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Spiritual Misunderstandings: What are the Sources?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Before you think that the title I mention above is bizarre or stupid, it's actually a strange misconception [among many others] that has arose out of misreading of the texts of Plato, Aristotle and other great philosophers.

Recently, I was reading another topic on Thoth [whose Ritual will arrive soon]. The feminist writer was trying to say that "Seshat was undermined from being her own Goddess, into only being Thoth's wife" in later Egypt. Clearly, her brain is still stuck that being the wife of a God and in equal partnership with a God, is a demotion. The reeking of psychological issues in all of this analysis is what produces insanity and hatred for the Ancient Civilizations.

In Spiritual allegory, the wife of a God is essentially the same principal force in it's female nature and they correspond to balanced duality. Conceptions which show social dynamics such as the ones above, did not exist for the Ancient people. They did not need all this insanity to observe their life.

The reason for this is that the people who read these texts in most cases are:

1. Reading mistranslated material
2. Translators, they are not initiated, so they have no clue what is going on in the texts
3. Albeit they have no clue, they translate these texts anyway
4. When they translate, they bring their corrupted nonsense in the translations, coming from their Social Justice Warrior mind or whatever present day garbage has been generated, into the mix
5. Jews also add fuel to the fire, making monstrosities and major misunderstandings. The hate of the jewish people is very apparent in everything they have touched upon from previous civilizations. As they villify the Demons, so they villify the societies the Gods have created, always trying to render them as primitive and evil
6. A complete lack of understanding of the reality of any of these texts and how indepth they are, can only result in desecration, purposefully or without purpose.
7. Psychological issues which cause perversion so that they themselves prove their "points", such as repression of a Gender and their need to perpetuate other nonsense they want to perpetuate.

As a result of all the above in conjunction, one will read some of the very common mythis which are inconsistent with reality such as:

"Plato argued with Socrates", "Socrates hated Homer!, "Aristotle was about the physical realm and Plato was retarded and looking at what does not exist, the supernal worlds" and other things like that.

Imagine the stupidity here, after being with HPS Maxine for 10 plus years, if I expand on a topic that she has commented, in a given context, one goes back and says that "I disagree". No, I don't disagree nowhere, I am elaborating. That is only one example.

Of course, Western Academia, filled with infested jews, over-reaching arrogance and zero spiritual knowledge, is always ready to perpetuate these myths so that the modern MIT universities where you listen to "We Wuz Kangz" is made to look as "Great" in comparison to these mega-minds of the Ancient Greek world.

Meanwhile, when jewish books are opened and they find statements of genocide about everyone but the jews, they will start making up endless explanations on the size of the globe, to essentially say it's "not what it says", "that is not true", "never seen that one" and so on. The same is being done for Islam, even despite on observing the literal living conditions of these places right now, in the places dominated by these systems.

I have noticed also a few actually honest cases [very few] who will mention some information that is truthful, but when seriously confronted with the violence of the above programs, they fold. Their "bravery" is then taken out on Ancient cultures, who have been a hundred times more tolerant to women for example, than the death cults of today.

All of the above and many more things you will read in all of these texts, are lies. More lies exist where the position of women are concerned or in many other norms of the Ancient civilizations. For one, Ancient Greek and all these texts there, are codified heavily. They are philosophical texts meant for other very advanced philosophers - ie, you need 20 years of training in their systems in order to understand what they mean.

We live in the era where Socrates described in one of his dialogues that "many will appear wise and none will be wise". Now, with ChatGPT and all the access to information, many just flop a book, perpetuate a corruption, then call this "knowledge", yet it is only disinformation.

Translations for the most part are completely bunk.

On top of the bunk, projections such as "Daddy was mean to me one time when I was 5 and I didn't go to therapy for it because I like victim status, so all men are evil", "Ancient Greekoz were evil people they had wars", "Womin wuz slaves in Ancient Kreekz Zoziety, muzt enslave my waif now that's traditionalism!" and other oy vey arguments are constantly thrown on the Ancient people's, primarily coming from sources that are feminist, retarded, uneducated, or overall garbage.

What is needed to understand spiritual material is the following:

1. A clear education in the spiritual, without most of the literary garbage the circulates nowadays.
2. A sane mind without social justice, feminism, pseudo-traditionalism and a "need to prove" things all the time due to psychological damage one has endured.
3. A lot of patience.
4. Understanding that these people were literally all aligned under the Gods and petty divisions did not exist.
5. There was an open climate of knowledge, inquiry and open mindness back then. People were allowed to express expert opinions freely and converse about them. Reading a conversation where they go back and forth to articulate a topic, does not mean that they "argue".
6. The same mindset as the above is mandated to exist to approach Spiritual knowledge, and when one is rife with complexes, they cannot internalize the knowledge with clarity.

The amount of falsehood in all of these conceptions is not something I am ready to sit down and explain. Just be aware, the reason I am going down these texts on the Donor's PDF or I am communicating these to you is because they have nothing to do with any of these allegations.

That is the pathway to True Knowledge.

Those who know the path by actually walking it, understand very well what I mean here; that is the difference between the Initiate and the non-initiate, let alone the assaulter of spiritual knowledge.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I believe it's much more interesting to read an ancient historical text like the Laws rather than modern ones that are far from the truth and are fictional. Yes, initiation is a requirement to understand these, but I believe they aren't to be taken literally and out of context. Many things that were in Ancient Greece, for example, were much different than today.

Take slaves, for example; in The Republic, one of the first things mentioned is Socrates going with Glaucon to the festival and to the Goddess. Shortly further ahead into the book, Polemarchus notices the pair and sends his slave boy after them. Yet there's no bad treatment or anything, unlike the enemy form of slavery. Greeks were much different than what the misguided or evil portray about them. Advanced minds like the philosophers mentioned do not fight between each other; that's a crude lie.

It doesn't make sense to take allegories and things that are interpreted personally by the reader so harshly.

On the point of "Sugar Daddies" and other such perversions, it's weird to have such a mindset and view; the ancients are surely rolling in their graves. Not to mention the Jewish SJW affair. It's also harmful to view things in a negatively certain way because some other being told you to.

Aside from this, many things are corrupted and perverted from our past human history. Even if you don't have bad intentions, you cannot in any form translate anything properly and understand without being enlightened.
I love how your post pops up as i'm re watching a documentary on Ancient Egypt. I love the civilization but it does piss me off because of all of the mainstream misinterpretations of the Gods and what was done during those times. I still watch them just to see the places and remember the basics of it's history. One day perhaps a ways down the road we can show the world the truth about Egypt and perhaps rebuild many of it's temples.

Hail Father Satan
The feminist writer was trying to say that "Seshat was undermined from being her own Goddess, into only being Thoth's wife" in later Egypt. Clearly, her brain is still stuck that being the wife of a God and in equal partnership with a God, is a demotion.
This is also because ''wife'' is something degrading in abrahamic teachings and not a partnership. You don't have rights over your children, you need your husband's permission to leave your house, he can beat you, etc. That is what they understand from wife so it is not strange that it sounds like a demotion to people who were raised in a christian-muslim environment. Similarly, Tradchadredpill guys seem to have this strange conception of wife=golddiger, a beast with boobs that feeds on you.
I still remember, back on the days when I was in school, one of the most outrageous things my philosophy teacher said about Aristotle "The Arche of Aristotle was God". I was already a SS so I asked on purpose " When we talk about God do we mean the Christian one?" and he answered yes, cause by the time Aristotle was spreading his philosophy the concept of greek gods was out of fashion... That was one of my school longest facepalm.
The problem with misinformation is that they actually teach it at students, and they grow up with falsehood and hoaxes.
That's why is important to pursue research in the clarity of the information we receive, combined with our spiritual knowledge. Even for places that "Nourish the mind".
Um I think that header is Nefertiti, wife of Akhenaton. Didn't they try to abolish Gods and make Egypt monotheistic?
The most retarded thing I see in modern-day Greeks, is the tendency to feel patriotic both for Ancient Greece (especially Sparta and Macedonia) and for xianity. There is the sentiment of "taking back Constantinople" and reforming the "Byzantine" Empire, under which the term "Hellene", meaning he who sees the Light, was banned. One can either be a Greek or a xian, not both.
To my dismay, I am switching out of Philosophy into a different minor for this reason. I am only averages Bs and that is because of the complete inflexibility of my professor, and because I don't understand what Plato or Aristotle mean with such little time to study.

I am actually going over Plato and Aristotle right now, and you were ABSOLUTELY right when you said they try to make Plato's ontological conception seem fantasy, and that it was Aristotle who "brought" philosophy down to reality such as in his metaphysics.

I am disappointed in myself to be honest, but I am switching to history, and wills study philosophy on my own.
I believe it's much more interesting to read an ancient historical text like the Laws rather than modern ones that are far from the truth and are fictional. Yes, initiation is a requirement to understand these, but I believe they aren't to be taken literally and out of context. Many things that were in Ancient Greece, for example, were much different than today.

Take slaves, for example; in The Republic, one of the first things mentioned is Socrates going with Glaucon to the festival and to the Goddess. Shortly further ahead into the book, Polemarchus notices the pair and sends his slave boy after them. Yet there's no bad treatment or anything, unlike the enemy form of slavery. Greeks were much different than what the misguided or evil portray about them. Advanced minds like the philosophers mentioned do not fight between each other; that's a crude lie.

It doesn't make sense to take allegories and things that are interpreted personally by the reader so harshly.

On the point of "Sugar Daddies" and other such perversions, it's weird to have such a mindset and view; the ancients are surely rolling in their graves. Not to mention the Jewish SJW affair. It's also harmful to view things in a negatively certain way because some other being told you to.

Aside from this, many things are corrupted and perverted from our past human history. Even if you don't have bad intentions, you cannot in any form translate anything properly and understand without being enlightened.
I really enjoyed when Socrates ruined Thrasymachus' idea of justice lol I don't think Plato liked the sophists..
Recently, I was reading another topic on Thoth [whose Ritual will arrive soon]
Sorry for my question being out of topic but does the fact that we are getting a ritual for Thoth who is not a "Goetic" demon mean that we will eventually get rituals for other non "Goetic" demons? (like Pazuzu,Bes ,Lilith or maybe those listed on the "More Gods" category).
Sorry for my question being out of topic but does the fact that we are getting a ritual for Thoth who is not a "Goetic" demon mean that we will eventually get rituals for other non "Goetic" demons? (like Pazuzu,Bes ,Lilith or maybe those listed on the "More Gods" category).

I think it has to do with what they rule over. I don't think it matters that a Demon is goetic or not, there are non-goetic higher order Demons as well. HPHC is probably making rituals to higher order Demons firs, Bes and Pazuzu are lower order.
Um I think that header is Nefertiti, wife of Akhenaton. Didn't they try to abolish Gods and make Egypt monotheistic?

Akhenaten did. In regards to her, they say she tried to restore things after he died. From what I have read, after this thing died, she re-instated the Gods, but then again all these are still shrouded in mystery. Akhenaten's situation is one that based on what history says, was a lunatic situation where he tried to cast down all the Gods and I have believed for years he was a direct case of alien infiltration. If not a direct alien infiltration, then he was a proto communist.

That's based on the historical data we have. Nefertiti appears based on historical data to have been clear when it comes to all of this.

Sorry for my question being out of topic but does the fact that we are getting a ritual for Thoth who is not a "Goetic" demon mean that we will eventually get rituals for other non "Goetic" demons? (like Pazuzu,Bes ,Lilith or maybe those listed on the "More Gods" category).

Yes, there will be Rituals outside the Goetic Demons. Thoth is not in the Goetia. The Goetia is essentially one work that assembled 72 major Gods/Demons, and goes all the way back to Sumeria. Then it was corrupted and malformed completely by the Jews to contain blasphemy on top of some aspects of real information.

So restoration of these things will happen back to their origins and everything else will be put into place. These Rituals are a restoration of the original. It's honor to the Gods without the petty enemy slander.

I think it has to do with what they rule over. I don't think it matters that a Demon is goetic or not, there are non-goetic higher order Demons as well. HPHC is probably making rituals to higher order Demons firs, Bes and Pazuzu are lower order.

Generally these smaller Demons also have major functions. They are not in anyway weak, they just have more specific offices. What will happen for them is that there will be a Ritual that will actually mention them all, so they can be pleasantly invited to help everyone together en masse.
I still remember, back on the days when I was in school, one of the most outrageous things my philosophy teacher said about Aristotle "The Arche of Aristotle was God". I was already a SS so I asked on purpose " When we talk about God do we mean the Christian one?" and he answered yes, cause by the time Aristotle was spreading his philosophy the concept of greek gods was out of fashion... That was one of my school longest facepalm.
The problem with misinformation is that they actually teach it at students, and they grow up with falsehood and hoaxes.
That's why is important to pursue research in the clarity of the information we receive, combined with our spiritual knowledge. Even for places that "Nourish the mind".

"Yeah, Aristotle was talking about Jesus Christ before even the hoax was made. Oy vey goy, believe this. Also, Aristotle had a pet dinosaur named Jesus Christ. He also built a church in his house glorifying Mohammed despite of the fact these hoaxes will arrive 1500 years later or something. Yes goy, that's all. The earth is also a videogame of 6000 years old time." - Average Jew out there

Regardless, Aristotle's statements on "One God" were about what he specifically defines as the point of beginning of the universe. Of course, Christians whose IQ is about 90 on average, cannot comprehend what he said, besides of taking a corrupted translation and trying to enforce their baby minded hoax on it, even against all chronological or truthful order of existence.

That is a very small statement he made in some of his works and all these Ancient philosophers were basically all in when it came to the Gods and everything around them.

The God or the Akashic principle was obviously known to all the Ancient people's. They called this the "Monad" or the "One". This however is not conscious and it's just a theoretical beginning of all other things. The Gods are known to have "sprung" out of it and there is a complex theology around these things.

A general mistake of the modern school-teacher doesn't also know anything besides a basic curriculum and always trying to give stupid responses as to not sound dumb to children, from my experience.
Before you think that the title I mention above is bizarre or stupid, it's actually a strange misconception [among many others] that has arose out of misreading of the texts of Plato, Aristotle and other great philosophers.

Recently, I was reading another topic on Thoth [whose Ritual will arrive soon]. The feminist writer was trying to say that "Seshat was undermined from being her own Goddess, into only being Thoth's wife" in later Egypt. Clearly, her brain is still stuck that being the wife of a God and in equal partnership with a God, is a demotion. The reeking of psychological issues in all of this analysis is what produces insanity and hatred for the Ancient Civilizations.

In Spiritual allegory, the wife of a God is essentially the same principal force in it's female nature and they correspond to balanced duality. Conceptions which show social dynamics such as the ones above, did not exist for the Ancient people. They did not need all this insanity to observe their life.

The reason for this is that the people who read these texts in most cases are:

1. Reading mistranslated material
2. Translators, they are not initiated, so they have no clue what is going on in the texts
3. Albeit they have no clue, they translate these texts anyway
4. When they translate, they bring their corrupted nonsense in the translations, coming from their Social Justice Warrior mind or whatever present day garbage has been generated, into the mix
5. Jews also add fuel to the fire, making monstrosities and major misunderstandings. The hate of the jewish people is very apparent in everything they have touched upon from previous civilizations. As they villify the Demons, so they villify the societies the Gods have created, always trying to render them as primitive and evil
6. A complete lack of understanding of the reality of any of these texts and how indepth they are, can only result in desecration, purposefully or without purpose.
7. Psychological issues which cause perversion so that they themselves prove their "points", such as repression of a Gender and their need to perpetuate other nonsense they want to perpetuate.

As a result of all the above in conjunction, one will read some of the very common mythis which are inconsistent with reality such as:

"Plato argued with Socrates", "Socrates hated Homer!, "Aristotle was about the physical realm and Plato was retarded and looking at what does not exist, the supernal worlds" and other things like that.

Imagine the stupidity here, after being with HPS Maxine for 10 plus years, if I expand on a topic that she has commented, in a given context, one goes back and says that "I disagree". No, I don't disagree nowhere, I am elaborating. That is only one example.

Of course, Western Academia, filled with infested jews, over-reaching arrogance and zero spiritual knowledge, is always ready to perpetuate these myths so that the modern MIT universities where you listen to "We Wuz Kangz" is made to look as "Great" in comparison to these mega-minds of the Ancient Greek world.

Meanwhile, when jewish books are opened and they find statements of genocide about everyone but the jews, they will start making up endless explanations on the size of the globe, to essentially say it's "not what it says", "that is not true", "never seen that one" and so on. The same is being done for Islam, even despite on observing the literal living conditions of these places right now, in the places dominated by these systems.

I have noticed also a few actually honest cases [very few] who will mention some information that is truthful, but when seriously confronted with the violence of the above programs, they fold. Their "bravery" is then taken out on Ancient cultures, who have been a hundred times more tolerant to women for example, than the death cults of today.

All of the above and many more things you will read in all of these texts, are lies. More lies exist where the position of women are concerned or in many other norms of the Ancient civilizations. For one, Ancient Greek and all these texts there, are codified heavily. They are philosophical texts meant for other very advanced philosophers - ie, you need 20 years of training in their systems in order to understand what they mean.

We live in the era where Socrates described in one of his dialogues that "many will appear wise and none will be wise". Now, with ChatGPT and all the access to information, many just flop a book, perpetuate a corruption, then call this "knowledge", yet it is only disinformation.

Translations for the most part are completely bunk.

On top of the bunk, projections such as "Daddy was mean to me one time when I was 5 and I didn't go to therapy for it because I like victim status, so all men are evil", "Ancient Greekoz were evil people they had wars", "Womin wuz slaves in Ancient Kreekz Zoziety, muzt enslave my waif now that's traditionalism!" and other oy vey arguments are constantly thrown on the Ancient people's, primarily coming from sources that are feminist, retarded, uneducated, or overall garbage.

What is needed to understand spiritual material is the following:

1. A clear education in the spiritual, without most of the literary garbage the circulates nowadays.
2. A sane mind without social justice, feminism, pseudo-traditionalism and a "need to prove" things all the time due to psychological damage one has endured.
3. A lot of patience.
4. Understanding that these people were literally all aligned under the Gods and petty divisions did not exist.
5. There was an open climate of knowledge, inquiry and open mindness back then. People were allowed to express expert opinions freely and converse about them. Reading a conversation where they go back and forth to articulate a topic, does not mean that they "argue".
6. The same mindset as the above is mandated to exist to approach Spiritual knowledge, and when one is rife with complexes, they cannot internalize the knowledge with clarity.

The amount of falsehood in all of these conceptions is not something I am ready to sit down and explain. Just be aware, the reason I am going down these texts on the Donor's PDF or I am communicating these to you is because they have nothing to do with any of these allegations.

That is the pathway to True Knowledge.

Those who know the path by actually walking it, understand very well what I mean here; that is the difference between the Initiate and the non-initiate, let alone the assaulter of spiritual knowledge.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This topic is very important, but at the same time difficult for people who are not experts in the study of ancient texts.

I am very glad that we have such specialists among Spiritual Satanists and there are more and more of them!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
