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Sperm/Egg donors, a viable alternative to marriage?


Dec 26, 2022
Since it's highly encouraged to have children as an SS, what would the opinion be for fertility donorships?

I think it's a great option, as it almost bypasses the "obstacles" of finding a suitable partner, we can actually practice eugenics and improve our racial lineage based on the genetics and traits of the candidate. Another big factor is we don't have to worry much about other partners being a potential hinderance in our advancement, such as personality or religious conflicts.

As well as the ability to completely guide the child's development as one sees fit, one could opt for co-parenting if there is an option too.

Only drawback is it would require a very financially stable life to be able to raise one kid by yourself. I also hate that this gives those who should not be able to reproduce an option too, such as sick transgender freaks. Though from what I know they have been having a hard time finding candidates, as they rightfully should be.

It's a potential option for me, I'm still thinking it over but in the future I can see it as a great option. I already got a few decent contacts who're cool with planning things astrologically based. Ideally a kid born in Scorpio or Leo, with other decent planet signs to have a good chance in surviving clown world. I've also heard of IVF but I don't trust it, and also sounds ethically wrong. But it would be cool if we can plan the exact timing of when our offspring are born, such as during a solar eclipse.

Any child who does not have both parents is at a disadvantage in one way or another.

And any obstacles are meant to be surmounted. That's just how life is. Part of life is building bonds to others in partnerships. A person who can't even have a partner is not going to make a good parent. For that record, any person who has a defeatist mindset is not going to make a good parent either. A good parent must help their child become the best they can be, and forsaking relationships is certainly not becoming the best. That is shrinking as a person, not growing.

More and more people are leaving xianity (and other religions) and finding paganism or being open to spirituality. Don't have a defeatist mindset and think you can't find someone.
Since it's highly encouraged to have children as an SS, what would the opinion be for fertility donorships?

I think it's a great option, as it almost bypasses the "obstacles" of finding a suitable partner, we can actually practice eugenics and improve our racial lineage based on the genetics and traits of the candidate. Another big factor is we don't have to worry much about other partners being a potential hinderance in our advancement, such as personality or religious conflicts.

As well as the ability to completely guide the child's development as one sees fit, one could opt for co-parenting if there is an option too.

Only drawback is it would require a very financially stable life to be able to raise one kid by yourself. I also hate that this gives those who should not be able to reproduce an option too, such as sick transgender freaks. Though from what I know they have been having a hard time finding candidates, as they rightfully should be.

It's a potential option for me, I'm still thinking it over but in the future I can see it as a great option. I already got a few decent contacts who're cool with planning things astrologically based. Ideally a kid born in Scorpio or Leo, with other decent planet signs to have a good chance in surviving clown world. I've also heard of IVF but I don't trust it, and also sounds ethically wrong. But it would be cool if we can plan the exact timing of when our offspring are born, such as during a solar eclipse.

Don't you dare insult transgender people, they are the same people as you, just cute, not fighters.
Do not use Discord it can hurt the soul
Using a computer software can not hurt the soul. Maybe you meant that it can have harmful influence on the mind when communicating with certain people, but no one said to communicate with bad people. There are legitimate communities using Discord as a communication platform as well.
Don't you dare insult transgender people, they are the same people as you, just cute, not fighters.
People who are transgenger are mentally ill people. They're not "cute", they're mentally ill.
Why would anyone do that? If you want kids, start a normal family with a member of the opposite sex and have your kids grow in a healthy household.
I mean that he is signed by his nickname discord, he can be found by IP address or even phone number, which is not anonymous and can be attacked by the enemy
This is an imagined threat most of the time. No one is going to come after a random Spiritual Satanist in most cases based on an IP address alone.
You have to apologize to them and thank them, few people know that most great people are 3rd gender.
There is no 3rd gender. There are feminine men and masculine women, and everything in between. Very rare hermaphroditism exists, but this is not a 3rd gender, but a genetic fuckup.
I mean that he is signed by his nickname discord, he can be found by IP address or even phone number, which is not anonymous and can be attacked by the enemy

That is, do you consider male demons who have undergone biogenesis and have a completely female body to be mentally unhealthy?

Everyone has the right to be who he wants and to make any changes with his body, maybe in some cases they are unhealthy, but this is only because they themselves are unhealthy (enemy soul), but the very fact that a man wants to look like a woman is absolutely healthy. You can't even imagine how many demons have the 3rd gender

Those who are of the 3rd gender are very spiritually oriented and should not be offended. Satan protects them.

You have to apologize to them and thank them, few people know that most great people are 3rd gender.
You are delusional.

I agree that there are naturally born people who are hermaphrodite, but that is rare.

People can do what they want, but you got to understand where to put your foot down, otherwise it gets out of hand and surgeries get done, changing something that is not to be messed with.

People are either male or female, very rarely both (hermaphrodite), there is no biologically born man who transitions to a woman mentally sane. It's Jewish propaganda pushed on People, because the more one violates ones body, the more higher chances are of them committing suicide.

Transgengerism is not natural and it is not sane. It is wrong and damages ones soul is some undergo surgery.

You cannot change who you are, you can only improve for the better.
If you are a man then you'll always be a man.
If you're a woman then you'll always be a woman. End of story.
"Transgenderism" is just the jews taking advantage of gentiles and pushing us towards mental illness and suicide, the same as always. Others have talked about how it harms people here, so I'm gonna talk about where it comes from. Be warned though, this is going to get dark what I'm going to talk about.

The first sex change operation in history was performed by Magnus Hischfeld, a jew who lived in Weimar Republic Germany, in the late 1920's. His "Patient", Lili Elbe, died horrifically not long after undergoing this "gender affirming surgery" in 1931.

The modern day transgender movement, however, can be traced back to John Money, another jew who used to perform sex change surgeries on children and used to make them have sex with each other. The most infamous case was where he did this to a young boy, and then made him have sex with his brother. I'm not making this up, look it up it's absolutely vile and horrific.
Any child who does not have both parents is at a disadvantage in one way or another.

And any obstacles are meant to be surmounted. That's just how life is. Part of life is building bonds to others in partnerships. A person who can't even have a partner is not going to make a good parent. For that record, any person who has a defeatist mindset is not going to make a good parent either. A good parent must help their child become the best they can be, and forsaking relationships is certainly not becoming the best. That is shrinking as a person, not growing.

More and more people are leaving xianity (and other religions) and finding paganism or being open to spirituality. Don't have a defeatist mindset and think you can't find someone.
I agree, every child should be able to grow up with both parental figures present in their childhood. That would make co-parenting acceptable to some extent so that they can say they've known who their parents are. Even finding one willing to do natural pregnancy is a challenge on its own too.

But is not an advantage to be raised by an SS with the opportunity to be brought into the path at an early stage? Also, if they're willing to develop relations with the gods then Satan could potentially serve as a father figure in some way, and goddesses like Astarte or Lillith can fill the role of a motherly figure.

Also, reasons may not entirely be "defeatism" as you say but other things. Such as one simply not having the time or desire to be with other partners. There are also some who are asexual. But the topic should not be taken lightly as rasing a child is a very responsible endeavor, I may not decide to go with it in the end.

I think some who are gifted with siddhi's would be inclined to pass on their genes though, as I was kinda. I shared a story some time ago about having seen the figure of a spirit. It was a white foggy apparition of a mans leg walking. I was a toddler at the time and had no knowledge of the occult and never figured out that was an actual flipping ghost until later on when I learned the previous owner died and was buried in the backyard. When I first stumbled on the subject of spirituality and the occult I quite easily found it a part of my life and look back to those times when in doubt. Later in my progression, there have been other abilities that have been developed.

So I think my genes are a little spiritually gifted which would be a waste to not procreate, as the upcoming era will need spiritual people and those who can carry the legacy of our will. I also think it's cool to have a racial clan based around gifted spiritual powers.

Anyways, until then we're pretty much in an era of war, which we must fight to serve as the foundation of flowers that will bloom after.
You flaunt your Discord nickname is not serious about personal safety

Just like people who build big muscles, this is their alternative stage of development, read the description of some demons and you will see that there are times when some prefer to look like little old men, we can say that everyone chooses for themselves how they will look and this is personal freedom and right. I already have a family.

you must be unaware of or deny Satanism and are a spy. https://thirdsex666.deathofcommunism.com/en/ Here is the information that I quote. Surrender, you can't resist Satan truth forever.

Biogenesis makes it possible to become fully fledged of any gender and variants. A man can give birth to and feed children as soon as he does biogenesis in this direction, it is completely healthy and has nothing harmful.

I answered above
I think my post might have been offensive to some, I didn't intend to offend any 3rd sex people here but we can all agree that transgender people should have nothing to do with children. And the ones I was talking about specifically are the "men" who want to give birth out of the wrong place...

Nothing more to it. Simple as that.
I think my post might have been offensive to some, I didn't intend to offend any 3rd sex people here but we can all agree that transgender people should have nothing to do with children. And the ones I was talking about specifically are the "men" who want to give birth out of the wrong place...

Nothing more to it. Simple as that.
3rd sex doesn't exist and transgenger people are mentally ill people.

Do not apologize. The only person you offended is a delusional person who needs to get their act together and stop spreading such vile misinformation.
Just like people who build big muscles, this is their alternative stage of development
I understand what you say, but my question is why would this be an alternative stage of development? The established belief is that a soul has a fixed gender, race and sexual orientation. Alterating the body sounds like fun in general, but wouldn't a male soul living in a female body give way to some compatibility problems? They are free to choose their form, but wouldn't that be just suboptimal?

Here is the information that I quote. Surrender, you can't resist Satan truth forever.
I am not sure who wrote that page, but it's quoting HPS Maxine as saying that porn is good in one of the articles. If the page is legit, then the information may be old, since I haven't seen anyone here defending porn. I am really not sure what to believe, either the page is flawed or there is some misconception somewhere.
you must be unaware of or deny Satanism and are a spy. https://thirdsex666.deathofcommunism.com/en/ Here is the information that I quote. Surrender, you can't resist Satan truth forever
Fool. Yes you deserve to be called a fool for ignoring the truth and calling me a spy. Did you ever consider that information is outdated and misinformation? Look who wrote it, for starters.
I am not sure who wrote that page, but it's quoting HPS Maxine as saying that porn is good in one of the articles. If the page is legit, then the information may be old, since I haven't seen anyone here defending porn. I am really not sure what to believe, either the page is flawed or there is some misconception somewhere.
This requires elaboration. HPS Maxine never said porn was amazing. One's sex life is one's own business. She gave examples of how advisable it is: something a couple can do for inspiration or something someone can occasionally indulge in. Just as many women do, they may watch it occasionally but they typically do not get addicted. HPS Maxine knew a lot about love and all these subjects from all angles. She is extremely intelligent beyond words.

OCCASIONALLY, it is fine. You won't delete your Sacral Chakra just by engaging with it. Watching it doesn't mean the evil porn actress sucks out your soul, makes defiling connections to your Chakras or whatever exaggerated claim one can read. Yes, this pertains to physical sex with a negative entity, but all of this can be cleansed off for an SS quite easily.

When someone gets to the level where they can't get off without pornography or (worse) are giving 10,000 dollars to some OF person (this applies to a female video game streamer without porn for that matter) for some fake interactions with an Indian telemarketer she employed, this is pathological. Even moreso when society creates feminist laws making approaching women equivalent to 'sexual harassment' and making innocent flirting in the workplace verboten. Men are inevitably going to flock to porn in such conditions. Women may also do so if traumatized.

Jews take control, distort the material to get people hooked on extremes and siphon the profits. For example, a porn actor is often not 'into' it (frequently being drugged) and that translates to the watcher who is not satiated by getting off to it, so the watcher has to find more extreme material. Yet they do this with everything, including Hollywood and music. Music these days is full of non-musicians and socialites, it isn't satisfying either.

Again, they also do this from the other direction of blatantly trying to destroy heterosexual relations in the real world. However, there are a variety of reasons outside of the debates about sex why these problems keep worsening. One reason is phones being able to capture moments of cringe and failure at any moment that puts men off trying, which, again, can reaffirm the pattern of pornography use. All of these put together are now a civilization-wrecking issue. As it is easy and lacking in pain, many men will chase porn instead of chasing women. This is the #1 problem with porn.

Both sexes are spreading a lot of puerile propaganda that goes nowhere. 45% of young men have never approached a woman in person in their lives yet many position themselves still as 'knowing everything' due to incels.co screenshots, absolutely poisoning other men's mindsets towards women, informing men also that they have to act like saints or 'be Chad' or be dark triad or have a million in the bank before trying to master... a basic skill. The basic skill being approaching women. That's ludicrous. Men in these echo chambers hit failures in life and are programmed by those who also worship failure.

Meanwhile Ranjeet with two rupees to his name is hitting up the inbox of every girl on Instagram and in the club without shame and doesn't give a fuck that many find him ugly and gross... because he is not a eunuch. He wishes to propagate.

Do not assume the HPs/HPS and the Guardians believe the same things about sex that some exaggerating individuals push on ancient-forums. These are highly complicated topics and if you try and make judgements of the spiritual processes of sex based on transient moral panics or reactionary feelings, you will be way off kilter.

They will tell you to ditch porn altogether (which is not a bad idea, but it needs to be replaced with SOMETHING) and then treat women as perfect maidens that should not be defiled by bestial sex. Also, to not bother approaching women whatsoever because regardless of the stated reason, doing it right now is potentially painful and pain hurts, even though there are a million and one ways of doing this as a Satanist. Then they will say you need to save up for a LeFort IV jaw surgery, do 500 Venus Squares to be pretty and do 13 tren cycles before a woman will look your way. After this, they will tell you prostitution needs to be banned and love spells are spiritual rape plus cheating in a video game.

All in all, sexually, this is a recipe for making men insane and it will lead to Islam very quickly.

Also, some women (feminists) who want to ban porn and prostitution want it both ways. They want men to stop using these, while forcing men to adopt liberal brainwashing and promising to vote senile Biden, still making approaching women a punishable offense and spiritually castrating white men in education and the workplace, forcing them to forgive their fling with Abdul and everything else. Invaders can do as they please meanwhile, of course.

In the past, certain men also designed the prostitution laws in such a way that poor women trying to escape 85 hour work weeks of industrial hell or feed a family with a dead father could do no right whatsoever, penalizing them merely for survival.

What HPS Maxine said is not equivalent to the Jake Carlson situation and it is not 'outdated'. Carlson was not stupid, but he did not have contact with the Gods and wrote a bunch of questionable things about sexuality, based on an idealization of the Sturmabeteilung, interpreting what some secular jews said about sexuality (Merkaba), his own prejudices among other things.

Even he absolutely did not approve of medicalized transgender surgeries, there are a few posts from him criticizing the surgical aspect of transgenderism and grooming children into it, so whatever 'Sun Squad' is saying is false. He also absolutely never, ever said one can transition from being male to female via biokinesis, there are posts from him refuting this idea.
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This requires elaboration. HPS Maxine never said porn was amazing. One's sex life is one's own business. She gave examples of how advisable it is: something a couple can do for inspiration or something someone can occasionally indulge in. Just as many women do, they may watch it occasionally but they typically do not get addicted. HPS Maxine knew a lot about love and all these subjects from all angles. She is extremely intelligent beyond words...
I first have to thank you for the very detailed elaboration, I did not even exoect such a nice reply, since I was mainly wondering about that part. I agree with the part where you describe how addictive porn can be since I still struggle with it to a certain extent, not as much as a few years ago, and I understand how it all goes downhill the more one watches. I've seen some horrible shit, not gonna lie xD. My perception of sex is so broken that I doubt I'll ever be able to enjoy it, which kinda sucks.

Pragmatically speaking, HPS Maxine may be right, and I can see how, but I personally can't bring myself to like it in any way, not after I fell too hard watching it. Sure, you can say it's my fault for getting addicted and not being able to quit, so maybe I'm just projecting my hatred towards my own weakness onto porn. All in all, I don't think I can change my opinion on that, or at least not yet. For me porn is like the plague, and I discourage everyone and anyone from ever using it at all.

Do not assume the HPs/HPS and the Guardians believe the same things about sex that some exaggerating individuals push on ancient-forums. These are highly complicated topics and if you try and make judgements of the spiritual processes of sex based on transient moral panics or reactionary feelings, you will be way off kilter.
That was not my intention, sorry if it came across as if I did. I give people plenty of chances to explain their opinions without much judgement, even Sun Squad (I'll be honest I was trying to play devil's advocate a little bit there, it's my way of having fun around here).

Then they will say you need to save up for a LeFort IV jaw surgery, do 500 Venus Squares to be pretty and do 13 tren cycles before a woman will look your way. After this, they will tell you prostitution needs to be banned and love spells are spiritual rape plus cheating in a video game
LMAO what is a LeFort IV? I've never heard of that one before XD. Jokes and laughs aside, since I did dabble in incel forums before, I will honestly tell you that they propose literally everything besides actually talking to women, but at this point I don't think I can blame them. As you said, approaching a woman is so delicate nowadays for no reason at all other than "muh rape". However, I don't know how much you understate physical beauty, or not. Like the case with Rajeet (lol) that you brought up, I would honestly tell you he's wasting his time. Playing this game like a lottery will almost always invariably end up with nothing. Statistically I am unlikely to catch anyone's eye just like Rajeet is, even if rejection is not that big of a deal, the time spent trying to make something happen is too high, which is another reason why incels propose "looksmaxxing" and other things to increase the odds. Not only that, but even if I catch someone's attention, it will be just my turn, until a better dude shows up in her life. The body matters most, the rest is almost always secondary, and I have never found any argument that ever disproved it. Even if you point out to the fact that most average men have a relationship, I can point out that most women would ditch them the second "Chad" shows up, he's just a stop, not the destination. Relationships start over beauty, they stay over beauty, and they will end over beauty, and nothing else is as important. I know this opinion is trash (or maybe not, genetics are important after all) but I don't think I have the strength to change it even if it puts me in a shitty position. I believe it is closer to the truth than to believe my "personality" matters, as if anyone's ever going to notice that lmao.

What HPS Maxine said is not equivalent to the Jake Carlson situation and it is not 'outdated'
I unfortunately don't know anything about this case, so I can't elaborate much. I'll look it up, though.

Sorry for venting my troubles here, you don't have to reply if you don't want to, it deviates from the conversation by quite the margin. Thanks for the reply though, I have learned some important bits and I understand better the stance on these issues that you have, and maybe other JG/HP/HPS as well. Have a great day.
There are many men who naturally have a female physique (bones, muscle type, position, face), and also have similar behavior and thinking to women. And when they pump muscles, their figure always remains the same, only increasing their features, this is nature, there are no conflicts, only different ways of development. There is no compatibility and there are no clear boundaries between this only masculine and this only feminine, we are all made of flesh and blood, the only difference is in the form, which depends on the soul, and with development these qualities increase up to the change of the sexual organs.

Please stop spreading nonsense. No one believes your delusional claims. Many have already clarified the point; you won't change things by presenting the phrases this way. "We are all made of flesh" means nothing and has nothing to do with it. Men and women are not equal just because they are made of flesh.

There seems to be more than one spy here who are lying about something I didn't write, but at the same time, I hope it's their language barrier problem.
Honestly, here it seems like the only spy is you with your stupid show...
There are many men who naturally have a female physique (bones, muscle type, position, face), and also have similar behavior and thinking to women.
If you mean that they are more "feminine", sure, some men are more feminine. However, no male has the bone structure and muscle distribution a female has, as well as sexual organs. Those form while in the womb and develop throughout the years. In terms of thinking, a man can think in a more feminine way or be more sensitive about things that most men are not, but it would still be incorrect to qualify him as anything other than male despite his preferences and behavior.
And when they pump muscles, their figure always remains the same, only increasing their features, this is nature, there are no conflicts, only different ways of development.
Hormones are also intrinsic to males or females. A male that is born male, will produce naturally way more testosterone than a female does, which promotes development of masculine sexual organs, increased muscle building and body hair growth. When pumping muscle, assuming exercise, men do produce testosterone, and thus the figure does not stay the same. This is different from the constitution of a man. Some men are more slender and other are bulkier, with variations in between, but muscle will build best within the frame each one has.

we are all made of flesh and blood, the only difference is in the form, which depends on the soul, and with development these qualities increase up to the change of the sexual organs.
But this is just false...? A soul has the permanent features it needs to function, and the soul will be reincarnated in the body it best suits its operations. A male soul will never inhabit a female body, nor does it need and want to, because it would just hamper the way it works. That's what I meant when I asked about compatibility. No matter how hard anyone tries, a male soul will inhabit a male body and it will be pretty happy there, that's the long ad short of it, thus development cannot happen by changing the body because gender is locked. If development implies changing the body, then you are also implying that gender changes at the soul level. But why would it need to change gender to develop...? I'm pretty sure I am happy to be a man and I can reach godhood and whatever else there is to this life without having to change genders.

What does pornography have to do with it?
I cab tell you as a porn addict recovering from it, that an addiction of this sort ends up messing with the perception of sex. I'll use myself as an example, though it may be a bit weird. I started with vanilla porn, normal intercourse. The brain gets used to this, and wanta something more, since masturbation produces quite a lot of dopamine and it's pleasurable, so the brain makes an attachement: masturbation + porn = orgasm which is very good so I want more. But the same clips become repetitive. So now I look into weirder and weirdee stuff. It starts pretty tame, with maybe a different position, a different clothing, whatever. After a while, I will grow quite warm to the idea of watching even wilder shit: interracial stuff, zoophilia, rape fantasies, and of course, changing genders. Once you start masturbating to these warped gender roles, it opens the mind to the possibility doing this in real life. And some feminine men may see this and think they are actually women, which is not really true. I hope you catch the picture, porn is dangerous because it plays into sex, which is heavily valued by our monke brains because it means you get to see a mini clone of yourself running around which is kinda wholesome.

Note: I love how Lightning-Wings doesn't even bother and just drops an oven lmao.
There seems to be more than one spy here who are lying about something I didn't write, but at the same time, I hope it's their language barrier problem.

I didn't say that medical intervention is good, I said that bioginesis gives you the opportunity to change the body as a person wants!

I call for moderation in order to deal with the slander against me!

There are many men who naturally have a female physique (bones, muscle type, position, face), and also have similar behavior and thinking to women. And when they pump muscles, their figure always remains the same, only increasing their features, this is nature, there are no conflicts, only different ways of development. There is no compatibility and there are no clear boundaries between this only masculine and this only feminine, we are all made of flesh and blood, the only difference is in the form, which depends on the soul, and with development these qualities increase up to the change of the sexual organs.

What does pornography have to do with it?
You must stop using the Gods as a way to justify mental illnesses here in the mortal realm, the Gods are way beyond your way of thinking. You know nothing of the Gods and what they do on their higher planes.

If a man has a female phisique, it means nothing more than that or other health related problem. It doesn't mean he must convert to female, these are just mental memes of yours.
I mean that he is signed by his nickname discord, he can be found by IP address or even phone number, which is not anonymous and can be attacked by the enemy

That is, do you consider male demons who have undergone biogenesis and have a completely female body to be mentally unhealthy?

Everyone has the right to be who he wants and to make any changes with his body, maybe in some cases they are unhealthy, but this is only because they themselves are unhealthy (enemy soul), but the very fact that a man wants to look like a woman is absolutely healthy. You can't even imagine how many demons have the 3rd gender

Those who are of the 3rd gender are very spiritually oriented and should not be offended. Satan protects them.

You have to apologize to them and thank them, few people know that most great people are 3rd gender.

This topic has been covered many times in the past. While Satanism allows exploration of different expressions of genders, such as a man wearing a dress, this is totally different from trying to change one's gender, which can only be done in self-destructive manners.

Please stop commenting on what the Gods do in regards to this topic, such as saying that Demons are changing their gender, etc. This is all nonsense and nothing you could actually know about. Similarly, do not call other's "spy" just because you had a disagreement. This is a serious attack on someone.

If you are here to tell people to lessen their attacks on transgenders, then this is not bad, as I agree they are sick people in need of help, but being empathetic is different from actually promoting the unnatural change of gender itself, which is far from simply expressing yourself differently than normal.
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At first I thought that Sun Squad is just confused and lost, but now I see that they are just an obvious shill at this point spreading lies and nothing good. I say they should get banned.
At first I thought that Sun Squad is just confused and lost, but now I see that they are just an obvious shill at this point spreading lies and nothing good. I say they should get banned.
That was my impression too. Waste of time.
I want to add it would quite out of touch with reality to classify people nowadays as "natural" in regards to their personality, thinking style, behaviour, etc. The more we move forward in years, the more tools the enemy has to hook people into social engineering programmes.

Nowadays, people start using tablets, smartphone and computers even as early as 3 years old. This hooks them into their programmes even earlier than previous generations, not to mention all the programmes becoming more and more widespread in educational institutions and all public environments.

Most people do not know what their natural inclinations are. Most of their hobbies, interests, passions, habits, behaviours, etc are programmes of the enemy running in the background. That's why many people overdose on videogames and tv shows, drink alcohol, engage in other drugs, are aligned with the most popular sport, are open-minded about transgenders, etc.

What programmes of the enemy take root in a person, it depends on their soul of course. If someone has a prominent Neptune, for example, they'll be more susceptible to escapism tendencies. Their escapism tendencies will be fulfilled by videogames/Netflix, and their spiritual aptitude will be ruined by recreational drugs.

A prominent Mars will get you into shilling for the sport they decided to popularise, etc. Most of them will never know which expression of Mars in this case they would have adopted if they were allowed to tap into the energies without any enemy programming/influence for example.

What happens when you start cleaning yourself spiritually, and you do it properly and with an open mind is that you get rid of this programming and restore your soul to a pure/unadulterated state. Gradually. This is why many people who are serious in the path notice themselves changes. They don't enjoy the things they used to anymore, they give less importance to some things and more to others, etc.

The only positive conditioning is the one a healthy, evolved person can provide, and those are few in society. A SS world would look completely different, and there wouldn't be any poisonous programming around you. Only beneficial that helps you evolve.

So whoever claims that transgender or other damaged people are naturally like that, I'll have to disappoint you: you're lying or toxically unaware of reality, psychology, and sociology. To stay relevant to the topic here.
A prominent Mars will get you into shilling for the sport they decided to popularise, etc. Most of them will never know which expression of Mars in this case they would have adopted if they were allowed to tap into the energies without any enemy programming/influence for example.
A great perk about not getting into the sports herd is that your employer will love you because they can count on you to not call in sick during a sports game. So when they ask you in an interview what kind of sports your into, you know what they really mean.

I think it's best that children get into private schools than into public ones to reduce indoctrination of wokeness and other dogma, an expensive option but better chance they won't get hooked on drugs. Tbh I think kids are not for me at this point.
A great perk about not getting into the sports herd is that your employer will love you because they can count on you to not call in sick during a sports game. So when they ask you in an interview what kind of sports your into, you know what they really mean.

I think it's best that children get into private schools than into public ones to reduce indoctrination of wokeness and other dogma, an expensive option but better chance they won't get hooked on drugs. Tbh I think kids are not for me at this point.
If you are pure or mostly pure in the area of your interest, you may still like sports. It's not like a predisposition just goes away. You may find affinity for a sport that appeals more to your soul, which may or may not be a prominent sport.

Of course, you need to realise that work comes before a sports game. You can always watch a recording/replay of the game you lost. You may also prefer playing to watching, which is obviously better. I put it out there in a very simplistic way.

If I was an employer, I would be more worried of an employee giving a bad reputation to my company under the influence of any substance, which is cause for me to terminate their contract, and would definitely be a clause within it, as using any kind of substance is not a protected category, so it's perfectly legal (and ethical too) to "discriminate" against anyone for drinking alcohol, smoking/vaping, doing other drugs, etc.

I don't know much about private schools, but I assume there's still a chance they'll do drugs. People in my school year throughout high school and middle school didn't even speak about drugs. They were into alcohol, smoking, and football. But people 3-4 years younger starting high school were already doing things like ecstasy on New Year's Eve, so I wonder what kind of shit they did on regular weekends.

One such guy, the son of a family friend once showed at my father's place on New Year's Eve years ago with his family. He was 16. He showed me in his wallet that he had a pill of ecstasy in a small plastic bag that he was going to use later that night at a disco party with his classmates, after midnight. If that was my house and not my father's, I would have kicked him out. His father is also a policeman, and his mother a nurse. I can imagine the shock for them if they knew.

I told my stepmother a few years later about his drug use, when she was telling me this guy turned out to be gay and was in a relationship with a much older man during uni, who then died of a STD (as he deserves for getting sexually involved with people that much younger than him). I can understand an age gap up to 10 years or barely more than that, but not 30+ years.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
