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Sun Square Thread! + additional information

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
With the Sun now in Leo, I believe it is very important for the majority of SS to make use of this. I would like to list helpful information related to this, as well as example workings.


Basic Description of our Natal Sun:
Described in one sentence: The Sun is one's ego, the personality, one's self-esteem, vitality, leadership ability, health, fame, and honor.

-Home Ruler: Leo / Exalted sign: Aries
-Sign of Detriment: Aquarius / Sign of Fall: Libra

Spiritual Relevance
-Rules: the will, one's sense of ambition, the god, one's self-expression, and one's confidence.
-Symbolism: Source of life
-Area of the Soul: The Solar Plexus Chakra [666]
-Demon: Sorath
-Energy type: hot, dry and barren

Physical Relevance
-Rules: one's health, life force, and vitality,
-Parts of the Body: the heart, the spine, the arteries, and the eyes.
-Diseases/health: Low vitality, fatigue, all diseases of the heart, diseases of the arteries, high and low blood pressure, vision problems, jaundice, meningitis, and all back and spinal problems.

Material Relevance
-Rules: The father, the men in one's life, one's children, precious metals, items of value, gold, all those who are in positions of authority and power,* the wealthy, the government,
-Professions: Acting, all theatre occupations, persons in positions of authority [bosses, supervisors, noblemen, kings, emperors], those who work with gold, judges, magistrates, people in charge of huge sums of money, and money lenders.

Additional information: Spotting an afflicted or debilitated Sun by Shadowcat

Solar Chakra:
COLOR: White-Gold [Brilliant like the Sun]
DAY: Sunday
FUNCTION: This chakra is the powerhouse of the soul; will, power, manipulation
INNER STATE: Willpower, timing. This chakra is the Grail of Lucifer

The solar plexus chakra is the most important chakra. It is known in Sanskrit as the "Manipura." It is the chakra of the will, and most important, it is the Grail of Lucifer that stores the elixir of life, secreted by the pineal gland. This is where the healing power of the soul emanates. It rules over the digestive system, the stomach, the pancreas, and the muscles. The solar chakra is gold in color and is ruled by the Sun. Its element is fire and its metal is gold. Here is the chakra one uses to impress one’s will when working witchcraft. The solar chakra is the powerhouse of the soul. Its symbol is the Swastika.

Solar Workings
With the Sun now in Leo, we can expect this type of energy:

Sun in Leo
"Proud, leadership ability, stubborn, inner strength, arrogant, dramatic, loving, hates to fail, loves to brag, loves to be center of attention, show off, generous, creative, fun loving. Flattery will get you everywhere with this sign. Step on their pride and that is unforgivable. Leos need to have fun and recreation. They are natural born actors and have a dramatic flair. Leos have strong wills and their sense of pride can make them fiercely competitive. When their pride is at stake, they will fight to the death. They must be able to express themselves freely for their own emotional and psychological health and well-being. Leos are natural born leaders."

Ritual/Magickal Rulerships for the Sun:
"Confidence, fame, success in gambling, pleasure, securing popularity/charisma, increasing health and vitality, healing, protection, success, magickal power and riches. The Sun rules the third chakra, and of course the Sun in the astrology chart."

Because the Sun contains all wavelengths, it has the ability to nourish or improve anything, making it a very versatile tool.

Sun Mantras
To make the best use of the Sun in its home sign, use its planetary mantras. Use NAMA for material goals, SVAHA for spiritual goals.

Full mantra of the Sun:

Shortened mantra of the Sun:

AH rhymes with Saw ٠ UUU rhymes with Too ٠ All R's need to be rolled ٠ YAY rhymes with Say

Note: Rolling the R's is recommended, but not essential.
Audio files for planetary square mantras

Methods for using Solar Mantras
Sun Square: For more experienced practioners.

Planetary Square Description
"The Kabalistic/Magickal Square reveals a certain sequence for the recitation of a specific mantra. These workings are the most powerful I have ever done, and are not for those who are new to meditation. They can generate an extreme amount of energy, especially in the chakra the particular square represents. All of your chakras should be open, in having performed the chakra opening meditations on the Joy of Satan Meditation webpage.*

The energy seems to build and becomes exceptionally strong about halfway into the working. It is imperative not to skip any days in the working, as this will ruin the entire working and you will have to start over again. It is also very important that you are exact and precise in the number of repetitions given for each day. "

Additional Info on Using Planetary Squares, by HPHC

To easily complete planetary squares, it is highly recommended to use the "Master Squares" application, by Bigot Boy
Master Squares Thread Link
Working download link, by Henu:


40-day working: For those less comfortable with a square, but still wish to make direct use of the Sun's energy, while it inhabits strong signs. For this, one can pick either the full or shortened mantras, and chant these in multiples of 10, 40, or 111, then affirm as normal. As always, continue for 40+ days.

Because these mantras are directly related to the Sun, it is also advisable to start this working during the same times which one would normally start a Sun Square.

Unlike a Sun square, these workings are much harder to mess up: If the wrong number of mantra repetitions is used, this does not destroy this style of working. Additionally, if one accidentally misses a day, it can be done twice the next day. As long as 36 hours do not pass, the working can still be considered ongoing.


Spiritual Uses
General empowerment (includes the natal house of which your Sun is located)
"This energy of the Sun has permanently improved my soul's solar energy, in the best way for me."

Empowerment of specific houses - transmutation of one's affairs
"This energy of the Sun has permanently improved all the affairs of my _____ house, in the best way for me."

Empowerment of specific houses - adding solar energy to a specific house (see examples here)
"This energy of the Sun has permanently given me a solar expression within all the affairs of my _______ house, in the best way for me."

Creation of solar qualities with a specific goal (may add across multiple houses)
"This energy of the Sun has permanently created a solar drive and expression to ______, in the best way for me."
Examples include: career, hobby, meditations, Satanic career/warfare, organization membership, communications, finances
Again, look at the "Sun in Houses link" for ideas of how the Sun may manifest

Incitement of action
"This energy of the Sun has permanently increased my energy, drive, and ability to advance/complete my _______ affairs, in the best way for me."

"This energy of the Sun has permanently improved my total vitality, in the best way for me."

Leadership ability
"This energy of the Sun has permanently improved my ability to lead others (in general or a specific field), in the best way for me."

Sleep/Recuperation (similar to health)
“The energy of the Sun has completely and permanently enhanced my body's ability to sleep and recuperate at a substantially faster rate, in the best way possible for me."

Negation of negative influences/karma - natal
"This energy of the Sun has permanently removed any obstacles associated with my ______ planet/house/certain ability in the best way for me."

Negation of negative influences - transits
"This energy of the Sun has permanently removed any negative manifestations coming from ______ plant/specific transit, in the best way for me."

Material/External Influences

Wealth/Abundance - General - permanent
"This energy of the Sun has permanently enhanced my natural abundance and wealth, in a fully positive, legal, and easy manner for me."

Wealth/Abundance - Satanic - permanent
"This energy of the Sun has permanently given me the wealth and opportunities to advance my Satanic career (advancement/warfare ability), in a fully positive and legal manner for me."

Wealth/Abundance - General - immediate
"This energy of the Sun has now manifested a large amount of wealth into my permanent possession, in a fully positive, legal, and easy manner for me."

Career improvement - permanent
"This energy of the Sun has permanently accelerated my advancement within _______ career/job/organization, in the best way for me."

Career improvement - immediate
"This energy of the Sun has now improved my position within _______ career/job/organization, in a fully positive way for me."

Outlook from authority improvement
"This energy of the Sun has improved the outlook of authorities within _______ the government/legal system/my job on me, in the best way for me."

Additional affirmation examples here

Additional Information: Decoding The 666 In Kabala

The Torah is the encoded Kabala as the Rabbi's state and show. The Torah symbolically forms their world tree and in the exact middle of the Torah the letter Vav is placed at the navel of the body of "god". In the Torah the number of the Temple of the Sun [Solomon]] is 666.

The Sefirot of Tifereth is the sun and is given the number 6 and its placed at the solar chakra in the middle of the tree where everything connects. In Kabala Tifereth is stated out of the short face which is the seven Elohim or "gods" that are the seven chakra's that Tifereth is the most important and the leader or king of them all. In Kabala the entire soul unites at Tifereth. This is due to the fact still noted in Hinduism all the male and female nadis unite at the navel. And the navel governs everything like a King governs a Kingdom.

The 666 is the number of the sun square and each square is given a sum number. 666 is the sum of all the numbers in the sun square. The seven planet squares relate to the seven Elohim or "gods" of the lower face in Kabala. Hence this is the square of Tifereth and thus the six letter Vav is placed here.

The Vav in Kabala unites things. By placing the Vav here they are uniting the soul by activating this point the soul comes together in. That is why Tifereth is also called Daath in Kabala. Daath means sexual union its the alchemical sexual union of the soul. Daath also relates to spirit and the solar chakra is responsible for converting spiritual energy into vital force for the being. The Vav is the letter of the serpent in Kabala and relates to the belly of the serpent. The belly is the navel point and the serpent is the symbol of the sun here. Tifereth is the energy center that rules all the other ones as all the chakra's connect to the solar. Note One in Kabala means 13 some diagrams show the map of the 13 chakra's all connecting at Tifereth as well.


Location near navel.

In Free Masonry Hiram Abiff is the corner stone. Hiram is also spelled Haram which means "The Ram" the Ra or Ram is the ancient name of the sun God the solar chakra and is also a mantra for the solar chakra. Abiff relates to serpent father. The Temple of the Sun in Masonry is the 666 as well. Its all relating to the solar chakra. The corner stone is an ancient title for this chakra its also called the Omphalos. The Beast 666 is a title of the Omphalos to the ancients. The Omphalos had the Phoenix which is what this word beast relates to in the ancient Greek.

Note the V letter was the original sixth letter in the Greek alphabet the Digamma this was removed by the Church later and replaced with other letters and hidden away. The ancient Greeks placed a pentagram inside the serpent circle with 666 under it to show the Magnum Opus. The Pentagram in this fashion relates to the solar chakra which is the "sun or son" of the serpent goddess Venus. Being born into the world. This is the reborn soul and how it relates to the transformed solar chakra and life force. In the east transforming the solar chakra is the major key to the Magnum Opus this is openly talked on a lot in Taoism and mentioned in Hinduism in the Tantra's.


Sun radiates in 8 separate rays.


8 become the symbol for infinity.
8 also means drive, power, permanence

The Digamma in some ancient symbols are shown as four Digamma's coming together forming the Swastika the symbol of the solar chakra. The Digamma swastika shows the V letter connects the "four directions" which in Kabala all unite at the navel chakra. The upper chakra's the lower chakra's and the left and right sides of the body and their nadis.

The fact is the Jews simply stole the ancient teachings of the Gentile Pagan religion and then corrupted them and hid them away in the encoded Torah. The Torah on the encoded level is a false history which forms a geopolitical doctrine and blueprint for the creation of a Jewish world government. The encoded Kabala is simply the occult level of how the Jews are using stolen spiritual knowledge against Gentiles to achieve this. Much of the actual Kabala is taken from the Pagan Greeks who shared a common culture with the Egyptians, Babylonian's and ancient Hindu's. 666 is the sacred number to the ancient Pagan Greeks, Egyptians, Hindu's, Babylonians and Pagan Peoples in general. Which is why like with 13 the Jews want to scare Gentiles away from 666 its an important number they want all to themselves.


Solar chakra is displayed as the powerhouse of the soul through the inverted cross.

Note 666 is also Satan and the Jews do know this. However its because Satan is the symbol of the Gentile soul. And the 666 is the heart of the soul as even Kabala admits. In Hebrew "Ra" the solar point means "evil". Because spiritual empowered Gentiles is evil to the Jews. That's the whole core of their Bible they push on us Goyim. Anything to do with spiritual knowledge and spiritual empowerment is evil Goyim. Just send your energy into a Jewish thought form of Rabbi Yeshua and bow to the Jewish political ideology of their Zionist World Government. Which is how the Jewish Bible ends. With the 12 tribes of Israel [the 144,000] ruling the world under the King of the Jews. The same evil book which tells us Goyim the symbol of Gentile spiritual enlightenment the serpent of Satan is evil as well. The Bible is full of the Jewish "god" attacking Gentile humanity for spiritually empowering themselves. Which is a literality device to act as the warning to the Rabbi's. That is why under the Noahide Laws the Jews want to impose on the Gentiles. The first law is Goyim are not allowed to practice spiritual empowerment The punishment for which is death. Just like the Jewish Bible orders.

The Universal Meaning Of The Kabbalah, Leo Schaya
The Greek Kabala, Barry

JoS Forums Contributions

Also Satanic Symbols Source
I would like to mention due to receiving information from Shael due to him threatening me with no communication if I didn't email him. Unfortunately and regrettably I communicated with him. As of this point I do not communicate with anyone over email, sorry not gonna happen.

I was told by him which on some level makes sense I guess but perhaps not the most appropriate use. To harmonize the numerology with the Square. For example the Sun Square is 111/3 so 3 affirmations. Nope don't do this. I actually posted this some time ago and someone was like "Ugh 3 is too low for a money spell".

For anyone doing ANYTHING try the safety numbers like 8/9/10 or above 13/18. If doing a money spell I know that 10 was numerologically updated by HP.Cobra with new features.

But I always recall the old numerology thread. 10 = Material, Material manifestation, money, property(both fixed and mobile), and protective.

If I could redo my Sun Square from 2019 time period during the time period of fairly okay reasonable Venus/Sun/Jupiter time period. I'd do 10 affirmations at least with material money square.

So take my advice try and program squares using higher affirmation nothing below 8. Above is okay if you want 9/10/13/18. Just stick to the safe numbers and program real well that energy cause squares are something.

I have no proof if squares ever did anything to me. I guess something happened I don't know. But whatever happened I really personally regret getting into squares.

It's cool I like the Squares in the right mindset they can be fun. But in the wrong square or huge Mercury for example it's like my goodness it never ends. It's one thing to do 40-90 days it's another the square it can be real finicky. But I can say that it should not be emphasized enough they should be done with great research and care. Raise energy right at the appropriate times using ChronosXP, programming right using high/higher numbers especially good numbers 8/9/10/13/18, and directing REAL well. I mean spending at least 15-20 minutes visualizing the metaphysical imprint try all the senses.

Squares are not for newer people but even if your newer just try the senses just keep the visuals going. In any way the longer you visualize the more engraved, permanent, and stronger the effects become. Like Lydia has replied to me spending anywhere from willing to several seconds to tens of seconds to minutes to five, ten, fifteen plus minutes all it does is simply engrave more push further and give a stronger imprint. In some cases the use of clauses like permanent or eternal are not needed in some cases it's better to not bother with these wordings.

I understand people want to scribe down in their soul a permanent good working. But I think sometimes there's people who make affirmations that involves creating a permanent scenario. You don't want to create a permanent effect in reality involving something poorly said. You want to engrave the working in your soul for this and many lifetimes. But I think in the end Lydia does make a point sometimes simply raising, programming, and directing and your good IF anything better. Sometimes these clauses conflict. It reminds me of some people who use affirmations without positive clauses, it's considered inappropriate for personal property to avoid negativity but some people have had good results. I've even seen non-claused principles in JoS mainsite such as anti-karmic working removing the karma. It seems either the karma is removed and scenarios leading to karma removal or no scenario for that matter manifest or don't and it seems the karma is "popped" out all without a positive clause.

So it seems like there is no need ALWAYS 100% for positive clauses but can be considered good practice to avoid negativity to include it.

Anyways stick to proper usage of the square "RESEARCH" first the square and make the appropriate ChronosXP calculations. Personally I always try and wait 10-15 minutes into the hour of the square to do it. As the squares are not vibrated full blasting breaths. A moderate near medium level. If your spending 3 hours doing a square your not doing it right. Maybe if it takes 15-20-30 minutes 40 minutes what can I say within the hour your golden.

Anyways keep numerology in mind and try for higher numbers especially fiduciary principles.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=377470 time=1658871948 user_id=21286]Square Data

Are you going to create a squares threads like Lydia's Yoga threads? i.e. multiple threads on proper things.

I like some of those affirmations going on and makes sense to apply to other squares. I often see people posting what do I affirm or even asking what is the use of the square for this things like spiritual or material or for example out right going I want this how would I word it. I think we over think our affirmations for many it seems like there are so many rules and regulations out there both a general and personal overview that some are left like *Shrugs* IDK.

BTW personal question that has been said by others but not answered straight forward. If someone does a square it affects both the physical material property and by the side the spiritual/astrological chart. But if someone performs a square for spiritual affecting a house or solar chakra or sun property in their chart, directly i.e. a full blast.

Then does that mean the principles of what the sun or solar do affect more reality?

Can I *cheat* so to speak and gain more stuff than doing a specific square. i.e. general overall empowerment rather than specific laser focused property?

Or is that not how it works?
Thank you for this truly incredible post, bro. Blitz.
It would be really awesome if you could do the same for Venus and Jupiter as well.

My only question is this:
"SURYA"/ "SURYAE" is excellent for cleaning and doesn't require reciting the full or shortened version of the solar mantra.

***Can this single word mantra be effectively used in a normal working for material or spiritual purposes, instead of reciting the long/short solar mantra?

HPs Maxine stated:
Vibrating the word alone SUUU-RR-YAH-YAY, nine times, or a multiple of nine is effective. You do not need to vibrate all of the Sun mantra given in the squares. Following this, you may want to state an affirmation, directing the energy into a specific goal, several times.
Awesome post, JG Blitzkreig!

And a reminder to all members, you can alter affirmations to suit you as an individual. For example, I don't think it is necessary for most people to add "legal", except for anyone who has it in their chart or current situation to be drawn to illegal activities.
Amazing post with great detail. I'll make very precise usage of it.

Silly question, but are digital things counted as "material affairs"? For example, digital art, cryptocurrency, or selling digital products. They're not exactly tangible, so I was wondering.

Also, while luck and fame can bring material results, fortune itself is an intangible force that attracts favorable outcomes in life, is it not? Would this actually be under spiritual affairs, then?

Then, what if one's intention is to increase luck, fame and income to assist in digital activities? Would they be material or spiritual affairs?

Thanks again.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=377511 time=1658901563 user_id=57]
Awesome post, JG Blitzkreig!

And a reminder to all members, you can alter affirmations to suit you as an individual. For example, I don't think it is necessary for most people to add "legal", except for anyone who has it in their chart or current situation to be drawn to illegal activities.
But wouldn't that be the same for "healthy"? Like, if it's positive for me, how could it be unhealthy?
I am using the sun mantra (Suryae) for cleaning, how much time shall I let pass between my cleaning meditation and the meditation for the square in order to not mess it up?
Do you think a 40+day working instead would be better in my case?
Best time of the year.
Great post, thanks for the information. I do have a question regarding the squares in general. If I were to start two squares at the same time, one material and one spiritual, would the energy be offset? Additionally, if I start a sun square, or two, and simultaneously start the 40+ day working you mentioned would this also possibly offset the energy?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=377505 time=1658896277 user_id=21286]
Fix for broken link of "Decoding The 666 in Kabala": https://kabbalahexposed.com/Decoded666.html

Thank you this post is beneficial for me. I have planned for doing Sun square.

My planning:

I will start on Sunday Sun square material. I have chosen this affirmation :

" This energy of the Sun has permanently given me the wealth and opportunities to advance my Satanic career Translation , in a fully positive and legal manner for me." -

But how much I will affirm I am confused ?

Which Satanic number will be suitable for me brother ?
Shiva666 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=377505 time=1658896277 user_id=21286]
Fix for broken link of "Decoding The 666 in Kabala": https://kabbalahexposed.com/Decoded666.html

Thank you this post is beneficial for me. I have planned for doing Sun square.

My planning:

I will start on Sunday Sun square material. I have chosen this affirmation :

" This energy of the Sun has permanently given me the wealth and opportunities to advance my Satanic career Translation , in a fully positive and legal manner for me." -

But how much I will affirm I am confused ?

Which Satanic number will be suitable for me brother ?

can I afirm 18 times?
Thank you for this wonderful post.

Hey I like have a big problem. Well not really a problem but. I started the Sun Material Square in July when the calendar indicated. I did both the Versions of the Square last year but because at that time I did not know according to SS Calendar the day extends all the way to sunrise, I botched both versions. :x I am doing material version now as a retry. I have problems getting back into the work force and I decided to press the nuclear red button figuratively speaking, and just blow these problems away. I know the Squares are very powerful and I chose this as the best option to deal with this.

Shiat I do not know how to deal with this. I have this strong urge in the stomach, I cannot describe it but think of the sexual urge, only it is in the stomach. It's the Sun Square doing it. WTF. I read up on here on all the data on the 666 solar chakra but shiat that is no substitute for the subjective reality (the reality one experiences oneself as opposed to objective reality, one gets by studying reading practicing etc.) As I write this, I am experiencing this fire-burning it is not pain but pleasure I do not know how to describe it right there in the solar plexus. Tingling and this eruption of I guess Solar energy. I actually had to run to the fridge and get some ice and then wrap it in a towel and strap it around my stomach, just to be able to continue to write this post am not kidding.

Having a background on other religions I thought I was prepared for this boy was I wrong.

Can you guys like help. I have this tremendous effulgence, radiance, in my tummy and half the time I cannot get through sun square mantras especially the long ones in the square, without LMAO'ing and I feel like I am pregnant with something in my stomach. Unrestrainable energy. Which should be impossible because I am a guy. Folks please don't laugh. I do not mean this as a joke I know sounds funny. This burning energy right where my navel is. It is not pain but an urge. WTF do I do with this? I passed a woman I regularly have a conversation with where I live, who is pregnant, and I just had to say to her, I know how it feels, and she gave me this look, like, you are a guy how do you know, and I had to go ha ha that was just a joke u r right how could I know and brush off and change the topic of the conversation. (Trust me lady I know now. ) I guess keep on through it and it will pass (what turns it on runs it out/turns it off) ?. I feel like I have the Sun right there in my stomach.

This is really funny because I normally hate the Sun, when walking around on the sidewalk etc. I live in Southeast USA and the sun is a scorcher here I hate the way it burns all the way to the bone here. But boy do I love how it feels in my tummy tum tum. Please, again, I don't mean this as a joke. Being real with this. And also funny (not ha ha funny, strange funny) I hate, normally, children, and pregnant women I think should I say, thought, past tense, that they both were such an annoyance. (Sun rules children in one's life also.) Now I think pregnant women are so beautiful and I will listen and talk to kids. The "Sun" feeling in my stomach will trigger when I get close to any kids or women, especially beautiful pregnant women. Ar-rgh. Can not take this any longer. Want to take a brick to my stomach, pound on it, and say, "Stop-p-p-p".

I have allergy medicine and I know I shouldn't really be doing this but I take 3-4x the normal dosage and it turns me in to a zombie but heck anything to get me just through the day when I have work. The alternative would be dancing like Fred Astaire and kissing all my female co-workers and singing like a Motown star, which would surely not only get me fired but possibly committed to state hospital here. :evil:

And I have dreams at night that I have a roll of C-Notes and money. I know the Sun rules money and gold. I keep finding wallets and things (I try to return them) and people drop in where I am and have these conversations and I have this impulse to guide them and enlighten them on the things they are bringing up. (The sun rules leadership, being in charge, initiation, etc.) I live in what is called, in the USA, Section 8 housing. It is very strange for total strangers in one of these public housing projects (for the poor) to just come up and talk to a person. We usually avoid each other here like cats avoid dogs.

I was listening to Motown hits on YT Music, playing them on my bluetooth speakers, and laughing uncontrollably, again, because of the wonderful fireball in my stomach, and people looking at me like I "lost it". Here is the playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgVo2zJY-uc - totally irrelevant and if you don't like it you can go suck on a lemon I don't care ;) I just feel so silly and insouciant these days :|

This dam thing turning my life upside down. These Squares need to be declared deadly weapons along with paramilitary guns, Uranium 238, Sarin gas and Barry Manilow albums (Hey Joke :) )

I just want to get the friggin job I want and not have to deal with all this distraction, it is so supremely pleasant, but I want to just get on with things. Fff-sheesh. Guess it takes patience and letting all this stuff pass. I guess, it is just my imagination, running away with me.... raise a family ... sugar pie, honey bunch, in and out mye life, burnin' in my heart, can't help myself, I love you, and nobody else.. there's that motown silliness again go away stupid sun... u r ruining my life, get me my damn job and then just go away ..... fffff ..... :evil:
I'm going to begin a spiritual Sun Square tomorrow, planning to enhance the work I've been doing lately on my personality and self-esteem, as well as on my body and health.

The Sun is one's ego, the personality, one's self-esteem, vitality, leadership ability, health, fame, and honor.

Spiritual Relevance
-Rules: the will, one's sense of ambition, the god, one's self-expression, and one's confidence.

Physical Relevance
-Rules: one's health, life force, and vitality,
I mainly want to focus on building muscle (I've been doing weightlifting and trying to lose fat for a while now) and on improving my personality, self-esteem and confidence.

Taking in consideration that my natal sun is in the same house and sign together with more than 4 other planets, including Saturn, would this affirmation be appropriate for what I'm trying to achieve with this square?

“The energy of the Sun is completely and permanently empowering and regenerating my soul and physical body, removing any obstacles and negative manifestations associated with my ***** house, in the best way for me.”

Is there a better alternative?
Corax 4 Dracon said:
“The energy of the Sun is completely and permanently empowering and regenerating my soul and physical body, removing any obstacles and negative manifestations associated with my ***** house, in the best way for me.”

I have started the Square with this affirmation, and it feels right.

side note:

There was a huge buildup of energy on my right arm, around the wrist. It was stronger than in my solar chakra and after ~25 vibrations, it started building up on my left arm too. It felt like someone put a massage gun on my wrist. It felt quite good, haven't had this with other squares though. Should I have tried to direct it into my solar chakra?
Shiva666 said:
But how much I will affirm I am confused ?

Which Satanic number will be suitable for me brother ?

8 and 9 are the numbers to go for most workings, they are very powerful, reliable, and will produce results. They also have powers of most other numbers. They are called "complete" and if you pay attention to the ascribed qualities, these are very encompassing for many things. - HPHC

Sun radiates in 8 separate rays. 8 is the symbol for infinity. 8 also means drive, power, permanence - Blitzkreig

8 and 9 should be the ideal amount of reps.
I plan to do Sun squares to strengthen my Solar chakra and natal Sun, what are other decent planetary signs besides Leo and Aries for it if you want to do more Sun squares? I want to avoid Sun in Gemini and in water signs like Cancer and Pisces is a waste of time.
Corax 4 Dracon said:
Shiva666 said:
But how much I will affirm I am confused ?

Which Satanic number will be suitable for me brother ?

8 and 9 are the numbers to go for most workings, they are very powerful, reliable, and will produce results. They also have powers of most other numbers. They are called "complete" and if you pay attention to the ascribed qualities, these are very encompassing for many things. - HPHC

Sun radiates in 8 separate rays. 8 is the symbol for infinity. 8 also means drive, power, permanence - Blitzkreig

8 and 9 should be the ideal amount of reps.
10 would work well with material square as well.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=377470 time=1658871948 user_id=21286]
With the Sun now in Leo, I believe it is very important for the majority of SS to make use of this. I would like to list helpful information related to this, as well as example workings.

I want to thank you very much for your help and commendable work, I am working on Sun Square right now.

Well, I have been struggling since time with messed up Squares and mind confusion while counting repetitions (I believe the jews magickally spread confuision to attack us, as I did not experience much confusion way before).
I will make use of 40+ days Mantra workings instead, I did not think about this kind of working till I read your post.
Pillar said:
I want to thank you very much for your help and commendable work, I am working on Sun Square right now.

Well, I have been struggling since time with messed up Squares and mind confusion while counting repetitions (I believe the jews magickally spread confuision to attack us, as I did not experience much confusion way before).
I will make use of 40+ days Mantra workings instead, I did not think about this kind of working till I read your post.

Are you aware of the "Master Squares" app that I mentioned in my OP? Use this application, and follow the mantra with your computer mouse so you do not lose focus or count.

Even though you are doing a 40-day working, you can also simultaneously do a Square. Just make sure you consciously distinguish the two energies (if you are using the full mantra for both workings), and make sure to do them at separate times, such as perhaps 30 minutes apart, to be safe.

In that way, you can still do a Square, but even if you fail, it is not a big deal. Anyway, it is better to practice these things, rather than give up entirely. For some people or situations, it may be better to use the safer, 40-day style, option, though.
As much as I've already done it, I'm in doubt about the affirmation, the effect will be the same if I do it, like

“The energy of the sun is permanently removing weaknesses from my natal sun and maximizing my confidence, self-esteem, vitality, magical power and charisma, in a positive and healthy way for me, permanently”.

Is there a problem with being specific on more things or does it lose the effect by doing it on more areas?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=377470 time=1658871948 user_id=21286]

Thank you for the great information, Brother. If you aren't busy, I'd like to hound you with a concern. I'd also deeply appreciate input from any other of our Brothers or Sisters, and I'm only quoting you because I'm in a bit of a hurry as I need to make up my mind until tomorrow's Sun Hours.

I had started a Material Sun Square last week for the "Satanic Wealth/Abundance" goal/influence you mentioned. A small note; I used your affirmation (albeit somewhat modified) with the goal of securing enough decently easy and affluent income that I can focus on my Satanic goals as much as I please, as it sits on the forefront focus of my being in this life. Also, since I'm already asking for your counsel, please also advise on whether or not a Satanic Wealth working is fitting for this goal or if I should just go for general Wealth/Abundance instead.

As for the crux of my problem, I am pretty darn sure I messed up my repetitions a couple days ago, so I have to go for another Square.

Now, as you know, the Moon is Waning. So I was wondering if this would affect the Sun Square I'm going to go for. I know the Sun is much stronger than the Sun so its position should probably be more important but I just wanted to be sure. And if you think the Moon does interfere with this goal, what can I do? Would altering the affirmation so that instead of the more "white magick"-oriented (a bit of an arbitrary classification, but ya know) affirmation you provided, affirming all the obstacles in front of my securing an easy and affluent enough income for me to grow and conduct warfare in peace are obliterated be necessary/helpful?

Thank you in advance one and all for any possible replies. Please feel free to chip in, anyone else.
OuroborphicMystery said:
Thank you for the great information, Brother. If you aren't busy, I'd like to hound you with a concern. I'd also deeply appreciate input from any other of our Brothers or Sisters, and I'm only quoting you because I'm in a bit of a hurry as I need to make up my mind until tomorrow's Sun Hours.

I had started a Material Sun Square last week for the "Satanic Wealth/Abundance" goal/influence you mentioned. A small note; I used your affirmation (albeit somewhat modified) with the goal of securing enough decently easy and affluent income that I can focus on my Satanic goals as much as I please, as it sits on the forefront focus of my being in this life. Also, since I'm already asking for your counsel, please also advise on whether or not a Satanic Wealth working is fitting for this goal or if I should just go for general Wealth/Abundance instead.

As for the crux of my problem, I am pretty darn sure I messed up my repetitions a couple days ago, so I have to go for another Square.

Now, as you know, the Moon is Waning. So I was wondering if this would affect the Sun Square I'm going to go for. I know the Sun is much stronger than the Sun so its position should probably be more important but I just wanted to be sure. And if you think the Moon does interfere with this goal, what can I do? Would altering the affirmation so that instead of the more "white magick"-oriented (a bit of an arbitrary classification, but ya know) affirmation you provided, affirming all the obstacles in front of my securing an easy and affluent enough income for me to grow and conduct warfare in peace are obliterated be necessary/helpful?

Thank you in advance one and all for any possible replies. Please feel free to chip in, anyone else.

Yes, if you want to fuel your Satanic growth, then it would make sense to add this conditional programming to your working.

If you think you have messed up your rep count, but you did not program the energy yet, then you can instead just send the energy elsewhere, such as for cleaning or something to use it/dissipate it. Then, wait some time for it to fully dissipate, perhaps an hour. At this point, you should be safe to recreate the energy, within the proper amount of reps, and then program it through the square.

The above information was provided by HPHC in the thread that I linked in the section on the Squares. Additionally, please use Bigot Boy's Master Squares app to help keep count, as well. Again, this is linked above.


The moon does influence it, but not as much as the Sun itself. In this case, you do not have to worry about it.

As far as how to program the energy, whether to use it in a white magic or black magic sense, this is based on your soul. If you have significant obstacles to wealth, such as an afflicted 2nd house, afflicted Sun, Jupiter, or Venus, then it would make sense to first remove those obstacles. If you aren't sure or don't have major obstacles, then go ahead and just use it to directly grow wealth on your soul.

nebu said:
As much as I've already done it, I'm in doubt about the affirmation, the effect will be the same if I do it, like

“The energy of the sun is permanently removing weaknesses from my natal sun and maximizing my confidence, self-esteem, vitality, magical power and charisma, in a positive and healthy way for me, permanently”.

Is there a problem with being specific on more things or does it lose the effect by doing it on more areas?

Yes, if you spread the energy, then each separate goal will make less progress. Sometimes this is necessary to do, but other times it is better to focus on your major problems first.

In this case, your affirmation is trying to accomplish a lot. It is also attempting to both remove and build things, which may be excessive. Don't forget that much of what you have written is already covered by your natal soul's solar energies, so you can use the Square for a general improvement.

Ask yourself which problems you are facing most directly. What kind of aspects does your natal Sun have, or what sign is it in? This will show where you may have problems.
Wotanwarrior said:
I plan to do Sun squares to strengthen my Solar chakra and natal Sun, what are other decent planetary signs besides Leo and Aries for it if you want to do more Sun squares? I want to avoid Sun in Gemini and in water signs like Cancer and Pisces is a waste of time.

At the minimum, you want to avoid the detrimental and fall signs of Aquarius and Libra, respectively. Generally, the Sun can act in a multipurpose manner, where it may be useful to use other signs. Keep in mind that you don't have to integrate the entirety of a Sun in a certain sign, instead just take specific characteristics.

Of course, it wouldn't make sense to do a Sun in Cancer in place of using actual water energy, like a Moon Square or Berkano.

If you are directly trying to strengthen your natal Sun, you may also be able to use Sun in Sagittarius. Also, perhaps the Sun in Scorpio may be useful. Just keep in mind that these may behave differently from what Leo is like, yet they are still solar energy. If you want something closer to normal, then just use Sowilo or Raidho.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=381129 time=1660488383 user_id=21286]
OuroborphicMystery said:
Thank you for the great information, Brother. If you aren't busy, I'd like to hound you with a concern. I'd also deeply appreciate input from any other of our Brothers or Sisters, and I'm only quoting you because I'm in a bit of a hurry as I need to make up my mind until tomorrow's Sun Hours.

I had started a Material Sun Square last week for the "Satanic Wealth/Abundance" goal/influence you mentioned. A small note; I used your affirmation (albeit somewhat modified) with the goal of securing enough decently easy and affluent income that I can focus on my Satanic goals as much as I please, as it sits on the forefront focus of my being in this life. Also, since I'm already asking for your counsel, please also advise on whether or not a Satanic Wealth working is fitting for this goal or if I should just go for general Wealth/Abundance instead.

As for the crux of my problem, I am pretty darn sure I messed up my repetitions a couple days ago, so I have to go for another Square.

Now, as you know, the Moon is Waning. So I was wondering if this would affect the Sun Square I'm going to go for. I know the Sun is much stronger than the Sun so its position should probably be more important but I just wanted to be sure. And if you think the Moon does interfere with this goal, what can I do? Would altering the affirmation so that instead of the more "white magick"-oriented (a bit of an arbitrary classification, but ya know) affirmation you provided, affirming all the obstacles in front of my securing an easy and affluent enough income for me to grow and conduct warfare in peace are obliterated be necessary/helpful?

Thank you in advance one and all for any possible replies. Please feel free to chip in, anyone else.

Yes, if you want to fuel your Satanic growth, then it would make sense to add this conditional programming to your working.

If you think you have messed up your rep count, but you did not program the energy yet, then you can instead just send the energy elsewhere, such as for cleaning or something to use it/dissipate it. Then, wait some time for it to fully dissipate, perhaps an hour. At this point, you should be safe to recreate the energy, within the proper amount of reps, and then program it through the square.

The above information was provided by HPHC in the thread that I linked in the section on the Squares. Additionally, please use Bigot Boy's Master Squares app to help keep count, as well. Again, this is linked above.


The moon does influence it, but not as much as the Sun itself. In this case, you do not have to worry about it.

As far as how to program the energy, whether to use it in a white magic or black magic sense, this is based on your soul. If you have significant obstacles to wealth, such as an afflicted 2nd house, afflicted Sun, Jupiter, or Venus, then it would make sense to first remove those obstacles. If you aren't sure or don't have major obstacles, then go ahead and just use it to directly grow wealth on your soul.

nebu said:
As much as I've already done it, I'm in doubt about the affirmation, the effect will be the same if I do it, like

“The energy of the sun is permanently removing weaknesses from my natal sun and maximizing my confidence, self-esteem, vitality, magical power and charisma, in a positive and healthy way for me, permanently”.

Is there a problem with being specific on more things or does it lose the effect by doing it on more areas?

Yes, if you spread the energy, then each separate goal will make less progress. Sometimes this is necessary to do, but other times it is better to focus on your major problems first.

In this case, your affirmation is trying to accomplish a lot. It is also attempting to both remove and build things, which may be excessive. Don't forget that much of what you have written is already covered by your natal soul's solar energies, so you can use the Square for a general improvement.

Ask yourself which problems you are facing most directly. What kind of aspects does your natal Sun have, or what sign is it in? This will show where you may have problems.

Thank you again.

I am aware of the energy dissipation trick. Thing is, that was shortly before the Sun rose and the first hour of the next day started, so I had no time to dissipate the energy and do it anew an hour later.

As for counting, I tried using Brother Bigot Boy's app but I personally find using a mobile app called "Thing Counter" easier. It feels more lightweight, so to speak.

And okay, thank you. I won't change my affirmation at all then. My astrological placements for those planets and Houses are decent, albeit not excellent. But hearing I don't have to worry about the Moon too much is relieving.
Another question. Why, then, are "day descriptions" in the SS Calendar (like for example, 7th of August is good for sports, outdoors stuff, white magick, etc. as per Sagittarius) there for Waxing Moon phases but mostly not Waning Moon phases, save for a few black magick uses? (for example, 13th to 27th of August is nearly empty, save for a few black magick annotations such as curses or detachment)

Thank you once more, Guardian.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=381132 time=1660488805 user_id=21286]
Wotanwarrior said:
I plan to do Sun squares to strengthen my Solar chakra and natal Sun, what are other decent planetary signs besides Leo and Aries for it if you want to do more Sun squares? I want to avoid Sun in Gemini and in water signs like Cancer and Pisces is a waste of time.

At the minimum, you want to avoid the detrimental and fall signs of Aquarius and Libra, respectively. Generally, the Sun can act in a multipurpose manner, where it may be useful to use other signs. Keep in mind that you don't have to integrate the entirety of a Sun in a certain sign, instead just take specific characteristics.

Of course, it wouldn't make sense to do a Sun in Cancer in place of using actual water energy, like a Moon Square or Berkano.

If you are directly trying to strengthen your natal Sun, you may also be able to use Sun in Sagittarius. Also, perhaps the Sun in Scorpio may be useful. Just keep in mind that these may behave differently from what Leo is like, yet they are still solar energy. If you want something closer to normal, then just use Sowilo or Raidho.

Thank you for the valuable advice.
Anaten Piewalker said:

This just sounds like you are overstimulating your solar chakra. Instead, you can use other mantras, rather than the full power of the Square.

Also, you need to avoid any drugs at all, otherwise, you are seriously harming yourself. Who cares if you have a hard day at work? You will have a much harder time dealing with the consequences of a drug-addled soul and body.

Besides Sun energy, I would instead say you need to focus on using Ansuz, in a 40 day working, to remove any influence of drugs from your soul. Also, make sure you are cleaning a lot.


You said in another thread that you may have heard a message about being the "5th Crown Prince" or something like that. I'm not sure if you were joking or not, but this is unrealistic to hear. If you are doing drugs and getting strange messages like this, then I am concerned about your stability.

Your upper chakras may be sending you false messages, and/or your base chakra may not be properly grounding you. This can lead to situations where you hear false thoughts, whether just from random sources or even from the enemy. Drugs can create holes in the aura, allowing negative influence inside. Therefore, please take steps to increase your stability.

This includes deep cleaning, using Ansuz to remove any problems on your upper chakras, and using Ansuz to heal from any drug use. You may also benefit from using Satanama and programming to make you fully stable and healthy. Each of these will need to be done for at least 40 days, but perhaps longer.

Good luck!
OuroborphicMystery said:
Another question. Why, then, are "day descriptions" in the SS Calendar (like for example, 7th of August is good for sports, outdoors stuff, white magick, etc. as per Sagittarius) there for Waxing Moon phases but mostly not Waning Moon phases, save for a few black magick uses? (for example, 13th to 27th of August is nearly empty, save for a few black magick annotations such as curses or detachment)

Hello :) I am in charge of that section of the SS Calendar so I'll take this one.

In order to understand the calendar phases, you need to keep in mind the Sun's cycle through the year and the zodiac, and the Moon. Waning Moon is when the Moon is after full, opposing the Sun, going towards conjoining the Sun.

So the reason why there are not many things to do during waning Moons at this time, is because the Moon is in signs such as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo. None of these signs are of much use for things relating to a waning Moon. Once Sun enters other months, then the Moon will be waning in signs such as Scorpio and Capricorn, excellent for black magick etc.

When you look through the year, you will notice patterns, and these patterns are yearly. There are months without many options for waning Moons, and there are months without many options for waxing Moons.

As well, there is the factor of the planets themselves. Meaning, if Mars is retrograde, this takes away the opportunities for black magick. If Venus is retrograde or in a detrimental sign, then no workings for love or money.

Finally, the planet that rules the day. If there is a good Moon sign and phase for something, but not the correct planetary day, then there won't be anything listed. One can still do something in a "wrong" planetary day, such as cursing on a Friday (Venus day), but we keep the calendar straightforward for members with less experience. For people with more experience, they know what they can do.

I hope this helped clear things up.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381335 time=1660551005 user_id=57]
OuroborphicMystery said:
Another question. Why, then, are "day descriptions" in the SS Calendar (like for example, 7th of August is good for sports, outdoors stuff, white magick, etc. as per Sagittarius) there for Waxing Moon phases but mostly not Waning Moon phases, save for a few black magick uses? (for example, 13th to 27th of August is nearly empty, save for a few black magick annotations such as curses or detachment)

Hello :) I am in charge of that section of the SS Calendar so I'll take this one.

In order to understand the calendar phases, you need to keep in mind the Sun's cycle through the year and the zodiac, and the Moon. Waning Moon is when the Moon is after full, opposing the Sun, going towards conjoining the Sun.

So the reason why there are not many things to do during waning Moons at this time, is because the Moon is in signs such as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo. None of these signs are of much use for things relating to a waning Moon. Once Sun enters other months, then the Moon will be waning in signs such as Scorpio and Capricorn, excellent for black magick etc.

When you look through the year, you will notice patterns, and these patterns are yearly. There are months without many options for waning Moons, and there are months without many options for waxing Moons.

As well, there is the factor of the planets themselves. Meaning, if Mars is retrograde, this takes away the opportunities for black magick. If Venus is retrograde or in a detrimental sign, then no workings for love or money.

Finally, the planet that rules the day. If there is a good Moon sign and phase for something, but not the correct planetary day, then there won't be anything listed. One can still do something in a "wrong" planetary day, such as cursing on a Friday (Venus day), but we keep the calendar straightforward for members with less experience. For people with more experience, they know what they can do.

I hope this helped clear things up.

Thank you for the knowledge, Guardian Sister.

The information is precious, but to be honest, rather than clarifying things, some of it made me more confused. :eek:

Brother Blitz said that the Moon doesn't matter too much in regards to a Sun Square; but your explanation made me unsure. I started a Sun Square yesterday without paying much attention to the Moon and didn't alter my affirmation to suit a Waning Moon phase after Brother Blitz affirmed it should be fine. Do you mean I should have?

Or did you say the things you say when we aren't talking about Kabbalistic Squares? Because they are pretty special and powerful, so maybe they have some more leeway in regards to the Moon?

So, did I mess up or nah? I can cancel it and start next week one final time if you suggest I should alter the "Satanic Prosperity" affirmation to suit a Waning Moon phase.

I also know some things aren't listed on the Calendar on purpose, such as Saturn Squares; because those things take more experience to properly enjoy the benefits of without having a bad time, and I do have some experience under my belt; but compared to your adepthood in astrology, I am a journeyman at best.

I also gave the same explanation you gave about Moon signs and phases matching up and there being some periods of months without many suitable workings due to the phases and signs not matching our goal in mind sometimes to one of my family members yesternight, so, serendipitous. But I did mention, with some certainty (but not complete, and I underlined that), that Sun Squares are powerful and universal(ly beneficial) enough that the Moon probably doesn't affect our working too much and that they can start working on their Square next Sunday too.

Am I wrong?

I'm mostly splitting hairs not just for this specific working in mind (though that is also very important to me), but also as reference for all future workings. I also hope my questions are general enough that the time you spend replying will mean anyone having similar concerns will also benefit.

Thank you in advance. 😅
OhNoItsMook said:
Amazing post with great detail. I'll make very precise usage of it.

Silly question, but are digital things counted as "material affairs"? For example, digital art, cryptocurrency, or selling digital products. They're not exactly tangible, so I was wondering.

Also, while luck and fame can bring material results, fortune itself is an intangible force that attracts favorable outcomes in life, is it not? Would this actually be under spiritual affairs, then?

Then, what if one's intention is to increase luck, fame and income to assist in digital activities? Would they be material or spiritual affairs?

Thanks again.

Yes, digital items are considered material, in the sense that you may be trying to gain or attract them to you. If you are improving your ability to create them, then this is more spiritual.

In regards to luck or fame, yes these are immaterial, but these forces are acting upon the material realm directly. That is why such a working is a material square. Of course, whether you do a Spiritual or Material Square, you are starting with astral energy, but it is the result that you desire that changes the mantra which you should use.

Increasing your luck, fame, and income pertaining to digital activities is therefore material.

Charlotte61903 said:
Great post, thanks for the information. I do have a question regarding the squares in general. If I were to start two squares at the same time, one material and one spiritual, would the energy be offset? Additionally, if I start a sun square, or two, and simultaneously start the 40+ day working you mentioned would this also possibly offset the energy?

The energy should not be offset. Do you mean like weakened, or more like they are mixing? I have done plenty of workings at once and had sufficient results, so I wouldn't worry too much about them weakening each other (especially if you are continuing daily advancement activities as normal).

In regards to the workings mixing, you have to use your focus when distinguishing the energy of the squares. Yes, the energy is the same and can be accidentally mixed up, but if you do these Squares at separate times and use your focus to direct each amount of energy into the appropriate square, you will have no problems.

In regards to the 40-day working, this is different. While still solar energy, the mantra, and specifics of the energy are different from the full-length mantra of the square, based upon the fact that you are vibrating different syllables.

There shouldn't be any problems from the 40-day working, unless you accidentally programmed the energy into your Square, if you became confused somehow. However, you can ruin a square by doing this with any energy, anyway.

As long as you do not affirm an incorrect energy quantity (from the rep counts) or energy type (from the mantra itself) into your Square, it should not offset or mess up anything. This is also how you can disperse any energy previously raised, to save the Square in a situation where you did too many reps of the mantra, because you did not yet affirm/program it into the Square.
OuroborphicMystery said:
Thank you for the knowledge, Guardian Sister.

The information is precious, but to be honest, rather than clarifying things, some of it made me more confused. :eek:

Brother Blitz said that the Moon doesn't matter too much in regards to a Sun Square; but your explanation made me unsure. I started a Sun Square yesterday without paying much attention to the Moon and didn't alter my affirmation to suit a Waning Moon phase after Brother Blitz affirmed it should be fine. Do you mean I should have?

Or did you say the things you say when we aren't talking about Kabbalistic Squares? Because they are pretty special and powerful, so maybe they have some more leeway in regards to the Moon?

So, did I mess up or nah? I can cancel it and start next week one final time if you suggest I should alter the "Satanic Prosperity" affirmation to suit a Waning Moon phase.

I also know some things aren't listed on the Calendar on purpose, such as Saturn Squares; because those things take more experience to properly enjoy the benefits of without having a bad time, and I do have some experience under my belt; but compared to your adepthood in astrology, I am a journeyman at best.

I also gave the same explanation you gave about Moon signs and phases matching up and there being some periods of months without many suitable workings due to the phases and signs not matching our goal in mind sometimes to one of my family members yesternight, so, serendipitous. But I did mention, with some certainty (but not complete, and I underlined that), that Sun Squares are powerful and universal(ly beneficial) enough that the Moon probably doesn't affect our working too much and that they can start working on their Square next Sunday too.

Am I wrong?

I'm mostly splitting hairs not just for this specific working in mind (though that is also very important to me), but also as reference for all future workings. I also hope my questions are general enough that the time you spend replying will mean anyone having similar concerns will also benefit.

Thank you in advance. 😅

Whoops, sorry :lol: I'll try to clarify further. Also, in my signature is a link to my post for "Calendar FAQ & Info" which has more info in it.

Correct, the Moon does not matter for any planetary square. The planetary squares are strictly based on the energy of the planet, they are not quite like regular workings. It is completely fine to begin a Sun square during a waning Moon :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381624 time=1660643828 user_id=57]
OuroborphicMystery said:
Thank you for the knowledge, Guardian Sister.

The information is precious, but to be honest, rather than clarifying things, some of it made me more confused. :eek:

Brother Blitz said that the Moon doesn't matter too much in regards to a Sun Square; but your explanation made me unsure. I started a Sun Square yesterday without paying much attention to the Moon and didn't alter my affirmation to suit a Waning Moon phase after Brother Blitz affirmed it should be fine. Do you mean I should have?

Or did you say the things you say when we aren't talking about Kabbalistic Squares? Because they are pretty special and powerful, so maybe they have some more leeway in regards to the Moon?

So, did I mess up or nah? I can cancel it and start next week one final time if you suggest I should alter the "Satanic Prosperity" affirmation to suit a Waning Moon phase.

I also know some things aren't listed on the Calendar on purpose, such as Saturn Squares; because those things take more experience to properly enjoy the benefits of without having a bad time, and I do have some experience under my belt; but compared to your adepthood in astrology, I am a journeyman at best.

I also gave the same explanation you gave about Moon signs and phases matching up and there being some periods of months without many suitable workings due to the phases and signs not matching our goal in mind sometimes to one of my family members yesternight, so, serendipitous. But I did mention, with some certainty (but not complete, and I underlined that), that Sun Squares are powerful and universal(ly beneficial) enough that the Moon probably doesn't affect our working too much and that they can start working on their Square next Sunday too.

Am I wrong?

I'm mostly splitting hairs not just for this specific working in mind (though that is also very important to me), but also as reference for all future workings. I also hope my questions are general enough that the time you spend replying will mean anyone having similar concerns will also benefit.

Thank you in advance. 😅

Whoops, sorry :lol: I'll try to clarify further. Also, in my signature is a link to my post for "Calendar FAQ & Info" which has more info in it.

Correct, the Moon does not matter for any planetary square. The planetary squares are strictly based on the energy of the planet, they are not quite like regular workings. It is completely fine to begin a Sun square during a waning Moon :)

Thank you again. I had read that topic earlier and have been using the Calendar ever since it first came out. I really adore the work you all do, you are all heroes. Well, we all are superheroes in a sense but you guys are heroes among heroes.

Anyway, I had read that topic earlier and this is not my first time using the Calendar, so I'm rather well-versed in at least that much. I just wanted to be sure about the Squares.

Also, I know I'm splitting hairs and being pedantic but; it's fine to start a Square in general on a Waning Moon, I get that, and is it also fine to start a """waxing""" (you know what I mean, I'm sure) Sun (or any other Kabbalistic) Square during a Waning Moon too? Sorry again. 😅😅😅😥😥 I just want to make sure about these things forever. I hope others will benefit from my anal-retentive hair-splitting.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=377470 time=1658871948 user_id=21286]

I want to know if there is a problem if Im doing a sun square, then I start a mercury square tomorrow? Is it to much energy at the same time?
Masterj810610 said:
I want to know if there is a problem if Im doing a sun square, then I start a mercury square tomorrow? Is it to much energy at the same time?

There shouldn't be any problems. I've done multiple workings together. Maybe this could make them less efficient, but at the same time, you are still getting more accomplished.

I would just be mindful of having multiple sources of karmic backlash. In my personal experience, this can get a little stressful, depending on what you are dealing with. For me, I have one day where I was sensitive about one thing, then later the same day had to deal with another karmic event, yet from a different working.

None of the above should trash your entire day, but it may be confusing or a little stressful.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=381890 time=1660742867 user_id=21286]
Masterj810610 said:
I want to know if there is a problem if Im doing a sun square, then I start a mercury square tomorrow? Is it to much energy at the same time?

There shouldn't be any problems. I've done multiple workings together. Maybe this could make them less efficient, but at the same time, you are still getting more accomplished.

I would just be mindful of having multiple sources of karmic backlash. In my personal experience, this can get a little stressful, depending on what you are dealing with. For me, I have one day where I was sensitive about one thing, then later the same day had to deal with another karmic event, yet from a different working.

None of the above should trash your entire day, but it may be confusing or a little stressful.
Thank you, you are always helpful
Anaten Piewalker said:
As I write this, I am experiencing this fire-burning it is not pain but pleasure I do not know how to describe it right there in the solar plexus. Tingling and this eruption of I guess Solar energy. I actually had to run to the fridge and get some ice and then wrap it in a towel and strap it around my stomach, just to be able to continue to write this post am not kidding.

Can you guys like help. I have this tremendous effulgence, radiance, in my tummy and half the time I cannot get through sun square mantras especially the long ones in the square, without LMAO'ing and I feel like I am pregnant with something in my stomach. Unrestrainable energy.

This burning energy right where my navel is. It is not pain but an urge.

I feel like I have the Sun right there in my stomach.

"[The Solar Chakra] rules over the digestive system, the stomach, the pancreas, and the muscles."

What you are describing here is strongly indicating that your heart chakra might be blocked. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Given the experiences of many, it appears that the three granthis [knots where the chakra concerned has a powerful energy block that prevents the serpent from ascending] are not at the base, heart, and sixth chakras as popularly taught, but are at the second [sacral] chakra, the throat chakra, and the crown chakra. There have been many accounts of one's heart chakra feeling a burning sensation; as the serpent cannot ascend any further due to a blocked throat chakra.

Now, if the heart chakra were blocked and contained one of the three granthis, the burning sensation would manifest in the solar chakra, not the heart. Going further, the sensation of the crawlies near the crown chakra strongly indicates that chakra is blocked. If it were the 6th chakra as most sources of information available inform us, the sensation would be at the throat or BENEATH the 6th chakra. From direct experience, it appears that seventh is the most difficult chakra to fully open. The sensation of the crawlies, compared by some to ants crawling, indicates that the serpentine energy is going *around* the seventh chakra and not *through* it as it should when this chakra has been fully opened. Other symptoms include pain and discomfort, especially when one's serpentine energy is fully activated.

When I do the Spiritual Sun Square, during the first 10 vibrations the energy feels like it's either being generated in my 6th chakra, or coming in through my third eye. Mostly during the first half of the reps, when I get to vibrate the Rs, my crown chakra, my 6th chakra and my third eye, as well as my physical eyes vibrate(losing focus for about 1 second), it's not unpleasant, but the pressure on the crown chakra feels like my head is a bottle, and the crown chakra the bottle cap.

Between the 10th and 15th vibration, my voice starts getting deeper and I can feel the energy going down my throat chakra. After at least 15 vibrations, I can feel my entire upper torso shining and buzzing golden-white energy, with the frequency of my voice, from the upper part of my neck to the end of my sternum.

Usually after the 20th vibration mark, the energy starts spreading from my upper torso, through my shoulders and to my wrists and soles. On the first day (31 reps), it got to a point where my right hand was almost completely numb. I am not sure if this has something to do with the shoulder chakras or the wings of the soul.

I have also noticed that since the start of the 3rd row (13, 17, 12, 22, 20, 18), the "numbing", shining and buzzing have gotten somewhat weaker, it was accompanied by some karmic backlash and bad transits, it got challenging to keep up with the planetary hours of the sun and my routine, but it's getting better.

I am satisfied with how things have been unfolding so far. I want to thank Blitzkreig for taking his time to create this thread and for helping everyone out. Schön, dass es dich gibt!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
