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Soul Mate/Twin Soul

Blue Bow

New member
Feb 10, 2002
I read a lot of new agey things about Soul Mates and finding 'the one' and what not and I'm just curious....is there really such thing as a soul mate? Is there really 'cosmic influences' that bring two people together...? That sort of thing.
I mean, it's clear that in life there's people you get along with and there's people you don't. People you love and people you only lust for. 
So yeah....thoughts?
Hail Satan Forever

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You can have multiple partners if you wish; Satan has 5 wives. You are not obligated to have one or many - or any, for that matter; you don't have to be married or single; you don't have to be in a closed or an open relationship; you don't have to be gay, bi, or straight. You also don't not have to have/do/be any of these things, either.

"Cosmic influence" is your Astrology, plus any magic used upon you either beneficially or maliciously. If you let things be, then fate will or will not, depending. You, however, can manipulate (cheat). Make your world your world, baybay! ^^ One day very soon, these "cheats" will be standard again, as it should be - there are no limits in Spiritual Satanism. Satan stands for individuality and freedom. Even the Gods and Goddesses, and the Top God Satan Himself, are still advancing, and Satan is 500 thousand years old - there are no limits to how high and far we can go and be.
Okay for one thing most people seem to long for that special someone. They want to have a base. A home so to speak that they build with someone.

So I must play devils advocate here and ask how it's possible to do that if you are riding a penis/pussy merry go round. Where does any stability or foundation of a home come? Is it possible to be a "slut" or "manwhore" and do that?

 How do you possibly become close to all these people at the same time? And does the inevitable convoluted family tree become any cause for concern? Does this kind of lifestyle cause instability in society?

We have people in this community that burn Roosh and his lifestyle at the stake. They say we are wholesome and the sluts and manwhores are shallow and bad. And society is over sexualized.

But then we have people here pushing for that exact lifestyle as well. Then we throw around the term cuck/ed in a derrogative manner yet we neurotically say it's totally fine on the other hand.

And why do the vast majority of people look down on this and oppose this? Most never choose this lifestyle either. How do the proponents of these lifestyles help others to understand it is a legitimate choice and not bad for the participants and society and the race?

And why do I see that most of these endeavors of open relationships fail for the participants and it becomes that the partners leave for someone else and end up never being able to settle down? 

Even if the partners agree to be an open relationship, could it be a contributing factor that helps push a potentially flaky person into a lifestyle of irresponsibility? One that leaves bastard children scattered around draining society and harming their development as they have no stability or don't know their parents.

 Does this increase abortions? Does it allow lesser people to produce more children than they should? Why do monogamous couples of two people seem to be better environment and more stable for the children. In this anything goes society how do we go about giving the children last names?

Some of  these are my concerns about all this. But its also got a lot of other concerns I've seen expressed by other people on this topic. People think your fucked up and weird almost always if you live or support these nontraditional arrangements. At least around here that's true.

Personally I remain fairly balanced. I could be persuaded monogamy is best. I have days I wonder if that might be true.

But really I think I want several wives that are loyal to me as far as them not fucking other guys. However I'd be okay if they fucked each other, and possibly outside women if it was discussed. Mainly I am territorial about the other men. And I'd even consider having a husband too. But someone told me this isn't realistic. Somehow all the other arrangements are legit and doable but not mine?

Maybe life is even supposed to be like that music video for lady gaga born this way where everyone is is just able to love everyone and maybe there would be fewer wars and drama if this was the case. And we would band together and live in this great love for our race and each other.

However I don't think the gods support the right for hood rats to breed with impunity with the best women. The best should be with the best and people that break that have done a wrong. But also many don't want to raise grab bag babies. I know I don't want to call some baby mine that isn't necessarily mine and was formed from some cum dump over the course of a night or several days. And maybe endless free sex makes eugenics harder or impossible.

So yeah we have a lot of contradictions and problems and confusion in this topic that maybe we should address. This isn't an easy topic and not everyone understand it. Most just understand traditional marriage and dating.

Preamble - I'm not claiming to be an authority on this!

"So I must play devils advocate here and ask how it's possible to do that if you are riding a penis/pussy merry go round. Where does any stability or foundation of a home come? Is it possible to be a "slut" or "manwhore" and do that?"

At the risk of sounding like a sheep who is bleating a non-thought-out, default phrase - each to their own. There's a difference between being a whore and having multiple partners. Unlike Whitney Houston and Chaka Khan, I am not every woman nor man, so I can't answer all of your questions for every person in every situation for every society/people in every context. It is for each and every individual to discover and decide for themselves. If any feels so inclined, I am sure that once they advance far enough, they might begin their own civilisation on the Moon, Mars, and More, and set the Rule of Law as they wish, themselves. Social control is to make people do what you want them to do, your way. That's what 99% of the world is subjected to at the moment - being a slave of the jew. In the ideal world, if a people don't like their leader, they can mutiny - or more likely, that leader wouldn't be elected in the first place.

"How do you possibly become close to all these people at the same time?"

If you are inclined to have multiple partners, then you would either know that already or it would 'come out' sooner or later. Those who cheat/have affairs could very likely be polygamous/polyamourous - they just don't know or understand that they are. Of course, they could have rushed into a partnership with someone they thought was good enough but it turned out they were not - just look at going out pubbing and clubbing. Everyone has to tart themselves up, but in the morning after sleeping together while drunk and maybe high, the make-up is smudged off and the deodourant has worn off; this is more the real them than the glitter and glamour of when they were preparing to go out and meet someone the previous evening. The mating dance has become fake.

"does the inevitable convoluted family tree become any cause for concern?"

How is it convoluted? The Occult is very complex (at the moment). The more one learns, the easier it is to understand things. There should not be any rushing-in to having a society of people all of whom are in one giant relationship with each other. We've been crippled by the jew. We need to heal and build up strongly again. Then we can understand more and become wise, and at such a time, and on towards that time, we'd learn our true selves - whether that be single and anti-social, or in a 2-person relationship, or in a multiple-partner relationship.

"Does this kind of lifestyle cause instability in society?"

I have never done a longitudinal study of it, but with harmonious energies aligning, anything can be possible.

"We have people in this community that burn Roosh and his lifestyle at the stake. They say we are wholesome and the sluts and manwhores are shallow and bad. And society is over sexualized."

I don't follow the cult of celebritism, sorry.

"But then we have people here pushing for that exact lifestyle as well. Then we throw around the term cuck/ed in a derrogative manner yet we neurotically say it's totally fine on the other hand."

Here where? Where you live? Don't give any clues as to where you live. The jew plays both sides - it is trying to cause over-sexualisation in order to create a much-needed (much-needed for the jew) backlash against this over-sexualisation, and therefore sexuality as a whole, so that the jew can then rape everyone (pun not intended, but I wish it were this time) into not having any sex with anyone at all ever - i.e. establishing xianity again.

"why do the vast majority of people look down on this and oppose this?"

Sexuality has been diseased and perverted, and enclosed tightly and controlled. People - sheeple - are ignorant and unaware.

"Most never choose this lifestyle either."

In what capacity? In their minds/hearts, or in their physical lives?

"How do the proponents of these lifestyles help others to understand it is a legitimate choice and not bad for the participants and society and the race?"

Our oldest relative, LORD Satan, has 5 wives. He is 500 thousand years old. He has many, many supporters and allies. The enemies of Him are jealous of His beauty and spiritual power and ability. Any person can - and must - learn their true self. Meditations must be done for this. Then they can know if it is a legitimate choice for them to be in any type of relationship. There is no obligation to be in one. If someone is interested and liks the idea of it, then that would mean, undoubtedly, that that is a part of who they are. They can try it and see how it is for them - self-discovery and self-learning is of vital importance.

"And why do I see that most of these endeavors of open relationships fail for the participants and it becomes that the partners leave for someone else and end up never being able to settle down?"

I presume that I don't live in your area, and I am quite certain I don't live in your life, so I can't answer that with 100% accuracy. Society and sexuality has been controlled and perverted. The Kundalini, a direct spiritual connection with Satan in the Human spine, is very sexual in Nature. Sexual orgasm helps the Kundalini to be stimulated. The jew knows this, and wants us as its slave. The jew raped sexuality and knoweldge and understanding; most people "know" only wha the jew wants them to know. What the jew couldn't destroy, it corrupted.

"Even if the partners agree to be an open relationship, could it be a contributing factor that helps push a potentially flaky person into a lifestyle of irresponsibility?"

Why is an open-relationship being irresponsible?

If an individual was flaky, then they shouldn't go into anything as serious and long-term/permanent as a type of relationship as this - perhaps any form of serious personal, intimate relationship, yet. Perhaps it is the Nature for an individual person, or perhaps multiple partners in a multi-person relationship, that they require a "flaky" person by Nature - some people's happiness and joy in life comes from being one who less-than-worships their partner. (I wouldn't say they do worship their partner, but that's not my business.) These "flaky" individuals need to work on themselves first. It might just be that they could be in a relationship with a person, or persons, who is/are looking for this exact "flaky" person, to care for them. In the dying days of xianity, people are becoming more free sexually, even in a small part. The jew is trying to exploit and corrupt and pervert this. i.e. control it. Some people are not into open relationships or multiple partners, and that's fine; others are into them, and that is also fine.

"One that leaves bastard children scattered around draining society and harming their development as they have no stability or don't know their parents."

What do you consider "relationship" to mean? Mere, careless, casual sex?

"Does this increase abortions?"

One of Satan's Wives, Lilith, supports abortion. If anyone is against it personally, then that is their prerogative. If they don't want nor like abortions, then they shouldn't be stupid. More than using protection and/or not sleeping around - if anyone decided, I am sure they could use Magick to make it impossible for them to become pregnant for a while. The Gods and Goddesses do practice birth control. I'm not certain at what time the Soul joins to be with the foetus, but an aborted foetus still has a Soul which lives on after the Physical Body dies.

"Does it allow lesser people to produce more children than they should?"

Define "should". If lesser-people want to produce until the cows come home, then I'm sure they'll have a place and area where they can be free to breed to their heart's content. You would think that they would realise that their lifestyle of lesser-ness is not quite ideal, and that they would wish to advance and empower themselves, wouldn't you? Can we force our will upon people? Should we? 'Does Might Make Right?' The worst crime in Paganism is not rape, torture, or murder. It is theft. Theft is not a lesser crime than rape, torture, and murder. It encompasses, and includes, these. Rape is stealing someone's privacy and dignity, perhaps virginity. Murder is stealing someone's life. Torture is stealing...quite a lot from a person, and rape is also torture. There are, of course, other things of which stealing is a part - or of which are a part of stealing. So shall we force the untermensch to not breed like rabbits in their own areas? In the Übermensch areas, I'd say yes, but in their own untermensch areas? Let them enjoy untermensching themselves until Nature offs them, yes? There is no doubt in my mind that these untermensch, whether they over-breed or rape their bodies with drugs and alcohol, would have more than ample opportunity to increase themselves to Übermensch level - however long that may take. Yes, others would say to not give them the opportunity, but I am sure some would, undoubtedly.

"Why do monogamous couples of two people seem to be better environment and more stable for the children."

Where do monogamous couples of 2 persons seem to be [in a] better environment for children? You say the vast majority of people do look down upon and oppose multi-partner relationships and open relationships, but also say everyone seems to agree with a 2-person partnership being amazing. Who has done a longitudinal study of 2-person partnered relationships with children, using many such multiple-partner relationships in an experiment over many decades? Ignorance is slavehood; knowledge plus action is power.

"In this anything goes society how do we go about giving the children last names?"

Who said any society would be an anything-goes society? Do you mean as a whole, or using my example of designated areas of being an anything-goes society? If this is not your society, if these mensch are away from you, then why be bothered about it? They'd be segregated to their areas to not interfere with Übermensch society, no? In the less-populated world, there was no need for surnames.

"People think your fucked up and weird almost always if you live or support these nontraditional arrangements."

Non-traditional? How far back are you going? LORD Satan has 5 wives; He is 500 thousand years old. What is "tradition"? Satan stands for individuality and freedom. I don't mind tradition, myself, in some cases, but people are not supposed to be forced into an accepted/agreed-upon caste-system-type of persecution demanded by a corrupt self-entitled "elite" "class" 1% of dirty pervert Humanity rapists.

"At least around here that's true."

Again I'm asking where.

"Personally I remain fairly balanced. I could be persuaded monogamy is best. I have days I wonder if that might be true."

I would argue that if you are questioning whether this or that, which goes against "tradition" and alleged "seemingly-better" family units, then you are undecided, and that you saying that you could be persuaded into monogamy, I would argue, is not 100% true - you are trying to hold on to what you've lived with for many years, but the questions still remain, and you're uncomfortable to let the "tradition" and alleged "seemingly-better" family units go because you fear change and change makes you uncomfortable; you don't like to be out of your comfort zone, which is what you've been told is "right" for so long. Yes? I'm just speculating, of course; you only seem this way; I have not done a longitudinal study of you to know the truth about you...

"But really I think I want several wives that are loyal to me as far as them not fucking other guys."


"But someone told me this isn't realistic. Somehow all the other arrangements are legit and doable but not mine?"

Why is it not realistic? Magick is magic! There are no limits in Spiritual Satanism. Whoever told you it's not realistic might have more knowledge about you and your life and situations than I, so they were speaking to the you that is you at the moment; or they were just ignorant or wishing to put you down to make themselves feel all warm and fluffy inside. You could make it happen if you put your mind to it - literally! That's what Magick is - braining, mind power, witchcraft...

"Maybe life is even supposed to be like that music video for lady gaga born this way where everyone is is just able to love everyone and maybe there would be fewer wars and drama if this was the case."

Love, love, love is not the answer. Hatred is necessary in some cases. HP Magey said that it might just be that hatred saves us - this is to be directed against the jew; if someone is passionate enough about something, then that should surely incite action, and the jew itself said if us non-jews learnt about how the way the jew is, then us non-jews would kill the jew openly. I wouldn't recommend that just yet, but the day might be coming when that is a very real reality, and very little or nothing would be done to either stop it or "punish" someone for doing it.

"And we would band together and live in this great love for our race and each other."

Which Race? Humanity is composed of 3 separate Races. Race-mixing, as per your love, love, love-for-all, less-wars idea, is dangerous; disgusting; dirty; detrimental; and deadly.

"However I don't think the gods support the right for hood rats to breed with impunity with the best women."

What about hood rat females breeding with the best males?
The Gods do want the best for all 3 Races, naturally, but the Übermensch will be unstoppable in rising up and leading our 3 respective Races into Glory. Do you think, seriously, an Übermensch man or woman would lower themselves to mate with an untermensch man or woman? I would suggest a minor possibility that non-impregnable sex might happen, but then if an Übermensch man or woman was advanced and empowered enough, would this lower and reduce them? Once they reached a certain level or height of advancement and empowerment, then perhaps not. The untermensch will still be there in either the same societies or in their own areas, and given opportunity to empower and advance themselves - at first, the resources might be limited thanks to the jew and its dirty legacy, but the lowers can be lifted up - but if the untermensch wish to remain low (or don't have the capacity of thinking to understand about being advanced and empowered), then Nature will not hesitate to dispose of them, sooner or later. Harsh words, maybe, but Nature doesn't give two jewish shits about who it perishes and who it flourishes. On the other hand, someone or a group might wish to expend energy on raising these untermensch; without Satan, we'd still be apish apes. He helped us skip 10s or 100s of thousands of years of evolution (which made the lower Nordics jealous, who then banded with the reptilians against us).

"The best should be with the best and people that break that have done a wrong."

Where shall the line be drawn between protecting the purity of the best, and allowing the individual their freedoms of choice? My estimate would be that such a person deciding something would be free, or perhaps shunned and ejected, into moving out of Übermenschland to go live in untermenschland - depending on the greatness or severity of their chosen actions, depending on what they did.

"But also many don't want to raise grab bag babies."

People foster and adopt, don't they?

"I know I don't want to call some baby mine that isn't necessarily mine and was formed from some cum dump over the course of a night or several days."

That's fine, absolutely - and anyone who would force you otherwise should need to fuck off!

"And maybe endless free sex makes eugenics harder or impossible."

I haven't learn much about Eugenic. Sorry!

"Most just understand traditional marriage and dating."

Most don't know. Again - how far back are you going? Define "traditional". People are ignorant and unknowing.

If people wish to indulge in what many would consider perverse sexual practices (decide these for yourself), then as long as they stay away from those who don't like such things, then what would be the problem? Again, on the other hand, these "perverts" might be weeded out. Brothels will be...erected...and persons would be more than comfortable visiting a Lady of the Night in a clean and healthy manner should they wish or need to.

Speaking about perverse sexual practices - once the jew is out of the seats of power, it will be removed and sent to "israel". There, it would be free to do as much shit-eating, shit-bathing shit as it shitting well pleases, leaving the rest of the Earth to be beautiful and dignified. Will the jew be shipped off to its masters' planets in space-faring vessels set on a one-way course there; will it be destroyed in an actual holocaust in "israel"; will it be sent in a ship into the Sun; will it be left to suffocate on the Moon; etc.; or will it be banned from having babies, so that it dies-out in "israel"? For those options on Earth, in "israel", "israel" will have to be consecrated and cleaned thoroughly.

With thanks to Savitar here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=5791#p5791, there are 4 Aims in Life, according to Vedic philosophy -

"Kama: Fullfilment of desires and emotional needs, sensory enjyoment.
Artha: Attainment of material wealth, career.
Dharma, Duty, vocation, becoming a useful member of your community according to your Soul Nature.
Moksha: Spiritual Liberation, finishing the Magnum Opus"

Maybe these overly-sexual untermensch are in the Kama aim or stage, and need a bit of encouragement to mature, in more ways that one.

Most people don't know how to make their own (or "their own") lives their own and amazing; we, on the other hand are Elite. We are not self-entitled "elitists"; we are Elite. That is a matter of fact. People have the potential to be Elite. We have the cheats to life. People have the potential to have the cheats to life. We can use Magick to make harmonious connections and situations and lives with others who are seeking the same thing. People have the potential to make harmonious connections and situations and lives with others who are seeking the same thing. When I say "the perfect partner/s for me" and someone else or more than one other person says, "the perfect partner/s for me", it might just be that they and I are perfect for each other. Energies work, and like attracts like. Notice my other reply on the forum about sub-cultural groups being formed for social control. The like things come together - see all the different types of persons and peoples, groups, circles that there are. If you dress in these clothes and listen to that music, then you're a this; if you dress in those clothe and listen to this music, then you're a that. In the ideal world, Earth will be much less populated than it is now; people will become Gods/Goddesses - Du'at will start to fill up quickly for a bit!! Of course, we could go live elsewhere.

You'll have to ask each and every single individual person what they think (or what their mind-raped brains think they think) about the things you asked.

Simply - every person is supposed to be their own individual self. Once people learn to be their individual selves, and learn Magick and apply it, harmony will take a life of its own, and course us back into a golden age - our new Golden Age, in the Age of Satan. I can't wait for the new calendar, Year Zero of the Age of Satan - 0 SA it makes sense and looks better to do "SA" than "AS", similarly as to how "Satan" means "Truth Eternal", but we'd say "Eternal Truth" - and that "Sa" means birth (or infinity); "Ta" means life; "Na" means death; and "Ma" means rebirth/regeneration). People can learn to use SaTaNaMa to heal themselves, in many ways, as part of their advancement and empowerment.
blue bow
natal charts lunar nodes are revealing
there are not soul mates there will always be a better but differnet person its all astonomy

666blacksn.net go at astrology ebook
In the future when we have astrology as part of the public school curriculum people will be taught to create their lives and create their loves instead of endlessly looking for them in a maze of smoke and mirrors.

Satan is literally God, he's in high demand so to speak loosely and so he can afford to have 5 wives
The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Ever wonder if Satan would rather be monogamous?

I appreciate your conservative worldview though. Most people here hold a liberal view on sex but I literally always just wished the government would control it at gunpoint. eg race mixing fines, government endorsed suggested eugenic programs.

You also can't turn any random person into your sex toy or love-slave through love-spells. That's lazy and cheating like buying your way into something you should have had to earn. Do not bother trying because where failure is written in your couples' astrology will be where the non-Satanist fails to perform their part of their bargain, and you WILL resent the fact that they didn't see it coming
Don't know what else to tell lonely people, I personally just drive my car way too fast.

If you see loves as things you catch and hold that's wrong because all human connections work based on energy, not a solid literal physical string of attachment that permanently connects two people. Even that would have to be maintained and repaired.
Which in point loops back to the original post on the topic of soul mates which is either a phenomenon of a couple who did magic to keep returning to each other (the real thing) or two people who randomly have perfect astrology together and happen to be a good enough match genetically. You could have perfect astrology with someone with down's syndrome if you looked hard enough.

My parents have absolute shit astrology and have a beautiful relationship except my dad broke his back and was almost immobile for much of my life and that just caused circumstantial issues.

You very very likely won't find someone who has both perfect astrology with you and the perfect soul for you at the same time, since we just got done of going through a Pisces dark age where people are now retarded at the soul due to thousands of years of 24/7 heartbreak. You have to do everything again from scratch when you reincarnate.
I 100% think it's possible. I know, I've met him. The bond is beyond words and himself has said before that he feels like we're two halves of the same soul.

However, there can always be manipulation on one side or the other to try to force it into hiding and that SUCKS. Hurts so fucking much.
How would that even work?

Let's pretend we can time travel for a minute, you could go back in time, grab your soul mate and return to the future, where the same soul-mate has reincarnated into a new body. Would it work like that? What would the difference in the two incarnations be?

Or, maybe every new life you are born into, some person is sitting here with the best possible astrology waiting for you to find them.Or they have the best personality. Or maybe they're the best looking person ever, extremely smart, Spiritual Satanist, (your race), and they want nothing more in the world than to be with YOU. So you... marry them? I guess? In a church? Is that how it works...?

If that exists its probably something you program with magic and its probably not something that everybody has so for mental health sake I wouldn't get too caught up in worrying about it, just don't do the opposite and go thinking everyone is "the one" for you, and waste your time. You should also tie your shoes and say no to drugs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
