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Spiritual Satanism: On The Astral Realm, Imagination, And Gordon Ramsay

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Most of the people who write in the occult, demonolgy, demonolatry, and the related, they basically fall into the trap which is common in many people who practice magick.

Imagination as a faculty, is necessary, and is the same place from where applied imagination becomes into magick. However, the very same faculty when one doesn't know the how's and why's of it, becomes the source of delusion, self deception, and in other cases, mental paranoia.

In the case of many "Demonologists" and others, they write these huge books about how they "Communicate with Demons", and basically they profane any form of communication. As such, for centuries now, people come into Satanism to seem equal dreaming or profanity.

There are books of over 500 pages where essentially these so called "Demonolaters" who believe they are "Gods" themselves (but cannot move a toothpick on their desk and are incapable to do the most basic magick, but they are Gods, do not ask me how) they are so deeply spiritual and related to the "Gods". These "Gods" they also approach through the Qlippoth, which in jewish language means the "Husks". The definition of this state is when one basically is talking to an empty shell, a creation and fabrication of their own imagination.

In spirituality in general, one is not advanced simply because they believe, or even self deceive, that they are 'advanced'. This is debunked hard by reality. Most of these people who write 500 pages books, do not know the actual answers to life's most basic questions. They pretend they are affiliated with universe governing authorities, but they don't know anything meaningful. This is because they are basically falling into a trap that Jung also described in his psychology books.

This to simplify it is not "Demonic communication", but rather, imagination. Sometimes, some messages from the actual Gods can go through, but the untrained mind has a huge 'buffer', which filters and appropriates information. That is unavoidable as this is how all living beings are. In other words, information is shaped when it is transferred, or it can come unclear. If drugs, self deception, and soul issues are involved, the waters become even murkier.

What is characteristic of all these so called 'practicioners' and self deluded people, is that they are not confronted by real problems that require real solutions. In other words, in one's little world, one can be a king, unless of course, they are confronted with a reality in regards to this very fact. This causes in many of these types of people in a sense a collapse. This has happened in many cases of arrogant people in the forums.

Any person who is legitimately interested to communicate with the Gods, has to make a point to actually advance, actually get rid their soul of shit, actually sit down and have some humility, actually sit down and listen. There is no point in a sphere that has air in it, and no weight. Likewise, if one fills their head with thin air, in reality, they will be nothing. Filling such a sphere with cement is what is necessary for someone to say they are building a spiritual foundation.

It is true that in the beginner levels, imagination, and fruitful imagination, can sometimes be necessary. Also, it can really make things happen. One example is how in some occult books one is instructed to look at a painting and try to communicate with the person they see. Indeed, if this is done many times, it will create a situation where one's imagination will take over. This is done for training, and not for actual Demonic communication. Demons are superior intelligences and one needs to open up their mind, be patient, and learn how to put their enthusiasm within context.


When you see a beautiful woman, you may be INSPIRED by her. This requires no contact. Indeed, she can become a topic in a man's imagination. The fact that a woman INSPIRED someone doesn't mean that they are married. People for centuries have been inspired by Gods to write music, art, crafts, and create beauty. This is past the necessity of direct communication.

The analogy here is one who sees an inspiring woman, and one who is married and has kids with her. Of course, the "inspired" can believe, since everything is in their mind, that they are with a said woman, or that they are a better father than the father of the actual kids of the woman. In one's imagination, one can be anything.

Before spirituality was called "spirituality" and parallelized by Hocus Pocus infantile things, and was made into Harry Potter style of magick, it was basically called "Spiritual Science". This means that it requires delving, perception, and serious study and understanding.

The imagination deployed for meditation and that grows out of refining the soul, is a higher level soul ability, in contrast to what many have as an imagination, which is let's say an ability that 'everyone' has. The good news is that people who have very rich imagination, can rectify this, and advance, and become better.

Many of the stories about gnomes, and mermaids, and other things, are created to stimulate the imagination, and lead someone to embark into the so called 'beyond', by stimulating and opening up the sense. From there on, one has to advance and evolve this sensation, and master it. This can take decades.

Imagining light and being enlightened is not the same thing. While both things come to someone from the same general ability, one is rooted in reality (not as in gross physicality, but as in reality of meaning) and another is built in that "It was real in my mind" as a jew who tells himself a holocaust happened even if the holocaust never happened.

To give you a different perspective here, imagination, is like having a computer with an internet connection. You will see a lot of things with it, if you have the ability to get in the internet. But you will have to grow wisdom in what information 'received' is accurate, proper, useful. Eventually, as you become an expert user, you will only see things as they are, surf the internet safely, proficiently and with your benefit.

Basically, when I was a teenager, I first got a computer with a dial up internet connection. I didn't know shit. However, I knew what lied in the so called internet, and I wanted to really find it, see it, impressed by the wonders of the internet. I used to put a floppy disk in and out and lock it and I felt like Hackerman. Eventually when I got my internet rolling I didn't know what an anti-virus or any of these things were.

So eventually I went on the web and ruined my computer as the first thing I did was visit porn sites, the wonders of the imagination, you see. "In my mind it was real" hackerman was now there with a broken computer, without knowledge how to fix it, it really felt devastating.

If anyone talked to me when I was doing such improper use, I would just shout "FUCK YOU! YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT! NOBODY SPEAK TO HACKERMAN, OK?" and of course continue in the same course. Who are they to question Hackerman? Hackerman knows all. I even knew to lock the floppy disk, and also, press Control Alt Delete. I'm God Now, I can't be stopped, after all, if shit hits the fan, I press Control Alt Delete and deal with it. What does an IT expert have on me? My professor of 10+ years didn't know shit!

Well as you can understand this led to a broken, and later fried computer.

What changed about more than a decade later is that I realized I wasn't hackerman by any stretch of the imagination. Indeed what I also understood is to pale or respect the knowledge of those who were really into this craft, or who were genius in said craft. Now, ironically, my ideas of being hackerman were completely vanished, but my confidence in the so called computer craft has been raised by an inconceivable extent.

Many people think that when sometimes I come to explain these subjects, this is to limit. On the contrary, I explain to liberate. One who goes around the internet and gets viruses, trojans, and is constantly deceived by fake news websites is not a clever internet user. To be on this is also not giving you most out of the internet. Also, this can break your computer to smithereens.

The good news is that you can replace or fix a computer, but you can't always do the same with the mind. If I was wise to sit down and listened, I would be way more ahead, and I wouldn't have wasted around 3-4 months just doing circular loops around myself. I would also have spared my first computer.

My impatience in that case, only delayed me.

To give one further example, there are a few types of individuals who are coming here frequently and are very vocal about experiences with greys, and so forth other maladies. These are not good omens. One has to learn of Establishing Control: http://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Control.html.

The person who has mastered a lot of these basics, will not have to deal with a lot of problems down the road, as everything builds on a foundation. People who do not will find these later on. This is like climbing the mountain and being unprepared for water shortages. You can climb as high as you want, but you will reach a point where you will not have a water source. You have to be prepared.

If your computer is fucked from you using it improperly, and it gives you pop-up windows of shit that you don't wanna see, then you aren't exactly using it right. Likewise the mind which is undisciplined can create numerous problems, from minor annoyances to literally destructive things. People get destroyed from a lack of control on the mind. This paralleled with the mind can show what it means on the mind.

The mind is metaphorically a computer that you cannot afford to fry.

Superstition is not a part of Satanism. Yoga is called the Yogic science. Spirituality should also be treated as a serious, divine, and important thing, that one takes seriously.

The above people are not in anyway the same, anymore than a person cooking in their kitchen 2 eggs is the same with Gordon Ramsay, with a home cook who just learned to fry 2 eggs. Only in the mind of the random cook is Gordon Ramsay somewhere close to them. It is "real in their mind", but when reality is concerned, one is in Mars, and the in the lower basement.

It is therefore imperative for those who want to become Gordon Ramsay's in the spiritual pursuits to look at things in a more 'serious' perspective. Treat spirituality as if it is something real, and not something fake.

Above all, one has to start cooking. There will be mistakes, there will be failures, there will be successes. What is important is for people to KEEP ADVANCING, steadily, and forward. This on it's own is what will make one on a spiritual level and give the ability to further ascend. One must not defend their mistakes and failures if they are to improve - the wise man is the man who accepts them and moves forward to correction.

The above leads to mastery, liberation, perfection, and above all, true happiness in one's self assurance.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Yogic texts mention this, the need to clean out the mind so that astral communication and abilities can manifest properly.

If one get into the Jewish "Qlippoth" they are plain fooked, the Jewish adepts state the Qlippoth is where they send all their negative enemy they curse with, that includes trying to curse our Gods. Then they tell the Goy, its cool to get into the Qlippoth, because they know this will destroy them totally. This has nothing to do with Satan or any of the God's.
At HP Cobra what if in my situation. I've been dedicated nearing my 16th anniversary at April 29th of this year, I tried back then as a pre-teen to do it on the 30th Belthane but I never knew about the astrological night/day shift period. I have noticed some OLD members come back, 2001 even hell I was surprised a while back when Hvit Omir stated his 2002 dedication.

But what if and I hate to quote my father's message because at times I've had difficulty with him but "Your just walking in circles".

For example one of the things that people drilled into the Yahoo forums was void or to be more specific mindfulness meditation. I've always read the hocus pocus mentality of meditation "Oh I can't do that, I can't shut my mind off" it's almost some enemy meme to delusion people. Only in the last few years of study I have found that mindfulness is so scientific that it defies science in stating such a realistic approach. Have some delved into it disillusionally yes but overall it seems that for all the aspects of it it's based on a realistic approach towards non-power meditation, the mind, the body, and the soul. But as someone who was a pre-teen and a thinker and delving into problems of trying to solve issues that even to this day I have and basically blew up and failed to even meditate properly.

Basically over the years I have delved and pushed into power meditation ignoring a lot of yoga both hatha and kundalini even doing crazy things like Chakra spinning to the speed of light and MerKaBa. I'm not a very physical person in fact in recent times I spent a few weeks before just burning myself out doing some light exercises simple nothing extreme just pushups for example. I managed to achieve enough strength to hold myself for one minute in HandStand. I felt great doing some light muscular exercises it helped me better even a astrological site mentioned due to my heavy neptune aspect I should engage the carnal body as I focus way too much on mental and spirit.


I've said it before and I've said it again "I'm BURNT OUT". Even with your 40 day guide it was never enough it felt nice but eventually what is next, the first guide I used was the 6 month guide(YEARS ago) and even then I never felt good enough to do it.

Again what do you tell a person who is EXTREMELY hard on themselves, wishes to keep things realistic and feels bad for praying to the gods for trivial things throughout my teenage years. And at the same time wishes to delve into something further to help themselves. How do you speak to someone who feels like such a failure that like Arnes the newscaster's memetic statement is just "Keeps fucking that chicken". I'm burnt out but I keep doing it because I got nothing better to do. And yet I never really felt much if at all.

I hate to state that spirituality is fake but as someone who kinda feels like a jewish memetic "There is no soul, goyim". How would you approach someone who feels disillusion and very imaginative both astrologically and naturally growing up but at the same time has a TOUGH saturnian approach to things.

How do you tell someone as myself and others. What is the most appropriate way to advance from beginner, intermediate, to advance? How do you define what you can and can't? Basically at what point do you give up because you experience nothing and it feels like a chore and simply something to do to pass the time.

Kinda like the song from Styx too much time on my hands. I have things to do and all day to do it. So why do I continue to not take priority and do things appropriately.

I apologize if I have a speed demon mentality but when you've been at it as long as I have and been in such an anti-judeo-bolshevik mentality sometimes this world seems very strange. Hell you've said it before according to your economical sermons try and make it the best you can be. There are many ways to advance yourself financially and still have a good heart unlike what is promoted through cut-throat capitalist bullshit that exists.

And yes I'm aware you might state I have a "it falls from the heaven's mentality". I know it doesn't but when you've never felt comfortable enough to bring something to you or aren't paying attention to it. It kinda begs the question is magic real, I approach it realistically but always through Saturnian eyes not fanciful ways like others.

(Example I perform affirmations but do affirmations require altered states does being in simple beta state make it happen. I've had my second problem is trance and even though I've delved heavily into research on astral projection I never really did it without being unconscious. So again my second crux is altered states just like mindfulness)

Sometimes I sit there or stand repeating an affirmation 8 times for example and I'm thinking "WTF am I doing is this even working is it THAT easy to command some energy to do something" or is "Vibrating a mantra really raising energies at all".

It's funny I know all this occult stuff all this Nazi stuff and all this realistic approach to Spirituality that JoS promotes and yet I'm more disillusioned and far away in my own little island that I feel "I"M the one who is disillusional and crazy".

I feel like I'm the crazy one and everyone is the insane one. Even discussion with some NPC with carefully selected words have delved into knife fights of "OMG stop saying bullshit that is not how it works" and it just makes me go "Are THEY right is it THAT simple" I mean their numbers are impressive billions towards what 100K+ members are we the crazy ones and they got it all right. And yet when that happens a sermon or my own research pops up supporting our hard work and their laziness as a shame reality. And yet I can't help but think are they making a point.
At HP Cobra what if in my situation. I've been dedicated nearing my 16th anniversary at April 29th of this year, I tried back then as a pre-teen to do it on the 30th Belthane but I never knew about the astrological night/day shift period. I have noticed some OLD members come back, 2001 even hell I was surprised a while back when Hvit Omir stated his 2002 dedication.

It doesn't matter how old of your dedication is. This is not a race to decide who will be what and at what time. Spiritual evolution takes time, and requires patience. A lot of people are here for 10+ years. Competing is futile. Your only measure of development should be overcoming yourself. Other than that we advance as a team, and help one another.

But what if and I hate to quote my father's message because at times I've had difficulty with him but "Your just walking in circles".

For example one of the things that people drilled into the Yahoo forums was void or to be more specific mindfulness meditation. I've always read the hocus pocus mentality of meditation "Oh I can't do that, I can't shut my mind off" it's almost some enemy meme to delusion people. Only in the last few years of study I have found that mindfulness is so scientific that it defies science in stating such a realistic approach. Have some delved into it disillusionally yes but overall it seems that for all the aspects of it it's based on a realistic approach towards non-power meditation, the mind, the body, and the soul. But as someone who was a pre-teen and a thinker and delving into problems of trying to solve issues that even to this day I have and basically blew up and failed to even meditate properly.

I am trying to change this. I was in the groups back then too, and I know. We have been growing. Meditation is 1000% real, and not superstition or bollocks. It is a beautiful and exalted thing. Realistic does not mean "trapped by limitations", it just means it DELIVERS results. And yes, it does. Everyone who does mindfullness, and all the related, they get exceptional mental benefits.

Science will catch up with this. Meditation is 100% real.

Basically over the years I have delved and pushed into power meditation ignoring a lot of yoga both hatha and kundalini even doing crazy things like Chakra spinning to the speed of light and MerKaBa. I'm not a very physical person in fact in recent times I spent a few weeks before just burning myself out doing some light exercises simple nothing extreme just pushups for example. I managed to achieve enough strength to hold myself for one minute in HandStand. I felt great doing some light muscular exercises it helped me better even a astrological site mentioned due to my heavy neptune aspect I should engage the carnal body as I focus way too much on mental and spirit.


You need to practice the whole 8 fold path to advance in a balanced way, and if you do not, what you ignore will come creeping on you later, or create leakages.

I've said it before and I've said it again "I'm BURNT OUT". Even with your 40 day guide it was never enough it felt nice but eventually what is next, the first guide I used was the 6 month guide(YEARS ago) and even then I never felt good enough to do it.

Again what do you tell a person who is EXTREMELY hard on themselves, wishes to keep things realistic and feels bad for praying to the gods for trivial things throughout my teenage years. And at the same time wishes to delve into something further to help themselves. How do you speak to someone who feels like such a failure that like Arnes the newscaster's memetic statement is just "Keeps fucking that chicken". I'm burnt out but I keep doing it because I got nothing better to do. And yet I never really felt much if at all.

If you are burnt out, then cool it down, cut back, and reset.

I hate to state that spirituality is fake but as someone who kinda feels like a jewish memetic "There is no soul, goyim". How would you approach someone who feels disillusion and very imaginative both astrologically and naturally growing up but at the same time has a TOUGH saturnian approach to things.

You would be surprised to know that a lot of people who are very advanced, are Saturnian type of people. Saturn does not necessarily create a nihilistic person by default, or someone that does not believe in the spiritual.

How do you tell someone as myself and others. What is the most appropriate way to advance from beginner, intermediate, to advance? How do you define what you can and can't? Basically at what point do you give up because you experience nothing and it feels like a chore and simply something to do to pass the time.

You're overthinking too much.

Kinda like the song from Styx too much time on my hands. I have things to do and all day to do it. So why do I continue to not take priority and do things appropriately.

I apologize if I have a speed demon mentality but when you've been at it as long as I have and been in such an anti-judeo-bolshevik mentality sometimes this world seems very strange. Hell you've said it before according to your economical sermons try and make it the best you can be. There are many ways to advance yourself financially and still have a good heart unlike what is promoted through cut-throat capitalist bullshit that exists.

Of course there are very good ways. An income rooted in positivity and honest work is always good. What the world does is irrelevant. It's not YOU doing it.

And yes I'm aware you might state I have a "it falls from the heaven's mentality". I know it doesn't but when you've never felt comfortable enough to bring something to you or aren't paying attention to it. It kinda begs the question is magic real, I approach it realistically but always through Saturnian eyes not fanciful ways like others.

Magick is 100% real, and it is rooted in the power of the light of the universe, the power of the will, and other very real things. It is a science, the extension of natural science. There is nothing 'fake' about it. It is the learning of grasping what lies beyond what one's physical senses perceive, and manipulating these outwardly forces.

(Example I perform affirmations but do affirmations require altered states does being in simple beta state make it happen. I've had my second problem is trance and even though I've delved heavily into research on astral projection I never really did it without being unconscious. So again my second crux is altered states just like mindfulness)

Sometimes I sit there or stand repeating an affirmation 8 times for example and I'm thinking "WTF am I doing is this even working is it THAT easy to command some energy to do something" or is "Vibrating a mantra really raising energies at all".

You are experiencing conflicts. The male part of the mind considers the female actions of the mind as WTF BBQ thing, because their nature is opposite. This doesn't mean that it doesn't work. It does work. This is why it's said to keep the mind blank and focus when you do it, and then let it be. This is why many people when they find out magick works, they are shocked.

Eventually one gets used to it.

It's funny I know all this occult stuff all this Nazi stuff and all this realistic approach to Spirituality that JoS promotes and yet I'm more disillusioned and far away in my own little island that I feel "I"M the one who is disillusional and crazy".

I feel like I'm the crazy one and everyone is the insane one. Even discussion with some NPC with carefully selected words have delved into knife fights of "OMG stop saying bullshit that is not how it works" and it just makes me go "Are THEY right is it THAT simple" I mean their numbers are impressive billions towards what 100K+ members are we the crazy ones and they got it all right. And yet when that happens a sermon or my own research pops up supporting our hard work and their laziness as a shame reality. And yet I can't help but think are they making a point.

Well the NPC population is extremely arrogant and they believe they know it all. 99% of the universe is unknown to us, and by the sense of our eyes and ears, also invisible.

Just consider what the jews are doing with race, racial hygiene, and dominating the planet on a racial basis. Only the NPC's and the sleeping people believe these things are wrong. All ancient civilizations were race based, and spirituality based.

The conception that race is wrong or alien of a concept is a very recent concoction of insanity created by the jews as warfare against the minds of people.

The more you walk towards an understanding and enlightenment, you will go through a series of re-evaluations, which lead you to understand things more from the perspective of TRUTH. SATAN-ISM. This is what this is about.

Naturally, this can create a gap of perception between the programmed NPC, and you. One is not to beat the heads of the NPC's on the wall for it, one day they may wake up. If not then that's on them.

20 years earlier we were insane when we said the jews are responsible for a lot of things. Now, 20 years in the future, everyone is seeing it. In 20 more years, it will become common knowledge.
I will answer you because I think similar concerns are also in the minds of others, maybe they can relate.

At HP Cobra what if in my situation. I've been dedicated nearing my 16th anniversary at April 29th of this year, I tried back then as a pre-teen to do it on the 30th Belthane but I never knew about the astrological night/day shift period. I have noticed some OLD members come back, 2001 even hell I was surprised a while back when Hvit Omir stated his 2002 dedication.

It doesn't matter how old of your dedication is. This is not a race to decide who will be what and at what time. Spiritual evolution takes time, and requires patience. A lot of people are here for 10+ years. Competing is futile. Your only measure of development should be overcoming yourself. Other than that we advance as a team, and help one another.

But what if and I hate to quote my father's message because at times I've had difficulty with him but "Your just walking in circles".

For example one of the things that people drilled into the Yahoo forums was void or to be more specific mindfulness meditation. I've always read the hocus pocus mentality of meditation "Oh I can't do that, I can't shut my mind off" it's almost some enemy meme to delusion people. Only in the last few years of study I have found that mindfulness is so scientific that it defies science in stating such a realistic approach. Have some delved into it disillusionally yes but overall it seems that for all the aspects of it it's based on a realistic approach towards non-power meditation, the mind, the body, and the soul. But as someone who was a pre-teen and a thinker and delving into problems of trying to solve issues that even to this day I have and basically blew up and failed to even meditate properly.

I am trying to change this. I was in the groups back then too, and I know. We have been growing. Meditation is 1000% real, and not superstition or bollocks. It is a beautiful and exalted thing. Realistic does not mean "trapped by limitations", it just means it DELIVERS results. And yes, it does. Everyone who does mindfullness, and all the related, they get exceptional mental benefits.

Science will catch up with this. Meditation is 100% real.

Basically over the years I have delved and pushed into power meditation ignoring a lot of yoga both hatha and kundalini even doing crazy things like Chakra spinning to the speed of light and MerKaBa. I'm not a very physical person in fact in recent times I spent a few weeks before just burning myself out doing some light exercises simple nothing extreme just pushups for example. I managed to achieve enough strength to hold myself for one minute in HandStand. I felt great doing some light muscular exercises it helped me better even a astrological site mentioned due to my heavy neptune aspect I should engage the carnal body as I focus way too much on mental and spirit.

All of the 8 fold path has to be practiced for balanced advancement. If one does not practice the proper 8 fold path, they will leak from one place, and they will have to correct this later.


I've said it before and I've said it again "I'm BURNT OUT". Even with your 40 day guide it was never enough it felt nice but eventually what is next, the first guide I used was the 6 month guide(YEARS ago) and even then I never felt good enough to do it.

Again what do you tell a person who is EXTREMELY hard on themselves, wishes to keep things realistic and feels bad for praying to the gods for trivial things throughout my teenage years. And at the same time wishes to delve into something further to help themselves. How do you speak to someone who feels like such a failure that like Arnes the newscaster's memetic statement is just "Keeps fucking that chicken". I'm burnt out but I keep doing it because I got nothing better to do. And yet I never really felt much if at all.

If you are burnt out, then cool it down, cut back, and reset.

I hate to state that spirituality is fake but as someone who kinda feels like a jewish memetic "There is no soul, goyim". How would you approach someone who feels disillusion and very imaginative both astrologically and naturally growing up but at the same time has a TOUGH saturnian approach to things.

You would be surprised to know that a lot of people who are very advanced, are Saturnian type of people. Saturn does not necessarily create a nihilistic person by default, or someone that does not believe in the spiritual.

How do you tell someone as myself and others. What is the most appropriate way to advance from beginner, intermediate, to advance? How do you define what you can and can't? Basically at what point do you give up because you experience nothing and it feels like a chore and simply something to do to pass the time.

You're overthinking too much.

Kinda like the song from Styx too much time on my hands. I have things to do and all day to do it. So why do I continue to not take priority and do things appropriately.

I apologize if I have a speed demon mentality but when you've been at it as long as I have and been in such an anti-judeo-bolshevik mentality sometimes this world seems very strange. Hell you've said it before according to your economical sermons try and make it the best you can be. There are many ways to advance yourself financially and still have a good heart unlike what is promoted through cut-throat capitalist bullshit that exists.

Of course there are very good ways. An income rooted in positivity and honest work is always good. What the world does is irrelevant. It's not YOU doing it.

And yes I'm aware you might state I have a "it falls from the heaven's mentality". I know it doesn't but when you've never felt comfortable enough to bring something to you or aren't paying attention to it. It kinda begs the question is magic real, I approach it realistically but always through Saturnian eyes not fanciful ways like others.

Magick is 100% real, and it is rooted in the power of the light of the universe, the power of the will, and other very real things. It is a science, the extension of natural science. There is nothing 'fake' about it. It is the learning of grasping what lies beyond what one's physical senses perceive, and manipulating these outwardly forces.

(Example I perform affirmations but do affirmations require altered states does being in simple beta state make it happen. I've had my second problem is trance and even though I've delved heavily into research on astral projection I never really did it without being unconscious. So again my second crux is altered states just like mindfulness)

Sometimes I sit there or stand repeating an affirmation 8 times for example and I'm thinking "WTF am I doing is this even working is it THAT easy to command some energy to do something" or is "Vibrating a mantra really raising energies at all".

You are experiencing conflicts. The male part of the mind considers the female actions of the mind as WTF BBQ thing, because their nature is opposite. This doesn't mean that it doesn't work. It does work. This is why it's said to keep the mind blank and focus when you do it, and then let it be. This is why many people when they find out magick works, they are shocked.

Eventually one gets used to it.

It's funny I know all this occult stuff all this Nazi stuff and all this realistic approach to Spirituality that JoS promotes and yet I'm more disillusioned and far away in my own little island that I feel "I"M the one who is disillusional and crazy".

I feel like I'm the crazy one and everyone is the insane one. Even discussion with some NPC with carefully selected words have delved into knife fights of "OMG stop saying bullshit that is not how it works" and it just makes me go "Are THEY right is it THAT simple" I mean their numbers are impressive billions towards what 100K+ members are we the crazy ones and they got it all right. And yet when that happens a sermon or my own research pops up supporting our hard work and their laziness as a shame reality. And yet I can't help but think are they making a point.

Well the NPC population is extremely arrogant and they believe they know it all. 99% of the universe is unknown to us, and by the sense of our eyes and ears, also invisible.

Just consider what the jews are doing with race, racial hygiene, and dominating the planet on a racial basis. Only the NPC's and the sleeping people believe these things are wrong. All ancient civilizations were race based, and spirituality based.

The conception that race is wrong or alien of a concept is a very recent concoction of insanity created by the jews as warfare against the minds of people.

The more you walk towards an understanding and enlightenment, you will go through a series of re-evaluations, which lead you to understand things more from the perspective of TRUTH. SATAN-ISM. This is what this is about.

Naturally, this can create a gap of perception between the programmed NPC, and you. One is not to beat the heads of the NPC's on the wall for it, one day they may wake up. If not then that's on them.

20 years earlier we were insane when we said the jews are responsible for a lot of things. Now, 20 years in the future, everyone is seeing it. In 20 more years, it will become common knowledge.
@Gear88 i've been dedicated two years ago and i meditated everyday. I advanced a lot, yes maybe i can't levitate or do amazing things but i can do things that most can't do, i fixed most of my life and i feel happy.

Affirmations works, if you tell yourself that they can't work then they don't. It's that easy. Most of the thing that i do i don't even use a deep trance. Everyone has energy and by focusing on something you give it energy and this is why affirmations works and this is why many people's by just thinking positive they can change their life for the best. Everytime you think something you give it energy, the more powerful you are (and you can become powerful by meditating everyday) the more easy and fast what you want will materialize. It's that easy.

Every object vibrated at a certain frequence. Do you know that by singing when reaching a certain note (a frequence) you can broke a glass? Vibration can be this powerful. So you can understand that by vibrating a mantra you create a frequence that can change things in this world. A mantra can create and destroy. This always depends on how much powerful you are and how much you vibrare the mantra. You can't expect to vibrate a mantra one time and it's all done unless you are really powerful or a God.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is true that in the beginner levels, imagination, and fruitful imagination, can sometimes be necessary. Also, it can really make things happen. One example is how in some occult books one is instructed to look at a painting and try to communicate with the person they see. Indeed, if this is done many times, it will create a situation where one's imagination will take over. This is done for training, and not for actual Demonic communication. Demons are superior intelligences and one needs to open up their mind, be patient, and learn how to put their enthusiasm within context.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is what happened to me with what I have stated on the forums, so I am now making some sense of it with your input. I would look at illustrated girls that I liked and after a time, they began to blink and articulate speech.
Oh thank goodness for this sermon! I recently came across a woman who's interested in me and hadn't realized that my constant worrying/doubting was perhaps the reason for tension in our relationship and with delays. It was actually so nerve wracking for me, my chest and stomach would feel really light and uncomfortable that I wouldn't even want to do anything but have my mind wander in delusions. After reading this sermon and this http://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Control.html I feel so much better knowing the mental-stress I was adding was due to my lack of control. I just breathed in deeply, and focused on being happy,calm,cool, and collective. Feeling great now!
Lydia said:
Great sermon (as always), and perfect analogies with the computer etc.

Control of the mind is so important, I'm glad you linked that page.
Controlling my mind has made me advance so much, just basic void meditation..
When people set themselves into this LARP fantasy that they've 'already achieved' or 'already obtained', their efforts to actually reach such goals are minimal to nothing also. It's the same concept of the xian garbage of 'already saved' where the NPCs just waste away in ignorance because they believe they don't have to do a damn thing, they're already 'elevated' and 'forgiven' or 'safe'.

This happens with our members and has admittedly happened to me in the past but in a slightly different way. When you think of yourself as so superior or advanced when you can't in actuality even conjure an energy servitor or set fire to the most flammable tinder in the world with your mind, you'll get comfortable with where you are, feeling no need to really try. This leads to atrophy in abilities and huge disappointment and realization when you hear or see others who are able to preform things you can't yet. It's a slap in the face, one that is needed, and only then when you go back to realizing that you are not yet where you want to be and that it was all just an illusion will you actually work to achieve.

Only with this self-awareness can one break out of that box of false satisfaction and advance further. The imagination can be a double-edged sword.
I figured this would be the topic to elaborate on this, last night I was using a spirit board with a friend who is also SS, and I asked valefor a few health related questions, and I asked if there is anything else he wanted to tell me, and he told me "pravkingdom" I asked" is this related to Satan's kingdom?" Yes. And from what I could find it led me to reading about the god triglav, and prav-nav-yav, about slavic ancestral faith, and modern reliterations on it. It seemed pretty important, so I figure I need to post on it.
Thank you very much, HP Cobra. For me, this sermon gave much needed explanations in a sober manner. Luckily I've always known the dangers of taking the fruits of ones' own imagination as reality and becoming delusional but you gave me a bird's-eye view of the whole topic.
I've seen such delusional people, Lvl 80 wicca cowards etc.

It's actually quite sad that I don't get to watch Netflix with Satan :cry:
Apprentice said:
It's actually quite sad that I don't get to watch Netflix with Satan :cry:

Honestly, Netflix is just full of degeneracy and glorification of anti-white hate, drug abuse, rape, molestation, and other terrible things. I cancelled my subscription a long time ago, because all its become is an internet-based version of HBO.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
