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Taking A Dip in the Water (Intro)


New member
Sep 11, 2003
Herro, I am Raven Princess from the forums. I really assumed that yahoo groups were inactive as I've seen so many other yahoo groups dead. Now, I am confused. Can some of you say hello, just to verify I am not alone? *crickets*Oh well,Anyway, I am Raven Princess, more specifically a trans girl that likes dark things. I am really sarcastic so I must warn you I am not cute (sarcasm) and I think highly of myself. Too highly.This is starting to sound like an eHarmony Description. I may know some of you already so I'll be glad to see you guys again. I do not know if posts go into a certain category, so this is essentially an example post, thus the title of this very post. I am thinking since this is a bit less informal than the forums, my questions will be answered or rather approved in the lightning speed of less than 2 weeks. An even better possibility is maybe I get to know the big, famous (not exactly) people I look at and I'm like "Wow, Mr. Slotheson666 just replied to me, I feel so important." So, I hope you can answer my questions I have here, so thank you in advance everyone who will ever reply to my comments.Bye!
Hello, you are not alone. 
Welcome Raven. Your alias... has a history in the groups. Anyways,
We are of the third sex. This group is special, where the intellectuals and warriors (SS) reside; contrary how we are perceived by the jew society.  Makes me glad it is becoming more alive and numbers increasing. 
We will try to answer any of your questions, however, I can not assure a response to private questions. 

---In [email protected], <d.j_martinez902@... wrote :

Herro, I am Raven Princess from the forums. I really assumed that yahoo groups were inactive as I've seen so many other yahoo groups dead. Now, I am confused. Can some of you say hello, just to verify I am not alone? *crickets*Oh well,Anyway, I am Raven Princess, more specifically a trans girl that likes dark things. I am really sarcastic so I must warn you I am not cute (sarcasm) and I think highly of myself. Too highly.This is starting to sound like an eHarmony Description. I may know some of you already so I'll be glad to see you guys again. I do not know if posts go into a certain category, so this is essentially an example post, thus the title of this very post. I am thinking since this is a bit less informal than the forums, my questions will be answered or rather approved in the lightning speed of less than 2 weeks. An even better possibility is maybe I get to know the big, famous (not exactly) people I look at and I'm like "Wow, Mr. Slotheson666 just replied to me, I feel so important." So, I hope you can answer my questions I have here, so thank you in advance everyone who will ever reply to my comments.Bye!
Not alone in the least. Algur, hammer, and myself are on here along with others. I just woke up though so my brain is still half asleep or I would be able to put more names. Anyways. Nice to meet ya Raven.
Hello Algur and JamesMarshal, I do recognize Algur from the forums. By the way, the 3 or 4 at most are active at one time in the #Jos or #JoyofSatan channels on Mibbit. It was like a little sanctuary, headed by a really nice guy named SVEM who is GLBT. He also has another LHP Group (its SE European, Bosnian/Croatian) where he has a small group that are kind to bi-gendered people like me (who they refer to as bisexual). Honestly, I do feel very welcome with SVEM and his LHP group. As bi, I am revered and honored, so its great. The reason why I never take Abrahamic (xian, muslim, and jewish) GLBT "Acceptance" of me is that they are just conforming to the trends of the day. They are saying to me "Although my religion teaches me to murder your kind, I am so open minded and merciful that I accept you." Vomit, I say. Hating of the Third Sex has only grounds in these religions, so, when I am attacked for being Trans, I see right through their lies and call them out as xian. (or jewish or muslim for that manner, though they have never said a word.) There is a huge difference in the jew-run LGBT movement, between "we know we're not okay but that's okay" mentality and "we know we're normal beings and should be respected as such."
I have heard straight cis white males, either anti or pro-LGBT, say "Okay you're gay, but why the need for huge pride parades?" I had an extremely difficult time expressing who I was because when I was young, I was both oppressed and repressed by the xian religion and then LGBT would be so polar, so "much." Even now, you'll never see me in a rainbow colored outfit, wearing rainbow colored shirts. If you want to be perceived as "normal" don't go to the extent of furry culture, or men dressing up in the most unmasculine, crippling outfits. Even when I refer to as "unmasculine," women wont even dress up this way. 
Another thing I hope I don't do is pretend I am "entitled" to speak on behalf of all third sex people. My issue is I am told two things in the media, both when I am out, I am a walking example for the Trans community, but the complete opposite that when I walk outside, I am not what a label defines me as. So, I get very mixed messages, so excuse me if do something wrong in this line of thought.

---In [email protected], <jamesmarshall237@... wrote :

Not alone in the least. Algur, hammer, and myself are on here along with others. I just woke up though so my brain is still half asleep or I would be able to put more names. Anyways. Nice to meet ya Raven.
Secondly, I have forever defined as being part of the "Intellectual" class. I really do not call myself smart anymore, since it's taboo to be smart in society. However, when people, within 10 seconds of seeing me, hearing me speak, and observing my mannerisms they can already tell I am smart. Within nine days of being in an English class a month ago, my English teacher said "(my name), you are an intellectual!" Thus, yes, I got that marked down.When you mention warrior, it is also quite interesting because I call my transitioning "The Path of The Warrior Queen." That being said, whenever I become more feminine, I am always met with hostility, both direct and indirect, that poses great obstacles to me. In these challenges, as I see in the LHP's sense of no good or evil, these negative events are designed to help me overcome, grow stronger, and even more importantly learn as a person.I hope I am finally welcomed home, as I have wondered very long without a place of refuge. If this be not a home to me, let it be at the very least a safe haven.Thank you two,I feel welcomed.
Hello Raven.You won't find me often but I am here. I'm one of the silent gay men in S. ca. That listen and practice silently for Satan until the time is right. Be assured, you are not alone my Princess. Hail SATAN.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 7:08 PM, d.j_martinez902@... [Satanicgaycommunity]<[email protected] wrote:   Herro, I am Raven Princess from the forums. I really assumed that yahoo groups were inactive as I've seen so many other yahoo groups dead. Now, I am confused. Can some of you say hello, just to verify I am not alone? *crickets*Oh well,Anyway, I am Raven Princess, more specifically a trans girl that likes dark things. I am really sarcastic so I must warn you I am not cute (sarcasm) and I think highly of myself. Too highly.This is starting to sound like an eHarmony Description. I may know some of you already so I'll be glad to see you guys again. I do not know if posts go into a certain category, so this is essentially an example post, thus the title of this very post. I am thinking since this is a bit less informal than the forums, my questions will be answered or rather approved in the lightning speed of less than 2 weeks. An even better possibility is maybe I get to know the big, famous (not exactly) people I look at and I'm like "Wow, Mr. Slotheson666 just replied to me, I feel so important." So, I hope you can answer my questions I have here, so thank you in advance everyone who will ever reply to my comments.Bye!
Oh okay Mr. Harris (dont get the idea I'm going on a pedo thing, I refer to all Witches and Satanists i don't know in a proper language.) I understand your "Silent" persona a bit. I believe on forums its called "lurking" that you observe all that happens but no input from yourself on less important issues. I am a little ball of energy in my life, hot with passion and anger for the slavers that ruined my life. I am, of course, talking about the smelly jew. I'm sure there's a thousand that are just like you here, and I respect your decision to both stay in the dark and come out in the night now. I am also quite flattered (ty for calling me Princess) since this is like me in a movie saying by myself in a graveyard "Am I alone?" And beautiful humans just rise from the graves one-by-one and say "You are not alone, my Princess." I meant to keep this short and simple to make it seem like you were just saying hi but then I remembered I have a friend similar to you. It feels quite nice to see other LHP'ers on the same (dark and gloomy, in a good way) boat, and I see this as a bit of refuge from all the RHP (Abrahamic, Atheist, and the rare Witch) influence I get every moment of the day. Do I doubt the Path I chose? Absolutely not. Do I hate being an individual in a world full'o sheep? Absolutely nein. I came back in particular to the JoS shortly after the Friday 13th Attacks, and with 4 others nations suffering terrible fates as well on that day. I heard on a Maxine audio sermon how when the jews dont get their way, they would manipulate weather to create disasters. And, since I knew beforehand 1.5 million predominately Muslims were moving into Europe, they are all living covert cells for that ISIL Islamic State thing. (I feel sad my friend has a cat named Isis and she lives in fear of using the name of the Goddess). So, when I felt a bit overwhelmed on this whole thing, I came back to JoS, as I was sure they had many things:Knowledge of the situationKnowledge of what caused these atrocitiesKnowledge of how these game pieces are being played without err.
If there were someone the elites were fighting, it was you guys.
You are definitely not alone princess,It's just too hard to reply back using emails. --
Sent from my OPPO smartphone

"lightalgur@... [Satanicgaycommunity]" <‎[email protected] wrote:

  Hello, you are not alone. 
Welcome Raven. Your alias... has a history in the groups. Anyways,
We are of the third sex. This group is special, where the intellectuals and warriors (SS) reside; contrary how we are perceived by the jew society.  Makes me glad it is becoming more alive and numbers increasing. 
We will try to answer any of your questions, however, I can not assure a response to private questions. 

---In [email protected], <d.j_martinez902@... wrote :

Herro, I am Raven Princess from the forums. I really assumed that yahoo groups were inactive as I've seen so many other yahoo groups dead. Now, I am confused. Can some of you say hello, just to verify I am not alone? *crickets*Oh well,Anyway, I am Raven Princess, more specifically a trans girl that likes dark things. I am really sarcastic so I must warn you I am not cute (sarcasm) and I think highly of myself. Too highly.This is starting to sound like an eHarmony Description. I may know some of you already so I'll be glad to see you guys again. I do not know if posts go into a certain category, so this is essentially an example post, thus the title of this very post. I am thinking since this is a bit less informal than the forums, my questions will be answered or rather approved in the lightning speed of less than 2 weeks. An even better possibility is maybe I get to know the big, famous (not exactly) people I look at and I'm like "Wow, Mr. Slotheson666 just replied to me, I feel so important." So, I hope you can answer my questions I have here, so thank you in advance everyone who will ever reply to my comments.Bye!
Posted by: lightalgur@...
The time is now. 

---In [email protected], <aaaaabdmn@... wrote :

Hello Raven.You won't find me often but I am here. I'm one of the silent gay men in S. ca. That listen and practice silently for Satan until the time is right. Be assured, you are not alone my Princess. Hail SATAN.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 7:08 PM, d.j_martinez902@... [Satanicgaycommunity]<[email protected] wrote:  Herro, I am Raven Princess from the forums. I really assumed that yahoo groups were inactive as I've seen so many other yahoo groups dead. Now, I am confused. Can some of you say hello, just to verify I am not alone? *crickets*Oh well,Anyway, I am Raven Princess, more specifically a trans girl that likes dark things. I am really sarcastic so I must warn you I am not cute (sarcasm) and I think highly of myself. Too highly.This is starting to sound like an eHarmony Description. I may know some of you already so I'll be glad to see you guys again. I do not know if posts go into a certain category, so this is essentially an example post, thus the title of this very post. I am thinking since this is a bit less informal than the forums, my questions will be answered or rather approved in the lightning speed of less than 2 weeks. An even better possibility is maybe I get to know the big, famous (not exactly) people I look at and I'm like "Wow, Mr. Slotheson666 just replied to me, I feel so important." So, I hope you can answer my questions I have here, so thank you in advance everyone who will ever reply to my comments.Bye!
Hello, Raven.
I am here, in central Illinois.
You aren't alone; I'm silent & observing.

I am Aod
telltriton59Hello, Raven. I am here, in central Illinois. You aren t alone; I m silent & observing. I am AodHello telltriton59, nice to meet you. What is an Aod?
By intellectuals I meant those of fulltime studying everything about Spirtual Satanism. 

High Priest Don Danko's sermon titled "Satanic Society", which is part of my current dream trying to bring back to reality. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Sat ... sages/2726
 It was the understanding one could withdraw or renounce their social duties. Inorder to enroll in the Temple community to work on perfecting themselves full time. This was considered an honour and the familes of such people where very respected. When this was done the individual would then become a member of the twice born or Divya class [those who had finished the Great Perfection or a high level of it].

As well in the sermon titled "The Social Order of Nature":https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Sat ... sages/1578  
GLBT peoples way is within being the greater head of the nation as such postions are life time roles and 24/7 tasking. Their energy is thus subliminated into providing the full time leadership, training and protection of the nation[many warrior classes are 24/7 and require most time away from home stations]. Note originally the ancient world eltie full time militaries not reserve forces, where staffed by GLBT men and women. From the Sworn Band Of Thebes to the Spartans and on.

Being the ruling Priestarchy required a life of focus in that path, decades of strict living and training that started early in the morning and ending late at night,in the major Temple Centers and then 16 hours a day in duties for the Folk. This training had to begin young not at 40 after the kids are grown up. 
  http://thirdsex666.weebly.com/uploads/3 ... ex_666.pdf
page 62page 68

All of these distractions created by the jews in this modern society needs to removed. The jews go down first and foremost.
 I have been a victim of these distractions, unfortunately. 
There have been good people that have come and then go in the groups... from Priests to members. Who knows what happened to them? 
It is sad to see them leave but after all, this is a warrior religion. 

---In [email protected], <d.j_martinez902@... wrote :

Secondly, I have forever defined as being part of the "Intellectual" class. I really do not call myself smart anymore, since it's taboo to be smart in society. However, when people, within 10 seconds of seeing me, hearing me speak, and observing my mannerisms they can already tell I am smart. Within nine days of being in an English class a month ago, my English teacher said "(my name), you are an intellectual!" Thus, yes, I got that marked down.When you mention warrior, it is also quite interesting because I call my transitioning "The Path of The Warrior Queen." That being said, whenever I become more feminine, I am always met with hostility, both direct and indirect, that poses great obstacles to me. In these challenges, as I see in the LHP's sense of no good or evil, these negative events are designed to help me overcome, grow stronger, and even more importantly learn as a person.I hope I am finally welcomed home, as I have wondered very long without a place of refuge. If this be not a home to me, let it be at the very least a safe haven.Thank you two,I feel welcomed.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
