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Spiritual Genes

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Spiritual Genes

The ancient Roman spiritual class the Gen's, were the term Gentiles comes from, stated they only married within their own class because they had undergone the rituals that had caused a transformation of their blood. And they only married within their own class to maintain the purity of the transformed genetics and maintain the spiritual governing of society as the aristocracy. This was the reason for the Pagan aristocracy the term means government of the Ari, the enlightened ones. Gen means Serpents.

The Egyptians stated their aristocracy the Djedi meaning Serpents, were in the image of the Golden Age humanity. They came from the blood lines of the Shemsu Hor, the spiritually ascended rulers that came out of the Golden Age. The line of the Raja's of ancient Vedic India came from the blood lines of the Rishi's, the ascended beings who came from the Golden Age. The ancient Hindu epic's frequently mention the Raja's having Siddhi's powers. The Druids were ruled by the Pendragons, the same. Pendragon means the "Head Dragon" the Druidic title of what the Pharaoh was to the Egyptians. The Druids were recorded to have Siddhi powers and the leaders of their society were called the Siddhie, which means they finished the Magnum Opus, Siddhie is Siddha, perfected one. Opus is from Opis, meaning serpent. Its also a name for the Gods.

This is why the Jews who ran the Christian church went after entire families for being "Witches" its from a term that relates to Vid meaning those with spiritual abilities. Its passed on genetically. The Jewish Torah orders the spiritual class of the Gentiles are to be all killed as a warfare tactic against the Goyim. The Jewish Sanhedrin are also taught a spiritual warfare system to use against Gentiles and they are ordered to sentence all Pagans to death by Jewish law. Which is within the Jewish laws of Noah, the Jews are now moving to impose on the world and rule the international courts of law from Israel to be run by Talmudic law by the Sanhedrin a council of 70 Rabbi's.

The Christian church is the Jewish cloak to conqueror the Gentiles by, the Jews were given their own personal Kingdom of Septimania within Europe by the (((Catholic Pope))) and his Christian vassals and the Jews pretend they were persecuted. While they were running Europe with the Catholic Church and control of the banking, owning the wealth of the Catholic Empire. All the while Pagans [Gentiles] were put to death in major Crusades by the Jewish Catholic Church all funded by Jewish bankers. While the Jews had their own Kingdom to themselves.

The ancients understood that spiritual practices change the genetics because the blood is actually made of light, and the core of genetics' is etherical light, the actual sound frequency of the gene code was mapped and turned into sound by a lab, it resonated at the sound of AUM. The sound of etherical light. Tests on people who have spiritual practises from Chi Gong to Hindu serpent power Yoga, show their genetics' have evolved, the so called Junk DNA, has activated and caused major changes to their genetic code. The soul is the element of ether and the blue print of the soul is contained within the genes. The changes made on the soul are also changes made to the blue print of the soul within the genetic code, which make changes to the RNA and DNA the physical blue print are also astral and etherical blue prints. This reflects how the soul, astral and physical bodies are all interconnected and can be transformed into the Light Body. The Royal Blood is the light of the soul in the ancient world and how the actual light of the soul is manifested within the genes. Royal is from Raja which means Born of Light. The spiritual light from bringing about the transformed soul. Ra was a serpent God. Raja also means Born of the Serpent. There is a reason the DNA Helix relates to the serpent system of the Caduceus, the soul.

Satan in the east is called Soten Kurama, Soten which is also Satan, means Eternal, Ku means God and Rama the Serpent of Light, which is the light of the soul. Satan is called this because Satan is the creator of Gentile Humanity, our soul was created by Satan.

Soten Kurama rules Shambala which means SHAM, sound, BA, soul and La, light-blood, La is the term for the serpent power in the far east also Lu, where Lucifer comes from. This relates to the transformation of the blood by the power of spiritual light in the east.

The Sumerians stated that Satan, the God EA, created humanity and gave humans the blood of the Gods, EA they stated created the Gentile soul with a special structure for ascension. The Sumerians stated EA then taught humanity the knowledge of ascension so to achieve and activate the Light Body, the divine soul and ascend. The term Sumeru the name of the Sumerians, in the ancient world relates to Orion, where EA and the other ascended beings the Gods came from. The Sumerians called themselves the Ari as well. Where the term Aryan comes from.

The Sumerian records state that before the global devastation happened around ten thousand years ago when the enemy attacked the solar system, humans didn't physically die or grow old. There are lists of Kings ruling for thousands of years and not dying just handing the ruler ship over as they wanted to achieve other things. Its known by longevity science now, that humans are designed to live forever the DNA however has to be switched on to achieve such, there is a gene which releases the Telomerase to prevent physical aging and make the process perfected, this has been found to be done by spiritual practices. The reality is genes are spiritual genes. Hence humanity with advanced spiritual practices and development from such would not die. As the Sumerian texts stated was as such. The enemy Bible however has within it curses on Humanity where it states Humans are sentenced to aging and to physically die by Yahweh, the enemy. The Jews in their own occult texts don't ascend, they reincarnate and have basic practices based on their alien soul which are toxic to Gentiles, but they don't have the mention of anything like the Magnum Opus.

Cloak Of The Illuminati, William Henry
The Truth Behind The Christ Myth, Mark Pinkham
Gods, Sages And Kings, David Frawley
Kind of irrelevant.. but they named the ninetails in Naruto (Shippuden) Kurama

https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a5/de/72/a5de722185f3deb3e5b3dbb0e453639f--names-naruto.jpg picture with the names..
Great informative sermon, the Nixon and Agnew sermon was my favorite. Now this one is.
HP Mageson666 said:
So this is where the Ori, from Stargate, came from, and of course from the word/name Orion.

The enemy Bible however has within it curses on Humanity where it states Humans are sentenced to aging and to physically die by Yahweh, the enemy.
For a maximum of 120 years, but then, of course, when some lived older than that, all of a sudden it meant something else...but we don't know what!

The Jews in their own occult texts don't ascend, they reincarnate and have basic practices based on their alien soul which are toxic to Gentiles, but they don't have the mention of anything like the Magnum Opus.
The jew having Serpent ascension. Lol. It is just a bully, with its insecurities, impotencies and incapabilities. Poo-r muh-feelz j00. As I say, the jew dragged us down to its lowly, simple, false-humble, shit level and then pushed us under it - from higher near-ascension, with better Biology, etc., to having Mental ill health and many other problems, which the jew also has but it has to feel superior so it causes us to have more problems. Then the jew calls us stupid, etc.

The dirty jewkike is so pathetic and retarded. Surely it is aware of the 'Host of Heaven' (the People who are friendly with Satan) who can see this, and that the retard jew is embarrassing itself.
I have to thank my grandfather who was an occult practitioner for most of his life. He discontinued because my grandma was always bothering him ,afraid that he'd leave her and go to the mountains somewhere. My grandfather also noted an incident that happened with his father that he had seen a spaceship sucking water from a lake where he was coincidentally bathing. My father also did a big portion of occult practice but he discontinued ,probably because he didn't get greater results due to information scarcity. I have to thank my family then for where I find myself in currently.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Kind of irrelevant.. but they named the ninetails in Naruto (Shippuden) Kurama


You will find my next post on this very interesting. I was reading Naruto around a decade ago, and I have elaborated the story and will post on it's spiritual meaning.

However, due to lacking time to watch any sort of entertainment for a very long time, I have just read the spoilers until the end of the official story which I believe was a couple years ago, or so.
Jack said:
I have to thank my grandfather who was an occult practitioner for most of his life. He discontinued because my grandma was always bothering him ,afraid that he'd leave her and go to the mountains somewhere. My grandfather also noted an incident that happened with his father that he had seen a spaceship sucking water from a lake where he was coincidentally bathing. My father also did a big portion of occult practice but he discontinued ,probably because he didn't get greater results due to information scarcity. I have to thank my family then for where I find myself in currently.

You would also be surprised that there are factors that astrologically also show heredity of powers in that regard.

"To guard and cherish the treasure of your own blood", to put it in the words of Hitler, is a universal constant truth, racially and functionally.

People who do this always end up reaping good fruit from this. People who do not, reap badly.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
I have to thank my grandfather who was an occult practitioner for most of his life. He discontinued because my grandma was always bothering him ,afraid that he'd leave her and go to the mountains somewhere. My grandfather also noted an incident that happened with his father that he had seen a spaceship sucking water from a lake where he was coincidentally bathing. My father also did a big portion of occult practice but he discontinued ,probably because he didn't get greater results due to information scarcity. I have to thank my family then for where I find myself in currently.

You would also be surprised that there are factors that astrologically also show heredity of powers in that regard.

"To guard and cherish the treasure of your own blood", to put it in the words of Hitler, is a universal constant truth, racially and functionally.

People who do this always end up reaping good fruit from this. People who do not, reap badly.
Hey hooded. Do I have to keep doing the opening of the soul on my chakras ? I feel as if I'm not doing it to my fullest ability. I know it takes a while to feel anything, so should I keep going or what ?
HP Mageson666 said:
Spiritual Genes

The ancients understood that spiritual practices change the genetics because the blood is actually made of light, and the core of genetics' is etherical light, the actual sound frequency of the gene code was mapped and turned into sound by a lab, it resonated at the sound of AUM. The sound of etherical light. Tests on people who have spiritual practises from Chi Gong to Hindu serpent power Yoga, show their genetics' have evolved, the so called Junk DNA, has activated and caused major changes to their genetic code. The soul is the element of ether and the blue print of the soul is contained within the genes. The changes made on the soul are also changes made to the blue print of the soul within the genetic code, which make changes to the RNA and DNA the physical blue print are also astral and etherical blue prints. This reflects how the soul, astral and physical bodies are all interconnected and can be transformed into the Light Body. The Royal Blood is the light of the soul in the ancient world and how the actual light of the soul is manifested within the genes. Royal is from Raja which means Born of Light. The spiritual light from bringing about the transformed soul. Ra was a serpent God. Raja also means Born of the Serpent. There is a reason the DNA Helix relates to the serpent system of the Caduceus, the soul.

Satan in the east is called Soten Kurama, Soten which is also Satan, means Eternal, Ku means God and Rama the Serpent of Light, which is the light of the soul. Satan is called this because Satan is the creator of Gentile Humanity, our soul was created by Satan.

Soten Kurama rules Shambala which means SHAM, sound, BA, soul and La, light-blood, La is the term for the serpent power in the far east also Lu, where Lucifer comes from. This relates to the transformation of the blood by the power of spiritual light in the east.

The Sumerians stated that Satan, the God EA, created humanity and gave humans the blood of the Gods, EA they stated created the Gentile soul with a special structure for ascension. The Sumerians stated EA then taught humanity the knowledge of ascension so to achieve and activate the Light Body, the divine soul and ascend. The term Sumeru the name of the Sumerians, in the ancient world relates to Orion, where EA and the other ascended beings the Gods came from. The Sumerians called themselves the Ari as well. Where the term Aryan comes from.

Thank you SO MUCH Mageson!!!

I know people most people (as lost as they can be) truly understand the importance of base vibrations and the reasoning behind adding variables to such a formula! The essential connections to the light body with sound (on all levels of being) are undeniable to a point of even looking at them sideways... and even much more so powerful when you can give people the perspective you have presented. They can form perfection if sequenced and understood fully. If people cannot see that sound has such a structure to IMMEDIATELY direct one to the truth they are blind: a point of which I have myself presented but not to such of an extent.

Again, thank you. It's such a simplistic point to draw from the massive amount of information you have shared but I felt the needed to make a point of it.

Absolutely, amazing.
This is a topic fairly close to my heart. Funnily enough I've always been too embarrassed to inquire about it, because I don't like the way it sounds, definitely not big on unwarranted self importance.

Long story short, I inherited a gift from my mother, something I've never really spoken to anyone about, and I only talked to her about it later in life.

Sometimes, seemingly at random, I catch a glimpse of something yet to happen. The one consistent thing is, it's always from my own eyes, my own perspective. Somewhere I am or something I'm doing. A single scene usually, associated with a relatively intense mental feeling that I never feel anywhere else. I'm no prophet, admittedly. I haven't seen any world events or anything grandiose. It's always just something in my own future, sometimes near, sometimes a bit further. I mean, I wish I could claim I could actually use it, but, I can't. It seems to happen on its own. It happened when I was a kid, but then went away, and I forgot I even had it, until I became an SS and started practicing meditation. Funnily enough, what I've seen in my future has never been wrong as of yet. That being said, my mother's are weaker and only happen when she's asleep, but she's not a practitioner of anything.

It's odd. I should feel comfortable talking about premonitions. Truth is I can't control it, I haven't been able to use it practically, and I don't even really know how it works, and I've never really talked to anyone about it because I don't want to be "that guy" claiming he has super gifts, when in reality it's fairly mundane. In reality I guess I just got lucky genetically, already had the blue eyes and blonde hair going for me I suppose. Maybe I wonder how many SS also have natural occult abilities. I heard one or too people describing empath abilities. Least I can admit I don't think I naturally have that gift. Hopefully I'm able to learn more about my own in time.
On the subject of hereditary things, I looked at the birth charts of most of my family, and I noticed that they all have a strong sun sign astrologically, either they have the sun in Leo or Aries, and I wondered about that. Maybe its just hereditary that my family members have a strong solar plexus chakra.
I looked at my moms chart and it was amazing to see that she had so many planetary positions that give many occult and psychic abilities, but sadly she also has a badly placed Neptune, and she has been addicted to drugs most of her life, and its destroying her soul.
I also noticed that most of my family have a 1st house mars, which is a pretty good position, but I don't have that and it sucks. I was born a month premature and my mars would have been in my first house if I was born a month later than that. But then I would also have a lot of nasty and negative planets in bad positions, so I guess being born a month premature was for the better.
Most of my family has a lot of planets in places that give huge psychic abilities and benefits, but none of them are psychic at all. I myself have a few planets that give really good occult benefits, but for some reason its just really hard for me to meditate properly and get my abilities going.
The problem I have is my focus and concentration is really bad and even with void meditation it doesn't seem to be helping much. My mercury is in a good place that gives a lot of occult abilities, but its also in a sign that causes me to lose focus and have an out of control mind. I have really good visualization ability but its hard to focus on meditation most of the time.

My family has so much occult potential but they all are stuck in the Christian bullshit and its caused them poverty and a miserable life.
Im happy to have found JoS and to start advancing in the spiritual path. I was always interested in witchcraft and the occult from a young age, but I don't know if this is the first life ive been with Satan or not. I believe I was practicing the occult in a past life, but I could never get the hang of it, and its caused a lot of doubt in my meditation and workings and causes them to fail.
I don't really feel weak at the soul level, especially now after 5 years of studying JoS and trying out the all meditations and mantras and working on my chakras, but I have a lot of doubts and hangups that causes workings to fail.
My family doesn't have 'weak' souls, they are about average, and they have a lot of potential to be powerful, but they are caught up in the Xian mindset and 'matrix' that's slowly killing them.
I have heard talk online that president Trump, Pence, and other elite have taken a chip / substance which changed their DNA ( artificially ).
They say Trump is eternally damned to hell, Jewshit drivel. They say Trump is now a hybrid. ( Like the Jews )
( The rumors say Trump took this After he became president.
Christians blame the devil for this. The Jewish elite could easily use this technology to enhance their own, then scare Gentiles away from it, by claiming it is the "mark of the beast".
These people are doing this DNA change the artificial way. ( If they are doing it at all. ) .
If anyone ( that is psychically capable of doing so ), and wants to, they can ask Satan, and the high ranking demons about this claim.
Maybe it is true, maybe not.
I wasnt born with any strong powers compared to some people. I think it was astrological and posisbly a past life. Id like to know what aspects Cobra is talking about. I dont want to list off all my planets on here or anything but it seems to me I should have been even more sensitive to spiritual things than I am right now or was because I had several things that on Maxines astrology chart said I could have gifts that I dont cause I have about 5 things in my chart that suggest this.

The interesting thing is I very strongly sensed energy when I was a kid. Since I was adopted I have no way of knowing if this was hereditary or from a past life but I dont know if anyone can relate to this. I used to be scared to go into some public places especially fast food places. I did sense the negative energy from xtianity and the bible so years later when I did come across the exposing Christianity site I had no resistance to that as I remembered the feelings I got as a kid.

This is the reason why we should try to get the word out to people that are sensitive to the spiritual at least somewhat. Cause some of them know some of this stuff but dont know the full truth or what it all means and would be willing to listen. I seem to remember as a really young kid I sensed more but I cant fully bring it back other than a bunch of confusing stuff I have talked about with people inprivate
I suspect that is why the Brahmana class in India is also the most intelligent they come from centuries of spiritual practices, India has produced a lot savants like Ramanujan, who himself was a spiritual practitioner. In the western world most of the savants were also deep into spiritual practices that were Pagan. But they had to keep quiet about this in the Christian world.

This is the reason the enemy put celibacy into the Gentile society the most advanced Gentiles so they don't have children.

Jack said:
I have to thank my grandfather who was an occult practitioner for most of his life. He discontinued because my grandma was always bothering him ,afraid that he'd leave her and go to the mountains somewhere. My grandfather also noted an incident that happened with his father that he had seen a spaceship sucking water from a lake where he was coincidentally bathing. My father also did a big portion of occult practice but he discontinued ,probably because he didn't get greater results due to information scarcity. I have to thank my family then for where I find myself in currently.
In Japan, Mount Kurama is ruled by Soten and is the holy mountain, the Reiki system that came from Japan, mentions that Soten is the Lord of Reiki. Now the Christians attempt to trash the system with the enemy angels and are attempting to get rid of the Reiki system all together and promote angel trash as healing.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Kind of irrelevant.. but they named the ninetails in Naruto (Shippuden) Kurama

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Kind of irrelevant.. but they named the ninetails in Naruto (Shippuden) Kurama


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Kind of irrelevant.. but they named the ninetails in Naruto (Shippuden) Kurama


You will find my next post on this very interesting. I was reading Naruto around a decade ago, and I have elaborated the story and will post on it's spiritual meaning.

However, due to lacking time to watch any sort of entertainment for a very long time, I have just read the spoilers until the end of the official story which I believe was a couple years ago, or so.

The interesting thing is that in Naruto series the technology developed is based on spiritual sciences.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Kind of irrelevant.. but they named the ninetails in Naruto (Shippuden) Kurama


You will find my next post on this very interesting. I was reading Naruto around a decade ago, and I have elaborated the story and will post on it's spiritual meaning.

However, due to lacking time to watch any sort of entertainment for a very long time, I have just read the spoilers until the end of the official story which I believe was a couple years ago, or so.

I watched the anime, up till the weekly things, and at some point, it was too much of the same and I forgot or didnt want to watch it anymore, till I heard from someone else that it ended soon after where I quit watching.. so on a lazy day I finished it.
Now they have Boruto Next Generation but I dont want to waste my time watching that.

They also had a lot of fillers.. but you know what I think with fillers.. if you dont watch them you may skip things they reference back to...
And I never read the manga either.

Anyway I'll look forward to reading it :) .
Though I was not the biggest fan of Naruto.
I am jealous of some of you, your parents were into occult. That is unimaginable for me.

I didn’t inherit anything. My father was alcoholic, and my mother is a commoner/housewife. Both were/are devout christians.

If Father didn’t reach out to me, I would be lost forever.
Larissa666 said:
I am jealous of some of you, your parents were into occult. That is unimaginable for me.

I didn’t inherit anything. My father was alcoholic, and my mother is a commoner/housewife. Both were/are devout christians.

If Father didn’t reach out to me, I would be lost forever.
What matter is that you are a SS now :)
Larissa666 said:
I am jealous of some of you, your parents were into occult. That is unimaginable for me.

I didn’t inherit anything. My father was alcoholic, and my mother is a commoner/housewife. Both were/are devout christians.

If Father didn’t reach out to me, I would be lost forever.

Hitler's mother was a housewife and his father was just a general public worker.

What matters is in your heart and in your soul, not all that much to your direct inheritance.

Also the genes do not always come down solely from the two parents, but I have found that even in astrology these show up for generations up to 250 or more years, sometimes 10 generations spiritually speaking.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Kind of irrelevant.. but they named the ninetails in Naruto (Shippuden) Kurama


You will find my next post on this very interesting. I was reading Naruto around a decade ago, and I have elaborated the story and will post on it's spiritual meaning.

However, due to lacking time to watch any sort of entertainment for a very long time, I have just read the spoilers until the end of the official story which I believe was a couple years ago, or so.

I watched the anime, up till the weekly things, and at some point, it was too much of the same and I forgot or didnt want to watch it anymore, till I heard from someone else that it ended soon after where I quit watching.. so on a lazy day I finished it.
Now they have Boruto Next Generation but I dont want to waste my time watching that.

They also had a lot of fillers.. but you know what I think with fillers.. if you dont watch them you may skip things they reference back to...
And I never read the manga either.

Anyway I'll look forward to reading it :) .
Though I was not the biggest fan of Naruto.

Unfortunately I am at a complete loss of almost any personal time "For myself" or for amusement anymore, so I have not been into any of this for many years now.

However, I briefly read the story of how the anime ended through spoilers on a webpage due to not having time to watch it.

It was an anime that promoted positive spiritual values, good and heroic morals, and typically clear cut as the Japanese spirit is on these matters.

I never really watched the series all that much, I only read the manga online, back then when I did.

It's good that you no longer time waste, as it should be avoided. We Satanists cannot spend our time as the no-lifer people do. We have things to do at every given time and moment.
Lordbaphamet666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
I have to thank my grandfather who was an occult practitioner for most of his life. He discontinued because my grandma was always bothering him ,afraid that he'd leave her and go to the mountains somewhere. My grandfather also noted an incident that happened with his father that he had seen a spaceship sucking water from a lake where he was coincidentally bathing. My father also did a big portion of occult practice but he discontinued ,probably because he didn't get greater results due to information scarcity. I have to thank my family then for where I find myself in currently.

You would also be surprised that there are factors that astrologically also show heredity of powers in that regard.

"To guard and cherish the treasure of your own blood", to put it in the words of Hitler, is a universal constant truth, racially and functionally.

People who do this always end up reaping good fruit from this. People who do not, reap badly.
Hey hooded. Do I have to keep doing the opening of the soul on my chakras ? I feel as if I'm not doing it to my fullest ability. I know it takes a while to feel anything, so should I keep going or what ?

The opening meditations can be repeated. At first, you will feel stimulation and goosebumps, which are good indicators you are starting to open up the channels. You also need to really clean them to see any progress, on a daily basis, sometimes as much as three times a day, as negative energy can keep them closed strongly.

You need to be patient with this. This in some cases may take years or months. After your chakras are open (you will feel it when you work on them) then you have to work on them on a daily basis to keep them open and healthy.

Deep down in advancement you will not have to work on them daily to keep them open, they will be open, but you will also need to occassionally re-supply them, clean them and empower them.
HP Mageson666 said:
In Japan, Mount Kurama is ruled by Soten and is the holy mountain, the Reiki system that came from Japan, mentions that Soten is the Lord of Reiki.
Just out of curiosity, do you know if Mt. Iwato in Kyushu has any rulerships, or otherwise some kind of significance/meaning?
I'm asking because in my work to de-corrupt the Book of Five Rings, I found Musashi mentioning his ascension on Mt. Iwato. The only thing I could find so far about the mountain itself is that it means something like "Rock door".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You would also be surprised that there are factors that astrologically also show heredity of powers in that regard.

"To guard and cherish the treasure of your own blood", to put it in the words of Hitler, is a universal constant truth, racially and functionally.

People who do this always end up reaping good fruit from this. People who do not, reap badly.
Hey hooded. Do I have to keep doing the opening of the soul on my chakras ? I feel as if I'm not doing it to my fullest ability. I know it takes a while to feel anything, so should I keep going or what ?

The opening meditations can be repeated. At first, you will feel stimulation and goosebumps, which are good indicators you are starting to open up the channels. You also need to really clean them to see any progress, on a daily basis, sometimes as much as three times a day, as negative energy can keep them closed strongly.

You need to be patient with this. This in some cases may take years or months. After your chakras are open (you will feel it when you work on them) then you have to work on them on a daily basis to keep them open and healthy.

Deep down in advancement you will not have to work on them daily to keep them open, they will be open, but you will also need to occassionally re-supply them, clean them and empower them.
HP can you write some more about this? If you have the time of course. When i was new i did the opening chakra meditations but after that i just meditate on my chakras everyday, only after some months i felt that my chakras where more open, of course they are not fully open but i'm working on it.

As my cleaning i do the Reversing curses 1 and 2 (with 216 reps of Surya) everyday. Do you think it's enough? I know that, like you said, you need to have a clean soul and chakras to have them open (HP Maxine said that it may take from 1 to 2 years to compleatily clean your soul and chakras).
The normal anime without all the filler stuff that was cut by fans is still too long, 72 eps of 1 hour (216 eps in lenght of normal episodes) in "Naruto Kai". There are shorter entertainment with nice spiritual allegories in it that our brothers put in the movies thread, or this thread I did for a manga: What's in a story: Berserk

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Now they have Boruto Next Generation but I dont want to waste my time watching that.

They also had a lot of fillers.. but you know what I think with fillers.. if you dont watch them you may skip things they reference back to...
I never really watched the series all that much, I only read the manga online, back then when I did.

It's good that you no longer time waste, as it should be avoided. We Satanists cannot spend our time as the no-lifer people do. We have things to do at every given time and moment.
Arcadia said:
This is a topic fairly close to my heart. Funnily enough I've always been too embarrassed to inquire about it, because I don't like the way it sounds, definitely not big on unwarranted self importance.

Long story short, I inherited a gift from my mother, something I've never really spoken to anyone about, and I only talked to her about it later in life.

Sometimes, seemingly at random, I catch a glimpse of something yet to happen. The one consistent thing is, it's always from my own eyes, my own perspective. Somewhere I am or something I'm doing. A single scene usually, associated with a relatively intense mental feeling that I never feel anywhere else. I'm no prophet, admittedly. I haven't seen any world events or anything grandiose. It's always just something in my own future, sometimes near, sometimes a bit further. I mean, I wish I could claim I could actually use it, but, I can't. It seems to happen on its own. It happened when I was a kid, but then went away, and I forgot I even had it, until I became an SS and started practicing meditation. Funnily enough, what I've seen in my future has never been wrong as of yet. That being said, my mother's are weaker and only happen when she's asleep, but she's not a practitioner of anything.

It's odd. I should feel comfortable talking about premonitions. Truth is I can't control it, I haven't been able to use it practically, and I don't even really know how it works, and I've never really talked to anyone about it because I don't want to be "that guy" claiming he has super gifts, when in reality it's fairly mundane. In reality I guess I just got lucky genetically, already had the blue eyes and blonde hair going for me I suppose. Maybe I wonder how many SS also have natural occult abilities. I heard one or too people describing empath abilities. Least I can admit I don't think I naturally have that gift. Hopefully I'm able to learn more about my own in time.

When I was a kid I used to be able to hear and feel things out of nowhere. If I asked anyone around me if they heard or felt the same thing, they only said I was being weird :roll: I still get them even now as an adult but it’s so rare. As far as I know, the only other people in my family I’ve heard about that experienced anything relating to spiritual gifts was my aunt and my grandma, both from my mom’s side. I think I mentioned in another post my aunt had such great potential to be an SS, but I think she got scared off by enemy entities as she didn’t really understand what was going on.

Your gift sounds awesome as well :) It would’ve been great if our family members could learn to capitalize on their gifts as we’re learning too. Would be nice to start sharing some more stories and ideas about progress also :cool:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You will find my next post on this very interesting. I was reading Naruto around a decade ago, and I have elaborated the story and will post on it's spiritual meaning.

However, due to lacking time to watch any sort of entertainment for a very long time, I have just read the spoilers until the end of the official story which I believe was a couple years ago, or so.

I watched the anime, up till the weekly things, and at some point, it was too much of the same and I forgot or didnt want to watch it anymore, till I heard from someone else that it ended soon after where I quit watching.. so on a lazy day I finished it.
Now they have Boruto Next Generation but I dont want to waste my time watching that.

They also had a lot of fillers.. but you know what I think with fillers.. if you dont watch them you may skip things they reference back to...
And I never read the manga either.

Anyway I'll look forward to reading it :) .
Though I was not the biggest fan of Naruto.

Unfortunately I am at a complete loss of almost any personal time "For myself" or for amusement anymore, so I have not been into any of this for many years now.

However, I briefly read the story of how the anime ended through spoilers on a webpage due to not having time to watch it.

It was an anime that promoted positive spiritual values, good and heroic morals, and typically clear cut as the Japanese spirit is on these matters.

I never really watched the series all that much, I only read the manga online, back then when I did.

It's good that you no longer time waste, as it should be avoided. We Satanists cannot spend our time as the no-lifer people do. We have things to do at every given time and moment.

Hp just out of curiosity, could you tell generally a bit what your day or week is like? I mean.. as in.. how much 'free time' or 'personal time' do you actually have (in lets say a week or a month or so)?

I heard the HPs are busy but Im just wondering, how busy is meant here..

Hehe, I remember writing out a bit about what kind of system they used in the anime with the jutsu's because I thought it was interesting. But I bet they have some videos or information on that online as well if you just look it up. I mean, there are tons of videos speculating about how series and such will turn out (like they did with Game of Thrones) so why shouldn't there be info like this written out?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You would also be surprised that there are factors that astrologically also show heredity of powers in that regard.

"To guard and cherish the treasure of your own blood", to put it in the words of Hitler, is a universal constant truth, racially and functionally.

People who do this always end up reaping good fruit from this. People who do not, reap badly.
Hey hooded. Do I have to keep doing the opening of the soul on my chakras ? I feel as if I'm not doing it to my fullest ability. I know it takes a while to feel anything, so should I keep going or what ?

The opening meditations can be repeated. At first, you will feel stimulation and goosebumps, which are good indicators you are starting to open up the channels. You also need to really clean them to see any progress, on a daily basis, sometimes as much as three times a day, as negative energy can keep them closed strongly.

You need to be patient with this. This in some cases may take years or months. After your chakras are open (you will feel it when you work on them) then you have to work on them on a daily basis to keep them open and healthy.

Deep down in advancement you will not have to work on them daily to keep them open, they will be open, but you will also need to occassionally re-supply them, clean them and empower them.
Thank you hooded appreciated.
Solar Falcon said:

Heheh, thanks for the reply. Part of what I enjoy about being here is the amount of shared experience you can find. At first you might feel like a goofball writing something up but then three other people will chime in knowing full well what you mean. I can really relate to the feelings you described, most certainly. Especially since it was my mum too, and her grandmother in turn, so it seems.

I think a lot of people are somewhat self conscious about talking about their experiences sometimes. Outside of teenagers looking for an ego boost, a lot of people, as I said, don't want to be "that guy", claiming they've had all these weird super special experiences, even if they ARE true. Stuff like this, among SS, is likely more common than we hear.
Druid comes from Sanskrit Drudkh-Vid meaning Knower of the Tree :)
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I watched the anime, up till the weekly things, and at some point, it was too much of the same and I forgot or didnt want to watch it anymore, till I heard from someone else that it ended soon after where I quit watching.. so on a lazy day I finished it.
Now they have Boruto Next Generation but I dont want to waste my time watching that.

They also had a lot of fillers.. but you know what I think with fillers.. if you dont watch them you may skip things they reference back to...
And I never read the manga either.

Anyway I'll look forward to reading it :) .
Though I was not the biggest fan of Naruto.

Unfortunately I am at a complete loss of almost any personal time "For myself" or for amusement anymore, so I have not been into any of this for many years now.

However, I briefly read the story of how the anime ended through spoilers on a webpage due to not having time to watch it.

It was an anime that promoted positive spiritual values, good and heroic morals, and typically clear cut as the Japanese spirit is on these matters.

I never really watched the series all that much, I only read the manga online, back then when I did.

It's good that you no longer time waste, as it should be avoided. We Satanists cannot spend our time as the no-lifer people do. We have things to do at every given time and moment.

Hp just out of curiosity, could you tell generally a bit what your day or week is like? I mean.. as in.. how much 'free time' or 'personal time' do you actually have (in lets say a week or a month or so)?

I heard the HPs are busy but Im just wondering, how busy is meant here..

Hehe, I remember writing out a bit about what kind of system they used in the anime with the jutsu's because I thought it was interesting. But I bet they have some videos or information on that online as well if you just look it up. I mean, there are tons of videos speculating about how series and such will turn out (like they did with Game of Thrones) so why shouldn't there be info like this written out?
Like a lot. If I remember well he said he has 1 hours of freetime a day. probabily with all the work they have now even less.
Aquarius said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Hp just out of curiosity, could you tell generally a bit what your day or week is like? I mean.. as in.. how much 'free time' or 'personal time' do you actually have (in lets say a week or a month or so)?

I heard the HPs are busy but Im just wondering, how busy is meant here...
Like a lot. If I remember well he said he has 1 hours of freetime a day. probabily with all the work they have now even less.
That is the one hour of sleep every night....
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Hp just out of curiosity, could you tell generally a bit what your day or week is like? I mean.. as in.. how much 'free time' or 'personal time' do you actually have (in lets say a week or a month or so)?

I heard the HPs are busy but Im just wondering, how busy is meant here...
Like a lot. If I remember well he said he has 1 hours of freetime a day. probabily with all the work they have now even less.
That is the one hour of sleep every night....
Highly doubt that, they’re not ascended masters, 1 hour of sleep everyday will kill you and is extremely dangerous.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
Highly doubt that, they’re not ascended masters, 1 hour of sleep everyday will kill you and is extremely dangerous.
Well I was not being entirely serious
Oh I didn’t understand the joke haha

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
