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The best healing mantra , rune combination, affirmation ?


New member
Dec 27, 2018
I searched the forum for a while this is what I did found. If anyone has additonal infos or a better mantra or rune combination please post. I need it to heal a close person.

1.Visuddhi cleaning ( as I did understand for mental problems)
2. combo with Sowilo Ansus Fehu and Uruz
3. freeing the soul working , Munka or Ansuz, to remove the health problem ( as I did understand for mental problems)
4. SURYAE or Raum or Satanama

Affiramtion (from jos healing pets, it did feel right , the person have to change also the behaviour, sport, eat healthy,... i thought a overal affirmation would fit best) :

"______ (name person) is healthy, safe, and protected in every way."

Sources / info

"HP. Hoodedcobra666 recommended "Visuddhi" and this is also what I use.

Gear88 wrote:
2. And to pronounce it right:

Visuddhi means something like "purified one" among lots of other things. It's an overall cleaning mantra. I do think it has a connection to the throat chakra if I remember correctly but it works for cleaning almost anything really, not just the throat chakra.

I am using Visuddhi for cleaning some things and it's bringing traumas and hangups to the surface very quickly for me.

The "V", "I", and "S" are correct. Don't add an "H" after the "S".
The "U" should be easy enough, like in AUM.
The "D" is vibrated by putting your tounge slightly behind your upper front teeth on the roof of your mouth, just like when you say "Distant" in english, you produce the "D" sound like this, too. Just hold this sound and vibrate it. Easy.
I do the double D as just simply DDDDD-DDDDD (very small pause in-between, like the RRR-AAA-AAA-MMM in planetary square mantras).
Then just quick exhale "H" into the last "I". Look into Maxine's rune audios of "Ehwaz" and/or "Eihwaz" for more intel on how to vibrate this "H". https://www.dropbox.com/s/hrejp9gwxovoq ... s.rar?dl=1"

( shael)

"There a difference between Visuddhi and Vishuddhi. The first one is more subtle, while the second is more forceful. I've been using the second for 40 to great effect, before switching to the first one. The subtle version seems to work better for me but it may be different for other people.

DH is pronunced like an aspirated D, but it's vibrated similar to the TH in THAUM. The only difference is that it is a D and not a T." (Stormblood)

"Perhaps a freeing the soul working would be needed, Munka or Ansuz, to remove the health problem." (Lydia)

"I usually prefer a combo with Sowilo Ansus Fehu and Uruz .they have compatible numbers (16,4,1,2) so it will be easy to find a number that you want to vibrate them.I usually prefer 80 or 112 (depending on the situation).Since she had already 3 surgeries i suggest you I suggest the 112 because things are quiet serious.
I usually do the working about 2-5 times a day .I am.not sure that 5 times will be the best because you are doing this for another person so it will maybe make you exhausted better do it for 1 or 2 times a day for 40 days consequently . (from Νίκος)"

Affiramtion (from jos healing pets), it did feel right:

"______ (name person) is healthy, safe, and protected in every way."

experiences with satanic healing?


Mercury square
MayIAsk said:
"I usually prefer a combo with Sowilo Ansus Fehu and Uruz .they have compatible numbers (16,4,1,2) so it will be easy to find a number that you want to vibrate them.I usually prefer 80 or 112 (depending on the situation).Since she had already 3 surgeries i suggest you I suggest the 112 because things are quiet serious.
I usually do the working about 2-5 times a day.I am.not sure that 5 times will be the best because you are doing this for another person so it will maybe make you exhausted better do it for 1 or 2 times a day for 40 days consequently. (from Νίκος)"
First off, the numbers given in Νίκος's statement there are just ridiculous. If you vibrate four runes for 112 times each, it would take you approximately two hours to do this working one single time. Not to mention doing this 2 or even 5 times a day. This would be beyond what almost any person here could handle. I mean 5 times a day would be a raw time of 10 full hours, inbetween-time not included.

If you want to utilize this rune combination, then go with no more than 64 times at the absolute most (this is for extreme cases). Normally you would want to go with ~32 for each rune here, which would mean a total of ~30 minutes of vibrating. With multiple runes, you can also do them for multiples of 10, so 20 would also be viable if you are still new. Even 10 works if doing it for 20 still overloads you and/or you have a lack of time.

For physical issues, using Surya or Suryae should be a great mantra to utilize. The energies of the Sun are good for healing almost anything from what I know. The only exception here would be inflammations or other ailments that come from an excess of the fire element. These cases could be worsened by the sun energies, and more cooling/gentle energies would likely give a better effect in healing those things. I think Wunjo is generally a very gentle rune, and Isa works for cooling (but use Isa in moderation as it can bring bad effects when overused).

And most importantly, always, with any working you do, vibrate the mantras properly and lengthily, and do not rush. Look into the Runic mp3's from Maxine for an example on how to properly vibrate the runes, and mantras in general. Whenever you do a working, make sure you stay focused on it while you do it, and don't get distracted with other stuff. Void mediation can help in becoming better at this.

If you need a guideline on how to vibrate Suryae, check the audio of the Sun planetary mantra here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1selaagjrhawjyl/02.%20Sun.mp3?dl=1
Maxine vibrated it somewhat speedily there. If you use it all on it's own (only "Suryae" and no other mantra) then it would probably be best to vibrate it a bit more drawn-out and lengthily, similar to the runes, but do what feels best. :)
Shael said:
MayIAsk said:
"I usually prefer a combo with Sowilo Ansus Fehu and Uruz .they have compatible numbers (16,4,1,2) so it will be easy to find a number that you want to vibrate them.I usually prefer 80 or 112 (depending on the situation).Since she had already 3 surgeries i suggest you I suggest the 112 because things are quiet serious.
I usually do the working about 2-5 times a day.I am.not sure that 5 times will be the best because you are doing this for another person so it will maybe make you exhausted better do it for 1 or 2 times a day for 40 days consequently. (from Νίκος)"
First off, the numbers given in Νίκος's statement there are just ridiculous. If you vibrate four runes for 112 times each, it would take you approximately two hours to do this working one single time. Not to mention doing this 2 or even 5 times a day. This would be beyond what almost any person here could handle. I mean 5 times a day would be a raw time of 10 full hours, inbetween-time not included.

If you want to utilize this rune combination, then go with no more than 64 times at the absolute most (this is for extreme cases). Normally you would want to go with ~32 for each rune here, which would mean a total of ~30 minutes of vibrating. With multiple runes, you can also do them for multiples of 10, so 20 would also be viable if you are still new. Even 10 works if doing it for 20 still overloads you and/or you have a lack of time.

For physical issues, using Surya or Suryae should be a great mantra to utilize. The energies of the Sun are good for healing almost anything from what I know. The only exception here would be inflammations or other ailments that come from an excess of the fire element. These cases could be worsened by the sun energies, and more cooling/gentle energies would likely give a better effect in healing those things. I think Wunjo is generally a very gentle rune, and Isa works for cooling (but use Isa in moderation as it can bring bad effects when overused).

And most importantly, always, with any working you do, vibrate the mantras properly and lengthily, and do not rush. Look into the Runic mp3's from Maxine for an example on how to properly vibrate the runes, and mantras in general. Whenever you do a working, make sure you stay focused on it while you do it, and don't get distracted with other stuff. Void mediation can help in becoming better at this.

If you need a guideline on how to vibrate Suryae, check the audio of the Sun planetary mantra here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1selaagjrhawjyl/02.%20Sun.mp3?dl=1
Maxine vibrated it somewhat speedily there. If you use it all on it's own (only "Suryae" and no other mantra) then it would probably be best to vibrate it a bit more drawn-out and lengthily, similar to the runes, but do what feels best. :)

Thanks shael for your reply, I did use the norwegian vibration of the runes Sol, As, Fe, Ur . x 112 took me 12 min. I took the 112 because it is higher and with the satanic rosario 108 + 4 better countabel.

I did choose x 18 affirmation. did add in a safe and positive way for me, did feel right.

special thanks for your info about suryae didn´t know it could harm in special cases.
MayIAsk said:
Thanks shael for your reply, I did use the norwegian vibration of the runes Sol, As, Fe, Ur . x 112 took me 12 min. I took the 112 because it is higher and with the satanic rosario 108 + 4 better countabel.

I did choose x 18 affirmation. did add in a safe and positive way for me, did feel right.

special thanks for your info about suryae didn´t know it could harm in special cases.
It didn't actually cross my mind that all 4 of those runes have conveniently short forms like that. In that case it's definitely fine, especially seeing how it is working well for you anyway.

The vast majority of mantras can do harm in specific situations, when they are used badly. Through proper affirmations however, these things can be minimized. To go into detail about these things you'd have to look into the human body in it's entirety and it's elemental composition. I think I remember HPS Shannon saying that most illnesses also are connected to elemental imbalance in some way (my apologies Shannon if I am misremembering this). So for example when someone is lacking in the fire element, sun energies will have the most powerful healing effect because they are fiery in nature, and will give the body of the person the fire element that it was lacking. Conversely, if one tries to treat a condition like the above using cold and watery mantras, chances are that they will either have little to no effect at all, or even worsen the condition. This is because it wouldn't fix the lack of fire element, but rather make it worse or in the least bad case, not affect it at all.

That being said, Suryae can be used safely and effectively in the vast majority of situations. Alternatively, if there is some kind of condition where you're really afraid of doing any harm, Visuddhi is generally a mantra that is safe to use regardless of the specific case. It's a simple mantra of purification and cleansing, which should never be harmful as long as the energies are properly programmed. :)
Even the shorter variations are still to be done in one long breath each. The White Race Awakening Ritual, which is 3 runes at 88x each, takes me about 30 minutes. Go into trance and really feel the vibration lighting up. I’ve tried doing runes quicker to save time, and couldn't do it while trancing properly. I can’t trance and vibrate quickly, I’m in the zone while doing it and it takes quite some time. If you do it quicker, you are cutting down the quality of it by a lot.
Lydia said:
Even the shorter variations are still to be done in one long breath each. The White Race Awakening Ritual, which is 3 runes at 88x each, takes me about 30 minutes. Go into trance and really feel the vibration lighting up. I’ve tried doing runes quicker to save time, and couldn't do it while trancing properly. I can’t trance and vibrate quickly, I’m in the zone while doing it and it takes quite some time. If you do it quicker, you are cutting down the quality of it by a lot.

I thought if I use multiple runes together they should be vibrated all together within one breath.
I did it like that with Sol, As, Fe, Ur (norwegien vibration) . x 112 took me 12 min.
I think I never was in a real trance. But I´m fine with it. To much to do to train trance.
Shael said:
MayIAsk said:
"I usually prefer a combo with Sowilo Ansus Fehu and Uruz .they have compatible numbers (16,4,1,2) so it will be easy to find a number that you want to vibrate them.I usually prefer 80 or 112 (depending on the situation).Since she had already 3 surgeries i suggest you I suggest the 112 because things are quiet serious.
I usually do the working about 2-5 times a day.I am.not sure that 5 times will be the best because you are doing this for another person so it will maybe make you exhausted better do it for 1 or 2 times a day for 40 days consequently. (from Νίκος)"
First off, the numbers given in Νίκος's statement there are just ridiculous. If you vibrate four runes for 112 times each, it would take you approximately two hours to do this working one single time. Not to mention doing this 2 or even 5 times a day. This would be beyond what almost any person here could handle. I mean 5 times a day would be a raw time of 10 full hours, inbetween-time not included.
The numbers I gave there are serious problems and to be done once or twice .Like in the case of flu what is better.Give 2 hours of your day to vibrate or suffer for 2 weeks with the chance of dieing?
Also if I remember correctly I made this post in a topic that a member asked how to heal another person from a health problem that the person had for years so in my opinion high reps are needed.And remember what was said about healing others.It is more difficult than healing yourself.
But rereading my post I understand that I forgot to mention in the part "1-2 times a day for 40 days"
that the vibrations can be done for less vibrations and it will still be effective.
Sorry for being late but I was very busy!
Νίκος said:
Shael said:
MayIAsk said:
"I usually prefer a combo with Sowilo Ansus Fehu and Uruz .they have compatible numbers (16,4,1,2) so it will be easy to find a number that you want to vibrate them.I usually prefer 80 or 112 (depending on the situation).Since she had already 3 surgeries i suggest you I suggest the 112 because things are quiet serious.
I usually do the working about 2-5 times a day.I am.not sure that 5 times will be the best because you are doing this for another person so it will maybe make you exhausted better do it for 1 or 2 times a day for 40 days consequently. (from Νίκος)"
First off, the numbers given in Νίκος's statement there are just ridiculous. If you vibrate four runes for 112 times each, it would take you approximately two hours to do this working one single time. Not to mention doing this 2 or even 5 times a day. This would be beyond what almost any person here could handle. I mean 5 times a day would be a raw time of 10 full hours, inbetween-time not included.
The numbers I gave there are serious problems and to be done once or twice .Like in the case of flu what is better.Give 2 hours of your day to vibrate or suffer for 2 weeks with the chance of dieing?
Also if I remember correctly I made this post in a topic that a member asked how to heal another person from a health problem that the person had for years so in my opinion high reps are needed.And remember what was said about healing others.It is more difficult than healing yourself.
But rereading my post I understand that I forgot to mention in the part "1-2 times a day for 40 days"
that the vibrations can be done for less vibrations and it will still be effective.
Sorry for being late but I was very busy!

there is no need for saying sorry I didn´t quote you or anything, thx for your reply and your former given rune combination.
Have a good day, will reply in 40 days if I did succeed. or 80 I did it only 1 time the last two days.
MayIAsk said:
there is no need for saying sorry I didn´t quote you or anything, thx for your reply and your former given rune combination.
Have a good day, will reply in 40 days if I did succeed. or 80 I did it only 1 time the last two days.
Just in case, on the off chance, let me put a reminder here that workings must be done every single day without fail, for the given duration. Also make sure that you are not starting your working during a Void of Course moon.
Shael said:
MayIAsk said:
there is no need for saying sorry I didn´t quote you or anything, thx for your reply and your former given rune combination.
Have a good day, will reply in 40 days if I did succeed. or 80 I did it only 1 time the last two days.
Just in case, on the off chance, let me put a reminder here that workings must be done every single day without fail, for the given duration. Also make sure that you are not starting your working during a Void of Course moon.
Just to add.If you lose a day you should do it twice the next (with hours of difference preferably).It works for everything apart from squares.Of course it should be avoided but if you can't it will still work if you do as advised.
As suggested by others, one vibration for each exhale need to be done but I want to note 2 important things.

1. When vibrating mantras, one uses the humming breath as stated in the breathing exercises page on JoS. HP Mageson has recently pointed out how pranayama are correctly done: by extending the hold phase as much as possible WITHOUT straining.

2. As for estimated time necessary goes, takes everything everyone says here with a grain of salt. The reason is that they're not taking into account that everyone has not the same lung capacity as them. For someone to do 40 reps could take 10 minutes, for others it could take 1 hour or more. As stated, it varies. There's no minimum or maximum estimated time for this things. You should get short of straining, which means prolonging the hold and exhale as much as possible but stopping it BEFORE you feel strained. What's certain — and I agree with the others here — is that, if it takes you 12 minutes to 112 vibrations, you're rushing through the vibrations.

One more thing is using 112. Where did you even take the number? 112 is not a power number. 111 is a solar number, 112 is one extra vibration that messes up the geometrical pattern you're trying to build. You seem to be a newbie. You should lower to 55 vibrations or even 40, since it seems you don't know how to handle high vibration.

The reason me and other people are going out of our way to make you understand this is because we've been there, done that. We've rushed to make high vibrations when we were newbies and after doing it for quite a while we understood that we were doing it wrong, rushing the vibrations.
MayIAsk said:
I thought if I use multiple runes together they should be vibrated all together within one breath.
I did it like that with Sol, As, Fe, Ur (norwegien vibration) . x 112 took me 12 min.
I think I never was in a real trance. But I´m fine with it. To much to do to train trance.

I forgot. The highlighted statement is not a very smart move. There are no shortcuts to spirituality. Trance is a basic spiritual skill needed in the same way focus and proper breathing are. If you don't build good foundations for your home, you can't expect to build the third floor. It will crumble in no time.
Stormblood said:
One more thing is using 112. Where did you even take the number? .
From me actually.
I didn't said it was a power number I just said that it is the lower number above 100 that ties to all the runes I suggested (Fehu,Uruz,Ansuz, Sowilo).
Shael said:
MayIAsk said:
there is no need for saying sorry I didn´t quote you or anything, thx for your reply and your former given rune combination.
Have a good day, will reply in 40 days if I did succeed. or 80 I did it only 1 time the last two days.
Just in case, on the off chance, let me put a reminder here that workings must be done every single day without fail, for the given duration. Also make sure that you are not starting your working during a Void of Course moon.

Thanks, I know and will do.
Thanks Stormblood for your time and effort here are my replys:

Stormblood said:
As suggested by others, one vibration for each exhale need to be done but I want to note 2 important things.

Does this mean all runes vibrated in one exhale or each rune one exhale ? (-> exhale Sol, As, Fe, Ur, OR exhale Sol, exhale As, exhale Fe, exhale Ur did leave inhale out of simplification) , did it like that since race awakening ritual it was stated :

"You vibrate these together, not separately.

Óðal, Sól, Óss is one round, then Óðal, Sól, Óss..."


Stormblood said:
1. When vibrating mantras, one uses the humming breath as stated in the breathing exercises page on JoS. HP Mageson has recently pointed out how pranayama are correctly done: by extending the hold phase as much as possible WITHOUT straining.

Does this mean the longer I hold (without straining) before exhaling/vibrating the stronger will be the mantra?

If I would do this with 112 vibrations ( can´t change did start allready on a good date and sun hour, no void moon) this would expand the working time huge. with 30 sec. nearly 1 hour. can´t and won´t do.

Stormblood said:
2. As for estimated time necessary goes, takes everything everyone says here with a grain of salt. The reason is that they're not taking into account that everyone has not the same lung capacity as them. For someone to do 40 reps could take 10 minutes, for others it could take 1 hour or more. As stated, it varies. There's no minimum or maximum estimated time for this things. You should get short of straining, which means prolonging the hold and exhale as much as possible but stopping it BEFORE you feel strained. What's certain — and I agree with the others here — is that, if it takes you 12 minutes to 112 vibrations, you're rushing through the vibrations.

did vibrate it slower did take 20 min.

Stormblood said:
One more thing is using 112. Where did you even take the number? 112 is not a power number. 111 is a solar number, 112 is one extra vibration that messes up the geometrical pattern you're trying to build. You seem to be a newbie. You should lower to 55 vibrations or even 40, since it seems you don't know how to handle high vibration.

The reason me and other people are going out of our way to make you understand this is because we've been there, done that. We've rushed to make high vibrations when we were newbies and after doing it for quite a while we understood that we were doing it wrong, rushing the vibrations.

is a solar number allways good for healing? (I asume solar = fire), a neutral number like 112 might be safer. see --->

"So for example when someone is lacking in the fire element, sun energies will have the most powerful healing effect because they are fiery in nature, and will give the body of the person the fire element that it was lacking. Conversely, if one tries to treat a condition like the above using cold and watery mantras, chances are that they will either have little to no effect at all, or even worsen the condition. This is because it wouldn't fix the lack of fire element, but rather make it worse or in the least bad case, not affect it at all.

That being said, Suryae can be used safely and effectively in the vast majority of situations. Alternatively, if there is some kind of condition where you're really afraid of doing any harm, Visuddhi is generally a mantra that is safe to use regardless of the specific case." (Shael) post below.

Stormblood said:
I forgot. The highlighted statement is not a very smart move. There are no shortcuts to spirituality. Trance is a basic spiritual skill needed in the same way focus and proper breathing are. If you don't build good foundations for your home, you can't expect to build the third floor. It will crumble in no time.

About trance will try my best if times are less bussy. I remember when I was way younger I had sometimes times the fealing everything is moving slowly every word I spoke felt slowly it was rather unpleasant, when I walked it felt slowly every movement felt slow and in the same rithm.(this did if I remember right happen after I was overly bored) was this a light trance ?
MayIAsk said:

1. As it was already repeated ad nauseam by the other topic contributors, 1 breath = 1 vibration.

2. Yes, the longer the hold, the strong the energy you gather. As for "can't and won't do", you're free to do whatever you wish. Just know that you're not actually drawing out the power of 112 vibration but less than half that.

3. Study some astrology. The Sun rules health. You're calling forth the energies of the Sun, not the energy of fire. Your logic is the same as saying that turning all parts of ourselves into the solar body (as we're doing through the Satanic path), we're giving ourselves an excess of fire. It doesn't work like. You're not summoning the fire element.

4. You can find descriptions of the trance states and what they feel like if you go on JOS and look for the hypnosis pages.

Lastly, if my tone seems a little irritated and sharp, know it's not directed against you. I'm very annoyed at the enemy today for some personal reasons and it's transpiring in the writing. Sorry about that.
Thanks for your reply Stormblood, will do my best.

Stormblood said:
MayIAsk said:

1. As it was already repeated ad nauseam by the other topic contributors, 1 breath = 1 vibration.

2. Yes, the longer the hold, the strong the energy you gather. As for "can't and won't do", you're free to do whatever you wish. Just know that you're not actually drawing out the power of 112 vibration but less than half that.

3. Study some astrology. The Sun rules health. You're calling forth the energies of the Sun, not the energy of fire. Your logic is the same as saying that turning all parts of ourselves into the solar body (as we're doing through the Satanic path), we're giving ourselves an excess of fire. It doesn't work like. You're not summoning the fire element.

4. You can find descriptions of the trance states and what they feel like if you go on JOS and look for the hypnosis pages.

Lastly, if my tone seems a little irritated and sharp, know it's not directed against you. I'm very annoyed at the enemy today for some personal reasons and it's transpiring in the writing. Sorry about that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
