The pictures you posted are very beautiful

However, the first one you posted in this reply above is definitely my favorite. I think it is definitely the best. I say that because the gold you used for the objects on the screen makes a nice bright contrast to the darkness of the background.
Instead, this is the only different one. In itself conceptually I really like the idea behind it of Zeus and the storm. But the overall color of the image is a cold blue, while the lettering is warm gold (relative to Hollywood photography concepts of cold and warm colors). But it's really a pity because at the level of graphics Zeus generating such a powerful thunderstorm that the colors are so blue and cold is really artistic...
...It's just the lettering that clashes. But since the lettering is golden in itself, though, why don't you try to see if you can put it underneath as if there is a frame covering the painting and the golden lettering is evident in the frame? If you like, try it

sorry if I failed to explain myself well. Aside from some nonsense with silly apps I use to create profile pictures I don't know how to do much else hahahaha