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Spiritual Satanism - So That You Will Crawl No Longer

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The word "andrapoda" that we have related in the past, is originated from Pythagorean and Aristotelian wisdom. Inside this word, there is already implied the meaning of being unaware, fallen, or a slave.

Further, this word does not have to do with being a slave in your workplace or external conditions or perceived "social dialectics" of this subject. Rrather, this has strongly to do with how we are "slaves" if we are unaware.

There are many people high in the social ladder, that are slaves, and many lower, that are in the process of becoming truly "free". Slaves to karma, slaves to ignorance, slaves to death and the eventuality of living without a soul that comes from self ignorance.

Clearly, the enemy not only promotes this state, but they advertise it as the way towards "salvation". That is the highest level of blasphemy against all that is good inside humanity.

Every successive lifetime, the soul is supposed to erect itself again and again, and become stronger and stronger. One must crawl no longer, and be not accepting of being a crawling insect. At this level, human beings are ignorant, helpless, soulless, and mindless.

All people have aspects of latent true "Humanity" lingering in them, but the "Andrapoda" aspect of one's self, if left on it's own, tends to consume human beings into the lowest recess of creation. For this battle to be won, we have to resist and pleasantly give a fight every single day, and learn to do this with a smile, until all battles appear as pleasantries in a game of musical symphonies that we can finally hear.

The Soul and the personal consciousness, is seated in what we also refer to as the Kundalini energy. Raising this and opening the soul up for this reception, is the purpose of human existence on planet earth. While this extends further, one must know that life on this planet is not happening without purpose.

There are very strong reasons "you" are a human, or "you" understand or strive towards humanity. And yet, here is the force of the inner andrapoda, trying to always pull you back into the pit of nothingness everyday, telling you that life is for nothing, or that life doesn't matter.

We have to be Truthful: Life has ultimate purpose. But it is up to us to align ourselves with this purpose, and to connect with it strongly. When we get a glimpse of the Gods, we can see where we ourselves can be one day.

On the fallen state, humanity can only expect disasters, intensification of our lowest nature, destruction, and ignorant to grow perpetually.

The enemy has hidden very carefully this Truth from humanity, propagating internal and external ruins for their personal "benefit". They benefit from "The fall".

The fallen Serpent, or Satan residing in the "pit of hell", instead of being "Satan Lucifer, the Favorite one of God, Who was Equal to God" - is another way of them saying that their removal from our culture is also a removal of these powers from the human soul. In the above enemy statements, they illustrate the path of the fallen human Serpent or Satan.

In Mythology, Satan is the Serpent, and to claim that "Satan is fallen", is utmost blasphemy against humanity. To say also this state of affairs is "a good situation" as the enemy claims, is utter evil in the most disturbing form - with the enemy boasting of their "success" to keep humanity bound on a lower level.

Meanwhile, as the enemy attests, Satan has been the "Favorite One of God, the Equal To God" [this is the reality], meaning that he has been uplifted and into the light of the universe or the permuting consciousness of the cosmos - in this story, the enemy declares the father of humanity in a fallen state, not dissimilar than other coded curses they have against all of humanity.

For this, Satan has been waged "War" upon by whatever hides behind the enemy "religions", which we all here know to be programs of control that want to facilitate the downfall of humanity to the lowest levels.

To be a Satanist in particular, is the denial of the above fable, both internally and externally. One must deny that one's inner "Satan" has fallen into the pit of "Darkness", and one must also deny the enemy who claims to be "God" causing this disaster, that is all that is opposed to the plan of the real Gods and the Universe itself. One must want to reverse the "Fall".

All these codes the enemy speaks of, is to describe one thing: How they want humanity and it's Gods to remain fallen, disconnected, and for humans to be lost.

No reality is reflected in this, just the fantasy of the enemy. Yet, many people believing in this hostile alien fantasy, humanity has been digging it's very own grave.

All the goal of this place, and if you are here, is to erect again the pillar of your Soul, so that the Serpent can finally again sit on top of it. This is the path of the warrior, to fight against a world filled with forces that might try to deter you or stop you, and that you will persist with patience and love for this task, to finally succeed.

The physical level will follow alongside you, as inner organization will manifest macro-cosmically a better world for yourself and others.

Spiritual Satanism is the defiance against this tendency and force to crawl, it is where the slave raises up their heads towards the heavens and finally experiences confidence and pride: This is when one admits that you have a soul, and will work in it's maintenance and understanding, meditation is how you work daily to break the shackles, promoting this knowledge and working for it is how we say to this world: You must change, but I will change too with you.

"From slaves, you will be made as Gods, from crawling, you will walk, then you will fly".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
And this is the true meaning of freedom in Satanism opposed to the many mentally ill who think this gives them an excuse to identify as or be whatever fantasy they have in mind to escape to or because they don't like their bodies or other things.

True freedom is the freedom to evolve thrive and grow.

Hail Satan!
Mixed News about the Australian Federal election.

1. Unfortunately the labor party has become the main federal government this is not good as the labor government is an extension of the communist party of china this is very bad the election isn't over but its close the labor government now has a lot of control over both the federal and the state government I'm prepared for this situation but it's going to be rough I'm mostly expecting an immediate massive amount of debt and or massive amount of inflation prices and a massive increase in taxes they will seek to crush the working class and introduce ridiculous green policies.

2. Fortunately we have had a massive increase in independents in the Federal government and a massive increase in particularly to the one nation party of Australia which apart from the GAP party is about the best one in the country very similar to Nazi party policies there has never been such a massive change to political power to independents and minor party's ever in this country.

There are still 14 seats in doubt we have counted 70% of the vote so far hopefully many more people have voted for independents and not the other two major knob heads.

stats are as follows

Liberal coalition with nationals party and christian party 50 seats
labor seats 72
greens (may as well be labor seats) 3
one nation 0 new seats won however they doubled the number of people who voted for them in the last federal election
United Australia Party same as one nation
Independents 12 new seats won last federal parliament only had 3 now there is 15

14 seats are still in doubt i hope one nation or more independents continue to get in this means that pretty much unless independents are swayed they can't just do whatever they want.

I hope that most of these independents are actually Australia one candidates they are also a highly loved party of mine the Australia one is not an officially registered party as they refused to register because it went against the constitution of this country which is true if that is the case there could be a very good change coming our way after all still need to get the details on that ill try to keep you all informed as to what is going on in the land down under.

Fuel prices have finally doubled to a whopping 2$ Australian a liter so for you guys in the USA it works out to being $6.33 a gallon so a bit more expensive but food prices on everything other then meat has stayed the same fortunately they cant blame Covid-19 on grocery prices however spud shed a minor supermarket chain has kept their meat prices the same from before the pandemic so it is stopping the raising prices as one of the supermarket chains refuse to play along with the narrative which is nice.

Vaccine mandates stay in place for employment unfortunately i hope it drops here in WA,SA and VIC soon we seem to be the only three states continuing the stupidity.

Fortunately we haven't gotten dragged into any wars yet and we have finally decided to expand influence in Asia as well as diversify our trading partners promises so far but at least we are having the conversation.

That's all i have for now hope your all doing well its not likely going to be a good winter this year for Australia.

I hope to hear better news out of France with their elections
What a powerful and important statement to keep in mind.
Hail Satan, our Kundalini, forever!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

"From slaves, you will be made as Gods, from crawling, you will walk, then you will fly".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What is the difference between our Serpent and the enemies Serpent?
Generally or more in depth or in terms of Energy.
Ours is Kundalini theirs is Ouroboros?
Seems like Serpent vs. Serpent
I understand that there are different types/species of serpents, just like in nature,
who are opposed to each other, eat each other, kill each other.
If it has already been explained or there exists a pdf, i am sorry for asking again.
Great post. Anyone who has studied a little Greek philosophy and Spiritual Satanism cannot deny the obvious link between them. It can be said that the Spiritual Satanism is philosophical and the ancient Greek and ancient Rome was Satanic and you can see it in the words they used as "soul" that we are aware of here, that in empty religions they don't say shit about this fundamental part for humanity and you understand why ... "demon" a very wise being, ect., which are now forbidden or without explanation.
But even in the description of society, of education, of the rules to follow, there are a lot of points in common ... things that if discussed or told to people now reduced to a frightening level, they will not understand anything.
And the worst is that they believe themselves superior to those who were before them only because they are further on in history, they use rules and principles discovered more than 2000 years ago and they do not know what they use and where it comes from (it makes me laugh and cry at same time)
Thank you for writing, there were many useful things in it.

Is a deep purification of the soul essential in order to be able to receive the ascended kundalini into our souls later?
Making room for the Kundalini?
Or does the kundalini merge more easily with the soul, the astral body, if the soul is pure?

Obviously it is also important to avoid negative manifestations.
Ramses said:
Mixed News about the Australian Federal election.

1. Unfortunately the labor party has become the main federal government this is not good as the labor government is an extension of the communist party of china this is very bad the election isn't over but its close the labor government now has a lot of control over both the federal and the state government I'm prepared for this situation but it's going to be rough I'm mostly expecting an immediate massive amount of debt and or massive amount of inflation prices and a massive increase in taxes they will seek to crush the working class and introduce ridiculous green policies.

2. Fortunately we have had a massive increase in independents in the Federal government and a massive increase in particularly to the one nation party of Australia which apart from the GAP party is about the best one in the country very similar to Nazi party policies there has never been such a massive change to political power to independents and minor party's ever in this country.

There are still 14 seats in doubt we have counted 70% of the vote so far hopefully many more people have voted for independents and not the other two major knob heads.

stats are as follows

Liberal coalition with nationals party and christian party 50 seats
labor seats 72
greens (may as well be labor seats) 3
one nation 0 new seats won however they doubled the number of people who voted for them in the last federal election
United Australia Party same as one nation
Independents 12 new seats won last federal parliament only had 3 now there is 15

14 seats are still in doubt i hope one nation or more independents continue to get in this means that pretty much unless independents are swayed they can't just do whatever they want.

I hope that most of these independents are actually Australia one candidates they are also a highly loved party of mine the Australia one is not an officially registered party as they refused to register because it went against the constitution of this country which is true if that is the case there could be a very good change coming our way after all still need to get the details on that ill try to keep you all informed as to what is going on in the land down under.

Fuel prices have finally doubled to a whopping 2$ Australian a liter so for you guys in the USA it works out to being $6.33 a gallon so a bit more expensive but food prices on everything other then meat has stayed the same fortunately they cant blame Covid-19 on grocery prices however spud shed a minor supermarket chain has kept their meat prices the same from before the pandemic so it is stopping the raising prices as one of the supermarket chains refuse to play along with the narrative which is nice.

Vaccine mandates stay in place for employment unfortunately i hope it drops here in WA,SA and VIC soon we seem to be the only three states continuing the stupidity.

Fortunately we haven't gotten dragged into any wars yet and we have finally decided to expand influence in Asia as well as diversify our trading partners promises so far but at least we are having the conversation.

That's all i have for now hope your all doing well its not likely going to be a good winter this year for Australia.

I hope to hear better news out of France with their elections

The Australia One party is probably controlled opposition. Riccardo gives off the same disgusting energy that the typical jew gives off. Plus he promotes Christianity and Judaism and is always blaming the evil in this world on either China or the Satanists. They even say prayers at the protest gatherings. Imagine all that psychic energy being generated for the enemy. I think his party's goal is to stop people from trying to make any real change. Or to stop people from storming parliment and going after these politicians in the physical.
His policies do sound good but I doubt his party will ever get in. Its most likely designed to keep people hanging on as long as possible till Australia is well and truly fked.

Clive Palmers party I've heard has ties to WEF though I'm yet to find anymore details on that specifically. Maybe someone else here has more info on him.
Wow such powerful and beautiful words

Crawling no more.

I will teach my kids to be free and to advance in spirituality
Bravo! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I shared it on Instagram even though people hardly follow me.

I was one of those people who thought that this life had no meaning until I met Satanism.
Nailed it!⚡🔥 The pure beauty of the Satanist!🦚🐍🔥 HAIL SATAN!!!
“I cannot follow you Christians; for you try to crawl through your life upon your knees, while I stride through mine on my feet.”
― Charles Bradlaugh
Masterj810610 said:
I will teach my kids to be free and to advance in spirituality

YES! Lovely comment. Thank you.
Shining Force said:
Ramses said:
Mixed News about the Australian Federal election.

1. Unfortunately the labor party has become the main federal government this is not good as the labor government is an extension of the communist party of china this is very bad the election isn't over but its close the labor government now has a lot of control over both the federal and the state government I'm prepared for this situation but it's going to be rough I'm mostly expecting an immediate massive amount of debt and or massive amount of inflation prices and a massive increase in taxes they will seek to crush the working class and introduce ridiculous green policies.

2. Fortunately we have had a massive increase in independents in the Federal government and a massive increase in particularly to the one nation party of Australia which apart from the GAP party is about the best one in the country very similar to Nazi party policies there has never been such a massive change to political power to independents and minor party's ever in this country.

There are still 14 seats in doubt we have counted 70% of the vote so far hopefully many more people have voted for independents and not the other two major knob heads.

stats are as follows

Liberal coalition with nationals party and christian party 50 seats
labor seats 72
greens (may as well be labor seats) 3
one nation 0 new seats won however they doubled the number of people who voted for them in the last federal election
United Australia Party same as one nation
Independents 12 new seats won last federal parliament only had 3 now there is 15

14 seats are still in doubt i hope one nation or more independents continue to get in this means that pretty much unless independents are swayed they can't just do whatever they want.

I hope that most of these independents are actually Australia one candidates they are also a highly loved party of mine the Australia one is not an officially registered party as they refused to register because it went against the constitution of this country which is true if that is the case there could be a very good change coming our way after all still need to get the details on that ill try to keep you all informed as to what is going on in the land down under.

Fuel prices have finally doubled to a whopping 2$ Australian a liter so for you guys in the USA it works out to being $6.33 a gallon so a bit more expensive but food prices on everything other then meat has stayed the same fortunately they cant blame Covid-19 on grocery prices however spud shed a minor supermarket chain has kept their meat prices the same from before the pandemic so it is stopping the raising prices as one of the supermarket chains refuse to play along with the narrative which is nice.

Vaccine mandates stay in place for employment unfortunately i hope it drops here in WA,SA and VIC soon we seem to be the only three states continuing the stupidity.

Fortunately we haven't gotten dragged into any wars yet and we have finally decided to expand influence in Asia as well as diversify our trading partners promises so far but at least we are having the conversation.

That's all i have for now hope your all doing well its not likely going to be a good winter this year for Australia.

I hope to hear better news out of France with their elections

The Australia One party is probably controlled opposition. Riccardo gives off the same disgusting energy that the typical jew gives off. Plus he promotes Christianity and Judaism and is always blaming the evil in this world on either China or the Satanists. They even say prayers at the protest gatherings. Imagine all that psychic energy being generated for the enemy. I think his party's goal is to stop people from trying to make any real change. Or to stop people from storming parliment and going after these politicians in the physical.
His policies do sound good but I doubt his party will ever get in. Its most likely designed to keep people hanging on as long as possible till Australia is well and truly fked.

Clive Palmers party I've heard has ties to WEF though I'm yet to find anymore details on that specifically. Maybe someone else here has more info on him.

I said I like their policies I never said I like the people whom run them and I have also already pointed out my disposition towards Clive palmer and yes you are right about Ricardo statements and his religious disposition however he also wants the original constitution back which would be a big step in the right direction for us as a whole as far as one nation is concerned however Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts I have talked to them both in person and they both have a weary disposition towards Jews however they are both professional in there opinions Malcolm Roberts is also a Christian however he promotes a lot of things that harm the church and their power structure he knows how to separate his beliefs from politics and also can take a joke about his own religion he simply puts it to me that he believes there is a higher power but not in the way the church puts it.

You can rant and rave about people in politics and blurt out trust no one if you like I just prefer to work with the lesser evils then with the main evils such as Labor liberals and the greens.

I like one nation policies and I also like Pauline a lot but she gets portrayed in the media poorly and she lets her emotions get the better of her as she is very passionate about having a better more independent Australia after them I give everyone else whom I distrust the least my next vote.

Such as the GAP and Farmers fishers shooters party's if they are on the vote card in my area so I can vote for them then I will otherwise I have to work my way down the dreaded lists of idiot party's
Hi! Just would love to say that I love father Satan but can feel blocks in my pursuit to become closer to him due to Christian programing. I sometimes get scared and frustrated that Satan will leave me when having doubts about Satan and it makes me feel extremely guilty I love him at my core but when I even think 1 thought about the rotton evil holy spirit i feel sometimes spiritually off balance. I feel like I have to think about Satan all the time because I'm afraid he will leave! I see blue and green and light blue lights but it in darkness not light I also have seen an eye In the clouds looking at me! Which is cool! My main point is how do I stop worrying about the dedication ritual not being permanent and how do I overcome having to think bout it constantly? Thank you!
Wow HAIL To the rise of The all Father and God over all Wotanaz aka Satan, Enki aka EA!!

HPHC Wow this is like as you are now are expressing the will of SATANAZ aka as the way our shining Sister High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Spoke back then, with the passion of being able to speak to the soul of the not yet aware but here for there souls to become or to push themselves to become more, for that is the wish of our father for us to become as his children and not just as his children. For all leis shall be destroyed by the rise of Become as we were made by our Father Wotanaz, Odin, Grandfather to the children unchanged by the tests of his will to the level of the Gentiale to the maximum of the level of the SS. For time do not exist to our Father and those who are forever with him, a 1000 year for us is a sec to those who are Our Grandfather, for what is time it's only at he level for us to calculate the movement of planettery bodies that are controlled by SATAN for us to become as he made us to become.

This was just in time to get me to normal morale hit points after dealing with a really bad rat infestation that traumatized me close to a nervous breakdown. Thank you HP for this not-so-coincidentally perfect timing.
Hi! Just would love to say that I love father Satan but can feel blocks in my pursuit to become closer to him due to Christian programing. I sometimes get scared and frustrated that Satan will leave me when having doubts about Satan and it makes me feel extremely guilty I love him at my core but when I even think 1 thought about the rotton evil holy spirit i feel sometimes spiritually off balance. I feel like I have to think about Satan all the time because I'm afraid he will leave! I see blue and green and light blue lights but it in darkness not light I also have seen an eye In the clouds looking at me! Which is cool! My main point is how do I stop worrying about the dedication ritual not being permanent and how do I overcome having to think bout it constantly? Thank you!

Read more kaballah exposed and exposing christianity. Also, do cursing the nazarene on yourself and f-rtrs to remove reptillo-judeo energies on your soul.

Also, a tip don't use your gmail. Anonymity is needed for us SS. You don't want to attract the ABC agencies, do you???
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"that is all that is opposed to the plan of the real Gods and the Universe itself. One must want to reverse the "Fall"." -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Could you explain further about the plan of the Universe?

Until know I thought the beings living/developed in the universe give the universe direction/meaning/ the universe has no consciousness off its own. Did you mean because the gods are so far developed there consciousness is the major/biggest denominating part off the universe, so there goals in a sense became the universes goals?
when satan and the gods created humanity, did they know jews would come along and fuck it all up? or did they create humans and then discover the existence of jews??????
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"From slaves, you will be made as Gods, from crawling, you will walk, then you will fly".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I believe you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
