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The Deeper Meaning behind "Hatha" Yoga


Active member
Apr 29, 2020
Originally intended as a response, I feel the contents quickly went beyond the scope of the question.
Thus, I have decided to post it as a seperate topic instead. For those who're new, you may find this interesting.

SatanSaves666 said:
I'm on an antidepressant and an antipsychotic for ptsd, and schizo-affective disorder. Could these drugs prevent me from raising the serpent, opening the chakras, or performing the magnum opus successfully? Do I need to get off the drugs to advance my soul?
As said on Opening the Soul,
People who have problems with seizures/epilepsy, or who are on psychiatric medications should not perform any of these power meditations, with the exception of void meditation, unless given the ok by their physician.
This does not mean "stop taking medication", because that is foolish. It is a warning, and for your own mental well-being.

Practice Void Meditation everyday. It will silence the mind, and improve your focus.
And if you cannot focus at all, you will gain the ability through this. See, Satanic Void Meditation

Void Meditation is not the only practice that is necessary for a calm mind. Yoga will take care of the rest.
Click here to download the Kundalini & Hatha Yoga Routine, and start off only with Hatha Yoga.
Do not try Kundalini Yoga, for now. It will overstimulate the mind, which is exactly what we're trying to remedy and avoid here.

Hatha Yoga opens the energy pathways in the soul, allowing energy to travel freely.
When energy is trapped in certain parts of the body/soul, this is called stagnant energy (or "qi").
Qi Stagnation is the cause of a great many issues in the physical body. For more information, click here: Qi Stagnation

Learn how to perform Alternate Nostril Breathing, and do this alongside one's daily routine of Void Meditation and Hatha Yoga.
It is also known as Sun/Moon Breathing. Ha = Sun, Tha = Moon. Hatha Yoga. This breathing technique is connected.

The Sun and Moon, their brilliancy as expressed in allegory.
Alternate Nostril Breathing balances the Sun/Moon Nadi, which in turn balances the soul.
Ida is colored Black, representing The Moon. Pingala is colored Red, representing The Sun.
The Ida and Pingala are called the Twin Serpents, as seen below in the Caduceus of Hermes.

The Ida and Pingala, as well as the Sushumna make up the Trine Nadi. The Sushumna is colored White.
It is the pole the Twin Serpents coil 6 times around, merging togther at the Sixth Chakra, one of the Seven Major Chakras.
The 6th coil forms the Heart symbol as we know it today, as illustrated here:

This reveals an important step of the Magnum Opus, the merging of the Sun/Moon Nadi.
The Left and Right Hemispheres of the Brain, working together as one, synchronously.
To explain a mere fragment of what is meant by this; Note that by entering a Trance, we turn off the Left-Brain, in order to access the Right. One of Astarte's most important symbols relates to this. Two squares interlinked, one overlapping the other. See below,

As explained in Satanic Symbols
Astarte's symbol at left symbolizes the balance and equilibrium, obtained when both the Ida and Pingala nadis are equally active, and the Sushumna is no longer dormant.

Now, as to the "Caduceus of Hermes" mentioned, the name therein is of great importance.
Hermes is the Ancient Egyptian God Thoth, who is also Mercury, for whom the Planet is named after.
"He is one of the 7 sons of Satan.", as seen here High Ranking Gods and Crowned Princes of Hell Scroll to the bottom.
It is also known as the "Rod of Asclepius", again the name is important.
Important to know, is that Azazel fathered a son with a physical wife, who was later called a Demi-God named Asclepius. Asclepius is the father of modern medicine and healing arts. Asclepius’s symbol is also the symbol of his father, the entwined Python.
- Azazel: Hieratic Information

Notice the Wings on each side. Why are Father Satan and His Demons sometimes depicted as baring Wings?
Because all souls have wings. Not physical wings, but Wings of the Soul.
All souls have wings, even those of animals. When we freed the Demons in 2002-03, they all bolted their wings, indicating their power was restored to them. Wings indicate the soul's power and are of the shoulder chakras. The ancient symbol of the Caduceus shown above is used by the American Medical Association and also the single serpent Caduceus is used for veterinary medicine.

Learning to move these wings and control them is a part of advancing the soul. When we advance in meditation, they will appear to us, often unexpectedly. When the wings of the soul appear, this indicates spiritual power and liberation of the soul.
More information on the Freeing of the Demons, see here: About The Binding Of The Demons [Updated With FAQ]

UNION, and what it represents.
Let's bring our attention back to the Caduceus of Hermes.
Ida, representing the Darkness, for which Light is its opposite:
"Darkness is light turned inside out" - Baal-Zebul.
See also Baal Zebul's Hieratic Information

Light and Darkness... You mean Yin and Yang?
The similarity is no coincidence, it is by natural design, a hidden beauty.
The interconnected nature of these mysteries is known to all the Gods, our one and only legitimate Spiritual Masters of Man, having relayed to us this truth right from the beginning. Expanding upon the above quote by Baal-Zebul, who is also known to many as Zeus and Thor. Let us take a closer look at this symbol, of Light and Darkness, to which He reveals a great truth:

Still the mind for a moment, and look closely. You may see the symbol of two fish.
This ancient symbolism is known to Chinese Mythology, as another depiction of Yin and Yang, one white one black.
The two swim around eachother in unison. Again, this is spiritual allegory. It is shown in a way that we all can understand, and is a small part of the great genius of the Gods, to distill complex subjects into an otherwise simple subject matter.
But that is not all, the Koi Fish are once again depicted in the Stars. This is known to us as the symbol of Cancer, the 4th Constellation of the Zodiac. In Astrology, the 12 Signs of the Zodiac correspond to the 12 Houses, seen below.


The above is just an example, and is nothing more than a template. Click here to see a better picture.

The twelve lines correspond to the 12 Houses. Aries (The Ram) is represented by the 1st, Taurus (The Bull) the 2nd etc. The list goes.
Cancer is represented by the 4th House, which the above chart happens to include. The 4th House is 9°29'47" (9°30) in Cancer.
Adjacent to Leo (The Lion), representative of the 5th. When I say "representative of", I mean its Natural Ruler. The Sign that naturally rules this House. To explain further; Why is the 5th House not in Leo? Because the placement of the Houses, is dependant upon one's time of birth and location.

For clarity, I shall note a few of the Chart's House Rulerships.
The Four Angles, also called the Angular Houses, are the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th.
It directly relates to Four of the Five Elements of the Soul: Quintessence, Fire (Aries), Water (Cancer), Air (Libra) and Earth (Capricorn).
You can read more The Elements and their correspondences with the Soul, here: The Chakras

The Ruler of the Sign of the Ascendant, is the Chart Ruler. The most important planet in a chart.
24°01 Aries Ascendant, Mars rules Aries. Mars is the Chart-ruler.
All planets within the 1st House are Co-Rulers, so Jupiter and Saturn are Co-Rulers.
Taurus intercepted, rules no sign of its own.
As Taurus is within the 1st House, and Venus rules Taurus, Venus is a Co-Ruler.
Thus, this person has one Chart Ruler and three Co-Rulers.
2nd House 1°01 Gemini, ruled by Mercury.
3rd House 21°54'54" (21°55) Gemini, ruled by Mercury.

The planets are named after living Gods, of course.
Jupiter/Zeus/Thor/Baal Zebul

Further reading,
Azazel's Astrology for Satanists

Not one, but two?
Now, Cancer is not the only constellation that speaks of Union. There is one other for which I will make you aware:
"In Bad-Tibira, established as an industrial center, Enlil installed his son Nannar/Sin in command; the texts speak of him in the list of cities as NU.GIG ('He of the night sky'). There, we believe the twins Inanna/Ishtar and Utu/Shamash were born--an event marked by associating their father Nannar with the next zodiacal constellation Gemini (the twins). As the god trained in rocketry, Shamash was assigned the constellation GIR (meaning both 'rocket' and 'the crab's claw' or Cancer), followed by Ishtar and the Lion (Leo), upon whose back she was traditionally depicted."² - Azazel
Eos, strongly correlated with Selena [Goddess of the Moon], is known in Ancient Greek mythology of being twin sister of the Sun – Helios in Greek – In the same way Artemis is ruler of the Moon and is the Twin Sister of Apollo, the manifest power of the Sun. Numerous stories of Astarte bestowing immortality to human beings exist, such as Selene’s bestowal of Eternal Youth to a human named Endymeon. [7] - Astarte: Advanced Information

Azazel is God of The Sun, whereas Astarte is Goddess of The Moon.

Castor and Pollux, the Gemini Twins. Their birth immortalized forever in the Stars. Son and Daughter of Father Satan.
We know one of Father Satan's Numbers is 9. Astarte, 8. And Azazel, 7.
I see them in relation to the Trine Nadi.
Azazel, The Sun. Pingala, the "Lake of Fire"
Astarte, The Moon. Ida.
Father Satan, our Creator. The Quintessence that bonds all four elements in unity. The Sushumna.
Isn't it beautiful how it all comes together?

The Numbers, what do they mean?
The other, far more obvious symbolism behind Cancer is that of 69. Yes, this number is related, and connected to all of the above.
It can also be seen as two 9s. 9+9=18. 18 is what we call a Number of Power, and can be used as a measure of multiplication in the use of Mantra. What is Mantra? An excerpt from Astarte's Eastern Connection
4. Mantras - Vibration of words of power to obtain certain goals and/or personal powers
9 is of the Highest significance. Why? As seen in the page detailing the Elder Futhark, an ancient system of writing. It is said,
Nine is the greatest German number of power and is also a number of Satan, as it equals the number of the main chakras.
9? I thought there were only 7 Major Chakras? Yes, of which one makes two. As the Third Eye is the Front Extension of the Sixth Chakra.

A secret lies within the Number 8. For which the enemy seized upon 7 and corrupted it, that we may never understand it, nor ever look beyond it. And it is through this unravelling of the Number 7, that we may seek to understand 8; Its direct relation to the Cycles of Life, the spiral without beginning or end. Interconnected with the infinity of the all-encompassing Universe.

See here; The Truth of The Number Seven, and its true meaning:
7. Karma, consequence, Goddess Nemesis, purification, the divine scale, defense of the Just, luck, birth of mind
Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10 - HP. Hoodedcobra666

I urge you to read the above article. It is definitive, authoritive, and the only place on Earth that the true meanings behind the core numbers exists. Let this fact be known to all who read this. If you want to know more, what better way than to meditate on the number of your choosing?

Continuing where we left off, the Number 8. Though we needn't change what is in our lexicon despite of this, it must be said that the Number 8 refers to the Pineal Gland. The (then) hidden, now revealed chakra. The Pineal Gland is directly connected to the Crown. It is said in more than one ways, "His Truth is revealed in the Seventh Heaven". This of course refers to the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra relates to the Number 1000. See below,
In prior sermons, I have mentioned "SAT", which is the concept of True Knowledge. The symbol for this is the 1000. In India, this is surmised as the Thousand Petal Lotus. Satan, in His Poem, explains that this is the place where He makes His "Revelation", which is no other than the revelation of the Godhead power residing within. - HP. Hoodedcobra666
And that is why as said earlier, 9 ..."equals the number of the main chakras."
Base, Sacral, Solar, Center, Throat, Sixth and its Front Extension the Third Eye, the Crown and the Pineal Gland!
To read about the importance of this very special gland in our bodies, see: Occult Power in the Brain

The Conclusion: All paths leads to SAT, Eternal Truth.
And no, we're not done yet! Earlier, we spoke of Light and Darkness, Yin and Yang and its relation to the Chinese Mythos the Koi Fish, which symbolised UNION. Keep that word in mind, now. ...Its relation to the Zodiac Sign of Cancer, and 69.
69 can be seen as two 9s. 9+9=18. 18 consists of two 9s, and triple 6. 18 is known as a Lucky Number, because it is.
Its "luck" lies in 666, a number of Father Satan. WHY 666? What makes it so important, I don't get it!
Organic matter is made of Carbon. Carbon-12 is composed of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.
666 is the foundation of all life in the Universe, and this number is HIS NUMBER!
The physical and spiritual perfection of all life in the universe, that is its meaning!
The Core Number of 666, is 6. Why do you think the enemy is always using it? Why they insist on hiding behind it?

In Chaldean Numerology, the numerical value of W is 6. Oh wait.
WWW.... World Wide Wide. 666.
The Jews call the internet "The Beast", because HE cannot be contained! It is HIS gift, to us! NOT THEM!
And that is why they seek to control it! AND THEY HAVE FAILED!
It's all quite pathetic when you think about it, really. The Enemy, of course.
They never stood a fighting chance in Hell, and they never will. That is why they have lost the war.
From their side, it was always a losing battle. The Gods live forever, whereas their time is short. It's that simple.
As eloquently worded by Asmodeus,
As seen here, in How to Summon Demons
You can read more about Asmodeus within Gods A - B
Additional information, The 666, The WWW, Saturday, And Hexagram - HP. Hoodedcobra666

Why are you telling me all this, isn't it a bit much?
Yes, it is a bit much. But I do not mind, there is a reason for this.
A few months ago while I was out on a walk, I wondered why it is I do so.
Yes, exercise is important. We all need Vitamin D to keep us going, right right.
And that is all natural, and normal.
But tell a man who does not want to walk, that he must for the above reasons, he will not.
At least, he does not really see the point of it, truly.
I walk, not because of the benefits, but because I enjoy it. This is all that matters to me.
And if I did not enjoy it, truth be told I would not.

When presenting Yoga to people, the ones who really need it, and that this person is important to you, how better to convince them of it? I wanted you to see, know of and understand even a little of its charm. That is all. The meaning of "Yoga" is Union. Did you know that? Union is Connection. Connections give us reason. Reasons to live another day. To not surrender, nor willingly throw ourselves into the abyss. This lack of light. The despair of it. Let Father Satan be your guide in the dark.

Satan And The Gods Can Heal You, But You Must Let Them.

Further reading,
“But What Does Yoga Actually Do?”
Yoga: Focus, Breath
Expanding Consciousness: Physical Meditation
Yoga: Easy & Rest Days; Anti-Anxiety Bedtime Routine
- Lydia [JG]

Yoga - the highest form - Darkpagan666

Myth is not to be taken at face value.
The Gods do not fight amongst themselves, it is all allegory.
Sex, Rape And Murder In Mythology - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Brilliant post. You did an amazing job.
It made it to the announcements. I'm not surprised ;)
Congrats, Korpi.
Really informative and great post! Thank you for sharing this.
Excellent and amazing post Brother, you have awesome analytical skills. The synchronicity thing is something I wanted to touch upon in Astrology but you took it further than that.

One thing to bring up. In Babylon, the three most important planets were considered to be the Sun, the Moon and Venus. Many places you will find the symbols and sigils for all three and in texts the three are invoked as the lights of the universe. Venus is of course Satan's planet as well as the one of Astarte. The Sun and Venus are never more than 48 degrees apart, showing the symbolism of the 12 Houses.

The Sun and Mercury are also never far apart, 28 degrees, which boils down to 10, the union of male and female.

Likewise, the houses of the Sun and Moon form semi-sextiles to Gemini and Virgo respectively, and sextiles to the houses of Venus (Taurus and Libra).

Although the Sun-Moon duality is behind things, there is also the trinity element that is very important when understanding synchronicity.
Thank you for sharing this Brother Korpi :)

It surely needed to be shared since a lot of people may have not understood some things in the past.

Now that you did this, you surely brightened the minds of a lot of SS people out there, including mines.

Bravo :D
great post Brother, look forward to reading more in the future, thank you.
Awesome post!!
Korpi said:
Still the mind for a moment, and look closely. You may see the symbol of two fish.
This ancient symbolism is known to Chinese Mythology, as another depiction of Yin and Yang, one white one black.

Love it. There's a legend that goes, that a large school of koi swam up a waterfall. Most of them either turned back or were overpowered. However, among the last that persevered, the final one that managed to reach the apex, transformed into a golden dragon. Through Satanic eyes, the story becomes a lot more special.

Yoga, meditation and communicating with the Gods are of paramount importance in life. After a certain point of advancement, and consistent application of these necessities for the empowerment of the soul, they become such an important part of one's day that most other things in life just feel like side quests. At least to me.

Thanks for the incredible post and additional astrology lesson.
I posted something about laughter and how laughing helps build up energy as well as releasing toxins. Maybe this is a tad bit off the subject here...
But I did post something about it a couple of days ago.
That laughing is good medicine! Developing the muscles up and down your throat and in your stomach.. as we speak. And how healing it is...and explaining what it all does. When you're happy or when something stretch you as to be humorous. And to enjoy yourself! Laughter also shows that you enjoy the pleasures of life along with singing and dancing it is also another way to free your soul and your mind. And it is kind of in the yoga / Kundalini department.. :D I just kind of wanted to share that with you guys here since we're talking about Hatha Yoga and the importance of it. And talk8ng about spiritual power and development
And the information on the Gods and Astrology and how you explained that.. WAS Amazing!!! And it is good to know that! Knowing the planets and who they're named after and learning about each and every one of the houses that these planets rule in and how important it is to understand your natal chart and other things!♥️ I just KIND OF wanted to share a little something as well. And trying not to go off subject. 🙄 Getting into...something I wanted to express. And relate to along with yoga 🧘‍♂️ as well.. No offense. 🙂 and to tell you how much I appreciate 🙏 ❤️ You sharing this lesson. Hail Satan!!
A curiosity, do you think the rune Isa is connected to the number 1?

Given the similarity.
Hi. In addition to what meditation can be done while using antidepresants and etc. I think maybe candle flame meditation is also good, as it is not contain energy work and I tought it is good, because for me it is much more effective than void meditation.

Of course void is essential anyway, but I think with flame meditation results can manifest much faster. So if someone can tell if this meditation is not good when one is on medication(because it is more intense than void) please correct me.
That is "Pointed Meditation", focusing on a single point.
It works better for you than eyes closed? Good, keep doing it.
As said in Satanic Void Meditation,
Choose something small to focus on. This can be a point on the wall, a second hand on a clock, or even a piece of lint on your clothing. Many choose to meditate on a candle flame. The important thing is to concentrate on your object of choice
See also,
I meditated on candle flame since I was 5-6 years old. In the last years from my notes cumulated, I meditated on a candle flame for over a week in total—more than 150 hours. Usually, an hour a day from time to time, nothing wrong happened, but quite the opposite. More clarity and spiritual ability. I do not take into account the divination part of it, just pure focus and will in certain cases.

I also am of the opinion which is something of personal performance, that flame meditation is essential and also a gateway to developing a lot of not only abilities but also advance very powerfully.

Besides this, is pointed meditation on a .... point. All of this sounds for beginners but truly it is not, and it is a way to actualize a lot of power and acknowledge a lot of things.

If you really like this and get the feeling of it, you can hypnotize and command anyone to realist degrees. You can make things happen only by your gaze if you also have a powerful electromagnetic field.

You can also communicate with animals, to a certain degree as this also involves emotional intention. You can send images to animals. I befriended my parrots in this way, by showing them what will happen if they come to me. Also, cats and dogs are the easiest to communicate with. If you connect to them, you'll know when they'll be sick, when they are thinking of you, etc. If you get a pet you'll also know if they like you or not, as for example, some parrots chose their caretakers very carefully. If they don't like your face you'll know.
Re: Is meditation on the candle flame safe? - NakedPluto
Reading books is number one. Flame meditation is the greatest meditation to visualize or have visions (I think Cobra put it under elemental divination but can be done without any element infusion for beginners). Pointed meditation, same as the above. Color meditation also helps a lot. If you have time, even drawing.

You need to achieve stability, then sharpness of mind and focus, then accordingly increase of visual faculty and imagination. The above help that.
Re: Visualization - NakedPluto

Essential Reading: Introspective Meditation: Increasing Conscious Awareness - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Korpi said:
That is "Pointed Meditation", focusing on a single point.
It works better for you than eyes closed? Good, keep doing it.
As said in Satanic Void Meditation,
Choose something small to focus on. This can be a point on the wall, a second hand on a clock, or even a piece of lint on your clothing. Many choose to meditate on a candle flame. The important thing is to concentrate on your object of choice
See also,
I meditated on candle flame since I was 5-6 years old. In the last years from my notes cumulated, I meditated on a candle flame for over a week in total—more than 150 hours. Usually, an hour a day from time to time, nothing wrong happened, but quite the opposite. More clarity and spiritual ability. I do not take into account the divination part of it, just pure focus and will in certain cases.

I also am of the opinion which is something of personal performance, that flame meditation is essential and also a gateway to developing a lot of not only abilities but also advance very powerfully.

Besides this, is pointed meditation on a .... point. All of this sounds for beginners but truly it is not, and it is a way to actualize a lot of power and acknowledge a lot of things.

If you really like this and get the feeling of it, you can hypnotize and command anyone to realist degrees. You can make things happen only by your gaze if you also have a powerful electromagnetic field.

You can also communicate with animals, to a certain degree as this also involves emotional intention. You can send images to animals. I befriended my parrots in this way, by showing them what will happen if they come to me. Also, cats and dogs are the easiest to communicate with. If you connect to them, you'll know when they'll be sick, when they are thinking of you, etc. If you get a pet you'll also know if they like you or not, as for example, some parrots chose their caretakers very carefully. If they don't like your face you'll know.
Re: Is meditation on the candle flame safe? - NakedPluto
Reading books is number one. Flame meditation is the greatest meditation to visualize or have visions (I think Cobra put it under elemental divination but can be done without any element infusion for beginners). Pointed meditation, same as the above. Color meditation also helps a lot. If you have time, even drawing.

You need to achieve stability, then sharpness of mind and focus, then accordingly increase of visual faculty and imagination. The above help that.
Re: Visualization - NakedPluto

Essential Reading: Introspective Meditation: Increasing Conscious Awareness - HP. Hoodedcobra666

Actually it is eyes opened meditation only at first 2 minutes or more to get imprint of flame in vision, next 4 minutes or more this meditation is eyes closed.


And yes I am talking about this because person who was asking this, was looking like he/she wants to beggin to do practices, that’s why I choose to say about “beginner” things.

But with this one, one can go very far as it trains countless abilities of mind. And by the way on bottom of the page there is more advanced version of this meditation.

Just meditating on candle flame has benefits, but I think to do flame meditation as it is said on JoS, is much more effective, because all the time when I have decided to start to do it again, or even very first time, as far as I can remember benefits and effects I already felt on the second day, and I remember it because benefits was really astonishing and it really drew my attention so I still today remember it:

When on a daily time I was just sitting and thinking something while waiting in my job EXPERIENCE of efforts holding flame imprint of my vision into middle point of focus, while keeping its form small and sharp from this meditation, CAME BACK in form of my focus, and I was really sinked into deep and sharp gazing yet very comroftable and pleasant as in a trance state.

This is why I said it looks to work like it brings effects faster and is more intense. If you didn’t tried this one from JoS method I definetly offer you to try, as it is completely different experience than just meditating on flame like void meditation, as you said in your experience.

And also it works as great support and base for void meditation, making it much easier and naturally come to one who is beginner in meditations, or just as a third leg to stand more firm for one who is not a beginner.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
