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The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (The Alchemy of the Ancient Slavs)


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2022
The Alchemy of the Ancient Slavs.

Very much, almost most of what I found in Afanasyev's book, the «Poetic views of the Slavs on nature», are not, especially in large cities. Only in such books and in classical literature like Pushkin and Gogol. Why? Because of their time frame. They still came to a time when the racial memory of these legends was still alive.

A little about what racial memory is in its physical manifestation. Knowledge comes either by word of mouth or in written sources. The written sources of the ages were seized and kept only in the church. Word-of-mouth transmission occurs through the existence of the family. First, generations tend to change, and as witnesses pass away, knowledge is gradually lost through the ages. Second, modern programs such as communism and liberalism forcibly separate families, increasingly deny parents access to their children, and increasingly take over their upbringing from an early age. In Europe, children are now legally taken away from their parents. This is especially happening in cities.

It turns out that the obviously more civilized, educated and secular population has less access, because it is forcibly cut off from racial memory. And the dark illiterate, uneducated, believing village or, even more so, hsian priests have no mental access to what they possess, in other words, they are unable to understand, because understanding is available only to the free light mind.

In fact, what was laid down in the Middle Ages continues to happen: knowledge accumulates in the hands of brainwashed hsians and jews, laymen have no access to it, but only those who will never be able to use it, or will use it for evil. And, paradoxically for the religion that fights knowledge the most, the farther one is spiritually from that religion, the farther one is territorially from the knowledge it has stolen. This is the curse of the torah.

Returning to Pushkin, Gogol and Afanasyev. These people turned out to be those bright urban minds who, from the positions of high logic and abstract thinking, analyzed what its dark carriers could only interpret literally. And thanks to the former, this knowledge has only reached us, because, as I have already explained, the mass resettlements and the destruction of family and racial unity that communism had imposed for generations buried it in the mass graves of the revolution along with our ancestors.

There is also another side to the problem of the «dark village»: there each side possesses this knowledge piecemeal, seeing only one particular legend. The true roots of Aryan Satanism are revealed only when looking at the voluminous picture, including Ancient Greek mythology, Vedas and Sanskrit, which were possessed by such as Afanasyev. The quantity of knowledge in this case grows into quality, then the origins of all allegories, their connection across the all continent and the common root become clear.

In order to use this knowledge and return the whole conglomeration of legends to their source - Magnum Opus, it is necessary to possess also at least the basics of Satanic power meditation and in general the idea of occultism, knowledge and practice of tarot cards can seriously help. Therefore, many geniuses of the so-called Golden Age of Russian culture were Freemasons.

The Golden Age, as its name suggests, in its origin directly points to the amount of Alchemical Gold in a person's soul, in other words, to the level of nobility of metals, i.e. the quality of chakra energies of a certain generation. This is traditionally called the times when people were enlightened in the field of secret sciences, and there was a lot of golden element in their soul.

Many of the allegories presented below go back to legends that may no longer be familiar to the reader, for the reasons outlined above. Only 2 centuries have passed, and some legends have sunk into oblivion along with their immediate bearers, and Afanasyev took only the most common and famous. No one knows how much more knowledge has been lost forever.

Author: Edward Lonsa
[SIZE=5][B]AristocraticDragon666[/B][/SIZE] (translated from Russian into English by AristicraticDragon666)


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
