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The 9th Degree


Jan 23, 2002
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... grees.html

"9 Degrees of Virgo and Pisces are known as fatal degrees, body in the ditch degrees and degrees of suffering.
9 degrees of Pisces is one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac."

Anyone has more information on the 9th degree of Pisces?
I'm asking because I have Saturn placed on the 9th of Pisces.

Look to your house/s in your chart that have Capricorn on the cusp; also look to the house placement of Saturn, and to a lesser extent, the house/s with Aquarius on the cusp. The affairs ruled by these placements should give you an idea of where any problems will manifest. In addition, the nature of Saturn, as well. Do any other planets tie in, as with tight aspects? Does your Saturn align with your lunar nodes? All of this is important. Planets at 9 degrees, I have noted are very bad, but of Virgo and Pisces, these are worse. Be aware... no astrology chart is perfect. No one gets through this life unscathed. Knowing where potential problems can come from can be a great help in working to prevent them.   I have a bit of time today, so I can go into an example. I read a book some time ago about a woman [she had Jupiter at 9 degrees of Virgo, in exact opposition to Uranus at 9 of Pisces. When aspects like this are tight [within 1-2 degrees of orb], or even more intense- on exactly the same degree, these are fated events in the life. If three or more planets link up, this is even more so. This woman’s father was a jewish communist. He worked for the Ford Motor Company here in the USA, but was involved in communist activities. This was back in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. After the 1929 depression hit here, many at Ford feared job loss and related. Back then, Stalin; the USSR had more deceitful come-a-longs- brotherhood programs, promising a “worker’s paradise” and good living, etc. Ford Motor Company had opened a plant at Gorky in the USSR. Through this, American workers were invited to get this plant established; spending 1-2 years in Gorky. This situation was not only limited to Ford Motor Company, but was a swindle to get Americans to the USSR in many other areas; exploiting the depression and hard economic times here. Other families, totally unrelated to this particular experience were duped into this as well. This woman in the following example was known to be the “only female American survivor of the Siberian gulag.”   Sorry for the repeat, but this will go much faster; I just found, copied, and pasted this from what I wrote in an e-mail some time ago regarding this case:   I noted a case where a woman had a Uranus/Jupiter opposition at 9 degrees of Virgo and Pisces- degrees of extreme suffering. Jupiter has to do with travel and though her birth time was not given, I am led to believe she had Aquarius on her ascendant by the events that took place in her life according to the biography. Jupiter opposed her ruling Uranus and got her through unimaginable hell and by ‘hell’ I mean that as a figure of speech. Jupiter is a protector in a sense, but can still bring extreme misfortune when placed on a bad degree.   In 1932, when this woman was eleven years old [she was born in 1921], her father worked for the Ford automobile plant in Detroit. Times were hard with the depression and he was duped along with many others into leaving the USA and moving to Gorky in the USSR, under Stalin. Same old jewish brotherhood programs, like xianity, promising a better life and a ‘worker’s paradise.’ Now, Jupiter rules foreign countries and travel. Hers was at 9 of Virgo, a degree of extreme suffering. They were to stay in Gorky and work on a new Ford plant over there under the direction of Ford for about a year, then return back to the USA. Needless to say, at her early age, when they arrived in Moscow, she noted how there was something wrong, the people were dressed in rags and were notably hungry and freezing in the bitter cold. The streets were very dreary, no heat in the street cars or any other transportation and everyone looked exceptionally depressed. They were moved to a one room flat. They had to share a kitchen and bathroom down the hall and both were in horrendous filth, especially the bathroom. To take a bath or a shower, one had to walk some 3-4 blocks down the street to the public bathhouse. Every other day, they alternated the men and women. There was no variety of food, only fish and stale black bread and porridge for every meal. But, this was paradise compared to what followed in this woman’s life.   In 1938, they were still there and her father was arrested by the NKVD and she and her mother never saw or heard form him again. They were ousted from their one room flat, as they no longer had any income or any rights at all. They moved to a tiny closet in the basement of some rat trap building and then looked for work. Then the war came. They lived on rotten potatoes and other garbage of which they worked brutally for. There was little or not heat through the Russian winters in their places of dwelling. She was forced to dig anti-tank ditches until her hands bled for hours and hours every day- sun up to sun down in the bitter cold. Her mother walked several miles to get sacks of the rotten potatoes they survived on. After the war, the NKVD arrested her as she said the wrong thing innocently about wanting to go back to the USA to some British visiting military over there and word got back they tried to get her out of there. Even the worst American prisons are nothing compared to the prisons in Russia. She was sentenced to 10 years in a Siberian labor camp, of which she is the only known American woman to survive. It was unimaginable suffering. She finally made it back to the USA through risking her life, though it was late in her life, if I remember correctly, she was in her 60’s. What I read of what she went through was horrific.   I do note, when the chart ruler is at 9 of Virgo or Pisces, it is much worse than other planets in the chart. There was another case, which was the worst I had ever seen. A woman had her chart ruler, the Moon at 9 of Pisces, opposing Pluto at 9 degrees of Virgo, with Jupiter at 9 of Aries [another bad degree] tying in. Semi-sextiles, I have found in my research are not so much personality traits as they are fated experiences in one’s life. Mars opposed Saturn at 22 of Leo and Aquarius [both bad degrees] across her 3rd/9th house axis of travel. This tied into Capricorn on the 7th house, which is often abuse/misfortune coming from others. Her Sun/Mercury conjunction was at 26 of Taurus, in conjunction with Caput Algol of violence. Her ascendant was at 6 of Cancer; 6 of cardinal signs often indicating a physical problem or handicap. When she was 15 years old, her natal south node was tightly conjunct the ascendant of her solar return for the year. This is always something fated, but by itself, is not always bad. You have to look at everything. In this case, it was horrendous. Like I said, this was about the worst astro chart I had ever seen. Her 1978 solar return also had the Saturn in conjunction with Mars 15 degrees of Leo [another hideous degree], but this was loose, in the solar return 7th house for that year. I note when certain aspects repeat in a return chart like that; those that have a tight aspect in the natal chart, this will trigger a fated event within that year, and the aspect does not have to be the same. In this case, Saturn opposed Mars [violence] in her natal chart and in the solar return chart, they conjoined.   She ran away from home that year and wound up in California. Her living situation did not work out and she made the bad judgment of hitching a ride. She was financially broke, etc. A devout Christian picked her up. He then took her into the desert, raped her, stabbed her and chopped her arms off, with an axe, of which she survived. His planets tied right into hers for violence. He was given a light prison sentence and upon release, stabbed another woman to death after raping her. The former woman who survived was forced to testify at this new trial when her lunar nodes were conjoined by transiting the nodes. The nodes are not personality traits, but points of fate in one’s chart.   In closing, always remember this, as it is extremely important. I have studied astrology on my own for many, many years. The case above, I came across in an astrology book and then did some of my own research. This was a long time ago. I believe the author was Edna Rowlands or something like that, I can’t remember. Never, ever have I run across a murder/victim case, where the murderer’s Saturn was not in hard aspect to the victim’s ruler. Saturn is our weak point in our own charts; where we suffer and experience related losses through life, but it is a point of our own personal power when relating to others. Always check the charts of others for their Saturn position in relating to your chart ruler/s. The hard aspects, such as the conjunction, square, and opposition are blatant, but also be aware of the semi-sextile, the semi-square, the inconjunct and the sesi-square. At least, this person can bring problems into your life; victimizing you in some way, or at worst, mayhem and murder. Lesser aspects I have noted in regards to the Saturn ties also do include the trine, the sextile, and the inconjunct. They will have something over on you and can use it against you. Just be very aware of the Saturn placements in relationship charts.     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

*************************************************  Hailazazel posted: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... grees.html

"9 Degrees of Virgo and Pisces are known as fatal degrees, body in the ditch degrees and degrees of suffering.
9 degrees of Pisces is one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac."

Anyone has more information on the 9th degree of Pisces?
I'm asking because I have Saturn placed on the 9th of Pisces.


https://ec.yimg.com/ec?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmy.inbox.com%2Fimg%2Fftrs%2Fearth.jpg&t=1571495208&sig=8U6rweKyB5IRk6lHG_by7g--~E" width="100" alt="3D Earth Screensaver Preview" align="left" border="0" style="margin-right:15px;"/>[/url]
Free 3D Earth Screensaver[/B]
Watch the Earth right on your desktop! Check it out at [url=http://www.inbox.com/earth]www.inbox.com/earth[/url]
Funny i know someone who abused me heavily as a child and there saturn is nigh directly on my ascendant.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 6:24 PM PDT High Priestess Maxine Dietrich wrote:

Look to your house/s in your chart that have Capricorn on the cusp; also
look to the house placement of Saturn, and to a lesser extent, the house/s
with Aquarius on the cusp. The affairs ruled by these placements should give
you an idea of where any problems will manifest.

In addition, the nature of Saturn, as well. Do any other planets tie in, as
with tight aspects? Does your Saturn align with your lunar nodes? All of
this is important. Planets at 9 degrees, I have noted are very bad, but of
Virgo and Pisces, these are worse. Be aware... no astrology chart is
perfect. No one gets through this life unscathed. Knowing where potential
problems can come from can be a great help in working to prevent them.

I have a bit of time today, so I can go into an example. I read a book some
time ago about a woman [she had Jupiter at 9 degrees of Virgo, in exact
opposition to Uranus at 9 of Pisces. When aspects like this are tight
[within 1-2 degrees of orb], or even more intense- on exactly the same
degree, these are fated events in the life. If three or more planets link
up, this is even more so. This woman's father was a jewish communist. He
worked for the Ford Motor Company here in the USA, but was involved in
communist activities. This was back in the late 1920's and early 1930's.
After the 1929 depression hit here, many at Ford feared job loss and
related. Back then, Stalin; the USSR had more deceitful come-a-longs-
brotherhood programs, promising a "worker's paradise" and good living, etc.
Ford Motor Company had opened a plant at Gorky in the USSR. Through this,
American workers were invited to get this plant established; spending 1-2
years in Gorky. This situation was not only limited to Ford Motor Company,
but was a swindle to get Americans to the USSR in many other areas;
exploiting the depression and hard economic times here. Other families,
totally unrelated to this particular experience were duped into this as
well. This woman in the following example was known to be the "only female
American survivor of the Siberian gulag."

Sorry for the repeat, but this will go much faster; I just found, copied,
and pasted this from what I wrote in an e-mail some time ago regarding this

I noted a case where a woman had a Uranus/Jupiter opposition at 9 degrees of
Virgo and Pisces- degrees of extreme suffering. Jupiter has to do with
travel and though her birth time was not given, I am led to believe she had
Aquarius on her ascendant by the events that took place in her life
according to the biography. Jupiter opposed her ruling Uranus and got her
through unimaginable hell and by 'hell' I mean that as a figure of speech.
Jupiter is a protector in a sense, but can still bring extreme misfortune
when placed on a bad degree.

In 1932, when this woman was eleven years old [she was born in 1921], her
father worked for the Ford automobile plant in Detroit. Times were hard with
the depression and he was duped along with many others into leaving the USA
and moving to Gorky in the USSR, under Stalin. Same old jewish brotherhood
programs, like xianity, promising a better life and a 'worker's paradise.'
Now, Jupiter rules foreign countries and travel. Hers was at 9 of Virgo, a
degree of extreme suffering. They were to stay in Gorky and work on a new
Ford plant over there under the direction of Ford for about a year, then
return back to the USA. Needless to say, at her early age, when they arrived
in Moscow, she noted how there was something wrong, the people were dressed
in rags and were notably hungry and freezing in the bitter cold. The streets
were very dreary, no heat in the street cars or any other transportation and
everyone looked exceptionally depressed. They were moved to a one room flat.
They had to share a kitchen and bathroom down the hall and both were in
horrendous filth, especially the bathroom. To take a bath or a shower, one
had to walk some 3-4 blocks down the street to the public bathhouse. Every
other day, they alternated the men and women. There was no variety of food,
only fish and stale black bread and porridge for every meal. But, this was
paradise compared to what followed in this woman's life.

In 1938, they were still there and her father was arrested by the NKVD and
she and her mother never saw or heard form him again. They were ousted from
their one room flat, as they no longer had any income or any rights at all.
They moved to a tiny closet in the basement of some rat trap building and
then looked for work. Then the war came. They lived on rotten potatoes and
other garbage of which they worked brutally for. There was little or not
heat through the Russian winters in their places of dwelling. She was forced
to dig anti-tank ditches until her hands bled for hours and hours every day-
sun up to sun down in the bitter cold. Her mother walked several miles to
get sacks of the rotten potatoes they survived on. After the war, the NKVD
arrested her as she said the wrong thing innocently about wanting to go back
to the USA to some British visiting military over there and word got back
they tried to get her out of there. Even the worst American prisons are
nothing compared to the prisons in Russia. She was sentenced to 10 years in
a Siberian labor camp, of which she is the only known American woman to
survive. It was unimaginable suffering. She finally made it back to the USA
through risking her life, though it was late in her life, if I remember
correctly, she was in her 60's. What I read of what she went through was

I do note, when the chart ruler is at 9 of Virgo or Pisces, it is much worse
than other planets in the chart. There was another case, which was the worst
I had ever seen. A woman had her chart ruler, the Moon at 9 of Pisces,
opposing Pluto at 9 degrees of Virgo, with Jupiter at 9 of Aries [another
bad degree] tying in. Semi-sextiles, I have found in my research are not so
much personality traits as they are fated experiences in one's life. Mars
opposed Saturn at 22 of Leo and Aquarius [both bad degrees] across her
3rd/9th house axis of travel. This tied into Capricorn on the 7th house,
which is often abuse/misfortune coming from others. Her Sun/Mercury
conjunction was at 26 of Taurus, in conjunction with Caput Algol of
violence. Her ascendant was at 6 of Cancer; 6 of cardinal signs often
indicating a physical problem or handicap. When she was 15 years old, her
natal south node was tightly conjunct the ascendant of her solar return for
the year. This is always something fated, but by itself, is not always bad.
You have to look at everything. In this case, it was horrendous. Like I
said, this was about the worst astro chart I had ever seen. Her 1978 solar
return also had the Saturn in conjunction with Mars 15 degrees of Leo
[another hideous degree], but this was loose, in the solar return 7th house
for that year. I note when certain aspects repeat in a return chart like
that; those that have a tight aspect in the natal chart, this will trigger a
fated event within that year, and the aspect does not have to be the same.
In this case, Saturn opposed Mars [violence] in her natal chart and in the
solar return chart, they conjoined.

She ran away from home that year and wound up in California. Her living
situation did not work out and she made the bad judgment of hitching a ride.
She was financially broke, etc. A devout Christian picked her up. He then
took her into the desert, raped her, stabbed her and chopped her arms off,
with an axe, of which she survived. His planets tied right into hers for
violence. He was given a light prison sentence and upon release, stabbed
another woman to death after raping her. The former woman who survived was
forced to testify at this new trial when her lunar nodes were conjoined by
transiting the nodes. The nodes are not personality traits, but points of
fate in one's chart.

In closing, always remember this, as it is extremely important. I have
studied astrology on my own for many, many years. The case above, I came
across in an astrology book and then did some of my own research. This was a
long time ago. I believe the author was Edna Rowlands or something like
that, I can't remember. Never, ever have I run across a murder/victim case,
where the murderer's Saturn was not in hard aspect to the victim's ruler.
Saturn is our weak point in our own charts; where we suffer and experience
related losses through life, but it is a point of our own personal power
when relating to others. Always check the charts of others for their Saturn
position in relating to your chart ruler/s. The hard aspects, such as the
conjunction, square, and opposition are blatant, but also be aware of the
semi-sextile, the semi-square, the inconjunct and the sesi-square. At least,
this person can bring problems into your life; victimizing you in some way,
or at worst, mayhem and murder. Lesser aspects I have noted in regards to
the Saturn ties also do include the trine, the sextile, and the inconjunct.
They will have something over on you and can use it against you. Just be
very aware of the Saturn placements in relationship charts.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Hailazazel posted:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... grees.html

"9 Degrees of Virgo and Pisces are known as fatal degrees, body in the ditch
degrees and degrees of suffering.
9 degrees of Pisces is one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac."

Anyone has more information on the 9th degree of Pisces?
I'm asking because I have Saturn placed on the 9th of Pisces.


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    Sorry, I forgot to add that one’s Saturn in another’s first house is the same as the hard aspects, especially when close to the ascendant. Also, I wasn’t trying to be negative regarding the nine degrees, only truthful. This is especially pronounced if one’s chart ruler/s is at one of those degrees, but meditation and knowing beforehand can help to offset this somewhat. Remember, no chart is perfect; no life is perfect. We all get our asses kicked in life.   The Saturn person is not always a murderer, obviously, but there always is something in the Saturn person in the way they can undermine and do the chart ruler person in. The Saturn person has negative power over the chart ruler person in some way. This can be just animosity or total destruction of the chart ruler person.   High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

*********************************************    Darkfury211 posted:
Funny i know someone who abused me heavily as a child and there saturn is nigh
directly on my ascendant.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 6:24 PM PDT High Priestess Maxine Dietrich wrote:

Look to your house/s in your chart that have Capricorn on the cusp; also
look to the house placement of Saturn, and to a lesser extent, the house/s
with Aquarius on the cusp. The affairs ruled by these placements should give
you an idea of where any problems will manifest.

In addition, the nature of Saturn, as well. Do any other planets tie in, as
with tight aspects? Does your Saturn align with your lunar nodes? All of
this is important. Planets at 9 degrees, I have noted are very bad, but of
Virgo and Pisces, these are worse. Be aware... no astrology chart is
perfect. No one gets through this life unscathed. Knowing where potential
problems can come from can be a great help in working to prevent them.

I have a bit of time today, so I can go into an example. I read a book some
time ago about a woman [she had Jupiter at 9 degrees of Virgo, in exact
opposition to Uranus at 9 of Pisces. When aspects like this are tight
[within 1-2 degrees of orb], or even more intense- on exactly the same
degree, these are fated events in the life. If three or more planets link
up, this is even more so. This woman's father was a jewish communist. He
worked for the Ford Motor Company here in the USA, but was involved in
communist activities. This was back in the late 1920's and early 1930's.
After the 1929 depression hit here, many at Ford feared job loss and
related. Back then, Stalin; the USSR had more deceitful come-a-longs-
brotherhood programs, promising a "worker's paradise" and good living, etc.
Ford Motor Company had opened a plant at Gorky in the USSR. Through this,
American workers were invited to get this plant established; spending 1-2
years in Gorky. This situation was not only limited to Ford Motor Company,
but was a swindle to get Americans to the USSR in many other areas;
exploiting the depression and hard economic times here. Other families,
totally unrelated to this particular experience were duped into this as
well. This woman in the following example was known to be the "only female
American survivor of the Siberian gulag."

Sorry for the repeat, but this will go much faster; I just found, copied,
and pasted this from what I wrote in an e-mail some time ago regarding this

I noted a case where a woman had a Uranus/Jupiter opposition at 9 degrees of
Virgo and Pisces- degrees of extreme suffering. Jupiter has to do with
travel and though her birth time was not given, I am led to believe she had
Aquarius on her ascendant by the events that took place in her life
according to the biography. Jupiter opposed her ruling Uranus and got her
through unimaginable hell and by 'hell' I mean that as a figure of speech.
Jupiter is a protector in a sense, but can still bring extreme misfortune
when placed on a bad degree.

In 1932, when this woman was eleven years old [she was born in 1921], her
father worked for the Ford automobile plant in Detroit. Times were hard with
the depression and he was duped along with many others into leaving the USA
and moving to Gorky in the USSR, under Stalin. Same old jewish brotherhood
programs, like xianity, promising a better life and a 'worker's paradise.'
Now, Jupiter rules foreign countries and travel. Hers was at 9 of Virgo, a
degree of extreme suffering. They were to stay in Gorky and work on a new
Ford plant over there under the direction of Ford for about a year, then
return back to the USA. Needless to say, at her early age, when they arrived
in Moscow, she noted how there was something wrong, the people were dressed
in rags and were notably hungry and freezing in the bitter cold. The streets
were very dreary, no heat in the street cars or any other transportation and
everyone looked exceptionally depressed. They were moved to a one room flat.
They had to share a kitchen and bathroom down the hall and both were in
horrendous filth, especially the bathroom. To take a bath or a shower, one
had to walk some 3-4 blocks down the street to the public bathhouse. Every
other day, they alternated the men and women. There was no variety of food,
only fish and stale black bread and porridge for every meal. But, this was
paradise compared to what followed in this woman's life.

In 1938, they were still there and her father was arrested by the NKVD and
she and her mother never saw or heard form him again. They were ousted from
their one room flat, as they no longer had any income or any rights at all.
They moved to a tiny closet in the basement of some rat trap building and
then looked for work. Then the war came. They lived on rotten potatoes and
other garbage of which they worked brutally for. There was little or not
heat through the Russian winters in their places of dwelling. She was forced
to dig anti-tank ditches until her hands bled for hours and hours every day-
sun up to sun down in the bitter cold. Her mother walked several miles to
get sacks of the rotten potatoes they survived on. After the war, the NKVD
arrested her as she said the wrong thing innocently about wanting to go back
to the USA to some British visiting military over there and word got back
they tried to get her out of there. Even the worst American prisons are
nothing compared to the prisons in Russia. She was sentenced to 10 years in
a Siberian labor camp, of which she is the only known American woman to
survive. It was unimaginable suffering. She finally made it back to the USA
through risking her life, though it was late in her life, if I remember
correctly, she was in her 60's. What I read of what she went through was

I do note, when the chart ruler is at 9 of Virgo or Pisces, it is much worse
than other planets in the chart. There was another case, which was the worst
I had ever seen. A woman had her chart ruler, the Moon at 9 of Pisces,
opposing Pluto at 9 degrees of Virgo, with Jupiter at 9 of Aries [another
bad degree] tying in. Semi-sextiles, I have found in my research are not so
much personality traits as they are fated experiences in one's life. Mars
opposed Saturn at 22 of Leo and Aquarius [both bad degrees] across her
3rd/9th house axis of travel. This tied into Capricorn on the 7th house,
which is often abuse/misfortune coming from others. Her Sun/Mercury
conjunction was at 26 of Taurus, in conjunction with Caput Algol of
violence. Her ascendant was at 6 of Cancer; 6 of cardinal signs often
indicating a physical problem or handicap. When she was 15 years old, her
natal south node was tightly conjunct the ascendant of her solar return for
the year. This is always something fated, but by itself, is not always bad.
You have to look at everything. In this case, it was horrendous. Like I
said, this was about the worst astro chart I had ever seen. Her 1978 solar
return also had the Saturn in conjunction with Mars 15 degrees of Leo
[another hideous degree], but this was loose, in the solar return 7th house
for that year. I note when certain aspects repeat in a return chart like
that; those that have a tight aspect in the natal chart, this will trigger a
fated event within that year, and the aspect does not have to be the same.
In this case, Saturn opposed Mars [violence] in her natal chart and in the
solar return chart, they conjoined.

She ran away from home that year and wound up in California. Her living
situation did not work out and she made the bad judgment of hitching a ride.
She was financially broke, etc. A devout Christian picked her up. He then
took her into the desert, raped her, stabbed her and chopped her arms off,
with an axe, of which she survived. His planets tied right into hers for
violence. He was given a light prison sentence and upon release, stabbed
another woman to death after raping her. The former woman who survived was
forced to testify at this new trial when her lunar nodes were conjoined by
transiting the nodes. The nodes are not personality traits, but points of
fate in one's chart.

In closing, always remember this, as it is extremely important. I have
studied astrology on my own for many, many years. The case above, I came
across in an astrology book and then did some of my own research. This was a
long time ago. I believe the author was Edna Rowlands or something like
that, I can't remember. Never, ever have I run across a murder/victim case,
where the murderer's Saturn was not in hard aspect to the victim's ruler.
Saturn is our weak point in our own charts; where we suffer and experience
related losses through life, but it is a point of our own personal power
when relating to others. Always check the charts of others for their Saturn
position in relating to your chart ruler/s. The hard aspects, such as the
conjunction, square, and opposition are blatant, but also be aware of the
semi-sextile, the semi-square, the inconjunct and the sesi-square. At least,
this person can bring problems into your life; victimizing you in some way,
or at worst, mayhem and murder. Lesser aspects I have noted in regards to
the Saturn ties also do include the trine, the sextile, and the inconjunct.
They will have something over on you and can use it against you. Just be
very aware of the Saturn placements in relationship charts.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Hailazazel posted:


"9 Degrees of Virgo and Pisces are known as fatal degrees, body in the ditch
degrees and degrees of suffering.
9 degrees of Pisces is one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac."

Anyone has more information on the 9th degree of Pisces?
I'm asking because I have Saturn placed on the 9th of Pisces.

https://ec.yimg.com/ec?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmy.inbox.com%2Fimg%2Fftrs%2Fearth.jpg&t=1571495209&sig=elJ_nqVjWL6xVygf3b98xA--~E" width="100" alt="3D Earth Screensaver Preview" align="left" border="0" style="margin-right:15px;"/>[/url]
Free 3D Earth Screensaver[/B]
Watch the Earth right on your desktop! Check it out at [url=http://www.inbox.com/earth]www.inbox.com/earth[/url]
Thank you Maxine!

I do have my Saturn placed in the 4th house of Pisces. Aquarius is intercepted and Capricorn is on the cusp of the 3rd. With Neptune in Capricorn (Mutual reception), on the 22th degree.

Now here's something very interesting I was just finding out;

Natal Jupiter squares my Saturn. (very tight), With Sagittarius on the cusp of the 2nd. Within the 2nd house I have a Stellium of the Sun, Neptune and Uranus, (all found in Capricorn).

This could be the answer to my Low vitality and self-esteem. Thank you!!!!

Too bad the Sun is in Libra ...

Don't be.Thank you.
In my case, it was an adoptive parent who was extremely over protective, domaineering, then physically abusive... then I was drugged... then more of the whatnots.
Beyond that i found out recently she has some form of spiritual power. Meaning she could see exactly what she was doing and what the drugs were doing too me. And consequentially meaning that she did not give a fuck. I was, I believe, in her mind, something for her, not my own self. Plus the state gave her 15,000 dollars as a one time payment and payments after that, continuing after I was adopted, medical and shit... and as a crapricorn coated woman, stellium of 4 planets including saturn, she loves her money. The thing about being a kid with no father who lost his family, taken by the state is no matter how friendly and oblivious you are, you still need something too hang on to. If i had spoken up about the abuse i would have lost qhat i had. As a child, i did not have the strength too sit down and make clear decisions about my life. I couldnt say, alright, this is for the best, take some phone numbers, make some plans... I actually had a dream in the
last week relevant too this. I was playing the mario game i used too play as a kid, and i said at some point, " mario is great for when your adopted because then you see mario and luigi and you're like hey, I know those guys,"
Anyways, with the drugging and the beating, saturn being in my first house, thankfully not conjunct my ascendant, mostly the drugging, i went from having....well. shit fried my fucking brain, practically ruined me. If you ever see me get emotional about the drugging of children, you know why now. Without Satan, my dedication too him id be fucking useless. Fucking useless. Like 100 percent, retarded ass peice of shit. And without you, high priestess Maxine Dietrich, i would have never been able too find him, or gain these great spiritual powers, never would have been free. So with the above in mind I thank you, and the forces of orion, and father satan. also the abuse and degradation above is not in any way a complete representation of what happened, however the ,"fucking useless," statement is very accurate. Also that was not how i would have been, by nature.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 1:45 AM PDT High Priestess Maxine Dietrich wrote:

Sorry, I forgot to add that one's Saturn in another's first house is the
same as the hard aspects, especially when close to the ascendant. Also, I
wasn't trying to be negative regarding the nine degrees, only truthful. This
is especially pronounced if one's chart ruler/s is at one of those degrees,
but meditation and knowing beforehand can help to offset this somewhat.
Remember, no chart is perfect; no life is perfect. We all get our asses
kicked in life.

The Saturn person is not always a murderer, obviously, but there always is
something in the Saturn person in the way they can undermine and do the
chart ruler person in. The Saturn person has negative power over the chart
ruler person in some way. This can be just animosity or total destruction of
the chart ruler person.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Darkfury211 posted:
Funny i know someone who abused me heavily as a child and there saturn is
directly on my ascendant.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 6:24 PM PDT High Priestess Maxine Dietrich wrote:

Look to your house/s in your chart that have Capricorn on the cusp; also
look to the house placement of Saturn, and to a lesser extent, the house/s
with Aquarius on the cusp. The affairs ruled by these placements should
you an idea of where any problems will manifest.

In addition, the nature of Saturn, as well. Do any other planets tie in, as
with tight aspects? Does your Saturn align with your lunar nodes? All of
this is important. Planets at 9 degrees, I have noted are very bad, but of
Virgo and Pisces, these are worse. Be aware... no astrology chart is
perfect. No one gets through this life unscathed. Knowing where potential
problems can come from can be a great help in working to prevent them.

I have a bit of time today, so I can go into an example. I read a book some
time ago about a woman [she had Jupiter at 9 degrees of Virgo, in exact
opposition to Uranus at 9 of Pisces. When aspects like this are tight
[within 1-2 degrees of orb], or even more intense- on exactly the same
degree, these are fated events in the life. If three or more planets link
up, this is even more so. This woman's father was a jewish communist. He
worked for the Ford Motor Company here in the USA, but was involved in
communist activities. This was back in the late 1920's and early 1930's.
After the 1929 depression hit here, many at Ford feared job loss and
related. Back then, Stalin; the USSR had more deceitful come-a-longs-
brotherhood programs, promising a "worker's paradise" and good living, etc.
Ford Motor Company had opened a plant at Gorky in the USSR. Through this,
American workers were invited to get this plant established; spending 1-2
years in Gorky. This situation was not only limited to Ford Motor Company,
but was a swindle to get Americans to the USSR in many other areas;
exploiting the depression and hard economic times here. Other families,
totally unrelated to this particular experience were duped into this as
well. This woman in the following example was known to be the "only female
American survivor of the Siberian gulag."

Sorry for the repeat, but this will go much faster; I just found, copied,
and pasted this from what I wrote in an e-mail some time ago regarding this

I noted a case where a woman had a Uranus/Jupiter opposition at 9 degrees
Virgo and Pisces- degrees of extreme suffering. Jupiter has to do with
travel and though her birth time was not given, I am led to believe she had
Aquarius on her ascendant by the events that took place in her life
according to the biography. Jupiter opposed her ruling Uranus and got her
through unimaginable hell and by 'hell' I mean that as a figure of speech.
Jupiter is a protector in a sense, but can still bring extreme misfortune
when placed on a bad degree.

In 1932, when this woman was eleven years old [she was born in 1921], her
father worked for the Ford automobile plant in Detroit. Times were hard
the depression and he was duped along with many others into leaving the USA
and moving to Gorky in the USSR, under Stalin. Same old jewish brotherhood
programs, like xianity, promising a better life and a 'worker's paradise.'
Now, Jupiter rules foreign countries and travel. Hers was at 9 of Virgo, a
degree of extreme suffering. They were to stay in Gorky and work on a new
Ford plant over there under the direction of Ford for about a year, then
return back to the USA. Needless to say, at her early age, when they
in Moscow, she noted how there was something wrong, the people were dressed
in rags and were notably hungry and freezing in the bitter cold. The
were very dreary, no heat in the street cars or any other transportation
everyone looked exceptionally depressed. They were moved to a one room
They had to share a kitchen and bathroom down the hall and both were in
horrendous filth, especially the bathroom. To take a bath or a shower, one
had to walk some 3-4 blocks down the street to the public bathhouse. Every
other day, they alternated the men and women. There was no variety of food,
only fish and stale black bread and porridge for every meal. But, this was
paradise compared to what followed in this woman's life.

In 1938, they were still there and her father was arrested by the NKVD and
she and her mother never saw or heard form him again. They were ousted from
their one room flat, as they no longer had any income or any rights at all.
They moved to a tiny closet in the basement of some rat trap building and
then looked for work. Then the war came. They lived on rotten potatoes and
other garbage of which they worked brutally for. There was little or not
heat through the Russian winters in their places of dwelling. She was
to dig anti-tank ditches until her hands bled for hours and hours every
sun up to sun down in the bitter cold. Her mother walked several miles to
get sacks of the rotten potatoes they survived on. After the war, the NKVD
arrested her as she said the wrong thing innocently about wanting to go
to the USA to some British visiting military over there and word got back
they tried to get her out of there. Even the worst American prisons are
nothing compared to the prisons in Russia. She was sentenced to 10 years in
a Siberian labor camp, of which she is the only known American woman to
survive. It was unimaginable suffering. She finally made it back to the USA
through risking her life, though it was late in her life, if I remember
correctly, she was in her 60's. What I read of what she went through was

I do note, when the chart ruler is at 9 of Virgo or Pisces, it is much
than other planets in the chart. There was another case, which was the
I had ever seen. A woman had her chart ruler, the Moon at 9 of Pisces,
opposing Pluto at 9 degrees of Virgo, with Jupiter at 9 of Aries [another
bad degree] tying in. Semi-sextiles, I have found in my research are not so
much personality traits as they are fated experiences in one's life. Mars
opposed Saturn at 22 of Leo and Aquarius [both bad degrees] across her
3rd/9th house axis of travel. This tied into Capricorn on the 7th house,
which is often abuse/misfortune coming from others. Her Sun/Mercury
conjunction was at 26 of Taurus, in conjunction with Caput Algol of
violence. Her ascendant was at 6 of Cancer; 6 of cardinal signs often
indicating a physical problem or handicap. When she was 15 years old, her
natal south node was tightly conjunct the ascendant of her solar return for
the year. This is always something fated, but by itself, is not always bad.
You have to look at everything. In this case, it was horrendous. Like I
said, this was about the worst astro chart I had ever seen. Her 1978 solar
return also had the Saturn in conjunction with Mars 15 degrees of Leo
[another hideous degree], but this was loose, in the solar return 7th house
for that year. I note when certain aspects repeat in a return chart like
that; those that have a tight aspect in the natal chart, this will trigger
fated event within that year, and the aspect does not have to be the same.
In this case, Saturn opposed Mars [violence] in her natal chart and in the
solar return chart, they conjoined.

She ran away from home that year and wound up in California. Her living
situation did not work out and she made the bad judgment of hitching a
She was financially broke, etc. A devout Christian picked her up. He then
took her into the desert, raped her, stabbed her and chopped her arms off,
with an axe, of which she survived. His planets tied right into hers for
violence. He was given a light prison sentence and upon release, stabbed
another woman to death after raping her. The former woman who survived was
forced to testify at this new trial when her lunar nodes were conjoined by
transiting the nodes. The nodes are not personality traits, but points of
fate in one's chart.

In closing, always remember this, as it is extremely important. I have
studied astrology on my own for many, many years. The case above, I came
across in an astrology book and then did some of my own research. This was
long time ago. I believe the author was Edna Rowlands or something like
that, I can't remember. Never, ever have I run across a murder/victim case,
where the murderer's Saturn was not in hard aspect to the victim's ruler.
Saturn is our weak point in our own charts; where we suffer and experience
related losses through life, but it is a point of our own personal power
when relating to others. Always check the charts of others for their Saturn
position in relating to your chart ruler/s. The hard aspects, such as the
conjunction, square, and opposition are blatant, but also be aware of the
semi-sextile, the semi-square, the inconjunct and the sesi-square. At
this person can bring problems into your life; victimizing you in some way,
or at worst, mayhem and murder. Lesser aspects I have noted in regards to
the Saturn ties also do include the trine, the sextile, and the inconjunct.
They will have something over on you and can use it against you. Just be
very aware of the Saturn placements in relationship charts.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Hailazazel posted:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... grees.html

"9 Degrees of Virgo and Pisces are known as fatal degrees, body in the
degrees and degrees of suffering.
9 degrees of Pisces is one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac."

Anyone has more information on the 9th degree of Pisces?
I'm asking because I have Saturn placed on the 9th of Pisces.


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What happens if Saturn is the chart ruler and it makes a hard aspect to someone else's Saturn? Does this change the dynamic at all? Or is the person with Saturn as a chart ruler still going to get screwed by the other person?

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Don't be.Thank you.
In my case, it was an adoptive parent who was extremely over protective, domaineering, then physically abusive... then I was drugged... then more of the whatnots.
Beyond that i found out recently she has some form of spiritual power. Meaning she could see exactly what she was doing and what the drugs were doing too me. And consequentially meaning that she did not give a fuck. I was, I believe, in her mind, something for her, not my own self. Plus the state gave her 15,000 dollars as a one time payment and payments after that, continuing after I was adopted, medical and shit... and as a crapricorn coated woman, stellium of 4 planets including saturn, she loves her money. The thing about being a kid with no father who lost his family, taken by the state is no matter how friendly and oblivious you are, you still need something too hang on to. If i had spoken up about the abuse i would have lost qhat i had. As a child, i did not have the strength too sit down and make clear decisions about my life. I couldnt say, alright, this is for the best, take some phone numbers, make some plans... I actually had a dream in the
last week relevant too this. I was playing the mario game i used too play as a kid, and i said at some point, " mario is great for when your adopted because then you see mario and luigi and you're like hey, I know those guys,"
Anyways, with the drugging and the beating, saturn being in my first house, thankfully not conjunct my ascendant, mostly the drugging, i went from having....well. shit fried my fucking brain, practically ruined me. If you ever see me get emotional about the drugging of children, you know why now. Without Satan, my dedication too him id be fucking useless. Fucking useless. Like 100 percent, retarded ass peice of shit. And without you, high priestess Maxine Dietrich, i would have never been able too find him, or gain these great spiritual powers, never would have been free. So with the above in mind I thank you, and the forces of orion, and father satan. also the abuse and degradation above is not in any way a complete representation of what happened, however the ,"fucking useless," statement is very accurate. Also that was not how i would have been, by nature.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 1:45 AM PDT High Priestess Maxine Dietrich wrote:

Sorry, I forgot to add that one's Saturn in another's first house is the
same as the hard aspects, especially when close to the ascendant. Also, I
wasn't trying to be negative regarding the nine degrees, only truthful. This
is especially pronounced if one's chart ruler/s is at one of those degrees,
but meditation and knowing beforehand can help to offset this somewhat.
Remember, no chart is perfect; no life is perfect. We all get our asses
kicked in life.

The Saturn person is not always a murderer, obviously, but there always is
something in the Saturn person in the way they can undermine and do the
chart ruler person in. The Saturn person has negative power over the chart
ruler person in some way. This can be just animosity or total destruction of
the chart ruler person.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Darkfury211 posted:
Funny i know someone who abused me heavily as a child and there saturn is
directly on my ascendant.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 6:24 PM PDT High Priestess Maxine Dietrich wrote:

Look to your house/s in your chart that have Capricorn on the cusp; also
look to the house placement of Saturn, and to a lesser extent, the house/s
with Aquarius on the cusp. The affairs ruled by these placements should
you an idea of where any problems will manifest.

In addition, the nature of Saturn, as well. Do any other planets tie in, as
with tight aspects? Does your Saturn align with your lunar nodes? All of
this is important. Planets at 9 degrees, I have noted are very bad, but of
Virgo and Pisces, these are worse. Be aware... no astrology chart is
perfect. No one gets through this life unscathed. Knowing where potential
problems can come from can be a great help in working to prevent them.

I have a bit of time today, so I can go into an example. I read a book some
time ago about a woman [she had Jupiter at 9 degrees of Virgo, in exact
opposition to Uranus at 9 of Pisces. When aspects like this are tight
[within 1-2 degrees of orb], or even more intense- on exactly the same
degree, these are fated events in the life. If three or more planets link
up, this is even more so. This woman's father was a jewish communist. He
worked for the Ford Motor Company here in the USA, but was involved in
communist activities. This was back in the late 1920's and early 1930's.
After the 1929 depression hit here, many at Ford feared job loss and
related. Back then, Stalin; the USSR had more deceitful come-a-longs-
brotherhood programs, promising a "worker's paradise" and good living, etc.
Ford Motor Company had opened a plant at Gorky in the USSR. Through this,
American workers were invited to get this plant established; spending 1-2
years in Gorky. This situation was not only limited to Ford Motor Company,
but was a swindle to get Americans to the USSR in many other areas;
exploiting the depression and hard economic times here. Other families,
totally unrelated to this particular experience were duped into this as
well. This woman in the following example was known to be the "only female
American survivor of the Siberian gulag."

Sorry for the repeat, but this will go much faster; I just found, copied,
and pasted this from what I wrote in an e-mail some time ago regarding this

I noted a case where a woman had a Uranus/Jupiter opposition at 9 degrees
Virgo and Pisces- degrees of extreme suffering. Jupiter has to do with
travel and though her birth time was not given, I am led to believe she had
Aquarius on her ascendant by the events that took place in her life
according to the biography. Jupiter opposed her ruling Uranus and got her
through unimaginable hell and by 'hell' I mean that as a figure of speech.
Jupiter is a protector in a sense, but can still bring extreme misfortune
when placed on a bad degree.

In 1932, when this woman was eleven years old [she was born in 1921], her
father worked for the Ford automobile plant in Detroit. Times were hard
the depression and he was duped along with many others into leaving the USA
and moving to Gorky in the USSR, under Stalin. Same old jewish brotherhood
programs, like xianity, promising a better life and a 'worker's paradise.'
Now, Jupiter rules foreign countries and travel. Hers was at 9 of Virgo, a
degree of extreme suffering. They were to stay in Gorky and work on a new
Ford plant over there under the direction of Ford for about a year, then
return back to the USA. Needless to say, at her early age, when they
in Moscow, she noted how there was something wrong, the people were dressed
in rags and were notably hungry and freezing in the bitter cold. The
were very dreary, no heat in the street cars or any other transportation
everyone looked exceptionally depressed. They were moved to a one room
They had to share a kitchen and bathroom down the hall and both were in
horrendous filth, especially the bathroom. To take a bath or a shower, one
had to walk some 3-4 blocks down the street to the public bathhouse. Every
other day, they alternated the men and women. There was no variety of food,
only fish and stale black bread and porridge for every meal. But, this was
paradise compared to what followed in this woman's life.

In 1938, they were still there and her father was arrested by the NKVD and
she and her mother never saw or heard form him again. They were ousted from
their one room flat, as they no longer had any income or any rights at all.
They moved to a tiny closet in the basement of some rat trap building and
then looked for work. Then the war came. They lived on rotten potatoes and
other garbage of which they worked brutally for. There was little or not
heat through the Russian winters in their places of dwelling. She was
to dig anti-tank ditches until her hands bled for hours and hours every
sun up to sun down in the bitter cold. Her mother walked several miles to
get sacks of the rotten potatoes they survived on. After the war, the NKVD
arrested her as she said the wrong thing innocently about wanting to go
to the USA to some British visiting military over there and word got back
they tried to get her out of there. Even the worst American prisons are
nothing compared to the prisons in Russia. She was sentenced to 10 years in
a Siberian labor camp, of which she is the only known American woman to
survive. It was unimaginable suffering. She finally made it back to the USA
through risking her life, though it was late in her life, if I remember
correctly, she was in her 60's. What I read of what she went through was

I do note, when the chart ruler is at 9 of Virgo or Pisces, it is much
than other planets in the chart. There was another case, which was the
I had ever seen. A woman had her chart ruler, the Moon at 9 of Pisces,
opposing Pluto at 9 degrees of Virgo, with Jupiter at 9 of Aries [another
bad degree] tying in. Semi-sextiles, I have found in my research are not so
much personality traits as they are fated experiences in one's life. Mars
opposed Saturn at 22 of Leo and Aquarius [both bad degrees] across her
3rd/9th house axis of travel. This tied into Capricorn on the 7th house,
which is often abuse/misfortune coming from others. Her Sun/Mercury
conjunction was at 26 of Taurus, in conjunction with Caput Algol of
violence. Her ascendant was at 6 of Cancer; 6 of cardinal signs often
indicating a physical problem or handicap. When she was 15 years old, her
natal south node was tightly conjunct the ascendant of her solar return for
the year. This is always something fated, but by itself, is not always bad.
You have to look at everything. In this case, it was horrendous. Like I
said, this was about the worst astro chart I had ever seen. Her 1978 solar
return also had the Saturn in conjunction with Mars 15 degrees of Leo
[another hideous degree], but this was loose, in the solar return 7th house
for that year. I note when certain aspects repeat in a return chart like
that; those that have a tight aspect in the natal chart, this will trigger
fated event within that year, and the aspect does not have to be the same.
In this case, Saturn opposed Mars [violence] in her natal chart and in the
solar return chart, they conjoined.

She ran away from home that year and wound up in California. Her living
situation did not work out and she made the bad judgment of hitching a
She was financially broke, etc. A devout Christian picked her up. He then
took her into the desert, raped her, stabbed her and chopped her arms off,
with an axe, of which she survived. His planets tied right into hers for
violence. He was given a light prison sentence and upon release, stabbed
another woman to death after raping her. The former woman who survived was
forced to testify at this new trial when her lunar nodes were conjoined by
transiting the nodes. The nodes are not personality traits, but points of
fate in one's chart.

In closing, always remember this, as it is extremely important. I have
studied astrology on my own for many, many years. The case above, I came
across in an astrology book and then did some of my own research. This was
long time ago. I believe the author was Edna Rowlands or something like
that, I can't remember. Never, ever have I run across a murder/victim case,
where the murderer's Saturn was not in hard aspect to the victim's ruler.
Saturn is our weak point in our own charts; where we suffer and experience
related losses through life, but it is a point of our own personal power
when relating to others. Always check the charts of others for their Saturn
position in relating to your chart ruler/s. The hard aspects, such as the
conjunction, square, and opposition are blatant, but also be aware of the
semi-sextile, the semi-square, the inconjunct and the sesi-square. At
this person can bring problems into your life; victimizing you in some way,
or at worst, mayhem and murder. Lesser aspects I have noted in regards to
the Saturn ties also do include the trine, the sextile, and the inconjunct.
They will have something over on you and can use it against you. Just be
very aware of the Saturn placements in relationship charts.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Hailazazel posted:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... grees.html

"9 Degrees of Virgo and Pisces are known as fatal degrees, body in the
degrees and degrees of suffering.
9 degrees of Pisces is one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac."

Anyone has more information on the 9th degree of Pisces?
I'm asking because I have Saturn placed on the 9th of Pisces.


FREE 3D EARTH SCREENSAVER - Watch the Earth right on your desktop!
Check it out at http://www.inbox.com/earth

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Look to your house/s in your chart that have Capricorn on the cusp; also look to the house placement of Saturn, and to a lesser extent, the house/s with Aquarius on the cusp. The affairs ruled by these placements should give you an idea of where any problems will manifest. In addition, the nature of Saturn, as well. Do any other planets tie in, as with tight aspects? Does your Saturn align with your lunar nodes? All of this is important. Planets at 9 degrees, I have noted are very bad, but of Virgo and Pisces, these are worse. Be aware... no astrology chart is perfect. No one gets through this life unscathed. Knowing where potential problems can come from can be a great help in working to prevent them.   I have a bit of time today, so I can go into an example. I read a book some time ago about a woman [she had Jupiter at 9 degrees of Virgo, in exact opposition to Uranus at 9 of Pisces. When aspects like this are tight [within 1-2 degrees of orb], or even more intense- on exactly the same degree, these are fated events in the life. If three or more planets link up, this is even more so. This woman’s father was a jewish communist. He worked for the Ford Motor Company here in the USA, but was involved in communist activities. This was back in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. After the 1929 depression hit here, many at Ford feared job loss and related. Back then, Stalin; the USSR had more deceitful come-a-longs- brotherhood programs, promising a “worker’s paradise” and good living, etc. Ford Motor Company had opened a plant at Gorky in the USSR. Through this, American workers were invited to get this plant established; spending 1-2 years in Gorky. This situation was not only limited to Ford Motor Company, but was a swindle to get Americans to the USSR in many other areas; exploiting the depression and hard economic times here. Other families, totally unrelated to this particular experience were duped into this as well. This woman in the following example was known to be the “only female American survivor of the Siberian gulag.”   Sorry for the repeat, but this will go much faster; I just found, copied, and pasted this from what I wrote in an e-mail some time ago regarding this case:   I noted a case where a woman had a Uranus/Jupiter opposition at 9 degrees of Virgo and Pisces- degrees of extreme suffering. Jupiter has to do with travel and though her birth time was not given, I am led to believe she had Aquarius on her ascendant by the events that took place in her life according to the biography. Jupiter opposed her ruling Uranus and got her through unimaginable hell and by ‘hell’ I mean that as a figure of speech. Jupiter is a protector in a sense, but can still bring extreme misfortune when placed on a bad degree.   In 1932, when this woman was eleven years old [she was born in 1921], her father worked for the Ford automobile plant in Detroit. Times were hard with the depression and he was duped along with many others into leaving the USA and moving to Gorky in the USSR, under Stalin. Same old jewish brotherhood programs, like xianity, promising a better life and a ‘worker’s paradise.’ Now, Jupiter rules foreign countries and travel. Hers was at 9 of Virgo, a degree of extreme suffering. They were to stay in Gorky and work on a new Ford plant over there under the direction of Ford for about a year, then return back to the USA. Needless to say, at her early age, when they arrived in Moscow, she noted how there was something wrong, the people were dressed in rags and were notably hungry and freezing in the bitter cold. The streets were very dreary, no heat in the street cars or any other transportation and everyone looked exceptionally depressed. They were moved to a one room flat. They had to share a kitchen and bathroom down the hall and both were in horrendous filth, especially the bathroom. To take a bath or a shower, one had to walk some 3-4 blocks down the street to the public bathhouse. Every other day, they alternated the men and women. There was no variety of food, only fish and stale black bread and porridge for every meal. But, this was paradise compared to what followed in this woman’s life.   In 1938, they were still there and her father was arrested by the NKVD and she and her mother never saw or heard form him again. They were ousted from their one room flat, as they no longer had any income or any rights at all. They moved to a tiny closet in the basement of some rat trap building and then looked for work. Then the war came. They lived on rotten potatoes and other garbage of which they worked brutally for. There was little or not heat through the Russian winters in their places of dwelling. She was forced to dig anti-tank ditches until her hands bled for hours and hours every day- sun up to sun down in the bitter cold. Her mother walked several miles to get sacks of the rotten potatoes they survived on. After the war, the NKVD arrested her as she said the wrong thing innocently about wanting to go back to the USA to some British visiting military over there and word got back they tried to get her out of there. Even the worst American prisons are nothing compared to the prisons in Russia. She was sentenced to 10 years in a Siberian labor camp, of which she is the only known American woman to survive. It was unimaginable suffering. She finally made it back to the USA through risking her life, though it was late in her life, if I remember correctly, she was in her 60’s. What I read of what she went through was horrific.   I do note, when the chart ruler is at 9 of Virgo or Pisces, it is much worse than other planets in the chart. There was another case, which was the worst I had ever seen. A woman had her chart ruler, the Moon at 9 of Pisces, opposing Pluto at 9 degrees of Virgo, with Jupiter at 9 of Aries [another bad degree] tying in. Semi-sextiles, I have found in my research are not so much personality traits as they are fated experiences in one’s life. Mars opposed Saturn at 22 of Leo and Aquarius [both bad degrees] across her 3rd/9th house axis of travel. This tied into Capricorn on the 7th house, which is often abuse/misfortune coming from others. Her Sun/Mercury conjunction was at 26 of Taurus, in conjunction with Caput Algol of violence. Her ascendant was at 6 of Cancer; 6 of cardinal signs often indicating a physical problem or handicap. When she was 15 years old, her natal south node was tightly conjunct the ascendant of her solar return for the year. This is always something fated, but by itself, is not always bad. You have to look at everything. In this case, it was horrendous. Like I said, this was about the worst astro chart I had ever seen. Her 1978 solar return also had the Saturn in conjunction with Mars 15 degrees of Leo [another hideous degree], but this was loose, in the solar return 7th house for that year. I note when certain aspects repeat in a return chart like that; those that have a tight aspect in the natal chart, this will trigger a fated event within that year, and the aspect does not have to be the same. In this case, Saturn opposed Mars [violence] in her natal chart and in the solar return chart, they conjoined.   She ran away from home that year and wound up in California. Her living situation did not work out and she made the bad judgment of hitching a ride. She was financially broke, etc. A devout Christian picked her up. He then took her into the desert, raped her, stabbed her and chopped her arms off, with an axe, of which she survived. His planets tied right into hers for violence. He was given a light prison sentence and upon release, stabbed another woman to death after raping her. The former woman who survived was forced to testify at this new trial when her lunar nodes were conjoined by transiting the nodes. The nodes are not personality traits, but points of fate in one’s chart.   In closing, always remember this, as it is extremely important. I have studied astrology on my own for many, many years. The case above, I came across in an astrology book and then did some of my own research. This was a long time ago. I believe the author was Edna Rowlands or something like that, I can’t remember. Never, ever have I run across a murder/victim case, where the murderer’s Saturn was not in hard aspect to the victim’s ruler. Saturn is our weak point in our own charts; where we suffer and experience related losses through life, but it is a point of our own personal power when relating to others. Always check the charts of others for their Saturn position in relating to your chart ruler/s. The hard aspects, such as the conjunction, square, and opposition are blatant, but also be aware of the semi-sextile, the semi-square, the inconjunct and the sesi-square. At least, this person can bring problems into your life; victimizing you in some way, or at worst, mayhem and murder. Lesser aspects I have noted in regards to the Saturn ties also do include the trine, the sextile, and the inconjunct. They will have something over on you and can use it against you. Just be very aware of the Saturn placements in relationship charts.     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

*************************************************  Hailazazel posted: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... grees.html

"9 Degrees of Virgo and Pisces are known as fatal degrees, body in the ditch degrees and degrees of suffering.
9 degrees of Pisces is one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac."

Anyone has more information on the 9th degree of Pisces?
I'm asking because I have Saturn placed on the 9th of Pisces.


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  As for the USA chart, I have always used the 2:17 am version. This has been highly accurate, not only through researching historical events, but also the 911 everything recent. Benjamin Franklin who was a Satanist, had the Declaration signed at that time, as he was an astrologer. I know history has been altered and rewritten. There are quite a few notable astrologers who also use the 2:17 version and swear by it. Do some research on your own and you will se what I mean.   The solar return for the USA in 1941 had Mars at 1 degree of Aries [exceptionally critical], placed in the SR first house, intercepted. The SR ascendant for that year was at 24 of Pisces, aligning with SR Saturn at 24 of Taurus, conjunct fixed star of extreme violence Caput Algol. SR Saturn was in conjunction with SR Uranus. The attacks on Pearl Harbor were sudden, unexpected and by surprise. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected, and the sudden. SR ruler Neptune at 25 of Virgo conjunct SR descendant also tied in. Transiting Jupiter was exactly in conjunction with USA chart co-ruler Uranus and USA chart ascendant. This influenced a favorable outcome and acted as a protective influence. There are many more indications of war in the solar return. I have to cut this a bit short here, as I don't have time.   Mars is always involved regarding war, as it rules over war. As for the US Civil War, Mars was in tight conjunction with the Moon in the solar return. The Moon indicated domestic and not foreign. The SR Moon/Mars conjunction in late degrees of Capricorn, opposed SR stellium in Leo; Jupiter, Mercury and Venus; seesaw configuration, indicating a split. Progressed Mars for that year was at 15 of Leo, a very bad degree.   The 2021 solar return for the USA has SR Mars at 14 of Leo, conjunct the SR ascendant. This in addition to being one degree away from 15 of Leo, is at the 14th degree. I have found the 14th degree is a very sensitive point for the USA. It aligns with the USA chart Saturn and the USA chart IC/Midheaven axis. 14 degrees was very prevalent with the 911 attacks, it was all over the place.   This SR Mars is in tight opposition to SR Saturn, which is in conjunction with the SR descendant, in the 7th house of others [foreign countries]. The SR Saturn is in very tight conjunction with the USA chart midheaven. SR [and transiting] Pluto at 25 of Capricorn is opposing USA chart ruler Mercury, bringing major and permanent changes. SR ruling Sun is in the SR 12th house of undoing and misfortune. Tight SR Moon/Uranus conjunction in the SR tenth [ruling the presidency] possibly indicates an assassination? 29 degrees is on the SR IC/midheaven axis.   USA progressed planets for that year include progressed solar arc Jupiter at 9 of Pisces; fatal degree, progressed solar arc Mercury [USA chart ruler] at 29 of Pisces, which is a degree of endings, progressed Mercury is at 21 of Aquarius, a critical and unfortunate degree, progressed solar arc Neptune is conjunct Caput Algol, progressed Pluto of power is on another degree of endings- 29 of Capricorn.   I am short on time, but it appears problems will be manifesting from 2015 onward. Aside from transiting Saturn entering Sagittarius [this nearly always causes a financial crisis], the 1929 crash and the 1987 crisis, SR Neptune in the SR second house of finances, ruled by Pisces [Neptune] is at fatal 9 degrees of Pisces. Jupiter/Venus conjunction aligning with SR Mercury, ruler of the USA chart, indicates this will not be permanent.   I am basing all of this on past events and certain placements and aspects that have repeated themselves.     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com   baron_hasani  wrote:   Hi Maxine. In one of your message in the astrology e-groups you've mentioned that in 2020-2021 has a mars/saturn aspect meaning war. What does the mars/saturn mean in regards to war/       
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
