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The Financial Reality The Anti-Whites Forget To Mention

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As statistics show in regards to the gross yearly income on the highest ranks in the United States, the reality is, it's not the entitled Whites on the top per household, but rather, in the middle range.

The Asians are grinding better per household and they are richer than White households, which typically have 3 divorces or more, are plagued with having to accept strange sexual norms and values, the list goes, stuff which is leaving most Asians merely uninterested as they don't really give a fuck about it all. And with good benefits to them, it appears. Whites on the other hand are told by jews to practice infinite and eternal contraception, give their money to Black Lives Matter, get into looming depression because they "Should have" a supreme octagon of a relationship, the insanity list never ends.

Obviously the conclusive result of the above is not only depression, weakening of one's position, but also poverty. In general, breaching all nature's laws known to man doesn't seem to be very...'profitable' for many people, or as the jews promised. Yes, turns out if you are a single meth addict, who has an inability to cleave with any person for more than a single night, chances are higher one might end up or be also be a broke bloke, and that the laws of reality will whip you in the ass, despite of what jews claimed it would be permanently fun and everything.

In regards to divorce rates, and how this relates to the above, one might as well look here.

The fact that I have to use numbers to justify that being a total individualist only caring about their genitals, eventually backfires in one's life, makes for me a strong reminder or how distanced from reality and stupid we have all become collectively in the West. We're fucking retarded if we need a "research" to prove to ourselves all this captain obvious type of shit. What is next that I will have to prove by statistics, that holding your breath actually kills you? I wonder.

Who gets divorced in America, in 7 charts


[*Disclaimer, the sources are of course from the enemy, which only goes to show, they know the truth but they still do lie to the Goyim and make them do all the wrong decisions in life only to be ruined. Read the sources with a Satanic eye, as the propaganda in them is rampant]



Asians seem to be always left behind from any statistic analysis and it's always a comparison between Blacks/Whites and Whites/Hispanics that takes place, as the lying arguments about a "White Supremacy" and the related in the United States need to be supported for people to become mindlessly racist and for jews to raise hatred against White Americans.

The political shouting and memes doesn't want to compare any of these, as simply, all the lies of the "Left" and the creative machinations of jews are just self collapsing on the weight of obvious reality.

Another reason why nobody tries to make this into a dumb meme between "Asians Vs Whites" is that such sub par propaganda wouldn't work on Asians as many are highly educated and they aren't going to take the bait. You'll never see Asians taking the streets and just burning cars just because. Even if Asians were in the situation of Blacks financially [which for all intents and purposes, they definitely were as people who moved or immigrants] this would never happen.

The situation is that "White Racism" is only a hallucination at this point. We are to where we have literally had our nations stolen from within our own hands, demographically people are going extinct and NPC's are still spewing robotic records in regards to why this is a good thing, and we are becoming strangers in our own nations. People grew up in safe neighbourhoods and now they will grow old and probably die by a grenade attack such as in the Netherlands, which is now plagued by grenade attacks, or will be looted on a daily basis.

And people still haven't had any reasonable reaction to this, which others would have reacted sometime ago already.

Whites are also the first people worldwide to forsake land they have acquired simply because people whined too much to them based on irrational basis, and they caved in to useless complaints. Nobody on the history of mankind has shared their "land" with other people to the point of demographic extinction either. It took war in most cases. All tribes and all nations of this world never have done this ever before at any rate, from the prehistoric times to today. Indeed the whole proof of the subject is that Whites are the least racist race to the point that extinction is coming at an alarming rate.

The situation is that many people are using only emotions to think. The statistics below show that Whites aren't really "high class" but they are basically...Middle Class. Middle Class for those who do not know in Marxist ideology is the class you have to abolish and destroy, in "Acceleration" of the Class Warfare, which is between the bottom classes and the top class.

However in the United States, the ruling class are the jews, and essentially, they are also the ones behind the creation of "Class warfare" in the United States, so what you are left with, is that they direct the imaginary oppressed against their own enemies, which are essentially a medium financial power middle class of White people, who just happen to be a majority in their own nation [how evil and bigoted and racist of them of course etc etc].

We are not in a war of ideas with the enemy, we are on a war between lies and truth. The reality is on our side, so is truth. All this amount of evil jewish lying and the meekness of people to accept a few facts, which would ironically, only make the world better, is bleeding more and more until this society will drown in the pus of it's own lies.

"Average Asian American Household Makes $116,319 – 36 Percent Higher Income than the Typical U.S. Household"

[*DISCLAIMER: It appears of course that Jews, have been also put in with Whites, which more than likely inflates the amount of claimed money Whites are doing per year, and still even with this done, Whites cannot reach Asians really. The jews could either be in Whites or be totally ommitted, in which cases, only increases the potency of Asians being up their financially].



The fast-growing Asian American consumer segment has impressive buying power, with average household income of $116,319. That’s 36 percent greater than overall average U.S. household income. A whopping 24 percent of Asian households will earn $150,000 or more this year.

"Asian American households also spend 21 percent more annually on consumer goods and services than the average U.S. household. They spend:

Around $100 per month on entertainment – 45 percent more than the average U.S. household
Around $3,000 annually on apparel – 15 percent more than the average U.S. household
Roughly $5,000 annually on food at home – about 6 percent more than the average U.S. household
Almost $12,000 annually on transportation, including new cars and trucks – around 10 percent more than the average U.S. household"
Asian families and communities also work together to become wealthy and help each other as groups and they also have their cultural identity and racial identity intact as well.
It just goes to show what hatred the "Leftists" and in general Marxists do actually harbor against any class Whites are in. When Whites were the higher class [and in every class within fully White Nations] for basically every century until now, it was "Hatred against the higher class" back then. Now, that Whites are in the middle class and working class, it's basically hatred against these classes, in full contrast to everything the so called "Left" was doing a parody against until today.

If "Marxism" and "Leftism" were about evening financial "faults" of "inequality" out, might as well complain about Asians and Jews, who are on the top of the ladder financially at this point in the United States. But the situation is it's only for hating the enemies of jews at any given time and agitating imaginary oppressed people who are merely weak or underperform, to attack the tribal enemies of the jewish race.

Same eternal communism of jews, hunting their enemies since biblical times, now transported over into equally unreasonable and baseless "politics" without arguments, that's all.

The people that talk sense like Yang or Tulsi will be fought to stay in the eternal bottom, as it appears. They are talking sense in a room filled with people who only like to shout and race bait.

Marxism and Leftism should be renamed into "Racial Warfare" instead so that at least we are understanding what this political discourse is about.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The situation is that "White Racism" is only a hallucination at this point. We are to where we have literally had our nations stolen from within our own hands, demographically people are going extinct and NPC's are still spewing robotic records in regards to why this is a good thing, and we are becoming strangers in our own nations. People grew up in safe neighbourhoods and now they will grow old and probably die by a grenade attack such as in the Netherlands, which is now plagued by grenade attacks, or will be looted on a daily basis.

"grenade attacks"
Wtf ? So thats what I've been hearing repeatedly the past 2 years out here. Its not even in the news at all.
(It literally sounds like someone is blowing up fireworks from time to time - outside of the allowed time to fire it off aka new years, you'd need to apply for it if you want to host an event i.e. otherwise).

Also this was on the msn page:

(Translated title) Youth becomes self supporting at an increasing later age

And then it goes on to talk about how many youth leave the house later because they have loans from study, but they don't mention at all the sheer scarcity of houses whilst those "refugees"get free houses with an "urgent" thing on their names.

I heard that a black family moved in a house somewhere around here recently which had 10 kids ... like WTF.
Gabbard has already been jewed out of being able to participate in the next round of debates. The Jews stated they would do this to her.

The rightwing of today is the left of a decade or so ago. That is why if you sent a modern conservative to the 1960's the conservatives then would call them a Communist. Hence why the Jewish Trotskyites could take over the Republican party as the Neo-Cons and nobody really noticed a bunch of kike Marxists were running the conservatives. Just like Martin Luther King was a Communist agent sporting the Bible and Jewsus and nobody could tell the difference.
This is fucked up. Though I have always respected the Asian people cause of those reasons and that they still have a culture and identity and are still somewhat connected to the God's in a way. I think we have a right to our own culture and country. This just love everyone stuff will kill off civilization. Yeah I know it's in the spirit of whites to be kind and help out others I myself have done this to my own detriment before and just been used in return. However I try not to anymore. These Migrants are just using countries on a grander scale. It's the same thing as some homeless person moving into your house taking over refusing to pay rent and inviting all their friends to come stay (this happened to me personally several times) Fuck being middle class we should be the upper class we should all learn skills and do something with our lives. We need our warrior spirit back. The spirit of the Vikings (not honestly sure if these were good people or not from what I read but still I mean the same warrior mentality) we need to stand up for ourselves as a people and even if it's not polite or PC to say something do it and not cower in fear. If the Jews push us too far we will rise up. Many of us are not as brainwashed as they think we are.
I've seen this firsthand where I grew up. All the Whites fled my city and the Blacks were chased out by Hispanics. Then the Asians moved in. The city went from an all white city council to all Asian, most Hispanics lived in rather small houses while the Asians would pool together and build a bunch of mini mansions. They basically took over financialy and politically and most were extremely biased on race it felt like an Asian city.
HP Mageson666 said:
Asian families and communities also work together to become wealthy and help each other as groups and they also have their cultural identity and racial identity intact as well.

Its a different topic I know but you should probably check this out.


These guys gonna get used big time buy "mr 50 names simon necronomicon is soo good at #fakeasfuck" or at the very least open themselves up to some serious deception. Now you obviously dont have to help and I get that you HPs are really busy but they wont listen to me and a post or two from you guys can make a real difference here.
Yes, Grenade attacks. In Amsterdam it is a thing now by the vibrant multi cultis to attack people with grenades. Check it on RT News.

Another thing they do is they attach grenades on the doors or businesses, so the police sends the SWAT force and the whole business declares bankruptcy due to legal reasons.

They do not make a fuss in the news but these things are just flat insane on what is going on. Only RT which is a Russian site I have seen reporting many of these incidents.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The situation is that "White Racism" is only a hallucination at this point. We are to where we have literally had our nations stolen from within our own hands, demographically people are going extinct and NPC's are still spewing robotic records in regards to why this is a good thing, and we are becoming strangers in our own nations. People grew up in safe neighbourhoods and now they will grow old and probably die by a grenade attack such as in the Netherlands, which is now plagued by grenade attacks, or will be looted on a daily basis.

"grenade attacks"
Wtf ? So thats what I've been hearing repeatedly the past 2 years out here. Its not even in the news at all.
(It literally sounds like someone is blowing up fireworks from time to time - outside of the allowed time to fire it off aka new years, you'd need to apply for it if you want to host an event i.e. otherwise).

Also this was on the msn page:

(Translated title) Youth becomes self supporting at an increasing later age

And then it goes on to talk about how many youth leave the house later because they have loans from study, but they don't mention at all the sheer scarcity of houses whilst those "refugees"get free houses with an "urgent" thing on their names.

I heard that a black family moved in a house somewhere around here recently which had 10 kids ... like WTF.
Oh thank you.

We're still in crisis in the NL. A lot of local and small businesses just shut down recently because they just couldn't pay for it anymore.
At this point pretty much only the multinationals are standing. A lot of people rather than working for themselves how have to choose to go work for a company, so they can earn more than that they did, get a bit of money to actually be able to go on a holiday, and be able to rely on the system for an income if they get gravely injured and can't work anymore.

Basicly, trying to set up your own business is being crushed out of the spirit.
You're not even building any money up that you could get paid back to you after your retirement (not that there is much of that left anyway, YouKnowWho has been grabbing that out of everyones pockets too).

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, Grenade attacks. In Amsterdam it is a thing now by the vibrant multi cultis to attack people with grenades. Check it on RT News.

Another thing they do is they attach grenades on the doors or businesses, so the police sends the SWAT force and the whole business declares bankruptcy due to legal reasons.

They do not make a fuss in the news but these things are just flat insane on what is going on. Only RT which is a Russian site I have seen reporting many of these incidents.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The situation is that "White Racism" is only a hallucination at this point. We are to where we have literally had our nations stolen from within our own hands, demographically people are going extinct and NPC's are still spewing robotic records in regards to why this is a good thing, and we are becoming strangers in our own nations. People grew up in safe neighbourhoods and now they will grow old and probably die by a grenade attack such as in the Netherlands, which is now plagued by grenade attacks, or will be looted on a daily basis.

"grenade attacks"
Wtf ? So thats what I've been hearing repeatedly the past 2 years out here. Its not even in the news at all.
(It literally sounds like someone is blowing up fireworks from time to time - outside of the allowed time to fire it off aka new years, you'd need to apply for it if you want to host an event i.e. otherwise).
I was checking the news and an item popped up saying that 'Drugsrelated criminality in Amsterdam can go its way and a delocating working on the city.' (I probably could translate it better if I took a bit more time to do so) 'The governm (with Major) of Amsterdam is not taking action with projects that should stop the criminality pouring into the legal circuits, and information between relevant instances is hardly shared.


Also this post does mention the grenade situation:

Note: They do exaggerate a bit.

"Amsterdam is een grote klotezooi waar de drugscriminelen het voor het zeggen hebben, en de politie niet. Dankzij een lekkende agent heeft De Telegraaf een VERNIETIGEND RAPPORT in handen gekregen. De hoofdstad is ten dode opgeschreven. U bent er uw leven niet zeker. Alles en iedereen is stoned. Agenten zijn stoned én corrupt. GroenLinksers met drugs in bezit vallen de politie aan. Om de honderd meter hangt er een handgranaat aan een horecapand. Elke euro is voor de helft zwart. De drugsmaffia zit vuistdiep in het vastgoed. Een vergismoord is al gepleegd voor 5000 eurootjes. Jongetjes van 15 lopen al rond met nepwapens."

Translation (with a few mistakes dôh):
"Amsterdam has turned into a big dickshit where the drugscriminals rule it, and not the police. Thanks to a leaking police officer, the Telegraaf got a DESTROYING REPORT in their hands.
The capital city is written down as dead. You are not sure of your life. Everything and everyone is stones. Officers are stoned and corrupt. GroenLinksers (= a political party in NL) with drugs in their hands attack the police. Every hundred meter hangs a handgrenade on a horecapand (=house like structure meant for café or restaurants and the like). Every euro is black for half of it. The drugsmaffia is fistdeep into real estate. A mistakemurder is already commited for 5000 euro's.
Little boys of 15 walk around with fake weapons."

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Oh thank you.

We're still in crisis in the NL. A lot of local and small businesses just shut down recently because they just couldn't pay for it anymore.
At this point pretty much only the multinationals are standing. A lot of people rather than working for themselves how have to choose to go work for a company, so they can earn more than that they did, get a bit of money to actually be able to go on a holiday, and be able to rely on the system for an income if they get gravely injured and can't work anymore.

Basicly, trying to set up your own business is being crushed out of the spirit.
You're not even building any money up that you could get paid back to you after your retirement (not that there is much of that left anyway, YouKnowWho has been grabbing that out of everyones pockets too).

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, Grenade attacks. In Amsterdam it is a thing now by the vibrant multi cultis to attack people with grenades. Check it on RT News.
Serpent said:
What's up today, little piggies? Are you gonna try and break the fence again? Don't forget it's electrocuted!

And might I add, that very same fence kept your pig creators locked up for quite some time, so I would think twice before sticking my nose in it. Oink, oink, little piggies! We love you!!

Are you mods not banning him just for the lolz? you really understand the jew mentality by looking at his posts.
Aquarius said:
Serpent said:
What's up today, little piggies? Are you gonna try and break the fence again? Don't forget it's electrocuted!

And might I add, that very same fence kept your pig creators locked up for quite some time, so I would think twice before sticking my nose in it. Oink, oink, little piggies! We love you!!

Are you mods not banning him just for the lolz? you really understand the jew mentality by looking at his posts.

It's more than that. This creature is only affirming the bind they have put around the planet and he is actually mentioning the RTRs here. It even brought up how they tried to curse our gods. The enemy tends to downplay something when it's actually affecting them a lot to try to discourage their opponents from doing what is actually damaging them.

For many of us here we're way past the point of affirmation of what the enemy has been doing but this should help out the newbies understand more and also helps those who haven't taken time to read and research.
Aquarius said:
Serpent said:
What's up today, little piggies? Are you gonna try and break the fence again? Don't forget it's electrocuted!

And might I add, that very same fence kept your pig creators locked up for quite some time, so I would think twice before sticking my nose in it. Oink, oink, little piggies! We love you!!

Are you mods not banning him just for the lolz? you really understand the jew mentality by looking at his posts.

Because I want you to see that these jews actually hate you, that is why.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Serpent said:
What's up today, little piggies? Are you gonna try and break the fence again? Don't forget it's electrocuted!

And might I add, that very same fence kept your pig creators locked up for quite some time, so I would think twice before sticking my nose in it. Oink, oink, little piggies! We love you!!

Are you mods not banning him just for the lolz? you really understand the jew mentality by looking at his posts.

Because I want you to see that these jews actually hate you, that is why.

I just noticed how it even said "kept" instead of keeping. So it acknowledges that what we do does work like the gods not being "bound" anymore. Lol.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
