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Tattoos for Lord Satan and Guardians

It is not safe to get a Satanic tattoo. Such a tattoo will get you discriminated against. If people know you are a Satanist they will not hire you for a job, fire you if you have one, harass you in any way they can, or attack you outright. Doctors can legally kill you or permanently destroy your health by intentionally botching a surgical procedure or giving you the wrong dosage of a medicine. There are many ways to honor Satan and the Gods that will not endanger your safety. There are extremely important reverse torah rituals going on right now. Doing as many rituals as you can is doing Satan's will.

Reverse torah rituals
http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... ituals.htm  
Like Akemi said, it's not safe to have any satanic tattoos. 

If it were I would love to get Astaroths sigil tattoed on my back in azure blue with some beautiful background to it. And Satans Sigil would be great to have somewhere. 
To any JOS folks with virgin skin... NOOOOOOO, not tattoos. Meditation, RTR's, study. Satanism is not about body modification serial killing freaks. Just my opinion. I am nobody really. I fucken hate my tattoos. Don't NS symbols look ghastly as tattoos? 

On Thursday, May 12, 2016 10:27 AM, "johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  It is not safe to get a Satanic tattoo. Such a tattoo will get you discriminated against. If people know you are a Satanist they will not hire you for a job, fire you if you have one, harass you in any way they can, or attack you outright. Doctors can legally kill you or permanently destroy your health by intentionally botching a surgical procedure or giving you the wrong dosage of a medicine. There are many ways to honor Satan and the Gods that will not endanger your safety. There are extremely important reverse torah rituals going on right now. Doing as many rituals as you can is doing Satan's will.

Reverse torah rituals
http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... ituals.htm  

wtf bro? You can get a tattoo if you wish, don't tell people not to. I love my tattoos, and know others with NS tattoos that love them. Just cuz you don't like yours, doesn't mean others shouldn't have any.
It's not gonna be an "offering" if you do.It won't get you anywhere and could be a setback but hardly anyone knows what the sigils mean and if you just gotta have one you'd better tuck it away.Like the bottom of the foot or between ass cheeks.
I disagree with the other replies on this post. I have the sigil of Lucifer tattooed on my back and I have never had an issue with it. I often wear spaghetti straps just to show it off. People occasionally ask about it and I tell them that it is the symbol for knowledge and strength. If you want a tattoo then go get one. Sigils are uncommon enough to nonsatanists that you won't get pegged as a 'freak' or ostracized. 
Praise/hail Father Satan!
------ Original message------From: treejafisherjnsc1234@... [Jo... Date: Wed, May 11, 2016 17:07To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Tattoos for Lord Satan and Guardians
  Does Father Satan approve of getting his symbols tattooed as a way of honoring him, same question for Guardians as offering
Tattooing a sigil someplace like on the bottom of your foot is extremely disrespectful. A sigil represents a God and you will be stepping on it everyday if it is tattooed on the bottom of your foot. 
@Usul Mystic and @Fatherschild
what the fuck in the world....?

@Usul you need to get your head out of the stereotypes... A tattoo doesn't make one a "serial killing freak"... Like seriously?
@Fatherschild the places you mentioned for a tattoo for our Gods' Sigils.... is extremely disrespectful.

So, to respond to the person who made the question... Personally I do not have any tattoos. On the one hand I understand the desire to "carve in stone" (or your skin :p) something you respect and something that truly defines you as a person/your philosophy, ideology etc etc etc...
On the other hand it *is* dangerous... Even if it is a Sigil, that not many people know... Can you imagine if a jew who does black magick (and knows somewhat of our knowledge...) crosses your way? And takes a look at your tattoo? You might think it's "extravagant" or something, but it's not. It *is* a risk. @Johnson_Akemi gave some very good examples...

In the end it is as they say "responsibility to the responsible"; which means that if you know what the positives and negatives are for what you want to do, then depending on your choice, the responsibility and its consequences lie on you.
So in the end, if you still want to have a tattoo, it's up to you. But be aware of the dangers.
If set a tattoo of one of the sigils I would want it as glorious as it can be. The bottem of the foot would simply infuriate them. 

Would you appreciate it if someone would tattoo your name, or your face on the bottem of their feet? Let alone between the ass cheeks? 

Also I'm not sure how tattoo's will interact with you after you become an immortal. When you are a god you might not want to have them anymore. However I'm quite sure removing them some way or renewing the skin shouldn't be a problem at that point. 

Just think carefully when making one and make sure the artist can do the sigil justice. If I ever get one I'll be sure to safe up and find the best artist I can afford so the tattoo is as glorified as possible. 

Generally I'm against body modification as well. It's not spiritual in any way, but I can appreciate a well made tattoo or a well set piercing. Just not something stupid or deranged.. 

My ex had a couple of very well made tattoo's and while she would look just as good without them, it didn't really make her different. People have different ways of expressing themselves I gues. 

It all depends on what kind of modification you perform whether it is ethical or not. I pierced my tongue just to try how it is, my ex has her tongue pierced aswell so I was interested to try it too. 
It really doesn't feel all that different, however from a spiritual perspective a pristine unmodified body seems to be the best to have.

That said, Satanism is not against this kind of thing, one is free to live how one wants aslong as one doesn't go against the morals and ethics of satanism. 
While I would concur that getting such a tattoo is risky and that you need to weigh the risk versus the potential benefit of it, I would consider a couple things. I'll use myself as an example.  I never remove my shirt in a public place...same with shorts, pants, or undergarments...so for me there would be a few very ideal places for such a tattoo. Such places would be shoulder section of the arm ( I don't wear tanks so sleeves would always cover it), chest, back, shoulder blades, thighs or buttocks, or even getting it done as a 'tramp stamp'. In my case such a tattoo would only be located somewhere where my lovers or boyfriends might see.  In such a way, I increase the benefit as boyfriends or lovers can accept me for who I am or let the door hit them on the ass as they leave. Consider areas of your body that NO ONE will see in public...this is true of all tattoos as they can also reduce potential employment opportunities. I know that I am new to Satanism but at 29 years old, I'm certainly not new to common sense or pagan symbolism and consequences of such symbolism.  Anyways, that's my two cents worth. -Lone Wolf
Pakistani,My head is just fine the way it is .There is nothing shamefull about the ass or the foot.Im pretty sure most people talking about this don't comprehend a tattoo collector's mindset.The gods know what's in my soul and they would know if I got a tattoo just to step on it or shit on it and I don't see why anyone went there,it should have been humerous to think of someone getting a tattoo in these places.Even though I got them and will continue to get them I recommend no tattoos.That just seems like the cooler thing to do at this point.
-Hail to the Father(who knows what's in my soul)
That'll be an eye of the beholder type thing.I step on the Earth all day long and we all love the Earth right?I'm just saying.Hide it if you're gonna take the risk and do it anyway.This stuff about "you'll never get a job and people will kill you" sounds pretty schizophrenic to me.
Just my 2 cents on the subject: I think getting satanic tattoo is EXTREMELY dangerous. Have you thought about what may happen to you in emergency situation?  If for example you have car accident and end up in ER (A&E) in jews hands? There is no place on your body you can hide your tattoos in emergency hospital situation. These days a LOT of doctors are jews and I am sure if they see your satanic tattoo they may try to legally (read: medically) kill you on the spot. I think Johnson Akemi already mentioned that. 
I read HPs said here many times we are at war, its wartime, so why unnecessary expose yourself? I think we should camouflage ourselves wisely in order to survive in current state of affairs to be able carry out our mission safely.

On Wednesday, May 11, 2016 11:27 PM, "johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  It is not safe to get a Satanic tattoo. Such a tattoo will get you discriminated against. If people know you are a Satanist they will not hire you for a job, fire you if you have one, harass you in any way they can, or attack you outright. Doctors can legally kill you or permanently destroy your health by intentionally botching a surgical procedure or giving you the wrong dosage of a medicine. There are many ways to honor Satan and the Gods that will not endanger your safety. There are extremely important reverse torah rituals going on right now. Doing as many rituals as you can is doing Satan's will.

Reverse torah rituals
http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie66 ... ituals.htm  

I used to have Beezulbub's and Satan's sigils tattooed on my body. I have since covered up the former and am halfway to covering up in entirety the latter. I was a newbie Spiritual Satanist back then (close to 6 years ago) and didn't know any better.
This jewess, who used to be my family doctor for over 10 years, one day while examining me,  recognized Satan's sigil on me but did not say anything to show that she did. It was the look in her eyes and on her face that clued me in. She had asked me if the tattoo I got was recent. I said, 'no' and she left it at that. But I could tell that she KNEW.
I have since switched to a Gentile doctor who is the same race as me.
Like others have said, we are at war and if someone recognizes your tattoos, you might be fired, not get hired, etc. Why turn the tables against yourself? 
That being said, I used to have a friend who got a massive tattoo of a sigil of his guardian Demon on himself, and takes the time to explain to people what it is and what he believes in when they ask about his tattoo. I thought it was most unwise but kept it to myself.
In the end, it's your choice and your life on the line. I don't want to give extra work to my Guardian Demons in looking out for/keeping me safe because I tattooed Satanic sigils on myself, therefore putting a bulls-eye on myself to the enemy and to ignorant people, who could make my life very, very difficult.

On Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:22 PM, "jessicarosewolfe@... jessicarosewolfe@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I disagree with the other replies on this post. I have the sigil of Lucifer tattooed on my back and I have never had an issue with it. I often wear spaghetti straps just to show it off. People occasionally ask about it and I tell them that it is the symbol for knowledge and strength. If you want a tattoo then go get one. Sigils are uncommon enough to nonsatanists that you won't get pegged as a 'freak' or ostracized. 
Praise/hail Father Satan!
------ Original message------From: treejafisherjnsc1234@... [Jo... Date: Wed, May 11, 2016 17:07To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Tattoos for Lord Satan and Guardians
  Does Father Satan approve of getting his symbols tattooed as a way of honoring him, same question for Guardians as offering

Also, Satanism is on the rise. So is the occult, and everything to do with it. It's "trendy" now and is definitely coming out of the underground. This is good. However, it also means that more people will recognize Satanic symbols more easily than before.

On Sunday, May 15, 2016 4:54 PM, "Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I used to have Beezulbub's and Satan's sigils tattooed on my body. I have since covered up the former and am halfway to covering up in entirety the latter. I was a newbie Spiritual Satanist back then (close to 6 years ago) and didn't know any better.
This jewess, who used to be my family doctor for over 10 years, one day while examining me,  recognized Satan's sigil on me but did not say anything to show that she did. It was the look in her eyes and on her face that clued me in. She had asked me if the tattoo I got was recent. I said, 'no' and she left it at that. But I could tell that she KNEW.
I have since switched to a Gentile doctor who is the same race as me.
Like others have said, we are at war and if someone recognizes your tattoos, you might be fired, not get hired, etc. Why turn the tables against yourself? 
That being said, I used to have a friend who got a massive tattoo of a sigil of his guardian Demon on himself, and takes the time to explain to people what it is and what he believes in when they ask about his tattoo. I thought it was most unwise but kept it to myself.
In the end, it's your choice and your life on the line. I don't want to give extra work to my Guardian Demons in looking out for/keeping me safe because I tattooed Satanic sigils on myself, therefore putting a bulls-eye on myself to the enemy and to ignorant people, who could make my life very, very difficult.

On Thursday, May 12, 2016 12:22 PM, "jessicarosewolfe@... jessicarosewolfe@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I disagree with the other replies on this post. I have the sigil of Lucifer tattooed on my back and I have never had an issue with it. I often wear spaghetti straps just to show it off. People occasionally ask about it and I tell them that it is the symbol for knowledge and strength. If you want a tattoo then go get one. Sigils are uncommon enough to nonsatanists that you won't get pegged as a 'freak' or ostracized. 
Praise/hail Father Satan!
------ Original message------From: treejafisherjnsc1234@... [Jo... Date: Wed, May 11, 2016 17:07To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Tattoos for Lord Satan and Guardians
  Does Father Satan approve of getting his symbols tattooed as a way of honoring him, same question for Guardians as offering


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
