I usually vibrate it like the first way, but probably both ways work, because actually we vibrate the mantras one letter after the other in one breath.
I'm kinda startled on the other replies to your question. Maybe I missed something, but as far as I know you vibrate it SSS-UUUU-RRRR-EEEEEE-YAAAAAA-YYYYAAAAYYY
I'm kinda confused lol.
On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 8:59, mdeason008@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote: is surya pronounced ssuu-rrrr yah or suu-reee yah?
Go to 2:00 Minutes the last ten seconds at the end to listen to Maxine vibrate it.
I took a piece of her audio and inserted it into the last ten seconds of this video.
Please listen to this video how they chant "suryaye". This is how people chat this mantra here in India. I never heard them rolling the RRRR's. I wonder if this is right or wrong.