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The demotion,Maxine,and the slide show

Fire Kobra

Jul 20, 2020
Welcome everyone!

First of all, I am not mentioning Maxine because I would blindly follow her, or because she would be a role model, or someone I would cling to at all costs. No!
I'm talking about her because I won't let her be demoted, and even if I did, she's still here in Satanism.
Why? Because there is no reason to demote him.Hooded Cobra may have been attacked, but he doesn't know what is really going on in the world.
The end of ignorance would be a false demotion!

Multiple attacks on Jos!
It's time for everyone to know what's going on in the universe.

The time has come for everyone to know what is happening to our world, because it is not only on planet Earth that there is madness, but up there as well.
Why do I think it is important to share all this with you now?
Because as the title above suggests, the priesthood is under attack! The attack came from above!
And of course many of you see and sense that there is chaos above!
First of all, it is important that you take what I am writing without prejudice.

It is not only on planet Earth that there is madness, but also in outer space, for in addition to the Reptilians and their minions, there are dozens of hostile entities who have sold their souls to these parasites and are working for them, whether they know it or not. Not to mention that the Abrahamic poison here is spread to other entities, most notably Zoroastrianism, so they are exposed to the Reptilian/Jewish influence.

Communism has been going on in the world for a long time,and has been plaguing the Jentile population for a long time,with some species on the verge of extinction. The reason why I put it in the past tense is because it was not so long ago that its territory was cleared,and of course themselves.
They were in a terrible state!
The fight is still going on at the moment, but despite the intensity of the events, things are still going positively, but it's getting a bit difficult.

Maxine is in trouble!

Like many of the Jentils, Maxine is in trouble, and the situation is so bad that I am currently struggling to keep the enemy aliens from taking her astral, making constant attacks and destroying the enemy and their things, as they are astral here on planet Earth.
But anyone who may have noticed that the greys are physically on the move, should have seen that something is not right.
How could he have been attacked? By using weapons that filter out everything from energy unless you make a counter attack.

What's going on?

Unfortunately, throughout history, there have been some Jentiles who didn't know the enemy, so they fell victim to lies and ignorance and uninformation.
The enemy, and those who work for them, have a plan to subjugate the world through negative advanced technology, and establish their digital tyrannical rule, by spreading slide shows to various areas, and thereby depriving humanity, and souls, of their freedom.

Of course, it was only later that they began to develop their slide projection madness.

They want to push humanity into total bondage!

They target all living beings!

What does this slide show look like?

As I said in the above article, through advanced technology, which is basically just a slide projection machine, they want to create a kind of artificial intelligence system.
They want to put projection machines on everyone to harass and completely freak them out and kill them.
They use other devices besides slide projection!
The Zoroastrians are behind this and the parasites are now very keen to get hold of it all to push the world to its death.

There is a full inquisition going on and as my father Satan and the rest of us are trampling the enemy with me, it is beginning to die.

Other means than the slide show are being used!

This is all I wanted to say briefly, because the story is much more detailed, and obviously I only wanted to talk about Maxine's case now, so as not to be belittled, as she has not committed any wrongdoing.
The Maxine you had afterwards Cobra, was nothing more than a genetically engineered clone, sent there by the parasites after they had seen where they could send her.Unfortunately they found out later!
The one that did it went to the trouble of destroying the founder of Jos, and the whole organization, all of us.
Believe me, we are in real trouble now, and it is important to be on your guard, and everyone's.

What is the solution?

You have to go all in!
Spiritual, psychological, physical, and so on. You have to be on your toes, and it is very important to improve yourself!

In short, that's it!
HPS Maxine is to be treated in the highest regard and her inscription on the JoS is permanent.

High Priestess is her eternal title.

She's also perfectly fine and unable to be harmed in anyway, shape or form, so don't sound false alarms.

With that being stated granted everything else I am reading are you sure you are well? Nobody was cloned. Please try to have common sense.
Fire Kobra said:
Like many of the Jentils, Maxine is in trouble, and the situation is so bad that I am currently struggling to keep the enemy aliens from taking her astral, making constant attacks and destroying the enemy and their things, as they are astral here on planet Earth.

What is the solution?
But in all seriousness...

For you specifically, to stay grounded in reality and not going on whim with delusions.
Fire Kobra said:
I'm talking about her because I won't let her be demoted, and even if I did, she's still here in Satanism.
HPS Maxine will never be demoted, she founded Joy of Satan, she will forever be acknowledged as a High Priestess for her immense work. The post HP Cobra made about clergy demotion does not target HPS Maxine so there is no reason for people to worry about this.

Fire Kobra said:
Hooded Cobra may have been attacked, but he doesn't know what is really going on in the world.
That's a weird and false statement. Most of us and especially HP Cobra are very well aware of what is happening in the world.

Fire Kobra said:
Maxine is in trouble!

Like many of the Jentils, Maxine is in trouble, and the situation is so bad that I am currently struggling to keep the enemy aliens from taking her astral
I am quite certain this is not the case. There have been and are people who hate HPS Maxine to death and she even went through attempts on her life but spiritually she is certainly doing a lot better than all of us so there is no need for you or anyone in my opinion to worry about this. What we must do is carry on her work and spread JoS in the world, while improving and advancing ourselves with the teachings she has provided to us.
Maxine is not in trouble.

She is the founder of the JOS and her work is and will always remain.

Whatever tasks she has and the involvement of family or external people, yes or no, is not of my or anyone's concern as she has a lot of work to do in order to advance her soul.

Especially at this stage, be sure to remember that the Gods protect her and they will never let her down.

They do not let any one of us down and want to help us evolve, that is, of course, if we really want to be helped.

We can sure take care of our physical lives with great penage but on the spiritual level, we need to have assistance and be careful as, it is not like working with computer text.

On a computer, you may replace a text in a Notepad or Word document, but in the spiritual world, you cannot replace an effect of a rune or an affirmation.

Once it has been realized, it has been realized. There is no coming back.

This also applies at Magnum Opus, the ultimate goal that we, Spiritual Satanists have.

We need to achieve Godhead and immortality through it and for this to happen we need to put a lot of work.

We put a lot of work, okay that is very good but what happens if we stop in the middle or at the very beginning of the workings?

We lose, that is for sure.

Losing always leads to failure, especially in the spiritual field.

So, please sir, stop living in your mental world of fake news and move on evolving spiritually.

Unless you came with other purposes...
Use your god damn logic.
An ex military woman with strength beyond most men?
A highly spiritual priestess who has Satan and the Gods quite literally by her side?
A woman who has a loving family, who would never let her die if they could help it?
A woman who has survived several jewish attempts at assassination, and has been literally doxxed, and lived to tell the tale?
Come on now, she has been spiritually slicing through the enemy like a hot knife to butter already and I know for a fact the enemy are biting their nails because they know she herself and all of us will spearhead their demise.
SyraS_666 said:
Sounds and looks like another overblown schizo rant, either intentionally or out of too much crack.
It is like a vacuum cleaner that absorbs every information here but then farts it out as much chaotic and perplexed as possible.

:lol: so true
Igen! Csak itt univerzális helyzetről van szó ami kihat a Földi létre is,mint más bolygón is.
Hooded Cobra! Nem téves riasztás!

A történetet hogy tudjátok miről van szó,arról is tudni fogtok!

Mégegyszer mondom!
Asztrálisan megy a káosz,és vívom küzdelmem!
De sajnos mivel az ellenség durva fegyvereket használ,és ráadásul itt van a diavetitési manipulatív téma is, amit az Orioniak kezdtek használni,úgy hogy AZ ELLENSÉGRŐL NEM TUDTAK SEMMIT ABBAN AZ IDŐBEN,NEM IS BESZÉLVE HOGY AZOK A DZSENTILEK AKIK NEM FIGYELTÉK MEG AZT,HOGY A ZOROASTRIZMUS kiktől származik,és azt hogy ők maguk kik,így áldozatul estek ennek a méregnek,így elkezdet hanyatlani az Orion.

Miután az Orioni lakos hosszú időkön keresztül használta ezt a technológiát,nagyon sok kárt okoztak önmaguknak,és másoknak is,és most tetőzzöt az útóbbi századokban.Olyan programokat kezdtek előállítani ami a szó szoros értelmében a pestissel felér.

Ami a lényeg!

Hamarosan beköszönt a fizikai küzdelem,mert az összes létező parazita génmanipulált rohadék itt van!
Nincs téves riasztás! Maxine tényleg bajban volt,és a helyzet még csak mostanság kezdet valóban beindulni!

Hamarosan beköszönt a fizikai küzdelem! Készüljetek fel!

Ez legelőször a Magyaroknak szól! Mivel az esemény Budapesten,és így Magyarországon zajlik!

A Magyarok mindenféle kép jelezzetek itt nekem a forúmon,mert csak itt tudjuk a dolgokat megbeszélni.

És hamarosan elmondom a történetet,hogy tisztába legyetek a dolgokkal.
Essentially just another crackpot who wishes to sidetrack people from a proper course.

Yes! It's just that it's a universal situation that affects the Earth as well as other planets.
Hooded Cobra! Not a false alarm!

The story that you know what it's about, you'll know!

I say again!
I am astral in chaos, and I am fighting my battle!
But unfortunately, because the enemy is using crude weapons, and there is also the slide show manipulation theme that the Orions started using, that THEY KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THE ENEMY IN THEIR TIME, not even realizing that the DZSENTILES WHO DID NOT REALIZE WHO THE ZOROASTRISM CAME FROM, and who they were, fell prey to this poison, and Orion began to decline.

After the Orion inhabitants have been using this technology for a long time, they have done a great deal of damage to themselves and others, and now it is peaking in the last few centuries.They have begun to produce programs that are literally a plague.

Which is the point!

The physical fight is coming soon, because all the parasitic transgenic bastards that exist are here!

No false alarms! Maxine was really in trouble, and the situation has only recently started to really kick in!

The physical fight is coming soon! Get ready!

This is for the Hungarians first! As the event is taking place in Budapest,and therefore Hungary!

Hungarians of any kind of picture please report to me here on my forum,because only here we can discuss things.

And I will tell you the story soon,so you will be aware of things.
HPS Maxine Dietrich knows that we are all on her side! And if she goes down we all go down! But then again laugh out loud we have Satan here to protect us all As well! So we are not alone! We are a team and we are in army! And we protect each other on here! Especially our high-ranking SS Clergy and members. Like HPS Lydia And Brother SortingEagle666 . Laugh out loud we even have Satan's Army here! To protect us! And those people are doing an awesome job as it is with what they're doing and what they are learning! Even down to us beginners! When we have our job and everything cut out for us! We take action! So in a lot of ways we are prepared for action! We go the mile and the length in the distance to keep this website up and running! So we are pretty much prepared for the worst when it comes down to it! The clergy takes action! And they do everything they can to protect themselves and to protect this website and every member that is on here! And we obviously know what is ahead of us! Thanks to those who take the time to look into things and give us warning and heads up. 💡⚡
There are many groups or organizations that are jealous of JoS under various pretexts, trying to challenge the spiritual power of Demons or the Titles of Priests. I personally came across references to attempts to organize something like a “counter-frrt” on the part of random “magicians” and their associations. I think all this makes no sense, first of all, because of the incomparability of the amount of knowledge and power that people have here, and those who, in theory or practically, want to interfere. These people are mistaken in claiming that there is pagan magical knowledge outside of Satanism.

Despite the fact that among various ufologists a huge lore is developing about “secret space programs”, tens and hundreds of space civilizations that exist and conduct experiments with people, basically all their statements and “knowledge” are something from science fiction magazines of the mid-20th century. This, conditionally, “Uranian” lie is aimed primarily at those people whose mind is more associated with space and high technology than with spirituality in line with ancient religions and knowledge systems of the past. They believe that in space, any "channeling" signal can be friendly and provide answers to something in their head, in reality they may simply be captured by low-level enemy thought forms.

Due to the huge amount of mystified ufology that exists at the moment (I believe that it has been captured by the enemy 98% of its knowledge), all people who somehow claim that they are “members of a secret space program” or something similar should first of all be assessed objectively using the scientific method. These stories are essentially no different from the sermons of some rabbi. Many of them are also jews. I came across a story from some strange woman who claimed that in Germany “lodges of black magicians work with reptilians and royal families,” in another sentence she, of course, advised believing in jesus. In addition to the black tenologies of hypnosis (the MK-Ultra project), enemy aliens have something akin to the ability to install man-made and at the same time subtle devices into the soul. I have seen these things as mechanical devices present in the pineal gland and channels of the body that send false signals and become embedded in the consciousness of those on whom they are installed.

Without being meditation practitioners, such people can “feel the visions” that are broadcast in them, and even be famous enough to have millions of audiences on the Internet. This creates a huge layer of fake conspiracy theories, mainly among people who have ever used drugs and were vulnerable to such things. If they meditated, they would understand where their visions are coming from and how the enemy makes fun of their role. Perhaps these are sincere people, but they are being played in the dark.

Regarding your post. You should not connect emotions to your perception of the astral in a way that could distort what you perceive. The presence of negativity towards JoS is undeniable, and it will be as long as there is an enemy on earth, but this does not mean that this negativity will actually achieve its goals or threaten anyone from the clergy.
I understand what your saying Bogo. And I respect that. 🙏❤️⚡️ I would never
Go against the JOS. Especially the clergy. They are all here to help.
And I wish just pointing out to the possibilities and the things that we could do! On our side as beginners and those that are new on here. Of course I have been on here for a while so I've read a lot of the content. That PH HoodedCobra666 shares and listen to a lot of the audios HPS Maxine Dietrich put out.
So I do have quite a bit of understanding of what is going on and what we people need to do? But then again just like everybody else on here I am a student and just learning. And I respect those that are on the right path and a teaching others like us. Thank you for sharing thoughts ♥️ And I know what you mean.
I am not trying to argue with you or anything.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
