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The "Anti-Semitism Bill" - A Crime Against Freedom

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
With every passing day, the Joy of Satan gets proven completely on what many people thought 15 years ago were "conspiracy theories" or "outlandish predictions". It's unfolding in front of our very eyes. Now is the time to understand that the Joy of Satan was destined by the Gods to bring certain things in front of humanity so that we can finally advance and set ourselves free in mind and spirit, but also on our civilizations.

Recently, the United States of America have let the world know about the jewish protected class; the influence of the class of the jews, who overwhelmingly run the United States (and heading it for a collapse that they so desire) have shown to everyone globally that this is truly the case.

They managed to hit the United States with a deplorable Anti-Free Speech law named the "Anti-Semitism Bill". Then we have their constant attempts to cast down the Constitution and essentially revert back the United States to a jewish owned Nation, or a Christian Dark Ages Nation.

How we could also define that bill, is the "Jewish Confession Bill". We no longer need to hold any claim to any "Conspiracy theories" of any "Jewish Control", it essentially is in front of anyone's eyes and openly so.

This Bill is essentially the ultimate confession of Jewish power, and the ultimate confession of their influence. They essentially admitted globally now that they run the show. Criticism not allowed in this show either. They are the tribe that is above any and all judgement, and you are not even allowed to remotely dislike them.

They claim of course, that it's because they get "persecuted", because people "hate them", or because they are generally "hated". They will never tell you the reasons why however; that's because the jews collectively know the real why. They are guilty of all of these things and they know why they happen, better than anyone else; better than even their so called "persecutors".

Why the jews hate the freedom of human beings so much? That is a very easy question to answer. It's because the jews have an agenda that cannot work on the minds and lives of free people. Their plan is slavery, not freedom. Eventually, freedom means that one will be able to use their mind to draw conclusions and inevitably the pattern of the jewish conspiracy will be recognized.

Jews, over the course of all the centuries, always want to avoid responsibility of their actions. Historically, every so often the Gentiles discover their works and their true opinions of other human beings, which range from plans of genocide, to other very evil beliefs.

People call us "evil" here due to misplaced jewish programing, while we indeed do not preach 1% of any form of evil that the jews or the Bible preaches as a habitual approach. Let us not mention the Quran...

People of all Nations and Empires when they become aware of these programs or when they start to break free, are strangled by laws and other oppressive actions by the jews to keep them in check. This jewish state of arrogance is a well known state historically. As they want to pounce in to destroy their enemies, they also legislate bogus legislations in order to censor their enemies while they plan to feast on the shambles of the Empires they want to destroy.

They blackmail, bribe and control those in power to oblige, like they did in late Rome, where they started buying their way into Politics. Then, the collapse of a Great Empire follows with the people "bound" and unable to do anything. After this, a program such as Christianity or Communism comes in, and strangles a great civilization until it dies.

For these programs to come in however, they almost always first create major social division and unrest. In the context of the United States, diverting the public attention from the Jews and trying to start BLM types of incidents is something one could expect. They always do this to divert attention from the masses away from them.

When people understand this process of National strangulation, they become furious and want the situation to end. Therefore people react against the Jews and jews knowing this, use all means at their disposal to repress every revolution. When Soviet Russia was going to be overtaken, the jews suppressed the people by force of arms and after they got into power, they legislated laws to protect the Jews specifically, as the Communist cabinet was comprised of 90%+ jewish descended leaders. Then people lived the nightmare of Communism and we know the rest of it, the largest scale genocides of history have commenced.

As the jews never end this situation, the situation escalates in the host enslaved Nations of fighting back to kick the jews out, in which time the jews financially, legally or physically try to assassinate their opponents, ie, the people who resist this situation from losing their country to Jewish control. The fight begins because people from host Nations understand this process and eventually revolt.

It's very easy to understand that the Jews right now do indeed run the United States of America. But this running of the United States of America was never going to be a long ride. Jews habitually, after they catch the wheel of an empire, throw it straight into the abyss, the Empire itself and all it's people. They won't care if you are Black, White, or Asian. Black White or Asian, all of you will have deplorable living conditions or end up as slaves under the rule of the jews. They won't discriminate. To the jews, all other beings on earth are only slaves and nothing else.

They manipulate the whole of the Western World. One can see this in their television, or in how the whole of public opinion is swayed to worship the jews, help them in their pointless wars, or worship the jews in the form of Rabbi Jesus Christ. The moment a jew breaks a fingernail, the United States already has dispatched it's wartime military to cater for the bastard gollum son and look where the fingernail has went.

People can die in the millions, economies can collapse, WW3 with China or Russia might be at the gates, AI might be at a civilization level risk of going rogue, yet the jews steer all the attention of people in the West to the "plight" they have with 20,000 supposed "Hamas" militants in the region. Anyone with logic, would find this focus illogical.

The West has to pay for these wars, the Western public is manipulated for decades to pay attention to the jews all day long, forced by their mental and psychological but also financial control to do this.

While the problems of the jews aren't even our problem in the West, their severity of control makes these problems appear as "important", and then we are forced by the jews to "solve" them for them. These "solutions" mean that we must financially help them to continue genocides, expansion, invade the Middle East to annihilate enemies the jews have created and very justifiably so (they are invaders), or spent all our psychic and emotional energy in "caring" about this situation.

Everytime the jews are called on these subjects or unmasked about their control, when their back is at the wall, they essentially write bogus laws through the Governments they have bribed in order to come out clean. These laws involve either censorship, or the turning of the Government against the people, to annihilate the people who have a functioning mind and can see this process taking place. The more people study about the jews, the more they understand how to see the obvious that is in front of them, and this gives rise to what they refer to as "Anti-Semitism".

No other race, creed, caste or religion has ever been under such protection in the Western Governments, than the jews. Pay attention to this. You can hate whomever you want, say whatever you want, but you will never see a bill to protect the Whites or Blacks in America. When it comes to US Citizens, they couldn't give a rats ass what happens to any of them. But if you are a jew, you are supposed to be some entity beyond any and all criticism, same as your state of Israel. Of course...

To put this in the words of the Jewish Karl Marx, the son of a Rabbi and inventor of Communism, the ruling class is a minority class around which the Government always goes around to protect. Jews are this class and nobody else. This recent law is just a verification of what we always knew to be obvious, and now everyone can see this.

At the same time where most people cannot afford to pay rent, or there is a risk for population collapse, or when AI needs to be monitored to not go rogue, the little worthless gollum child on the corner wants to create Greater Israel and to annihilate people and genocide them in their small irrelevant stolen "Nation" in the Middle East.

China is growing on the background consistently, the Putin situation is not resolved; but everyone has to cater for the jewish worthless gollum child that shat it's pants because it went into another psychotic anger tantrum. And the world is as stupid as to cater to this instead of allowing Israel to reap what it should and just go extinct off the face of the map already because of all the enemies it has created in the region by constant unending offenses.

Meanwhile, Europe and the West are also sinking in Islamic extremism, so the more unrest in the Middle East, the more Mohammed's are going to come to the West, to erode the final rights of freedom in the world and they too, want to enforce Sharia Law. More unrest in the Middle East and more participation into this, will also push this problem to extents that are not manageable.

Because now of all times Freedom is being besieged, I have chosen to initiate to go out and to speak. Yes, I understand the dangers are severe and I will not sit down and list them, but at the sight of these atrocities, instead of compliance, we have to fight back in the hardest way possible.

Lastly, it's important for those from the United States to know the First Amendment. See what it writes. You do not need to be a Constitutional Lawyer as the jews tell you to deceive you, to understand what this Amendment means. It was put there by wise students of Lucifer to guard the United States into the future, away from any Islamist, Christian or Judaic repression. The Declaration of the First Amendment is the declaration of the Hellenistic mind and spirit, the spirit of freedom of choice, communication, religion and assosciation.

The desert cults of the enemy have none of this and respect none of this; ironically some people have stated in history that the Greeks have failed in their empire building process like the Romans, because they did not execute all of these desert cults. But the reality is that we are not the side that carries out executions and does violence, we are the side that shines a powerful light that brings the final end of the darkness, and darkness cannot be defeated by more darkness. Darkness will be defeated when people understand for themselves the importance of freedom.

That might involve even losing it or defending it, but freedom will be the eternal lighting guide of Lucifer on top of humanity. Those who follow these values will sit on the divine level of the Gods, while the desert cultists will experience a fateful end as worms. The test that the Gods have put in front of humanity is larger in this context of a war between the light and those who are devoid of it.

When you will read this amendment, you will see all the points that are actively being violated by the jews. It's all these points. And you will understand that these things written therein are actually the most important things for human beings to evolve and to thrive and to develop Godlike qualities. First, people need the ability to reach the spiritual realm. Secondly, they require freedom of exercising communication, thirdly, they require freedom of information exchange (the press), fourthly, they require the ability to assemble to solve social and National issues, fifth and most forgotten, is the ability for those in charge to be able to receive feedback and communication when things are not going well, so society can work as an organic whole.

Despite of what the lizards of the abyss tell us everyday in the media, and despite of what worthless laws they will manufacture, the 1st Amendment is based on Divine Law. They want to convince people slowly that these do not matter, to usher our penultimate destruction.

Lastly I want to say, that no matter what damage they attempt to do to the people and the Nation of Lucifer with this, they are the ones who are going to lose and experience the misery of the afflictions they try to cause to us. It has happened again and it will happen again, by the dictate of the Gods who will retaliate them.

We are entitled to both Free Speech, the Freedom to criticize those who oppress this Nation, but we are also entitled to our beliefs which seek to only improve the world and carry it away from suppressive states like Communism or Dystopianism.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Murica! (before it was jewed....)

Nowadays I refuse to recite the pledge...especially with it forcibly mentioning the hebrew god. if you work at a federal facility or a nuclear powerplant even as a construction hand you are required to do this every morning like in school. I often purposefully react with "urgh do i have to?" or "ohh goodie the tribute to big brother..." before standing there in silent disgust. The fact that this country kisses the a$$ of Israel is completely sickening. Don't even get me started on where our taxes go. I will probably explode.

Any actual freedoms we might have once had have been chipped away at piece by piece, especially when it comes to speech. Especially when it comes to the jews, one's rights ends where someone's else's feelings begin or it's the 6 gorillion muh lolurcust all over again. Oy vey.

Someone once said, "look at who you may not criticize and you will see who rules you."
Murica! (before it was jewed....)

I am still admittedly an avid lover and believer in the United States and I believe it will make it out of these problems, likely stronger than ever before. But not before the erosion and other issues reach a cutting point. Also, while we must remain vigilant and aware of what is going on, the importance of the United States must not be forgotten.

Because the enemy does all these psychological operations on the populace for everyone to give up on America and discard it, and forget it's the home of the Free and the land of the Brave. The second plan of the enemy for the US is a constant climate of division and agitation which people lose sight of the flag that is above them.

So one, despite of what happens, must remember to hold faith in this. I know it's extremely hard sometimes. Yet I believe recovery will arrive eventually. But one must also not be an idiot and understand that right now their stranglehold is unfortunately very strong.

If the US severs ties or managed to control the parasite that runs it, it will actually reform and flourish extremely quickly. We must not forget it's also still the land of developments and a global superpower. The enemy wants to discourage people to allow their own Nation to just fall apart and collapse, in a twilight of promotion of clowns and other worthless events.

HPS Maxine had told me she would rather die by the United States than ever have to leave it. This struck with me and I always keep that in mind. Americans must not be mindwashed that Islam or the "anywhere else is better", nor forsake the good of their Nation because of the enemy's wounds on the Nation. It will all restore quickly as the enemy's influence dwindles spiritually.
I am still admittedly an avid lover and believer in the United States and I believe it will make it out of these problems, likely stronger than ever before. But not before the erosion and other issues reach a cutting point. Also, while we must remain vigilant and aware of what is going on, the importance of the United States must not be forgotten.

Because the enemy does all these psychological operations on the populace for everyone to give up on America and discard it, and forget it's the home of the Free and the land of the Brave. The second plan of the enemy for the US is a constant climate of division and agitation which people lose sight of the flag that is above them.

So one, despite of what happens, must remember to hold faith in this. I know it's extremely hard sometimes. Yet I believe recovery will arrive eventually. But one must also not be an idiot and understand that right now their stranglehold is unfortunately very strong.

If the US severs ties or managed to control the parasite that runs it, it will actually reform and flourish extremely quickly. We must not forget it's also still the land of developments and a global superpower. The enemy wants to discourage people to allow their own Nation to just fall apart and collapse, in a twilight of promotion of clowns and other worthless events.

HPS Maxine had told me she would rather die by the United States than ever have to leave it. This struck with me and I always keep that in mind. Americans must not be mindwashed that Islam or the "anywhere else is better", nor forsake the good of their Nation because of the enemy's wounds on the Nation. It will all restore quickly as the enemy's influence dwindles spiritually.
I agree with you a thousand percent here HPHC, I’ve always been proud of America. Actually more so when I learned the truth. I’d wouldn’t forsake the original Satanic America that God-President George Washington and Ben Franklin and such build with their own hands. They are endlessly inspirational to me.
I just wanted to say thank you for this, I didn't quite realize how caught up I've become in such things. Its better for me to at least try to improve this place than run off to another country. My family worked very hard to live here before it was founded and with good reason.
Because the enemy does all these psychological operations on the populace for everyone to give up on America and discard it, and forget it's the home of the Free and the land of the Brave. The second plan of the enemy for the US is a constant climate of division and agitation which people lose sight of the flag that is above them.
I don't care about jews and I spit on their laws. You may not believe it, but I physically tell Jews openly that they are pieces of shit with their god. I say it because I know how to do it. I never lay a finger on a jew. I say it quite calmly with a lot of "love". Americans have been conditioned to be too afraid of breaking the law. But it is my personal business who I choose to love or hate and no one has the right to make me. I always emphasize exactly why people hate jews and list all sorts of idiots jewish crimes.
With every passing day, the Joy of Satan gets proven completely on what many people thought 15 years ago were "conspiracy theories" or "outlandish predictions". It's unfolding in front of our very eyes. Now is the time to understand that the Joy of Satan was destined by the Gods to bring certain things in front of humanity so that we can finally advance and set ourselves free in mind and spirit, but also on our civilizations.

Recently, the United States of America have let the world know about the jewish protected class; the influence of the class of the jews, who overwhelmingly run the United States (and heading it for a collapse that they so desire) have shown to everyone globally that this is truly the case.

They managed to hit the United States with a deplorable Anti-Free Speech law named the "Anti-Semitism Bill". Then we have their constant attempts to cast down the Constitution and essentially revert back the United States to a jewish owned Nation, or a Christian Dark Ages Nation.

How we could also define that bill, is the "Jewish Confession Bill". We no longer need to hold any claim to any "Conspiracy theories" of any "Jewish Control", it essentially is in front of anyone's eyes and openly so.

This Bill is essentially the ultimate confession of Jewish power, and the ultimate confession of their influence. They essentially admitted globally now that they run the show. Criticism not allowed in this show either. They are the tribe that is above any and all judgement, and you are not even allowed to remotely dislike them.

They claim of course, that it's because they get "persecuted", because people "hate them", or because they are generally "hated". They will never tell you the reasons why however; that's because the jews collectively know the real why. They are guilty of all of these things and they know why they happen, better than anyone else; better than even their so called "persecutors".

Why the jews hate the freedom of human beings so much? That is a very easy question to answer. It's because the jews have an agenda that cannot work on the minds and lives of free people. Their plan is slavery, not freedom. Eventually, freedom means that one will be able to use their mind to draw conclusions and inevitably the pattern of the jewish conspiracy will be recognized.

Jews, over the course of all the centuries, always want to avoid responsibility of their actions. Historically, every so often the Gentiles discover their works and their true opinions of other human beings, which range from plans of genocide, to other very evil beliefs.

People call us "evil" here due to misplaced jewish programing, while we indeed do not preach 1% of any form of evil that the jews or the Bible preaches as a habitual approach. Let us not mention the Quran...

People of all Nations and Empires when they become aware of these programs or when they start to break free, are strangled by laws and other oppressive actions by the jews to keep them in check. This jewish state of arrogance is a well known state historically. As they want to pounce in to destroy their enemies, they also legislate bogus legislations in order to censor their enemies while they plan to feast on the shambles of the Empires they want to destroy.

They blackmail, bribe and control those in power to oblige, like they did in late Rome, where they started buying their way into Politics. Then, the collapse of a Great Empire follows with the people "bound" and unable to do anything. After this, a program such as Christianity or Communism comes in, and strangles a great civilization until it dies.

For these programs to come in however, they almost always first create major social division and unrest. In the context of the United States, diverting the public attention from the Jews and trying to start BLM types of incidents is something one could expect. They always do this to divert attention from the masses away from them.

When people understand this process of National strangulation, they become furious and want the situation to end. Therefore people react against the Jews and jews knowing this, use all means at their disposal to repress every revolution. When Soviet Russia was going to be overtaken, the jews suppressed the people by force of arms and after they got into power, they legislated laws to protect the Jews specifically, as the Communist cabinet was comprised of 90%+ jewish descended leaders. Then people lived the nightmare of Communism and we know the rest of it, the largest scale genocides of history have commenced.

As the jews never end this situation, the situation escalates in the host enslaved Nations of fighting back to kick the jews out, in which time the jews financially, legally or physically try to assassinate their opponents, ie, the people who resist this situation from losing their country to Jewish control. The fight begins because people from host Nations understand this process and eventually revolt.

It's very easy to understand that the Jews right now do indeed run the United States of America. But this running of the United States of America was never going to be a long ride. Jews habitually, after they catch the wheel of an empire, throw it straight into the abyss, the Empire itself and all it's people. They won't care if you are Black, White, or Asian. Black White or Asian, all of you will have deplorable living conditions or end up as slaves under the rule of the jews. They won't discriminate. To the jews, all other beings on earth are only slaves and nothing else.

They manipulate the whole of the Western World. One can see this in their television, or in how the whole of public opinion is swayed to worship the jews, help them in their pointless wars, or worship the jews in the form of Rabbi Jesus Christ. The moment a jew breaks a fingernail, the United States already has dispatched it's wartime military to cater for the bastard gollum son and look where the fingernail has went.

People can die in the millions, economies can collapse, WW3 with China or Russia might be at the gates, AI might be at a civilization level risk of going rogue, yet the jews steer all the attention of people in the West to the "plight" they have with 20,000 supposed "Hamas" militants in the region. Anyone with logic, would find this focus illogical.

The West has to pay for these wars, the Western public is manipulated for decades to pay attention to the jews all day long, forced by their mental and psychological but also financial control to do this.

While the problems of the jews aren't even our problem in the West, their severity of control makes these problems appear as "important", and then we are forced by the jews to "solve" them for them. These "solutions" mean that we must financially help them to continue genocides, expansion, invade the Middle East to annihilate enemies the jews have created and very justifiably so (they are invaders), or spent all our psychic and emotional energy in "caring" about this situation.

Everytime the jews are called on these subjects or unmasked about their control, when their back is at the wall, they essentially write bogus laws through the Governments they have bribed in order to come out clean. These laws involve either censorship, or the turning of the Government against the people, to annihilate the people who have a functioning mind and can see this process taking place. The more people study about the jews, the more they understand how to see the obvious that is in front of them, and this gives rise to what they refer to as "Anti-Semitism".

No other race, creed, caste or religion has ever been under such protection in the Western Governments, than the jews. Pay attention to this. You can hate whomever you want, say whatever you want, but you will never see a bill to protect the Whites or Blacks in America. When it comes to US Citizens, they couldn't give a rats ass what happens to any of them. But if you are a jew, you are supposed to be some entity beyond any and all criticism, same as your state of Israel. Of course...

To put this in the words of the Jewish Karl Marx, the son of a Rabbi and inventor of Communism, the ruling class is a minority class around which the Government always goes around to protect. Jews are this class and nobody else. This recent law is just a verification of what we always knew to be obvious, and now everyone can see this.

At the same time where most people cannot afford to pay rent, or there is a risk for population collapse, or when AI needs to be monitored to not go rogue, the little worthless gollum child on the corner wants to create Greater Israel and to annihilate people and genocide them in their small irrelevant stolen "Nation" in the Middle East.

China is growing on the background consistently, the Putin situation is not resolved; but everyone has to cater for the jewish worthless gollum child that shat it's pants because it went into another psychotic anger tantrum. And the world is as stupid as to cater to this instead of allowing Israel to reap what it should and just go extinct off the face of the map already because of all the enemies it has created in the region by constant unending offenses.

Meanwhile, Europe and the West are also sinking in Islamic extremism, so the more unrest in the Middle East, the more Mohammed's are going to come to the West, to erode the final rights of freedom in the world and they too, want to enforce Sharia Law. More unrest in the Middle East and more participation into this, will also push this problem to extents that are not manageable.

Because now of all times Freedom is being besieged, I have chosen to initiate to go out and to speak. Yes, I understand the dangers are severe and I will not sit down and list them, but at the sight of these atrocities, instead of compliance, we have to fight back in the hardest way possible.

Lastly, it's important for those from the United States to know the First Amendment. See what it writes. You do not need to be a Constitutional Lawyer as the jews tell you to deceive you, to understand what this Amendment means. It was put there by wise students of Lucifer to guard the United States into the future, away from any Islamist, Christian or Judaic repression. The Declaration of the First Amendment is the declaration of the Hellenistic mind and spirit, the spirit of freedom of choice, communication, religion and assosciation.

The desert cults of the enemy have none of this and respect none of this; ironically some people have stated in history that the Greeks have failed in their empire building process like the Romans, because they did not execute all of these desert cults. But the reality is that we are not the side that carries out executions and does violence, we are the side that shines a powerful light that brings the final end of the darkness, and darkness cannot be defeated by more darkness. Darkness will be defeated when people understand for themselves the importance of freedom.

That might involve even losing it or defending it, but freedom will be the eternal lighting guide of Lucifer on top of humanity. Those who follow these values will sit on the divine level of the Gods, while the desert cultists will experience a fateful end as worms. The test that the Gods have put in front of humanity is larger in this context of a war between the light and those who are devoid of it.

When you will read this amendment, you will see all the points that are actively being violated by the jews. It's all these points. And you will understand that these things written therein are actually the most important things for human beings to evolve and to thrive and to develop Godlike qualities. First, people need the ability to reach the spiritual realm. Secondly, they require freedom of exercising communication, thirdly, they require freedom of information exchange (the press), fourthly, they require the ability to assemble to solve social and National issues, fifth and most forgotten, is the ability for those in charge to be able to receive feedback and communication when things are not going well, so society can work as an organic whole.

Despite of what the lizards of the abyss tell us everyday in the media, and despite of what worthless laws they will manufacture, the 1st Amendment is based on Divine Law. They want to convince people slowly that these do not matter, to usher our penultimate destruction.

Lastly I want to say, that no matter what damage they attempt to do to the people and the Nation of Lucifer with this, they are the ones who are going to lose and experience the misery of the afflictions they try to cause to us. It has happened again and it will happen again, by the dictate of the Gods who will retaliate them.

We are entitled to both Free Speech, the Freedom to criticize those who oppress this Nation, but we are also entitled to our beliefs which seek to only improve the world and carry it away from suppressive states like Communism or Dystopianism.

View attachment 1544

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Send a strong thunder of the God's
To the enemies and then sickness and
Destruction from where it came from
In Israel. Then the will from Satan shall free us both in this life and the next!
Hail Baazlebul
Hail Astarte!!!
Hail Azazel
Murica! (before it was jewed....)

Nowadays I refuse to recite the pledge...especially with it forcibly mentioning the hebrew god. if you work at a federal facility or a nuclear powerplant even as a construction hand you are required to do this every morning like in school. I often purposefully react with "urgh do i have to?" or "ohh goodie the tribute to big brother..." before standing there in silent disgust. The fact that this country kisses the a$$ of Israel is completely sickening. Don't even get me started on where our taxes go. I will probably explode.

Any actual freedoms we might have once had have been chipped away at piece by piece, especially when it comes to speech. Especially when it comes to the jews, one's rights ends where someone's else's feelings begin or it's the 6 gorillion muh lolurcust all over again. Oy vey.

Someone once said, "look at who you may not criticize and you will see who rules you."
Swear an oath to Zeus instead of the jewish "god". If a jew is around, it offends my human dignity. I don't want to tolerate a race of pedophiles and perverts.
Someone once said, "look at who you may not criticize and you will see who rules you."
Voltaire. "If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize."
Hey but you are destroying an entire state, Shhhhhhht Goy we will take away your right of expression, but this is an injustice, Shhhhhhhhhht!!!
Jews are a threat to the national security of America and all countries where they reside. This is the historical truth. The law obliges us to tell the truth and only the truth! History proves that Jews are thieves who always want to evade the law by stealth! That's the truth! Therefore, all jewish laws about anti-Semitism are illogical and false! That's the truth! Anti-Semitism is a fake, therefore a law that supports a fake cannot exist, and neither can the jews themselves! That's true! Remember Giordano Bruno. The Semites are Arabs and the jews are nothing here. That's true too.
Voltaire. "If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize."
This phrase can be twisted in either direction. But the fact that we have "given" power to the Jews is a great shame to the Gentile world. Jews are filth and an affront to human dignity and the spirit of life! Its period!
They are getting desperate, we are about to win and the jews know it. Every day more and more people are waking up.

Hail Satan!
Sieg Heil!
America is not doomed, though it has come close to doom many times. I believe this was the last time. I believe the United States of America will become Satanic again. It will be one of the hardest projects in history, considering there are 6 million kikes in NYC only, but if a "goyim revolution" does happen, they won't have anywhere to hide as their tunnels have already been exposed. Blacks and whites alike will bust their doors open and you'll see kikes jumping off windows.
About 50 years ago, Western governments created the Islamic regime and imposed it on Iran, such as France's support for Khomeini, BBC advertisements to make the Islamic Republic look good, and the printing of Khomeini's photo in England. Now the West is involved in what it has created, people should raise against islam Otherwise, they will suffer the fate of Iran. the Shah (king) of Iran said in an old interview that the Jews took over the administration of the world and gave an example from the Times News Agency, exactly a few months later the Iran's regime changed and the Shah died some time later.

*Mike Wallace Interview with Shah of Iran in 1976
I have a feeling that this pitiful, desperate attempt to censor and cover up their tracks will backfire on them spectacularly. We can really see the power of Baalzebul and the Grand Ritual manifesting in a very short window of time.

"Let all those who support them become their enemies, for they see their true face and what they are."
I am still admittedly an avid lover and believer in the United States and I believe it will make it out of these problems, likely stronger than ever before. But not before the erosion and other issues reach a cutting point. Also, while we must remain vigilant and aware of what is going on, the importance of the United States must not be forgotten.

Because the enemy does all these psychological operations on the populace for everyone to give up on America and discard it, and forget it's the home of the Free and the land of the Brave. The second plan of the enemy for the US is a constant climate of division and agitation which people lose sight of the flag that is above them.

So one, despite of what happens, must remember to hold faith in this. I know it's extremely hard sometimes. Yet I believe recovery will arrive eventually. But one must also not be an idiot and understand that right now their stranglehold is unfortunately very strong.

If the US severs ties or managed to control the parasite that runs it, it will actually reform and flourish extremely quickly. We must not forget it's also still the land of developments and a global superpower. The enemy wants to discourage people to allow their own Nation to just fall apart and collapse, in a twilight of promotion of clowns and other worthless events.

HPS Maxine had told me she would rather die by the United States than ever have to leave it. This struck with me and I always keep that in mind. Americans must not be mindwashed that Islam or the "anywhere else is better", nor forsake the good of their Nation because of the enemy's wounds on the Nation. It will all restore quickly as the enemy's influence dwindles spiritually.
I was able to reread this with what you added. Thank you it gives alot of encouragement.
If you want to know who controls you, look at who are not allowed to criticise.

Freedom is the worst principle for founding a society.
Freedom is fertile ground for wokeism to flourish.
Freedom is fertile ground for normalizing degeneration.
Freedom is liberalism.
Freedom is the Weimar Republic.

Which countries in the world are not culturally dominated by wokeism? Only countries not founded on freedom like Russia, China and Iran.

And the average straight man in these countries lives better than the average Western man. At least they don't have to deal with their daughter watching interracial propaganda on soap operas or their young sons learning how to become gay in schools.

Which country with an ideal of freedom fought the Jews?
Was the Babylonian Empire founded in freedom?
The Roman empire?
The Assyrian empire?
The Russian Empire?
Was Nazi Germany founded on American First Amendment-style freedom?


Now look at the United Kingdom (cradle of the liberal revolution), France (cradle of "Enlightenment thought") and the United States.

Blacked and gayed countries!

Unironically all countries that fought against Hitler.

Unironically, all the countries that made and still make Israel's existence possible to this day.

I have contempt for freedom as a social value.
It's beautiful in theory! It's beautiful to talk about!
But it always results in degeneracy.
Last year in Spain was passed a law "ley de memoria histórica" that forbids to speak against the holohoax, anti-Semitism and to make historical revisionism against communism, is exactly the same shit but with a different name.
They are also trying to modify or overthrow the Spanish constitution which is what protects the rights of citizens, which unlike what many think was not founded in 1978, but in 1876 during the Spanish enlightenment.
Where have we seen this before?


Thank you for posting this, brother. Truth be told, I always wanted a succinct summary of information of everything Theodosius did, and here I have it. I thought Constantine was bad, until I read up on this degenerate.

Truth be told, much of America's history as we know it is a parallel to Rome itself. From a purely occultic standpoint, Washington and co did indeed regard America as the New Rome and its successor, and for much of the history of the modern West, this has felt like the case. I've said before that, Rome lost some of its lustre after Julius Caesar and his pro-Jew policies. But, years and years later, Marcus Aurelius came to be. He openly criticized Julius Caesar and praised Cicero's Republic era Rome. My point is, even if America is ailing, there's a chance a new, better leader will eventually rise. The bipartisan system certainly strangles out a lot of the potential and both major parties seem absolutely swamped with corruption, but, perhaps new factions will arise within these parties, if the right pressures and circumstances manifest. Or perhaps Western democracies will one day finally begin looking to independents more seriously. Certainly isn't the case here in Australia yet.

Speaking more topically, I remember hearing several years ago, back during one of the more recent natural disasters, I believe it was in Texas. Obviously a few regions were devastated by a hurricane or somesuch, and were in need of government aid to repair. I heard that, to actually claim these benefits and rebuild your home, business and life, you had to sign a document saying you would not criticize the state of Israel. I actually thought this was a joke at first, but apparently it was true. What one thing had to do with the other? Nothing. Evidently, they were already throttling up, legally binding people to never criticize the Jews all the way back then. It was a very nasty way of working around Free Speech laws.

Now that all these campus protests are breaking out over the Gaza conflict, expect more things exactly like this to come to pass. Because apparently genocide is fine but we wouldn't want Schlomo Shecklestein's feelings to get hurt on his way to Social Studies (where he'll state the Palestinians aren't human in his end of term paper). Oi vey, won't someone think of the Chosen!!! They're having a really rough time guys, just look at this truly heartbreaking tweet from known Zionist Eve Barlow. You should obviously consider their feelings more and vote for whatever politician promises to send nuclear missiles to Israel so their feelings can stop being hurt.

"Oy Vey,it's about protecting my Jewish University students goy,we are trying to prevent another Shoah!...."
It's only in lower consciousness,with the ignorance of the egoity of it,where one thinks they can challenge Dharma. It won't work,we are in interesting times. Personally I think America is a Masonic Beast they where very powerful rituals behind it's founding. It can't easily fall. They are exposing themselves. For us who are Dharma aware we centre in our spines to maximize our Natal Charts. There's no excuse,if us who know what to do, don't do it ,what hope is there for people who don't know. You center ,Hatha Yoga thinking on the Eternal,to intensify spirit,which is always steeped in Dharma. It's only in mind, body lower consciousness with the arrogance and egoity of it where one thinks they can challenge Dharma. Pluto in Aquarius and apparently it will fully go in the Sign just around the time of the US election. We are in interesting times
They are scared, they sense the clock is ticking. In modern days these laws could work on paper but in reality it encourages people to hate them more. Of course there will always be npc social justice monkeys (with all respect for the animal), but the majorities started to see what's going on. Not clearly as us but still they begin hard questioning the "elite".
I don't care about jews and I spit on their laws. You may not believe it, but I physically tell Jews openly that they are pieces of shit with their god. I say it because I know how to do it. I never lay a finger on a jew. I say it quite calmly with a lot of "love". Americans have been conditioned to be too afraid of breaking the law. But it is my personal business who I choose to love or hate and no one has the right to make me. I always emphasize exactly why people hate jews and list all sorts of idiots jewish crimes.

This is not socially recommended as you might get assaulted in more than one ways. But it is not illegal to tell someone you dislike them or to fuck off. Maintain the law and don't tresspass it. Calling someone for something is not breaking the law. If that was the case there are bragging jews on Twitter that brag about genocide and they should all be rounded up and arrested.

Yes, everyone can love and hate as they please. It's only the jews that try to enforce people to love them and never mention anything bad against them. That's because of reasons we already know.

Next thing you know he saw a spa place and they considered it was a holocaust chamber that was created.
Which country with an ideal of freedom fought the Jews?
Was the Babylonian Empire founded in freedom?
The Roman empire?
The Assyrian empire?
The Russian Empire?
Was Nazi Germany founded on American First Amendment-style freedom?

You are lying out of your idiotic teeth here. The Roman Empire almost annihilated the Jews. The Assyrian Empire had the jews enslaved and slaved them for hundreds of years. The Russian Empire waged a long war of more than 10 years to annihilate them socially and before the Communist takeover, to protect their civilization. Whether the jews managed to escape, that is another topic.

The United States today has the most "Anti-Semites" worldwide, same as Europe, who can act because of this, in the Western World. National Socialist Germany had freedom for it's citizens, yes, the people were free and the Jews tried to usurp the Nation to turn it into a Communist nightmare where people wouldn't even exist.

"I am still admittedly an avid lover and believer in the United States "

Yes, and if you knew anything else besides your emotional spiel you would see that the Founding Fathers were all anti-semites and explained explicitly in their writings that if the jews are allowed the same freedom as US citizens, they will usurp and ruin the Nation that they created to be free. Also, all these Nations who established freedom, are the reason religions like us came to resurface and why natural order started restoring.

The fact that jews can use the same freedom to jeopardize the process of development of humans, does not invalidate it. It's like saying "let's outlaw spirituality, because some people will misuse it".

I don't have to lock you into a quarantine to keep you from going ill taking your freedom away, you just have to learn how to use it. Some will perish from this process and go contact any disease imaginable and die, while others will develop immunity and learn how to live without being confined in the quarantine.

Society will learn how to use it and defend itself against the Jews. That is the only way. Removing freedom can never work and it's only a temporary quarantine. Only learning and longterm understanding will save people. Those who tried to do this without freedom have fallen.

Freedom is the worst principle for founding a society.
Freedom is fertile ground for wokeism to flourish.
Freedom is fertile ground for normalizing degeneration.
Freedom is liberalism.
Freedom is the Weimar Republic.

Which countries in the world are not culturally dominated by wokeism? Only countries not founded on freedom like Russia, China and Iran.

Freedom is anti-thetical as a value with the fact that jews, a minority FOREIGN and SELF SERVING group that is not connected to the people that are being led, are running all these places and mentally malform the human beings, exercising this freedom in the evil way to enslave everyone else.

Others can exercise their freedom to stop them and maintain the values of a society. Freedom can lead to enlightenment but also to major fall. Restraint cannot lead to either, there is no progression.

A slave is a slave, and these Nations you list have many slaves. They don't have aware people that maintain their freedom. They just have slaves. In Iran they will chop your head for wanting to advance spiritually, or for doing anything else other than worship Islam. China is where you are an ant without a soul. Russia is where you cannot exercise basic human rights. Jewish influence under totalitarianism just takes another form, which is uglier and stifles the human spirit in other ways.

Leave the jews to dictate freedom or anything else, and you will lose anyway. Do not be fooled that because they don't have wokism or other things, that they don't suffer from other and worse diseases. Your problems in America is that you have some blue haired idiots spewing nonsense in Reddit. In Iran, the police busts down your door and they kill you over an accusation that was never verified.

Fundamentally as the jews rule, these are the conditions. Removing their influence will revert everything to better states.
And the Christian prophets and preachers like John Hagee keep saying, ""If you divide Israel, God will divide America'''. and ""America is the great Babylon''''. Talks of 'god' sending armies to destroy America, and that America is so debased, evil, corrupt, sinful. and that the government is so '''Satanic''' wicked, immoral, etc. May Satan ''bless'' these Jews and Jew suckers ( Gentiles turn coat lackeys ) with his power, presence and devour them and destroy them... ( Hell of a ''Blessing'' ). I got to word it right on Facebook, and Twitter so I don't get banned. """"SATAN HAS NO MERCY FOR HIS ENEMIES''''' quote from HPS Maxine ... The Jews own our government, and are '''playing both sides against the middle'''. And the more they get the population acting against Israel, the more they can bring about their destruction to America and the rest of the world. Their Jewish Christian prophets are saying that the Gentile nations are of Satan and are murderers and persecute the Jews, ( recent online youtube prophecy. ) ""What the Jews are and do,, they accuse Satan and his Demons"". These Jewish criminals want to crash the American and world economies. They want to ruin life for all of us. I curse these Jews to the Avichi Hell ( the worst buddhist hell ). May Satan destroy them. .. Again I need to be careful with wording and not use words like ''murder,,, suicide,,, kill,,, curse,,, and such as this can get me banned from places like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and even here, people in communist countries might have their internet browsing watched 24/7. Don't need to endanger them with their governments because of what is seen here. ( Satan destroy those rogue communist government leaders as well. ). Again,,, the jews want to bring America , and the rest of the world to a 3rd world status. And they are having some success. I have been watching for years. The world is not like it was in 2019, before Covid. May Satan destroy the communist Jewish powers and their criminal Elohim watchers .
The Jews are irritated because they're scared. And it serves them damn right! They should be. People are aware of them and they're being exposed more and more and more each and every day. And they don't realize they're exposing themselves more and more with their fucking threats and they're obnoxious bullshit and their childish behavior....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Because they are.

Everything in this planet is of Satan, the Gods created civilization, taught us spirituality and made our species to expand our life on the planet and the universe in a quality manner. They also evolved us past the level of all other species to succeed in this, and established a line of communication with Spirituality that transcends space and time so we can succeed in these endeavors and prolong quality life in the cosmos.

The enemy knows this and they try to stop it.
Perhaps my lack of English skills must have caused a misunderstanding (since you know how to interpret text), because in this first paragraph you confirmed my idea.

Were the Roman, Assyrian, or Russian Empires founded on freedom? Absolutely not.

Of course, Nazi Germany gave freedom to its citizens!
But it wasn't American First Amendment-style freedom!

I'm not advocating a North Korean-style regime.

But I believe that:
Order matters more than freedom.
Dignity matters more than freedom.
Civilizational progress projects matter more than freedom.

It was like that in most societies that existed in the world—it worked!

Certainly, the US experience as a society would have been completely different without Jews in the equation, but the American First Amendment wouldn't work anyway. It was an experiment that went wrong, no matter how anti-Semitic the creators of this amendment were, and the result of this today is wokeism.


For me, the Americans and the British are the same as the Hyksos.

people who, on a practical political level, have always served Jewish interests. A society that enabled Jewish well-being and wealth and fought against the enemies of the Jews.

The Hyksos served the Jews as long as they existed.
It was through the Hyksos that the Jews destroyed ancient Egypt.

Hyksos died for Jewish ambitions in wars against the Egyptians.
Britons died for Jewish ambitions in WW2.
Americans will die for Jewish ambitions in WW3.

Just as the Hyksos never got rid of the Jews, I doubt, although I wish otherwise - that the Americans will get rid of the Jews.

Some Jews themselves believe that their messiah will reveal himself in the USA.

I know you have patriotic feelings for your home country, but, for me, one of the best things that could happen to the world, including Europe itself, is the destruction of the USA in the next world war.

And I think a German National Socialist doesn't like the USA very much either.
Perhaps my lack of English skills must have caused a misunderstanding (since you know how to interpret text), because in this first paragraph you confirmed my idea.

Were the Roman, Assyrian, or Russian Empires founded on freedom? Absolutely not.

Of course, Nazi Germany gave freedom to its citizens!
But it wasn't American First Amendment-style freedom!

I'm not advocating a North Korean-style regime.

But I believe that:
Order matters more than freedom.
Dignity matters more than freedom.
Civilizational progress projects matter more than freedom.

I now understand what you said better, I thought you were trolling before, but now I see you just need more information.

Please refer to this link and it will clarify a lot for you:

"Freedom" does not mean chaos, disorder, criminality or insanity. Freedom means that people have rights to self determine. This self determination has a limit on the self determination of others and the common goals of the society. Leaders or people, all have to exercise freedom up until a limit, because otherwise there is tyrranical oppression that can take place. The masses can also cause tyrannical oppression, not only bad rulers.

Without a society of order there cannot be a society of freedom for the citizens.

Without Order [law, peace among the people, justice system, co-operation, lack of criminality] there can never be any sort of plausible freedom. The citizens live bound and cannot proceed with their existence.

A free society is not decided by it's model but by what it does for it's citizens. Whether it's one person ruling, or a few, or people through vote, there is a good side to this and a deviation side. Each can do criminal oppression, which can ruin a society.

Hitler had a monarchical rule, with elite commanders, who all however supported the society and catered to all the needs of this society. That is acceptable. A polity, where people vote, but where people vote for common benefit and are not affected by jewish manipulation, can also be a good form of government. Oligarchy can be rule of meritocracy, and still it can be good, with these groups serving the people well.

The above doesn't mean lack of freedom in any case, it's how the people involved are designed. So Ancient Greek philosophers knew that the world must become spiritually aware, educated and strong, so that no matter what government they choose, they do this well.

Oftentimes, there is no solid model, there is a mix of these.

Now we live on the scale of "Democracy", but on the negative scale of it.

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I am not 100% sure, but my understanding of the classical concept of freedom (the philosophical tradition that influenced the founders) is that it involves the ability to act according to reason or one's higher nature without hindrance by others. Freedom has a deeper meaning than a simple vacuum of social or legal restraint, and thus is meant for those who can partake in this deeper meaning according to their nature. Some people, owing to their nature, will never have meaningful freedom regardless of the current legal or political nuances. But freedom exists so that higher beings can actualize their nature without being hindered by lower social or political orders. The philosopher who is wiser than the current king is not obligated to restrict his knowledge in accordance with his ruler. Galileo shouldn't have had his brilliance hindered just because it went beyond the understanding of the pope and his regime.

It's like people interpreting "all men are created equal" to mean a proclamation of total natural equality, as I understand it this was just a refuting of the linear monarchic system of Britain and had nothing to do with "equality" as people currently think of it.
It's like people interpreting "all men are created equal" to mean a proclamation of total natural equality, as I understand it this was just a refuting of the linear monarchic system of Britain and had nothing to do with "equality" as people currently think of it.

In nature there is no equality, that's why Constitutions are needed. Forming civilization is to control the natural situation where things can get out of control and disorder can reign freely.

All men are created equal is over the fact that all people have a soul and that they are to be treated in the same manner in front of courts of law. Yes, it's exactly as you say. In front of the laws of a Nation, all people are treated as individuals.

Equal means without class distinction in front of the court of law of the Nation. It's a countermeasure for balancing out the natural equation where the strong might destroy the weaker people in a society.

But freedom exists so that higher beings can actualize their nature without being hindered by lower social or political orders. The philosopher who is wiser than the current king is not obligated to restrict his knowledge in accordance with his ruler. Galileo shouldn't have had his brilliance hindered just because it went beyond the understanding of the pope and his regime.

Correct, and that is the foundation of human development. Freedom is also an ideal perfect, where people must learn to navigate into, not a chaotic reality for self ruin, as most people have it today. Galileo would never have had to endure death if he was a United States citizen and the US did actually uphold the laws.

In any other regime other than the church regime, Galileo would have been given wings to expand his individual freedom and scientific capacity to help other humans understand more things about existence.

Freedom and equality in front of the law is necessary so that we don't have to endure the death of the best men, including also to lose them in the hands of tyrranical governements or in the hands of insane masses of zealots.
I now understand what you said better, I thought you were trolling before, but now I see you just need more information.

Please refer to this link and it will clarify a lot for you:

"Freedom" does not mean chaos, disorder, criminality or insanity. Freedom means that people have rights to self determine. This self determination has a limit on the self determination of others and the common goals of the society. Leaders or people, all have to exercise freedom up until a limit, because otherwise there is tyrranical oppression that can take place. The masses can also cause tyrannical oppression, not only bad rulers.

Without a society of order there cannot be a society of freedom for the citizens.

Without Order [law, peace among the people, justice system, co-operation, lack of criminality] there can never be any sort of plausible freedom. The citizens live bound and cannot proceed with their existence.

A free society is not decided by it's model but by what it does for it's citizens. Whether it's one person ruling, or a few, or people through vote, there is a good side to this and a deviation side. Each can do criminal oppression, which can ruin a society.

Hitler had a monarchical rule, with elite commanders, who all however supported the society and catered to all the needs of this society. That is acceptable. A polity, where people vote, but where people vote for common benefit and are not affected by jewish manipulation, can also be a good form of government. Oligarchy can be rule of meritocracy, and still it can be good, with these groups serving the people well.

The above doesn't mean lack of freedom in any case, it's how the people involved are designed. So Ancient Greek philosophers knew that the world must become spiritually aware, educated and strong, so that no matter what government they choose, they do this well.

Oftentimes, there is no solid model, there is a mix of these.

Now we live on the scale of "Democracy", but on the negative scale of it.

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I agree, these things are all tied together.

How can you have order without a good measure of dignity?
How can you have dignity without freedom?

Freedom, self determination, is fundamental to all good things in a society. That is why freedom is the first and foremost guarantee in the bill of rights, and is reflected in Satanic doctrine in the phrase "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
