My doctor wants me to gain it in healthy way and my stomach shrunken down i guess, even if i eat just an apple it looks like i am pregnant lol
But i would kill for a chocolate now, i will eat. Thanks for advice and sorry for english
You should eat dark chocolate, above 70%, even better if it has cane sugar instead of "sugar" (refined white sugar). These are more healthy.
I feel and know that i am always recieving messages from godesses but i am sure i am not a hp...but its ok i guess
What kind of messages? We have all received messages that we are "more" or that we are their disciples, or any kind of message from the gods, but it doesn't mean we were meant to be High Priests.
Most of us, almost all are here by fate, not by coincidence. But our exact role in life will unfold, and meditating, getting close to the Gods, opening up to them, letting them help us and guide us, can monumentally help and clarify this.
Multiple lifetime aim, rather.
I mean do they incarnate for telling people about gods?
Yes they are here to save souls.
Was this work same in ancident egypt? bc i had read (it was a novel so i am not sure) they had to pass certain tests to become priesstess/pirests
Yes. I don't know much about ancient Egypt but if I'm not wrong these were spiritual tests, they were still meant to be Priests or Pharaohs and so on, these were tests to test them if they have arrived to that level where they are actually ready to take their intended position.
My doctor wants me to gain it in healthy way and my stomach shrunken down i guess, even if i eat just an apple it looks like i am pregnant lol
Yeah definitely, raw milk (yes raw, without heating it), meat, eggs, should help you gain weight. Eat simple dishes. White bread is fine also. Avoid additives and overly processed "foods", especially sweets, chips, and these things.