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The difference between national socialism and (((neo-nazism)))


New member
Nov 30, 2022




"Neo-Nazism" is the broad collective term for various phenomena that have appeared in many nationalist movements around the world since the late 1950s,
and which are characterized by being more strongly influenced by the image of "nazism" as portrayed by Hollywood, than by the actual ideology of National Socialism.
Fiction has in some cases influenced real life and Hollywood propaganda has fed into real life "Nazi" groups,
especially those associated with the Rockwellian so-called "neo-nazi" subculture.

The first form of "Neo-nazism" was inspired by post-World War II Hollywood films which contained parodies of the German leaders and soldiers.
Some organisations and political parties tried to copy the distorted image of the Third Reich. It resulted in an exaggerated use of uniforms and other Third Reich symbolism in many nationalist movements.

The modern form of "Neo-nazism" springs from Hollywood propaganda films such as Romper Stomper (1992) and American History X (1998),
films which attempted to redefine what National Socialism and racial consciousness supposedly was all about.

This kind of propaganda attracted the interest of many younger people, revolting teenagers searching for an identity, who fell for the skinhead 'outsider' lifestyle with shaved heads, tattoos, excessive drinking and violence.

This new subculture had nothing in common with the original basic principles of nationalism or National Socialism.

As the subculture was the offspring of Jewish media propaganda, and they were mostly young teenagers revolting against their parents and society,
they strived to confirm the image of themselves put forth by the media, and the circle was closed.
Soon the media could show reality based documentaries with violent drunken skinheads attacking immigrants, homosexuals and disabled people in the name of Adolf Hitler. This is, of course, rubbish.

A "Neo-nazi" is a person who claims to be a National Socialist but copies the characters found in Hollywood movies instead of learning and following the original ideology.

Common movie characteristics:
-The Skinhead culture with the associated destructive lifestyle.
-Music and propaganda which focuses on hate and ignores the values which should be defended.
-Drinking bouts with excessive screaming, Hitler salutes and violence.
-More focus on uniforms and other Third Reich symbolism than ideological principles.
-No theoreticial basis underpinning political views
-A great and seemingly uncontrollable hate towards people of other races.
-A hateful and violent behaviour towards disabled people and other people "who aren’t Aryan enough".
-Recognition of The Holocaust(TM) as a fact and a great achievement, often combined with phrases such as "They should have killed more Jews".

How to identify individuals:
The following are strong indications that you are in the presence of a "Neo-Nazi";

-A closely shaved head.
-Crude tattoos on body.
-Uses the phrase "14/88".
-Unhealthy; smokes and drinks.
-Positive view of punk rock subculture.
Your on the ball with this memetic breakdown.

The only problem is most people don't bother to research it and will still lump you as ebil, debil.

BTW some issues the National Socialist system isn't Totalitarian it's Authoritarian.

To be honest after some query into things. It's better to label Neo-Nazism as Neo-Liberal subversion technology.

I've been studying Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons are Communist entities wanting a return to xtian control days. While Neo-Libs are Reverse Nazis. In other words they use reverse National Socialism to move things into a Capitalist system.

Albeit Capitalism and Communism are twins of each other there is a big divide for financial profiteering by small freedoms per say while berging and steining shekels at large.

BTW National Socialism is an All-Wing philosophical movement. After extensive thought and pondering on the subject my only conclusion on NS is classical liberal historicity in a modern package. For example there is a thread on the forums on Modernism. For example the architect being horrible for modernism. I don't think Modernism was meant to be embraced into judeo-bolshevism.

In other words modernism in a NS way would be a restoration of the Ancient World only packaged with modern improvements.

For example Modern Art is a degenerate and subversive venom of ideas of bullshit. But Modern Art in an NS way could be like Hitler's 36,000rm artwork of Venus. A famous artist from Berlin painted a Venus artwork in a Germanized form with modern clothing. So you see her nude with the limited expression as the Gods expressed themselves mostly in humble forms. For example Venus is an ugly lady the Venus body and Venus expression is not a lot of Women. But the Gods or Goddess in this case presents a humble limited form to express that even lesser girls who aren't stacked are okay.

So the God or Goddess shows a humbled diminished form to allow others not to feel bad. But the Venus artwork Hitler bought was presented as a modern Venus.

I believe Modernism was hijacked and it was simply sovietized. We inasmuch know the enemy hijacks technologies and subverts and twist them up for effect.

Either way not bad you present a very good Strike Package. My only concern is you lack some political properties on NS and racial properties of multi-racial and multi-cultural significance within racial separation and segregation.

For example how in some videos and audios of Joseph Goebbels he goes my fellow VOLKGENOSSEN instead of VOLKGERMINENSCHAF.

In other words Goebbels prefers volk comrade rather than racial volk due to knowing other races exist. For example Goebbels and company understood Honorary Aryan title for other races. For example a Buddhist who helps the community train in meditation and does big displays of improvements gets it. As there was at the time a growing Buddhist community in Berlin and possibly a few other German locations.

Very good you've memetically and historically assaulted Neo-Nazism.

Remember Neo-Nazism = Kosher supervised version of NS, in fact it's more akin to a Neo-Liberal strike package.

Further on Neo-Nazism embraces many of the modern problems with tattooed people and other degeneracy. Notice how Neos act like degenerates as you mentioned. It's funny but they are just extremist degenerates they are the white version of black gang members.

Most of the Neo-nazis are groomed by the FBI or CIA or other agencies and most are actually fedpots and honey pots. In fact they are purposefully fed subversive properties to subvert the US.

For example one of the biggest points is Bezmenovian technology how Bezmenov expresses the leftist and people who support socialistic-communization are going to be massacred once the revolution happens the revolutionaries get massacred as the enemy wants conservatives.

The main point is revolutionaries are to overthrow and then return back to the middle ages with ignorant, stupid, hemenutical willful and defensive ignorance of the goyim animal with enough of a mind to perform labor.

Sheer fact is I've always laughed at Neo Nazism and it's stupidity. They'll be wiped out the Neo-Lib capita-commies will just be massacred after completion. It's like Schwab and the WEF they are Neo-Con commies and hate liberals and want a great reset for Sovietization.

Oh one more thing Punk rock subculture isn't 100% bad or wrong as there is elements of rebellion and NS in it. In fact a number of punk properties of guitar play and drum patterns and the vocal/chorus parts actually found it's way into Black Metal.

Sheer fact is Punk should be respected a bit because it's kinda like the hardening of rock and beginnings of metal trying to make harder, darker, more deeper music. Punk at least tried to break away from the traditional and has a sorta rebellious factor to it.

It's kinda like the mod vs rocker situation in England sometime nearing the mid-50s or so. While rock was climbing the charts in America slowly. In England it was more popular to the smaller tighter population. Sheer fact is punk does have some elements that show they wanted to break the mold. Even if punk is still chorus/verse/chorus and a catchy tune. For example Blitzkreig Bop from The Ramones and it's still a traditional property of music. It did try to introduce people to harder forms of music or metal or darker forms.

Inasmuch as much as I dislike Ozzy for cucking around at times and being foolish. You kinda gotta respect Black Sabbath for breaking the mold much like Slayer, awful band a few good songs but mostly foolish neo-nazism and annoying songs. But Slayer is another major player in properties that go in like Death Metal, Doom Metal, and 1st and 2nd wave Black metal.

Punk is innocent per say but I can see why you would label the punk property as it influenced a lot of people. It does have some elements of a anarchistic principle and even nihilism albeit I think it might be more of a Black Metal Nihilism or Nietzschean Anti-Nihilism Nihilism. Or perhaps listening to certain Nihilistic music to induce an altered contemplation and think outside the box. Many people wrongly believe nihilism to be an utterly subversive, destructive anti-theme. But I think a healthy dose of some nihilism or pondering and musing on nihilism to an extent can break a person out of a mold.

All in all punk even if people like Johnny Rotten were into Nazi Punk and some got into stereotypical kosher supervised Neo-Nazism. Even for that I wouldn't blame punk nor put a gun to punk's head to try and blow it away.

All I'm gonna say is perhaps punk could have been more appropriate if made into a Pro-National Socialist principle. Sorta like how Black Metal has NSBM and the elements of nature and properties of BM is very NS. Even the bands that don't delve into political property and are more naturesque respect NSBM or the NS concepts of Black Metal. For example Heilung does many naturesque Pagan/Runic concepts. But that doesn't mean it's against NS or the band members hold NS in contempt. If they do I'd be surprised but I wouldn't be surprised if they state NS and it's nature themes encompassed by the Paganicity of the NSDAP show up in our music and while we don't sing about the political nor warfare themes we respect it.

Overall a National Socialist is simply a respectful Gentlemen/Gentlewomen who wants a better life. Sorta like HP.Cobra's sermon, a National Socialist is simply a person who cares about his society and citizens regardless of wealth or financial creed.

I think the idea is twist up NS to be an extremist hatecore group. Not realizing it's Aquarian technology on the imprint of every man, woman, and child. To help and better a society.

The enemy has used NS tactical combat to tactically and tacitly destroy mankind into small little doomed worlds. If every person is a World, a Universe. People are goyed into being doomed into their limited World. Sheer fact is the strategic element of the enemy which fails but the tactical is the main battle point. The militaries of the World know this, the man the individual captures ground; tactically.

But these same tactical principles have been used to undermine people for a strategic push. Strategic push through tactical subversion.

Unfortunately yet another point of dooming and glooming. Neo-Nazism continuous kosher supervision of the Tziddikim. The typical kabalistic and spiritual warfare of using your enemy against themselves and others and using your enemy as a useful idiot to destroy themselves and others.

Like Hitler, let's use the communists as useful idiots to destroy them. If they kvetch about us in the press people will go why are communists afraid of a tiny nationalistic group.

The fact people lost out on 5th generational and 6th generational warfare. Show 5th and 6th is being used unfortunately to behest us from our reality.

Overall good work. It does need some extra memetic enforcement pictures basically some Memetic Macro Strike Package Technologies. But overall very good StarsofNigthSky, good post. :D
Gear88 said:
It's like Schwab and the WEF they are Neo-Con commies and hate liberals and want a great reset for Sovietization.

bill gates,george soros,klaus schwab and the WEF are decoys pushed by controlled oppositions like infowars (pro russian shills and russian puppets) to misdirect you from the real enemy,which is located in eurasia,
i will make a thread about Dugin, The perestroika deception,the eurasian agenda and one of the most powerful jewish organization in the world.
"National Socialism" was a term incorporated by Hitler in order to find a way to reconcile the division of opposing political movements at the time, the Nationalists and the Socialists, which was how he managed to establish his political movement and ideology, but he was for the most part Nationalist.
starsofnightsky said:




"Neo-Nazism" is the broad collective term for various phenomena that have appeared in many nationalist movements around the world since the late 1950s,
and which are characterized by being more strongly influenced by the image of "nazism" as portrayed by Hollywood, than by the actual ideology of National Socialism.
Fiction has in some cases influenced real life and Hollywood propaganda has fed into real life "Nazi" groups,
especially those associated with the Rockwellian so-called "neo-nazi" subculture.

The first form of "Neo-nazism" was inspired by post-World War II Hollywood films which contained parodies of the German leaders and soldiers.
Some organisations and political parties tried to copy the distorted image of the Third Reich. It resulted in an exaggerated use of uniforms and other Third Reich symbolism in many nationalist movements.

The modern form of "Neo-nazism" springs from Hollywood propaganda films such as Romper Stomper (1992) and American History X (1998),
films which attempted to redefine what National Socialism and racial consciousness supposedly was all about.

This kind of propaganda attracted the interest of many younger people, revolting teenagers searching for an identity, who fell for the skinhead 'outsider' lifestyle with shaved heads, tattoos, excessive drinking and violence.

This new subculture had nothing in common with the original basic principles of nationalism or National Socialism.

As the subculture was the offspring of Jewish media propaganda, and they were mostly young teenagers revolting against their parents and society,
they strived to confirm the image of themselves put forth by the media, and the circle was closed.
Soon the media could show reality based documentaries with violent drunken skinheads attacking immigrants, homosexuals and disabled people in the name of Adolf Hitler. This is, of course, rubbish.

A "Neo-nazi" is a person who claims to be a National Socialist but copies the characters found in Hollywood movies instead of learning and following the original ideology.

Common movie characteristics:
-The Skinhead culture with the associated destructive lifestyle.
-Music and propaganda which focuses on hate and ignores the values which should be defended.
-Drinking bouts with excessive screaming, Hitler salutes and violence.
-More focus on uniforms and other Third Reich symbolism than ideological principles.
-No theoreticial basis underpinning political views
-A great and seemingly uncontrollable hate towards people of other races.
-A hateful and violent behaviour towards disabled people and other people "who aren’t Aryan enough".
-Recognition of The Holocaust(TM) as a fact and a great achievement, often combined with phrases such as "They should have killed more Jews".

How to identify individuals:
The following are strong indications that you are in the presence of a "Neo-Nazi";

-A closely shaved head.
-Crude tattoos on body.
-Uses the phrase "14/88".
-Unhealthy; smokes and drinks.
-Positive view of punk rock subculture.

This is hilarious. Essentially you're surprised people aren't as articulate as they were in 1935 in translated German. Also this is one big no true scotsman fallacy. I'd rather support my people than take up this infighting brother war bullshit.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
