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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Frequently there can be issues that are shared or posted, or even mailed, in regards to problematic interpersonal relationships between Satanists and whatnot, much of the time, online.

Many people have this stupid idea that "Satanism" is some sort of social club. Easy peasy lemon sqeezy, Satanism breezy, they ignore every information and reality of the importance of the information shared, and treat their own choice as some sort of bowling card membership and nothing else. This mentality entails all sorts of stupid actions that then, when one understands this wasn't exactly for lemon juice and bowling only, has people in problems or baffled.

Contrary to this belief, we are not here to waste everyone else's time with drama, and other pointless enterprises. Normal human conversations can take place in the forums, safely, and kept at this. I verily know the futility of this, as human needs overshadow the thought for self protection in many cases, but since this is how fuckups happen, then all that can be done from our side is to inform and remind.

One is here to meditate, advance, study, and make a positive relationship with the Gods. Helping others do the same exists insofar the purpose remains this, to help with the above. Which, all things considered, easily happens on the forums. You do not need to speak on instant messages, give your phone number, or speak with shady characters here to advance spiritually.

Along the lines of human needs of many people [and many so, unmet needs], people attempt to conflate the two, always in mind with some form of personal needs. An overwhelming amount of people waste their time chit chatting, and so forth. Admittedly, these are normal human needs, and it is understood why these exist in the first place, because without them, we would not be humans or even alive. Yet, as it comes with social relations and the internet, caution is required.

There is nothing that can be done on a priesthood level or any other level to defend anyone from their own personal overt naivity, or stupidity. One knows already what is the best way to go, which is to keep it normal, meditate, and not do stupid things. But most people, as it's typical of humans, do not listen to the advice or take the proper path, and want to do always some form of BS, assuming this will make them feel better.

Hasn't everyone heard of the saying about the Ice Cream Truck and why one should never go in it with the guy that sells the ice cream? These things should be obvious and well known to all people. These are common sense.

Unfortunately, the internet is rife with crime, perversion, deception and all sorts of other things, as it reflects a magnification of the human mind. Impersonation is also a thing in the internet, as everything can be faked. People can be impersonated left and right, and people can lie about other people, and drama and bullying can reach proportions, especially if people who are victims do not take measures to protect themselves.

Everyone keeps raving about the changes that social media and other forms of interactions, do cause to humans. Many of these are psychological, but in many cases, these can extend over to real life.

To give an example, Instagram women who think they are immune to everyone and everything, overextending their sexual influence online, all it really takes is a crazy muslim with some acid or some convulsed mind to do them harm beyond comprehension. People leave their children online at 8 years old and before they know it, the rampant advertising of pornography, drugs, and many other things, starts overflowing in children's brains.

Online, anyone can claim anything, and since there is no personal interaction, lying can also take place. Every so often someone may be impersonated, slandered, lied about, or claim lies. If it takes a skilled person to understand lying in person, it is a very "few people" skill to understand lies online. I have lost count on the cases of numerous jews who have harassed members, stalked them, stole their information, and in some extreme cases, practiced usual jewish theft on innocents.

Jews have no qualms, and they will be predators in the midst of anyone and anything, until destroyed thoroughly by some external force, or until they trip in some sort of wire that has been left there by mistake. They do not stop willingly. Abusing, bullying and damning Gentiles is in their DNA.

Eventually, they do get destroyed. Yet their parasitic nature cannot comprehend the results of their actions. These jews boasted and pretended to be Satanists, and went with the flow, no different than how they do in every scam enterprise.

One does not go outside trusting everyone they meet. Unfortunately, many parents and many other people responsible on a social level, never really teach their children internet security or what to avoid on the internet. Things like Instagram, created by the reptilian Zuccerborg, allow children as young as 8 or 9 to have "Social Media" that is open to every predator worldwide. Parents rush to buy cellphones to their children, which have their e-mail, data, and all sorts of other damning power given to people who are too immature in many cases to ride a bike at such an age.

It is insane that in the so called "Instagram", there are many children of young ages, literally posing in poses that they should pose in when they were 18 or more, mimicing other Instagram women who are fully grown. Children also, have went through an influx of internet and information, that exposes many on an early age, to things that should be exposed to at least many years later.

Predators aside many of the things exposed there, are sheer materialism, and not helpful for any kids. Typical are examples online of some 30 year old paki posting in Arabic to a German girl below how "Beautiful" she looks, and numerous implying emojis. The "Mixture of cultures" and the "Globalism" also helps considerably here, this is the "Vibrant future" according to what these people say. After all, Mohammed got a girlfriend Aisha at only 9 years old. Not understanding this makes one both Anti-Islam and Anti-Semitic, and therefore a terrorist. The Paki, according to multi-culti opinion, is a dindu that did nuffin.

Regardless, as the Jew Zuccerborg explains, sex, money and food is what he abused on the goyim in regards to social media, plus the need for people to communicate, in order to get into the autistic platforms and become psychologically unstable by, for example, every person comparing their asses to another person's photoshopped ass, until the better one is decided in a battle of likes. These platforms were built on some of the lowest human instincts, and have been therefore fermenting the same manifestations in civilization, and human behavior. It is no wonder many people have developed psychological disorders, personality disorders, and mental problems from all of this rat race of suicide. Maybe the few people that use these means intelligently, can draw something out of this general craze. But this requires smart control and smart communication.

Other things that happen in social media is the usual dindu nuffins just being there and posting bricks of cocaine and so forth, and somehow, never getting into any trouble, limited and not including also to guns enough to take down half of the Russian Army. It is almost as if these, and they are for real, being advertised. Netflix, music, pop culture and all of this, follows on the same pattern. Given this is the state of affairs now, the thing people can do is protect themselves, rather than wait external powers to do that.

Actually, Zuccerborg and nobody else gets rich by you being healthy or mentally sane, they get rich and more powerful based on the disabilities and problems of large masses of human beings. The bigger problems mental, spiritual and physical they cause to humans, all the better for them. They want you to live in the psychodrama of theirs so that they profit while you lose.

A meme used to circulate that everyone in the internet is at least 6"5, muscular, very rich, and so physically attractive, especially so behind the screen. People online are gangstaz, killerz, and they will eff your mother n family, anyone who has played a video game in their life knows all of this. 9 year old army does not forgive out there.

Human innocence, and with it, the argument that people "Do not know", is becoming increasingly scarce. Indeed, as time progresses, more and more people are very exposed to both thought and information. Young people can make decisions, and choices for themselves. As for 70 year olds that were told they were getting some sexy pics by some ad online, pressed it, and gave their credit card, can we say for real these people were "Too old to know"? While technical knowledge may have been lacking, they knew exactly what they were getting themselves into.

In general the internet has done infinitely more good than harm for mankind. Yet, one has to avoid, as one does avoid in real life, bad neighborhoods, predators, bullies and other dross of the earth.

This double edged knife puts these people at a position of extensive vulnerability, while at the same time, young teenagers can be smarter than ever before, information about anything is abundant, and personal responsibility now is at a maximum. Simply put, people are frequently responsible for what they get themselves into. Early adolescents definitely have the mind to judge for themselves and their own safety, so one should ALWAYS mind their own safety.

If a very strange stranger asks you questions on where you live, do you answer them? If they tell you randomly to take you home, do you go with them in the car? If someone asks for your wallet in the street, do you give it to them without knowing? The obvious answer to all of these is no, and the internet is only similar in that regard.

Nobody, not a parent, not a government, nor friends, can protect any individual insofar they do everything terrible to put themselves in danger. As far as any external force in this way can go, is to provide counsel, advise, or intervention in the case of far gone cases in authority. Authorities in bad cases can only act after a specific action or problem has already manifested.

For example, if someone gets their card number robbed online, only after a bank can intervene to help you, but not before. What could happen before, was your own forethought.

Lastly, there are people who may engage in just about everything stupid and say things like, "Satan Will Protect". If you are careless and self destructive, help can only go as far. If one does the utmost dangerous and stupid things, then any amount of help is for naught. By definition, you have a vast amount of influence in your own safety or damnation, so make sure you use this for your advancement and not for falling.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Actually instagram wasn't always owned by zuccershit, back in the day it was just a social media where people posted nice pictures and all, then it became the disgusting shit it is now. I see my peers constantly hooked to it and looking at other people's life like they're sick. What a fucking world.
Aquarius said:
Actually instagram wasn't always owned by zuccershit, back in the day it was just a social media where people posted nice pictures and all, then it became the disgusting shit it is now. I see my peers constantly hooked to it and looking at other people's life like they're sick. What a fucking world.

I am not against it fully, however, what it has done to many people [because many people have zero self control] is just total ruin.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am not against it fully, however, what it has done to many people [because many people have zero self control] is just total ruin.
An important thing to note for anyone here who may be using instagram, facebook, reddit, YouTube, or even just watching TV - Be aware that these things mess heavily with your dopamine production and will make you less motivated and happy if you use them often and/or use them in improper ways.

If you struggle from any of those things, I highly recommend you try strictly to start your morning with 0 use of your phone, PC, or TV until as long as possible. Hide your phone in a drawer if you can, or in some deep part of your bag, so you are not constantly tempted to go on it. And yes, chatting on the phone also counts. Try this out for atleast some 3 days straight, and you will find a monumental improvement in your motivation and happiness, if you have been previously struggling there.
I will heed this as a warning in every way. This has been of major concern recently, although I’ve been protected, just as you say, it can only go so far. I’ve had to have an Instagram for promotion of arts specifically. The shop I’m currently in is 100% reliant on Facebook messenger now as the pandemic has risen. Many businesses are now, particularly artists, forced further into this jewtrix tech. Instagram is where others go to view portfolios. I’ve noticed that when I’m about to be spiritually attacked, I’ll often receive a strange message from someone completely random. As I advance, this happens more and more. Outside of social media I’ve had some very dangerous interactions as well, and my ass was saved by just a hair. I’ve felt I’ve been riding a dangerous line for too long. I know this isn’t specific to me, all of our brothers and sisters do need to take caution. Doesn’t matter what your profession or background is, Death threats and stalkers have happened regardless of their knowledge of myself being a satanist. In real life and online. No fear or paranoia, just awareness. This immense desire to be completely free and expressive needs to be met with wisdom. Deletion isn’t in the cards just yet. I have so far just made spectacles of arabs and have made it a joke. These interactions could be dangerous. Allowing other satanists in my life when they would typically make me uncomfortable has also been unwise. This is similar to if it were a real war zone. If we all stick together too personally and the enemy finds one, they may reach the rest. The best people I’ve had in my life have been people who don’t dabble in spirituality as well. I’m finding more and more it’s best I keep to myself on spirituality in many ways. I’ll need to redirect and refine the expression. Finding this line without total isolation from others is key.
Thank you!
Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Actually instagram wasn't always owned by zuccershit, back in the day it was just a social media where people posted nice pictures and all, then it became the disgusting shit it is now. I see my peers constantly hooked to it and looking at other people's life like they're sick. What a fucking world.

I am not against it fully, however, what it has done to many people [because many people have zero self control] is just total ruin.
Meh, it also makes people give less energy to the enemy. I saw one of those cringe tik tok videos with a Muslim man and I was very happy about it.

That said I'm writing stuff but I'm very lazy about it and I'm not sure why.
My experience was that most often back when we had yahoo groups and people could easily try to contact you through email or messenger was that many of the people who did that were Jews. I had about several instances of talking to a Jew some came straight out with it and tried to say it wasn't a bad thing while others hid it and only later said oh yeah I am part Jewish.

One of these people was really open and psychic. He told me information that appears to be quite close to what the truth is like correctly stating near where a person is i met later and correctly Stating that I was in ancient Egypt and well known and liked back then (what I remember now from past life things is similar to what he said but he added a bunch of stuff to confuse me)

Some of these people are really smart and have spiritual abilities he also had me do some very strange rituals where I did a bunch of vibrations of words that I had no idea of the meaning of looked at some symbols he said were secret poweful runes and "invoke the Gods of darkness" and some strange beings in a ritual.

Lol me was dumb I actually did it and had all sorts of problems from it with energy and things attacking me to the point I later ended up leaving Satanism for awhile cause I thought Satan and the Gods abandon me and I would burn in Hell.

These are just some of these experiences its actually good that it's not so easy to contact people now. But if you give out your email be careful of anyone that contacts you who's not who you gave your email too.

You may be more lucky with this in introducing friends or your partner you already know to the truth after knowing them for awhile of course and being sure they would react well. Sometimes people like this will come to you seeking to know about it in a positive way even if they figured it out already what you believed somehow.

This probably even is more safe to you than trying to travel somewhere and meeting someone online or having them come to you.

If you do meet someone online remember all the safety stuff like do so in a public place probably a coffee shop or restaurant is best for this where you can sit down and talk with them for awhile make sure to sense their energy. Do not go in a car with them in control of it or somewhere private with them unless you know for sure it's ok etc if your a perceptive person and follow common sense you will know after a bit if the person is legit or not.

That reminds me to ask what about that thing the Gods say about infighting between Satanists when it comes to personal offline relationships. What does that mean about arguements over other stuff not related to this or fights.
Shael said:
I am not against it fully, however, what it has done to many people [because many people have zero self control] is just total ruin.
An important thing to note for anyone here who may be using instagram, facebook, reddit, YouTube, or even just watching TV - Be aware that these things mess heavily with your dopamine production and will make you less motivated and happy if you use them often and/or use them in improper ways.

If you struggle from any of those things, I highly recommend you try strictly to start your morning with 0 use of your phone, PC, or TV until as long as possible. Hide your phone in a drawer if you can, or in some deep part of your bag, so you are not constantly tempted to go on it. And yes, chatting on the phone also counts. Try this out for atleast some 3 days straight, and you will find a monumental improvement in your motivation and happiness, if you have been previously struggling there.[/quote]

This is very important advice. The altered dopamine production is one of the worst negatives of modern technology. One needs to get what they need (the quick access to information) and get out before they face negative mental effects.

The problem is that sometimes you will use your phone or computer for certain tasks that are necessary, so you cannot always hide your phone or computer. From this position, you are always tempted to just make a few clicks and browse your favorite site again. The way to fix this is to use software blocking. You can set up a time limit per day for each app, but I prefer setting an hour of the day for entertainment and having everything completely blocked during productive hours. This forces your brain to adapt quickly.

Most apps allow whitelists of sorts so you can always access a certain informative Youtube channel or a certain subreddit that you may need for work or learning. As far as messaging goes, have people text or email you, don't use facebook or Instagram. If you have to use them, then use your allocated time for that.

The apps available vary by device and OS. There are android specific ones, such as StayFocusd, as well as browser-specific ones, and Windows and Mac specific ones. I personally use one called Freedom, which works across devices, however it is very expensive for no good reason.

Here is a good list of blocking software for various devices. Install them and don't look back. You will look like a super-person, in comparison to your peers.
Young people are not educated properly either by their parents or society and are not given time to mature and end up in the kosher market. Everything goes so fast, literally as kosher breeding. We know why illiteracy is in the interests of the jews, as is the absence of higher education and especially the absence of education about life. And adding to all this, the premature age of true maturity, you get lost and ruined young people. The maturity age must be either 22 or 23 and not 18 or 19. 17-18-19 years can't be called mature, I personally verified this when I was a student and many other students agreed with me that 18 years are really immature. Young people need to be properly educated and need time to grow.

Wonderful Sermon, thank you very much!
Does anyone remember around early 2000's when the internet and real life were separate? Everyone used screen names to hide their real identity. The normies and NPC's think it's totally ok to give all your security and information to these massive tech companies. While also wasting hours of your time everyday.

Technology used to be a tool but for most people in the world it's a distraction to stop them from advancing any part of their life. People only seek instant gratification bullshit because they're lazy goys. This is why most people try one of our meditations and quit because they don't work towards anything worthwhile.

This is why a lot of people are depressed as shit because the jew uses this to further fry their nerves. All these fools jumping around like monkeys because they are so detached from their spirit.
This Instagram bullshit is completely out of control. People literally are pathological about comparing themselves on Instagram. An uneducated,stupid and worthless human being can get thousands of likes on a post and feel really valuable and important while the truth is that it's fake value. Instagram and social media are like a fake virtual reality that the people are giving too much mental energy too. I wouldn't normally talk with anyone who I don't know in real life on Instagram.
ModernMage said:
Does anyone remember around early 2000's when the internet and real life were separate? Everyone used screen names to hide their real identity. The normies and NPC's think it's totally ok to give all your security and information to these massive tech companies. While also wasting hours of your time everyday.

Technology used to be a tool but for most people in the world it's a distraction to stop them from advancing any part of their life. People only seek instant gratification bullshit because they're lazy goys. This is why most people try one of our meditations and quit because they don't work towards anything worthwhile.

This is why a lot of people are depressed as shit because the jew uses this to further fry their nerves. All these fools jumping around like monkeys because they are so detached from their spirit.

I remember back in 2007 2006 my first times in internet, there was almost nothing, no useful content in my native language so I always had to browse in English (even if I was a kid with almost no knowledge)

Things were different back then, I remember getting rick rolled left n right for clickbait titles, or to speak with my friends or classmates online we had msn, which it always meant to be at home in front of the pc since there were no smartphones back then, and people used to differentiate the online things vs the real.

Then I also remember playing online games and goddamn I miss it when there were huge e-fights lol, nowadays you get kicked out for “insulting members”

You see, to me there are no problems with the phones we use today, but when they start being a source of self-validation, when you spend half the day staring at a screen or you gotta check 24/7 if you get a Snapchat notification then that’s when I say, let’s get rid of this shit.

I might get called nostalgic, but the internet pre-smartphone was perfect, even if I lived that era as a kid, barely knowing anything. It was just a tool and nothing else, nowadays it’s so embedded into people’s lives it’s absurd.

It did feel different to speak with someone back then as it wasn’t something as readily available as it is now
I think, HP, working or the members' individual ego should be promoted. I say this because I think most of the problems come from personal ego being made bigger (because of meditating and the feel of being part of a group). Ego gets amplified when vibrating mantras and meditating, and this is almost never good, as a "normal" or non-problematic, ego is required in order to properly advance, past a point. The ego is like a filter between a person and the reality, and getting deluded causes pain people tends to hide and get further deluded. So my thought here is that the whole topic on "how to deal with one self's ego" should be promoted, the community (both as individuals and as whole group) in my opinion will greatly benefit from that. It would be great to get some posts from the clergy about that.
It's unfortunate a sermon like this will eventually get buried and become forgotten. It's quite vital in advice when it comes to communications on the forum here. I guess members can only guide and share where safety is in mind towards others, but to try and put the burden of helping everyone on your shoulders is heavier than one can carry.

I've mentioned too in the past that these forums are not a social club or high school where we all make cliques and posses against one another and have sleepovers with each other, I've never been buddy buddy with a single soul in this ministries, let alone outsiders either. This isn't to say social needs are just plain banned in general though, but this is literally our only communications platform, to overrun it with the asking of everyone's favourite colour and "Do you want to join my super cool rebel gang on FB, we make cookies every second Friday" is not only subtly offensive to the whole purpose of this place but also incites more for the clergy to sift through in approving posts.

I mean yeah, clergy totally get up every morning busy as all hell to approve 50 posts of a bunch of 'lols' and 'lmfaos' with no context and sharing what everyone ate for dinner last night and totally be okay with it even though we're all here on this forum for a higher purpose of more importance on the very stakes of humanity itself.
ModernMage said:
Does anyone remember around early 2000's when the internet and real life were separate? Everyone used screen names to hide their real identity. The normies and NPC's think it's totally ok to give all your security and information to these massive tech companies. While also wasting hours of your time everyday.

Technology used to be a tool but for most people in the world it's a distraction to stop them from advancing any part of their life. People only seek instant gratification bullshit because they're lazy goys. This is why most people try one of our meditations and quit because they don't work towards anything worthwhile.

This is why a lot of people are depressed as shit because the jew uses this to further fry their nerves. All these fools jumping around like monkeys because they are so detached from their spirit.

I was on the internet in the early 2000's, was just thinking as I was reading HP Hoodedcobra's post, I'm old enough to remember when parents/schoolteachers ect. would tell us kids not to post any personal info about ourselves anywhere online, for fear of who could see and what they might do. I must admit it's been pretty weird watching that change to the exact opposite over the past several years or so, everyone's just taught to overshare absolutely everything they do on these stupid social media websites.

I've even heard of people being refused jobs because they wouldn't give their prospective employers their Facejew details or if they said they didn't have one.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To give an example, Instagram women who think they are immune to everyone and everything, overextending their sexual influence online

Omg, this shit right here man. The world is being ruined by shitty jewish owned programs like Instagram. I remember hearing a story about a female teacher who taught like 6th grade kids that quit her because she made more money from shaking ass on instagram than her job as a teacher. Its a sad reality we live in these days.

Theres also the whole 'Twitch Thot' pandemic thats happening right now as well. Women streaming on twitch that wear really revealing clothes and showing some extreme cleavage in order draw in views and donations from men, and making a living off of this nonsense. Most of them actually make more money from it than actual porn stars that livestream themselves on porn sites. Disgusting reality.

I've heard stories that the same people that own Twitch often get together and throw parties with alot of these girls that stream on twitch that like to show more skin than what should be allowed, where they get drunk, and also theres most likely durgs being taken at these parties as well.
Nudity on Twitch has never been allowed, even the slightest bit of cleavage should be enough to get someone banned. But in recent years, theres been a flood of these 'Twitch Thots' that somehow never seem to get banned or punished for it. Hmm...
If these people that own twitch are throwing these big parties with these girls, and also getting drunk and most likely using drugs, then whats the chance that theres also some shady or sexual 'deals' going on behind the scenes with these girls that stream like that. From what I know, Twitch is owned by Amazon, and isnt Amazon owned and ran by Jews? I wouldn't be surprised if theres some shady and illegal shit going on behind the scenes if so.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Frequently there can be issues that are shared or posted, or even mailed, in regards to problematic interpersonal relationships between Satanists and whatnot, much of the time, online.

Many people have this stupid idea that "Satanism" is some sort of social club. Easy peasy lemon sqeezy, Satanism breezy, they ignore every information and reality of the importance of the information shared, and treat their own choice as some sort of bowling card membership and nothing else. This mentality entails all sorts of stupid actions that then, when one understands this wasn't exactly for lemon juice and bowling only, has people in problems or baffled.

Contrary to this belief, we are not here to waste everyone else's time with drama, and other pointless enterprises. Normal human conversations can take place in the forums, safely, and kept at this. I verily know the futility of this, as human needs overshadow the thought for self protection in many cases, but since this is how fuckups happen, then all that can be done from our side is to inform and remind.

One is here to meditate, advance, study, and make a positive relationship with the Gods. Helping others do the same exists insofar the purpose remains this, to help with the above. Which, all things considered, easily happens on the forums. You do not need to speak on instant messages, give your phone number, or speak with shady characters here to advance spiritually.

Along the lines of human needs of many people [and many so, unmet needs], people attempt to conflate the two, always in mind with some form of personal needs. An overwhelming amount of people waste their time chit chatting, and so forth. Admittedly, these are normal human needs, and it is understood why these exist in the first place, because without them, we would not be humans or even alive. Yet, as it comes with social relations and the internet, caution is required.

There is nothing that can be done on a priesthood level or any other level to defend anyone from their own personal overt naivity, or stupidity. One knows already what is the best way to go, which is to keep it normal, meditate, and not do stupid things. But most people, as it's typical of humans, do not listen to the advice or take the proper path, and want to do always some form of BS, assuming this will make them feel better.

Hasn't everyone heard of the saying about the Ice Cream Truck and why one should never go in it with the guy that sells the ice cream? These things should be obvious and well known to all people. These are common sense.

Unfortunately, the internet is rife with crime, perversion, deception and all sorts of other things, as it reflects a magnification of the human mind. Impersonation is also a thing in the internet, as everything can be faked. People can be impersonated left and right, and people can lie about other people, and drama and bullying can reach proportions, especially if people who are victims do not take measures to protect themselves.

Everyone keeps raving about the changes that social media and other forms of interactions, do cause to humans. Many of these are psychological, but in many cases, these can extend over to real life.

To give an example, Instagram women who think they are immune to everyone and everything, overextending their sexual influence online, all it really takes is a crazy muslim with some acid or some convulsed mind to do them harm beyond comprehension. People leave their children online at 8 years old and before they know it, the rampant advertising of pornography, drugs, and many other things, starts overflowing in children's brains.

Online, anyone can claim anything, and since there is no personal interaction, lying can also take place. Every so often someone may be impersonated, slandered, lied about, or claim lies. If it takes a skilled person to understand lying in person, it is a very "few people" skill to understand lies online. I have lost count on the cases of numerous jews who have harassed members, stalked them, stole their information, and in some extreme cases, practiced usual jewish theft on innocents.

Jews have no qualms, and they will be predators in the midst of anyone and anything, until destroyed thoroughly by some external force, or until they trip in some sort of wire that has been left there by mistake. They do not stop willingly. Abusing, bullying and damning Gentiles is in their DNA.

Eventually, they do get destroyed. Yet their parasitic nature cannot comprehend the results of their actions. These jews boasted and pretended to be Satanists, and went with the flow, no different than how they do in every scam enterprise.

One does not go outside trusting everyone they meet. Unfortunately, many parents and many other people responsible on a social level, never really teach their children internet security or what to avoid on the internet. Things like Instagram, created by the reptilian Zuccerborg, allow children as young as 8 or 9 to have "Social Media" that is open to every predator worldwide. Parents rush to buy cellphones to their children, which have their e-mail, data, and all sorts of other damning power given to people who are too immature in many cases to ride a bike at such an age.

It is insane that in the so called "Instagram", there are many children of young ages, literally posing in poses that they should pose in when they were 18 or more, mimicing other Instagram women who are fully grown. Children also, have went through an influx of internet and information, that exposes many on an early age, to things that should be exposed to at least many years later.

Predators aside many of the things exposed there, are sheer materialism, and not helpful for any kids. Typical are examples online of some 30 year old paki posting in Arabic to a German girl below how "Beautiful" she looks, and numerous implying emojis. The "Mixture of cultures" and the "Globalism" also helps considerably here, this is the "Vibrant future" according to what these people say. After all, Mohammed got a girlfriend Aisha at only 9 years old. Not understanding this makes one both Anti-Islam and Anti-Semitic, and therefore a terrorist. The Paki, according to multi-culti opinion, is a dindu that did nuffin.

Regardless, as the Jew Zuccerborg explains, sex, money and food is what he abused on the goyim in regards to social media, plus the need for people to communicate, in order to get into the autistic platforms and become psychologically unstable by, for example, every person comparing their asses to another person's photoshopped ass, until the better one is decided in a battle of likes. These platforms were built on some of the lowest human instincts, and have been therefore fermenting the same manifestations in civilization, and human behavior. It is no wonder many people have developed psychological disorders, personality disorders, and mental problems from all of this rat race of suicide. Maybe the few people that use these means intelligently, can draw something out of this general craze. But this requires smart control and smart communication.

Other things that happen in social media is the usual dindu nuffins just being there and posting bricks of cocaine and so forth, and somehow, never getting into any trouble, limited and not including also to guns enough to take down half of the Russian Army. It is almost as if these, and they are for real, being advertised. Netflix, music, pop culture and all of this, follows on the same pattern. Given this is the state of affairs now, the thing people can do is protect themselves, rather than wait external powers to do that.

Actually, Zuccerborg and nobody else gets rich by you being healthy or mentally sane, they get rich and more powerful based on the disabilities and problems of large masses of human beings. The bigger problems mental, spiritual and physical they cause to humans, all the better for them. They want you to live in the psychodrama of theirs so that they profit while you lose.

A meme used to circulate that everyone in the internet is at least 6"5, muscular, very rich, and so physically attractive, especially so behind the screen. People online are gangstaz, killerz, and they will eff your mother n family, anyone who has played a video game in their life knows all of this. 9 year old army does not forgive out there.

Human innocence, and with it, the argument that people "Do not know", is becoming increasingly scarce. Indeed, as time progresses, more and more people are very exposed to both thought and information. Young people can make decisions, and choices for themselves. As for 70 year olds that were told they were getting some sexy pics by some ad online, pressed it, and gave their credit card, can we say for real these people were "Too old to know"? While technical knowledge may have been lacking, they knew exactly what they were getting themselves into.

In general the internet has done infinitely more good than harm for mankind. Yet, one has to avoid, as one does avoid in real life, bad neighborhoods, predators, bullies and other dross of the earth.

This double edged knife puts these people at a position of extensive vulnerability, while at the same time, young teenagers can be smarter than ever before, information about anything is abundant, and personal responsibility now is at a maximum. Simply put, people are frequently responsible for what they get themselves into. Early adolescents definitely have the mind to judge for themselves and their own safety, so one should ALWAYS mind their own safety.

If a very strange stranger asks you questions on where you live, do you answer them? If they tell you randomly to take you home, do you go with them in the car? If someone asks for your wallet in the street, do you give it to them without knowing? The obvious answer to all of these is no, and the internet is only similar in that regard.

Nobody, not a parent, not a government, nor friends, can protect any individual insofar they do everything terrible to put themselves in danger. As far as any external force in this way can go, is to provide counsel, advise, or intervention in the case of far gone cases in authority. Authorities in bad cases can only act after a specific action or problem has already manifested.

For example, if someone gets their card number robbed online, only after a bank can intervene to help you, but not before. What could happen before, was your own forethought.

Lastly, there are people who may engage in just about everything stupid and say things like, "Satan Will Protect". If you are careless and self destructive, help can only go as far. If one does the utmost dangerous and stupid things, then any amount of help is for naught. By definition, you have a vast amount of influence in your own safety or damnation, so make sure you use this for your advancement and not for falling.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I should note that all I am trying to do with respect to the RTR is ASCERTAIN whether it IS True or False...SATANAMA right...? With respect to the gangstalking posts I think this is an overlooked issue that deserves attention although the other guy is supicious indeed. Nevertheless that was/is my motive nothing more.
Great cermon, absolutely right.

Watching tv and face book, made me instable, always had so crazy and scary thoughts which made me insecure and introverted.
Depression, fear, question about what will be in the future sometimes made me crazy. The result, 4 days of 7 drinking like a pig.
I knew something is wrong, something has to be stopped and suddenly one day when I was watching you tube a video appear
in between the others with the title - Hidden subliminal messages. I have watched many of these videos, articles about it, how they
can influence your thinking, behaviour and so on... and I just turned off the tv and the fb, 8 years now we do not watch tv shows,
news, movies, nothing at all. NO instagram, twitter,fb, reddit, and all other apps or whatever they are,none of them.

Incomparable the difference who you are when you addicted on tv and all the social media and the person who you are
when you free of these jewish garbage /tv, social media, press/. 2 years now the only true source of real information
about what happening in this wolrd is this, Ancient Forums. The only website I fully trust with no doubts.

Thank you.
Regardless of what security tools you use to anonymize your identity, if you inform a malicious party of your identity then no amount of tor, tails, whonix, qubes, or any other form of privacy software will help. Do not share your photos, names, addresses, or social media with anyone here. The only thing you seek to gain from revealing anything which can link you to your real world identity is ruin. Take these words to heart my brothers and sisters.

Just as our creator has said

Satan said:
Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do.

You do not know who here is within and who here is without.

Do. Not. Risk. It.
Currently saving everything written here on the forums and copy pasting most of JoS main site entries and articles as when both Jupiter and Saturn hit Aquarius 12/20 the already begun censorship will intensify. Fucking kike zuckerberg will be patrolling the groups on Judenbook worse than he has been doing since the word go. I myself only use that dreadful site on my pc to check the news and to see what my acquaintances are saying in regards to what is going on in the world. Also use it to test people's reaction when confronted with certain truths when I spit them up onto them in the comment section and of course I have to tamper truths with lies and sugarcoat my language and diatribe otherwise I will be blocked on the spot.
I don't even browse it on my phone as I am not seeking to give them away so much of my private information. To make things worse, it is believed many supporters of the commie party of my country are adminis of facebook and the ones in charge and entitled to delete everything that praises Hitler, NS Satanism Ancient Gods, Paganism or all the posts that expose freaking jews, their relation to communism and their spiteful invented religions. I couldn't believe my fucking eyes of how affected morons get when you talk the truth about pisslam. Their inner moronic troll awakens.
The other day I was censored since my stuff was deleted from wordpress. Since last March wordpress and google have been censoring plenty of websites that show the kikes for what they really are. As an example, what happened to JOS that is no longer linked from google and you have to type the name of the site by yourself.Yet kosher david duke, his stooges and related ilk are still invited to cnn or to jewish media on a regular basis to express their stance of what is gonna happen on November regarding the presidential election or what they think about the coronavirus.
This is especially important if one decides to be part of other "offshoot" communities as one may benefit from some of the valuable content they have, their ability to manage the security and information of yours is a factor and you're entirely reliant upon that if you don't take precautions. This platform has been attacked countless times and it'd be dumb to assume similar kinds of communities that share some of these ideologies wouldn't be at risk as well, but this was proven a while ago and shows that they aren't fit to handle such responsibilities but you never know what intentions one may really have.

But in the end it's still up to the individual themselves to take measures for themselves, that means not using the same login info and this is obvious lol. Be smart.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Currently saving everything written here on the forums and copy pasting most of JoS main site entries and articles as when both Jupiter and Saturn hit Aquarius 12/20 the already begun censorship will intensify. Fucking kike zuckerberg will be patrolling the groups on Judenbook worse than he has been doing since the word go. I myself only use that dreadful site on my pc to check the news and to see what my acquaintances are saying in regards to what is going on in the world. Also use it to test people's reaction when confronted with certain truths when I spit them up onto them in the comment section and of course I have to tamper truths with lies and sugarcoat my language and diatribe otherwise I will be blocked on the spot.
I don't even browse it on my phone as I am not seeking to give them away so much of my private information. To make things worse, it is believed many supporters of the commie party of my country are adminis of facebook and the ones in charge and entitled to delete everything that praises Hitler, NS Satanism Ancient Gods, Paganism or all the posts that expose freaking jews, their relation to communism and their spiteful invented religions. I couldn't believe my fucking eyes of how affected morons get when you talk the truth about pisslam. Their inner moronic troll awakens.
The other day I was censored since my stuff was deleted from wordpress. Since last March wordpress and google have been censoring plenty of websites that show the kikes for what they really are. As an example, what happened to JOS that is no longer linked from google and you have to type the name of the site by yourself.Yet kosher david duke, his stooges and related ilk are still invited to cnn or to jewish media on a regular basis to express their stance of what is gonna happen on November regarding the presidential election or what they think about the coronavirus.

This shouldn't be as concerning as you think it is. The Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and the two being together in this sign till around may.

Its more like a contrast in energies as Jupiter and Saturn are considered the classic opposite. That may be somewhat Chaotic in the sign these are in due to the nature or Aquarius and Uranus its main ruler. This should create even more major changes to society. No one can say simply from planets in signs if it will manifest in a good way or not. This type of energy does not really go well for people wanting to censor stuff it may happen but it also may be part of the truth slips out cause they lose control of the mass mind. If anything its more likely to signify some problems in the area of Economy with Uranus being in Taurus or some sort of protest again possibly adding marxist LGBT stuff too it or gender or it being the main cause they protest about given Taurus is feminine principle and beauty and Uranus is more masculine energy and about rebelling kind of or being weird. This is why you saw the gender change stuff pushed 2 or 3 times harder since it went into that sign. The Jews directed this in a bad way. Its not bad to rebel against gender norms and be different it is bad to become a borg with no gender like the greys and mutilate your body and let a Jew mess with your genitals in surgery (vomit)

When Saturn is alone in Aquairus that is when we should be more worried :(

I really don't want to go through 2 and a half years of being mostly bored with the theme being Isolate yourself and no social interaction and all that. They also could take down the internet or censor it totally so it qill be more boring. I mean yeah i did isolate myself a lot but never did I totally stay at home and not at least interact with people.

I still talked to people and went out pretty much every day even when I chose not to have friends like I mentioned for awhile if only to walk in park some days.

ChristopherLeeMcKee said:
I remember the year 2015 when his vile and worthless son Jesus Christ died. Its started like this, " THIS IS SATAN THIS IS THE WAR I AM AT THE FRONT I CAN WIN THIS WAR ON MY OWN". The war ended like this. THIS IS SATAN THIS IS THE WAR I DESTROYED THIS IS JESUS •

Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am not against it fully, however, what it has done to many people [because many people have zero self control] is just total ruin.
An important thing to note for anyone here who may be using instagram, facebook, reddit, YouTube, or even just watching TV - Be aware that these things mess heavily with your dopamine production and will make you less motivated and happy if you use them often and/or use them in improper ways.

If you struggle from any of those things, I highly recommend you try strictly to start your morning with 0 use of your phone, PC, or TV until as long as possible. Hide your phone in a drawer if you can, or in some deep part of your bag, so you are not constantly tempted to go on it. And yes, chatting on the phone also counts. Try this out for atleast some 3 days straight, and you will find a monumental improvement in your motivation and happiness, if you have been previously struggling there.

I second this - the Jews seem to want everyone hooked on dopamine. I think long term dependence on dopamine creates all sorts of psychological and neurological disorders.

Actually I was going through a rather 'down' phase in my personal life, and asked the gods for assistance in getting out of the 'rut' I was stuck in. I then came across an app by the 'Human Improvement Project' called 'In love while parenting'.

I found it very helpful, it teaches about brain chemicals and how to improve personal relationships. Most related to what your post said Shael, this app teaches that you should not just stop dopamine activities, you should seek to stop AND replace with oxytocin activities (touching loved ones, processing emotions properly etc).
I got a message in my gmail from this forum. Isn't Google owned by the Jews?
Is that safe?

Also listening to this sermon I got reminded of a scene in Black Lagoon where the girl says 'I can protect you from anyone but not from yourself'.
ChristopherLeeMcKee said:
I remember the year 2015 when his vile and worthless son Jesus Christ died. Its started like this, " THIS IS SATAN THIS IS THE WAR I AM AT THE FRONT I CAN WIN THIS WAR ON MY OWN". The war ended like this. THIS IS SATAN THIS IS THE WAR I DESTROYED THIS IS JESUS •

... That never happened.
Username said:
I got a message in my gmail from this forum. Isn't Google owned by the Jews?
Is that safe?

Also listening to this sermon I got reminded of a scene in Black Lagoon where the girl says 'I can protect you from anyone but not from yourself'.

How can you stand watching black lagoon when one of the core members(benny) is jewish? I never understood how anyone can enjoy media which portrays jews in a positive light.
It's also important as the Joyofsatan has reached newer grounds of recognition and influence, even indirectly, gaining attention from individuals, groups and organizations with positive, neutral and of course negative interests and this brings more desperation and tactics the more the threat is realized. And those who've seen the reality of the situation spiritually and physically, beyond doubt, will understand this hopefully. The Jos is definitely very underappreciated to the populace but this is improving as seen in another thread.

That's why I cut quite a few groups and refused invitations not only because of safety reasons but ethical as well, the forums are our platform for the discussion of shared interests so everyone can benefit with multiple perspectives at the subject at hand.
Shrouded said:
Username said:
I got a message in my gmail from this forum. Isn't Google owned by the Jews?
Is that safe?

Also listening to this sermon I got reminded of a scene in Black Lagoon where the girl says 'I can protect you from anyone but not from yourself'.

How can you stand watching black lagoon when one of the core members(benny) is jewish? I never understood how anyone can enjoy media which portrays jews in a positive light.
Me neither, I avoid jewish movies or movies in general with jews or jewish media in general, others like feeling free in their choices so they still consume it with the idea that they are "free", but I as a good SS avoid jewish crap like plague.
Just recently I bought an album of Wagner that is of the 20s where no jews are part of the orchestra, and damn if I feel good knowing that no jews are part of that, listening to most orchestras on youtube is daunting because there's always one fucking jew in them.
Shrouded said:
Username said:
I got a message in my gmail from this forum. Isn't Google owned by the Jews?
Is that safe?

Also listening to this sermon I got reminded of a scene in Black Lagoon where the girl says 'I can protect you from anyone but not from yourself'.

How can you stand watching black lagoon when one of the core members(benny) is jewish? I never understood how anyone can enjoy media which portrays jews in a positive light.

I wasn't dedicated back then. For me, black lagoon was fun and memorable because of its uniqueness. Only now am I knowing that it portrayed Jews in a positive light.
I didn't even know the general info of the Jews back then like the public knows.

I have forgotten the names of the characters and don't know who Benny even is. All I remember is the badass Russian woman and the main girl and useless mc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Frequently there can be issues that are shared or posted, or even mailed, in regards to problematic interpersonal relationships between Satanists and whatnot, much of the time, online.

Many people have this stupid idea that "Satanism" is some sort of social club. Easy peasy lemon sqeezy, Satanism breezy, they ignore every information and reality of the importance of the information shared, and treat their own choice as some sort of bowling card membership and nothing else. This mentality entails all sorts of stupid actions that then, when one understands this wasn't exactly for lemon juice and bowling only, has people in problems or baffled.

Contrary to this belief, we are not here to waste everyone else's time with drama, and other pointless enterprises. Normal human conversations can take place in the forums, safely, and kept at this. I verily know the futility of this, as human needs overshadow the thought for self protection in many cases, but since this is how fuckups happen, then all that can be done from our side is to inform and remind.

One is here to meditate, advance, study, and make a positive relationship with the Gods. Helping others do the same exists insofar the purpose remains this, to help with the above. Which, all things considered, easily happens on the forums. You do not need to speak on instant messages, give your phone number, or speak with shady characters here to advance spiritually.

Along the lines of human needs of many people [and many so, unmet needs], people attempt to conflate the two, always in mind with some form of personal needs. An overwhelming amount of people waste their time chit chatting, and so forth. Admittedly, these are normal human needs, and it is understood why these exist in the first place, because without them, we would not be humans or even alive. Yet, as it comes with social relations and the internet, caution is required.

There is nothing that can be done on a priesthood level or any other level to defend anyone from their own personal overt naivity, or stupidity. One knows already what is the best way to go, which is to keep it normal, meditate, and not do stupid things. But most people, as it's typical of humans, do not listen to the advice or take the proper path, and want to do always some form of BS, assuming this will make them feel better.

Hasn't everyone heard of the saying about the Ice Cream Truck and why one should never go in it with the guy that sells the ice cream? These things should be obvious and well known to all people. These are common sense.

Unfortunately, the internet is rife with crime, perversion, deception and all sorts of other things, as it reflects a magnification of the human mind. Impersonation is also a thing in the internet, as everything can be faked. People can be impersonated left and right, and people can lie about other people, and drama and bullying can reach proportions, especially if people who are victims do not take measures to protect themselves.

Everyone keeps raving about the changes that social media and other forms of interactions, do cause to humans. Many of these are psychological, but in many cases, these can extend over to real life.

To give an example, Instagram women who think they are immune to everyone and everything, overextending their sexual influence online, all it really takes is a crazy muslim with some acid or some convulsed mind to do them harm beyond comprehension. People leave their children online at 8 years old and before they know it, the rampant advertising of pornography, drugs, and many other things, starts overflowing in children's brains.

Online, anyone can claim anything, and since there is no personal interaction, lying can also take place. Every so often someone may be impersonated, slandered, lied about, or claim lies. If it takes a skilled person to understand lying in person, it is a very "few people" skill to understand lies online. I have lost count on the cases of numerous jews who have harassed members, stalked them, stole their information, and in some extreme cases, practiced usual jewish theft on innocents.

Jews have no qualms, and they will be predators in the midst of anyone and anything, until destroyed thoroughly by some external force, or until they trip in some sort of wire that has been left there by mistake. They do not stop willingly. Abusing, bullying and damning Gentiles is in their DNA.

Eventually, they do get destroyed. Yet their parasitic nature cannot comprehend the results of their actions. These jews boasted and pretended to be Satanists, and went with the flow, no different than how they do in every scam enterprise.

One does not go outside trusting everyone they meet. Unfortunately, many parents and many other people responsible on a social level, never really teach their children internet security or what to avoid on the internet. Things like Instagram, created by the reptilian Zuccerborg, allow children as young as 8 or 9 to have "Social Media" that is open to every predator worldwide. Parents rush to buy cellphones to their children, which have their e-mail, data, and all sorts of other damning power given to people who are too immature in many cases to ride a bike at such an age.

It is insane that in the so called "Instagram", there are many children of young ages, literally posing in poses that they should pose in when they were 18 or more, mimicing other Instagram women who are fully grown. Children also, have went through an influx of internet and information, that exposes many on an early age, to things that should be exposed to at least many years later.

Predators aside many of the things exposed there, are sheer materialism, and not helpful for any kids. Typical are examples online of some 30 year old paki posting in Arabic to a German girl below how "Beautiful" she looks, and numerous implying emojis. The "Mixture of cultures" and the "Globalism" also helps considerably here, this is the "Vibrant future" according to what these people say. After all, Mohammed got a girlfriend Aisha at only 9 years old. Not understanding this makes one both Anti-Islam and Anti-Semitic, and therefore a terrorist. The Paki, according to multi-culti opinion, is a dindu that did nuffin.

Regardless, as the Jew Zuccerborg explains, sex, money and food is what he abused on the goyim in regards to social media, plus the need for people to communicate, in order to get into the autistic platforms and become psychologically unstable by, for example, every person comparing their asses to another person's photoshopped ass, until the better one is decided in a battle of likes. These platforms were built on some of the lowest human instincts, and have been therefore fermenting the same manifestations in civilization, and human behavior. It is no wonder many people have developed psychological disorders, personality disorders, and mental problems from all of this rat race of suicide. Maybe the few people that use these means intelligently, can draw something out of this general craze. But this requires smart control and smart communication.

Other things that happen in social media is the usual dindu nuffins just being there and posting bricks of cocaine and so forth, and somehow, never getting into any trouble, limited and not including also to guns enough to take down half of the Russian Army. It is almost as if these, and they are for real, being advertised. Netflix, music, pop culture and all of this, follows on the same pattern. Given this is the state of affairs now, the thing people can do is protect themselves, rather than wait external powers to do that.

Actually, Zuccerborg and nobody else gets rich by you being healthy or mentally sane, they get rich and more powerful based on the disabilities and problems of large masses of human beings. The bigger problems mental, spiritual and physical they cause to humans, all the better for them. They want you to live in the psychodrama of theirs so that they profit while you lose.

A meme used to circulate that everyone in the internet is at least 6"5, muscular, very rich, and so physically attractive, especially so behind the screen. People online are gangstaz, killerz, and they will eff your mother n family, anyone who has played a video game in their life knows all of this. 9 year old army does not forgive out there.

Human innocence, and with it, the argument that people "Do not know", is becoming increasingly scarce. Indeed, as time progresses, more and more people are very exposed to both thought and information. Young people can make decisions, and choices for themselves. As for 70 year olds that were told they were getting some sexy pics by some ad online, pressed it, and gave their credit card, can we say for real these people were "Too old to know"? While technical knowledge may have been lacking, they knew exactly what they were getting themselves into.

In general the internet has done infinitely more good than harm for mankind. Yet, one has to avoid, as one does avoid in real life, bad neighborhoods, predators, bullies and other dross of the earth.

This double edged knife puts these people at a position of extensive vulnerability, while at the same time, young teenagers can be smarter than ever before, information about anything is abundant, and personal responsibility now is at a maximum. Simply put, people are frequently responsible for what they get themselves into. Early adolescents definitely have the mind to judge for themselves and their own safety, so one should ALWAYS mind their own safety.

If a very strange stranger asks you questions on where you live, do you answer them? If they tell you randomly to take you home, do you go with them in the car? If someone asks for your wallet in the street, do you give it to them without knowing? The obvious answer to all of these is no, and the internet is only similar in that regard.

Nobody, not a parent, not a government, nor friends, can protect any individual insofar they do everything terrible to put themselves in danger. As far as any external force in this way can go, is to provide counsel, advise, or intervention in the case of far gone cases in authority. Authorities in bad cases can only act after a specific action or problem has already manifested.

For example, if someone gets their card number robbed online, only after a bank can intervene to help you, but not before. What could happen before, was your own forethought.

Lastly, there are people who may engage in just about everything stupid and say things like, "Satan Will Protect". If you are careless and self destructive, help can only go as far. If one does the utmost dangerous and stupid things, then any amount of help is for naught. By definition, you have a vast amount of influence in your own safety or damnation, so make sure you use this for your advancement and not for falling.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Enemy will fucking pay for this, I am going me and my other satanic friends to come together to do RTR's and sigils.
Aquarius said:
Shrouded said:
Username said:
I got a message in my gmail from this forum. Isn't Google owned by the Jews?
Is that safe?

Also listening to this sermon I got reminded of a scene in Black Lagoon where the girl says 'I can protect you from anyone but not from yourself'.

How can you stand watching black lagoon when one of the core members(benny) is jewish? I never understood how anyone can enjoy media which portrays jews in a positive light.
Me neither, I avoid jewish movies or movies in general with jews or jewish media in general, others like feeling free in their choices so they still consume it with the idea that they are "free", but I as a good SS avoid jewish crap like plague.
Just recently I bought an album of Wagner that is of the 20s where no jews are part of the orchestra, and damn if I feel good knowing that no jews are part of that, listening to most orchestras on youtube is daunting because there's always one fucking jew in them.

That sounds beautiful. I myself have given up on mainstream music. I used to enjoy a wide range of artists but slowly have become aware of their true nature and of those they work with. I am currently working to rid myself of all jewish media source. I have been successful in removing movies, television, mainstream music, video games, social media, and pornography. I am struggling to completely remove youtube and continue to watch around 3-4 videos a day on that website. Do you have any advice on what I could do in order to make removal of youtube easier? I really only watch videos involving Pewdiepie, and Leafy and believe that those channels are not infested with jewish filth but I may be wrong. Any advice given is appreciated.
Shrouded said:
I am struggling to completely remove youtube and continue to watch around 3-4 videos a day on that website. Do you have any advice on what I could do in order to make removal of youtube easier? I really only watch videos involving Pewdiepie, and Leafy and believe that those channels are not infested with jewish filth but I may be wrong. Any advice given is appreciated.

Blocking apps such as parental controls. cold turkey, freedom, also browser extensions such as stayfocusd. You may need to configure this for multiple devices. I would advise using a setup where you have a set time per day for youtube. such as 30 minutes before bed or something, as opposed to just having 30 minutes of youtube time spread throughout the day. This forces your brain to get used to not having it for that time.

The app Freedom worked the best for me, but it is subscription based and the permanent purchase is really expensive for no good reason. I bought it because I figured it would pay itself off easily through the time savings.
Shrouded said:
Aquarius said:
Shrouded said:
How can you stand watching black lagoon when one of the core members(benny) is jewish? I never understood how anyone can enjoy media which portrays jews in a positive light.
Me neither, I avoid jewish movies or movies in general with jews or jewish media in general, others like feeling free in their choices so they still consume it with the idea that they are "free", but I as a good SS avoid jewish crap like plague.
Just recently I bought an album of Wagner that is of the 20s where no jews are part of the orchestra, and damn if I feel good knowing that no jews are part of that, listening to most orchestras on youtube is daunting because there's always one fucking jew in them.

That sounds beautiful. I myself have given up on mainstream music. I used to enjoy a wide range of artists but slowly have become aware of their true nature and of those they work with. I am currently working to rid myself of all jewish media source. I have been successful in removing movies, television, mainstream music, video games, social media, and pornography. I am struggling to completely remove youtube and continue to watch around 3-4 videos a day on that website. Do you have any advice on what I could do in order to make removal of youtube easier? I really only watch videos involving Pewdiepie, and Leafy and believe that those channels are not infested with jewish filth but I may be wrong. Any advice given is appreciated.
My advice is that you don't have to remove everything, movies that are made by gentiles with gentile actors are good, music made by gentiles is good(unless it's degenerate stuff).
slyscorpion said:
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Currently saving everything written here on the forums and copy pasting most of JoS main site entries and articles as when both Jupiter and Saturn hit Aquarius 12/20 the already begun censorship will intensify. Fucking kike zuckerberg will be patrolling the groups on Judenbook worse than he has been doing since the word go. I myself only use that dreadful site on my pc to check the news and to see what my acquaintances are saying in regards to what is going on in the world. Also use it to test people's reaction when confronted with certain truths when I spit them up onto them in the comment section and of course I have to tamper truths with lies and sugarcoat my language and diatribe otherwise I will be blocked on the spot.
I don't even browse it on my phone as I am not seeking to give them away so much of my private information. To make things worse, it is believed many supporters of the commie party of my country are adminis of facebook and the ones in charge and entitled to delete everything that praises Hitler, NS Satanism Ancient Gods, Paganism or all the posts that expose freaking jews, their relation to communism and their spiteful invented religions. I couldn't believe my fucking eyes of how affected morons get when you talk the truth about pisslam. Their inner moronic troll awakens.
The other day I was censored since my stuff was deleted from wordpress. Since last March wordpress and google have been censoring plenty of websites that show the kikes for what they really are. As an example, what happened to JOS that is no longer linked from google and you have to type the name of the site by yourself.Yet kosher david duke, his stooges and related ilk are still invited to cnn or to jewish media on a regular basis to express their stance of what is gonna happen on November regarding the presidential election or what they think about the coronavirus.

This shouldn't be as concerning as you think it is. The Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and the two being together in this sign till around may.

Its more like a contrast in energies as Jupiter and Saturn are considered the classic opposite. That may be somewhat Chaotic in the sign these are in due to the nature or Aquarius and Uranus its main ruler. This should create even more major changes to society. No one can say simply from planets in signs if it will manifest in a good way or not. This type of energy does not really go well for people wanting to censor stuff it may happen but it also may be part of the truth slips out cause they lose control of the mass mind. If anything its more likely to signify some problems in the area of Economy with Uranus being in Taurus or some sort of protest again possibly adding marxist LGBT stuff too it or gender or it being the main cause they protest about given Taurus is feminine principle and beauty and Uranus is more masculine energy and about rebelling kind of or being weird. This is why you saw the gender change stuff pushed 2 or 3 times harder since it went into that sign. The Jews directed this in a bad way. Its not bad to rebel against gender norms and be different it is bad to become a borg with no gender like the greys and mutilate your body and let a Jew mess with your genitals in surgery (vomit)

When Saturn is alone in Aquairus that is when we should be more worried :(

I really don't want to go through 2 and a half years of being mostly bored with the theme being Isolate yourself and no social interaction and all that. They also could take down the internet or censor it totally so it qill be more boring. I mean yeah i did isolate myself a lot but never did I totally stay at home and not at least interact with people.

I still talked to people and went out pretty much every day even when I chose not to have friends like I mentioned for awhile if only to walk in park some days.

ChristopherLeeMcKee said:
I remember the year 2015 when his vile and worthless son Jesus Christ died. Its started like this, " THIS IS SATAN THIS IS THE WAR I AM AT THE FRONT I CAN WIN THIS WAR ON MY OWN". The war ended like this. THIS IS SATAN THIS IS THE WAR I DESTROYED THIS IS JESUS •


Sorry to burst it to you but I don't see a better world comming at all. We will have to wait and see what Mars retrograde has in store for all of us next September 10th which will last until mid November. In addition to that, at the end of September Saturn goes direct. Leaving astrology aside, looking at world's events, how this stupid braindead humanity reacts to this exposure of truth and how these evil fucking kikes are doing everything to bring about a vaccine and a brand new pandemic to keep censoring our civil liberties and slaughtering us faster since they have already lost I can only expect the worst. Not until I see Satan and his wonderful Army on Earth combating side by side with us bringing the jews and their cohorts to annihilation will I be calmed and hopful. Allow me to quote HPS Maxine "whith the jews you lose" that's why first in order for us to be hopeful we must end it for the jews.
And athough I am someone who would rather see the bright side of life because I know that our thoughts are what we are and are part of our aura hence having negative thoughts would let you to be attacked by lower entities from the low astral, parasites, jewish warlocks, filthy christian prayers, angelic magic, or even your own thoughtforms created unwillingly the forthcoming future is dark.
Donald Trump reelection is a MUST for the safety of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE CONSTITUTION and the western world. You must put that man in office again albeit being a jewish ass licker he is the best and only politician who can put an end to those revolting commies in your country and prevent it from being overtaken by jewish putin and the tiu-kiu-koui kikes from China. Once I see him reelected and kicking jewish bill gates arse out of America, gets rid of china's influence in the United States and puts BLM nigger misfists on a leash then I will be more hopeful for the time being the only thing I can so is keep training, keep performing RTR studying and waking people up. Here we are standing upon the brink of a civil war. You will have news from us in a few months probably in December...
Rome collapsed when Neptune was transiting the last grades of Pisces Let us hope this is not what happens to USA.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
slyscorpion said:
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Currently saving everything written here on the forums and copy pasting most of JoS main site entries and articles as when both Jupiter and Saturn hit Aquarius 12/20 the already begun censorship will intensify. Fucking kike zuckerberg will be patrolling the groups on Judenbook worse than he has been doing since the word go. I myself only use that dreadful site on my pc to check the news and to see what my acquaintances are saying in regards to what is going on in the world. Also use it to test people's reaction when confronted with certain truths when I spit them up onto them in the comment section and of course I have to tamper truths with lies and sugarcoat my language and diatribe otherwise I will be blocked on the spot.
I don't even browse it on my phone as I am not seeking to give them away so much of my private information. To make things worse, it is believed many supporters of the commie party of my country are adminis of facebook and the ones in charge and entitled to delete everything that praises Hitler, NS Satanism Ancient Gods, Paganism or all the posts that expose freaking jews, their relation to communism and their spiteful invented religions. I couldn't believe my fucking eyes of how affected morons get when you talk the truth about pisslam. Their inner moronic troll awakens.
The other day I was censored since my stuff was deleted from wordpress. Since last March wordpress and google have been censoring plenty of websites that show the kikes for what they really are. As an example, what happened to JOS that is no longer linked from google and you have to type the name of the site by yourself.Yet kosher david duke, his stooges and related ilk are still invited to cnn or to jewish media on a regular basis to express their stance of what is gonna happen on November regarding the presidential election or what they think about the coronavirus.

This shouldn't be as concerning as you think it is. The Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and the two being together in this sign till around may.

Its more like a contrast in energies as Jupiter and Saturn are considered the classic opposite. That may be somewhat Chaotic in the sign these are in due to the nature or Aquarius and Uranus its main ruler. This should create even more major changes to society. No one can say simply from planets in signs if it will manifest in a good way or not. This type of energy does not really go well for people wanting to censor stuff it may happen but it also may be part of the truth slips out cause they lose control of the mass mind. If anything its more likely to signify some problems in the area of Economy with Uranus being in Taurus or some sort of protest again possibly adding marxist LGBT stuff too it or gender or it being the main cause they protest about given Taurus is feminine principle and beauty and Uranus is more masculine energy and about rebelling kind of or being weird. This is why you saw the gender change stuff pushed 2 or 3 times harder since it went into that sign. The Jews directed this in a bad way. Its not bad to rebel against gender norms and be different it is bad to become a borg with no gender like the greys and mutilate your body and let a Jew mess with your genitals in surgery (vomit)

When Saturn is alone in Aquairus that is when we should be more worried :(

I really don't want to go through 2 and a half years of being mostly bored with the theme being Isolate yourself and no social interaction and all that. They also could take down the internet or censor it totally so it qill be more boring. I mean yeah i did isolate myself a lot but never did I totally stay at home and not at least interact with people.

I still talked to people and went out pretty much every day even when I chose not to have friends like I mentioned for awhile if only to walk in park some days.

ChristopherLeeMcKee said:
I remember the year 2015 when his vile and worthless son Jesus Christ died. Its started like this, " THIS IS SATAN THIS IS THE WAR I AM AT THE FRONT I CAN WIN THIS WAR ON MY OWN". The war ended like this. THIS IS SATAN THIS IS THE WAR I DESTROYED THIS IS JESUS •


Sorry to burst it to you but I don't see a better world comming at all. We will have to wait and see what Mars retrograde has in store for all of us next September 10th which will last until mid November. In addition to that, at the end of September Saturn goes direct. Leaving astrology aside, looking at world's events, how this stupid braindead humanity reacts to this exposure of truth and how these evil fucking kikes are doing everything to bring about a vaccine and a brand new pandemic to keep censoring our civil liberties and slaughtering us faster since they have already lost I can only expect the worst. Not until I see Satan and his wonderful Army on Earth combating side by side with us bringing the jews and their cohorts to annihilation will I be calmed and hopful. Allow me to quote HPS Maxine "whith the jews you lose" that's why first in order for us to be hopeful we must end it for the jews.
And athough I am someone who would rather see the bright side of life because I know that our thoughts are what we are and are part of our aura hence having negative thoughts would let you to be attacked by lower entities from the low astral, parasites, jewish warlocks, filthy christian prayers, angelic magic, or even your own thoughtforms created unwillingly the forthcoming future is dark.
Donald Trump reelection is a MUST for the safety of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE CONSTITUTION and the western world. You must put that man in office again albeit being a jewish ass licker he is the best and only politician who can put an end to those revolting commies in your country and prevent it from being overtaken by jewish putin and the tiu-kiu-koui kikes from China. Once I see him reelected and kicking jewish bill gates arse out of America, gets rid of china's influence in the United States and puts BLM nigger misfists on a leash then I will be more hopeful for the time being the only thing I can so is keep training, keep performing RTR studying and waking people up. Here we are standing upon the brink of a civil war. You will have news from us in a few months probably in December...
Rome collapsed when Neptune was transiting the last grades of Pisces Let us hope this is not what happens to USA.

There is a big possibility in what I sense of the future that things did not go good at all for awhile and a lot of things and people were destroyed. Its not totally hopeful on my part. Although I tend to be more optimistic or try to be.

In all the dreams of the future and things when I think of it as well as visions there certainly I will give you that seem to be a lot of abandon and destroyed things and a certain emptiness in places. There is also the possibility that some places become complely unlivable. This is a consistent theme in all of it and even focusing on the future like thinking of dates far ahead.

So it may not be all roses and flowers and all that. However the reason i am optimistic is I dont see that greatly effecting me as a person that much if at all. Maybe I have to hide out somewhere for awhile but i did see myself knowing other SS people at some point in the near future.

I also am an older soul kind of sick and tired of the way things were bored on a soul level of this so any changes where the energy gets better fills me with a sense of hope in a way and most certainly the energy is better by a lot at least most places now.

Also as I see it the problems that I personally have are almost completely over due to this and anything I ever complained about. I dont know why that wouldn't make anyone happy. I must be thinking different than most here.

I dont have a clue what happens to the Jews though just that they are not there in these scenes i had of the future nor was there any signs of any of their programs. I didn't get anything on what your talking about i do sense the masses become a lot more brutal than we personally would be due to less spiritual development and that may backfire on more than the Jews.

In the future all I see is we are rebuilding something really nice although a lot of stuff looks destroyed still. If I am right the year in the dream was around 2029 our time although I think the calendar gets changed at some point to either year 0 or something else altogether.
The main thrust of this sermon is about not giving your info out to people on here and being very careful about whom you talk to. The Instagram types are just used as an obvious example of what can go wrong.

JoS isn't a social club and talking to 'Sorath on the motorbike' filth can lead to having money taken from you, curses, stalking, misunderstandings about spiritual practices and all other kinds of nasty crap that has happened here over the years. The enemy is ready to target people here who come here because of loneliness or desperation. Telling random people you are SS or hanging around with those who shout it from the rooftops while treating all of this like a joke can possibly have extremely nasty effects way down the line.

Its best to use magick and Astrology to cultivate friend groups with normal people in real life (or even just normal people online) separate from your identity as an SS.
wow so people don't use COMMON FUCKING SENSE when on the internet thats just sad children shouldn't be exposed to that stuff to many evil people out there!! :cry: :cry: :evil: :evil:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Frequently there can be issues that are shared or posted, or even mailed, in regards to problematic interpersonal relationships between Satanists and whatnot, much of the time, online.

Many people have this stupid idea that "Satanism" is some sort of social club. Easy peasy lemon sqeezy, Satanism breezy, they ignore every information and reality of the importance of the information shared, and treat their own choice as some sort of bowling card membership and nothing else. This mentality entails all sorts of stupid actions that then, when one understands this wasn't exactly for lemon juice and bowling only, has people in problems or baffled.

Contrary to this belief, we are not here to waste everyone else's time with drama, and other pointless enterprises. Normal human conversations can take place in the forums, safely, and kept at this. I verily know the futility of this, as human needs overshadow the thought for self protection in many cases, but since this is how fuckups happen, then all that can be done from our side is to inform and remind.

One is here to meditate, advance, study, and make a positive relationship with the Gods. Helping others do the same exists insofar the purpose remains this, to help with the above. Which, all things considered, easily happens on the forums. You do not need to speak on instant messages, give your phone number, or speak with shady characters here to advance spiritually.

Along the lines of human needs of many people [and many so, unmet needs], people attempt to conflate the two, always in mind with some form of personal needs. An overwhelming amount of people waste their time chit chatting, and so forth. Admittedly, these are normal human needs, and it is understood why these exist in the first place, because without them, we would not be humans or even alive. Yet, as it comes with social relations and the internet, caution is required.

There is nothing that can be done on a priesthood level or any other level to defend anyone from their own personal overt naivity, or stupidity. One knows already what is the best way to go, which is to keep it normal, meditate, and not do stupid things. But most people, as it's typical of humans, do not listen to the advice or take the proper path, and want to do always some form of BS, assuming this will make them feel better.

Hasn't everyone heard of the saying about the Ice Cream Truck and why one should never go in it with the guy that sells the ice cream? These things should be obvious and well known to all people. These are common sense.

Unfortunately, the internet is rife with crime, perversion, deception and all sorts of other things, as it reflects a magnification of the human mind. Impersonation is also a thing in the internet, as everything can be faked. People can be impersonated left and right, and people can lie about other people, and drama and bullying can reach proportions, especially if people who are victims do not take measures to protect themselves.

Everyone keeps raving about the changes that social media and other forms of interactions, do cause to humans. Many of these are psychological, but in many cases, these can extend over to real life.

To give an example, Instagram women who think they are immune to everyone and everything, overextending their sexual influence online, all it really takes is a crazy muslim with some acid or some convulsed mind to do them harm beyond comprehension. People leave their children online at 8 years old and before they know it, the rampant advertising of pornography, drugs, and many other things, starts overflowing in children's brains.

Online, anyone can claim anything, and since there is no personal interaction, lying can also take place. Every so often someone may be impersonated, slandered, lied about, or claim lies. If it takes a skilled person to understand lying in person, it is a very "few people" skill to understand lies online. I have lost count on the cases of numerous jews who have harassed members, stalked them, stole their information, and in some extreme cases, practiced usual jewish theft on innocents.

Jews have no qualms, and they will be predators in the midst of anyone and anything, until destroyed thoroughly by some external force, or until they trip in some sort of wire that has been left there by mistake. They do not stop willingly. Abusing, bullying and damning Gentiles is in their DNA.

Eventually, they do get destroyed. Yet their parasitic nature cannot comprehend the results of their actions. These jews boasted and pretended to be Satanists, and went with the flow, no different than how they do in every scam enterprise.

One does not go outside trusting everyone they meet. Unfortunately, many parents and many other people responsible on a social level, never really teach their children internet security or what to avoid on the internet. Things like Instagram, created by the reptilian Zuccerborg, allow children as young as 8 or 9 to have "Social Media" that is open to every predator worldwide. Parents rush to buy cellphones to their children, which have their e-mail, data, and all sorts of other damning power given to people who are too immature in many cases to ride a bike at such an age.

It is insane that in the so called "Instagram", there are many children of young ages, literally posing in poses that they should pose in when they were 18 or more, mimicing other Instagram women who are fully grown. Children also, have went through an influx of internet and information, that exposes many on an early age, to things that should be exposed to at least many years later.

Predators aside many of the things exposed there, are sheer materialism, and not helpful for any kids. Typical are examples online of some 30 year old paki posting in Arabic to a German girl below how "Beautiful" she looks, and numerous implying emojis. The "Mixture of cultures" and the "Globalism" also helps considerably here, this is the "Vibrant future" according to what these people say. After all, Mohammed got a girlfriend Aisha at only 9 years old. Not understanding this makes one both Anti-Islam and Anti-Semitic, and therefore a terrorist. The Paki, according to multi-culti opinion, is a dindu that did nuffin.

Regardless, as the Jew Zuccerborg explains, sex, money and food is what he abused on the goyim in regards to social media, plus the need for people to communicate, in order to get into the autistic platforms and become psychologically unstable by, for example, every person comparing their asses to another person's photoshopped ass, until the better one is decided in a battle of likes. These platforms were built on some of the lowest human instincts, and have been therefore fermenting the same manifestations in civilization, and human behavior. It is no wonder many people have developed psychological disorders, personality disorders, and mental problems from all of this rat race of suicide. Maybe the few people that use these means intelligently, can draw something out of this general craze. But this requires smart control and smart communication.

Other things that happen in social media is the usual dindu nuffins just being there and posting bricks of cocaine and so forth, and somehow, never getting into any trouble, limited and not including also to guns enough to take down half of the Russian Army. It is almost as if these, and they are for real, being advertised. Netflix, music, pop culture and all of this, follows on the same pattern. Given this is the state of affairs now, the thing people can do is protect themselves, rather than wait external powers to do that.

Actually, Zuccerborg and nobody else gets rich by you being healthy or mentally sane, they get rich and more powerful based on the disabilities and problems of large masses of human beings. The bigger problems mental, spiritual and physical they cause to humans, all the better for them. They want you to live in the psychodrama of theirs so that they profit while you lose.

A meme used to circulate that everyone in the internet is at least 6"5, muscular, very rich, and so physically attractive, especially so behind the screen. People online are gangstaz, killerz, and they will eff your mother n family, anyone who has played a video game in their life knows all of this. 9 year old army does not forgive out there.

Human innocence, and with it, the argument that people "Do not know", is becoming increasingly scarce. Indeed, as time progresses, more and more people are very exposed to both thought and information. Young people can make decisions, and choices for themselves. As for 70 year olds that were told they were getting some sexy pics by some ad online, pressed it, and gave their credit card, can we say for real these people were "Too old to know"? While technical knowledge may have been lacking, they knew exactly what they were getting themselves into.

In general the internet has done infinitely more good than harm for mankind. Yet, one has to avoid, as one does avoid in real life, bad neighborhoods, predators, bullies and other dross of the earth.

This double edged knife puts these people at a position of extensive vulnerability, while at the same time, young teenagers can be smarter than ever before, information about anything is abundant, and personal responsibility now is at a maximum. Simply put, people are frequently responsible for what they get themselves into. Early adolescents definitely have the mind to judge for themselves and their own safety, so one should ALWAYS mind their own safety.

If a very strange stranger asks you questions on where you live, do you answer them? If they tell you randomly to take you home, do you go with them in the car? If someone asks for your wallet in the street, do you give it to them without knowing? The obvious answer to all of these is no, and the internet is only similar in that regard.

Nobody, not a parent, not a government, nor friends, can protect any individual insofar they do everything terrible to put themselves in danger. As far as any external force in this way can go, is to provide counsel, advise, or intervention in the case of far gone cases in authority. Authorities in bad cases can only act after a specific action or problem has already manifested.

For example, if someone gets their card number robbed online, only after a bank can intervene to help you, but not before. What could happen before, was your own forethought.

Lastly, there are people who may engage in just about everything stupid and say things like, "Satan Will Protect". If you are careless and self destructive, help can only go as far. If one does the utmost dangerous and stupid things, then any amount of help is for naught. By definition, you have a vast amount of influence in your own safety or damnation, so make sure you use this for your advancement and not for falling.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Matéria muito importante. O Instagram, que muitos dizem não ser tão invasivo, é mais lixo do que o Facebook.
O Facebook está á serviço do inimigo com certeza!
Muito obrigada pela oportunidade de aprender um pouco mais.
Salve Satan Lucifer e os Deuses Originais!
Salve Hitler!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
