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The companionship of an animal.


Jan 22, 2021
I want to dedicate this thread to my true friend, my true companion, Mars, I hope you are well in hell.

The companionship of an animal is something very sacred, something which many of us can overlook and forget at times. See, the difference between animals and people is that animals are truly pure and truly innocent, they do not have the same understanding as humans and as such, do not have the same thoughts.

A dog will love you as it's one and only treasure, the apple of it's eye, even if you treat it horribly, it will hand onto it's last breath for you and take a bullet if it meant prevent you getting a scratch.

Animals are loving.

A dog will stay by your side in the times when you cry, offering you comfort, they can understand that you aren't well and will truly do their best to cheer you up, giving you licks on the face until you wipe your tears and stop crying, jumping in your lap and pushing on you with their paws until you stop laughing, even if you get mad, after a few minutes they will be back trying to cheer you up again.

Animals are pure.

Often times I have heard the phrase "You don't know what you have until it's gone" and I feel that more than ever now. I had a dog, Mars, who was truly such a being, she was kind, loving, compassionate, and she was always there for me, even when I wasn't the best to her, in fact, years ago, when I was more advanced, she was my familiar for some time.

I remember going out on walks with her, taking her to the lake, and just being best friends with her, we really did go everywhere together, haha, I remember years ago when I used to play frisby in the yard with a family friend she would always try to catch the damn thing and end up missing it completely before finding it on the ground and running off with it like it was her damn treasure haha, like damn girl we're trying to throw it, bring it back hahaha. It was really halarious and silly. That frisbee got super fucker up tho haha(rip my frisbee)

Last month, I went outside, and I dug a grave for her with that same family friend and after digging the grave, we put her in and buried her.

I remember watching as she slowly faded away, and for a long time, I was angry at her, I was looking at her and thought about how easier it would be if she died sooner and how much of a burden she was, eventually I would come to realize this was me blaming her for leaving me, this was me not wanting to accept the fact that she was dying, that she had reached the end and there was nothing I could do, I was using my anger as a form of escapism to prevent feeling the pain inside me.

One day, after months of her getting closer to death, me and the family friend had convinced my mother to let us put her down, as, she was just surviving and not living anymore. She had gone completely blind, she was so skinny you could see her spine, and it was an awful situation, I had been trying to get my mother to let me put her down for months at this point, even offering to end her life myself, because, deep down, the last thing I wanted was for my best friend to suffer.

I remember, a few days before the appointment I saw her laying down and I thought, "this is my friend, this is the same dog who had been with me almost my entire life, the same dog who would run with me and play in the lake and steal the frisbee, the same one who was always there for me"

It was at the moment I felt a twinge of pain inside me, realizing that it's nearing her final days, I looked away as I walked to my room, burying the pain deep inside me.

The final day before she would be put down she layed outside my room and I saw her, those same thoughts crashing through my head as I sat down next to her and I hugged her and cried. This is my fucking friend man.. The only friend I've ever truly had.. The only one who's loved me even when I've been the worst and the only one who's always been there for me no matter what. The only one who put up with all my bullshit and how have I been treating her? With anger because she wasn't dying sooner? Why.. Why did I do that? Why did I treat her so fucking badly man..

I remember, she lifted her face up and licked my cheek, trying to make me stop crying as she's always done, but her lick was weak, and I knew, I knew that she didn't have long, if we didn't go to put her down she wouldn't last a few more days. She licked me once before staring at me with her blind, glued over eyes, and I layed down beside her and held her for a minute, crying and apologizing, telling her how much I loved her and how much she meant to me, how much I'll miss her and how much I need her and wish she didn't have to go, wish she could stay here with me and be my friend forever.

As the final day drew near, I did some prayer to father Satan, asking him to please have anubis or a demon come there as she dies and take her to hell. To send someone to be there as she died so her soul would be safe.

As we were sitting in the clinic I remember, as they put the needle in, the one which put her to sleep, I had my hand resting on her, and as she went to sleep, she curled, directly into my arms, trying to get closer to me and get away from this doctor, as I silently cried and petted her, he put the last needle in that would kill her and I felt as her heartbeat slowly died out.

I cried silently, but, I felt her presence near me, on the ground, happy and running around freely, not in pain or suffering, and the presence of another being, one of the Gods. I told them my thanks, said some goodbyes to my beloved friend and I felt them leave.

I truly didn't appreciate her for the time that I had her, before her I had one other dog but I was too young to truly develop a bond to them. But, this dog, Mars, was truly, my greatest companion, no other being in this world has ever shown me some love, kindness, and compassion. In fact, the only beings who have shown me such understanding and love have been Satan and his Gods.

Animals truly do not deserve the treatment they are getting, they are gifts from the Gods, they are pure, and sacred, please listen to me when I tell you, appreciate and love your animals. I don't want any of you to go through what I did, where you realize only later how much you'll miss them, where you will be left with a hole in your life that you don't know how to fill.

As I was writing this post I cried a lot, while I was never physically abusive to my dog, nor was I verbally abusive I didn't appreciate her and give her the love she truly deserved. I want each and every one of you who are reading this and have pets, to sit down and think about your beloved animal companion, think about what you love about them, their little quirks and actions which make you smile, think about how they treat you, think about what they do that makes you happy, think about the things they've done to cheer you up, basically, just think about them for a good few minutes until you're about to explode from how amazing they are okay?

Done that? Good. Now ask yourself, have I treated them how they deserve? You've just thought about and realized all of the things you love about them, all the ways they cheer you up and so on and so forth. Ask yourself, in return for all of this, have you been giving them the treatment, the love, the compassion, the caring, the understanding and everything that they deserve? If your answer is no then I beg you, please, start treating them how they deserve.

Looking back, as my best friend died, I sat there and I blamed them for not dying sooner, I sat there and lived in anger to hide my pain, I refused to be around them, pushing them off as a burden to other people for months, only truly understanding how I felt inside in the last few days. Please don't do the same thing I did. Start treating your animal with the love and kindness they deserve today, because, you never truly know what you have until it's gone.

Thank you everyone for your time. And Mars, if this somehow gets back to you, I love you my friend, and I miss you, I swear that one day I'll see you again, I won't stop advancing, I won't stop fighting, if only to see you again, I promise.
Artisan said:
I want to dedicate this thread to my true friend, my true companion, Mars, I hope you are well in hell.

The companionship of an animal is something very sacred, something which many of us can overlook and forget at times. See, the difference between animals and people is that animals are truly pure and truly innocent, they do not have the same understanding as humans and as such, do not have the same thoughts.

A dog will love you as it's one and only treasure, the apple of it's eye, even if you treat it horribly, it will hand onto it's last breath for you and take a bullet if it meant prevent you getting a scratch.

Animals are loving.

A dog will stay by your side in the times when you cry, offering you comfort, they can understand that you aren't well and will truly do their best to cheer you up, giving you licks on the face until you wipe your tears and stop crying, jumping in your lap and pushing on you with their paws until you stop laughing, even if you get mad, after a few minutes they will be back trying to cheer you up again.

Animals are pure.

Often times I have heard the phrase "You don't know what you have until it's gone" and I feel that more than ever now. I had a dog, Mars, who was truly such a being, she was kind, loving, compassionate, and she was always there for me, even when I wasn't the best to her, in fact, years ago, when I was more advanced, she was my familiar for some time.

I remember going out on walks with her, taking her to the lake, and just being best friends with her, we really did go everywhere together, haha, I remember years ago when I used to play frisby in the yard with a family friend she would always try to catch the damn thing and end up missing it completely before finding it on the ground and running off with it like it was her damn treasure haha, like damn girl we're trying to throw it, bring it back hahaha. It was really halarious and silly. That frisbee got super fucker up tho haha(rip my frisbee)

Last month, I went outside, and I dug a grave for her with that same family friend and after digging the grave, we put her in and buried her.

I remember watching as she slowly faded away, and for a long time, I was angry at her, I was looking at her and thought about how easier it would be if she died sooner and how much of a burden she was, eventually I would come to realize this was me blaming her for leaving me, this was me not wanting to accept the fact that she was dying, that she had reached the end and there was nothing I could do, I was using my anger as a form of escapism to prevent feeling the pain inside me.

One day, after months of her getting closer to death, me and the family friend had convinced my mother to let us put her down, as, she was just surviving and not living anymore. She had gone completely blind, she was so skinny you could see her spine, and it was an awful situation, I had been trying to get my mother to let me put her down for months at this point, even offering to end her life myself, because, deep down, the last thing I wanted was for my best friend to suffer.

I remember, a few days before the appointment I saw her laying down and I thought, "this is my friend, this is the same dog who had been with me almost my entire life, the same dog who would run with me and play in the lake and steal the frisbee, the same one who was always there for me"

It was at the moment I felt a twinge of pain inside me, realizing that it's nearing her final days, I looked away as I walked to my room, burying the pain deep inside me.

The final day before she would be put down she layed outside my room and I saw her, those same thoughts crashing through my head as I sat down next to her and I hugged her and cried. This is my fucking friend man.. The only friend I've ever truly had.. The only one who's loved me even when I've been the worst and the only one who's always been there for me no matter what. The only one who put up with all my bullshit and how have I been treating her? With anger because she wasn't dying sooner? Why.. Why did I do that? Why did I treat her so fucking badly man..

I remember, she lifted her face up and licked my cheek, trying to make me stop crying as she's always done, but her lick was weak, and I knew, I knew that she didn't have long, if we didn't go to put her down she wouldn't last a few more days. She licked me once before staring at me with her blind, glued over eyes, and I layed down beside her and held her for a minute, crying and apologizing, telling her how much I loved her and how much she meant to me, how much I'll miss her and how much I need her and wish she didn't have to go, wish she could stay here with me and be my friend forever.

As the final day drew near, I did some prayer to father Satan, asking him to please have anubis or a demon come there as she dies and take her to hell. To send someone to be there as she died so her soul would be safe.

As we were sitting in the clinic I remember, as they put the needle in, the one which put her to sleep, I had my hand resting on her, and as she went to sleep, she curled, directly into my arms, trying to get closer to me and get away from this doctor, as I silently cried and petted her, he put the last needle in that would kill her and I felt as her heartbeat slowly died out.

I cried silently, but, I felt her presence near me, on the ground, happy and running around freely, not in pain or suffering, and the presence of another being, one of the Gods. I told them my thanks, said some goodbyes to my beloved friend and I felt them leave.

I truly didn't appreciate her for the time that I had her, before her I had one other dog but I was too young to truly develop a bond to them. But, this dog, Mars, was truly, my greatest companion, no other being in this world has ever shown me some love, kindness, and compassion. In fact, the only beings who have shown me such understanding and love have been Satan and his Gods.

Animals truly do not deserve the treatment they are getting, they are gifts from the Gods, they are pure, and sacred, please listen to me when I tell you, appreciate and love your animals. I don't want any of you to go through what I did, where you realize only later how much you'll miss them, where you will be left with a hole in your life that you don't know how to fill.

As I was writing this post I cried a lot, while I was never physically abusive to my dog, nor was I verbally abusive I didn't appreciate her and give her the love she truly deserved. I want each and every one of you who are reading this and have pets, to sit down and think about your beloved animal companion, think about what you love about them, their little quirks and actions which make you smile, think about how they treat you, think about what they do that makes you happy, think about the things they've done to cheer you up, basically, just think about them for a good few minutes until you're about to explode from how amazing they are okay?

Done that? Good. Now ask yourself, have I treated them how they deserve? You've just thought about and realized all of the things you love about them, all the ways they cheer you up and so on and so forth. Ask yourself, in return for all of this, have you been giving them the treatment, the love, the compassion, the caring, the understanding and everything that they deserve? If your answer is no then I beg you, please, start treating them how they deserve.

Looking back, as my best friend died, I sat there and I blamed them for not dying sooner, I sat there and lived in anger to hide my pain, I refused to be around them, pushing them off as a burden to other people for months, only truly understanding how I felt inside in the last few days. Please don't do the same thing I did. Start treating your animal with the love and kindness they deserve today, because, you never truly know what you have until it's gone.

Thank you everyone for your time. And Mars, if this somehow gets back to you, I love you my friend, and I miss you, I swear that one day I'll see you again, I won't stop advancing, I won't stop fighting, if only to see you again, I promise.

If you did not allready know, you can politely ask Satan to reincarnate your dog into your life again, so you meet again. People did this, shortly after, some did say 2 weeks later they had thear companion back as a baby animal.
I want to dedicate this thread to my true friend, my true companion, Mars, I hope you are well in hell.

The companionship of an animal is something very sacred, something which many of us can overlook and forget at times. See, the difference between animals and people is that animals are truly pure and truly innocent, they do not have the same understanding as humans and as such, do not have the same thoughts.

A dog will love you as it's one and only treasure, the apple of it's eye, even if you treat it horribly, it will hand onto it's last breath for you and take a bullet if it meant prevent you getting a scratch.

Animals are loving.

A dog will stay by your side in the times when you cry, offering you comfort, they can understand that you aren't well and will truly do their best to cheer you up, giving you licks on the face until you wipe your tears and stop crying, jumping in your lap and pushing on you with their paws until you stop laughing, even if you get mad, after a few minutes they will be back trying to cheer you up again.

Animals are pure.

Often times I have heard the phrase "You don't know what you have until it's gone" and I feel that more than ever now. I had a dog, Mars, who was truly such a being, she was kind, loving, compassionate, and she was always there for me, even when I wasn't the best to her, in fact, years ago, when I was more advanced, she was my familiar for some time.

I remember going out on walks with her, taking her to the lake, and just being best friends with her, we really did go everywhere together, haha, I remember years ago when I used to play frisby in the yard with a family friend she would always try to catch the damn thing and end up missing it completely before finding it on the ground and running off with it like it was her damn treasure haha, like damn girl we're trying to throw it, bring it back hahaha. It was really halarious and silly. That frisbee got super fucker up tho haha(rip my frisbee)

Last month, I went outside, and I dug a grave for her with that same family friend and after digging the grave, we put her in and buried her.

I remember watching as she slowly faded away, and for a long time, I was angry at her, I was looking at her and thought about how easier it would be if she died sooner and how much of a burden she was, eventually I would come to realize this was me blaming her for leaving me, this was me not wanting to accept the fact that she was dying, that she had reached the end and there was nothing I could do, I was using my anger as a form of escapism to prevent feeling the pain inside me.

One day, after months of her getting closer to death, me and the family friend had convinced my mother to let us put her down, as, she was just surviving and not living anymore. She had gone completely blind, she was so skinny you could see her spine, and it was an awful situation, I had been trying to get my mother to let me put her down for months at this point, even offering to end her life myself, because, deep down, the last thing I wanted was for my best friend to suffer.

I remember, a few days before the appointment I saw her laying down and I thought, "this is my friend, this is the same dog who had been with me almost my entire life, the same dog who would run with me and play in the lake and steal the frisbee, the same one who was always there for me"

It was at the moment I felt a twinge of pain inside me, realizing that it's nearing her final days, I looked away as I walked to my room, burying the pain deep inside me.

The final day before she would be put down she layed outside my room and I saw her, those same thoughts crashing through my head as I sat down next to her and I hugged her and cried. This is my fucking friend man.. The only friend I've ever truly had.. The only one who's loved me even when I've been the worst and the only one who's always been there for me no matter what. The only one who put up with all my bullshit and how have I been treating her? With anger because she wasn't dying sooner? Why.. Why did I do that? Why did I treat her so fucking badly man..

I remember, she lifted her face up and licked my cheek, trying to make me stop crying as she's always done, but her lick was weak, and I knew, I knew that she didn't have long, if we didn't go to put her down she wouldn't last a few more days. She licked me once before staring at me with her blind, glued over eyes, and I layed down beside her and held her for a minute, crying and apologizing, telling her how much I loved her and how much she meant to me, how much I'll miss her and how much I need her and wish she didn't have to go, wish she could stay here with me and be my friend forever.

As the final day drew near, I did some prayer to father Satan, asking him to please have anubis or a demon come there as she dies and take her to hell. To send someone to be there as she died so her soul would be safe.

As we were sitting in the clinic I remember, as they put the needle in, the one which put her to sleep, I had my hand resting on her, and as she went to sleep, she curled, directly into my arms, trying to get closer to me and get away from this doctor, as I silently cried and petted her, he put the last needle in that would kill her and I felt as her heartbeat slowly died out.

I cried silently, but, I felt her presence near me, on the ground, happy and running around freely, not in pain or suffering, and the presence of another being, one of the Gods. I told them my thanks, said some goodbyes to my beloved friend and I felt them leave.

I truly didn't appreciate her for the time that I had her, before her I had one other dog but I was too young to truly develop a bond to them. But, this dog, Mars, was truly, my greatest companion, no other being in this world has ever shown me some love, kindness, and compassion. In fact, the only beings who have shown me such understanding and love have been Satan and his Gods.

Animals truly do not deserve the treatment they are getting, they are gifts from the Gods, they are pure, and sacred, please listen to me when I tell you, appreciate and love your animals. I don't want any of you to go through what I did, where you realize only later how much you'll miss them, where you will be left with a hole in your life that you don't know how to fill.

As I was writing this post I cried a lot, while I was never physically abusive to my dog, nor was I verbally abusive I didn't appreciate her and give her the love she truly deserved. I want each and every one of you who are reading this and have pets, to sit down and think about your beloved animal companion, think about what you love about them, their little quirks and actions which make you smile, think about how they treat you, think about what they do that makes you happy, think about the things they've done to cheer you up, basically, just think about them for a good few minutes until you're about to explode from how amazing they are okay?

Done that? Good. Now ask yourself, have I treated them how they deserve? You've just thought about and realized all of the things you love about them, all the ways they cheer you up and so on and so forth. Ask yourself, in return for all of this, have you been giving them the treatment, the love, the compassion, the caring, the understanding and everything that they deserve? If your answer is no then I beg you, please, start treating them how they deserve.

Looking back, as my best friend died, I sat there and I blamed them for not dying sooner, I sat there and lived in anger to hide my pain, I refused to be around them, pushing them off as a burden to other people for months, only truly understanding how I felt inside in the last few days. Please don't do the same thing I did. Start treating your animal with the love and kindness they deserve today, because, you never truly know what you have until it's gone.

Thank you everyone for your time. And Mars, if this somehow gets back to you, I love you my friend, and I miss you, I swear that one day I'll see you again, I won't stop advancing, I won't stop fighting, if only to see you again, I promise.
May I ask, did you manage to find your dog again?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
