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The Aryan God Azazel

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The Aryan God Azazel

The ancient Syrians worshipped the sun God Saman who was also called Samas in the Near East. This solar deity is also worshipped in Hinduism in India as Saman:

"In Sri Lanka Saman is the deity of the morning sun worshipped on Samanolakanda Mountain."[1] This mountain is one of the most sacred mountains in Hinduism.

Samas was the name of the sun God in the ancient Near East. Which in the ancient world was an Aryan region and connected with the Aryan East and West.

"Another Druidic God Beli or Be'al contracted to Bel, as in Bel-Samhain and Beltane, the principal Druidic festivals. Samhain or Samhan is itself a term for the sun god, the same as... Saman".[2]

Bel-Samhain means " The God Saman". Beltane is the Pagan festival that Saman rules.

In Irish Druidic culture Saman is the God that rules over the spirits of the Aryan ancestors and is the God of the Aryan ancestors which the Samhain festival is based on honouring and communing with along with ancestor worship.[3]

The Druids culture was also in the east one will find the ancient name of Mercury in Sri Lanka and India is Woden. [4]

The term Samael which is a name of Azazel to the Hebrews is also taken from Samas, Saman.[5]

Azazel is the ancient Aryan, solar God who was worshipped from the Far East to Europe in the Aryan migrations.

All references are from the book: Suns Of God, by Acharya S.
Linking to another post that relates to the above: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=35447&p=141357&hilit=samolxis#p141357
The god of justice and truth! I love how he expects 100% out of all of us it shows he truely cares for humanity. HAIL AZAZEL!
Hail Saman!
HP Mageson666 said:
The Aryan God Azazel

The ancient Syrians worshipped the sun God Saman who was also called Samas in the Near East. This solar deity is also worshipped in Hinduism in India as Saman:

"In Sri Lanka Saman is the deity of the morning sun worshipped on Samanolakanda Mountain."[1] This mountain is one of the most sacred mountains in Hinduism.

Samas was the name of the sun God in the ancient Near East. Which in the ancient world was an Aryan region and connected with the Aryan East and West.

"Another Druidic God Beli or Be'al contracted to Bel, as in Bel-Samhain and Beltane, the principal Druidic festivals. Samhain or Samhan is itself a term for the sun god, the same as... Saman".[2]

Bel-Samhain means " The God Saman". Beltane is the Pagan festival that Saman rules.

In Irish Druidic culture Saman is the God that rules over the spirits of the Aryan ancestors and is the God of the Aryan ancestors which the Samhain festival is based on honouring and communing with along with ancestor worship.[3]

The Druids culture was also in the east one will find the ancient name of Mercury in Sri Lanka and India is Woden. [4]

The term Samael which is a name of Azazel to the Hebrews is also taken from Samas, Saman.[5]

Azazel is the ancient Aryan, solar God who was worshipped from the Far East to Europe in the Aryan migrations.

All references are from the book: Suns Of God, by Acharya S.

Azazel is also the Greek Sun God Apollo. One of the epithets given to Apollo was Apollo Belenus. Apollo is considered the ancestral founding God of the oracular site of Delphi, which was considered among Ancient Greeks to be their most divine holy site, to the extent they considered it the spiritual navel of the world, marking the site with a stone monument they called the omphalos, which has been talked about at length in other sermons.

Apollo was also known as Aplu in certain regions, and can be linked to one of the titles of Samash in the form of Aplu Enlil, which he was called in Ancient Babylonia.
There was some talk that Azazel is a corruption of the enemy and we should call Him Utu.
Brilliant HP

Love reading about or Gods history thanks bro
Just a question concerning Beltane, on the JoS site it states that it is a celebration in honor of Baal, i thought that Baal is Beelzebub? Im a bit confused now xD
Our Gods are kind and benevolent, they care for humanity and what us to achieve the Light Body/Celestial Body/Fire Body/Solar Body e.t.c like them that's not evil that's what the esoteric(inner mysteries) version of the Ancient Solar cult was about achieving..."Oy Vey but goyims your ancestors were just backward and idol worshippers,slave owners, drunkards and barbarians the current order is not perfect but it's the best humanity has ever been...."
Azazel Helped the Aryan to make weapons, i wonder why every civilization depicted Azazel with Eagle Head .
HP Mageson666 said:
The Aryan God Azazel

The ancient Syrians worshipped the sun God Saman who was also called Samas in the Near East. This solar deity is also worshipped in Hinduism in India as Saman:

"In Sri Lanka Saman is the deity of the morning sun worshipped on Samanolakanda Mountain."[1] This mountain is one of the most sacred mountains in Hinduism.

Samas was the name of the sun God in the ancient Near East. Which in the ancient world was an Aryan region and connected with the Aryan East and West.

"Another Druidic God Beli or Be'al contracted to Bel, as in Bel-Samhain and Beltane, the principal Druidic festivals. Samhain or Samhan is itself a term for the sun god, the same as... Saman".[2]

Bel-Samhain means " The God Saman". Beltane is the Pagan festival that Saman rules.

In Irish Druidic culture Saman is the God that rules over the spirits of the Aryan ancestors and is the God of the Aryan ancestors which the Samhain festival is based on honouring and communing with along with ancestor worship.[3]

The Druids culture was also in the east one will find the ancient name of Mercury in Sri Lanka and India is Woden. [4]

The term Samael which is a name of Azazel to the Hebrews is also taken from Samas, Saman.[5]

Azazel is the ancient Aryan, solar God who was worshipped from the Far East to Europe in the Aryan migrations.

All references are from the book: Suns Of God, by Acharya S.
Great post HP
Azazel and Astarte are both twins and I don't know if its just what I thought or if I did read it somewhere but I am pretty sure they were both born on Earth in the Ancient empire the Gods forged time ago. This sort of shows us the importance in the allegories of roots, beginnings and where you are borne from materially- the lower chakra energies. Both Azazel's and Astarte's deep concern with the affairs of humans and Earth is reflective of their physical connection and dual heritage here on Earth. Azazel according to the site, took a human wife, probably for a similar reason as this to cement his provenance in sex and to signify Orion's overall closeness with Earth and the people here. The fact of Azazel and Astarte being of the opposite genders as twins gives the mythology surrounding them the much deeper connotations which led people researching it along the lines of the Ida and the Pingala, which is a big part of the philosophy we have here as a key ingredient in the final Magnum Opus. The Castor and Pollux of the Greeks which relates to the Gemini constellation stars themselves, aside of the potential derivatives of those words which I am unsure- it can be said the Greeks got lost along the lines of the Ida and Pingala with respects to Castor and Pollux both being male. And this discrepancy will of presaged the eventual judeo-xian damning of the female force and principle in some longscheme sense. Azazel taking a human wife mirrors the divine feminine exaltation which is highlighted by him and Astarte's mythology and allegory.

If Azazel and Astarte who are born of Satan himself (and Lilith?) who are ET's extraterrestrials and care very much about what goes on in their birthplace of Earth, this shows that we who come from Earth born in the human species itself should twice as much care in the very least what goes on in our planet. This also goes to show that we can trust the Gods as they have more physical, real desires and forces concerned with this planet and us. They are less immaterial to us than we think.

If you note the double use of phonemes in both Azazel and Astarte: "z-z" and "t-t" one being a sibilant and one being a fricative (with the additional presence of "Ss" sound), this is the double number 2 of the twins reflected in their names. This is present in some of their other derivatives such as Inanna, Shamash, Isis and Babbar. Note the smoothness of the "z" in Azazel when vibrated, feminine, as opposed to Astarte which has the fricative and masculine "t" sound. Astarte's femine equivalents are Inanna and Isis. With Azazel and Astarte, our Twin Gods, we see the Masculine and Feminine principles cross over from one another.

"There, we believe the twins Inanna/Ishtar and Utu/Shamash were born--an event marked by associating their father Nannar with the next zodiacal constellation Gemini (the twins). As the god trained in rocketry, Shamash was assigned the constellation GIR (meaning both 'rocket' and 'the crab's claw' or Cancer), followed by Ishtar and the Lion (Leo), upon whose back she was traditionally depicted."- Azazel's page

Azazel presides over affairs of the sign of Cancer whereas Astarte the sign of Capricorn which relates to the following sign Leo in being the Kingmaker as HPHC Said about Saturn in reference to the Sun. The affairs of these two Cardinal signs are sort of "borne" from their zodiacal precedents, Gemini and Sagittarius which are Mutable signs. Both Cancer and Capricorn are Feminine, but we can tell that Saturn's sign of Capricorn is the more Masculine of the two by its own natures and also, for the fact it rules the root chakra the most lower, red and Masculine chakra. Cancer is not so feminine though, the most feminine chakra is the Crown which is of Jupiter/Sagittarius although Cancer does relate to Mother-ship. Cancer, as such has just slightly more of a masculine expression in understanding for this reason. The masculine and feminine polarities cross here in understanding the soul.

The sign of Gemini concerns Thoughts, ideas- that eventually collate and integrate themselves into memory-Cancer: Cancer is family, emotions and identity. Leo's Lion identity emerges from the waters of Cancer the family and childhood, which are in turn summated from Gemini the thought process.

Sagittarius on the opposite end from Gemini and of the same polarity concerns Philosophy, how one ought to act on their philosophy, which is followed up by-
Capricorn: reality itself, government, job responsibilities and so forth, and with a great life philosophy how you can overcome the restraints of Capricorn (Saturn) and attain the rightful security that the Moon our Mind ultimately seeks. Leo's identity emerges from the security won by hard work. A hard working person who is bound to a shitty job is a different case than Mageson for example who is 'bound' to the higher essence the Gods work towards. One leads to the malefic of Saturn which is a poisoned and stressed mind, and one leads to the exaltation of Saturn, a comfortable and focused mind which is more aware, but also blissful and aqueous with it's awareness (Awareness concerns Aquarius which opposes Leo and awareness can ruin someone in certain cases like overstimulation, security and good feelings in this sense are of Cancer and Capricorn which regulate that). Such is the way one's philosophy determines their response to the demands of life, the contentment or ambition one allows themselves to feel. Remember Azazel and Astarte also preside partially over Leo and Aquarius which binds their allegorical understanding as twins with relation to this astrological understanding of the mind.

Gemini is a person's mind in how it eventually intends to develop within the mutability of thoughts, Sagittarius is more to do with the outer world, what goes on in it and one's mental relation with it in terms of the universes energy principles (which is why Sagittarius is more inclined to travel and exploring the wide world rather than deliberate and "think" or remember about it too much necessarily) Cancer as such which is of the 6th and Pineal chakra is a zodiac sign more personal to the human psyche than Capricorn which is of the 1st chakra. Funnily enough the 1st chakra of Capricorn is contrarily the most personal chakra out of the main 7- the 1st chakras also opposes the 7th in terms of the Chakra system, which is ruled by Jupiter mainly, Sagittarius again. The reason why the 1st chakra is the most personal is as it rules one's material foundations (like I stated above why Azazel and Astarte are particularly concerned with their material provenance lands of Earth) and this concerns the entire fabric of you materially which is why its got nothing to do with psychic things and everything to do with grounding and security. The Crown chakra on the other hand which has the greatest occult significance in concerning the powers of the mind and universal "moksha" and "the one" level of awareness. The "one" root chakra is the material chakra on the opposite end of the crown, which is how they relate in metaphysical terms. Notice the Moon/Cancer the opposite of the Capricorn the root chakra DOES NOT rule the crown chakra as one would be led to think, but it rules the Mind itself, the 6th chakra. All of these signs, planets and chakras I mentioned as masculine and feminine energies in the human soul are complex and meld together in varying ways which constitute things like memory, cognitive perception and the human psyche itself in relation to the outer world, the material nervous system for example which works with the immaterial concepts that a material world conjures into someones Mind. We of course though come back to the Mind, Cancer and Capricorn, which are significant in the Cardinal processes themselves aside of their Mutable beginning. Like a poor child dreaming and visualising a better richer world that doesn't presently surround him, then as he gets older figuring out through learning and mind development how to better its physical material for himself, a process concerning all of these influences that dictate the microcosm of the human mind in relation to the macrocosm of the material world and authorities such as nature. If he follows the philosophy or Sagittarius of xianity, he damns nature. If he follows our philosophy, well then...

This is why Azazel and Astarte carry significance as if they are indeed earth-born, as twins who are racially from the constellation of Orion which is located within the sign of Gemini, they represent humanity's closest bond with Orion and the importance of tradition, race, territory and all things which concern the survival and nature chakra, the 1st root chakra. They are most definitely the Aryan Gods. Their mark is present in much of human society post-Renaissance and post-National Socialism today. Note Gemini is like Germany.
Stormblood said:
Does he also rule the Samana current, which is controlled through the uddhiyana bandha?

Most probably, yes. Samana Vayu connects to the Solar Chakra, it integrates all energies and promotes stability and balance, a center or axis for all the other currents just like the Sun. Developing the higher, subtle form of Samana is a key factor for reaching the Sama-Dhi state.
13th_Wolf said:
Azazel and Astarte are both twins and I don't know if its just what I thought or if I did read it somewhere but I am pretty sure they were both born on Earth in the Ancient empire the Gods forged time ago. This sort of shows us the importance in the allegories of roots, beginnings and where you are borne from materially- the lower chakra energies. Both Azazel's and Astarte's deep concern with the affairs of humans and Earth is reflective of their physical connection and dual heritage here on Earth. Azazel according to the site, took a human wife, probably for a similar reason as this to cement his provenance in sex and to signify Orion's overall closeness with Earth and the people here. The fact of Azazel and Astarte being of the opposite genders as twins gives the mythology surrounding them the much deeper connotations which led people researching it along the lines of the Ida and the Pingala, which is a big part of the philosophy we have here as a key ingredient in the final Magnum Opus. The Castor and Pollux of the Greeks which relates to the Gemini constellation stars themselves, aside of the potential derivatives of those words which I am unsure- it can be said the Greeks got lost along the lines of the Ida and Pingala with respects to Castor and Pollux both being male. And this discrepancy will of presaged the eventual judeo-xian damning of the female force and principle in some longscheme sense. Azazel taking a human wife mirrors the divine feminine exaltation which is highlighted by him and Astarte's mythology and allegory.

If Azazel and Astarte who are born of Satan himself (and Lilith?) who are ET's extraterrestrials and care very much about what goes on in their birthplace of Earth, this shows that we who come from Earth born in the human species itself should twice as much care in the very least what goes on in our planet. This also goes to show that we can trust the Gods as they have more physical, real desires and forces concerned with this planet and us. They are less immaterial to us than we think.

If you note the double use of phonemes in both Azazel and Astarte: "z-z" and "t-t" one being a sibilant and one being a fricative (with the additional presence of "Ss" sound), this is the double number 2 of the twins reflected in their names. This is present in some of their other derivatives such as Inanna, Shamash, Isis and Babbar. Note the smoothness of the "z" in Azazel when vibrated, feminine, as opposed to Astarte which has the fricative and masculine "t" sound. Astarte's femine equivalents are Inanna and Isis. With Azazel and Astarte, our Twin Gods, we see the Masculine and Feminine principles cross over from one another.

"There, we believe the twins Inanna/Ishtar and Utu/Shamash were born--an event marked by associating their father Nannar with the next zodiacal constellation Gemini (the twins). As the god trained in rocketry, Shamash was assigned the constellation GIR (meaning both 'rocket' and 'the crab's claw' or Cancer), followed by Ishtar and the Lion (Leo), upon whose back she was traditionally depicted."- Azazel's page

Azazel presides over affairs of the sign of Cancer whereas Astarte the sign of Capricorn which relates to the following sign Leo in being the Kingmaker as HPHC Said about Saturn in reference to the Sun. The affairs of these two Cardinal signs are sort of "borne" from their zodiacal precedents, Gemini and Sagittarius which are Mutable signs. Both Cancer and Capricorn are Feminine, but we can tell that Saturn's sign of Capricorn is the more Masculine of the two by its own natures and also, for the fact it rules the root chakra the most lower, red and Masculine chakra. Cancer is not so feminine though, the most feminine chakra is the Crown which is of Jupiter/Sagittarius although Cancer does relate to Mother-ship. Cancer, as such has just slightly more of a masculine expression in understanding for this reason. The masculine and feminine polarities cross here in understanding the soul.

The sign of Gemini concerns Thoughts, ideas- that eventually collate and integrate themselves into memory-Cancer: Cancer is family, emotions and identity. Leo's Lion identity emerges from the waters of Cancer the family and childhood, which are in turn summated from Gemini the thought process.

Sagittarius on the opposite end from Gemini and of the same polarity concerns Philosophy, how one ought to act on their philosophy, which is followed up by-
Capricorn: reality itself, government, job responsibilities and so forth, and with a great life philosophy how you can overcome the restraints of Capricorn (Saturn) and attain the rightful security that the Moon our Mind ultimately seeks. Leo's identity emerges from the security won by hard work. A hard working person who is bound to a shitty job is a different case than Mageson for example who is 'bound' to the higher essence the Gods work towards. One leads to the malefic of Saturn which is a poisoned and stressed mind, and one leads to the exaltation of Saturn, a comfortable and focused mind which is more aware, but also blissful and aqueous with it's awareness (Awareness concerns Aquarius which opposes Leo and awareness can ruin someone in certain cases like overstimulation, security and good feelings in this sense are of Cancer and Capricorn which regulate that). Such is the way one's philosophy determines their response to the demands of life, the contentment or ambition one allows themselves to feel. Remember Azazel and Astarte also preside partially over Leo and Aquarius which binds their allegorical understanding as twins with relation to this astrological understanding of the mind.

Gemini is a person's mind in how it eventually intends to develop within the mutability of thoughts, Sagittarius is more to do with the outer world, what goes on in it and one's mental relation with it in terms of the universes energy principles (which is why Sagittarius is more inclined to travel and exploring the wide world rather than deliberate and "think" or remember about it too much necessarily) Cancer as such which is of the 6th and Pineal chakra is a zodiac sign more personal to the human psyche than Capricorn which is of the 1st chakra. Funnily enough the 1st chakra of Capricorn is contrarily the most personal chakra out of the main 7- the 1st chakras also opposes the 7th in terms of the Chakra system, which is ruled by Jupiter mainly, Sagittarius again. The reason why the 1st chakra is the most personal is as it rules one's material foundations (like I stated above why Azazel and Astarte are particularly concerned with their material provenance lands of Earth) and this concerns the entire fabric of you materially which is why its got nothing to do with psychic things and everything to do with grounding and security. The Crown chakra on the other hand which has the greatest occult significance in concerning the powers of the mind and universal "moksha" and "the one" level of awareness. The "one" root chakra is the material chakra on the opposite end of the crown, which is how they relate in metaphysical terms. Notice the Moon/Cancer the opposite of the Capricorn the root chakra DOES NOT rule the crown chakra as one would be led to think, but it rules the Mind itself, the 6th chakra. All of these signs, planets and chakras I mentioned as masculine and feminine energies in the human soul are complex and meld together in varying ways which constitute things like memory, cognitive perception and the human psyche itself in relation to the outer world, the material nervous system for example which works with the immaterial concepts that a material world conjures into someones Mind. We of course though come back to the Mind, Cancer and Capricorn, which are significant in the Cardinal processes themselves aside of their Mutable beginning. Like a poor child dreaming and visualising a better richer world that doesn't presently surround him, then as he gets older figuring out through learning and mind development how to better its physical material for himself, a process concerning all of these influences that dictate the microcosm of the human mind in relation to the macrocosm of the material world and authorities such as nature. If he follows the philosophy or Sagittarius of xianity, he damns nature. If he follows our philosophy, well then...

This is why Azazel and Astarte carry significance as if they are indeed earth-born, as twins who are racially from the constellation of Orion which is located within the sign of Gemini, they represent humanity's closest bond with Orion and the importance of tradition, race, territory and all things which concern the survival and nature chakra, the 1st root chakra. They are most definitely the Aryan Gods. Their mark is present in much of human society post-Renaissance and post-National Socialism today. Note Gemini is like Germany.

How interesting. I love these little detail things on astrology.

Something I noticed Capricorn is a little more immune to hard core xtianity or even the enemy programs just like Aquarius is even more so this goes into Saturn energy having a better expression in its home signs I think it was you who talked about it Saturn seems especially better in energy in Aquarius not sure why but I think it does best in air.

If you want to get a feel as to why I say this talk to someone with strong Capricorn or Aquarius you will know.

Anyways I notice this and xtianity is Saturn energy straight up so this may help. Don’t know about Islam.

It seems to me Sagittarius and Pisces are the Least immune signs to the enemy programs Like xtianity the Jupiter ones.

This is interesting.
slyscorpion said:
How interesting. I love these little detail things on astrology.

Something I noticed Capricorn is a little more immune to hard core xtianity or even the enemy programs just like Aquarius is even more so this goes into Saturn energy having a better expression in its home signs I think it was you who talked about it Saturn seems especially better in energy in Aquarius not sure why but I think it does best in air.

If you want to get a feel as to why I say this talk to someone with strong Capricorn or Aquarius you will know.

Anyways I notice this and xtianity is Saturn energy straight up so this may help. Don’t know about Islam.

It seems to me Sagittarius and Pisces are the Least immune signs to the enemy programs Like xtianity the Jupiter ones.

This is interesting.

The reason I think, that them two are the most inclined to the enemy programs is a bit to do with them being connected with the feminine highest and dissolute crown chakra, which shows in how Pisces is also co-ruled by Jupiter. Neptune is involved with the Crown chakra. Them 2 mutable signs, the emotional mutable signs are the ones most prone to illusion and things of those upper chakra natures. The opposing two mutable signs of Virgo and Gemini which are of Mercury are the "undeluders" of them lol- in how they are the more perception oriented material equivalent. The mutable signs seem to perceive the details of life (whether emotional or material) moreso than the whole picture and feel that something puts across. Likewise to the description of Mercury retrograde.

Capricorn and Aquarius are more to do with Truth and responsibility hence their connection to the root chakra. Sagittarius and Pisces can obsess with the "one" which in nowadays Western language is with the jewish guy in the sky, and confuse themselves whereas Saturnian people will actually have to deal with the "one" force, the one chakra itself, the root chakra which actually is reality lol. As such Capricorn and Aquarius may be more inclined to racial and root based intuition about the bloodshed caused by the enemy programs instead of intuition from listening to some music and joining a cult thinking Santa never happened or something lol. It's probably why Aquarius rules Truth and Pisces Deception, Pisces following from Aquarius sort of symbolises how one can get "lost along the lines". The lines are details, mutable and can shift with varying interpretations.

Any emphasis in the Cardinal signs in someone's chart will show a stronger Satanic Gentile nature of theirs in general I've noticed, where they come very easily to crisis points in their life and learn about human nature (The same thing applies to emphasis in the Angular houses). Capricorn and Cancer are important for that reason as they represent the bond between survival no matter what, and emotional security.

Thank you for taking an interest in what I write here, I don't really know how I figured out some of the stuff but I hope it feels Satanic enough to warrant itself. I know I don't communicate here in the best manner either, the way I write deviates from writing norms lol.
13th_Wolf said:
The reason I think, that them two are the most inclined to the enemy programs is a bit to do with them being connected with the feminine highest and dissolute crown chakra, which shows in how Pisces is also co-ruled by Jupiter. Neptune is involved with the Crown chakra. Them 2 mutable signs, the emotional mutable signs are the ones most prone to illusion and things of those upper chakra natures. The opposing two mutable signs of Virgo and Gemini which are of Mercury are the "undeluders" of them lol- in how they are the more perception oriented material equivalent. The mutable signs seem to perceive the details of life (whether emotional or material) moreso than the whole picture and feel that something puts across. Likewise to the description of Mercury retrograde.

Capricorn and Aquarius are more to do with Truth and responsibility hence their connection to the root chakra. Sagittarius and Pisces can obsess with the "one" which in nowadays Western language is with the jewish guy in the sky, and confuse themselves whereas Saturnian people will actually have to deal with the "one" force, the one chakra itself, the root chakra which actually is reality lol. As such Capricorn and Aquarius may be more inclined to racial and root based intuition about the bloodshed caused by the enemy programs instead of intuition from listening to some music and joining a cult thinking Santa never happened or something lol. It's probably why Aquarius rules Truth and Pisces Deception, Pisces following from Aquarius sort of symbolises how one can get "lost along the lines". The lines are details, mutable and can shift with varying interpretations.

Any emphasis in the Cardinal signs in someone's chart will show a stronger Satanic Gentile nature of theirs in general I've noticed, where they come very easily to crisis points in their life and learn about human nature (The same thing applies to emphasis in the Angular houses). Capricorn and Cancer are important for that reason as they represent the bond between survival no matter what, and emotional security.

Thank you for taking an interest in what I write here, I don't really know how I figured out some of the stuff but I hope it feels Satanic enough to warrant itself. I know I don't communicate here in the best manner either, the way I write deviates from writing norms lol.

You have decent knwoledge and write well, do not worry. :D
Great sermon, High Priest, thanks a lot. Just one little question. Here you say...

HP Mageson666 said:
Bel-Samhain means " The God Saman". Beltane is the Pagan festival that Saman rules.

Is it perhaps a little typo? Because the rest of the article talks about Samhain, and if I remember correctly, Beltane is Lord Beelzebub's.

Good day to you.
The Aryan God Alchemist Satanist Master HP Mageson666 . I have read everything you have posted for many years although not commented on such. I am a deep Aryan Alchemist Satanist. Humble Regards to The Aryan God HP Mageson666 , Futures,.
sonnenkraft said:
Azazel Helped the Aryan to make weapons, i wonder why every civilization depicted Azazel with Eagle Head .

I've always wondered the same, dear!!! As a matter or fact, Azazel represents the sign of LEO as it is depicted in the 21st Tarot Card The World which depicts the four fixed signs who happen to be the Crown Demons: Satan (Aquarius the man), Enlil (Taurus, the bull. He was well known as the Bull of the Sky), Azazel (Leo. The lion) and the beautiful Isis (Scorpio. Here represented as the Eagle. Scorpio which is the sign where the Magnum Opus begins due to its most valuable trait i.e. the prowess of dying to be born anew stronger, is a sign of three stages scorpio, eagle and Phoenix) His sister is the one who has to be represented by the eagle not him. Maybe since they are twins great children of Enlil, they were mixed and were represented as one by using the sign of the eagle to make reference of Isis...
The eagle has been used by many of the great empires throughout history: Roman Empire, Second Reich, Russian Empire Third Reich and nowadays by the United States as it a symbol of pride, glory, dominion and power
Bel is a title meaning "lord" as well. Saman is a sun God and these are solar based ritual dates. Bel is the sun God to the ancient Europeans. European names like Bella, Belle, and such for beauty also come from Bel. I note how close Lammas is to Sammas. Beltane is the solar ritual as well and Bel-Samhain is a title of Saman. The text states this is Beltane and Samhain.

There are Druidic ritual places to Bel all over America as well. Including an ancient Druid temple in Oklahoma with hymns to Bel written in Ogham on the temple walls. There are also sites with images of Cernuous made by the Druids in America. Cernuous is shown as Shiva in the ancient Indus Valley and the name Cernuous relates to Jupiter in its meaning. Shiva is also a title of Indra or Jupiter. Cernuous was probably Satan to the ancient Druids in Europe as Satan is Shiva and Satan is a Sanskrit title of Shiva. The Satanama is a mantra of Jupiter.

PeppermintTaco said:
Great sermon, High Priest, thanks a lot. Just one little question. Here you say...

HP Mageson666 said:
Bel-Samhain means " The God Saman". Beltane is the Pagan festival that Saman rules.

Is it perhaps a little typo? Because the rest of the article talks about Samhain, and if I remember correctly, Beltane is Lord Beelzebub's.

Good day to you.
Something else this book shows that Hel was the Phoenician name of the sun God and Helios was the Greek name of the same. The Heil rune is based on this and it means "healing" this relates to the goal of the Pagan spiritual school was to transform the soul or heal the soul with spiritual fire and its light. This is the Goddess Hel to the Germanic.
13th_Wolf said:
The reason I think, that them two are the most inclined to the enemy programs is a bit to do with them being connected with the feminine highest and dissolute crown chakra, which shows in how Pisces is also co-ruled by Jupiter. Neptune is involved with the Crown chakra. Them 2 mutable signs, the emotional mutable signs are the ones most prone to illusion and things of those upper chakra natures. The opposing two mutable signs of Virgo and Gemini which are of Mercury are the "undeluders" of them lol- in how they are the more perception oriented material equivalent. The mutable signs seem to perceive the details of life (whether emotional or material) moreso than the whole picture and feel that something puts across. Likewise to the description of Mercury retrograde.

Capricorn and Aquarius are more to do with Truth and responsibility hence their connection to the root chakra. Sagittarius and Pisces can obsess with the "one" which in nowadays Western language is with the jewish guy in the sky, and confuse themselves whereas Saturnian people will actually have to deal with the "one" force, the one chakra itself, the root chakra which actually is reality lol. As such Capricorn and Aquarius may be more inclined to racial and root based intuition about the bloodshed caused by the enemy programs instead of intuition from listening to some music and joining a cult thinking Santa never happened or something lol. It's probably why Aquarius rules Truth and Pisces Deception, Pisces following from Aquarius sort of symbolises how one can get "lost along the lines". The lines are details, mutable and can shift with varying interpretations.

Any emphasis in the Cardinal signs in someone's chart will show a stronger Satanic Gentile nature of theirs in general I've noticed, where they come very easily to crisis points in their life and learn about human nature (The same thing applies to emphasis in the Angular houses). Capricorn and Cancer are important for that reason as they represent the bond between survival no matter what, and emotional security.

Thank you for taking an interest in what I write here, I don't really know how I figured out some of the stuff but I hope it feels Satanic enough to warrant itself. I know I don't communicate here in the best manner either, the way I write deviates from writing norms lol.
This was very intriguing. Though I’m not sure if they were born here, it would certainly make a lot of sense. I’ve also been told certain information in Azazel’s relation to Cancer, So this as well makes sense. Also Since Astaroth can work energies best in Leo (19-24 degrees) you think it’s the same for Azazel in Cancer ? Oh and thank you for the information.
In the Scandinavian pantheon Azazel and Astaroth = are God Freyr and Goddess Freya - right?
And also in thе In the Slavic tradition is Perun and Lada? Correct me please if I am mistaken.
13th_Wolf said:
Thank you for taking an interest in what I write here, I don't really know how I figured out some of the stuff but I hope it feels Satanic enough to warrant itself. I know I don't communicate here in the best manner either, the way I write deviates from writing norms lol.
I think that sharing these kinds of things should be encouraged. I liked reading your post. Ignore any haters and keep posting when you have stuff like this to share :)
ChaosBringer666 said:
This was very intriguing. Though I’m not sure if they were born here, it would certainly make a lot of sense. I’ve also been told certain information in Azazel’s relation to Cancer, So this as well makes sense. Also Since Astaroth can work energies best in Leo (19-24 degrees) you think it’s the same for Azazel in Cancer ? Oh and thank you for the information.

Well Thoth actually presides over Cancer as well so I wouldn't know. It states on the demon page on the PDF version that Thoth gave it that the zodiac degree points for all the Gods on their as well as the plant things are elusive and not proper information. It didn't make sense to me that the Gods ruled specific degrees, guardianship in astrology I first thought would be a combination of the elemental characteristics and then the state of your prominent planets to the likenesses of your suspected associate/Guardian Demons. Its much better to go with feeling on it I've discovered even in working magick, those degree points can lead to dead ends. For the SS Calendar I suggest you can go with its dates but it would appear from a logical standpoint to be ephemeral and not pertinent to everything going on in the sky which would inflect on your workings with a specific Demon. Its more like showing the days where you can better honor those Demons rather than when you can work with them, to understand when you can work with them you have to develop a closer relationship with them and their details, especially the ones that aren't on the site lol.
Wow Azazel has always been my favorite God! Thank you for posting this information. <3
13th_Wolf said:
Well Thoth actually presides over Cancer as well so I wouldn't know. It states on the demon page on the PDF version that Thoth gave it that the zodiac degree points for all the Gods on their as well as the plant things are elusive and not proper information. It didn't make sense to me that the Gods ruled specific degrees, guardianship in astrology I first thought would be a combination of the elemental characteristics and then the state of your prominent planets to the likenesses of your suspected associate/Guardian Demons. Its much better to go with feeling on it I've discovered even in working magick, those degree points can lead to dead ends. For the SS Calendar I suggest you can go with its dates but it would appear from a logical standpoint to be ephemeral and not pertinent to everything going on in the sky which would inflect on your workings with a specific Demon. Its more like showing the days where you can better honor those Demons rather than when you can work with them, to understand when you can work with them you have to develop a closer relationship with them and their details, especially the ones that aren't on the site lol.
Thank you I’ll keep that in mind :)
HP Mageson666 said:
Bel is a title meaning "lord" as well. Saman is a sun God and these are solar based ritual dates. Bel is the sun God to the ancient Europeans. European names like Bella, Belle, and such for beauty also come from Bel. I note how close Lammas is to Sammas. Beltane is the solar ritual as well and Bel-Samhain is a title of Saman. The text states this is Beltane and Samhain.

There are Druidic ritual places to Bel all over America as well. Including an ancient Druid temple in Oklahoma with hymns to Bel written in Ogham on the temple walls. There are also sites with images of Cernuous made by the Druids in America. Cernuous is shown as Shiva in the ancient Indus Valley and the name Cernuous relates to Jupiter in its meaning. Shiva is also a title of Indra or Jupiter. Cernuous was probably Satan to the ancient Druids in Europe as Satan is Shiva and Satan is a Sanskrit title of Shiva. The Satanama is a mantra of Jupiter.

PeppermintTaco said:
Great sermon, High Priest, thanks a lot. Just one little question. Here you say...

HP Mageson666 said:
Bel-Samhain means " The God Saman". Beltane is the Pagan festival that Saman rules.

Is it perhaps a little typo? Because the rest of the article talks about Samhain, and if I remember correctly, Beltane is Lord Beelzebub's.

Good day to you.

Thank you. So are you basically saying that Solar holidays have to do with all Solar Gods?
Thank you for finally answering my questions about our current situation. Hail Satan!
Thank you for finally answering my questions about our current situation. Hail Satan!
HP Mageson666 said:
Something else this book shows that Hel was the Phoenician name of the sun God and Helios was the Greek name of the same. The Heil rune is based on this and it means "healing" this relates to the goal of the Pagan spiritual school was to transform the soul or heal the soul with spiritual fire and its light. This is the Goddess Hel to the Germanic.

I was actually doing returning curses and Helios popped in my head out of nowhere. I don't even recall looking up this name ever. I've actually become fascinated with greek mythology recently, so this might be the case. This is a good sign I think I am doing the right thing.

Thank you for this piece of informative education as always HP

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
