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Thanks for this group -also question


New member
Aug 16, 2014
Does anyone else feel not welcome by any of the other JOS group sites? Instead of meditation or help I see mostly 99% posts on races and hatred for non white people. (Not all posts) but a lot. At the beginning of my satanism I felt like I wasn't welcomed at all in this religion because of being black, seeing photos of hitler (who also killed thousands of blacks people apparently ) Has anyone else encountered this problem /feeling? It made me wonder if Satan would accept me as a person as well at first in the beginning.
Thanks for making this group and I hope it gets more members
I actually agree with you... These folk are deluded & making fools of Satan.

I support the Aryan race because of what's happening in Europe, throughout other countries, including Africa & they do need to be protected... But I've had enough of seeing (some) certain people carry on about non whites being inferior. There was a post from Jake about only whites deserve Wealth, & non whites should be the workers.

Satan & some Gods personally told me they are disgusted about this, I'm proud of jos pioneering Reverse Torah rituals, cursing & exposing the enemy, & other meditation tools.. but much contradictions, which I've asked & no-one replied.

No-one is perfect, all here in this life to relearn what was lost... But this is tasting like neo- racist Nazi hate talk, degrading other ancient civilizations...

I'm mixed race & considered myself a Nazi in the spiritual sense, but I see backstabbing, & behavior of jos members, questionable.

I love Satan & appreciate the sharing of history, events etc & hard work & dedication from HPs...
But I do understand your

Nazi also did shameful things, to their own (which I'm not going to go into), Hitler's women killed themselves - and I'm wondering why no-one is highlighting the nasty science experiments conducted on live humans.
I understand how many of you feel about this situation.

Many of you should already know that the Aryan race is facing genocide and that Satan has asked the clergy and other white members to stand up for their race openly. The subject of race is a big topic lately in the groups because of what is happening in the world.Truth and spiritual advancement is the only thing that will help us in the future. Keep in mind that many whites are on edge of what is happening to Europe especially.

To the original poster, Lexxi4.  It seems you need to study national socialism and the truth about Hitler. Hitler never killed off blacks and other non white gentiles nor was he the monster that the Jews said he was. Non whites fought alongside Hitler in the war against Communism. Hitler respected the other races. Hitler was a true satanist and went according to Satan's will. Do not be fooled by the lies said about him and the third reich. He was a great man. If it wasn't for him and the the allies, Communism would have spread all over and it would have been a nightmare on earth. You have no idea.

Nazism is for all gentiles.

This goes for you too, rebelrainbowrose. You seem to have been dedicated for enough time to understand the many lies told about Hitler. He uplifted his people and their well being improved. Continue to educate yourself on this subject because it is one of history's greatest lies.

On the Joyofsatan website, the Satanic library has all the information you need.

I have spoken to Satan about this subject and he assured me that though the White race are his progeny but all the other races are OF HIM. He made this clear and to have pride in where we all descend from. With the situation with the black race, he told me that most of them are at a low level and stuck in the vortex of the enemy. The black race that you see now is not what they were when we were created and when the world was satanic. He told me that this, what you see, is degeneration; All that you see around us. Even gentiles of the white race has their own bad apples such as those on top assisting the Jews fuck up Europe and society as a whole.. No one is exempt and no one is perfect. All of us are being affected.

This is why spiritual advancement is a given for humanity. The fact that Satan gave all the gentiles the knowledge to become gods shows that he cares for all of us and our well being.

In nature there are rankings and each race is at a different stage of evolution.The whites are superior in the sense of where they come from and their natural altruism and ability that many of the non white races do not currently display but this does not mean that non whites are less than what they are and not accepted by Satan. Each race is their own existence and all of us were meant to become gods. To become our own "Sun". Godhead is the next chapter. We all should worry about who we are as individuals and being the best we can be.

This is a different case but a similar one. Think of the non Nordic gods. Do you think they are concerned or over occupied just because they are not of the Nordic race? They are still strong and proud and beautiful.

About HP Jake's website, I have read some of his articles and I admit, it is enough to offend or confuse a non white gentile but no where did I see he mention about non whites being worker slaves.What is said about the white race on his website applies to them and their existence. It is their chapter and their destiny. We all have ours. Do not worry about that and disregard that information and do not let it get to you. Focus on your advancement and becoming your own god. Since godhead is something for all gentiles then know that as you advance and transform yourself, all of this come natural, wealth and comfortability.

Now, the HPs of Satan are still human and so mistakes can still be made. We are not perfect.
There are times where we can make false observations or our emotions get in the way so much that the information can become clouded. As we advance this happens less and less. Which is why when I communicate with the gods, I make sure this information and judgement is not of my own. I am not saying that HP Jake is wrong or that you are wrong about Satan saying he is disgusted at what HP Jake wrote on his website. All I am pointing out is that we are still human and things can turn out clouded...

Just focus on transforming your soul and bettering yourself and your race. As Satan has intended.

High Priestess Shannon
I don't really post in any other groups other than the black groups. I understand how you feel. Malcolm X said the only way to end racial conflicts between whites and blacks was complete racial separation. May I say the truth of Satan will resolve this but in satans nwo  there will be racial separation.
On Jan 7, 2016 6:28 PM, "rebelrainbowrose@... [BlacksforSatan]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I actually agree with you... These folk are deluded & making fools of Satan.

I support the Aryan race because of what's happening in Europe, throughout other countries, including Africa & they do need to be protected... But I've had enough of seeing (some) certain people carry on about non whites being inferior. There was a post from Jake about only whites deserve Wealth, & non whites should be the workers.

Satan & some Gods personally told me they are disgusted about this, I'm proud of jos pioneering Reverse Torah rituals, cursing & exposing the enemy, & other meditation tools.. but much contradictions, which I've asked & no-one replied.

No-one is perfect, all here in this life to relearn what was lost... But this is tasting like neo- racist Nazi hate talk, degrading other ancient civilizations...

I'm mixed race & considered myself a Nazi in the spiritual sense, but I see backstabbing, & behavior of jos members, questionable.

I love Satan & appreciate the sharing of history, events etc & hard work & dedication from HPs...
But I do understand your

Nazi also did shameful things, to their own (which I'm not going to go into), Hitler's women killed themselves - and I'm wondering why no-one is highlighting the nasty science experiments conducted on live humans.
I understand where you are coming from. I've seen the same. I am actually aryan, but I have seen many of my brothers and sisters saying such things, and it is disappointing to me to see them hating on brothers and sisters of Satan.
However, Hitler did NOT kill thousands of blacks. This is more jewish bullshit. He had many blacks (and asians) IN the Nazi ranks, as well. Hitler greatly respected both the black culture and asian cultures just as much as his own aryan race. Obviously, we tend to be MORE proud of our own race, this is perfectly natural. But Hitler respects ALL the Gentile races. 

Non-whites are NOT inferior, they just have different strengths. Fact is, that Aryans have Father Satan's DNA directly in them. That is fact. However, the other races were also created by Satan, and therefore deserve just as much respect. 
Rebele Rose I'd love to see what the actual sermon was that HP Jake Carlson said that, because I doubt that he meant what you think he meant. Perhaps you just misread it. 
Also, what do you mean "Hitler's women killed themselves"?
I don't know anything about the science experiments that were supposedly done, so I have nothing to say about that.
Now, I do know that some of the hateful talk towards other races is meant towards the "gangbangers" and people like those. Even HPS Shannon Outlaw has said that she can't stand to see her brothers and sisters like that, and it sickens her. Remember that ALL the races have been cursed by the jews. The blacks were hit really hard for a while, which caused many of them to become degenerated. However, MANY blacks still are VERY grand citizens, upstanding and everything. 
Just remember that Father Satan DOES love and care for you, no matter what gentile race you are, and we are united against the jews.
As Talon Jackman has said, the hateful talk you see are directed towards non whites who are jewish puppets especially the ones who are the worst of the non white gentiles races. The ones who are shaped by the enemy. They are not speaking of the righteous and benevolent non white gentiles. Even I have great dislike on what many of my people have become but this does not mean that I do not want to help them. I have never been disrespected by any of the white satanists here so I do not feel as though the white satanists on the groups are hating on blacks as a race but what a lot of them have become.

Those who are true of Satan understand the root of the Jew's evil but do not blame them for hating what other races have become because they are the ones who are trying to destroy the white race first and foremost. This is dead wrong. If I were a white gentile I would be angry and resentful too.

Focus on Satan and the gods as these are the only beings whom you should care what they think of you.

On what rebelrose has mentioned, she needs to continue more studying.
Thank you. I am open to being corrected and being guided in the right direction...

Where can I find more info on black Nazi's appointed by Hitler??
I am a bit busy now but here is a post from the forums on nazis in Hitlers army fighting against communism.
Black and NS [Images] : Black Satanist Community  

Also check out the video,Hitler: greatest story never told video on youtube.
Blacks, Asians and east Indians also fought alongside Hitler.
The joyofsatan satanic library also has good info on the truth about Hitler and such.

It will come to you.
Here's another good video of hitler https://youtu.be/AnpTWKKWQ1o Also the greatest story never told is banned but I saw all of it in parts on YouTube just look for it.
On Jan 10, 2016 5:45 PM, "soutlaw92@... [BlacksforSatan]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I am a bit busy now but here is a post from the forums on nazis in Hitlers army fighting against communism.
Black and NS [Images] : Black Satanist Community  

Also check out the video,Hitler: greatest story never told video on youtube.
Blacks, Asians and east Indians also fought alongside Hitler.
The joyofsatan satanic library also has good info on the truth about Hitler and such.

It will come to you.
I've felt that too. In fact I was pretty pissed about it for a while . what I didn't realize is that the Aryans are very defensive right now, and rightfully so. No one deserves to face a genocide of their own people. The Aryan has that Supreme DNA and when this is threatened, especially as a whole, it ignites and becomes a huge pride boost. When I see a post end with something like, "hail the Aryan Race" i think its more of a reflexive defence. They are proud and should be. They are not in a very trusting mood right now. Black Muslims and Islamics are ruining our reputation as a whole and dark skinned people aren't on their choice of people to trust at the moment, so these words they use are purely to keep the pride they have strong. They find it very hard to trust. Now being we are ALL part of Satan's family, they should be able to trust us, but I personally feel its just hard for them right now to do so. The majority of our race is in a landslide as we all know and that just gives that Supreme Pride an even bigger boost which can lead to things coming out wrong. Also any posting can be taken wrong online as opposed to face to face contact when you can hear a voice and read body language.
Now, that having been said, does this mean they shouldn't trust us? Of course not. Does this mean we are inferior to them? Fuck no. Blacks like you and I also have a strong pride and its sad to see so much violence and Jew corruption within our people, both in the States and around the world. We have( or at least I have) been coerced by a mix of Jew filth and my own Black Pride to feel angry and even violent at the mere mention of "White Supremacy" I hated it and still kinda do. I reacted very very very negatively towards it and always assumed it meant, "I'm white, you're not so fuck you". Now that I'm older, I still hate it and can hear things wrong sometimes but I understand why its said amongst our white brethren. What I personally feel is that the best things to remember is, support the Aryans during these troubled times of theirs, continue to grow ourselves spiritually and advocate the advancement of our race as well, stick strickly with posting on our site, and always remember WE ARE NOT INFERIOR TO THEM OR TO ANY RACE as well as no race is superior to another. Satan loves ALL his followers equally and expects just as much from them as He does from us.
I hope that makes sense and I hope I'm not sounding stupid or stuck up, this is just how I personally feel about the situation.

I'm glad this was brought up I have been struggling with feeling unimportant because of all the white superior stuff. Which I know emotion clouded my judgement but I couldn't help feeling the way I felt I'm about to rant with particular direction.  get ready  xDIn my experience I was reading on how so many white gods and powerful intelligent white SS built and created great things and how the whites now can look up to them and say " we did that". Now with me being black I felt like in wasn't suppose to look up to any whites except the gods. This got me very confused because I live America a white found country but I found it hard to find any black achievement that I really connected with. Then I started feeling like I don't belong here but at the same time this place is all I know it's where I call home. So I start looking at the forms for African related info I found a little but I also found a lot of conversations about how blacks are a nuisance and their iq is low and how we do nothing but mooch off the whites. While this is true for most blacks today in my emotional state I took it very personally. I probably cried talking to Satan on 3 separate occasions I felt like crap until today when I re read HPS Shannon's Nature And the Races and the whole discussion under it. Now I see things from a more logical point of view I can easily see that they are not lying blacks are murdering and mooch in and being very ignorant 
The way I see it is if we are all in the feline family whites are lions blacks are tigers and Asians are leopards you can only compare them by feline nature other than that they are completely different. If you read all this thank you for your time xDHail Satan!   

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On Jan 6, 2016, at 1:22 AM, teslavroomvroom@... [BlacksforSatan] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Does anyone else feel not welcome by any of the other JOS group sites? Instead of meditation or help I see mostly 99% posts on races and hatred for non white people. (Not all posts) but a lot. At the beginning of my satanism I felt like I wasn't welcomed at all in this religion because of being black, seeing photos of hitler (who also killed thousands of blacks people apparently ) Has anyone else encountered this problem /feeling? It made me wonder if Satan would accept me as a person as well at first in the beginning.
Thanks for making this group and I hope it gets more members

Good for you. If you ever need anyone to talk to about this even further or anything else on the subject, I am here or you. I am here for anyone who needs support. Just email me if need be.

We all have been lied to and told that we are all equal and such. Satan will help you understand. He has helped me. To feel ashamed of who you are and where you come from is not the satanic way.

Just because whites are superior in that sense does not mean non whites are less of who we are. Blacks once had their own greatness but now many of our race has degenerated greatly. Always remember your importance to Satan and the gods and because we are the ones of our race who are under Satan's wing, we now have the strength and competence to lead and inspire our people.

To any blacks who might be feeling down or less of what you really are, do not. Always remind yourself that each race had their own rich cultures and that what you see today with blacks was not the end result when Satan first created us.

Being your own God is the next chapter not focusing on your limits. The point of SS is to become your own Sun.

This was told to me by Satan.

Be well.

-High Priestess Shannon
Thanks HPS Shannon I should have reached out but my judgement was clouded. I must say it feels good to have someone to go to in case a similar situation arises Thanks again. 
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On Jan 14, 2016, at 5:17 PM, soutlaw92@... [BlacksforSatan] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Good for you. If you ever need anyone to talk to about this even further or anything else on the subject, I am here or you. I am here for anyone who needs support. Just email me if need be.

We all have been lied to and told that we are all equal and such. Satan will help you understand. He has helped me. To feel ashamed of who you are and where you come from is not the satanic way.

Just because whites are superior in that sense does not mean non whites are less of who we are. Blacks once had their own greatness but now many of our race has degenerated greatly. Always remember your importance to Satan and the gods and because we are the ones of our race who are under Satan's wing, we now have the strength and competence to lead and inspire our people.

To any blacks who might be feeling down or less of what you really are, do not. Always remind yourself that each race had their own rich cultures and that what you see today with blacks was not the end result when Satan first created us.

Being your own God is the next chapter not focusing on your limits. The point of SS is to become your own Sun.

This was told to me by Satan.

Be well.

-High Priestess Shannon
Do not hesitate to email me privately if you need anything.
When it comes to the situation with a lot of blacks, You are of the black race but do not compare yourself to the filth you see today with blacks. You are a satanist. Think of who you are as a person. You are a good example of a black gentile who is advancing and not brainwashed by Islam and other Jew pathology.

Your soul belongs with Satan. Aryan or Not.

 This goes for all the blacks here at the JoyofSatan. All of you are above this because you do not demonstrate the degeneration that is of our people today.

To be honest, I care about reaching godhead and become my own divinity and not about feeling down because I am not Aryan. The races were made with a different function in mind.

Accept and embrace who you are and be the best you can be. That's what it is about.
I really appreciate it. Even in my confused state I could never want to be aryan I feel like I could never work and while I was jealous I have always had a base level of pride to where I could never forsake myself or want to be anyone other than meIt's all in my astrology chart lol lots of oppositions creates contradiction but I'm good lol?

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On Jan 14, 2016, at 8:10 PM, soutlaw92@... [BlacksforSatan] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Do not hesitate to email me privately if you need anything.
When it comes to the situation with a lot of blacks, You are of the black race but do not compare yourself to the filth you see today with blacks. You are a satanist. Think of who you are as a person. You are a good example of a black gentile who is advancing and not brainwashed by Islam and other Jew pathology.

Your soul belongs with Satan. Aryan or Not.

 This goes for all the blacks here at the JoyofSatan. All of you are above this because you do not demonstrate the degeneration that is of our people today.

To be honest, I care about reaching godhead and become my own divinity and not about feeling down because I am not Aryan. The races were made with a different function in mind.

Accept and embrace who you are and be the best you can be. That's what it is about.
Primarily just to become our own divinity and existence. Our own unique species and then transform ourselves into the godhead.

The fact that we are here and alive and our own genetic template is unique. Each race has their own exalted aspects and limits.

Satan created gentile humanity to ascend as the gods while having our own unique makeup. He is big on diversity. We are here to join to become as the gods and join their godly pantheon.
I just began studying satanism last month, I never hated hitler even though I was black american, I really don't care about racism and believe whites deserve to feel how they want, but personally I will never believe whites are more superior than black people. I consider history alot, Africa had kingdoms and riches which was stripped away from it, Christianity was forced to african slaves. and all the media promotes the stereo types of black people today, not all black people are portrayed as you see in the news and tv shows and music. But this is being promoted by whites to keep the black race ignorant and afraid to be open minded.
Also to me racism doesn't exist, ever since I began satanism and read a post in jos group it seems to me that the jews want racism to exist to keep gentiles confused. I don't really care if whites can't "trust" me, and I will never feel bad about being of african descent.
I think you need to do more research on the subject of race and our enemy, the Jews. If you want, I can point you to much resource material proving the nature of the jews(reptilian) and other information to help you understand the subjects at hand.

Just to make this clear, since you are very new. White gentiles and Jews are not the same. All the gentile races, except for the jews, are of Satan. Race definitely exists and Racism was originally a term used to study and recognize the unique traits and nature of the races.

Keep in mind the jews control the media, major industries and other things even the crap they put in our food. This is a serious issue. The jews started this whole ghetto gangster rap culture that you see that blacks are stuck in. This is not of the white race. The jews even admit to having an agenda in putting whites and blacks against each other. of course there are blacks who dislike whites and whites who aren't fond of blacks. These things happen but keep in mind who started this all.The races lived in harmony and respect during the golden age of Satan. .

The Jews are the ones who created Christianity and Islam as a tool to corrupt and degenerate the races. They are the cause and this is the effect.

As for the whites being superior situation, this has nothing to do with making other races feel bad or putting down other races. This is usually an ego thing. The truth is we are all not equal. The races are unique and have their limits and exalted aspects. This is all around nature and nothing is equal in nature just like with animals who are all different and there are many things that one animal can do but others cannot. This is just an example.

The races are all unique and Satan wants his people to have pride in their own traits and abilities. Just because the other races do not have the higher creative ability that whites have does not mean we are nothing or do not have things to be proud of. Satan wants for his people to have racial pride. Each race has a certain genetic template that is unique and nowhere else to be found in the universe meaning that each race is their own divine existence. For example, look at blacks, the physicality of the black race is beautiful and I personally think that blacks are almost perfect in their physique and muscular structure. (I speak of the ones that take care of their bodies.) In Africa, you see many with lean and well sculpted bodies for example and I have seen blacks in Africa do amazing things with their bodies and physical endurance.

 As for the white race, when we say superior we mean in ranking. Because the white race are genetically closer to the gods, this is their advantage and makes them superior. People hear the word superior and they start getting offended and feel down about themselves. When we are spiritually powerful and transform our souls, we do not need to be equal because we are perfect and powerful on the soul level. A few days ago, Satan and my guardian Daemon had a small conversation and they REALLY put emphasis on reaching the next level and empowering our souls. I cannot stress this enough!

This is also documented. The white race has built civilizations that we see today and have many achievements. This is fact. They have helped and shared many with humanity over the course of thousands of years.

There are many lies going on about how the Egyptians were blacks and such but the Egyptians were originally white. This is proven. In Africa, blacks have had their own kingdoms and such but this was on a smaller scale, not the same as in ancient Egypt or in Rome and that's okay because nature and existence is not all about who makes things and what we cant do, it is about highlighting our best features and bettering ourselves and being whole in who we are. Do you really think Satan wants his black gentile creation to feel racial shame?

Blacks in America need to wake up and realize their true potential. The Jew has ruined black societies in America by pouring drugs into the communities and creating things like the welfare system to keep them in the communistic mindset to be conditioned as slaves. Its obvious that not all blacks are liken to the way the media presents them.

The purpose of spiritual satanism is for the races to transform themselves into their own unique and perfected god status. Satan wants this for all his people.

High Priestess Shannon
Jews control the media.
On Feb 4, 2016 7:01 PM, "aliengawd94@... [BlacksforSatan]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I just began studying satanism last month, I never hated hitler even though I was black american, I really don't care about racism and believe whites deserve to feel how they want, but personally I will never believe whites are more superior than black people. I consider history alot, Africa had kingdoms and riches which was stripped away from it, Christianity was forced to african slaves. and all the media promotes the stereo types of black people today, not all black people are portrayed as you see in the news and tv shows and music. But this is being promoted by whites to keep the black race ignorant and afraid to be open minded.
Also to me racism doesn't exist, ever since I began satanism and read a post in jos group it seems to me that the jews want racism to exist to keep gentiles confused. I don't really care if whites can't "trust" me, and I will never feel bad about being of african descent.
Also, Hitler was a satanist and he was trying to fight for the freedom of all gentile humanity. The holocaust has been proven a lie and jews admit this.

 Hitler respected the races and was working in accordance with Satan's will. He was a good man.
where is the evidence that white people are genetically closer to the gods? I will never believe that without proof
Let me start by saying this, the JoyofSatan and its members have gone to great lengths, and with being guided by Satan himself, in finding and coming across the information that is truth.

I can already feel that you might have some anger and denial  in accepting the fact that whites are progeny of the Nordic gods but this does not make any of us less than what we are. This is nothing to feel bad about. We have all been lied to about everyone being equal when it doesn't work that way. Many blacks have an inferiority complex and until many of them start loving themselves in a deeper way, this will continue. Again, tha'ts when the ego and sense of self gets threatened because many people have self esteem issues. It is very good to ask questions about these things, that's what satanism is about but again you are very new and you need to do your research.

It is apparent that whites are of the Nordic stock firstly by their appearance and it has been documented and stated in many ancient texts. Many of our white High Priests have written on this and have done their research on the matter. Now we are speaking of the Nordic gods, not the other daemon gods. There are different races of gods.

We have a Joyofsatan forum and it has all the information you need to know. I encourage you to study what is there. Satan always guides his people to the truth and he will guide you to the answers. Seriously. Now, I am not just casting you aside but since you are doing all this research, take the time to keep doing it. That's what the yahoo groups and forums are for. I'm directing you to the material you need. The other clergy and other members know more concerning the subject and will answer these questions you have.

It takes time to accept these things when we have been conditioned to believe something else.
I'm doing research on Egyptians and everything is saying they were dark skinned so maybe some reliable sources stating they were white will help to
Sure. Of course over time, other races were a part of the dynasty and mixed over time.
We have a main yahoo groups and so It would serve you well to go there and ask these questions and for the material you need. if I am not mistaken, some of the members have articles which they can send or post to the groups so you can see them.

We all work as a unit and learn from each other.
Thank you very much Talon, by any chance do you have any articles,proving the egyptians were originally white, for this member? I recall some posting this on the main groups but I seem to have overlooked it somewhere.
Let me see if I can find some. I can't remember off the top of my head which ones they are, but I'll see if I can find them

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
