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Spiritual Satanism - A Religion For Everyone?

13th_Wolf said:
If this platform didn't exist I would be on deaths door and that's no word of a lie. There's nothing else for me other than my family, this group and our goals- my family comes from a lot of issues and is currently on deaths door itself, so this group is all I have.

Thanks for responding to me Cobra, I really do appreciate it. It helps me reclaim my mind, having to care about something and not ending up as some numb vagabond.

I don't know what to say about your family being on death's door that's a very shocking statement at the very least

About your other family, the SS one, if you found this path you should not consider death or becoming a bump no matter if this platform exists or not. Every warrior here is needed, every time you do any ritual you help us all. Maybe you should try and feel the others when doing the rituals.

Life may seem lonely and stupid and I understand all too well how this can affect one's morale but you must remember you're an elite warrior and can't just quit no matter what. We'll have a drink in Valhalla and laugh about this or we'll kick your ass if you get weak and let us fight the pesky roaches alone :mrgreen:

Here are some Immortal lyrics for you

The ghastly rivers whirl
Swallowing all in sight
Come the vision we await
Into the blinding depths
And never to return...

Damned in black
And never to return
Damned in black

March of the black dungeon ones
Beyond the dim they shape

March of the brave
Immortal gods
From beyond the dim we rise...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Flee thou foul spirit of forced equality, for we, Satanists, are not like everyone! Flee from me for everyday I defeat you, and I live for the day that every man will defeat you constantly and without remorse!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HAIL SATAN! Equaility be damned, for we are the Truth Bearers, Strength is our fortitude, Knowledge is our Foundation, and SATAN is our FATHER!
It can only be so.
The greatness of JOS lies in the fact that it makes the path of evolution available to all.
Then everyone chooses his end, why bother?
Thanks HP
kirtan said:
It can only be so.
The greatness of JOS lies in the fact that it makes the path of evolution available to all.
Then everyone chooses his end, why bother?
Thanks HP

...because Satan and the Gods don't need to push their agenda of religious indoctrination with a gun to your head.

If your just a normie and don't wish to advance but aren't a criminal scumbag or maybe is a good moral person. Well there isn't anything you can do unless they wake up and decide to advance on the path.

Again not everyone is cut out to Spiritual Satanism. As a matter of fact for a long time lots of people aren't gonna be interested in taking the reigns of their lives.

Satan and the Gods don't push themselves unto you. Albeit I do expect people to respect them and slowly over time gain their trust.(I'm speaking physically of course not simply spiritually).

With that said we are {Elitist} and we believe each and everyone can dictate their own path whether they fail or succeed some people just aren't cut out for this kind of stuff. Especially with how the World evolved throughout the past 10,000 years. We even believe in a {caste} and believe people are at different levels ranging from Goylem, Goyim, NPC, Normie, Slightly woke, Some wokeness, full on woke, NatSoc, or full on National Socialist & Spiritual Satanist.

Again it's not that we are being evil or negative or anything just some people belong to certain levels of reality. You can't have a criminal work as a bank teller or have retards running around with (((muh eqwalitieze 'n' sheit))). There IS NO equality 'n' sheit, period.

Remember The Al-Jilwah "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."
Gear88 said:
kirtan said:
It can only be so.
The greatness of JOS lies in the fact that it makes the path of evolution available to all.
Then everyone chooses his end, why bother?
Thanks HP

...because Satan and the Gods don't need to push their agenda of religious indoctrination with a gun to your head.

If your just a normie and don't wish to advance but aren't a criminal scumbag or maybe is a good moral person. Well there isn't anything you can do unless they wake up and decide to advance on the path.

Again not everyone is cut out to Spiritual Satanism. As a matter of fact for a long time lots of people aren't gonna be interested in taking the reigns of their lives.

Satan and the Gods don't push themselves unto you. Albeit I do expect people to respect them and slowly over time gain their trust.(I'm speaking physically of course not simply spiritually).

With that said we are {Elitist} and we believe each and everyone can dictate their own path whether they fail or succeed some people just aren't cut out for this kind of stuff. Especially with how the World evolved throughout the past 10,000 years. We even believe in a {caste} and believe people are at different levels ranging from Goylem, Goyim, NPC, Normie, Slightly woke, Some wokeness, full on woke, NatSoc, or full on National Socialist & Spiritual Satanist.

Again it's not that we are being evil or negative or anything just some people belong to certain levels of reality. You can't have a criminal work as a bank teller or have retards running around with (((muh eqwalitieze 'n' sheit))). There IS NO equality 'n' sheit, period.

Remember The Al-Jilwah "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."

Yes, all true, both in form and substance. Unfortunately in our world those who belong to the highest castes are either not understood or have their voices covered by the enemy. Or maybe they are still too few compared to the vast majority of mankind who believe in all the media manipulations of the enemy.
Hopefully it will change soon.
Yet many people want to live in the drama soap opera type of thing, and want to have soap opera expectations. So for those who cannot overcome this, it is natural they return back to more of the same.
Is there really nothing we can do to help these people? I'm not going to act like I didn't join for my own personal benefit... wealth, power and immortality is a pretty easy sell, after all. But... it's more than just being aware of my otherness, it's genuinely painful to see the way people suffer form their own ignorance.
DemonsAreOurFriends said:
Is there really nothing we can do to help these people? I'm not going to act like I didn't join for my own personal benefit... wealth, power and immortality is a pretty easy sell, after all. But... it's more than just being aware of my otherness, it's genuinely painful to see the way people suffer form their own ignorance.

Final RTR and online link spreading with comments will increase awareness. Plant the seeds and let it grow...

I know it sucks, but not everyone is able or interested during their current lifetime. For some it may take many lifetimes before they begin spiritual practices. Level of collective consciouness plays into this very much.
DemonsAreOurFriends said:
Yet many people want to live in the drama soap opera type of thing, and want to have soap opera expectations. So for those who cannot overcome this, it is natural they return back to more of the same.
Is there really nothing we can do to help these people? I'm not going to act like I didn't join for my own personal benefit... wealth, power and immortality is a pretty easy sell, after all. But... it's more than just being aware of my otherness, it's genuinely painful to see the way people suffer form their own ignorance.

I feel quite opposite, where ignorance of own life existence is permitted by your own soul, I hate these people and I am very upset on it. When a human uses his life force against itself is beyond comprehension. And the feeling of empathy are only for those that at least question themselves and the surroundings to a more appropriate degree of its own nature.

I was reading a book a couple days ago, where someone did experience in fact a very small incidence of soul power, he was able to predict something involuntary at one point in his life. What did he do with that experience? he wrote a book with 300+ pages, detailing very simple meditations of kindergarten, making very big claims, and also how he got to met gurus for x years and in the grand finale nothing happened but concluded that faith is the greater power. How should I feel when I see a soul failing a lifetime?

And us SS experience what he did once, on a daily basis and forget and not care about it as its something very basic. And to know that this person tried to, but didn't succeed, who's to blame? What about those that don't even comprehend the possibility, but to try. Help is not given to those who not help themselves, and "helping yourself" is only natural, we live in unnatural times with these kind of people.
NakedPluto said:
...300+ page book about the Uber-Mensch future predicting powers person...

You sit back and laugh at their stupidity and inform others of their stupidity.

The sheer fact is you just gotta sit back and watch fellow goys be goyed up.

It might sound harsh as hell but when people do serious investigations and realize his book is nothing more than a shekelberging activity despite being a Gentile(I assume in this case) then funny enough his whole evidence falls apart or maybe he has a shred of predicting powers but only in case of a strong effect.

i.e. the strong effect being a prominent vision of someone or something occurring.

Let me give you a JoS prediction someone made. I don't know how accurate it is but the person didn't predict anything they just witnessed a general image and connected the dots with the news later on.

A JoS member once did(not in anyway shape, or form recommended) this person performed 666 vibrations of SHIVA mantra into his 3rd eye and center Ajna chakra so 666 x 2 or 1,332 mantra vibrations. He was driving down the highway in his Texas homeland and witness a flash of superstition about fires and explosions. He didn't know what it was because it had no clear definition it could have been chalked up to crazy mantra repetitions. Funny enough 3 days later on the news outside Dallas, Texas a large refinery processing facility blew up and the fires and explosions were massive in nature.

So he put two and two together and said that probably was my vision. Since in General humans can predict or even witness the future even scientists in recent times stated humans can see into the future, recently mentioned. The sheer fact is it begs to wonder what about specific individuals, places, or things; found among the World.

In simplest term this person had some litmus test occurring with his spiritual development and went full crazy shekelberging as focusing on some sort of financial gain. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion to make money since that is important but the fact one little itty bitty flash of superstition occurred isn't enough to warrant 300+ page book.

My best guess is in the future with the Gods around the records of humanity are gonna be in some sort of central repository and the Gods are gonna teach humans to write books condemning said individuals through appropriate information and a spiritual uplift.

Now obviously I know I'm humanizing the Gods, I apologize for that. But it seems some people become so obsessed with books and the fact that "If it's a book, it's factual" mentality. Think like the judenpresse, if it's in the news it must be fact, cause journalists don't lie except for a small few bad apples.

It's like the recent Trump campaign a CNN staffer investigated people on the ground according to Tim Pool's video and the people don't give a shit about MSM news. They literally support Trump based on their instinct and own knowledge not because of media manipulation whether for or against Trump.

Anyways in my personal opinion it's not 100% evil not to make money from spiritual phenomenas I believe spiritual people deserve money but not if they are some charlatan doing it for shits and giggles. I do believe most people have some decency and goodness in their heart as to ascertain financial benefits from spirituality in appropriate information or research.

But I still personally believe in these current kosher supervised times that all of that is just fuel and fire for the charlatans.

It's like the book Vrill: The Coming Race by Lytton. He stated to the Vrill-Ya:[paraphrasing]: We do have talk about telepathy but most of it is filled with charlatans and deniers. Even the Vrill-Ya in the book mentioned the same thing in their history filled with charlatans till the Vrill powers were more advanced in certain people and they began to experience mass telepathy among their kind.
Hello Joy of Satan
I've been reading your site since I was 15 years old. I am currently 32 years old for lots of years I've tried to bring people to Satan. Trying to show them a true God that will answer back and hold you accountable. All these years nobody's that I've talked To is worth Satan's time but I am!!!!! I've tried to join this site before people called me a troll. I still came back because I believe in Satan and all God's of Hell. I believe in the Joy of Satan and it's members. I want to learn, I use to think I knew It all but I was wrong. Satan showed me I have more to learn, I am not weak nor a coward.
The Joy of Satan is my family and I want to learn more. Please accept me hail Satan
I am finally ready to come home.
Neko88 said:
Hello Joy of Satan
I've been reading your site since I was 15 years old. I am currently 32 years old for lots of years I've tried to bring people to Satan. Trying to show them a true God that will answer back and hold you accountable. All these years nobody's that I've talked To is worth Satan's time but I am!!!!! I've tried to join this site before people called me a troll. I still came back because I believe in Satan and all God's of Hell. I believe in the Joy of Satan and it's members. I want to learn, I use to think I knew It all but I was wrong. Satan showed me I have more to learn, I am not weak nor a coward.
The Joy of Satan is my family and I want to learn more. Please accept me hail Satan
I am finally ready to come home.

Hey Neko88, as if believing in the Gods is enough. Are you dedicated soul and doing the spiritual warfare? Not to mention bunch of other stuff. You say you read the site for about 17 years, and? What do you have to show for those seventeen years?

Hey guys, do you see what I see?
Neko88 said:
The Joy of Satan is my family and I want to learn more. Please accept me hail Satan
I am finally ready to come home.
New member guide to the forum functions: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43293
Henu the Great said:
Neko88 said:
Hello Joy of Satan
I've been reading your site since I was 15 years old. I am currently 32 years old for lots of years I've tried to bring people to Satan. Trying to show them a true God that will answer back and hold you accountable. All these years nobody's that I've talked To is worth Satan's time but I am!!!!! I've tried to join this site before people called me a troll. I still came back because I believe in Satan and all God's of Hell. I believe in the Joy of Satan and it's members. I want to learn, I use to think I knew It all but I was wrong. Satan showed me I have more to learn, I am not weak nor a coward.
The Joy of Satan is my family and I want to learn more. Please accept me hail Satan
I am finally ready to come home.

Hey Neko88, as if believing in the Gods is enough. Are you dedicated soul and doing the spiritual warfare? Not to mention bunch of other stuff. You say you read the site for about 17 years, and? What do you have to show for those seventeen years?

Hey guys, do you see what I see?

I kind of do and kind of don't this person feels like a new person in vibe.

Thats even more sucky than me who wasted a bunch of years with nonsense at least i meditated and did something sometimes and was dedicated strongly the last two.

But yeah if you tried to bring people to the truth cool. Not to late to start with the other stuff see the rtr and meditations. WTF you read this 17 years and you didn't do any of that.
Ever since I was a very young child, I questioned everything. I remember even being skeptical of Santa clause when I was 5, being told by my brother he wasn’t real when I asked, and then thinking, “well what’s so different about Christianity then?” . I had thought that if spirituality was real, I shouldn’t need an interface to experience it, and I dove into my self to seek the spiritual. Flash forward twenty years, and I’ve been introduced to spiritual Satanism, which has validated all of my spiritual experiences and inclinations, and made me feel remarkably sane in an otherwise crazy Fucking world.
thefuckingunicorn said:
...Santa clause...

Except Santa Clause is real because it's Satan in his winter yuletide/xmas Scandinavian Odinistic Form for gift giving and merry making as well as spiritual development stage.

Santa = Zen/Calm/Relaxed in Sanskrit

So Zen Clause.

Santa Clause would be Odin with Sleipneir his 8 legged steer.

It's meant to be taken as a story of mental, physical, and spiritual gifts-development.

I can assure you it's been mentioned on the JoS before particularly back in our prior ProPHP forums that Santa = Satan even Santa is rearranged Satan.

It might be hyped up but the legend of the man behind it is very much real thus Santa being Satan shows a path towards development of the mind, body, soul, technology, and civilization.
Gear88 said:
thefuckingunicorn said:
...Santa clause...

Except Santa Clause is real because it's Satan in his winter yuletide/xmas Scandinavian Odinistic Form for gift giving and merry making as well as spiritual development stage.

Santa = Zen/Calm/Relaxed in Sanskrit

So Zen Clause.

Santa Clause would be Odin with Sleipneir his 8 legged steer.

It's meant to be taken as a story of mental, physical, and spiritual gifts-development.

I can assure you it's been mentioned on the JoS before particularly back in our prior ProPHP forums that Santa = Satan even Santa is rearranged Satan.

It might be hyped up but the legend of the man behind it is very much real thus Santa being Satan shows a path towards development of the mind, body, soul, technology, and civilization.

Thanks for pointing that out. I’m still really new to spiritual Satanism and learning. I’m my earlier post I was talking about the corporate “Santa Clause” that wears a red suit and has a toy factory filled with elves making good boys and girls whatever toys they want. Kind of funny actually how disbelieving that story is what brought me around kind of full-circle to satanism lol
Seriously....You or someone on the clergy have talked about unity among SS, the Nazi from a book you revere unless you consider that tainted as well.

“ It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them. Now, then, all ye who have followed my commandments and my teachings, reject all the teachings and sayings of such as are without.” Straight from the Al-Jilwah. This is what I was referring too. Not that kike shit you are talking about.

Unless you think the Al-Jilwah is bogus. While I do agree about elitism and what’s in the sermon but I guess I was a bit confused before. That’s why I brought it up.

You totally misunderstood my post. But shit happens. Oh well. But if you still think I assemble with kikes that’s on you, nothing to do with me. (I personally don’t care).
Satanism isn't for the masses like Christianity.Its for a chosen few.Ive been a satanist for 40 years and have met few other true Satanists.
Hello, um this may not be the place to write this but its kina in topic.
so im in satanism for about 4 years im 20 now i barley made some progress, in last few weeks i start working on the third eye and i will start with 6 chackra, i think it was hard for me because maybe of some inner fear or something im litle 1.55 and that kina screw my but in those 4 years i did a bit or Final RTR maybe i don't know cuz i wanted to help thou i know im a whortless pice of c*ap i will keep tryng an I will try my best do do the final RTR as much as i can.

Know i have a question: i buy a ouija board to try getting help i mean an Demon Guardian and i realy want to see this trough can you tell me please how i know i speak with a God/Demon and not with enemy, i know how to protect myself but i apreciate any help,
and i don't ask for pity you can casy anithing hars i now i deserv it thanks.
I want to thank you again for this Sermon
The brothers and sisters of joy of Satan will always be ok,and some people would say, "prosperous". Satan has told me to embrace the newer members online and guide them so they wont be scared to ask before making spiritual mistakes in Satanism. I feel that jos is going to be around for a long time. That being said, if anything, I have an idea for the high-priest, if the web site is under attack, we can just change the name and link of the website. like when wall street company's change their name when the company name is under attack.-danielthe956god
Hello. I have read the 40 days program for power. I have a question: once i have dedicate myself i can start this program without the meditation for opening my soul? Because on the program is this meditation and in jos site it is write that the opening of the soul is to do just once...
LenaConstantin said:
Hello. I have read the 40 days program for power. I have a question: once i have dedicate myself i can start this program without the meditation for opening my soul? Because on the program is this meditation and in jos site it is write that the opening of the soul is to do just once...
Yes, add a beginner meditation with the program if you feel confident in doing it everyday.
Personal Growth said:
I believe Adolf Hitler was a loner type as well.

It's an introvert personality type.

And the introvert is actually the strong one. They are the thinkers and are deep and of substance.

All are not equal and not everything is as it seems.

Equality is the biggest form of injustice.

As I've heard some folks quote before "Only the inferior strive for equality."
Necroconsecrator said:
Personal Growth said:
I believe Adolf Hitler was a loner type as well.

It's an introvert personality type.

And the introvert is actually the strong one. They are the thinkers and are deep and of substance.

All are not equal and not everything is as it seems.

Equality is the biggest form of injustice.

As I've heard some folks quote before "Only the inferior strive for equality."

Indeed. Naturally a self confident person would just crack on and make a success of things. But the weak would need to hang on his coat tails so demand equality so as to not be left behind.

The real reality is in consciousness.

NPC's focus on the boring and mundane. Material earthly things, but...

One of our demons said:" As above, So below."

Being an introvert and focusing on the spiritual, the astral. Is to focus on the real world. That's where it's all at. There is no physical solidity in this world. It's all created from consciousness in the astral.

It's all an illusion, it's all vibration. And we create this world by our perceptions.

What I mean is its one giant hologram. We being a part of it we affect the whole.

And so we don't need to demand equality because we are the fruits of our labour. We create our own reality by where we focus our attention.
Personal Growth said:
What I mean is its one giant hologram. We being a part of it we affect the whole.
The hologram thing is a meme, don't fall for it. It's not a hologram, it's reality.
Aquarius said:
Personal Growth said:
What I mean is its one giant hologram. We being a part of it we affect the whole.
The hologram thing is a meme, don't fall for it. It's not a hologram, it's reality.

Okay this it's a hologram does come from those Law of Attraction people and David Icke. But are we not symbiotically connected with the universe.

We don't only live in this universe but we are affected by it. (Astrology and mass mind influences). And our workings and use of our own energy and power to exact change in the outer reality.

So both affect each other. We are a little piece of the hologram. We have a connection through the astral with our consciousness that has a force on reality.

Upanishad saying: 'When a blade of grass is cut the whole universe quivers.'
Personal Growth said:
Aquarius said:
Personal Growth said:
What I mean is its one giant hologram. We being a part of it we affect the whole.
The hologram thing is a meme, don't fall for it. It's not a hologram, it's reality.

Okay this it's a hologram does come from those Law of Attraction people and David Icke. But are we not symbiotically connected with the universe.

We don't only live in this universe but we are affected by it. (Astrology and mass mind influences). And our workings and use of our own energy and power to exact change in the outer reality.

So both affect each other. We are a little piece of the hologram. We have a connection through the astral with our consciousness that has a force on reality.

Upanishad saying: 'When a blade of grass is cut the whole universe quivers.'
The hologram is not a good comparison.
The physical is physical while the astral is the astral. They both affect eachother but the influence of one another can't really be called a hologram, rather a projection. Hologram is just not the word but I understand what you mean.
Aquarius said:
The hologram is not a good comparison.
The physical is physical while the astral is the astral. They both affect eachother but the influence of one another can't really be called a hologram, rather a projection. Hologram is just not the word but I understand what you mean.
Think about the ocean. Water is Aqua in Italian, except spelled a little wrong. So Aquarius knows all about this :) :lol:

Surface of the water is like the physical world, and everything under the surface is like Astral. On the surface, you just see all the waves that are made by the astral forces. And if something big happens on the surface, it can effect the astral under it too. But it is all the same thing. Really is no separation.
Magickleahh said:
:eek: Why are there quotes of Hitler on here... don’t tell me you guys support him?!

:twisted: ?
Hahaha i doent know how you got here but yes im a supporter

Here ie why:

Magickleahh said:
:eek: Why are there quotes of Hitler on here... don’t tell me you guys support him?!

Study these websites

in addition to the main website
Magickleahh said:
:eek: Why are there quotes of Hitler on here... don’t tell me you guys support him?!
You're up for a big ride if you still don't know about Hitler.
I'll give you an interesting fact, he was an SS and is now a God.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
