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Spiritual Satanism: Healing, Cleaning, Dealing With Life Negativity

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are quite a few people, especially new people, who need to have some things explained. The situation with Spiritual Satanism is that it's based on spirituality and meditation.

I have wrote on this a few years ago, repeatedly, but not explicitly analyzed on the subject. New and older people will benefit alike from this.

When most people come in their first months, or even first couple of years into Satanism, meditation causes inner cleansing and processes. This in the Alchemical lore is a parable associated with the opening of the mind, and seeing the "laboratory" or what I will name an "attic" at a horrible condition, which is allegorically explained as the Alchemical state of chaos.


This state creates perpetual confusion, delusion, disgust, and is characterized by an intensive force that pushes you to quit. This is both internal, external, and the enemy can also get into this.

One must not forget also who is on their side in this process, who are the Gods. Actually, they help people by showing them the importance to finally initiate this process to eventually be free from internal dross.

This is similar to how the attic in one's own house, or the storage room, was never really cleaned for one's life, or even for lifetimes. Of course, when one goes into this attic, the attic will be utterly disgusting. One many find a lot of disgusting things, such as worms, rats, but also, useful and beautiful things from grandparents and so forth. Others may find sewage from a broken dam and so forth.

Clearly, if you cleaned the attic yearly, or every month, you wouldn't find the same things in it. Another example I have introduced is the example of not showering for 3 years. Imagine how you would smell if you didn't shower for 3 years, compared to 3 days, or 24 hours. There is literally no comparison here. This can be paralleled to negativity on the soul.

Of course, if someone did not shower for 3 years, the illnesses, infections, the skin conditions, and the dirt, would have reached so far, that the person would, in theory, be suffering very deeply health wise. If that is to happen, one jumping in the shower, won't solve the deep conditions, the potential heart conditions, or other issues that may have resulted as a result of the lack of hygiene. However, if the person maintains hygiene, then they will eventually clear out.

Going into the shower and showering would bring out of the person a lot of defiling material, and the person would be disgusted. What would also be more disgusting, would be what the person sees underneath their own skin.

Eventually, the moment one cleaned, it would look strange to them that they are now clean. The immediate reaction of the body after this would be is that it would start to expel negative material, that it couldn't previously expel, because the constant dirt did not allow this to happen. What negative was previously accumulating, now, will start bleeding out.

One does not heal - one has only cleaned presently. Then, one can apply bandages, start using medicine that will actually work, and so forth. This is metaphorical to healing and cleaning the soul. These two go hand in hand.

This negative energy bleeding out, can manifest negative events in life, for one which has to be prepared, and also take notes to improve these areas. This doesn't happen to everyone, and this manifestation is NOT necessary related to cleaning (It can be general planetary alignments or misfortunes) that need to be regardless dealt with and solved. In any case, whatever happens, one has to keep going, for this is for good purpose.

Likewise, people here who keep spiritual hygiene wonder about negativity into their own life - and why this occurs regardless on if they are cleaning. The situation is not only that you must clean, but that you must improve, and that you must heal. This is far from an one shot deal.

This is a different way of looking into life and existence all together.

There are people who, because this can happen from meditation, stop it, and never progress. They just take a shower, but they never shower again. Then, 3 years pass again, and the loop repeats. This is mostly done because when one tries to remove this karmic dross, it tries to bring itself back into existence. Irregularly cleaning here is better than not cleaning at all, but does not compare to cleaning frequently.

Showering also is not the only thing that will help you. For one, you have to understand what is the problem and why one did not shower. One also has to let the torn body finally heal, and provide nutrition, understanding, and let one's self to heal. And yes, you have to also get into the shower to keep it that way.

This can look like a huge mountain to overcome when you enter your attic, but rest reassured, after all that is said and done, it will only literally take 15 minutes of your daily time, figuratively speaking.

In the end, sporadic cleaning only helps as an emergency measure, but it does not solve anything. One has to be deliberate and persistent here.

But in the case of the soul, this condition of negative accumulation, can last hundreds of years, and a soul can still exist, and suffer from this dross, which if left uncleaned, grows and grows, and creates conditions of problems and suffering.

Clearly, when shit hits the fan so hard, one has to basically clean daily, reform their diet, and metaphorically, go through a very big change to turn things around. Of course, this may not be pleasant. If one was loved by others because of their stench, their old neighbors in Hobo Land will not like their friend eventually washed, and will try to stop the person from cleaning. This is why people when they try to meditate, for a particular amount of time, can even experience a reality as if the world is literally turning against them.

The above level is in some cases the enemy, the person themselves, or both. This can create a suffering condition through one has to push through, and eventually clean.

Normally, when people's life shit hits the fan, many people try to look within to find the causes or to resolve them. One eventually, if they are brave enough, open up the above attics in levels. The spiritual level is the deepest opening of this attic, and is for those who want clearly and truly, to not have to face this problem again. Even after the attic is cleaned, it will have to be maintained clean, so one can enjoy a rat free household. Similar is the cleaning of the soul.

A lot of people who try to run from themselves and their own problems, are only increasing them. A lot of people try to run away from the problems of a dirty and unempowered soul by ignorance, or flacking back. They say it's too heavy to clean. Some attics are so dirty that people can smell them from another room, filled with corpses of rats and insects.

One can keep their door closed, and sniff smell inhibitors, but the situation in the attic remains. Such is the case with people who try to cover up their problems with suicide or drugs. Others, take it further, and decide even stupid decisions like suicide. Suicide, as the Soul is a house you cannot change (it's you) returns you back into the same house. The more you waste time with smell inhibitors and eventual suicide, the attic is stacked with more and more shit, and this vicious circle does not end.

Now, as we can understand, the important thing to do is this: Chew the steel and go into the attic and clean it, or suffer. Anyone who has done some spring cleaning in their physical property, they know this may be unpleasant, but it's one of the best feelings in the world when it's eventually finalized. It can take days. However, after this is done, and everything put in place, you can clean everything with like 1 hour per two weeks, and keep it at this level. In other words, the situation of cleaning becomes easier.

Likewise, negative energy stacks and keep stacking on people. A lot of people lead a life that deals to mistakes and negativity, and allow it to keep stacking and stacking, until the demand for cleaning becomes fatal, only a time through which many even consider to clean the attic.

If you are in the attic and you smell the stench and get disgusted, at least you are cleaning it. You may not like it when you do that, sure. So even when these situations hit, one must keep resolute and try to do the good work. When eventually you will succeed, it's permanent, and you will only need to maintain and keep things on level.

One last note, is that in order to clean properly, and to become better, you cannot rush this process. Many people rush spirituality and that is wrong, and overburdens someone.

If you go into your attic with a huge hose of water that extinguishes fires, you will ruin documents, other important items will break from the water pressure, eventually the water will break down from the lower floor, and bleed over to the lower level of the house, the wood itself in the attic may become ruined and scarred.

If you take one of these big airplanes that are to extinguish forest fires, and carry it over your attic, and drop the tons of water on it, all the house will collapse. So, excessive force, and 'fast solutions' can also be highly damning. You can flatten your house if you push too far.

Yea, you say you wanted to 'clean' the house. One has heard of that again. But eventually you did not want actually clean it. You wanted to escape from all the peril of going up in the attic, smelling the crap, and eventually, you tried to bring excessive force to even it out. Eventually, one destroyed his own house, because one was lazy.

The above is how many people claim they are being 'spiritual' and want 'realization' through drugs. One does not want any realization. One is lazy, and wants a quick solution, and to be to a place they are not entitled to be. Then this thing backfires, and creates nothing of them. At worse situations, the mind and life goes away, dissolves and is lost. Lack of patience plus stupidity here produces damnation.

Of course, some people do not take these warnings and consider them a joke, but they have to be made anyway. Then, they come over and tell people that they destroyed their own house. What can anyone do further, but warn?

Others are rushing too much to make great works in a super nasty lab. For example, one wants to raise the "Serpent" too fast, abuses meditation to the point of self collapsing, all within the context this is for them to 'advance'. Then a few people end up in a loonie type of situation.

This is similar to how one tries to make a great work in a nasty lab, or someone trying to do surgery in what is a slum, because they believe the slum is an actual hospital. They were too bored to make the slum and build it into a hospital, but they wanted to do surgeries in it, and pretend to be doctors. Then, they do some open brain surgery into the slum bed, and the patient dies from an infection. Doesn't sound like a responsible person who does it "For Science" to me. The only one tried to really help is themselves by pretending to be slum doctor.

Doing things like the above, does not make you cool or 'quickly advancing'. It makes you stupid and puts you in the face of harm. Also, if you flatten your house by a water airplane, you can't exactly ask the state from compensation. Maybe nobody can help if you flatten it to the ground.

In other words, be self responsible and know your limits. If you are to surpass them, do not do it to be cool, but to advance, not to self abuse.

Metaphorically, on the level of the mind, this can cause mental problems, or further problems, that one could simply avoid by being sensible, methodical, and patient. You are trying to clean your attic and help yourself, not destroy it. So take your time, and stay rather focused on the positive, and keep in your mind the end result.

You're doing good, keep going. In the end of the day, know you're cleaning the attic. It's getting cleaner not dirtier, and that's a good thing. Eventually, you will be done and enjoy a clean house, or by what this means in reality, a soul.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I wish more people read this, and realize they cannot expect the progress right away.

Everything needs time and persistence.
That is why one has to do the aura, soul cleaning daily on the meditation pages of the JoS and the daily RTR.

The nonsense in the new age and corruptions in Hinduism lie to people and tell them they have to be passive victims of their karma. Its for their own good and makes them stronger and such nonsense and its all their fault anyway... No its not. They create the idea you have sinned and now have to be punished by karma to be redeemed. Its a guilt trip. They took the Xian stick man fable and turned it into karma.

Yet when you study into Hindu India this is interesting you can get Nadi readings even when they just take your thumb print and they can then use a form of divination to see what is going on with your karma and then they give solutions to remove the negative energies that are manifesting in your soul and life. One women got this done and she followed the instruction of the Yogi and the nadi reading was she was going to die in a car accident. But because she followed the instructions and cleaned the negative energy and negated it. She got into a car accident her car was smashed up but she walked away from it fine.

The real Hinduism that has maintain the original teachings of the Gods are about cleaning the soul of negative karma and negating it. They have entire rituals and mantra's in Hinduism to do this. The higher up Sat Guru's also mention the importance of cleaning the aura and building an aura of protection.
Thank you for the post, HP. I was thinking of this situation recently. Though my metaphor was that of when you have a piece of land and wish to build a house. You cannot start building if you have not set a foundation. And you cannot set a foundation until you have removed any debris and leveled the land. Should you try to build without the prerequisites, the house will fall.
It took me a while to realize that each "phase" of advancement is important. I kept wanting to run ahead to something I was not prepared for. And every time, it failed.
Now I understand the value of taking our time and doing what we must do before building our grand dream. And now, I am unburdened from stress. And actually having fun and enjoying my every day meditations!
The bodybuilding saying applies to meditation in some cases then:

"No Pain No Gain."

That's not the rule but can be if there's a lot of dirt on the soul to keep cleaning off.

You've summed me up pretty well here.

I've got to feel the fear and do it anyway because working through it will make it get better.
Personal Growth said:
The bodybuilding saying applies to meditation in some cases then:

"No Pain No Gain."

That's not the rule but can be if there's a lot of dirt on the soul to keep cleaning off.

You've summed me up pretty well here.

I've got to feel the fear and do it anyway because working through it will make it get better.

No, if you feel pain literally, you need to cut back.

You have to judge if fears are valid and if not. If one is like a baloon about to burst, then 'fear' sometimes can come to help you understand it's time to stop. You will gain experience with this and what kind of worry is valid and what is not.
In the last 5 days 3 different accidents tryed to hurt me hart and i was really Close to get hurt, but hopefully I was protected by me gd and my aop. But so much in such a few days isn't normal.
Hi guys, I am new although I am experienced in spiritual endeavours, I am a satanic soul, I have received many curses and blessing during my life, you guys gave me tons of info about the spirit and I have given you some too about how the jews might be more than one species melted into the war against humanity.

I agree about cleaning the attic, and balancing the energies in our soul so that we can help the kundalini raise.

but my question is: maybe if we know what the enemy somehow has used against us, could we bypass easier the blocks we were placed?

or is it enough that we use our power to keep going?

thank you if you can give me an answer to this.
This sermon is so important. After years of not being able to really be consistent or just backing out from cleaning my dross I am finally at a point in my life where I just don't stand back when I am having negative moments in my life, if anything, I try to understand them and fix the cause of the problem, negative days I just push through them and at the end of the day I can definitely say I have advanced a little bit.
This could not come at a more perfect time, seriously. Thank you. Being a part of this group is one of, if not the greatest thing, I could’ve ever done for myself. Almost immediately I saw information I needed, for a second there I was actually worried I was an odd man out for feeling the way I was.

Anyway thanks again, and can I just happily say HAIL SATAN!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
The bodybuilding saying applies to meditation in some cases then:

"No Pain No Gain."

That's not the rule but can be if there's a lot of dirt on the soul to keep cleaning off.

You've summed me up pretty well here.

I've got to feel the fear and do it anyway because working through it will make it get better.

No, if you feel pain literally, you need to cut back.

You have to judge if fears are valid and if not. If one is like a baloon about to burst, then 'fear' sometimes can come to help you understand it's time to stop. You will gain experience with this and what kind of worry is valid and what is not.

Thank you my HP.

Luckily there is no literal physical pain nor was that ever experienced.

I refer to before when meditating I started having my significant other trying to resist my progress and fight with me.

Also I suffer with my ego when my mind gets stronger, faster and sharper because I don't have patience with everyone else being so slow and stupid.

But that's my fault and my responsibility to get the hang of.

Thank you for being a leader on our side.

It's very important for Satans followers to advance in Spiritual Power because it strengthens the whole Satanic side.

And as you've shown us, 'it's a Spiritual war now.'

I have not been doing my meditations as I should. I am insistant so it will happen.

It's great how a person gets to keep the effects of the effort put in from meditation. It's not some transient thing. Meditation is a great investment in yourself.

You know what makes meditation harder is trying to get into a trance to do it.

And it's true it can be quick taking only about 15 minutes.

When you imagine the light etc and visualise what you're doing it's easy and quick.

I forgot that a person can meditate while in the fully aware and awake state. Beta brainwave state I think.

I've been thinking it's too difficult because I was thinking I must go down to the Alpha or theta brainwave state.

That's right I think.

Just do it whatever brainwave state you're in.

Of course it's easier and you feel it more in the closer to sleep brainwaves. But it still works just fine in the awake and alert brainwave state as well
For me, the idea behind this is to simply face your problems. This means :

- just admit the problem.It will save you huge amounts of time, maybe even years. Let's say you over indulge in drinking. You will probably think of yourself to be a casual drinker and then you notice you spend 30% of your income on booze. This simply means you have found a problem. Just admit to yourself.

- do not run away from the problem. It may seem nonsense once you admitted your problem. But one can go out often with friends in order to drink so he has the excuse of having a social life. You may admit the problem, but you still run away from it and use every meeting to go on a drinking spree.

- do not blame the problem on others. Like you have a bad marriage or a bad job and drinking helps you with it. It just doesn't. It may seem so, but it's not.

- do not create a bigger problem than the one you have to make the former seem not a big deal. Like start doing drugs so your drinking problem seems a tiny issue. It's still there, just in the background

- do not make the problem seem like a virtue. We all know stories of people who brag about how much they can drink. Or that you're not man enough if you can't drink more than 2 beers. With vodka. And gin. Lots of shots. While smoking weed. And driving. Irony stops here. Or if you are an workaholic think that you are making money or that you are more responsible than others. You're not. You're just destroying your health in the process. And losing years you can not possibly take back.

- do not ignore the problem. People are very good at denying the truth. Or so they think they are until their consciousness kicks them in the rear. Or the doctor tells them 6 months to live is all they got left.

- do not make the problem seem bigger than it really is.Maybe you started drinking/smoking because you were bored. Find a decent hobby and watch the problem go away.

- do not make the problem seem lesser. You may think half a pack of cigarettes isn't that bad compared to your friend who smokes 2 packs a day. But what you don't know is that you have a genetic lung problem. Check your stuff and assess it as objectively as possible.

- sometimes do accept help if it honest and you know helpful. Sometimes others see us better than we do and can give better advice or surprise us with a different approach to the issue. It sure won't kill you to take your mom's advice once a year.

- keep a positive outlook on the matter. After rain the sun comes up. It could be that simple.

- if it works keep doing it. Do not go back. I repeat. Do not go back. Maybe you're sober for a month and you are amazed at how easy that was. And that you are really strong. So how much can one glass hurt. Or two. Or twenty. And in no time you just destroyed a month's hard work. And your self esteem. So, do not go back. Is that simple. Not easy, just simple.

- there is always a reason. Or more. You may not find it, but it is there. Observe the problem, how it appears and how it manifests and you might just get lucky. If you find the reason you may find your culprit. And you can fix the issue.

- if all of the above fails there may be something you just don't know. Yes, it is incredible. I know. It had happened to me. It can be the most simple of things. For me it was this big secret. Ready ? Here it is. I need more sleep than most people. 8 to 10 hours. In the weekends if I lost some hours during the week I can go to 12 hours straight. After years of struggle I found out that there are people who sleep 6 hours and feel just fine and those like who sleep more. My problem? I thought I belonged to the other end of the interval. Yes, sometimes it is just a thing that you really do not know.

In the end, why bother facing and trying to work out your problems? I mean, what the hell, wouldn't you rather watch a movie instead? I know this one is coming this summer, it's staring...oh wait. Two main reasons:

1. if you don't do it, they will haunt you forever and ever. I like this quote from a horror movie (watched that movie yet?) : if you don't do something, the bad guys never leave on their own. Got that? They will NEVER leave you. Why would they, you are weak and their prey.
2. you won't find anything that feels better. That feeling of the clean attic that HPCobra was raving about, the smell of the air filling your lungs after you climbed a mountain, the taste of cold water after a long hot day working the field, that sweet moment of just resting sitting face down on the dirt after you ran the marathon, the taste of bread in your mouth after you went through hunger a couple of days. Sure, it doesn't have to be this extreme, but I just want you get the picture.

We take so much for granted and hate our problems so much that we just never get to know them. They just might be our only hope to make it through. Your chance of losing that weight, of giving up smoking, quit drinking or just doing that pesky final RTR.

Let's clean the attic boys. After all, witches fly on brooms :cool:
Immortal: Yes, exactly as you said. Nothing further to add here.

Problem solving is actually the main aspect of nature. We are confronted with things everyday.
HP Mageson666 said:
That is why one has to do the aura, soul cleaning daily on the meditation pages of the JoS and the daily RTR.

The nonsense in the new age and corruptions in Hinduism lie to people and tell them they have to be passive victims of their karma. Its for their own good and makes them stronger and such nonsense and its all their fault anyway... No its not. They create the idea you have sinned and now have to be punished by karma to be redeemed. Its a guilt trip. They took the Xian stick man fable and turned it into karma.

Yet when you study into Hindu India this is interesting you can get Nadi readings even when they just take your thumb print and they can then use a form of divination to see what is going on with your karma and then they give solutions to remove the negative energies that are manifesting in your soul and life. One women got this done and she followed the instruction of the Yogi and the nadi reading was she was going to die in a car accident. But because she followed the instructions and cleaned the negative energy and negated it. She got into a car accident her car was smashed up but she walked away from it fine.

The real Hinduism that has maintain the original teachings of the Gods are about cleaning the soul of negative karma and negating it. They have entire rituals and mantra's in Hinduism to do this. The higher up Sat Guru's also mention the importance of cleaning the aura and building an aura of protection.

So really I need to start cleansing my aura on a daily bases. This is done by visualizing while doing the breathing meditations, right?
Hi,I am new here,I have fully given my soul to Satan more then year ago and since then I feel support in my everyday life ,,,,I read the article I am am cleaning but not as regular ,,,so I am working on this ...but I saw dirt ,,,I did ...some is away ,,,but my real reason why I am here is because I am attacked or regular basic ,,,the attacks are real ..there people using magic against me ..sims like they pay to get it done on each quoter of the moon ...basically my son been attacked as well ,,,he is just 15 ,,,,he was sick for a 1 year ,,,,
/never sick before>I hear somewhere that as a women I can take this of him ...so last two weeks everyday I am sucking curse of my son ...I got big spots on my head my hair full down ,,,,I had surgery on my foot /7 moth ago/...all broken /need another one//my job is personal trainer,,,/....there more ..dogs been attacked as well ,,,i have two big dogs ,,,,much much more....the thing is that people who doing this have financial power and high standards in life...and last 2 days ago I actually felt this coming and I asked Satan to help me as I did not feel powerfull to fight it ,,,,He did help me ...pressure of head was away ..my son feels good as well but last night they did again and I feel it a bit ....I am cleaning my son then myself ,,,I am cleaning dogs and house and I pray but can I do more something more ..I try to make my aura protective ,,,so all bounce back ...but seems like its not fully anyway ,,Its feel like everyday fight as I clean but they sending new courses ,,,I know who and I know reason ..but there not just one person all high up...I would really really appreciate replay some advice as its like on war...
I began that everytime i meditate to ''smell'' something like sweat around me.
Weassel said:
I began that everytime i meditate to ''smell'' something like sweat around me.

This can happen, including other smells, to some people, so do not get freaked out. There can also be visual experiences etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Weassel said:
I began that everytime i meditate to ''smell'' something like sweat around me.

This can happen, including other smells, to some people, so do not get freaked out. There can also be visual experiences etc.
I am not scared or something like that, but i wanted to be sure if that ''smell'' was from me, like when you put effort to your body you begin to sweat and eliminate microbes, maybe same with the soul in my situation, my soul is ''sweating'' those negative energies away.
That happens sometimes with me, sometimes people aura stinks too.

Weassel said:
I began that everytime i meditate to ''smell'' something like sweat around me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
