Studying other sources/branches of Satanism can cause someone to 'dabble'. This can prove disaster because of misinformation the victim can apply into their lives. Most of the time, if not always from unaware people/new people or simply those without, it is hard to discern what is false from what is true, or what information is of value.
Spiritual Satanism is safe to practice, and focus upon replenishing ones soul and self. Not harming it or destroying it. Angelic filth, Wicca, New Age teachings, Jewish corruption are heavily promoted, even unknowingly from other people involved, in "other" Satanic branches.
Dabbling is like mixing electricity with water, which is extremely dangerous.
Joy of Satan helps you to navigate into a healthy spiritual being, free from all misinformation and misconception through the guidance from Satan and his Demons and Demonesses. I can say that with pride and experience!