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The Deeper Meaning behind "7 8 9"


Active member
Apr 29, 2020
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7, 8, 9!

As said here,
Nine is the greatest German number of power and is also a number of Satan, as it equals the number of the main chakras.
- Futhark/Odin

There are 9 Main Chakras
Sixth; And its Front Extension: The Third Eye.
This equals 9.
I will extrapolate this information to "7 8 9".

Within 9, you can find 8 Chakras
The Ancients used the Number 8, not 7.

7 is used extensively in the Hebrew "Holy Bible", referring to The Seven Major Chakras.
The True Meaning of which can be found here, The Number Seven
The Number 7 can also be seen in "The Book of Revelation".
The Seven Fires detailed within, symbolize The Seven Chakras.
"Revelation" refers to Father Satan.

How did "7 8 9?"
The Enemy hid the True Power of 8 and 9, within 7.
7 is a Number of Father Satan. And His Son, Azazel.

The lotus tree in the seventh heaven is the place of my

Here, Satan explains without any delay, that He reveals Himself in the Lotus of the 7th Heaven, or the Crown Chakra. When the Serpent rises and touches this Chakra, the person will experience the vastness of one's inner universe, and experience enlightenment and revelation. - Satan's Poem One - The Hidden Messages
In prior sermons, I have mentioned "SAT", which is the concept of True Knowledge. The symbol for this is the 1000. In India, this is surmised as the Thousand Petal Lotus. Satan, in His Poem, explains that this is the place where He makes His "Revelation", which is no other than the revelation of the Godhead power residing within. - The 666, The WWW, Saturday, And Hexagram
- HP. Hoodedcobra666

Why was 6 afraid of 7?
The Enemy hides behind The Number 6.
Their hatred against life is without limit, and outside the bounds of reason.
Saturn is the 6th Planet of The Solar System.
But it wasn't always the 6th Planet.
There is an Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Why? We'll get back to this in a moment.
First of all; Mars and Jupiter are connected.

The Mythological Ties, between Jupiter and Mars
Mars is Ares
Ares is Andras
Andras is also known as Týr
Tyr is the #17 Rune in the Elder Futhark.
Mars is the son of Jupiter
Jupiter is Zeus
Zeus is Baal Zebul
Baal Zebul is the Half Brother of Father Satan
Father Satan is Andras' Uncle. Wild!
As High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has said,
See here, Gods A - B, and scroll down to Andras' page to see the full quote.

The Number 6, and its tragic connection to the Asteroid Belt
Earlier, I spoke about the asteroid belt that exists between Mars and Jupiter.
It consists of asteroids and minor planets forming a disk around the sun. It also serves as a sort of dividing line between the inner rocky planets and outer gas giants. - The Asteroid Belt
The Sixth Chakra is also known literally as, "The Moon Chakra".
But did you know, that it used to go by another name?
The Sixth Chakra used to be ruled by Phaëthon.
Before it was BLOWN TO PIECES by the Enemy E.T Menace, of which the Jews are aligned; Its Number was 5!
5. The five elements, union, connection, eros, shape and form, beauty, splendor, balance, harmony
Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10 - HP. Hoodedcobra666

The Number of Astarte and Azazel.

Azazel is God of The Sun.
The Moon reflects The Sun's rays.
Astarte is the Goddess of The Moon.
The Sun's rays were reflected by Phaeton.
Phaeton is Connected to Astarte.
Phaeton was radiant like The Sun, Helios.
Helios is Azazel, and He is Connected to Phaeton.
The Number 5 means "Connection".
Azazel and Astarte are deeply connected.
Together, they united the (then)10 Planets.
10 is the Union of Male and Female.

Azazel is our Light in the Day.
And Astarte, is our Light in the Dark.

And it is Father Satan, who reaches out to us in the Darkness. His Light Our Torch!
SAT, Beacon of Eternal Truth! For there is none in the Universe who knows not His name!

The Forgotten Greatness of Saturn
Before Saturn became the 6th Planet, it was the 7th.
7. Karma, consequence, Goddess Nemesis, purification, the divine scale, defense of the Just, luck, birth of mind
Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10 - HP. Hoodedcobra666

Saturn, The Planet of Kings and Queens!
Protector of the Just! Great Extinguisher of Evil!
Its Number is 7, and 7 is His Number! Father Satan!

The Saturnalia Connection,
Saturnalia is an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. - Saturnalia
Is it any surprise Saturnalia fell upon the 23rd December?

His Day! Father Satan, Our Creator!
And you cannot spell Saturn, without SAT!

The Lost Numerological Connection of Jupiter and Mars
Jupiter was the (then)6th Planet. Mars is the 4th.
4 x 6 = 24
2 + 4 = 6.
24 x 6 = 144.
1 + 4 + 4 = 9

144 Represents the Union of The Sun and Moon Nadi. The Ida and Pingala!
And 9 is His Number! Father Satan!

Baal Zebul, and His lost connection to The Number 6
Baal Zebul is Jupiter.
Baal Zebul is Father Satan's Half Brother.
The Number 6 contains the underlying power of The Whole Universe
6. Material & Spiritual, connection, life, stability, habituation, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic, cleanliness, virginity
Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10 - HP. Hoodedcobra666

The fact we have named "6" a number of protons, is because 6 represents and is what it is. We represent this with the glyph of 6 now, before it was IV, but it was always meaning "six". You could carve on rocks, and mean again, 6, with six separated lines, or another system, but the underlying meaning is still the number 6, you did not create this, it existed in snowflakes, in the formation of the Carbon atom, and in the universe. - HP. Hoodedcobra666

Aether is Light.
Light is Life.
And Its Number is 6!

That is why The Enemy hides behind 6! Its Power is Supreme!
And Supreme is Father Satan, His Number 666!
His Mystery is Life, and Life is Light. And it is His Golden Light we breath inside us!
"Life is in the Breath." - Thoth

So, why did "7 8 9"?


More information,
Father Satan
The Al Jilwah, The Black Book of Satan
Qu'ret al-Yezid: The Revelation of Melek Ta'us
Satan's Poem I
Aether is Light, Light is Life. And Its Number is 6.
Baal Zebul, and Baal Zebul: Hieratic Information
Andras, and the Weald, p. 24
Andras- New Information - Kavya Shukra
Azazel, and Azazel: Hieratic Information:
Astarte, and Astarte: Hieratic Information
The Extreme Reality Of This Solar System And Life On Prison Earth
Phaeton (hypothetical planet), and Phaethon
Mars, Phaeton, and Earth
Phaeton, The Water Giant - Stormblood
Satanic Numerology
Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10 - HP. Hoodedcobra666
A question I had a while back has resurfaced after reading this. Is there a ninth chakra above the crown like the flame of a torch and a flower at the same time or is that an extension of the crown? I've seen that somewhere, not sure exactly where. It is something typical of Satan and his species but I'm not sure if that exists in humans too. Did I misinterpret something or is there more to it? It's one of those things you think you just know, but are not quite sure how you got that information. So what do you think? Do you know more about this? After reaching a certain level, maybe even after completing the MO, one develops, acquires or somehow gets an extra energy center or an extension of the top one. If that exists than what exactly is its function?
Due to how advanced the Gods are technologically and Spiritually.

It was mentioned in one of the Hindu texts around the 150,000-200,000 years of a Deity, they can manifest celestial objects. Not sure if it's spiritual or physical.

But can Phaeton be reconstructed and returned back to operations of our Chakra network?
I think you may be misunderstanding things.
This visual you speak of, is as described in the OP post beneath "Why did '7 8 9?'"
Father Satan is twice quoted.
The "Flame","Torch" or "Braziers" in the "Book of Revelation" are the Chakras.
The Ancients referred to the Chakras as "Flower(s)".
So "Torch" and "Flower" mean "Chakra".
As for "above the Crown", it is "Lotus" of which you vaguely recall.
Thousand Petal Lotus.
The Lotus is connected to The Crown.
"Lily" and "Lotus" are connected.
Lily is derived from "Lilith".
Mother Lilith rules "Heaven", The Crown Chakra.
Father Satan rules "Hell", The Base Chakra.
Base is the 1st Chakra, whereas Crown is 7th.
1 + 7 = 8. Eternity.
Symbolizing Their Eternal Union.

As for Chakras above the Head, see here Top Chakras
To learn more about The Colors of the Top Chakras, see Re: 10th and 11th chakra colors
Read through the comments.

Further reading,
Father Satan
Mother Lilith
The Ancient Lilith, Origins of the Goddess
Jews Admit Lilith is a Hindu Goddess
Satan and Lilith: Head God and Goddess of Japan and the Far East
The Tree of Knowledge, the Apple and the Serpent
Spiritual Code-Words

With enough energy, anything that operates within The Laws of Nature is possible.
However, the Gods would not waste their energy "magicking up" a planet, not that I have any clue as to what innumerable mechanisms would hypothetically be at play here.

As for Phaeton, it is gone.
During the Age of Aquarius; I believe Phaeton's memory shall be revisited, revived and made Eternal in Our Memory.
Artistic Interpretations will be drawn.
Its Mythos, and its associated Symbolism and Numerology shall once more be studied, known and understood.

And it is to my understanding that; Through assisted regression, under the direct supervision of the Gods, Phaeton can once more be seen with the Spiritual Eyes. We know the Gods can show us visions of the past. Why not a Planet?
Remember, for all that we know not, the Gods know all.
Phaeton is already crystallized in their "history books".
Father Satan and the Gods will, through seen and unseen means, "lead to the straight path without a revealed book"
The more I read your posts the less I worry about number fear.

The enemy uses numerology yet it's all stolen and basically every number (1 to 10) has positive meanings here.

Thanks for educating us on the true meanings of these numbers and their countless uses and appearances. Great stuff!
Even though I don't find numerology all that interesting myself, I still appreciate it a lot. I read through all of it with the very same feeling as when I first found JoS, instinct alone tells me that it's right.
Thank you 🥴

Both figuratively and literally, the Jewish Race hides behind the Mysteries of Life itself.
They are exploiting Mother Nature's Eternal Grace, and forcing Her to Self-Harm.

The Jews corral under "42". Why? 4 + 2 = 6. Because The Universe is 6 in its Highest expression.
And Father Satan is the Most High.

As said by HP. Hoodedcobra666,
What I write and how the enemy uses these numbers too, is based on actuality, not speculation. The enemy knows the things I have written here, decades or possibly centuries ago. It's just that non-jews have been kept in the dark for much of this.

For example, it's not under some dispute that let's say a snowflake or other similar patters, emerge out of the number 6. This has been seen and observed from a microscope. A lot of this is strictly based in geometry, so "doubt" in some things can be because people are merely not well informed and rests more on their behalf rather than actual real doubt which deals with inquisitive thinking.

After all, the posts are to show people some things and then everyone has to do their own due diligence.

For me, HPS Maxine's teachings are gospel, and yes, she has always been like at the level of ineffability of the pope to me. This however arose after arduous searching on my end, research, my own experiences, and other things, no just based on quick emotional faith. I grew to this certainty over time.

Also, the enemy's use of the 6 is rather self evident. Their biggest hoax is the 6 gorillion, their most important kike spells are structured around the 6, they use the 6 pointed star and so on. The same number appears also in Hinduism, in the East, in nature, etc.

As I explain here however, there are more reasons than simply the number being "evil".

I am certain as I expand further on these subjects, their foundations will be seen far more evidently.

A Hexagon is a two-dimensional shape with 6 Sides.


A Snowflake has 6 Sides.

Click here for a larger image.

We can make a Snowlake out of 6 Hexagons.

A Hexagon has 6 Sides. There are 7 Hexagons.
Father Satan's Divine Shape is a Cube, which has 6 Sides made of 4 Squares.
The Square is another of His Divine Shapes, and His Number is 4.
7 Hexagons, His Number is 7.

What do we get when we multiply 6 Sides with 7 Hexagons?
6 x 7 = 42
4 + 2 = 6
6. Material & Spiritual, connection, life, stability, habituation, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic, cleanliness, virginity


I have made a new post about Numerology.
See here, The Truth behind the "Six-Pointed Star"
Korpi said:
A Hexagon has 6 Sides. There are 7 Hexagons.
Father Satan's Divine Shape is a Cube, which has 6 Sides made of 4 Squares.
The Square is another of His Divine Shapes, and His Number is 4.
7 Hexagons, His Number is 7.

Greetings Brother. Could you elaborate on Father's shape(s) being cubes or squares? I can kind of guess why you would say that, what with the elements and all, but I would appreciate more concrete information. I'd say sources would also be appreciated but you seem to have a habit of providing sources for much of the things you say anyway.

Thank you in advance. Have a great day.
Korpi said:
I have no sources on the "Divine Shapes" claim. I made those claims. As far as I'm aware, nobody else has said this.
He may not have any "Divine Shapes" at all. I say this based purely upon the Numerology of things.
I mentioned "Divine Shapes" once more here, The Number 4, and the Mysteries of Father Satan
It is certainly assuming of me. I "think" I am right, but I may be wrong.

I have given some thought to this and pure logic dictates that Satan being a biological carbon based life form that has gotten very close to perfection and synched himself with the universe of which he is just one manifestation does not "own" any numbers or shapes per se. It is in him that those natural principles are embodied so in that sense you could say that those are his numbers and shapes. So you are right and wrong at the same time. Does this make sense? It does to me.
Father Satan is Perfect. Not "very close to". Is Perfect.
Father Satan is the "Most Perfect" of all the Gods. He is the Highest High. God of Gods.
Even the Gods seek Father Satan's counsel. Let that sink in.
I posted a brief comment here, Re: What/Who Created Satan and the Gods?
See also NakedPluto's response.

The Magnum Opus is "Perfection" also. All Gods are Perfect. But "Perfect" is not the end.
There are always greater heights, as the Universe is infinite. As are Our Souls.

Numbers are one thing. "Shapes" are another.
Father Satan does in fact rule several numbers.
His numbers are 13, 666 and 4. [666 is perfection and everlasting life]
- Father Satan
Nine is the greatest German number of power and is also a number of Satan, as it equals the number of the main chakras.
- Futhark/Odin
Beginning around the second millennium BCE, he was sometimes referred to in writing by the numeric ideogram for "40", occasionally referred to as his "sacred number".
- Enki
Korpi said:
I have no sources on the "Divine Shapes" claim. I made those claims. As far as I'm aware, nobody else has said this.
He may not have any "Divine Shapes" at all. I say this based purely upon the Numerology of things.
I mentioned "Divine Shapes" once more here, The Number 4, and the Mysteries of Father Satan
It is certainly assuming of me. I "think" I am right, but I may be wrong.
Literally seconds after posting my question, I was led to that topic and your posts.

I have unfortunately not been able to be very active on the forums, but I saw several of your posts and I really appreciate your perspective on things. I also appreciate that you know to separate your own (apparently very) educated speculations from "verified" Clergical knowledge, that only makes me trust you more.

I don't know your background, Brother, but considering the fact that you have deep connection-making ability, I'm assuming you have either been an SS for years, that you were well-versed with the occult prior to SS to begin with, or both. I for one am very interested in the scientific, palpable, tangible part of what we do - mainly for the sake of informing people, as I have no need of any further "proof". And among those who are without, you sometimes see schizoid people diving head-first into numerology, maths, Sacred Geometry and other "scientific" occult topics but practically always, from the side of the enemy. The results are predictable, obvious and very damning. A very easy example is the absolute brainfuck that happened to the owner of Planetwatcher. Then again, those delve deep into enemy spirituality which, by design, is made to ruin you forever whereas Satanic spirituality is designed to heal, empower and open you.

Thing is, I really like, appreciate and yearn for that kind of Uranian brains among our ranks, only, without all the baleful insanity and only the great sparks of inspiration and sparks of genius. I won't even make any assumptions about this for safety purposes but I think you seem to fit the bill more or less.

I know there is not much risk of it to begin with but I still feel the need to warn a sibling, please keep your feet firmly planted in reality even while flying high.

I probably won't agree with absolutely all your takes but from what I have seen so far, you seem to be far more right than wrong in my own view. I salute your schizoid (I'm just bantering and I mean it entirely as a compliment) ability for deduction and making connections and I look forward to seeing more sparks of genius from you. May they turn into a great conflagration that both purifies you and gives off endless light to all those that you love.
Those are the nicest words anyone has ever said to me 😖

Please continue pointing out, and questioning anything brittle in my posts. I'll correct it!
I want to keep making posts I care about. I hope I do.
Korpi said:
Those are the nicest words anyone has ever said to me 😖

Please continue pointing out, and questioning anything brittle in my posts. I'll correct it!
I want to keep making posts I care about. I hope I do.

Our People who do their dues deserve the highest of praise emanating from the highest of posts and offices. Let alone my constructive criticism, you and all our brethren deserve the best of the best treatment in the most healthy and positive way. I believe in building each other up in the most complete manner possible, with of course attention paid so it doesn't go to our heads. Your flavor of information is something I deeply appreciate and have been feeling we could use more of, please keep up in the way that best benefits and nourishes you and all our Brothers and Sisters in Father Satan.

I have some problems with being active nowadays but this is my home and I will never go anywhere so long as I draw breath. Hell, Gods willing, even after! It's just some hopefully temporary hiccups. So I'll make doubly sure to hit you up and offer my humble two cents whenever possible and needed. Have a wonderful day.

Another episode of "that came out really wrong" from me. I had no intention of sounding blasphemous and some things exist beyond logic.

After reading what you suggested it led me to remember a personal Shiva story, don't know why. When I was a child I was visiting an old abandoned temple in Shri Lanka and a priest (the ones with the stripes on their forehead) stood at the entrance to a small structure that had stairs going down. He looked so serious but for a moment he smiled and went down the stairs disappearing. After that moment a flood of information rushed to my mind leaving me very confused. I didn't understand anything, it was like encrypted stuff. Recently some of it resurfaced and it made perfect sense after decades of being buried somewhere. It was mostly measurements and shapes which is why I'm writing this and why I started the pyramid thread that didn't prove very useful but once my testing is done that's where I'll publish the results. I really hope to contribute firstly to this community and then everyone willing to try with a simple yet powerful technology for aiding energy manipulation.

The moon feels special today and some things came together. I may have said this already a few times but I'm very grateful to you and those few people here that helped me directly and indirectly by writing some thing I needed to read.

Keep up the excellent work and always remember where we came from.
Shemsu said:

Another episode of "that came out really wrong" from me. I had no intention of sounding blasphemous and some things exist beyond logic.

After reading what you suggested it led me to remember a personal Shiva story, don't know why. When I was a child I was visiting an old abandoned temple in Shri Lanka and a priest (the ones with the stripes on their forehead) stood at the entrance to a small structure that had stairs going down. He looked so serious but for a moment he smiled and went down the stairs disappearing. After that moment a flood of information rushed to my mind leaving me very confused. I didn't understand anything, it was like encrypted stuff. Recently some of it resurfaced and it made perfect sense after decades of being buried somewhere. It was mostly measurements and shapes which is why I'm writing this and why I started the pyramid thread that didn't prove very useful but once my testing is done that's where I'll publish the results. I really hope to contribute firstly to this community and then everyone willing to try with a simple yet powerful technology for aiding energy manipulation.

The moon feels special today and some things came together. I may have said this already a few times but I'm very grateful to you and those few people here that helped me directly and indirectly by writing some thing I needed to read.

Keep up the excellent work and always remember where we came from.

I am ALWAYS happy to hear more about possible practical applications of Divine Geometry and Numerology from my Siblings in Father. Whatever you're cooking up, I look forward to taste testing it!
OuroborphicMystery said:
I am ALWAYS happy to hear more about possible practical applications of Divine Geometry and Numerology from my Siblings in Father. Whatever you're cooking up, I look forward to taste testing it!

Sure thing. Now that you mention it I will need feedback from a select beta testing group. I'll be happy to send you the design once I find the time to polish it up, it's been really hectic lately. If you email me I'll add you to the as of yet nonexistent list. Cheers
Shemsu said:
OuroborphicMystery said:
I am ALWAYS happy to hear more about possible practical applications of Divine Geometry and Numerology from my Siblings in Father. Whatever you're cooking up, I look forward to taste testing it!

Sure thing. Now that you mention it I will need feedback from a select beta testing group. I'll be happy to send you the design once I find the time to polish it up, it's been really hectic lately. If you email me I'll add you to the as of yet nonexistent list. Cheers

Same here regarding hecticness. But I will try to get around to it and message you within the week. Thank you for your offer, I'll enjoy the experiment no matter the outcome.
Shemsu said:
OuroborphicMystery said:
I am ALWAYS happy to hear more about possible practical applications of Divine Geometry and Numerology from my Siblings in Father. Whatever you're cooking up, I look forward to taste testing it!

Sure thing. Now that you mention it I will need feedback from a select beta testing group. I'll be happy to send you the design once I find the time to polish it up, it's been really hectic lately. If you email me I'll add you to the as of yet nonexistent list. Cheers

Brother, I've emailed you right now. Just letting you know so you can verify that it is I.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
