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The Extreme Reality Of This Solar System And Life On Prison Earth

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Stormblood said:
The other question is: why the Sun and Mercury and not the Sun and Jupiter? Isn't Jupiter, being the Greater Benefic, supposed to be more beneficial than Mercury? Jupiter also rules the crown chakra, which is on a whole other level than the lowly "heart" chakra. Not to mention it has a polarity, instead of being neuter. This has me thinking.

Well, I've found the answer on my own. It would seem serious questions are ignored here while newbie ones are answered but at least the attitude of not answering them is more conductive for personal growth.
Stormblood said:
Stormblood said:
The other question is: why the Sun and Mercury and not the Sun and Jupiter? Isn't Jupiter, being the Greater Benefic, supposed to be more beneficial than Mercury? Jupiter also rules the crown chakra, which is on a whole other level than the lowly "heart" chakra. Not to mention it has a polarity, instead of being neuter. This has me thinking.

Well, I've found the answer on my own. It would seem serious questions are ignored here while newbie ones are answered but at least the attitude of not answering them is more conductive for personal growth.

I think the newbie ones are answered simply because most of the times these answers are obvious..

I remember reading someone saying that all the older members were gone.. and personally I am unsure about whom the older members might be, as I wasn't there back then.

Maybe you'll have more luck asking this in the advanced section.. or asking your guardian demon..
Stormblood said:
Well, I've found the answer on my own. It would seem serious questions are ignored here while newbie ones are answered but at least the attitude of not answering them is more conductive for personal growth.

Very few people know the answers to the serious questions. The more advanced members try their best, but there are too many questions.

T.A.O.L. said:
I think the newbie ones are answered simply because most of the times these answers are obvious..

I remember reading someone saying that all the older members were gone.. and personally I am unsure about whom the older members might be, as I wasn't there back then.

Maybe you'll have more luck asking this in the advanced section.. or asking your guardian demon..
I've been around for almost 3 years and the member I miss most is johnson_akemi. She spent hours of her time posting detailed answers to both advanced and newbie questions. I suspect she isn't "gone", but instead is taking a break from the forums to spend more time on RTRs and advancing her soul.
Well, here's another difficult question or two -

What effects would Phaeton have had on us astrologically, and if the jew hadn't been able to destroy all old knowledge, where does any evidence exist of ancient astrology which included Phaeton?

I found these -
FancyMancy said:
Well, here's another difficult question or two -

What effects would Phaeton have had on us astrologically, and if the jew hadn't been able to destroy all old knowledge, where does any evidence exist of ancient astrology which included Phaeton?

I found these -

  • I can use logic to answer the second part.
    I believe Phaeton was destroyed before humans were created. It has been stated that the destruction of Phaeton tilted the axis of Earth, which causes seasons. Fruit trees must have been created afterward because they require a winter chill to reproduce. The first fruit trees appeared shortly after the cretaceous period, so Phaeton must have been destroyed before humans existed (and used astrology). However, the gods probably have their own record of astrology that includes Phaeton.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I can use logic to answer the second part.
I believe Phaeton was destroyed before humans were created. It has been stated that the destruction of Phaeton tilted the axis of Earth, which causes seasons. Fruit trees must have been created afterward because they require a winter chill to reproduce. The first fruit trees appeared shortly after the cretaceous period, so Phaeton must have been destroyed before humans existed (and used astrology). However, the gods probably have their own record of astrology that includes Phaeton.
So before Satan also existed? He is about 500 thousands years old, not 500 million years old. I expect you or someone might say the reptilians' existence either is older than the Nordics' and then the Nordics came along eventually, or that they were quite close in time in coming into existance, and in either case that Satan managed to learn Spirituality first, i.e. be the first Yogi.

The Cretaceous period ended 66 MYA, and you think Phaeton was destroyed before then, which I suppose could be a reason as to why the dinosaurs went extinct. I think, however, that I read that the jew, one of our enemies, was created relatively recently, and destroyed Phaeton because zee Goyeem dair didn't obeyz da trybe. On the wikipaedia article, it suggests possible reasons as to how Phaeton was destroyed -

Theories regarding the formation of the asteroid belt from the destruction of a hypothetical fifth planet are today collectively referred to as the "disruption theory". This theory states that there was once a major planetary member of our solar system circulating in the present gap between Mars and Jupiter, which was variously destroyed when:

  • it veered too close to Jupiter and was torn apart by its powerful gravity
  • it was struck by another large celestial body
  • it was destroyed by a hypothetical brown dwarf, the companion star to the Sun, known as Nemesis
  • it was shattered by some internal catastrophe

Today, the Phaeton hypothesis has been superseded by the accretion model.
Maybe this "dark star" from one source, or Brown Dwarf was a reptilian planet-destroyer class spaceship!

The first 3 bullet points were more specific than the 4th. The conspiracy theorist might decide that the 4th point is true because "'internal catastrophe' could mean nookular weapons", which the jew, who I don't think is 66 million years old (reincarnated endlessly because it is incapable of eternal life, but still not dissipating over 66 million years plus - and sustained all that time by its uncaring reptilian masters?!), wants to use to destroy Earth. If,

  • Phaeton was the j00z first chance, which it destroyed, causing it to lose that chance, and
  • Earth is the jew's second chance, which it is losing, causing it to lose this chance
causing the retillianz to destroy da j00-j00, then why wait 66 million years to give the j00 that second chance - what were the faecal souls of the jew doing for 66 million years, not being sustained, incapable of actual advancement (as opposed to keeping itself alive barely, by drinking infant blood and stealing your money and life)?

Suppose that it took the Nordic Race having first coming into existence...say 66 MYA to 500 MYA, then it took about 66 million or 500 million minus 500 thousand years for Nature to create Satan to then be able to defeat the wheel of karma and reincarnation. Unless the Nordics came into existence outside of the reptilian's jurisdiction (because otherwise, we wouldn't exist at all, and the reptilian would have our Gods' and Goddesses' Souls to consume already), then it wouldn't have taken millions of years to evolve into Godhood; our Gods and Goddesses would have been turned into zombie greys. In other words, before Satan was born about 500 TYA, you're saying that you think Phaeton was destroyed by the jew in conjunction with its reptilian over..."lords". I don't think the Gentile Races existed before Satan's Race! Satan is the eldest of our Gentile Races. It makes sense that Satan and some of the Gods and Goddesses seeded Mars and Phaeton at the same time as Earth.

Perhaps computer simulations could show the drift of the asteroids in the Belt in reverse, which could then indicate the location of Jupiter and Saturn, with Mars's atmosphere being ripped away; Earth having tilted quote a a bit; Jupiter having filled a tiny bit; and Uranus being tilted a lot. I wouldn't trust modern (((mainstream science)))'s findings, though. A better bet would be to advance and empower oneself to learn things.

As for the chilling hours (the colder time for fruit trees to bear fruit), I think that could have accumulated during the cooler hours during nighttime. While any point or side of the Earth was away from the Sun, it would be cooler. Sources/people saying that Earth was a comfortable 25℃ all-year-round might be accurate, but the Equator should still be hotter than the Poles, and the dark side, as Earth spins, should be cooler than during daytime. Of course, also there may very well have been particular breezes which cooled the air sufficiently during whichever times of the day and of the night, and times of the year, as well; shadows from hills and mountains to make the climate cooler for the accumulated chilling hours; cooler on the coasts or near a lake; prevailing winds; cooler in forests/woods covered with tree canopies...
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Well, here's another difficult question or two -

What effects would Phaeton have had on us astrologically, and if the jew hadn't been able to destroy all old knowledge, where does any evidence exist of ancient astrology which included Phaeton?

I found these -

  • I can use logic to answer the second part.
    I believe Phaeton was destroyed before humans were created. It has been stated that the destruction of Phaeton tilted the axis of Earth, which causes seasons. Fruit trees must have been created afterward because they require a winter chill to reproduce. The first fruit trees appeared shortly after the cretaceous period, so Phaeton must have been destroyed before humans existed (and used astrology). However, the gods probably have their own record of astrology that includes Phaeton.

  • I don't think that's the case. Humans already were there in Kumari Kandam before Phaeton was destroyed. Phaeton's destruction spell the end for the continent except for pieces of it like Sri Lanka and other now-islands. Since the Moon didn't exist back then and Phaeton was allegedly a water planet, I assume it had the same functions the Moon has today, only much stronger since it wasn't as meager but was instead the size of Saturn.
T.A.O.L. said:
I think the newbie ones are answered simply because most of the times these answers are obvious..

I remember reading someone saying that all the older members were gone.. and personally I am unsure about whom the older members might be, as I wasn't there back then.

Maybe you'll have more luck asking this in the advanced section.. or asking your guardian demon..

I'm an old member, I dedicated in 2002 and I've been here and on the groups in one form or another since about then. The only reason I don't answer questions so much is I get paranoid about stepping on other's toes lol. Plus people like the HP's and Lydia seem really good at explaining stuff, better than I'd be l think :lol:
FancyMancy said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I can use logic to answer the second part.
I believe Phaeton was destroyed before humans were created. It has been stated that the destruction of Phaeton tilted the axis of Earth, which causes seasons. Fruit trees must have been created afterward because they require a winter chill to reproduce. The first fruit trees appeared shortly after the cretaceous period, so Phaeton must have been destroyed before humans existed (and used astrology). However, the gods probably have their own record of astrology that includes Phaeton.
So before Satan also existed? He is about 500 thousands years old, not 500 million years old. I expect you or someone might say the reptilians' existence either is older than the Nordics' and then the Nordics came along eventually, or that they were quite close in time in coming into existance, and in either case that Satan managed to learn Spirituality first, i.e. be the first Yogi.

The Cretaceous period ended 66 MYA, and you think Phaeton was destroyed before then, which I suppose could be a reason as to why the dinosaurs went extinct. I think, however, that I read that the jew, one of our enemies, was created relatively recently, and destroyed Phaeton because zee Goyeem dair didn't obeyz da trybe. On the wikipaedia article, it suggests possible reasons as to how Phaeton was destroyed -

Theories regarding the formation of the asteroid belt from the destruction of a hypothetical fifth planet are today collectively referred to as the "disruption theory". This theory states that there was once a major planetary member of our solar system circulating in the present gap between Mars and Jupiter, which was variously destroyed when:

  • it veered too close to Jupiter and was torn apart by its powerful gravity
  • it was struck by another large celestial body
  • it was destroyed by a hypothetical brown dwarf, the companion star to the Sun, known as Nemesis
  • it was shattered by some internal catastrophe

Today, the Phaeton hypothesis has been superseded by the accretion model.
Maybe this "dark star" from one source, or Brown Dwarf was a reptilian planet-destroyer class spaceship!

The first 3 bullet points were more specific than the 4th. The conspiracy theorist might decide that the 4th point is true because "'internal catastrophe' could mean nookular weapons", which the jew, who I don't think is 66 million years old (reincarnated endlessly because it is incapable of eternal life, but still not dissipating over 66 million years plus - and sustained all that time by its uncaring reptilian masters?!), wants to use to destroy Earth. If,

  • Phaeton was the j00z first chance, which it destroyed, causing it to lose that chance, and
  • Earth is the jew's second chance, which it is losing, causing it to lose this chance
causing the retillianz to destroy da j00-j00, then why wait 66 million years to give the j00 that second chance - what were the faecal souls of the jew doing for 66 million years, not being sustained, incapable of actual advancement (as opposed to keeping itself alive barely, by drinking infant blood and stealing your money and life)?

Suppose that it took the Nordic Race having first coming into existence...say 66 MYA to 500 MYA, then it took about 66 million or 500 million minus 500 thousand years for Nature to create Satan to then be able to defeat the wheel of karma and reincarnation. Unless the Nordics came into existence outside of the reptilian's jurisdiction (because otherwise, we wouldn't exist at all, and the reptilian would have our Gods' and Goddesses' Souls to consume already), then it wouldn't have taken millions of years to evolve into Godhood; our Gods and Goddesses would have been turned into zombie greys. In other words, before Satan was born about 500 TYA, you're saying that you think Phaeton was destroyed by the jew in conjunction with its reptilian over..."lords". I don't think the Gentile Races existed before Satan's Race! Satan is the eldest of our Gentile Races. It makes sense that Satan and some of the Gods and Goddesses seeded Mars and Phaeton at the same time as Earth.

Perhaps computer simulations could show the drift of the asteroids in the Belt in reverse, which could then indicate the location of Jupiter and Saturn, with Mars's atmosphere being ripped away; Earth having tilted quote a a bit; Jupiter having filled a tiny bit; and Uranus being tilted a lot. I wouldn't trust modern (((mainstream science)))'s findings, though. A better bet would be to advance and empower oneself to learn things.

As for the chilling hours (the colder time for fruit trees to bear fruit), I think that could have accumulated during the cooler hours during nighttime. While any point or side of the Earth was away from the Sun, it would be cooler. Sources/people saying that Earth was a comfortable 25℃ all-year-round might be accurate, but the Equator should still be hotter than the Poles, and the dark side, as Earth spins, should be cooler than during daytime. Of course, also there may very well have been particular breezes which cooled the air sufficiently during whichever times of the day and of the night, and times of the year, as well; shadows from hills and mountains to make the climate cooler for the accumulated chilling hours; cooler on the coasts or near a lake; prevailing winds; cooler in forests/woods covered with tree canopies...
I stand corrected. :oops: I had forgotten that there was a time before Satan existed. (That's what 16 years of christardianism does to a person.)

You have an interesting theory about the fruit trees. There may have been yearly patterns of temperature change before the tilted axis. Perhaps some of the seasonal changes we attribute to the planet's angle would occur anyway. It's also possible that some of the "Young Earth" arguments aren't so far-fetched and the fossil record is far more recent than carbon dating indicates.
I have seen some newbie questions go unanswered here and there.

I'm somewhat new to the forums but I have noticed a lot of people prefer to browse and not participate. Not that it's entirely bad but I think it's nice when there are a lot of opinions and advice rather than one or 2 from the "experts".

You never know it might help someone out, even if they disagree sometimes.

Also people like Lydia and the HP's cannot answer every question so it's nice if members can help on topics they know about.

Hvítr Ormr said:
T.A.O.L. said:
I think the newbie ones are answered simply because most of the times these answers are obvious..

I remember reading someone saying that all the older members were gone.. and personally I am unsure about whom the older members might be, as I wasn't there back then.

Maybe you'll have more luck asking this in the advanced section.. or asking your guardian demon..

I'm an old member, I dedicated in 2002 and I've been here and on the groups in one form or another since about then. The only reason I don't answer questions so much is I get paranoid about stepping on other's toes lol. Plus people like the HP's and Lydia seem really good at explaining stuff, better than I'd be l think :lol:
Hvítr Ormr said:
I'm an old member, I dedicated in 2002 and I've been here and on the groups in one form or another since about then. The only reason I don't answer questions so much is I get paranoid about stepping on other's toes lol. Plus people like the HP's and Lydia seem really good at explaining stuff, better than I'd be l think :lol:

Once I’m more caught up on astro orders I will finally be more active here. I have very little free time, I only saw this because I occasionally type my name in the search function to see if there are any questions directed at me.

Hvítr Ormr, ignore the paranoia, I’ve talked to other long term members who also have issues being active here, I really think it’s just the enemy trying to keep us out. I went through periods of massive anxiety everytime I tried being active. You’re one of the oldest members, we need you here :)
Stormblood said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Well, here's another difficult question or two -

What effects would Phaeton have had on us astrologically, and if the jew hadn't been able to destroy all old knowledge, where does any evidence exist of ancient astrology which included Phaeton?

I found these -

  • I can use logic to answer the second part.
    I believe Phaeton was destroyed before humans were created. It has been stated that the destruction of Phaeton tilted the axis of Earth, which causes seasons. Fruit trees must have been created afterward because they require a winter chill to reproduce. The first fruit trees appeared shortly after the cretaceous period, so Phaeton must have been destroyed before humans existed (and used astrology). However, the gods probably have their own record of astrology that includes Phaeton.

  • I don't think that's the case. Humans already were there in Kumari Kandam before Phaeton was destroyed. Phaeton's destruction spell the end for the continent except for pieces of it like Sri Lanka and other now-islands. Since the Moon didn't exist back then and Phaeton was allegedly a water planet, I assume it had the same functions the Moon has today, only much stronger since it wasn't as meager but was instead the size of Saturn.

  • Before I saw your reply just now I thought the same thing.
    And that there is even a record of Phaeton, shows that humans must have been here when it was destroyed.
    And for some reason I think it may have been around the time of a swap of the sky thing like we're going from the age of pisces to aquarius now.

    Also if you think about it, it being a water planet, if it ruled spiritual things, the enemy does not want us to have any spiritual power. So to get us down and under their control they had to destroy certain things like that dont you think?
I strongly believe that Satan and humanity are really MUCH older than we know. The enemy loves pushing everything they can to shorten the time we've supposedly existed for, look at the "Muh 6,000 years" dumb-Kikery. Cremo and Thompson have found a huge amount of evidence from intelligent humanoid life on earth going back hundreds of millions of years, but all of this has been purposefully discarded and covered up by the bignosed "academic and scientific" communities.
Chapter 16 of The Cosmic War is all about this.
"Any attempt to summarize the voluminous and well-documented research of Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson in one short chapter is doomed to failure at the outset. Their magisterial work on alternative paleontology and anthropology, Forbidden Archeology, runs a little over nine hundred pages. Its “condensed” version, The Hidden History of the Human Race, is itself over three hundred."
"Cremo and Thompson approached their work in the broadest possible sense, as a “sociological, philosophical, and historical critique of the scientific method, as applied to the question of human origins and antiquity.”664 Their basic thesis is that humanity is of far greater antiquity than the standard academic models will allow, hence, this places them in direct conflict with modern evolutionary theory. Again, this is not the place to examine their critique of that theory; however, as a result of their extensive review of the archeological evidence in the literature, oftentimes dating back a century or more, they conclude that the “facts” of evolutionary theory “turn out to be networks of arguments and observational claims.”"

T.A.O.L. said:
Before I saw your reply just now I thought the same thing.
And that there is even a record of Phaeton, shows that humans must have been here when it was destroyed.
And for some reason I think it may have been around the time of a swap of the sky thing like we're going from the age of pisces to aquarius now.

Also if you think about it, it being a water planet, if it ruled spiritual things, the enemy does not want us to have any spiritual power. So to get us down and under their control they had to destroy certain things like that dont you think?

I agree. I think it was like Jupiter energy but much more powerful and positive, all about life-nurturing and growth. I think this was the main planet in our solar system for life, the model of perfection that humanity started on. Then we spread to Mars and Earth. That planet was the best one so it got completely blown up. Mars was second-most well established and built up so that got heavily ruined, the surface was ruined but I've read and can strongly feel that there's Nordic Aryans still waiting under the surface there, perfect since Aryan directly means "Man from Mars". Earth was the most recently inhabited, not yet built up to as great of a level and less of an important target. There's nothing we can do to imagine the energies of this planet because it was the strongest and most beneficial one. Comparing it to Jupiter is the best we can do but that says nothing.
When this planet was removed, the physics of the entire solar system completely changed. The gods, mentioned specifically to be Ninurta, had to "remeasure the structure of the deep" and formulate a completely new astrological system. Since the human soul is so deeply tied to the astrological forces, the gods had to quickly stitch together new connections between chakras and planets based on this new system, possibly the reason for the creation of Earth's moon and Lepidus. Humanity was probably altered badly from the loss of this planet, the gods did the best they could to fix the solar system alignments into a way that still works but we could never imagine how big of a blessing this planet was and can't replace it. I feel that this planet was the greatest amount of lifeforce, like just this one planet had the positive powers of all others and could nourish the entire soul and all chakras, and so without it we have to draw each chakra from separate planets now to try to stitch the form back together from multiple pieces. That don't matter we can't change it now, but we can still prevent the same from happening to Earth! I think we can be safe from the enemy "Sampson"ing, they wouldn't do anything like that to the world as long as there's still a drop of blood for them to drink and a shekel to steal they'll hold on as an oblivious parasite.
From looking at this the hundreds of millions year claim I suspect this is actually artifacts which might have come from Phaeton when the fall out hit our planet. Also the effects on the flooding and land shifts and slides on our planet from this which was massive has flipped the script on the testing methods they are using.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I strongly believe that Satan and humanity are really MUCH older than we know. The enemy loves pushing everything they can to shorten the time we've supposedly existed for, look at the "Muh 6,000 years" dumb-Kikery

I personally think that it's not Satan to be half a million years older but humanity. I think Satan is actually much older than that.

Ol argedco luciftias"The gods said:
Wait, do you know anything about this god that isn't mainstream (Wikipedia and New Age websites)?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think this was the main planet in our solar system for life, the model of perfection that humanity started on. Then we spread to Mars and Earth.
I think you're forgetting the ignorantly-named "Goldilocks Zone", named correctly by me as the "Baby Bear Zone". That being said, we can't trust (((mainstream science))) as far as we can throw it, so perhaps the Baby Bear Zone is larger than what is told to us, and/or the atmospheres of Mars and Phaeton were perfect for living and breathing outside of geodesic domes/underground. Then living on Phaeton and looking up at the night sky at the right time of year, we'd be able to see Jupiter clearer with the naked eye. My.

HP Mageson666 said:
From looking at this the hundreds of millions year claim I suspect this is actually artifacts which might have come from Phaeton when the fall out hit our planet. Also the effects on the flooding and land shifts and slides on our planet from this which was massive has flipped the script on the testing methods they are using.
Artefacts from Phaeton which are millions of years old? An artefact is a thing which People have made/constructed, rather than rocks and materials found in Nature. If the Universe is infinite and eternal, then maybe there are beings much older and more powerful than Satan, and they were here in our solar system millions of years ago... Speaking of which, and of Atlantis in the Atlantis video thread, I am reminded of Stargate Atlantis which is about this exact thing (though is in a different galaxy and is a constructed technology island in a sea/an ocean, and these millions-of-years-old beings, who look like us (rather, whom we look like) are referred to as 'the Ancients').

If I'm not mistaken, I read or heard that no other body in the solar system nor the known Universe has continental/tectonic plates which keep moving like ours do, and that these are supposed to be vital for life. That does sound like christianity - you have to jump through hoops and be tortured on a cross/carry your cross and be a slave so you can be "free", and no other place anywhere at all has any life...
Lydia said:
Hvítr Ormr said:
I'm an old member, I dedicated in 2002 and I've been here and on the groups in one form or another since about then. The only reason I don't answer questions so much is I get paranoid about stepping on other's toes lol. Plus people like the HP's and Lydia seem really good at explaining stuff, better than I'd be l think :lol:

Once I’m more caught up on astro orders I will finally be more active here. I have very little free time, I only saw this because I occasionally type my name in the search function to see if there are any questions directed at me.

Hvítr Ormr, ignore the paranoia, I’ve talked to other long term members who also have issues being active here, I really think it’s just the enemy trying to keep us out. I went through periods of massive anxiety everytime I tried being active. You’re one of the oldest members, we need you here :)

Oh wow, I never thought you'd be the one to reply to me! Thank you Lydia, I feel better now about the whole thing and you're right, it probably is just the enemy attacking me. They've been really hammering me lately (well, all of us probably given it's their filthy yom kippur) so I'll just keep up with my AOP and the final RTR and push through.
If the Moon is artificial in origin, how we can trust it? Maybe it isn't wise to use the energy from that shit at all?
Larissa666 said:
If the Moon is artificial in origin, how we can trust it? Maybe it isn't wise to use the energy from that shit at all?
...or the Satanic knowledge explained that we should use "that shit" - created by Satanic Gods/Goddesses to compensate for the destruction of Phaeton by the jew/the reptilian - so as to help open, unblock, and empower our Third Eye...
I'm very late here, but thanks for all this info, HP Mageson.

I really thought to myself how the Saturn rings don't make much sense naturally, as no other planets have such a feature. Now it figures.

Also, on a side note.

Looking at some of the comments here, it's funny how we speak of "thousands of years", "one thousand years", "500 thousand years" and other long periods of time. We sound like we speak of those periods with so much right and authority, when most of us as individuals haven't even lived a full hundred years ourselves in our current lifetime. Yet we often sound like we know how long one thousand years, one hundred thousand years, etc really are or how long it really feels, especially when we talk about subjects like this. And we don't even realize it.
These subjects make such long periods seem shorter to us than they really are. It makes them seem more tangible. I guess this is what is called "psychological time", often seen in literature.
FancyMancy said:
Larissa666 said:
If the Moon is artificial in origin, how we can trust it? Maybe it isn't wise to use the energy from that shit at all?
...or the Satanic knowledge explained that we should use "that shit" - created by Satanic Gods/Goddesses to compensate for the destruction of Phaeton by the jew/the reptilian - so as to help open, unblock, and empower our Third Eye...

"Created by satanic gods/goddesses"... OK, I never said that, but I thought there is a possibility it was made for an enemy.

But, coming from you, this kind of reply is normal.
Larissa666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Larissa666 said:
If the Moon is artificial in origin, how we can trust it? Maybe it isn't wise to use the energy from that shit at all?
...or the Satanic knowledge explained that we should use "that shit" - created by Satanic Gods/Goddesses to compensate for the destruction of Phaeton by the jew/the reptilian - so as to help open, unblock, and empower our Third Eye...

"Created by satanic gods/goddesses"... OK, I never said that, but I thought there is a possibility it was made for an enemy.

But, coming from you, this kind of reply is normal.
That's why you love me so, but no, I said "Satanic Gods/Goddesses", but yeah, the jew does shit so we have to live artificially for a while, while it does its shit - and Moon wasn't made for the enemy, but because of the enemy, to compensate and support us.

I think also it's better that the Moon would be less powerful than Phaeton.

awaits shock-and-horror dissonant replies by various individuals reading this

The reason being is that if Moon was created to be very powerful, more closer to Phaeton's power, that might interfere (to use a controversial term) with opening people's Third Eye too soon.

waits again

If many, or just any, individuals' Third Eye opened with a more-powerful Moon during the kike's usurpance, having usurped us on our own Planet, then these individuals would suffer a much greater risk of being stoned to death, burnt at a stake, or other torture-and-death thing.

If some might realise that...if it's true...the Moon is becoming more and more distant, that it would be weaker constantly - then that doesn't matter; space and time (or "space-time") is irrelevant with Magick.
To be honest, I have no idea if the Moon is from the Gods or the enemy. What we know is that it is currently used as a base of operations from the enemy or at least that's what the evidence points out. If one is so interested in it (this is general, not addressed to someone in particular), I guess the matter could be brought to their guardian demon so that a definitive answer can be provided. I personally focus on empowerment and advancement for now, rather than asking unrelated questions, but how much you deal with the gods and what you talk with them about is one's own personal business. So that is not to say it would be wrong to ask them such questions. I apologise for rambling a little.
Found this today.

SilentSeeker said:
If humans lived on Phaeton, could any of us here on Earth be reincarnated from them?
They all would have completed the magnum opus very easily and quickly, so they are some of our gods now living in Orion. The people on Earth are those who haven't yet completed the magnum opus, or a few who have who are still living here hiding living forever. After the magnum opus, they are powerful enough to influence Earth from across the galaxy so they don't need to reincarnate here.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
SilentSeeker said:
If humans lived on Phaeton, could any of us here on Earth be reincarnated from them?
They all would have completed the magnum opus very easily and quickly, so they are some of our gods now living in Orion. The people on Earth are those who haven't yet completed the magnum opus, or a few who have who are still living here hiding living forever. After the magnum opus, they are powerful enough to influence Earth from across the galaxy so they don't need to reincarnate here.

We also have people in Agartha who have completed the Magnum Opus. Not all human gods are in Orion
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
SilentSeeker said:
If humans lived on Phaeton, could any of us here on Earth be reincarnated from them?
They all would have completed the magnum opus very easily and quickly, so they are some of our gods now living in Orion. The people on Earth are those who haven't yet completed the magnum opus, or a few who have who are still living here hiding living forever. After the magnum opus, they are powerful enough to influence Earth from across the galaxy so they don't need to reincarnate here.

We also have people in Agartha who have completed the Magnum Opus. Not all human gods are in Orion
That's why I said this "or a few who have who are still living here hiding living forever."
StraitShot47 said:
Are the pleiadians aligned with our Gods?

The Pleiades already appear in Greek mythology and in Vedic mythology thousands of years ago and it was a pagan concept that had to do with the signs of the zodiac, the new age spirituality has totally corrupted it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
They all would have completed the magnum opus very easily and quickly, so they are some of our gods now living in Orion. The people on Earth are those who haven't yet completed the magnum opus, or a few who have who are still living here hiding living forever. After the magnum opus, they are powerful enough to influence Earth from across the galaxy so they don't need to reincarnate here.

We also have people in Agartha who have completed the Magnum Opus. Not all human gods are in Orion
That's why I said this "or a few who have who are still living here hiding living forever."

Yeah, the difference is that you said they haven't completed the Magnum Opus, while I stated they have.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
They all would have completed the magnum opus very easily and quickly, so they are some of our gods now living in Orion. The people on Earth are those who haven't yet completed the magnum opus, or a few who have who are still living here hiding living forever. After the magnum opus, they are powerful enough to influence Earth from across the galaxy so they don't need to reincarnate here.

We also have people in Agartha who have completed the Magnum Opus. Not all human gods are in Orion
That's why I said this "or a few who have who are still living here hiding living forever."

I see. Thank you for the answers
Stormblood said:
Yeah, the difference is that you said they haven't completed the Magnum Opus, while I stated they have.
Yea not really. I said those who haven't completed the magnum opus yet, plus a few who have who are hiding
The "have" in there implies "have (completed the magnum opus)"
Maybe your culture is different, but in mine this is a perfectly clear way to speak. When you explicitly say one thing and talk about the alternative too, you don't have to be so explicitly clear about labelling the alternative because it's implied that you're still talking about the two sides of the same one topic.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stormblood said:
Yeah, the difference is that you said they haven't completed the Magnum Opus, while I stated they have.
Yea not really. I said those who haven't completed the magnum opus yet, plus a few who have who are hiding
The "have" in there implies "have (completed the magnum opus)"
Maybe your culture is different, but in mine this is a perfectly clear way to speak. When you explicitly say one thing and talk about the alternative too, you don't have to be so explicitly clear about labelling the alternative because it's implied that you're still talking about the two sides of the same one topic.

It appears I have read incorrectly.
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stormblood said:
Yeah, the difference is that you said they haven't completed the Magnum Opus, while I stated they have.
Yea not really. I said those who haven't completed the magnum opus yet, plus a few who have who are hiding
The "have" in there implies "have (completed the magnum opus)"
Maybe your culture is different, but in mine this is a perfectly clear way to speak. When you explicitly say one thing and talk about the alternative too, you don't have to be so explicitly clear about labelling the alternative because it's implied that you're still talking about the two sides of the same one topic.

It appears I have read incorrectly.
No problem, you know you weren't wrong, just a little bit different perspective. :D As usual, we're both right.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Yea not really. I said those who haven't completed the magnum opus yet, plus a few who have who are hiding
The "have" in there implies "have (completed the magnum opus)"
Maybe your culture is different, but in mine this is a perfectly clear way to speak. When you explicitly say one thing and talk about the alternative too, you don't have to be so explicitly clear about labelling the alternative because it's implied that you're still talking about the two sides of the same one topic.

It appears I have read incorrectly.
No problem, you know you weren't wrong, just a little bit different perspective. :D As usual, we're both right.

Yeah. I apologise for the trouble :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
