet as honey, while preparing to make the next even better? Or should I be striving towards something "greater"? JoS says here that "the purpose of Spiritual Satanism is to reach the Godhead", but I don't feel ready for something like that in the slightest, especially not emotionally. If anything, I just want to enjoy this life and many more as a human in this wonderful world! I finally get to, after all.

I already got what I wanted out of Spiritual Satanism, so, perhaps I just need some time to adjust before taking things further. I'm sure the answers will come to me in time, so to be honest, I'm not too concerned about it right now, and that's fine. Relaxation has its place.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=383455 time=1661371346 user_id=21286]
likman666 said:

You recognize that the ego should not be destroyed, so how can you say that the mental activity should similarly be "suspended"?. Mental activity serves its purpose just as the ego does. For example, mental activity sustains our communications.

I think you are referring to simply controlling your consciousness appropriately, but this is much different than suspension of mental activity. There is a big difference.

As far as the Atma and what not, this is just referring to the ether and its potential to create things. This does not mean you are supposed to render yourself like a vegetable, being completely inert. We may be created out of Atma, but we are not Atma, nor should we return to this. We are allowed to advance as separate beings, alongside this.
Void Meditation is suspension of mental activity its mental concentration or one pointed mental concentration. Void Meditation is part of the JOS meditation training program. It's their in meditation section of JOS website.
Lower consciousness especially in physical Consciousness makes one think they are separate from Atma. It's an illusion you are not separate. Ego in the sense that you are separate from Atma and the Universe is false. That's why Karma works the way it works. What you do comes back to you. You are Atma and so is everything else.
They are three main world's existing within the same subspace. The heavenly Spirit world or Siva loka , the Astral and the physical space. The physical world is a capable of obscuring
Atma. The reason one doubts they are Atma or even don't believe in it, is because of the obscuration from physical body as a result of the Kundalini which is linked to your Awareness is sleeping in the root chakra. So it means when a soul incarnates into the physical body the Awareness shifts into the physical level of awareness ,thus obscuring the Spirit world. People then wrongly identify with the physical body. Some even become atheist.
You need to understand when Kundalini is rising what's happening is the Awareness is
with drawing from the physical body into your soul and one realises the Supreme Soul ,Atma in themselves going beyond God Consciousness into the Formless Atma within.
This what the Swastika represents , that's why it's even in Black. It's timeless, spaceless ,formless , beyond Consciousness , indescribable. That's why it's termed the Void or Ultima Thule.
The red ,white and then black represent stages of God Consciousness,the black being beyond Consciousness,the Void. God Consciousness starts from the navel to the third eye. The crown chakra is the Swastika. This is within you. The Swastika is crooked cross,what this also means is that the way into Self (Formless Atma) is not directly through the intellect but through intuition that's by meditation ,or mental concentration. You can't read and understand yourself into God Consciousness,you have to meditate. It's not in books or articles ,it's within you.
When your physical body dies and you are in the Astral one can see the eternal light or sun shining within them.
When the Kundalini rises to the crown chakra,the physical veil is lifted and you are able to perceive the Vedic truth that All is Atma or Brahman. Limited physical awareness makes you think that you are separate from Atma. It's a delusion.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=383455 time=1661371346 user_id=21286]
likman666 said:

You recognize that the ego should not be destroyed, so how can you say that the mental activity should similarly be "suspended"?. Mental activity serves its purpose just as the ego does. For example, mental activity sustains our communications.

I think you are referring to simply controlling your consciousness appropriately, but this is much different than suspension of mental activity. There is a big difference.

As far as the Atma and what not, this is just referring to the ether and its potential to create things. This does not mean you are supposed to render yourself like a vegetable, being completely inert. We may be created out of Atma, but we are not Atma, nor should we return to this. We are allowed to advance as separate beings, alongside this.
Void Meditation is suspension of mental activity its mental concentration or one pointed mental concentration. Void Meditation is part of the JOS meditation training program. It's there any in meditation section of JOS website.
Lower consciousness especially in physical Consciousness makes one think they are separate from Atma. It's an illusion you are not separate. Ego in the sense that you are separate from Atma and the Universe is false. That's why Karma works the way it works. What you do comes back to you. You are Atma and so is everything else.
They are three main world's existing within the same subspace. The heavenly Spirit world or Siva loka , the Astral and the physical space. The physical world is capable of obscuring
Atma. The reason one doubts they are Atma or even don't believe in it, is because of the obscuration from physical body as a result of the Kundalini which is linked to your Awareness is sleeping in the root chakra. So it means when a soul incarnates into the physical body the Awareness shifts into the physical level of awareness ,thus obscuring the Spirit world. People then wrongly identify with the physical body. Some even become atheist.
You need to understand when Kundalini is rising what's happening is the Awareness is
with drawing from the physical body into your soul and one realises the Supreme Soul ,Atma in themselves going beyond God Consciousness into the Formless Atma within.
This what the Swastika represents , that's why it's even in Black. It's timeless, spaceless ,formless , beyond Consciousness , indescribable. That's why it's termed the Void or Ultima Thule.
The red ,white and then black represent stages of God Consciousness,the black being beyond Consciousness,the Void. God Consciousness starts from the navel to the third eye. The crown chakra is the Swastika. This is within you. The Swastika is crooked cross,what this also means is that the way into Self (Formless Atma) is not directly through the intellect but through intuition that's by meditation ,or mental concentration. You can't read and understand yourself into God Consciousness,you have to meditate. It's not in books or articles ,it's within you.
When your physical body dies and you are in the Astral one can see the eternal light or sun shining within them.
When the Kundalini rises to the crown chakra,the physical veil is lifted and you are able to perceive the Vedic truth that All is Atma or Brahman. Limited physical awareness makes you think that you are separate from Atma. It's a delusion.
Looking back

I was al ways surround by spirits and to me it felt normal. It was only when my mother starting doing her own research on things, i wasn't really searching when i bumped into the JoS while doing a dedication ritual to Father Satan.

Looking at it now it's very odd and weird, how my mother found this and then showed me. And how i just started off with a ritutal not really reading about anything else, or questioning. I remember experience so much before then and experiencing even more afterwards.

I'd say it's quite remarkable to actually find solid truth.
Honestly, I believe the 1st and 3rd categories apply to me. I found Satanism when I was at one of the lowest points of life after years of slowly deprogramming from my own upbringing. Despite growing up in a very xtian household, my family was always open to an extent and there have been a number of experiences with the occult and paranormal, and my mother had an interest in the occult. Everything that I first heard of almost I heard from her, from astrology to tarot cards and ouija boards etc.

There would be times as a kid I would sit in my room and I felt like I was being told to sit quietly and think about nothing and close my eyes. I would do this and all of a sudden notice me rocking from side to side. It freaked me out the first time. Later I realized this was void meditation when I dedicated.

I remember laying in bed on time ( I was a fanatic DBZ fan, don't think this was a coincidence either) and I was thinking as a 12 year old "I wish I could go super saiyan". Lol. Somehow I did something having to do with pushing a sensation from my tailbone up through my body and it produced an intense rushing feeling with a slight buzz. I after that was able to reproduce this, especially lying down. Later on, I speculated if this was me directing my own energy, at least loosely.

I remember also as a kid going into the shoulder stand pose a lot. I didn't know why I did it but it was fun and it felt good and it happened a lot...when I came to Satanism I saw this was a hatha yoga pose.

I have always known since I was young that I would sometimes "feel" things that would happen either through premonitions or through a dream...I started to notice a pattern, and later I learned that it had something to do with the third eye.

I have found this path through struggle in this life, but I do strongly feel I am somehow picking up where I left off before. I don't think also one can have such a fascination or intense love for one of the Gods within such a short time of finding this path unless there is some sort of past life connection. This has to be built upon. I have also noticed a lot of things in my chart correspond with my guardian and several planets that I have also have their degrees in the degree range of particular Demons that have specialties almost all in common, or closely.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sunny said:
Beautiful words brother.

I am so looking forward to the disappearance of judaism and its twins (xianinism and muslims).It would be so nice if spirituality could become commonplace and accepted by everyone.

What I am really looking forward to is Pluto entering Aquarius.What a disaster for the jews.It was always a big problem for the Jews when Pluto was in a fixed sign.So, now imagine that the FTRTs have weakened them, and then Pluto enters Aquarius(To the solid sign).I am eagerly waiting.

Thank you. Internet is really a special thing.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sunny said:
Beautiful words brother.

I am so looking forward to the disappearance of judaism and its twins (xianinism and muslims).It would be so nice if spirituality could become commonplace and accepted by everyone.

What I am really looking forward to is Pluto entering Aquarius.What a disaster for the jews.It was always a big problem for the Jews when Pluto was in a fixed sign.So, now imagine that the FTRTs have weakened them, and then Pluto enters Aquarius(To the solid sign).I am eagerly waiting.

Without Internet we would be lost, we would not find this unique opportunity anywhere else.
This came at a great time. Even though I did start mostly at 1 and a bit of 4 and have gone a long way, I very recently realized I was very traumatized from that state of being. Having loved ones making me feel inferior. Maybe because they themselves feel like it and pushed it on me but it did take it's toll. Now I know I have to do a freeing working to get rid of that trauma. I just didn't know where I had to start but with this post and what I recently realized I now know there's emotional trauma stopping me from having inner joy and feel proud of what I am now that I'll be tackling in the next full moon.

It's a bit off topic but since this post came at such an ideal time I thought I would write this.
4th path didn't stop to think the beings I was talking to when I was 1 and 2 could have been gods instead I just thought they were imaginary friends never told anyone what I saw one day computer and wifi modem turned themselves on and Lucifage rofacle reached out through the void and told me to look up the evil eye meditation which lead me to JOS
I don't care about distress or power or spiritual. I came here just because of Satan. When I was a teen, I spent all day long thinking about who is my creator and how much I desire to know him. Although I live in a atheistic country and my family are atheists, I am naturally drawn to this path.
Whenever I think of Satan, I get a feeling of warmth and happiness. That's why I am here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
