By intellectuals I meant those of fulltime studying everything about Spirtual Satanism.
High Priest Don Danko's sermon titled "Satanic Society", which is part of my current dream trying to bring back to reality. ... sages/2726
It was the understanding one could withdraw or renounce their social duties. Inorder to enroll in the Temple community to work on perfecting themselves full time. This was considered an honour and the familes of such people where very respected. When this was done the individual would then become a member of the twice born or Divya class [those who had finished the Great Perfection or a high level of it].
As well in the sermon titled "The Social Order of Nature": ... sages/1578
GLBT peoples way is within being the greater head of the nation as such postions are life time roles and 24/7 tasking. Their energy is thus subliminated into providing the full time leadership, training and protection of the nation[many warrior classes are 24/7 and require most time away from home stations]. Note originally the ancient world eltie full time militaries not reserve forces, where staffed by GLBT men and women. From the Sworn Band Of Thebes to the Spartans and on.
Being the ruling Priestarchy required a life of focus in that path, decades of strict living and training that started early in the morning and ending late at night,in the major Temple Centers and then 16 hours a day in duties for the Folk. This training had to begin young not at 40 after the kids are grown up. ... ex_666.pdf
page 62page 68
All of these distractions created by the jews in this modern society needs to removed. The jews go down first and foremost.
I have been a victim of these distractions, unfortunately.
There have been good people that have come and then go in the groups... from Priests to members. Who knows what happened to them?
It is sad to see them leave but after all, this is a warrior religion.
[email protected], <d.j_martinez902@... wrote :
Secondly, I have forever defined as being part of the "Intellectual" class. I really do not call myself smart anymore, since it's taboo to be smart in society. However, when people, within 10 seconds of seeing me, hearing me speak, and observing my mannerisms they can already tell I am smart. Within nine days of being in an English class a month ago, my English teacher said "(my name), you are an intellectual!" Thus, yes, I got that marked down.When you mention warrior, it is also quite interesting because I call my transitioning "The Path of The Warrior Queen." That being said, whenever I become more feminine, I am always met with hostility, both direct and indirect, that poses great obstacles to me. In these challenges, as I see in the LHP's sense of no good or evil, these negative events are designed to help me overcome, grow stronger, and even more importantly learn as a person.I hope I am finally welcomed home, as I have wondered very long without a place of refuge. If this be not a home to me, let it be at the very least a safe haven.Thank you two,I feel welcomed.