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South Africa: Boers, Africans and Britain. By SWIM

Yii Pipur

New member
Oct 2, 2008
<td val[/IMG]They say that ignorance is power, to those who want to keep you ignorant, which is usually those in power for no other reason than to control. The power lies with each of us,the individual, and that power is curiosity for information, to do research, and ask questions. That is what sets us apart of being an informed individual with an inquisitive mind, and, uninformed people who just follow blindly without self- enriching themselves with information and facts. Information is what makes us question things by broadening ours mind, by not just accepting one view point, but by looking at things from different angles. Digging deeper, on a topic or history titbit discovered, and getting the different angles of a story, is what creates, “critical thought” and healthy debates.
What many South African’s don’t realize is that the Anglo-Boer War was the main instigator, of the start of modern problemswe are facing today in South Africa. Ask most South African’s about history, and they vaguely tell you something from 1652,with most knowing not history, but propaganda which were pumped repeatedly into heads, in order to create a biasedperceptions or opinion by those in power. This is the opposite of critical thought and just repeating what you hear. “Intellectual Parrotism” Many groups had their own lands, but it wasn't enough for the British. They had to have the prize of South Africa. The Boer Republics. African land was easy for them to conquer. Not so much the little Republics. Most South Africans will recite history of the last 40 years like a parrot, just showing the power of mass indoctrination. Having an education does not mean anything, if you act like a parrot and just repeat what you read, without having a deeperunderstanding of a topic. Before the Boer war with Britain (1899 – 1902), there were treaties in place, between the Boers and Africans as these groups lived and confronted each other over decades. They settled and got to knoweach other, who to trust, and who not to trust. Boers were seen as just another African tribe. On the other hand, Britain were the outsiders. The aliens that wanted land in order to enrich the global Empire. The tactics of the day, as still is today, was to conquer and divide. To create suspicion and instigate distrust between Boers and Africans. Before the Anglo-Boer War (South African War or Second War of Independence as it is known by other names), there were general peace as each group had negotiated borders and land even helping each other in many cases because of friendship and alliances. Before Britain attacked the Boer Republics, the Zulu’s were in line first to lose their land to British expansion. South Africa was not like it is today, but consisted of many nations. What changed this dramatically was when Britain Attacked the two Boer Republics, the Transvaal and Orange Free State. Yes!Before Britain attacked the Boer Republics, South Africa was actually more than THREE different countries, including the Zulu Kingdoms! This meant that these nationswere governing themselves! The goal of the British was to take all those little countries and areas, of the Boers,Zulu’s, Xhosas, etc, en turn it into one BIG country (British Imperialism and colonialism), which turned into the modern day South Africa. The defeat of the Boers, bye the British, made all those treaties obsolete. This of course created a lot of new problems under British rule. All these nations now had to bow down to Britain, which meant they lost their sovereignty, to make their own choices, and to rule of theirown people. They “belonged” to Britain now. This ended in 1961 when South Africa became an independent Republic. This defeat meant that everyone, Boers and Africans, became “subjects” of the Queenof England. They were now governed, not by their Kings or Presidents, but by Great Britain. The Boers inherited the laws made by Great Britain including the “ Native Land Act of 1913" as the Boers did not control South Africa, or were in a position to have the last say. They were subservient to England. This is how South Africa looked till 1961, giving the country to the Afrikaner, who then had to fix the land issue started by the British. The British of course, took what they wanted, brought more problems by the war they created, the borders they cut up, and then left it for the Afrikaners to fix. Taking no responsibility as usual. If people understand South Africa’s past, which can be complicated and confusing at times, it wilbe better understood. Our history is not just black and white, yes or no, or right or wrong answers. In many cases it’s “grey” like the stories below will show.
www.henrileriche.com/2014/02/23/south-a ... nt-to-ask/ Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android [/TD]
What is very important to understand here is that South African history, no different than the histories of all other countries of the world, is NOT free from the clutches of the jew. The jews had a major hand in many of the events in South African history that led to the situation that we are now in. The party that rules the country now was originally a jewish-communist front that even received aid and support from the jewish-communist USSR.  It is a known fact that the ANC is a communist party having been originally founded by communist blacks including Mandela who worked closely with the jews. There is even a photograph of Mandela standing proudly infront of a communist banner and giving a communist salute:

He is standing next to jew Jo Slovo. Mandela was nothing but a puppet for the jews in turning South Africa into a communist state ravaged by poverty, crime and AIDS. The jews fought tooth and nail to turn the Black community in SA against the White settlers and to lead White People into an unnatural living situation in which they were alienated in an environment which was and still is extremely hostile to them. There is an intense animosity between White South Africans and non-White South Africans which was very carefully fostered by the jews. Today in South Africa White farmers are brutally attacked, raped and murdered in their own homes because of the past “history” planned and orchestrated by the jews to isolate and destroy the White settlers and brainwash non-White South Africans into hating White People. While the non-White groups live in
This goes way back to when White settlers first arrived in SA. It was largely controlled by jews who organized for large numbers of White British families to move to South Africa under the guise of farming and mining operations, etc... It has been said in historic records that these migrations were controlled and accompanied by groups of jews. The “South African” jews love to brag about the huge role they played in South African history so far as colonisation and settlement goes.
It was a “British” jewish “explorer” Nathaniel Isaacs back in 1800s who had one of the biggest hands in affecting the direction that South Africa would take socially and politically. He made sure to befriend and become a very close confidant of the Zulu King of the time, Shaka and had a large amount of influence over him and his actions, encouraging and funding many of Shaka’s wars. As is common practice with these jewish parasites, he went so far as to learn the language and culture of the Zulu tribe in order to infiltrate and gain access. He filled Shaka’s mind with all kinds of paranoid psychotic delusions which led to large amounts of bloodshed. The Zulu’s and the Boers were carefully pitted against each other when previously there had been little animosity or even interaction at all. Isaacs was also heavily involved in the slave trade of Black South Africans (The entire slave trade was orchestrated and operated by jews) and encouraging animosity between White South African settlers and Black South Africans by implementing a system in which Black South Africans were used as slave labour on farms. He was later prosecuted for this but escaped the law by fleeing. My point here- It was the jews who encouraged this treatment of Black South Africans, placing the blame upon White British settlers. These are the routes of the situation in South Africa at the moment.

These jewish settlers including Isaacs also encouraged and contributed to the huge divide between White Afrikaaners and White Brits. Once again, this was a divide that had not previously existed but benefited the jews greatly. The jews are famous for using the tactic of divide and conquer, and it is my belief that the jews had become concerned as it was apparent that there was a strong possibility of South Africa growing into a very strong and powerful nation that would be outside of their control. South Africa had huge amounts of potential due to lands which were ideal for farming and brilliant mining opportunities, etc, and thus they had no choice but to step in and prevent this from happening. They succeeded in doing this, as we can see today just by looking at where South Africa is at. It has the highest rate of violent crime in the world and some of the highest percentages of AIDS sufferers along with extreme poverty and corruption.

Looking back again, the Anglo-Boer war which devastated White South African communities, severely damaged the relationship between the Afrikaans and the British which still is not fully repaired to this day and sees lingering hatred and mistrust, and saw thousands of Afrikaans men, women and children brutally and systematically slaughtered , was another jewish scheme. They benefited greatly from this weakening of South Africa in that they were allowed to increase the slave trade and take charge of the South African gold industry. They fought under a British Flag, used British soldiers brainwashed with propaganda, but this was merely a disguise and they used British men and women as tools to carry out their agenda. This is no different than how they use Gentile American soldiers and an American Flag to carry out their dirty work today.

People don’t know all of this and foolishly blame the White British GENTILES for the atrocities that took place in South Africa. This is not the case! Its time we stop blaming our own Gentile People and wake up to the TRUTH and see the true enemy for who the y are! South Africa is no different than the rest of the world that the jews have ravaged and destroyed. Here in SA, they turned the Blacks against the Whites and the Whites against each other and we are left with the mess we are in today. Just a little bit of research will open your eyes to the role that the jews have played throughout our history. It is in the records for everyone to see and not difficult to find at all. People just need to open their eyes and understand the implications of this instead of parroting off what they have learned from jewish main stream text books.
It was jews hiding behind a British mask who worked incessantly to destroy White South, to sour the relationship between the White Settlers and the Black South Africans and destroy South Africa as a whole.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi
Joy of Satan Ministries   
This is typically the way it is. But History "recounts" are cleverly put out and seem real/realistic.

it's preposterous. It's no different than the LIE-BLE. Except in the regular version of skewed history they put Gentiles on the chopping block when it comes to to name villains, or move one character to another place and the story gets changed entirely. They intentionally take details out, and keep the details from themselves to keep in their vaults as a leashing affect.

It's how Nelson Mandela become a well "accepted" well "liked" terrorist. I don't remember the story about how it came about but this sounds like a more accurate portrayal. I could clearly in the historically 'accurate' account here see how things went down.

Jews got pissed that Africans had their own free, truly open, and healthy society. So they pulled they puppet strings to ruin it. But they take out their existence there, and put in Britain. So there again they have us thinking that it was a Gentile job and that we're in on their schemes also.

It's a very clever way to deceive people. We Gentiles are not like kikes. Nor would these stories of communist takeovers exist if the eternal jew didn't exist.

I look forward to the return of our Holy Satanic Regime because this shit will end quickly after the jew dies. We can truly rebuild then :)
<td val[/IMG]
Oh wow th[/IMG] From :"high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date :Tue, 5 May, 2015 at 14:49
Subject :[JoyofSatan666] Re: South Africa: Boers, Africans and Britain. By SWIM

  What is very important to understand here is that South African history, no different than the histories of all other countries of the world, is NOT free from the clutches of the jew. The jews had a major hand in many of the events in South African history that led to the situation that we are now in. The party that rules the country now was originally a jewish-communist front that even received aid and support from the jewish-communist USSR.  It is a known fact that the ANC is a communist party having been originally founded by communist blacks including Mandela who worked closely with the jews. There is even a photograph of Mandela standing proudly infront of a communist banner and giving a communist salute:

He is standing next to jew Jo Slovo. Mandela was nothing but a puppet for the jews in turning South Africa into a communist state ravaged by poverty, crime and AIDS. The jews fought tooth and nail to turn the Black community in SA against the White settlers and to lead White People into an unnatural living situation in which they were alienated in an environment which was and still is extremely hostile to them. There is an intense animosity between White South Africans and non-White South Africans which was very carefully fostered by the jews. Today in South Africa White farmers are brutally attacked, raped and murdered in their own homes because of the past “history” planned and orchestrated by the jews to isolate and destroy the White settlers and brainwash non-White South Africans into hating White People. While the non-White groups live in
This goes way back to when White settlers first arrived in SA. It was largely controlled by jews who organized for large numbers of White British families to move to South Africa under the guise of farming and mining operations, etc... It has been said in historic records that these migrations were controlled and accompanied by groups of jews. The “South African” jews love to brag about the huge role they played in South African history so far as colonisation and settlement goes.
It was a “British” jewish “explorer” Nathaniel Isaacs back in 1800s who had one of the biggest hands in affecting the direction that South Africa would take socially and politically. He made sure to befriend and become a very close confidant of the Zulu King of the time, Shaka and had a large amount of influence over him and his actions, encouraging and funding many of Shaka’s wars. As is common practice with these jewish parasites, he went so far as to learn the language and culture of the Zulu tribe in order to infiltrate and gain access. He filled Shaka’s mind with all kinds of paranoid psychotic delusions which led to large amounts of bloodshed. The Zulu’s and the Boers were carefully pitted against each other when previously there had been little animosity or even interaction at all. Isaacs was also heavily involved in the slave trade of Black South Africans (The entire slave trade was orchestrated and operated by jews) and encouraging animosity between White South African settlers and Black South Africans by implementing a system in which Black South Africans were used as slave labour on farms. He was later prosecuted for this but escaped the law by fleeing. My point here- It was the jews who encouraged this treatment of Black South Africans, placing the blame upon White British settlers. These are the routes of the situation in South Africa at the moment.

These jewish settlers including Isaacs also encouraged and contributed to the huge divide between White Afrikaaners and White Brits. Once again, this was a divide that had not previously existed but benefited the jews greatly. The jews are famous for using the tactic of divide and conquer, and it is my belief that the jews had become concerned as it was apparent that there was a strong possibility of South Africa growing into a very strong and powerful nation that would be outside of their control. South Africa had huge amounts of potential due to lands which were ideal for farming and brilliant mining opportunities, etc, and thus they had no choice but to step in and prevent this from happening. They succeeded in doing this, as we can see today just by looking at where South Africa is at. It has the highest rate of violent crime in the world and some of the highest percentages of AIDS sufferers along with extreme poverty and corruption.

Looking back again, the Anglo-Boer war which devastated White South African communities, severely damaged the relationship between the Afrikaans and the British which still is not fully repaired to this day and sees lingering hatred and mistrust, and saw thousands of Afrikaans men, women and children brutally and systematically slaughtered , was another jewish scheme. They benefited greatly from this weakening of South Africa in that they were allowed to increase the slave trade and take charge of the South African gold industry. They fought under a British Flag, used British soldiers brainwashed with propaganda, but this was merely a disguise and they used British men and women as tools to carry out their agenda. This is no different than how they use Gentile American soldiers and an American Flag to carry out their dirty work today.

People don’t know all of this and foolishly blame the White British GENTILES for the atrocities that took place in South Africa. This is not the case! Its time we stop blaming our own Gentile People and wake up to the TRUTH and see the true enemy for who the y are! South Africa is no different than the rest of the world that the jews have ravaged and destroyed. Here in SA, they turned the Blacks against the Whites and the Whites against each other and we are left with the mess we are in today. Just a little bit of research will open your eyes to the role that the jews have played throughout our history. It is in the records for everyone to see and not difficult to find at all. People just need to open their eyes and understand the implications of this instead of parroting off what they have learned from jewish main stream text books.
It was jews hiding behind a British mask who worked incessantly to destroy White South, to sour the relationship between the White Settlers and the Black South Africans and destroy South Africa as a whole.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Lilith!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi
Joy of Satan Ministries    [/TD]
<td val[/IMG]Thanks for your input brother. 88

From:"descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date:Thu, 7 May, 2015 at 21:02
Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Re: South Africa: Boers, Africans and Britain. By SWIM

  This is typically the way it is. But History "recounts" are cleverly put out and seem real/realistic.

it's preposterous. It's no different than the LIE-BLE. Except in the regular version of skewed history they put Gentiles on the chopping block when it comes to to name villains, or move one character to another place and the story gets changed entirely. They intentionally take details out, and keep the details from themselves to keep in their vaults as a leashing affect.

It's how Nelson Mandela become a well "accepted" well "liked" terrorist. I don't remember the story about how it came about but this sounds like a more accurate portrayal. I could clearly in the historically 'accurate' account here see how things went down.

Jews got pissed that Africans had their own free, truly open, and healthy society. So they pulled they puppet strings to ruin it. But they take out their existence there, and put in Britain. So there again they have us thinking that it was a Gentile job and that we're in on their schemes also.

It's a very clever way to deceive people. We Gentiles are not like kikes. Nor would these stories of communist takeovers exist if the eternal jew didn't exist.

I look forward to the return of our Holy Satanic Regime because this shit will end quickly after the jew dies. We can truly rebuild then :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
