Subconscious and health
Accumulated negative emotions in subconscious are becoming a cause for many diseases and for senescence. The holes in the aura are eating just a huge amount of energy of people. Now I will explain why. Lets take fell of revenge, fury. If this feeling do not founded an exit, then it is affects health. I mean that human is still searching revenge but on subconscious way. He can do not feel fury, but it is still taking his energy for revenge. And by the way sometimes if he remembers not fair relationships with him, then this feel making him insane, his feel is going out, but it is not enouch, because he is not becoming satisfied from it.
As more human is curing his emotions, then he is becoming more free, happy, and organism (subconscious) is using more energy for self-curing of body health. One of symptoms of how subconscious is using more energy – is itching, facial changes and muscle aches and etc. They are a signs of self-healing.
If human has periodically constraint, heartache (but hospital did not found anything with health), then he on 70% has many negative emotions. But if more he is cures the emotions, then heartache and frequency of constraint is going lower, weaker. It is that what happened with me after a week of musictherapy, what I was doing every day twice, because on other things I had no energy. I have really ugly story of psychic development, that’s why after I returned to home after emm cage, my constraint and heartache received so much power that I thought really that I would die (specific feel of dyeing). Now this heartache is looking like cough in the throat, not as if cut by knife.
Accumulated negative emotions in subconscious are becoming a cause for many diseases and for senescence. The holes in the aura are eating just a huge amount of energy of people. Now I will explain why. Lets take fell of revenge, fury. If this feeling do not founded an exit, then it is affects health. I mean that human is still searching revenge but on subconscious way. He can do not feel fury, but it is still taking his energy for revenge. And by the way sometimes if he remembers not fair relationships with him, then this feel making him insane, his feel is going out, but it is not enouch, because he is not becoming satisfied from it.
As more human is curing his emotions, then he is becoming more free, happy, and organism (subconscious) is using more energy for self-curing of body health. One of symptoms of how subconscious is using more energy – is itching, facial changes and muscle aches and etc. They are a signs of self-healing.
If human has periodically constraint, heartache (but hospital did not found anything with health), then he on 70% has many negative emotions. But if more he is cures the emotions, then heartache and frequency of constraint is going lower, weaker. It is that what happened with me after a week of musictherapy, what I was doing every day twice, because on other things I had no energy. I have really ugly story of psychic development, that’s why after I returned to home after emm cage, my constraint and heartache received so much power that I thought really that I would die (specific feel of dyeing). Now this heartache is looking like cough in the throat, not as if cut by knife.