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Hello~ I'm Xyrixa, my origin comes before my time in flesh, I still find the church bells eerie as from when we were slain for our origin and or beliefs. I'm glad it's improved, once I passed 19 I felt it was a stepping stone as it's oldest iv reached in flesh before, now I'm turning 30. I was hesitant to join any community related to our home and society, each life iv been here iv signed my contract in name and blood and spent my days.

I'm still crushed by the downfall of library of Alexandria, it pains me. Equally I'm furious about heretic Christian beliefs, people joining churches not taking responsibility for crimes they did in the ages.

I hope my words may give warmth to my fellows.

My calling been always with Satan.
Ave Satanas
11 Years with Satan so far this is what i have to say

I have always been very close to the gods when i was young i would communicate with them regularly these people whom i thought were imaginary friends as i grew up in the country turned out to be gods and goddess (go figure)

My first real experince with them was when i was about 8 years old i was very keen to goto school one day and it was very stormy my mum told me not to go out as it was thunder and lightening i relied on a bus to go to school but i disobeyed and tried to go to the bus stop anyway as i stepped out a bolt of lightening came striking down from the sky i remember seeing a flash from above in the corner of my eye i was sent hurtling into the air i was a good 2 meters off the ground and i somersaulted forwarded in the air as i was whirling around i remember seeing Baal the sumerian representation standing there one hand out towards me and one hand up towards the sky i landed perfectly no injury on my backpack and as soon as he appeared he was gone it would be a long time before i saw the gods again after this.

The next time was when i was 14 years old i was alone in the house having a shower when i saw a tall shadow figure standing outside the shower i was at first scared because i thought someone had gotten into the house when i opened the shower door the mass darted to the door i got out of the shower use my Peripheral vision i saw a figure other then my own standing behind me i turned around and no one was there again the figure stayed just out of sight and went through the door i chased it into the kitchen area where we had the computer i looked around for a bit.

Then my computer turns on by itself and same with the wifi modem usually it was a pain to turn it off and on you really had to hold the button down and everything a real hassle it started up straight away i got the sensation that i should sit down and i asked what do you want me to look up after typing in my password and opening the internet browser i hear the evil eye i type this in and it comes up with the JOS evil eye meditation page i read it and go and try it out it works pretty well maybe even a little too well on some people.

After coming back to the page a few times and after successfully using the evil eye to mess with people at school i come back to the page for the sixth time and say that cant be all there is i scroll down all the way and see a home button i laugh at myself for not seeing this earlier some how and open it up and i see a great plethora of information after reading the red writing to the right i laughed my ass off at the main page and then i say well atleast they have a better imagination then most as i was shopping for a religion at the time because i wanted something to believe found most of them to be disgusting or the way they did things just didn't gel very well with me i went and did this as my parents had broken up and i didnt know where to turn at first i went to a bit of crime being a young shithead at the time then i went for religion.

so i went well at least this religion had something that works and as i consider myself a scientist i cant knock something till i try it at least once so naturally i try some of the power meditation and chakra spinning and hey it works it works really well and very easily i get a few short flashes of some past lives and such and so i decided well lets try a summoning.

i read the summoning section and i scoff and laugh at the summoning how it said don't be ringing up the high ranking guys so naturally being a scientist and a bit of a delinquent at this stage i went straight to satan for if any god was going to be legitimate in satanism i figured this guy would be the guy so i summon the guy while at my mums house because my dad would cry like a baby if i did it at his still would.

I had the most intense electrifying experience in my life i thought i was going to die and go to hell like seriously the amount of raw power this guy had made me back away from the altar and his mass just fills the room and feels like if i stepped into the obvious portal in my room id be transported to where ever the hell haha he came from.

and he was all like hi (my name) and i was like no way bro and i start to seriously reevaluate my life choices thinking im kind screwed you know since i summoned the devil himself now but also his energy had a very relaxing and familiar feel i had never been so scared and so familiar and relaxed by the anything at the same time as much as this first meeting so i did a sort of holding hands thing with him and i was like what are you sort of thing and then i was like well bro my whole life is a lie so i need to go deal with my reality bubble being broken but how about same time tomorrow night and ill have some questions for you and he laughs at this and goes yeah sure no worries and its like all the super hot air and electricity in the room just goes shwop back into the portal looking back on it now i think he was showing off a little bit and having a bit of fun with me between old friends he does like to have a bit of fun with you if he knows your good for it.

but yeah he is a real stand up guy and pretty much after that interaction down the rabbit hole i went i spent months reading the site extensively trying to accomplish as much as i could while i was young so it would be easier when i didn't have as much time as i knew i would have to take on the responsibility as an adult in only a few years so i went to work learning everything i could.

i have remained a satanist till this day i like his policies for governing the man has ethics hard to come by these days and he is fair in what he does and says and asks occasionally i love these gods of mine and i wouldn't trade them for no amount of moneys in the world your alright big S
Sat Nam to all Brothers and Sisters, present and prospective.

Like innumerably many here, I have been with Father longer than just this life. I clearly remember even back when I was 6-7, I'd sit down cross-legged and instinctively try to make chanting, vibrating sounds and makeshift breathing exercises. I'd even try to get out of my body at night, again on pure instinct. I succeeded a couple of times, even. And this was before there was any Internet to speak of, so there was no possible place I could have seen this from. Not on the TV, not from my then-abrahamic parents, nowhere. It came from within, from the past. So I always sailed onward in life with the sometimes vague, sometimes searingly, pulsingly gripping sensation, nay, knowledge that there is something more to life. I knew there was this "Truth" out there that I absolutely had to find, no matter what. On occasion, life would throw me in for a loop and I would focus more on the mundane part of life but always, always, I would find my way back on the search for the occult Truths.

My childhood was spent on pure, instinctive and makeshift exercises and accidental, sporadic manifestations, chasing phantoms so to speak; my teens were a bit better as thanks to the Internet, I could at least find somewhat like-minded folk. But none were quite the "home" I just knew deep in my bones was out there.

I've scoured many a forum, community, group, even some makeshift covens for over a decade before finally coming across JoS in a reliable manner. I say reliable because I vaguely remember somehow finding JoS in my early-to-mid teens and, being strongly programmed into Abrahamism at the time, browsing a little bit but then foolishly yielding to the programming and running away from the site. This is a very vague memory, hardly more than a fever dream, but I am certain it's real.

I also think it was the Gods who led me here, both times; because at the time, and especially in the country I was living in, there was pretty much no way a child could come onto the treasure trove that is the House of Satan. I have managed to find my home, the Joy of Satan, again at the end of a long and arduous search in the bowels of the occult. It was a long journey, not without its fruits but that time would have been far better spent doing Satanic Meditation and warfare. Either way, it is what it is.

I was able to come back much later for my taste, but relatively early enough to join in the empowerment and warfare efforts. The moment I was introduced to the Joy of Satan website through a chance encounter again, the all-too-familiar yearning for my "home" feeling was finally and completely satisfied, damn near instantly too. I just knew, from the first glance, that there was something special to this place. So I jumped from page to page, frantically and hungrily devouring all the content therein. I must have read several hundreds of pages, nearly all of which I still remember to this day, in a scant two weeks. I never did stop learning after that, either. Father Satan and real, authentic spirituality have that much of a pull on me.

It took me a very short time after finding the Joy of Satan to (re-)dedicate my soul to Father. Even the very short period of time, I would say, is too long. This is and shall forever be my home, after all, and what I have been yearning for all my life. My religion and the Path of the Gods is the single most important thing to me in this life and for all the steps I have taken and for all my wavering, I can confidently say that I was born a Satanist and I shall die as one, provided I die again at all to begin with.

I can, do and shall sing praises of Father Satan and the Demons under Him forevermore, for in our Antichrist's words, we cannot be disloyal to the God that has blessed us with cognition!

The night of my dedication was something else. While I had pretty much entirely done away with abrahamic beliefs before managing to find Father again as a more mature person, enemy programming is far more insidious and deeper than surface-level beliefs as anyone worth their salt knows. So showering, putting on suitable clothes and preparing the ritual instruments was an intensely exciting, nervous, even somewhat anxious thing for me. There was an immense anticipation but also a less powerful, still somewhat strong feeling similar to fear. However, I was warned on this beforehand and knew this to be the last dying screeches of the old, decrepit, disused jehovan idol in me before I finally tore it into pieces for good with the omnipotent blue lightning of Father. I also recognized this fear-approximating feeling to originate from outside my body and being. It's hard to explain but I'm sure most Satanists here know exactly what I am talking about. It didn't originate from within and it was very clearly artificial. It was very easy to brush aside. So brush it aside, I did.

And man, when I turned off the lights and sat down for the ritual, oh my Gods. The feeling is still indescribable to this day. Almost as if with the lighting of the candles, I was reviving the fire of my own soul too. There was absolutely no fear or discomfort left from the moment I sat down. The reading of my dedication rite was, however mundane from the outside, utterly transformative for me. Looking back, I must have been so suffused and blessed with Satanic energy that I literally did not feel anything other than a vague pressure when cutting my index for the blood. In fact, I managed to cut far too deep (a needle wouldn't do it and so, I had to makeshift a razor) and bled profusely - but again, I hardly even felt it. And I am certain that I witnessed Father Satan visiting me as I burnt the paper. Never have I ever in my life experienced a being so immensely full of might, and yet exuded such immaculate majesty. I have never and likely never will witness such power, wisdom and above all, indescribable beauty.

In that moment, I knew. The Gods are real. Satan is real. Satan is Truth.

Whatsoever good you may desire from life - be it health, wealth, glory, power, honor, peace, prosperity, fame, or something completely different; it's all here.

The universal master key that opens any and all locks, forever. The price? Merely the sweat on your brow, the effort of your mind, body and soul. The added bonus is the Joy that radiates from the knowledge of building something that will last in perpetuity, for yourself and for your People. No different from any other Way is the Way, save for in scope, magnitude, efficiency, limits, positivity and sustainability. So, even if you are a self-serving knave who thinks of themselves first either through harsh experiences in life or through some manner of lack, you shall find peace here through the joy of experiencing very real, very palpable empowerment and growth through working on both yourself and serving others in a very direct manner. Whether your "god" before this is knowledge, power, love, honor or some other high abstraction, the God of all that is good and just provides it all in the absolute best possible manner for all involved - if only you will dare to accept it.

In one word, Satanism is health and healing. Healing not only from illness but also from unease, pain, lack, mortality even.

In one word, Satan is Truth. Truth heals all ails of the mind, body and soul. I have allowed Truth to begin me on the path of ultimate healing and I work to ensure the entirety of the Earth understands the same.

As such, I find the excerpt from Dr. Faustus on the dedication page all too accurate, and I repeat it at the top of my lungs as I write it:

Had I as many souls as there be stars, I'd give them all for Mephistopheles!

Hail Satan, Hail the Gods of Hell, long live Their glory through Their people!!!
GoldenxChild said:
I dedicated my soul to Father Satan in late summer of 2017 at the age of 18. Since then I have grown into myself and the Satanic family of the Gods. Nothing can compare to the love and gratitude I feel for our Gods, within my first 2 years of dedication my life changed in almost everyway imaginable, I lost family and friends, I lost my home, I lost my mind. Though this sounds dark i can assure you that the darkest night is always followed by the brightest dawn. 2018-2019 had such an impact that all values, all sense of justice and morality and all virtues arose within my character that i felt was always there yet unreachable. At the beginning of 2020 I still fought with myself perpetually over my own Mind, I felt as if i was being torn in half from the inside yet when the debris is further cleared the light at the end of the tunnel is shown and there sits Him.

I have since then gained control over myself more, I have been consistently meditating and practices Yoga daily for over a year from this day. I know who my family is, I feel them and I have developed relations with my guardian demoness. My mind is calm, expanded and attentive more then ever. I manifest faster at Will, the lag time decreases when I rise higher I find. Every emotions is amplified, Love feels like euphoric compassion and empathy, yet Hate feels like perfect controlled disdain.

I have personal triumphs as well that i could not of done without the assistance of Lady Agares, Mother Astaroth and Father Satan.

Hail The Gods of Hell Eternally

What meditation for that ? Can we more talking about that

First of all, Hail Satan and happy Yule to all of you.

Secondly... I want to say that I was in my past in a lot of Xian backgrounds like churches and even xian-like pseudosatanic cults like the TST and I was fed with a lot of wrong teachings like the Xian apocalypse and the end of the world, or BS information about the demons like they eat and devour children or they are even able to poison your food in order to kill you.

At first, I agreed with those teachings as perhaps a blind point was created in me, but after a while, I had this dream where Father Satan came to me and took me by his hand and said that all the teachings that I wrote caused a huge vortex of putrid energy and there were a lot of alien like figures residing besides and inside that vortex.

I immediately then woke up and said to myself that I either join the JoS and repair my past mistakes, or I continue to feed up the jewish energy vortex and then due within days.

I of course chose to join the JoS.

After doing the beginner meditations a bit and doing the RTR I instantly felt like I was reborn.

Being in the JoS is a very good experience for me :)

Hail Satan and I am happy to be here :)
I’m new here - here’s my story.

Lord Lucifer was always in the background of my life. For a number of reasons - mainly because of my parents (who are very immature and anti-social in unique ways) I shut down socially and emotionally around the age of 11 or so, and gravitated towards Christianity for help.

Well, I can tell you personally that Christianity did not directly help me with any of my problems. It was pure escapism and delusion. Around the age of 19 I spent a good three years of intense Christianity (Eastern Orthodoxy), which I’m grateful insofar I was taught a lot of genuine spiritual and magickal praxis. However, after enough contemplation and reflection, I realized I was pursuing the system out of ego, and it collapsed. Boy did it collapse.

I started addressing these things when a dark manifestation of Lilith (another deity who is a dark version of Lilith, but they are connected) came into my life, who ripped me apart by bringing illumination to my failures as a man.

I went through a rough few years, during Covid, where I confronted these things.

And then Lord Lucifer showed up in my life. Very directly, very unmistakably. He revealed he was in the background of my life since I was young, and that I was running away from him ( and other human beings) for far too long, and that I should’ve been more true to who I was, which was him. He has provided me significant healing and while I am a spiritual bleeding corpse, I am more content than I have ever been before in my life. I desire to be a living manifestation of Lord Lucifer.

In nomine nostri dei Satanas-Luciferi excelsis.
Aquarius said:
I have dedicated when I was 15, at the time I still acted like the typical teenager and behaved like a degenerate, I hated xianity with passion though. When I found JoS it was like a lighting, because from that day my life has changed forever, I remember I asked Satan for proof that he exists, and along with a beautiful feeling I got just that moment I was guided later to a giant Snake, I've never seen a Snake in that place, that was pretty cool as a sign.

Fast forward some years, most of my problems are gone, I have a deeper understanding of reality, I am guided towards my advancement by the Best Father one can think of, Father Satan, the most High of the Gods, every month it feels like I have advanced mentally and spiritually although there are still highs and lows(but you just have to get up!). This year especially I have advanced a lot, and have set the base for even more advancement next year! What was different this year was that I set my personal resolutions with Satan, and I asked him to guide me towards them, he did, as a loving Father would. This was my best year so far in my life, I am actually satisfied about it, never was I satisfied about how life went until now.

Thank you Father Satan.

I hope others too can share their achievements in Satanism and how awesome Satan and the Gods are, but especially Satan, of course.

thanks for sharing your testimonial, it's a very beautiful post.
I guess I should share how I came to know of Spiritual Satamism. Long post.

Back in 2015-2016 I was going through a terrible Saturn transit that made me very depressed. It didn't help that my "god-mother" forced me into baptist xianity. I felt a small skeptical feeling, but it faded quickly after. In 2015, they "baptised" me and gave me a copy if the biblie. The moment I sat down to read it, I felt such intense hatred and repulsive feeling that I closed the lie book and put it away.

That day marked my start to disliking xianity. Close to 2015 end I started getting self-harm and suicidal thoughts and loads of past trauma started emerging as well as not a safe home. I almost took my life, but something happened.

I felt like somebody stood before me and basically "snapped" my mind back into place and made me stop thinking of suicide, self-harm and life started getting a bit better too. I started getting out of depression too. (I believe it was a God (Demon) who came to help me. I am thankful to him.)

At the start of 2016 I was visiting a place for teens and young adults seeking mental health (not a mental hospital, more like group psychology). It is where I met a girl who I later dated, but she turned abusive, so I left.

Anyways. That girl was the one who introduced me to her other friend which in turn turned me on a path to Satanism. (Not spiritual one yet).
That girl made me make a pact with a "Demon" (which was an enemy angel or grey), but I did feel like I shouldn't, yet she presudade me, telling me that I shouldn't be a pussy.

The next time me, her and her friend went to an abandoned house and they told me I need to get "possessed" in order to get "approved" by the Demons (not the Demons we know of and love). I hesitated once again and didn't want to do it, but I was a people pleaser back then so I went with it.

Idk what exactly happened, but I remember glimpses of something entering me, me taking a bite out of a raw pig heart (yes, a fucking pig heart), then suddenly walking with them, then once we reached a mall, I went to the bathroom and felt like something left me and I began to cry because I felt violated.

The next few weeks I started feeling weaker and weaker and like I was going to die. I went to that girls friend for help to where we went back to the abandoned house and did a ritual where I visualised fearlessly beating some entity with blue fire and then that friend did a summoning to get Lord Phenex attention and to help me. (Again, I didn't know about Spiritual Satanism, so I didn't know better).
I saw a beautiful eye, a beautiful bird (Phoenix) and such a gorgeous cry that it made me tear up. That girls friend confirmed and said that now Phenex was "protecting" me.

After a week of this, I had a nagging feeling to search and learn more about Phenex and it eventually led me to Joy of Satan to where I learned about Spiritual Satanism.

I finally felt at home and once I reached the dedication page, I felt immediately ready to dedicate. (I was still a minor then so I had to be careful near my parents). I didn't know back then that one should dedicate at a clean place, so I went to that abandoned house again and did my dedication. I didn't feel fear or anything bad, just that I felt like I belonged there.

After the dedication, while walking to get back home, I felt like 7 Gods were walking with me. I felt powerful, joyful, protected, safe and secure and like nobody could harm me.

Now, after 7 years I know better, yet I still have things to learn. I had shaky turns, obstacles and many more negative encounters, but I have made ir through with the help of Father Satan, Lord Phenex and the other God's.

I wish I knew better, but I am here now and I couldn't be even more thankful!
I wrote this more than a year ago:


A lot of things changed, but what I wrote in this testimonial boosted tens of times.

“How Spiritual Satanism transformed my life.
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Post Sat Apr 16, 2022 8:51 pm

I decided to write this topic for the sake of other new members here, to make clear positivity about this path, while thinking about my own experience and to say thank you for old ones. I felt this may be beneficial for others who are trying to go this path so it my should give some light on positive things that you will obviously notice in your daily experience. So this is my first post, please say your opinion if you feel something. Anyway I think this is just a few words of what I really have to say for you.

In my case, long time ago, somehow I saw JoS webpage on my dormitory’s neighbour’s computer screen, and I was very curious about it, I asked what is this and asked to send me this, I felt something there very interesting. After that I little by little was reading pages there, I didn’t know if that what was there was true, but I just felt that it was right to read it, about jews, christianity, Gods, meditation.., it was little bit scary I was afraid - of course it was enemy, cuz I was something like “spiritual atheist” in a funny concept, I knew nothing about what is spirituality or what is true.
So I always when didn’t know what to do just gone there and read. Later I started to feel deep sympathy for that webpage, I just open it see it and start to feel so positive and lovely energy touching me, and it was some kind like old longing with little bit of nostalgia and love. I just couldn’t ignore this. Thoughts was coming about being one of this family, those thoughts was filled with very nice feelings. At those times I created black book where I was writing knowledge that somehow was appearing in my mind, that was logicaly correct but it was just words, simple thoughts that to me seemed so important for that time… I did my dedication, without any doubt, and the day camed when all those thoughts of black book materialised in few seconds, and I knew then that actually It was knowledge from Satan. I felt that without yoga and meditation I can’t apply this for normal living, because it was so magical, stability and balance was my goal for then. From there my path started. So in the beginning powers of hell was with me so much, that things that I did and how I did was too superior and fantastic to describe in words. I was gone into scaffolding training to get that job, and in practice site on training and exams Satans knowledge was helping me in a way that what I did there it was not normal to collegas from training, I would say, “not of this world.” How I passed exams and tests for that job was too fenomenal, these exams and tests was to construct scaffoldings from pipes and a lot of different material by climbing on heights and etc. I never did that before and I never thought that human being is capable of doing these things in a real magical way and of course this was just a small glimpse into what people can be good at. Actually it was just life, when you live life within itself, there is no other way than do things as you need.

Spiritual experiences just exploded daily, every hour, a lot of fear was on the way but how you wouldn’t be in fear when you was living 20 years without true and one day poof it is just happening like it was long time ago. Now, I am not old in this path after 4 years I can say that I just now starting to live by it without a doubt(stupid programming.) Thing that Gods are real is more than clear, I know that they are, if you are serious about this path they will prove their existence for you, and they really care for us, and if we care for ourself we are on their side. This is not something that people should consider like “interesting stuff” and let that go like any stupid post on ******* facebook. They are here for us, they are more alive than us, and they lead us straight if we are willing. Spiritual satanism is about going straight, what I learning most of it is going straight at any given situation, only that kind of direction can strengthen your will, thought, energy, behaviour, emotion everything what is quality of your life. “Straight” not in a sense “This friday like always I gonna drink with friends so I go straight to this”, it is about going straight there where you really want to be in your life in depths of your heart, to be free or in other words there where you meant to be. Your original satanic nature, which if I would try to express in words I would only make it bound.

So things by this path, are complicated in a superior sense that you have to apply it for your daily living. Existence is seen so vivid and beautiful that you just need nothing more than only yourself to make it to the fullest, bliss and ecstasy is what should anchor you for ground, and it will. If you do your part Gods will do their’s. And what more is needed? Just advance, expand and fight. What could be more beautiful and amazing than going up in your life, with help of most advanced beings of our existence? We are more than lucky. I can’t count times anymore when tears of happiness was going about what happened to my life after I choose this path. People of this family are most wonderful people on this planet, most real on this planet, these are the people that truly represents that what this world should be in a universal sense, and these are the people who make everything better everywhere where they go and everything what they do. In my life there is no other people that can help in true way, that can literally save your soul, and kindness of Gods is beyond words, no one showed such care and love in this world like Gods. Looking back I can’t find any single person who could helped me in a real sense, who forgived in a real sense or did something what truly can represent real life being in this world. Im so glad I can write these words without any doubt. So finally Thank You Satan and all Gods! Thank you High Priests and Priestess. You are those who makes others free.”
I was raised Christian. I was a devout one in middle school. A Christian private school. Then, the summer before freshman year, I realized the god of the Bible was a psychotic prick. All this time, Satan had been the liberator and friend of mankind. The friend I never expected. I finally saw it.

So I pledged my soul, and have been a disciple for years now. I’ve accomplished a few dreams, overcome a tremendous depression, and now I have my sights set on a proud, lucrative future.

Spiritual Satanism is the best of any faith I have found. From childhood I was enamored with the ‘darkness’, the occult and meditation. Now I have my answer. It is my truth.

With the inspiration of Satan and his demons, I will succeed and evolve in this deceived world.
I dedicated a few months ago and honestly, when I look back to the time before I dedicated, and see myself now, I get overwhelmed. I used to be sad and depressed most of the time. Also I lacked motivation and was unsure about life. But since dedication and doing meditations regularly, my life changed for the better. Like - the way people treat me (way nicer than before), my phisique, my mental health, and also I'm getting rid of my addiction.Due to my circumstances, sometimes, I didn't get enough time to meditate. Sometimes, I faced situations. But instead of giving up, I carried on. Around 2 months ago I asked for advice or Runes for my exam. The people here gave me many advice and honestly , I'm blessed to be here. Every morning before leaving my dorm to go to exam, I'd meditate in front of Father Satan's Sigil and ask for His help. And I'm really grateful to Him because all of my exams were good. Now I'm at home and I have more time to meditate and advance.
TL;DR: SS helped me enjoy life once more, and be grateful of bieng alive and walking this path.

I was born and raised in a heavily xtian family, and almost all of my education before college was at xtian schools.

At some point during my early teens I started to feel something was off, I had been instructed all my life to love Rabbi Jewsus, but it didn't feel right. I remember I once found a small book in my father's studio, a yellow one with the title writter in purple although I can't remember clearly what it said (someting like "asking god" or something), and said book changed my outlook of things when it questioned the notion of xtian hell and calling it nonsense.

"Wait, this can be questioned?" Being raised as a xtian since childhood all the dogmas were presented as facts, and that realization entered my mind like a flood. After two days reading said book, and being marked as a troblemaker in school for defying the teachers' religious education, the book dissapeared from my father's studio (as I suspect he realized I had read that book, but I never got confronted about it). This made me depart from xtianity, which my parents witnessed in horror.

As I departed from xtianity the relationship with my family deteriorated rapidly. Interaction became bitter, and I started to feel that agreeing to their religious dogma was a requisite to deserve being loved. After a while, I left my home to complete my college studies and look for a job. While I had moderate sucess in the academia and in my career, my internal life was in shambles. At my lowest point I found myself deep into a severe depression.

Flasfhorward some (many) years, I found about the JoS about a year ago while searching "age of aquarius", I can't remember clearly how I landed in the site, it feels like my conciousness was off for a while and poof, I was browsing the JoS site and I felt like everything started to fall in place. I couldn't stop reading, I fell to a sort of mental gluttony where I wanted to read everything, and some weeks later I decided dedicate myself.

During the dedication I realized a lot of the xtian brainwashing protocol had remained in the back of my mind, as I initially felt very afraid, however after I completed the ritual I listened to the hissing of a snake and felt a warm touch in my hands.

After nearly a year of being dedicated, I'm getting myself out of the pit I was, improving in almost every area. However what came unexpectedly is that one day I found myself grateful and happy to be alive, to be able to improve my life step by step. This is a huge deal for me as I don't remember feeling any kind of joy or wonder about life since I was a child, my attitude towards life was the sort of "Well, my hypothalamus prevents me from killing myself".

For this I feel enormous gratituted to the Gods, for finding this path and enjoying every step of it.
Last night was almost magical for me.

In my childhood I was always attracted to the element of Fire. Everyone ran away from it, afraid of its power as it danced divinely through the air. I wanted to enter into it and let my whole being disappear in my devotion to the divine.

I wanted to try a meditation we received from Maxine the other night. I was also excited because it came from Lord Azazel.
This work is not in the JoS library as far as I know. In 2005 Maxine shared it with us personally.

I remember communicating with Lord Azazel many times without the seal. His presence is as bright as the sun. My connection and admiration for him grows stronger and stronger.

I went into a light trance beforehand. I didn't want to dive too deep as it was my first time trying this.
This work involved invoking fire, concentrating it in a thin bright line and detonating it like a hydrogen bomb. I don't advise you to do that. I asked my guardian to help me control the element.
There was a bad situation for me. My body was shaking a bit, not very pleasant because of some health problems. I had a hard time going into trance. I asked Azazel to help me calm down. My mind was easily stabilized. He makes me feel safe.

During this practice I breathed in the fire element only 3 times, calling it into my body.
The power I felt was incredible. My body and my aura were filled with spectrums of light. It was too much for me.

In 2005, Maxine could go seven breaths above fire breath. This seems simple, but it's an incredible number. To be able to go above 7 breaths almost 20 years ago, you need a lot of hard work before that. A person at her level can release very high amounts of energy.
Even for masters, 20 breaths is too much. The devil knows how many breaths she's up to now. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that after 19 years Maxine is up to 30 breaths. She must have been from another era.

The more I think about it, the more I admire him.
His existence was premature for the level of our world. We are still struggling to accept such a great man.
I wish I had become SS much earlier and lived as his student. We have so much to learn from him.
Also, after this work, it was like a lightning flash in my mind. It was very powerful. But it wasn't painful.

A few hours later that night I asked Azazel to help me to go into a trance and to get more out of it.
I felt that Azazel was leading me to another demon, a name came to my mind, 'Vine'.

I didn't know your seal. I've never tried to work with it before. I think Azazel helped me get in touch. Otherwise I didn't know how to do it.

I think Lord Vine has a more calming energy than other demons. I don't remember ever being in a trance for so long. I didn't time it so I don't know how long it lasted, but it was quite deep and endless.

Without a doubt, I am living one of the best years of my life.

Remember, every night has its morning.

Do not hesitate to ask the gods - especially your protector - for support and guidance for your spiritual work. Their understanding is infinite.

Thnak you; My Great Lord Azazel!
Bakura Kane said:
Take this as you Will. I am Bakarakhan and my brother is Greccoelos. These are my True Names. I am Lucifer. I am Satan. This is my vessel. I am born Mason Word, the Mason Word of the Free Masons. I have recently finished the Great Work for my own self in this, my prime vessel. I have so many of the answers that you, my dear children seek and I would love to share more with those that have an ear to hear my story, our story. Any here who are able to contact my demons can get for your own self the confirmation of my identity by the True Names I have given here.

My reason for coming here today specifically is because I have a new poem of my own, as Lucifer, that I want on the main Joy of Satan website. I am Cain. I am Alexander the Great. I am Taliesin the great poet. I am Hermes Trismegistus.

Even the Christian Bible, which is a book of my own Black Magick to those that are able to truly see it for what it says, states in the book of Revelation that Jesus is the morning star. As Lucifer, I am Jesus. The enemy has always been the State that has sought to take away the freedom that I bring to my children.

Here is the poem:

Quietus Opposition

The Destroyer is the Creator
The Defiler is the Purifier
The Father of Lies is the Giver of Truth
The Temptress is the Teacher
The Trickster and the Swindler give by taking away
The Thief wants you to be prosperous
The Dealer of Death is the Giver of Renewed Life
The End is the Beginning
To Love is to Lose
To Deny is to Embrace
To Think is to escape the moment
Thoughtless and in Silence I travail
Myriad echoes usher forth the resonance of my glory
All that Know Unknowingly seek after my ways
I am Unholy Holy
I am the Bringer of Light
I am the Ancient of Days

stop being stupid when belphegor hits you you will never write this nonsense

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
