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talking intoxicated to GD


Sep 3, 2023
I was reading on the forum and even before i read it i know it is rude to the Gods to talk intoxicated with them.But i have a few questions for more advanced members.

1.If i talk to my GD while drinking and ask him only to keep my safe is that okay and not a rude gesture?

2.If i thank the Lord for let’s say a great night out like it is the end im going to bed “ intoxicated” is it okay just pray and thank Satan for all the good things that happened to me like I always do and say.

Bonus kind of related

3.I know it is bad to do drugs but what if someone took mushrooms or something like DMT that alters the mind.Who would we encounter?(Demons or the enemy or even nothing)and would that affect our sense of presence or even allow as to see astral beings.

(I’m not planning on trying and would say to anyone reading this DON’T DO DRUGS!!! I have first hand experience and Satan is the reson i am saved before i’ve ruined my life)

I was reading on the forum and even before i read it i know it is rude to the Gods to talk intoxicated with them.But i have a few questions for more advanced members.

1.If i talk to my GD while drinking and ask him only to keep my safe is that okay and not a rude gesture?

2.If i thank the Lord for let’s say a great night out like it is the end im going to bed “ intoxicated” is it okay just pray and thank Satan for all the good things that happened to me like I always do and say.

Bonus kind of related

3.I know it is bad to do drugs but what if someone took mushrooms or something like DMT that alters the mind.Who would we encounter?(Demons or the enemy or even nothing)and would that affect our sense of presence or even allow as to see astral beings.

(I’m not planning on trying and would say to anyone reading this DON’T DO DRUGS!!! I have first hand experience and Satan is the reson i am saved before i’ve ruined my life)

With drugs there is no serious effort in what you are doing.

Drugs can be extremely delusional, but you can still feel the love of the Gods if you focus on this, and have a good experience. As they are beyond everything.

But this isn't the way, drugs destroy minds, weaken your soul and your health.

The Gods will guide you away from drugs.

If you need help, feel free to ask.
1: Drinking alcohol is unhealthy and I would potentially feel wrong to pray in this state.
2: yes, but thank yourself also. Reflect on yourself. If you did something wrong, tell yourself that this was wrong. See the introspective meditation by HPHC.
3: These are still drugs and they are very unhealthy and dangerous. You will have NO actual spiritual experiences on these drugs, but rather they will degrade your soul.
I was reading on the forum and even before i read it i know it is rude to the Gods to talk intoxicated with them.But i have a few questions for more advanced members.

1.If i talk to my GD while drinking and ask him only to keep my safe is that okay and not a rude gesture?

2.If i thank the Lord for let’s say a great night out like it is the end im going to bed “ intoxicated” is it okay just pray and thank Satan for all the good things that happened to me like I always do and say.

Bonus kind of related

3.I know it is bad to do drugs but what if someone took mushrooms or something like DMT that alters the mind.Who would we encounter?(Demons or the enemy or even nothing)and would that affect our sense of presence or even allow as to see astral beings.

(I’m not planning on trying and would say to anyone reading this DON’T DO DRUGS!!! I have first hand experience and Satan is the reson i am saved before i’ve ruined my life)

1, no, if by "talk" you mean serious things, my opinion is that it's better to wait to be sober to talk.

2, I do not think merely praying while intoxicated is problematic, as long as you are respectful and didn't drink so much that you are out of your mind.

3, I don't know.

I am not gonna treat you as a child and tell you if you should drink alcohol or not, but if you do and want, make sure to not let it drag you into alcoholism. "Nothing in excess" was one of the Delphic Maxims for a good reason.

Sorry I assumed intoxicated means that you are sober. So my answer here refers to if you going to bed sober. So in that case, my answer to your second question is the same as the first. You shouldn't thank Satan for being intoxicated, as this is a bad thing and not something to be thankful for.
1.If i talk to my GD while drinking and ask him only to keep my safe is that okay and not a rude gesture?

Not rude, just stupid. Why would you want to do harmful things to yourself and ask him to keep you safe? Your GD can't save you from the dumb things you do to yourself, that's not their responsibility. Either stop drinking or limit it to the point that you won't lose your consciousness.

2.If i thank the Lord for let’s say a great night out like it is the end im going to bed “ intoxicated” is it okay just pray and thank Satan for all the good things that happened to me like I always do and say.
You can do whatever you want, but it's inaccurate, as Satan isn't responsible for anything good or bad that happens to your life. In Satanism, everything is your own responsibility.

3.I know it is bad to do drugs but what if someone took mushrooms or something like DMT that alters the mind.Who would we encounter?(Demons or the enemy or even nothing)and would that affect our sense of presence or even allow as to see astral beings.
Subconscious illusions, mostly. but I've seen many people who see reptilians and other nasty enemy beings if they take these drugs, because these drugs open you only to only the lower parts of the astral plane where enemy beings and thoughtforms dwell.
I admit that stimulants on the path of spiritual development are a bad combination. I went through this stage many times. At the beginning I gave myself a lot of elements to do energy work. Later I felt very exhausted and alcohol appeared to relax. Two or three days off where I was not able to do anything. But out of respect for our Gods I never did anything while under the influence. They protect us, help us, so you can leave this day to do nothing so as not to worsen the situation. I hope that I myself will not go back to alcohol. However, a person is stupid, he knows that he is sick and still will not refuse. I wish everyone good luck who fights their addictions.
Personal opinion about the question in itself it's that I myself have spoke to them in my worst moments, no matter the cause. I think you can talk to the Gods and Satan while whatever but they would probably be disappointed but surely they will help you if you want to change for the better.

Imagine you're a Dad and your son comes to you intoxicated and say: Dad, hi, although I knew too much was dangerous, now I am fucked.

It is normal instinct for Son to call upon the one who brought him upon this world and ask for his help, wisdom and support, this applies with Father Satan as well.

And yes, it's a bit rude as well if you think about it but then again, we are not our best selves and we gonna need the God's always no matter how evolved we would ever become because in theory it's kinda near impossible to become higher then the Gods but then again you never know, that's the whole point, we are the creation of Satan and I have know Him and knows him and he wants us to be best versions of ourselves.
Sorry I assumed intoxicated means that you are sober. So my answer here refers to if you going to bed sober. So in that case, my answer to your second question is the same as the first. You shouldn't thank Satan for being intoxicated, as this is a bad thing and not something to be thankful for.
I didn’t mean to thank for being intoxicated but for coming home safe,or generally like every night just thanking the Lord.
I admit that stimulants on the path of spiritual development are a bad combination. I went through this stage many times. At the beginning I gave myself a lot of elements to do energy work. Later I felt very exhausted and alcohol appeared to relax. Two or three days off where I was not able to do anything. But out of respect for our Gods I never did anything while under the influence. They protect us, help us, so you can leave this day to do nothing so as not to worsen the situation. I hope that I myself will not go back to alcohol. However, a person is stupid, he knows that he is sick and still will not refuse. I wish everyone good luck who fights their addictions.
I totaly respect this as i when i drink don’t do anything releted to the Gods out of respect for them.
You can do whatever you want, but it's inaccurate, as Satan isn't responsible for anything good or bad that happens to your life. In Satanism, everything is your own responsibility.
I know Satan isn’t responsible for everything but still he helped me when i needed him the most so i feel obligated to thank him for things he might not even influenced as i wouldn’t even be there if i didn’t find Him.

Not rude, just stupid. Why would you want to do harmful things to yourself and ask him to keep you safe? Your GD can't save you from the dumb things you do to yourself, that's not their responsibility. Either stop drinking or limit it to the point that you won't lose your consciousness.
First i drink a very small amout where im not even close to being unconscious,and i don’t ask for the GD to save me from it or something like that,just generally so my stupid decisions don’t lead to more stupid.I respect the Gods and don’t ask for like “don’t let me get drunk” then drink a whole bottle as that is on me.I was just curious as if i drink a little but ask my GD for help with somthing unrelated to drinking is it bad?
"I know this is harmful and wrong. But I will do it and go and ask my Guardian for help."

Do not disrespect the Gods, even if you do so to yourself.
So it seems people didn’t understand my question.I didn’t mean to go drink and ask for help because I’m drinking,i meant if i drunk a certain amount of alcohol and ask for help with something unrelated with that to my GD is it rude?

The last thing i would do is disrespect the Gods.
A problem with drugs is that you will start closing yourself from the Gods.

Like, you are honest with the Gods, but you are weak in certain moments and you still do drugs.

To avoid to "being judged", or to put serious efforts in hard times, you will be like, I didn't see that, when you casually find yourself in front of a Sigil, and try to scroll to not focus to much on that. Also for shame or to fully enjoy being a retard while you want to do drugs and get high (down...).

But this blocks you, and will prevent a full connection with the Gods and the full understanding. And deprogramming will be neccessary.

Just say stop, be honest with the Gods in this intent, and show bravery in hard times, not weakness.
Stay strong and pure in front of the Gods.

Lord Valefor's Ritual is very good to heal yourself from drugs' damages, and other issues related to this.

Lord Buer is very good to deal with addictions.

You also might study Virtues in those hard times.


So it seems people didn’t understand my question.I didn’t mean to go drink and ask for help because I’m drinking,i meant if i drunk a certain amount of alcohol and ask for help with something unrelated with that to my GD is it rude?

The last thing i would do is disrespect the Gods.
No, if it's a life-death situation.

But you are missing the whole point.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
