Bigot Boy said:I know this has been covered, but want to mention what happened. A girl, who was clearly very white, although had a bit of Mexican in her, showed me the results of a DNA test she took. It said she was not only 0.3% black (this is BS in itself), but also 0.3% Ashkenazi Jew... This should serve as a reminder not to trust any DNA tests, as Jews will simply throw in some BS percentages like this to mess with one's head. While making a pretty penny at the same time.
The situation with DNA tests as I have written before is that they are fraudlent. I have seen many cases of blatant jews, some of them even going public, like Lauren Southern or Mike Enoch who claim to take these tests and they come out clean of any jewish blood. The so called DNA corps aren't little nobodies who make researches, they are going to become a major bastion for the enemy the more time progresses, in order to deceive.
It's like very interesting to see how many of these jews rant and rave about their "Clear" DNA tests on public, to prove against the evidence of their physical, mental, spiritual, and full disposition and purpose. Mike Enoch is the type of person to be married to a Bnai Brith agent, but his DNA test goy says he is not a jew himself. No no.
The irony of the "DNA TESTING" consensus is that they admit to not being "Racists" and to not take "Race" in any serious consideration. The scientific replacement for that is that they take REGIONAL samples, not RACIAL samples. They aren't being "Racists" when they are trying to tell you your race. This is based from the belief of "regions" correlating to genes, and not to genes onto the very race itself, despite of "Region". Regional means they index people living in a locale. As to what these "people" are "racially", that is of no concern. A jew living in Germany with a German passport is "Regionally" Germanic, why you question goy? Racially, it is a filthy jew.
If they go to a village in Romania where there are gypsies, they index these gypsy jews as "Romanian", or they can take Bulgarian Jews are "Bulgarian" or "Southern European". The data is then mixed, as there is no racial consensus and no actual "prototype" upon which these DNA researches are based. The "DNA TESTING" companies are anti-racist and they do ascribe to the agenda of the enemy, that of proving that we are all "related", not in a scientific, but in a propaganda for multiculturalism way of promotion.
The other thing that is done is extremely broad categorization, which confuses things even more, such as saying there is a "Mediterannean" gene sample. A jew armenoid blend and a baltic person or mostly Nordic person from Italy are not exactly the same thing, but they are all labelled "Mediterannean" under the same "regional" consensus. Then this is cooked and we get the "Mediterannean" DNA. So if one is "50% Mediterannean", this really explains nothing, as it can be due to any of the above DNA signatures that are being indexed, or even worse, their admixture.
All DNA corps are unclear and they hide how this "cooking" really takes place. The Dumb Goyim can't be allowed to know. Just know goyim everyone has Jewish DNA in them, and in particular, it's Jews that don't.
What is a better and craftier way to make everyone accept everyone else but by giving wrong genes to people? If everyone does DNA research and they get 0.3% Jewish, 5% Black, what have you, without it even existing in their ancestry, people are going to obviously be confused and disabled from acting against the enemy's agenda.
It's nothing new for the enemy to use pseudoscience for their purposes. Ironically, in the case of DNA tests, they self admit this is being done, that this is the purpose, and that how they "Sample" this is REGIONAL and not RACIAL. If something is REGIONAL, then French DNA in 2050 will mean Mulatto Kalergi DNA, and everyone half black will have "French DNA".
The same attempt to re-write history in regards to everyone coming from blacks (And since we all came from blacks, they say, we must "Return" to that state - the typical "From Nothingness to Nothingness" mental loop to the enemy). This is to rationalize race mixing, multiculturalism, and all sorts of other crimes the enemy is pushing forcefully. Not long ago, jews wrote the first Swede was Black with Blue Eyes.
The "Loving Multiculturalists" of "Diversity" should CELEBERATE it, even in their own demented argument, that we all came from "BLACKS" but we were finally divided! That is true Diversity. Their arguments are self collapsing, because they are lies, and only fronts. The reality is, they wished everyone came from Blacks, and they want everyone to be forced to become "Black", because this is clearly not the case.
Their arguments about "Diversity" are exactly what will lead to the end of all diversity on this planet. Everyone will be the same. Borg planet.
Then I guess Swedes are African and they also deserve Reparations and to be left alone in Sweden, since they are oppressed, according to the jewtalk? No, what the jew tries to get out of this errant logical game is to enforce race mixing and to give this full appropriation and universalist propaganda. Them making money through DNA testing while promoting their agenda is nothing negative in that regard, more shekels for more lying.
Lastly, it would be good also to consider that giving one's DNA to private companies is not really the cleverest thing to do, because not only they can resell this data (And to whom and why is largely unknown), but if they have specific knowledge, this may have unpredictable results for someone. This extends past the DNA testing as a product or thing.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666