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The afterlife

Yea it's fine, was mearly going over my thoughts on the subject too. As you said. There isn't a one true fact about it. Just many possiblities.
And I agree. There isn't much that can be done here, that couldn't be done on Duat. However there are things that can't, for example having a physical presence.
I feel the the whole process of awakening ones soul in each life was meant to be progressivly unlocked and reawakened. Not to suddenly jump to being risen, as I said earlier. The mind and body at an infentile age wont be able to cope with that.
But the Spiritual side of us is meant to develop as our bodies do. It is as much of our body as our fingers are for example. We were not only meant to grow and develop physically. But also Spiritually too along with it.

But yes, most of all. At the end of the day. Satanism is a life religion. We are not like the enemy, who focus on death and the afterlife.
We are here to achieve the best we can, to push ourselves to grow, develop and advance in all aspects of life. The enemy spend their time trying to be good and do 'whats right' only to secure the best position after death.
We should all be focusing on the now, not on preparing for future lives. Bring yourself to a point where you can rise above and avoid the need of future lives. This life is your chance to succeed where you failed in the last. Focus on that. Advancement for Our Father, and most of all for Ourselves.

Hail Satan! Praise the True Gods of Old!

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

Of course, I gave my opinion on this and I emphasized this. Sorry if I did sound 'forcefull' in my answer. It was not my original intention to make anyone change their minds; its my opinion. Neither I'm into 'making others to change their minds'. If such a fact was True, a disagreement won't change that its True, anyways. But I believe that a lot of things [maybe this is just my own personal way of perceiving] that cannot be certainly proven, are there just as assumptions. I believe, though only partially, that this can happen and has happened for certain purposes and on certain people. But I do not believe that fully. Maybe there are expectations to this.

Then I start to think, its said that when one gets far in the Enlightenment process, one will start unlocking abilities of all sorts and talents from prior lifetimes, which were forgotten in the process of rebirth. So theoretically a person that was Risen and died, if they got incarnated again in a body, their power would have to be 'locked' in the chakras, aside with their memories and a lot more. So to that incarnation would be possible. This is another theory. But to my original message, I mean that if one fully raises their Kundalini and probably achieves perfection in the soul [which comes with perfection of the physical body] first, their is no reason to die, second off even if they did, why would they reincarnate here? Rather reincarnate as childs of the Gods of Duat. They can help the cause from there and I don't believe that people of such a large number have reached the Great Perfection,[so many that whose numbers in staying in Duat would cause a problem in numbers of people here in earth while at war], so that they would need to make a sacrifice in order to come back here and start all over. As because the soul already reached the intented state of consciousness. There is no turning back to an old form of lower consciousness, thats what I still believe.

Whatever the case, the aim is to work spiritually rentlessly. Some people would feel better motivated by believing or knowing [I am not saying its a lie in EVERY case, of course] that they rose their Kundalini in a past life. I strictly focus on the task at hand. Can you do anything you Will? Then how come are you a God- that type of thinking. I find this more motivational. But since I have been hearing this over and over by the 'wrong' people, I believe this "Kundalini past life Risen" was a lie.

In closing, I believe this was the case for certain people orpersons which were of extreme importance to Satan and they had a very specific purpose, but not others. As for them, I believe they had to undergo this again.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "En Haradren Amlug" <hecktic_shadow@ wrote:

I feel a bit differently on this to you Cobra.
I feel in a past life that I had raised my Kundalini, though you're welcome to disbealieve that.
When we start a new physical life, a new life on earth. We can't instantly gain all the powers we once had in a past life, or between lives. And due to christian programing most children these days will have these powers that were meant to naturally develop as we grow locked away inside them.
Satan has sent back many souls recently, for various reasons. There is a fight to go on here on Earth as much as there is up there with the Gods. And honestly it just isn't realistic for a fully grown and risen person to suddenly appear out of nowhere. Therefore we must go through the process of rebirth and reawakening. It is a sad fact yes, but in the end, one that I and I'm sure most others would gladly do for our Father Satan.

Yes there is a factor of free will in weather or not you choose to come back. But there is also the factor of "What is my duty to Satan". He needs us, needs us to be his warriors and children. To help save this place from the complete and utter corruption it has become. Are you going to sit on Duat and ignore that urgent calling to save your people?

My opinion on it anyway, feel free to feel differently.

Hail Satan! Praise the True Gods of Old!

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@ wrote:

By incarnation to a body you're not 'safer' by any means, first and foremost. How come is a toddler safe? Its only common sense. Neither any advanced beings, at least from Our side get incarnated and have their powers underdeveloped [or other lies that have been claimed about this, so that people can go around claiming to be another e-demon] to 'live a life with their soulmate'. Its like people claiming to have rose their Kundalini in a past life, which at least to me seems like a lie that one needs to bulk up lost confidence in the life they have today. Unless one accepts their current level of power, influence and how things truly are inside and outside- one cannot evolve. I base this on how one after Kundalini Rising is entirely a different existence for the soul. You can't just come in this lifetime with no power at all, a life that is turned onto your head and start claiming such things. I don't think the process needs to be repeated. For instance if someone was a king in a past lifetime, they would probably be one in this too, unless something 'changed'.

A person who has reached this won't come back as there is absolutely not a reason for this, not even one. Square one over and over again is a loss of your time. Its a waste of time and a lifetime waste. The purpose of this life is to get there and by doing this continuous circle over and over you're wasting your time. At least at the current age, which is a very un-evolved world. Nevertheless, I think this Narnia type of preaching should end, about 'witchcraft' and raising beings or whatever, because its obviously a lie.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lou lou" <locoamanda@ wrote:

I agree with amlug full heartedly. and i want to comment that i don't think you are factoring in free will enough in the rebirths. even after reaching godhood their may be reasons to rebirth. it seems confusing now, it won't always. their are many reasons to want and not want to be rebirthed, and reasons to want a safe place for your soul to recover in between. to toss one of the many reasons out thier, another chance to grow old with your soul mate <3

In one of my past lifes in ancient times i was high in witch craft ETC. I raised a being, i don't care to say what, and when i reached an age was compelled to do a calling to him. he traveled back to this realm and sparked the spell that unlocked my past life so that i could continue my work. that spell is still unraveling 7 years later.

i hate to even mention it because i have seen this spell harm so many being if you don't balance it right, but it is possible to plan ahead. it is possible to control your next life, to ensure you will be born with power again. be warned natural gifts come at a painful price. do not over do it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "En Haradren Amlug" <hecktic_shadow@ wrote:

The whole point of pastlife amnesia is so the infentile brain isn't completely overloaded with all our memories from a past life. It would destroy the still developing brain and leave the child as a vegetable.
Having said that, we were originally meant to slowly gain these memories back as we grow older and learn more and more. However, since we've been denied Satan and empowering ourselves from childhood, we have stopped remembering. And as such, have to go back and re-awaken it via past life regression and opening our souls through power meditations.
But you'd be right in doing a working like that lydia. I hear a lot of people often say when they die they plan to do a working to stop the past life amnesia. But it just simply isn't safe, and wont happen. But some of us will gain these memories slowly over time, thought perhaps not realising what they are, as we grow older. Only when we discover the truth about Satan and ourselves do we actually realise what these memories meant. Also could be the reason as to why some might have less difficulty with past life regression than others.

Hail Satan! Praise the True Gods of Old!

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@" <lydia_666@ wrote:

Not quite, not necessarily. I have always remembered parts of my past lives. For better and for worse, lol. I will have to find out how I managed to be born with many of my past life memories and then I will post about it. I'm sure there was a working or something that I did in a past life, and it could help those of us who won't reach Godhood in this life so that they can at least have some memories that can help in your next life.

Hail Father Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Celina" <lovingbelial@ wrote:

Actually, Brian, I think you're on the right track. Also, if I'm remembering correctly HPS Maxine said that when we're born it is like starting all over again and we don't remember anything. However, like you said perhaps one of the veterans will come along and straighten us both out.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

Again my limited understanding of this.Let me make that very clear,is that when we reach Godhood,we will not have to be reincarnated any more.Which stops the wheel of life for us.If we do not reach Godhood,then my understanding is,when we die we are taken to Duat,until we are ready to be reincarnated.But as far as remembering our dedication.I am not sure that when we are born again,we will remember anything,but hopefully come to Satan much sooner in life.As I said I have limited knowledge,maybe one of our older members would be able to answer your questions better.And maybe even straighten me out on some details too.

Hail Satan

From: Keaton Shirley <keatonns@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:45 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The afterlife

I see. When u say escape rebirth do we stay here on earth as immortal humans? Or do we stay in Duat? And also, if u are a dedicated satanist, and youre reincarnated, are u still dedicated? Or do you have to find satanism alllllll over again

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@;
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups com <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; keatonns@ <keatonns@;
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] The afterlife
Sent: Tue, Aug 14, 2012 11:36:29 PM

No my understanding is when we die if we are dedicated we stay in Duat until we reincarnate.Only when we reach Godhood do we escape the rebirth.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: keatonns <keatonns@;
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The afterlife
Sent: Tue, Aug 14, 2012 1:52:46 AM

Im confused about this one subject. Ive heard different things from different people. Id appreciate clarification on this. Ive heard that after we dedicate, we are no longer reincarnated and that we go live in Duat with the gods once we die. On the other hand ive heard that we reach godhead and become immortal so we cannot die. Im just kind if confused about this. I appreciate any responses, thanks.
I don't even understand why anyone would WANT to go to the xian 'heaven'. If it was real, all you would do is fly around and play the harp. For eternity... How is that paradise?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "keatonns" <keatonns@... wrote:

Im confused about this one subject. Ive heard different things from different people. Id appreciate clarification on this. Ive heard that after we dedicate, we are no longer reincarnated and that we go live in Duat with the gods once we die. On the other hand ive heard that we reach godhead and become immortal so we cannot die. Im just kind if confused about this. I appreciate any responses, thanks.
More like being a pillar in temple worshipping forever. Flying around playing a harp would be pretty fun.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "bellathesatanicsorceress666" <bellathesatanicsorceress666@... wrote:

I don't even understand why anyone would WANT to go to the xian 'heaven'. If it was real, all you would do is fly around and play the harp. For eternity... How is that paradise?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "keatonns" <keatonns@ wrote:

Im confused about this one subject. Ive heard different things from different people. Id appreciate clarification on this. Ive heard that after we dedicate, we are no longer reincarnated and that we go live in Duat with the gods once we die. On the other hand ive heard that we reach godhead and become immortal so we cannot die. Im just kind if confused about this. I appreciate any responses, thanks.
Its quite simple If you put extreme dedication daily in meditations you will become a God and not die. If you do not make it to Godhead you will go to Duat where you will await reincarnation.

Hope this helps.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hellfire_hephaestus" <leafwizardmaster@... wrote:

More like being a pillar in temple worshipping forever. Flying around playing a harp would be pretty fun.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "bellathesatanicsorceress666" <bellathesatanicsorceress666@ wrote:

I don't even understand why anyone would WANT to go to the xian 'heaven'. If it was real, all you would do is fly around and play the harp. For eternity... How is that paradise?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "keatonns" <keatonns@ wrote:

Im confused about this one subject. Ive heard different things from different people. Id appreciate clarification on this. Ive heard that after we dedicate, we are no longer reincarnated and that we go live in Duat with the gods once we die. On the other hand ive heard that we reach godhead and become immortal so we cannot die. Im just kind if confused about this. I appreciate any responses, thanks.
Its so tempting. Aside with the 72 virgins. I bet its every monkey's dream to have so many virgins. And RICE!

Such intelligent religions. Bomb yourself. Then have virgins and eat rice. And honey. Wow, such magnificence. I guess this slave religion makes sure people haven't even got money to eat and are so supressed, that they will blow themselves to bits so they can eat some rice.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hellfire_hephaestus" <leafwizardmaster@... wrote:

More like being a pillar in temple worshipping forever. Flying around playing a harp would be pretty fun.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "bellathesatanicsorceress666" <bellathesatanicsorceress666@ wrote:

I don't even understand why anyone would WANT to go to the xian 'heaven'. If it was real, all you would do is fly around and play the harp. For eternity... How is that paradise?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "keatonns" <keatonns@ wrote:

Im confused about this one subject. Ive heard different things from different people. Id appreciate clarification on this. Ive heard that after we dedicate, we are no longer reincarnated and that we go live in Duat with the gods once we die. On the other hand ive heard that we reach godhead and become immortal so we cannot die. Im just kind if confused about this. I appreciate any responses, thanks.
LOL Hail Satan

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:19 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The afterlife (A random thought)

  Its so tempting. Aside with the 72 virgins. I bet its every monkey's dream to have so many virgins. And RICE!

Such intelligent religions. Bomb yourself. Then have virgins and eat rice. And honey. Wow, such magnificence. I guess this slave religion makes sure people haven't even got money to eat and are so supressed, that they will blow themselves to bits so they can eat some rice.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hellfire_hephaestus" <leafwizardmaster@... wrote:

More like being a pillar in temple worshipping forever. Flying around playing a harp would be pretty fun.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "bellathesatanicsorceress666" <bellathesatanicsorceress666@ wrote:

I don't even understand why anyone would WANT to go to the xian 'heaven'. If it was real, all you would do is fly around and play the harp. For eternity... How is that paradise?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "keatonns" <keatonns@ wrote:

Im confused about this one subject. Ive heard different things from different people. Id appreciate clarification on this. Ive heard that after we dedicate, we are no longer reincarnated and that we go live in Duat with the gods once we die. On the other hand ive heard that we reach godhead and become immortal so we cannot die. Im just kind if confused about this. I appreciate any responses, thanks.
Not to mention many quranic scholars say the "72 virgins" part was mistranslated and it actually means "72 raisins"!!Here:

http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/20 ... koran.html

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hoodedcobra666" <hoodedcobra666@... wrote:

Its so tempting. Aside with the 72 virgins. I bet its every monkey's dream to have so many virgins. And RICE!

Such intelligent religions. Bomb yourself. Then have virgins and eat rice. And honey. Wow, such magnificence. I guess this slave religion makes sure people haven't even got money to eat and are so supressed, that they will blow themselves to bits so they can eat some rice.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hellfire_hephaestus" <leafwizardmaster@ wrote:

More like being a pillar in temple worshipping forever. Flying around playing a harp would be pretty fun.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "bellathesatanicsorceress666" <bellathesatanicsorceress666@ wrote:

I don't even understand why anyone would WANT to go to the xian 'heaven'. If it was real, all you would do is fly around and play the harp. For eternity... How is that paradise?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "keatonns" <keatonns@ wrote:

Im confused about this one subject. Ive heard different things from different people. Id appreciate clarification on this. Ive heard that after we dedicate, we are no longer reincarnated and that we go live in Duat with the gods once we die. On the other hand ive heard that we reach godhead and become immortal so we cannot die. Im just kind if confused about this. I appreciate any responses, thanks.
Freemasonry these days is just another form of jewish communism. The Satanic (original) Freemasons actually held a lot of the powers that we as satanists seek today until they were infiltrated by the kikes and Freemasonry became another kosher brainwashing program not much systematically different from christianity in so fact that all they want is your money and they won't take you anywhere that will get you to power.
For more information on the "New World Order" Please read the following.
<tr style="back[/IMG]<td class="y[/IMG]*Posted By High Priestess Maxine*

Always remember, the enemy works to create confusion, doubt and uncertainty.
Everything of the enemy is false and artificial, and is based and built upon

The Satanic layout of Washington DC and several other US Cities was to ensure
our freedom. Our Founding Fathers all knew too well about the jews and what
would eventually happen here.


The Truth About the "New World Order"

There is a lot of confusion concerning Freemasonry, The New World Order, The
United States, and where these all stand in regards to True Satanism. The reason
for the confusion is because of infiltration. The ORIGINAL Freemasons who were
mainly responsible for establishing the United States of America, designing
Washington DC and many other US Cities where the architecture is specially
designed and geographically arranged for a future goal, using occult knowledge,
had a completely different idea of a New World Order.

This NWO that our Founding Fathers (Whom were almost all Freemasons) had in mind
was based upon Luciferian Principles. The goals of this NWO were:

1. To establish a free country where citizens could escape the severe oppression
of Christianity and learn the ancient secrets of the past for themselves without
any fear of losing their lives.

2. The United States was to be "The New Atlantis" and was meant to set a
precedent for other nations of the world to follow in regards to spiritual

3. To establish a free nation where each individual could become the best he/she
could be.

4. The other goals of this NWO can be found in the original doctrines of the
United States.

Now, what happened to the above and where this *other* NWO, which is of the Jews
is going today is another story. I remember asking Father Satan about
Freemasonry some time ago as I was confused by conflicting information. His
reply was "They have been infiltrated" and he also told me the Freemasonry of
today is much different from the original, which was based upon Luciferian

I read soon after this how Mayer Amschel Rothschild, father of the
multi-trillion dollar Jewish banking dynasty used his trusted position:

Here is an excerpt from the book "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs, © 2000, pages
58 - 59:

"This secretive banking dynasty was begun by Mayer Amschel Bauer, a German Jew
born on February 23, 1744, in Frankfurt…"
"Young Mayer studied to become a Rabbi. He was particularly schooled in
Hashkalah, a blending of religion, Hebrew law, and reason"
"The death of his parents forced Mayer to leave rabbinical school and become an
apprentice at a banking house.

Quickly learning the trade, he became court financial agent to William IX, royal
administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region, and a prominent Freemason. He
ingratiated himself to William, who was only one year older than himself, by
joining his interest in Freemasonry and antiquities. Mayer would search out
ancient coins and sell them to his benefactor at greatly reduced prices.
Considering his rabbinical training, coupled with his serious searches for
antiquities, he surely developed a deep understanding of the ancient mysteries
particularly those of the Jewish Cabala. It was during this same period that the
metaphysics of the Cabala began to fuse with the traditions of Freemasonry."


The Jews infiltrate every source of Gentile power they can. From the inside,
they either gain total control or they seek to rot it out and destroy it,
through corruption.

The Jewish NWO is a world slave state, headed and run by the Jews. This NWO is
the exact opposite of what was intended by the original Freemasons who were

1. The Jewish messiah in the form of "Jesus" (A sympathetic magick connection of
where all of the Christian prayers and psychic energy has been shafted into)
will unite the Jews and establish a one world government communist state run out
of Israel (Stolen from the Palestinians, based upon the fictitious history of
the Jews in the Bible, and especially selected because of its being at the
crossroads of the three major continents of Europe, Africa, and Asia, and
centered upon powerful ley lines) where the Jews will have total rule and
control over the Gentiles of every nation, culture, and race of the world.

2. People will be bar-coded like cattle (the meaning of the derogatory Jewish
word "goyim" for Gentiles) are branded to ensure this total control. Microchip
implants are another possibility to ensure Gentiles can be tracked like animals.

3. All spiritual knowledge will be systematically removed from the Gentile
populace (The true goals of both Christianity and Communism) through mass murder
and torture as was done during the Inquisition and recently (1950's) as Chinese
Communist Chairman Mao Tse-Tung marched on Tibet and burned their monasteries
and slaughtered and tortured to death their religious leaders. Tibet, because of
its seclusion in the Himalayan Mountains contained much in the way of ancient
doctrines of the original spiritual teachings, long before the arrival of
Judaism, Christianity, and their cohorts.

4. Spiritual knowledge and occult power will firmly be in the hands of the Jews
for total world control.

5. Nearly all uninvolved, lukewarm, and neutral Jews will only be too glad to
join this new ruling class of their brethren should the time come.

6. The race-mixing program will further erase all racial and cultural identities
for total control. With a loss of self through the destruction of racial and
cultural identity, history can be rewritten any way the Jews see fit. They have
been doing this for ages, unbeknownst to the majority of the Gentile populace.
This has already been done with Satanism (Humanity's Original Religion), where
the original teachings, Priests, Priestesses, other spiritual leaders and people
with knowledge, along with libraries were systematically destroyed. The
Christian Church has been at liberty to define Satanism any way the see fit,
given there is little remaining of the past in regards to knowledge and truth.
The Bible is nothing more than a fabricated history of the Jewish people of
which they never had. Because of the mass indoctrination and force fed beliefs,
the mass mind has created a powerful thoughtform that has aided the Jewish
people in their quest for world

7. Human beings will be nothing more than lost souls with no identity, freedom,
knowledge or individuality; just a number in total service of a Jewish run slave

The above is completely opposite from the intended NWO of the original
Freemasons who were Gentiles. Unfortunately, again, this is playing both sides
against the middle for total control. Modern rituals in Freemasonry which are
geared to the second coming of that filthy messiah and a fusion of all religions
of the world are now quite different from those years ago upon which the records
have been removed and sealed in secrecy.
** See: The Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud, and the Great Secret of
Freemasonry by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas.
Published New York : Barnes & Noble, 2000.

It is all too blatant once the spell is broken, how the Jews have wrested
control of, and abused occult power in their quest to become "God." If one does
the necessary research and studying, one can blatantly see the correlation
between the Judeo-Christian Bible, Communism, and the Jewish version of the New
World Order. Though the book: "Deadly Deception: Freemasonry Exposed by One of
Its Top Leaders" by by James D. Shaw and Tom C. McKenney, was written from a
Christian perpective, it contains much useful information regarding Modern
Freemasonry. Upon reaching the 33rd degree (this now a days is much different
from the original rank where spiritual knowledge was obtained and the 33 degrees
represented the spinal column and the kundalni), the Freemason is usually
invited to join the Illuminati, a communist organization with the goals of a
Jewish run New World Order.

The Judeo-Christian Bible is, like the goal of the modern day Jew infiltrated
Freemasonry, "All religions are one." This is quite blatant given everything in
the Christian religion has been stolen from religions all over the world, both
east and west and their nazarene (the psychic connection for the Jewish
messiah), is comprised of some 18+ Gentile Pagan Gods, like Odin who hung from a
tree. Anyone who is familair with the occult and powers of the mind knows there
must be a connection in which to channel the psychic energy.

The Jews have infiltrated nearly every Gentile Occult Organization. The Golden
Dawn is chock full of Hebrew symbols, Hebrew angel, god names, Jewish aleph-bet,
and so forth. Wicca is also going this way with the emphasis in some groups on
Jewish angels, the Jewish "Three-fold" which is a spin-off of the six-pointed
(division of three) "Star of David" which the Jews adopted recently (within the
past 100-150 years) and was stolen from the Hindu "Star of Vishnu." The emphasis
on the number one (Jewish monotheism, where they, themselves become "God") is
unnatural as it takes two to create and even asexual creatures must connect to
reproduce at some point.

The truth is: Gentile psychic power, through Christianity and on the other side
(The Jews play both sides against the middle and control both sides), the Occult
Lodges is being systematically channeled into making the coming of the Jewish
messiah, along with a Jewish run New World Order a reality.

Because of the total infiltration and control of key positions, many Gentiles,
namely Christians, are confused and lump this NWO into one, where it is really
two seperate ideas. Because of the occult power used, they are blind to the fact
that this monster is in their own back yard so to speak and they are duped into
fervently working for it. The Founding Fathers of the United States used occult
power for benevolent purposes in establishing a free nation where ancient
teachings and spiritual knowledge could flourish without fear of reproach. It
should also be blatantly obvious, there is NOTHING "spiritual" about the
Christian "religion." It is and always was plain materialism. Christians have no
knowledge of the anatomy of their soul, how to heal themselves or others or
anything else of a spiritual nature. The entire so-called "religion" is nothing
but false and counterfeit. Christians who reach the advanced stages of
Christianity take on an artificial
pastey look- that infamous Christian pasted on smile. This is because their
entire lives revolve around lies, to the point where they begin to take on an
artifical appearance and physically resemble the lies they are so steeped in.
This is part of their punishment, which will eventually lead to their eternal
damnation through the degeneration of their souls due to their rebuking
spiritual knowledge, and cursing and blaspheming humanity's True Creator God
whom is none other than "Satan."[/TD][/TR]

Knowledge is power.
"I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me in time of need."~Father Satan; The Al-jilwah
In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi!* Let the name of Satan be exaulted!*
Hail Belial!* Heil Hitler!* Sieg Heil!* Ave Satanas!* Rege Satanas!* Heil, mein fuhrer!* Hail Satan!*
From: William M <m_william57@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 4:17 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] freemanson

  This people of free mansion they on our side?

Hi :) I don't know if this is related to the topic but I really need help!! I'm a beginner and I just started Satanic Meditation....I started with the basics....it felt good at first...but now I'm getting headaches.....is that a good or bad sign??
From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The afterlife


Nicely said En Haradren! Its interesting about what you said about reaching godhead and going back to Duat because of the world not being ready for 'gods'. I didn't really think of that.Hmm...Within the next 10 to 15 years I'm sure there should be a few more of us that would have reached godhead wouldn't those gods put an end to the enemy etc. Satanists that reach godhead go to Duat to handle other things that Father Satan would need us to help take care of. Correct? But I understand what you mean.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:53 AM EDT En Haradren Amlug wrote:

I'll try clear this up, this is at least as far as I know from what I've understood from reading through JoS and discussing it with the Gods too.

When we reach Godhood, we rise to a higher level, a higher being. And as such rise to a higher plane of existance.

Shannon is correct. We can choose where we wish to exist. Though I personaly believe that when the time comes, we will go back to Duat because at this time the world isn't quite ready for the truth of Godhead. Some may choose to stay and live out there days as normal, not revealing what they have achieved however.

Unfortunatly due to past life amesia, we do forget our past lives and experiances between death and rebirth. And will have to go through the process of re-finding Satan and re-awakening our souls. Thought depending on how far we progressed in one life, we will have a sort of 'headstart' in the next. This is what happens when we find we're 'natural' at something. Really we had just become good at it in a past life, and it has carried over to this life.

Godhead is more than physical immortality. It is perfection. The coming together of all aspects of the soul balancing together. It is overcoming aging and illness and bringing our bodies to perfect health and fitness. It isn't simply doing a meditation and achieving it. But a long process of getting every aspect of our being, physical, spiritual, mental, soul, aura, spirit ect in perfect balance with eachother. We rise to a higher being and higher plane of existance. In which we are as the Gods.

Lastly just wanted to correct something Brian said. The wheel of life never stops. Even if we reach Godhead and stop aging. We still live on, we continue to learn and progress further and further beyond what we ever had or have. I understand what you meant though. But think of it this way. Instead of stopping the wheel by reaching Godhead. We are breaking the cycle. Instead of going through the cycle of 'birth, life, death, rebirth (SA TA NA MA)'. We break out of that and move up and onto a continus never ending process.

Hail Satan! Praise the True Gods of Old!

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Keaton Shirley <keatonns@... wrote:

I see. When u say escape rebirth do we stay here on earth as immortal humans? Or do we stay in Duat? And also, if u are a dedicated satanist, and youre reincarnated, are u still dedicated? Or do you have to find satanism alllllll over again

So I am familiar with how the after life works and what happens after death and all. 
I read everything on the JOS about it. 

I understand it is impossible to gain any power while your soul is in the aether and that you need to reincarnate into the world first in order to advance.

Death is stagnation, but does that also aply to ones wisdom or knowledge?

Do people who are dead and who's souls currently reside in the "after life" still get knowledge? 
Can they see what is going on in our world and can they learn things while they are waiting to reincarnate? 

A persons personality doesn't change after death and they remain the same people, however can they gain experience and knowledge or can we teach them things from the living world? 

I have been communicating periodically with a friend of mine, who has passed away september last year. She was depressed throuhgout life and committed scuicide. She was only 18 years old, way to young to go like this.. Any way, I care about her still so with my new knowledge of the spiritual I contacted her soul right after she passed away and asked Satan to take her to hell so she won't be taken by the enemy and tortured further. 

This was succesfull and she currently resides in hell with other spirits and such. 
I speak to her pretty often and her personality ramained the same, tough it seems she understands much more about the spiritual and the truth now than she ever did. 

I talked to her about the spiritual and about demons sometimes when she was alive, but she didn't believe in it back then. About a week after she passed away I spoke with her for the first time after her passing and that time she told me this "I understand what you were talking about now, I can see you are powerful Luka, I understand now what you meant".

She said she could see my soul clearly and that it looked powerful, much more so than that of other people and that she understand the truth now, because she was able to observe it from a higher perspective. 

I'm quite sure it wasn't an enemy, but you can never be too certain, however I confirmed with my GD that it was infact her who I spoke too. 

She also told me that her energy slowly dissapates over time. Her soul isn't open and thus can't sustain itself properly in the after life. I periodically send her energy to refill her. Only about once a month, so it's not a drain or something. Just like how I donate energy to Satan and the gods I do it the same way to her, but to the gods I do it almost everyday, she doesn't need much energy to sustain her soul, once a month is more than enough to keep her filled with power she said. 

In life I had feelings for her, though that was a few years ago and I wasn't really able to experience love properly at that time, so it wasn't completely sincere at that time, but I did love her. She didn't feel the same way, so we were just friends and talked together about stuff. After she passed though she stated that she regrets not being with me at that time and that she does love me.
She opened up about her feelings a lot and enjoys talking with me, since I'm the only human being that she knows who is able to percieve her and actually converse with her. 

Since that time I have changed a lot and matured, I gained a lot more knowledge. I still feel love for her though, but not the true monogamous love, more like the love you feel for the gods. That's also why I speak with her often. 

This brings me back to my question, is it possible for her to learn things about the truth or to advance in some ways. If I were to perform energy work on her, could I empower her even though she is currently dead? 

I am aware of the dangers when dealing with spirits and I know how to deal with miscommunication or enemy deception and also how to deal with energy drain, so not much can go wrong in this regard. Speaking with her has helped me a lot in developing my astral senses aswell, so it definitly works and it feels nice for both of us to communicate like this. 

I know it could take hundreds if not thousands of years before she can reincarnate and most likely she will be spending a lot of time in the aether/after life. When I do finish the Magnum Opus (I plan to complete it this lifetime of course), I'll be an immortal too, so waiting untill she reincarnates and finding her in the world shouldn't be a problem.

During this wait how much can she learn while not alive? 
In this world (whether we like it or not) there are strong and there are weak people. I am not talking about physical strength (or even spiritual "gifts") but about the will of a person and how strong they are (in their state of mind) to keep fighting or to keep going on for whatever reasons they have.

There are weak people who feed on others and there are weak people who are just one step before death, who don't converse with others etc etc etc, and just wish to die alone.

There are also strong people though... There are strong people who want to HELP the weak ones (and to inspire the strong ones to help others) but of course there are strong people who are dickheads etc, terrorize others and literally make victims of the weak people.

There are a billion reasons why a person is weak or strong. Most of these are spiritual (if they are connected to enemy religion, if there are spiritual blockages to their chakras, past lives experiences etc etc) but there are also physical reasons (abuse from parents or from their surrounding since childhood etc etc etc etc).

People are not born "randomly" with "random" traits and a "random" personality.
People's traits and personality reflects their past lives and experiences.

If for example I was a very emotional person in my past life, I will also be in this life. However, if in my past life (lives) I was hurt by many people, then I may subconsciously shut off my emotions and be emotionless instead (or have a hard time loving others and be considered cynical).

Now, let's get back to the strong people. There are strong people, as I said who really want to help the weak ones. However! There is a very thin line between helping, and making the other depend on you.
Imagine this: you are in contact with a person (let's call him X) who has horrible friends. You are the only person who treats X nicely, and you try to explain to him that his friends are dickheads etc. X is extremely happy that he found you in his life and eventually he agrees with you, that his friends are horrible, and that he should stop hanging out with them.
However time passes... X is still hanging out with those friends! When you meet (or when you talk online) X complains to you about how these people treat him etc etc... And you keep on telling him to stop hanging out with them. This thing happens again and again, but X doesn't stop hanging out with them. Why does he not? The reason is simple. No matter how bad he is treated by his friends, he always has you, who is the best friend he could ask for, and who is constantly there to comfort him whenever his other friends treat him like shit.
...Without realizing it, X is now dependent on you. If you LEAVE from his life, you will then see whether you really helped X become strong... If X continues hanging out with the same friends, then you did not succeed. But if X stops hanging out with them, even if the only choice is for him to be alone in his life (because he will also have lost you) then whatever you said to X mattered, and X *really* grew stronger thanks to you. X will make new friends eventually, friends that will actually share the same strength with him and will treat him nicely... But that's another story.

I hope you understand the point I'm trying to make here.
Let's take your situation now.
You had a friend, who was weak. You tried to help her (as you were the stronger one, and naturally wanted to help her) but she was not strong enough... or she was not *willing* to fight for life. NO MATTER the reasons (whether it's because she was tied to the enemy, or her parents were very religious or whatever the reason was), she gave up, and committed suicide. Now, you send her energy once a month... every month. That girl is now dependent on you. If you stop sending energy, her soul will dissipate. That girl is not strong enough. You send her energy in hopes of helping her, but you are making her depend on you.

Now, imagine this girl reincarnating in another life, many many many years later from now.
...How weak will she be?

Because if she is dependent on you and your energy, what will she do in her next life, if you are not still next to her holding her hand throughout her entire life so that she'll "eventually" learn how to walk... She won't learn how to walk, if you don't let her hand. Even if she falls.
Of course, in the case of souls, it's very different; if a soul dissipates then there is no "next life".
But how would our world be, if souls reincarnated thanks to us living, sending them energy in order to keep them alive? Imagine all xians and weak people... people who literally gave up their lives. No matter the reasons.

How would our world be, if the strong ones were busy constantly holding the hand of the weak ones?

The point of Spiritual Satanism (and of life) is to constantly better yourself and the Universe. Progress, evolve and at the same time help the ones around you, or the ones you know you can help. Help them BECOME STRONGER, don't help them to the point of making them depend on you.

It may sound "harsh" but so is life. Take wild life as an example. This is reality.

I also suggest you to read HP HoodedCobra's Sermon about drugs that I believe ties up to the "weak-strong" concept for humanity. http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic7094.html

Hope this helps. :)
Hove [/IMG]

-------- Original message --------
From: "tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 13/05/2016 18:36 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The afterlife

  In this world (whether we like it or not) there are strong and there are weak people. I am not talking about physical strength (or even spiritual "gifts") but about the will of a person and how strong they are (in their state of mind) to keep fighting or to keep going on for whatever reasons they have.

There are weak people who feed on others and there are weak people who are just one step before death, who don't converse with others etc etc etc, and just wish to die alone.

There are also strong people though... There are strong people who want to HELP the weak ones (and to inspire the strong ones to help others) but of course there are strong people who are dickheads etc, terrorize others and literally make victims of the weak people.

There are a billion reasons why a person is weak or strong. Most of these are spiritual (if they are connected to enemy religion, if there are spiritual blockages to their chakras, past lives experiences etc etc) but there are also physical reasons (abuse from parents or from their surrounding since childhood etc etc etc etc).

People are not born "randomly" with "random" traits and a "random" personality.
People's traits and personality reflects their past lives and experiences.

If for example I was a very emotional person in my past life, I will also be in this life. However, if in my past life (lives) I was hurt by many people, then I may subconsciously shut off my emotions and be emotionless instead (or have a hard time loving others and be considered cynical).

Now, let's get back to the strong people. There are strong people, as I said who really want to help the weak ones. However! There is a very thin line between helping, and making the other depend on you.
Imagine this: you are in contact with a person (let's call him X) who has horrible friends. You are the only person who treats X nicely, and you try to explain to him that his friends are dickheads etc. X is extremely happy that he found you in his life and eventually he agrees with you, that his friends are horrible, and that he should stop hanging out with them.
However time passes... X is still hanging out with those friends! When you meet (or when you talk online) X complains to you about how these people treat him etc etc... And you keep on telling him to stop hanging out with them. This thing happens again and again, but X doesn't stop hanging out with them. Why does he not? The reason is simple. No matter how bad he is treated by his friends, he always has you, who is the best friend he could ask for, and who is constantly there to comfort him whenever his other friends treat him like shit.
...Without realizing it, X is now dependent on you. If you LEAVE from his life, you will then see whether you really helped X become strong... If X continues hanging out with the same friends, then you did not succeed. But if X stops hanging out with them, even if the only choice is for him to be alone in his life (because he will also have lost you) then whatever you said to X mattered, and X *really* grew stronger thanks to you. X will make new friends eventually, friends that will actually share the same strength with him and will treat him nicely... But that's another story.

I hope you understand the point I'm trying to make here.
Let's take your situation now.
You had a friend, who was weak. You tried to help her (as you were the stronger one, and naturally wanted to help her) but she was not strong enough... or she was not *willing* to fight for life. NO MATTER the reasons (whether it's because she was tied to the enemy, or her parents were very religious or whatever the reason was), she gave up, and committed suicide. Now, you send her energy once a month... every month. That girl is now dependent on you. If you stop sending energy, her soul will dissipate. That girl is not strong enough. You send her energy in hopes of helping her, but you are making her depend on you.

Now, imagine this girl reincarnating in another life, many many many years later from now.
...How weak will she be?

Because if she is dependent on you and your energy, what will she do in her next life, if you are not still next to her holding her hand throughout her entire life so that she'll "eventually" learn how to walk... She won't learn how to walk, if you don't let her hand. Even if she falls.
Of course, in the case of souls, it's very different; if a soul dissipates then there is no "next life".
But how would our world be, if souls reincarnated thanks to us living, sending them energy in order to keep them alive? Imagine all xians and weak people... people who literally gave up their lives. No matter the reasons.

How would our world be, if the strong ones were busy constantly holding the hand of the weak ones?

The point of Spiritual Satanism (and of life) is to constantly better yourself and the Universe. Progress, evolve and at the same time help the ones around you, or the ones you know you can help. Help them BECOME STRONGER, don't help them to the point of making them depend on you.

It may sound "harsh" but so is life. Take wild life as an example. This is reality.

I also suggest you to read HP HoodedCobra's Sermon about drugs that I believe ties up to the "weak-strong" concept for humanity. http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic7094.html

Hope this helps. :)
Yeah I understand your point very well Seira, I have been at this thing line a lot of times... My soul even when I didn't empower it was always strong and I always carried multiple people at the same with around with me. 
Everywhere I went other would be attracted to me and subconsciously depend on me to keep their souls afloat. 

However in the case of this girl, as I do understand that it is completely not healthy for her to reincarnate being so weak, she would stand a better chance at becomming strong in a better world a few decades or hundreads of years from now. 

Since the soul simply dissapates if she can't sustain herself that means she will literally cease to exist. With the personality trait I have you should understand this is impossible for me to do right? No matter how many Munka workings I would perform I could never let her just pass away perfemently. I am quite aware this is a big weakness on my part, but I am simply unable to let her disapear for eternity. 

I am a weak person, who can't let go of others who in my stupid concieted eyes deserve a better fate than they are getting now. I am quite well aware of this, but I would rather carry her soul with mine for a thousand years than to simply let her disapear forever. If she can reincarnate then she can learn from an early age to awaken her own chakra's. 

My soul is quite old and according to my GD I have spend thousands of years in the aether waiting for reincarnation between lives, but my soul never wavered or weakened. I gues I am just very blessed to have such a tanacious existance, or maybe my soul is just one of the lucky ones that was created strong. 

However letting her go and disapear causes an ancient pain to well up within me that is far greater than the sadness from a single life time.. I literally feel a sadness and a pain that has accumilated for thousands upom thousands of years sit somewhere deep within my being that comes out when dealing with loss. 

This sadness creates such a powerful link with whomever I feel this pain for, that person can even escape certain death... This was twice the case in my life, where literally I fueled life back into the other persons soul to succh an extend they were brought back from near death. I know it isn't good for me and I know I need to get rid of this, but I don't know where to start picking this appart. 

I believe it is a connection that I made in my earliest existance, but I'm not sure how long ago that was and that I either consciously or subconsciously empowered this bond that is connected to loss of life within people I care about for thousands of years untill the point where this thing is so huge it takes over my entire soul in an instant when ever it is triggered and my soul enters a panicked state of denail so strong it literally pulls people back from one foot within the grave by directly linking my entire being to the persons soul and dragging their damage and pain and suffering through my soul and replacing their damaged parts with my own energy.... It's extremely damaging and extremely dangerous and I need to work on it, because taking in any kind of disease in your own soul is deadly, let alone taking in life threathening levels of death energy and raplacing it with my own energy to fix the person up in a bout of sadness because I feel this injustice and unimaginable pain. Not a physical pain, but a heartwrenching pain that will literally bring me to my knees in an instant and take over my entire being. 

The only reason I was able to recover from this is because of my will power to survive. These 2 things together are a deadly combination of which I have absolutely no idea how to deal with as it is seriously strong. 

Even when I remember this sadness for an instand it makes all my chakra's squeeze and pulsate unaturally and makes my whole body shiver and makes tears well up in my eyes immedietly. 
I was always a happy kid, but when I had grief I would often be sad and cry about the loss of a person or even an animal for more than 6 months every night. 

I control it much better now but the effect is still just as bad.
The soul dissipates? Like to the point of no longer existing? If so, how do we go so long between lives? Also, Luka you said you know how to deal with energy drain.. To do so, is it just doing vibrations like SATANAS and the 666 meditation? Just want to be sure 

On May 12, 2016, at 5:26 PM, luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  So I am familiar with how the after life works and what happens after death and all. 
I read everything on the JOS about it. 

I understand it is impossible to gain any power while your soul is in the aether and that you need to reincarnate into the world first in order to advance.

Death is stagnation, but does that also aply to ones wisdom or knowledge?

Do people who are dead and who's souls currently reside in the "after life" still get knowledge? 
Can they see what is going on in our world and can they learn things while they are waiting to reincarnate? 

A persons personality doesn't change after death and they remain the same people, however can they gain experience and knowledge or can we teach them things from the living world? 

I have been communicating periodically with a friend of mine, who has passed away september last year. She was depressed throuhgout life and committed scuicide. She was only 18 years old, way to young to go like this.. Any way, I care about her still so with my new knowledge of the spiritual I contacted her soul right after she passed away and asked Satan to take her to hell so she won't be taken by the enemy and tortured further. 

This was succesfull and she currently resides in hell with other spirits and such. 
I speak to her pretty often and her personality ramained the same, tough it seems she understands much more about the spiritual and the truth now than she ever did. 

I talked to her about the spiritual and about demons sometimes when she was alive, but she didn't believe in it back then. About a week after she passed away I spoke with her for the first time after her passing and that time she told me this "I understand what you were talking about now, I can see you are powerful Luka, I understand now what you meant".

She said she could see my soul clearly and that it looked powerful, much more so than that of other people and that she understand the truth now, because she was able to observe it from a higher perspective. 

I'm quite sure it wasn't an enemy, but you can never be too certain, however I confirmed with my GD that it was infact her who I spoke too. 

She also told me that her energy slowly dissapates over time. Her soul isn't open and thus can't sustain itself properly in the after life. I periodically send her energy to refill her. Only about once a month, so it's not a drain or something. Just like how I donate energy to Satan and the gods I do it the same way to her, but to the gods I do it almost everyday, she doesn't need much energy to sustain her soul, once a month is more than enough to keep her filled with power she said. 

In life I had feelings for her, though that was a few years ago and I wasn't really able to experience love properly at that time, so it wasn't completely sincere at that time, but I did love her. She didn't feel the same way, so we were just friends and talked together about stuff. After she passed though she stated that she regrets not being with me at that time and that she does love me.
She opened up about her feelings a lot and enjoys talking with me, since I'm the only human being that she knows who is able to percieve her and actually converse with her. 

Since that time I have changed a lot and matured, I gained a lot more knowledge. I still feel love for her though, but not the true monogamous love, more like the love you feel for the gods. That's also why I speak with her often. 

This brings me back to my question, is it possible for her to learn things about the truth or to advance in some ways. If I were to perform energy work on her, could I empower her even though she is currently dead? 

I am aware of the dangers when dealing with spirits and I know how to deal with miscommunication or enemy deception and also how to deal with energy drain, so not much can go wrong in this regard. Speaking with her has helped me a lot in developing my astral senses aswell, so it definitly works and it feels nice for both of us to communicate like this. 

I know it could take hundreds if not thousands of years before she can reincarnate and most likely she will be spending a lot of time in the aether/after life. When I do finish the Magnum Opus (I plan to complete it this lifetime of course), I'll be an immortal too, so waiting untill she reincarnates and finding her in the world shouldn't be a problem.

During this wait how much can she learn while not alive? 
you will be used as a battery to keep their thoughtform going

---In [email protected], <taolvanswd@... wrote :

Is it true that you'd be reincarnated faster if you ended up being taken by the enemy and send to 'heaven' ?
I'll only answer the one question because I am not completely certain on the rest.As for empowering her soul, yes it is entirely possible. Just doing energy work, will help, and I believe you could vibrate words of power into her soul to empower her as well (I am not completely certain that vibrating would work though). When you do energy work on her, if you choose to do this, make certain to use affirmations EVERY time to direct the energy to its exact goal.
Vadric, yes the soul dissapates slowly after death. Unless the soul is powerful enough to fuel itself without needing to take energy. Often the soul of a deceased visits friends and family to drain energy in order to fuel itself and prevent itself from dissapating. 

Some souls are naturally much more powerful and can stay in the aeter for thousands of years without needing to drain any energy from somewhere else. Most people are too weak to do this and they will dissapate within decades or even less. It also takes much longer before you can reincarnate than what is believed by most. Some people claim they have lived thousands of lifetimes and all, but very few people have lived more than 3 or 4 lives.

Think about it: the soul needs to reach the magnum opus as it's final goal, do you think you can try indefinitly? Most of the time people fail miserably in their first life to make much progress, but that depends of course, however the second life is important because this is kind of like make or break. If you make progress in your second life you won't need to wait very long to reincarnate again because the gods can see that you have a good chance of finishing it in your third life, but if you once again failed to make any progress your soul is too weak to stay long in the aeter and there is no telling if you can actually start making progress in your next life. 

Put very bluntly, if a person has lived thousands of life times, they are basically a useless piece of crap that after such a huge amount of time they are still unable to make any progress. You won't get to try indefinitly. 
The Magnum Opus can be completed in the first lifetime, but often the person will not find the right path or the right knowledge so quickly since it is hard to find these days. 

Reincarnation isn't up to chance either, Satan deals with the transmigration of souls. He will ultimately decide if you get to go back or not and some people just don't have what it takes. 

That is why, this life time there is no point in living if I don't complete the magnum opus now. I might never get another chance. You should all strafe for that, to complete it now in this life and make the gods proud. 

Satan rewards those who struggle for his sake everyday. 
There are 2 ways I use to deal with energy drain. 

1: When I feel I am being drained I identify what is draining me by tracing the energy to the place it is going. 
To do so, go into a light trance and follow the energy with your astral sight, this will lead you to the place or person that is taking your energy.

Then there are 2 things you can do, you can simply close your chakra's and prevent that person or thing from draining you, or if you are more advanced and know how to manipulate energy, you can rip the energy they stole from you out of them and pull it back into you, then close your chakra's. That way you didn't loose any energy. I found you can still manipulate your own energy even if it has been drained by another entity, but that requires some practise. 

2: The second thing you can do to deal with energy drain is to keep building more energy constantly to fuel your chakra's and body. For example, you might be trying to heal a loved one and this might take a prolonged period of time in case of a bad injury. When you heal someone their soul will make a connection to yours and drain energy from you to recover themselves. In this case since you are healing them, you might not want to sever this connection. Make sure your own souls energy isn't being taken though. 

To make sure your own energy isn't being taken, draw in energy from the sun and the environment, make sure it's white gold and fuel your soul with this. To draw in lot's of energy, vibrate Aum Suryea while drawing in energy from the sun. It usually takes no more than 10 vibrations to stock back up on energy if someone has been draining you for almost a whole day. So just do this periodically 2 or 3 times a day a few times, like 9-27 vibrations (I usually use increments of 9) to keep enough energy in you so you won't be affected by the drain. 

It's kind of like passive healing, but it is not good, because the other person is still not healing itself properly, so this shuld not be done longer than a few days after the person fell ill and you need to make sure never to make a connection to their illness. It's more effective to draw out the negative energy that is making hem sick than to put energy in, since their soul probably isn't as powerful as yours and will not be as good and efficient at healing an injury as you are. 
solar energy 
Satanas is a very powerful mantrahttps://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/892  https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/182

---In [email protected], <vadric562@... wrote :

The soul dissipates? Like to the point of no longer existing? If so, how do we go so long between lives? Also, Luka you said you know how to deal with energy drain.. To do so, is it just doing vibrations like SATANAS and the 666 meditation? Just want to be sure 

 So I am familiar with how the after life works and what happens after death and all. 
I read everything on the JOS about it. 

I understand it is impossible to gain any power while your soul is in the aether and that you need to reincarnate into the world first in order to advance.

Death is stagnation, but does that also aply to ones wisdom or knowledge?

Do people who are dead and who's souls currently reside in the "after life" still get knowledge? 
Can they see what is going on in our world and can they learn things while they are waiting to reincarnate? 

A persons personality doesn't change after death and they remain the same people, however can they gain experience and knowledge or can we teach them things from the living world? 

I have been communicating periodically with a friend of mine, who has passed away september last year. She was depressed throuhgout life and committed scuicide. She was only 18 years old, way to young to go like this.. Any way, I care about her still so with my new knowledge of the spiritual I contacted her soul right after she passed away and asked Satan to take her to hell so she won't be taken by the enemy and tortured further. 

This was succesfull and she currently resides in hell with other spirits and such. 
I speak to her pretty often and her personality ramained the same, tough it seems she understands much more about the spiritual and the truth now than she ever did. 

I talked to her about the spiritual and about demons sometimes when she was alive, but she didn't believe in it back then. About a week after she passed away I spoke with her for the first time after her passing and that time she told me this "I understand what you were talking about now, I can see you are powerful Luka, I understand now what you meant".

She said she could see my soul clearly and that it looked powerful, much more so than that of other people and that she understand the truth now, because she was able to observe it from a higher perspective. 

I'm quite sure it wasn't an enemy, but you can never be too certain, however I confirmed with my GD that it was infact her who I spoke too. 

She also told me that her energy slowly dissapates over time. Her soul isn't open and thus can't sustain itself properly in the after life. I periodically send her energy to refill her. Only about once a month, so it's not a drain or something. Just like how I donate energy to Satan and the gods I do it the same way to her, but to the gods I do it almost everyday, she doesn't need much energy to sustain her soul, once a month is more than enough to keep her filled with power she said. 

In life I had feelings for her, though that was a few years ago and I wasn't really able to experience love properly at that time, so it wasn't completely sincere at that time, but I did love her. She didn't feel the same way, so we were just friends and talked together about stuff. After she passed though she stated that she regrets not being with me at that time and that she does love me.
She opened up about her feelings a lot and enjoys talking with me, since I'm the only human being that she knows who is able to percieve her and actually converse with her. 

Since that time I have changed a lot and matured, I gained a lot more knowledge. I still feel love for her though, but not the true monogamous love, more like the love you feel for the gods. That's also why I speak with her often. 

This brings me back to my question, is it possible for her to learn things about the truth or to advance in some ways. If I were to perform energy work on her, could I empower her even though she is currently dead? 

I am aware of the dangers when dealing with spirits and I know how to deal with miscommunication or enemy deception and also how to deal with energy drain, so not much can go wrong in this regard. Speaking with her has helped me a lot in developing my astral senses aswell, so it definitly works and it feels nice for both of us to communicate like this. 

I know it could take hundreds if not thousands of years before she can reincarnate and most likely she will be spending a lot of time in the aether/after life. When I do finish the Magnum Opus (I plan to complete it this lifetime of course), I'll be an immortal too, so waiting untill she reincarnates and finding her in the world shouldn't be a problem.

During this wait how much can she learn while not alive? 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
