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Song Of The Siren

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
For those who are not aware of this story of Odyssey I will relate it to a simple manner.

When Odysseus was traveling to reach his destination, he and his men at some point were going to go past the Island of the Sirens. The Sirens in Greek Mythology were extremely beautiful and desirable, and they would entice anyone that they came in contact with their songs. Upon hearing the songs of these sirens, sailors would go to their Island to see where the "beautiful" sounds came from, and they only found themselves consumed and killed by these Sirens. The Island of the sirens when looked from afar looked beautiful, but when one stepped foot on it, it was filled with skulls, bones, and the remains of dead men. But the Sirens were very strong, and one could not confront their magical powers and physical strength. The only thing one could do in the first place is to never set foot on the Island.

Odysseus having be warned by the Goddesses he would be entering this territory with his men, he gave his men wax to put into their ears. The men did so and they wouldn't hear the songs of the sirens. They didn't know exactly why, but they trusted in Odysseus's judgement, and they obeyed his command. As such they put the wax into their ears. Prior to reaching the Island Odysseus commanded also for his men to tie him completely on the ship so that he wouldn't jump off to go to the Island, but not pluck his own ears. A general of his own ship called "Eurylochos" which means "The Aware and Far Seeing" was in leadership of this process. He motivated the sailors with sign language to continue moving away during their passing from the corrupted Island but due to having wax in the ears, couldn't hear the one tied on the things he shouted later.

When the sail went towards the Island of the Sirens and started hearing their song, Odysseus started shouting "UNTIE ME! UNTIE ME! I command you to UNTIE ME! I beg you to untie me! Let me go to them! How dare you not let me go to them! The sirens are beautiful and good! Let me go right now!".

However, none of the people would hear his complaints or commands. Then after a while the ship went past the Island of the sirens, and when this happened, Eurylochos just untied Odysseus from the ship and they were able to continue to their destination.

Many if not most things of the enemy, on the surface, never sound bad. Why? Because in order to pass down something rotten, you must clothe it beautifully. This is nothing more than the story of the Trojan Horse of Homer. This wisdom is very true to this day, and will be such forever as it was founded upon natural principles.

The enemy in all their ideologies, they have carefully woven them on the exterior to be about 'love', 'peace', and all the related frauds such as 'equality', and other things which sound as higher 'idealism' but they are the grossest ideals generated by the mind of the reptilian humanoid. Many people when they listen to these things, they sound good in the surface. If the politics of decades of jewish politicians that always sound good on the surface, hasn't convinced us of the reality of such yet, let me tell you, this is the reality of a couple thousands of years now.

The enemy wouldn't be able to recruit anyone if they told them the truth about their writings to their face. This would instantly make people cringe, scared, and afraid.

An example of this is multiculturalism. Those who see only the surface just imagine some sort of multiracial utopia where there is no personal or tribal interest, and a 'step into the future', away from the 'ways of the past'. One doesn't want to hurt others due to their racial status as they feel this is a very bad thing to do. They do not want to set any order straight so they want to assimilate the faults of the past into a new and wrong way of the future. This is the song.

The reality of the song is destruction of nations, extermination of races, the jews and radical hajis ruling over you, and the downfall of everything you have created, all while elderly get killed for 5 bucks and people get incapicitated by Machettes in the middle of London, where the greatest grooming gangs lay. Did the Siren tell you about these things in the lyrics or the tune? Of course it didn't.

Kosher socialism, Marxism, and many other similar ideologies of the jews are clothed in 'humane' garments, which some people fancy. Others have a little more 'humanity' in the surface of them, others do not. Isn't it like xianity is also advertised as the religion of 'love'? As to what it truly is, one finds out later. Actually, one may have to serve them or be about to die in order to understand, like Yuri Bezmenov. When you're about to add to the pile of skulls and bones in the Island of the Sirens, you may get it, and the situation is there is nobody on this Island alive to save you, because maybe you also killed all of them in the process of listening their sweet song. This is the Song of Communism in the west which the jews have sung for decades.

It sounds like Corrupted Wagner, pretends to be a heroic deed of social change and equality and justice, but in reality, it is just jewish Hava Nagila sung by a sub par Rabbi singer who laughs as you die, by what looks to him like also, a stupid song.

In particular infested sirens never come to visit someone in their true face. The jews don't tell people on their face they want to exterminate them until well recently where they gave up their siren song because it stopped working due to wax, But it's always replaced with another tune. The siren knows songs. Then, one starts lending their ears to the monsters, who, gradually but surely, infest the mind of the receiver with messages that will take a life of their own later.

Upon hearing these kike sirens, one does their bidding. The end result? Destruction. But it all started with the greatest songs of the sirens.

The situation is with the enemy one has to learn when to close their ears. You are not being wise when you open your ears to them to absorb what is essentially corrosive disinformation. There are some people who like the song of the siren so they make excuses to listen to the songs.

Your mind except of 'getting information' should also know the art of putting wax to your ears. When this is done, the Siren will sing the song and tell you you are 'close minded'. But you have wax in the ears you cannot hear that. Also the singing never stops all you have to do is move past it, or remove the wax and get ruined. The choice is really yours.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It was the knowledge of the Siren what it was that allowed them to survive, education and that means information. Knowledge is power.

In the past I realized something when the Anarchists came in here and were interested in Satanism but asked about Anarchism I was too ham fisted in my arguments against them and came off wrong and this drove them away and we lost some decent people over this. So I understood my mistake decided to study the two most important works of Anarchism that of Conquest of Bread and Mutual Aid that every Anarchist quotes. These two works are the platform of Anarchism outside of Marx. I read both these books to form a better understanding of their arguements of their worldview and to be able to answer questions and improve my knowledge base on probably the one of the most dominate ideology outside of Marx. I spent a lot of time studying Marx but not much outside of it. So I made the time finally.

I included in an article on the history of political and economic change in the west from the Magna Carta to the current day a section on the Enlightement and the ideologies that come from it of Libertarianism [Anarchism]. In this I gave a critic of Kropotkin's work Mutual Aid and Conquest of Bread. Kropotkin was the most important Anarchist leader in history. And as well I used his critque of Marx's which showed Marxism is horrible. I was fair and showed correctly Mutual Aid as the deciding fact in evolution meaning that cooperation within ones who species from ants to human races and tribes is correct. But Kropotkin's political interperation of what this means and how to apply this in a political-socialist form is wrong. I used the contradictions within Kropotkin's work Conquest of Bread to show this. And also used Kropotkin's criticism of Marx to show Marx was wrong as well. I also showed how Anarchism opened the door to Marxism and the consequences. Despite as showing Marxism was not popular among the other Anarchists it still won. Anarchism can't stand up to Marxism. Because the structure of its ideology can't allow for the needed strength. This is also outside of the fact Anarchism simply will not work anyway.

So I wrote this section to educate people on Anarchism and the problems within it. So people would have information to understand this with. And what happens....... Some people complained that I promoted Kropotkin somehow because I used an intellectual criticism against him and didn't just call him a doody head. So highbrow critique is over their head. So a mod pulled the article and I don't have a back up so its gone.

Now who wins from that...... The otherside because the information to educate people on the subject to warn them is gone. Hitler wrote in the second chapter of the first volume of Mein Kampf one must have an intellectual understanding of the doctrines of the left which in his time is the same as now Anarcho-Marxism. To defeat them properly.

Now take a look at the quality of people who hid behind Hitler such as Voiceofsomeguy to disparge me for following Hitler's instructions. All the while Voiceofsomeguy was invoking Hitler to base his willful ignorance of any of the leftist ideology upon and demanding even an intellectual criticism is somehow too far. We all need to pretend the doctrines of the left somehow don't exist and just calling them doody heads is enough. Voiceofsomeguy's intellectual level of contribution to the community in every post has been at the level of crushing beer cans on his forehead. Being a moron his entire life works for him but not everyone. And he is not the intellectual standard we want to aspire to here is he.

Its time some of you people smarten up if you want to win. Because the level of behaviour from some of you is not that great right now.
Thank you for this sermon HP Hoddedcobra what you said that we need to know to put "wax in our ears" is true, one who was dedicated ( from Romanian forum) listened to the songs of the "sirens" (about exposing JOS and other stuff) and then he asked the admins HP's to remove his account, he wanted to leave SS, because he knows informations that we don't, it was something similar. I think his account was removed and also the post, i couldn't find it.
HP Mageson666 said:

HP Mageson I believe I have a copy of that post you are talking about. If you would like me to look for it and re-post it just let me know.
HP Mageson666 said:
Its time some of you people smarten up if you want to win. Because the level of behaviour from some of you is not that great right now.

Mageson, I feel lately so many have been in opposition to you and it makes no sense. Glad you said this. People are being far too stubborn and emo lately in their mindsets. Which in our type of community is surprising and saddening to see those levels of thinking from our ‘elite’ community as of late. It definitely needs to change.

Aside from your opinion on Buckethead can’t think of much really wrong. I was sold on UBI right at hello. Though I do feel on one thread someone was clarifying some ambiguity on wealth and you went to sperg calling. That was maybe misplaced, but otherwise people aren’t listening to reason and it's upsetting.
I do note the people who argued against me for UBI either most where purposely arguing in bad faith. Or out of total ignorance the main arguer didn't even known UBI was nationalized income and was arguing based on a strawman argument from some assumption they made up and didn't even research. Properly done UBI would be the power to fuel the attempts at Economic Nationalist of Trump. But without this I don't think it will work. I already went into the detailed reasons as to how it could work and the reasons why it would work it can also be done by taking the stolen wealth of the People from the one percent of fucking kikes that stole it and giving it back to the People for UBI. If it fails enjoy the Marxist international of the USSA. The regions of America that voted Trump into power where all going to vote Marxist jew Sanders into the Presidency. But the democrat's stupidly betrayed Sanders and Trump then offered Economic Nationalism which the people wanted so they voted from him based on economics'. The next election is going to be based on economics'. This is where Marxism has the most influence and power. Its whole ideology revolves around Historical Materialism its all bullshit but it sounds smart to the average person who has no ability to known any better. Thankfully Hillary ran her campaign on stupid bullshit nobody wanted. But the open Marxist progressives are at war within the democratic party to push out the business democrat's like Hillary and put the Sanders wing into control. Which means the take over of the second most powerful party in America into a totally Marxist one.

This is why this attitude of banging on the drum of elitism is really not so great yeah its nice to have confidence in yourself but it develops a mentality of arrogance that resist's intellectual honestly and personal development if I am super elite why do I have to change anything. Then your sitting in a chair crushing beer cans on your forehead being an asshole your whole life. Every cruel and stupid person I ever knew all had this attitude of being elite in their own mind and it trapped them in ignorance and the resistance to personal development.

Also please note the fellow I referred to as a sperg was an actual troll that who showed this and then tried to come back on more then one account LARPing different characters to attack and troll the community with. Also don't be a sperg and actually use your deeper mind to think about things this narrow minded sperg culture of jews is a person can just make superficial arguments with no depth or meaning and declare victory so they demoralize everything and be a lazy asshole their whole life. Its a method the jews injected into society as style of Marxist deconstructionalisim to destroy even the mental ability to resist by just turning society into an episode of Seinfeld.

Now a smart person with basic comprehension of Marxist apologetic's would understand why Kropotkin's criticism of Marxism is important it defeats the Marxist apologetic's of "That's not real Marxism" when one points out the nature of all Marxist regimes from the USSR to North Korea. Kropotkin criticism of Marxism shows that in fact that is real Marxism. And this criticism is not from some "Right wing Fashyist" but the most important Anarcho Communist leader of the 19th and early 20th century. So its not so easy to dismiss.

Eric13 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Its time some of you people smarten up if you want to win. Because the level of behaviour from some of you is not that great right now.

Mageson, I feel lately so many have been in opposition to you and it makes no sense. Glad you said this. People are being far too stubborn and emo lately in their mindsets. Which in our type of community is surprising and saddening to see those levels of thinking from our ‘elite’ community as of late. It definitely needs to change.

Aside from your opinion on Buckethead can’t think of much really wrong. I was sold on UBI right at hello. Though I do feel on one thread someone was clarifying some ambiguity on wealth and you went to sperg calling. That was maybe misplaced, but otherwise people aren’t listening to reason and it's upsetting.
Much thanks but don't bother.

magickeye9 said:
HP Mageson666 said:

HP Mageson I believe I have a copy of that post you are talking about. If you would like me to look for it and re-post it just let me know.
This is why this attitude of banging on the drum of elitism is really not so great yeah its nice to have confidence in yourself but it develops a mentality of arrogance that resist's intellectual honestly and personal development if I am super elite why do I have to change anything. Then your sitting in a chair crushing beer cans on your forehead being an asshole your whole life. Every cruel and stupid person I ever knew all had this attitude of being elite in their own mind and it trapped them in ignorance and the resistance to personal development.

Yes. This right here. This is exactly what has been going thru my head lately about several people here. They are good people since they are here and advancing and helping out in a lot of posts but there have been a number of times they expose their elitism and derail a debate into just talking shit and that can make the other person pissed odd and act the same. And a few will go out of their way to make you look like you're the fucked up one just because they were confused about what you were saying or just trying to understand things. I speak from dealing with these people but also seeing how they respond to others as well. This isn't about the trolls either who only post nonsense or only one time and act like they're above everyone.

Like you said. It's okay to be confident but it's not that hard to reel it back and ask yourself if you're doing something wrong yourself.

I don't mean to take away from the HP HoodeCobra's topic but those lines of yourself spoke volumes.
hailourtruegod said:
This is why this attitude of banging on the drum of elitism is really not so great yeah its nice to have confidence in yourself but it develops a mentality of arrogance that resist's intellectual honestly and personal development if I am super elite why do I have to change anything. Then your sitting in a chair crushing beer cans on your forehead being an asshole your whole life. Every cruel and stupid person I ever knew all had this attitude of being elite in their own mind and it trapped them in ignorance and the resistance to personal development.

Yes. This right here. This is exactly what has been going thru my head lately about several people here. They are good people since they are here and advancing and helping out in a lot of posts but there have been a number of times they expose their elitism and derail a debate into just talking shit and that can make the other person pissed odd and act the same. And a few will go out of their way to make you look like you're the fucked up one just because they were confused about what you were saying or just trying to understand things. I speak from dealing with these people but also seeing how they respond to others as well. This isn't about the trolls either who only post nonsense or only one time and act like they're above everyone.

Like you said. It's okay to be confident but it's not that hard to reel it back and ask yourself if you're doing something wrong yourself.

I don't mean to take away from the HP HoodeCobra's topic but those lines of yourself spoke volumes.

If you haven't observed, part of this accused mentality lies in calling other people spergs and demeaning their intelligence when questioned and things like that. I do not think people who have years around here wanted to undermine or "poison wells". This is just feedback that what one says is not proper or properly received.

If you are found in a synagogue holding the hand of a rabbi, you may wanted to arrest him. But those observing only see you holding hands with the rabbi. The weight of fixing the situation lies on you, not on them. This is essentially the result of too much leftism, socialism, and then anarchism, for critique or otherwise, since this is basically advertising it aside anything else. Political things and science stuff is always bound to an anti-logue. People will disagree.

Especially when one tries to bond these to existing theories through loose interconnections with the beliefs here such as how National Socialists based their work on Mutual Aid which is the bible of anarchists, just to prove a point, that is obviously risky. It will arouse what it will.

This whole thing is so similar to university professors. Working in the universities, they say it's all about free thought and expanding the mind of students. At the same time, when the so called 'students' ask weird questions, they just go and belittle. The worst thing that can be done to these people is for them to be asked something they don't know of.

Some students get it at once, others don't and kiss ass, and then some just simply don't get it and they are like WTF are you saying. It's up to someone then to solve this matter or premeditate this result beforehand.
I don't think anyone pointing out anything questioned things on a deeply personal level or anything like that. Communication mistakes are a big factor here. The escalation went further than required.

As for blocking out info, it doesn't make you less thoughtful or clever to never read the bible, for example. A lot of material is created with the intention of brainwashing the reader, to lead them down to a different path later. One first reads the bible for fun and goes to church once a week, and then slowly one progresses into a jeboo freak.

Some wax comes in handy many times.
Nobody claimed the National Socialist based all their beliefs on the book Mutual Aid in the sense they wanted to be Anarchists. That is assumption. However the National Socialists understood Ethnic altruism. And that the state is the key with the right leadership and platform of that leadership that of Ethnic Altruism to accomplish what the enemy has tried since Christianity to stop. The unification of a society based on Racial Loyalty and cooperation. Not loyalty to caste only which is based on ones standing in an artificial social system which is destroying ones own People. The conclusion of National Socialism is the opposite of what the Anarchists wanted to draw that of destroying the state. Its a proper run state that can project and perserve a Race without that its over. However the principal of Ethnic Alturism is the same despite who points it out. The Anarchist conclusion on what this means and how to proceed from this are incorrect and end in failure. I showed in such thread that the National Socialist worldview was correct over the Anarchist view and the evidence as to why. Just because a person is honest and can point out where two different camps have noted the same truth which just gives more power to this observed natural fact even two opposited camps acknowledge its existance. Does not make this promoting Anarchism except in the minds of hysterical individuals who think people have nothing but pudding between their ears and need to be bossed around all the time.
Fri Dec 21, 2018 1:57 am, you wrote:

"National Socialism was built on this prinicpal of Kin Alturism or Mutual Aid. And they built the best nation on earth for everyone of their People. The Germans were willing to fight to the end for this society where Stalin had to stick jews with machine guns in the backs of the Red Army to make them fight for marxist trash."

I mean, it can be derailed. The reply is not there now, but this is an example of what I mean of risky things that can create problems.
If a person can't read it for themselves how do they know they are being told the actual truth about it. Its because most Christians don't read the Bible they fall for all the lies of the church. Most if not all the atheists all state they became atheists because they actually read the bible. It was because I studied the bible I will never go back to it. In fact the Japanese deconverted from Christianity on mass after the second war during the American occupation because they read and studied the bible.

HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
I don't think anyone pointing out anything questioned things on a deeply personal level or anything like that. Communication mistakes are a big factor here. The escalation went further than required.

As for blocking out info, it doesn't make you less thoughtful or clever to never read the bible, for example. A lot of material is created with the intention of brainwashing the reader, to lead them down to a different path later. One first reads the bible for fun and goes to church once a week, and then slowly one progresses into a jeboo freak.

Some wax comes in handy many times.
Yes National Socialism was built on the principal of Kin Altruism which is Mutual Aid. Which the book Mutual Aid pointed out and scientifically proved is the underlying principal of all nature. Is it not?

However that is it. As I stated Kropotkin's attempt to use that oblivious fact to then create a basis to create an Anarcho Communist society from was false. I debunked his own arguments in his book Conquest of Bread to demonstrate this. I also demonstrated the National Socialists understood this truth of Kin Altruism properly and how to build a society within on National Socialism. Thus showing while Kropotkin was right on Kin Altruism which is honest because he was and if I stated he was not I would be lying. He was wrong on his political interpretation of this. Something I have stated in depth several times.

My article would have helped to convince Anarchist's or Anarchist learning people that National Socialism is the way to go not Anarchism. Which was the point of that section of the article as I stated.

HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fri Dec 21, 2018 1:57 am:

"National Socialism was built on this prinicpal of Kin Alturism or Mutual Aid. And they built the best nation on earth for everyone of their People. The Germans were willing to fight to the end for this society where Stalin had to stick jews with machine guns in the backs of the Red Army to make them fight for marxist trash."
As stated I believe the sole point is to accept feedback on these things are not understood or properly clarified, which will be helpful for issues like that to not arise in the future. Nobody wants these to happen in any direction, anyways.
The feedback was the comments of the article I had on the subject however the removal of this article is not feedback its removing the subject matter and making the process of the feedback or discussion impossible. And leaving the floor open to beer can crushing on forehead types like Voiceofsomeguy.

Guys who do you want as a HP.....Big brained Slothz friend or small brained beer can, man.
They don't read the bible. That's the point I grew up in the Church the only ones who read and studied it are the ministers who know its false for this reason and are cunning sociopaths who use others ignorance against them to take their bling and fuck them over. Everyone in ministry school comes to know the bible is false I even knew xians who quit ministry school because they couldn't handle the loss of faith. The only ones who stay after that are the fucking total sharks the sociopaths.
HP Mageson666 said:
The feedback was the comments of the article I had on the subject however the removal of this article is not feedback its removing the subject matter and making the process of the feedback or discussion impossible. And leaving the floor open to beer can crushing on forehead types like Voiceofsomeguy.

I tend to think this is direct feedback.
CNN would agree with you as well. So would the kikes who pulled your utube channel down.

HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The feedback was the comments of the article I had on the subject however the removal of this article is not feedback its removing the subject matter and making the process of the feedback or discussion impossible. And leaving the floor open to beer can crushing on forehead types like Voiceofsomeguy.

I tend to think this is direct feedback.
Anarchism has been a longstanding discussion of debate when it came to politics and social economics as it's origins came from the idea of humanity without any solid foundation to steer it's direction other than the web of separate individual ideals that would have to be mutually agreed upon. It was simply perceived to be a system without hierarchy or any form of organization. It was quoted to be not chaos, but order without control. At least this is how it was when I was into it so long ago.

The issue with Marxism though as you'd learn is the growth of the society as a whole, since all are individually for themselves in a sense the mass as a whole reaches no destination and branches off into splitting paths, many of which go the wrong way. It's like how religions came to be today after the enemy fucked everything up. When the true religion of Satanism was essentially hidden away the state of beliefs and faith fell to a form of anarchy where people began to develop their own religions like Buddhism or Caodaism, finding directions of their own but directions that were incorrect and lead them nowhere but dead-ends.

It's this reason why Anarchy or any form of Marxism can't work for us and why we stick to a Meritocratic system like the Demons do, because it's not based upon anything material or corrupt and it doesn't prevent us from working together. In fact it enforces teamwork amongst ourselves to help everyone reach higher heights where nobody is left to rot at the bottom. We all share the same goals and are only separate as individuals, not as a system or as a family.

I would think the gods find it ridiculous as well that we would argue amongst ourselves, meanwhile the enemy laughs and grins for what little distractions these long-term trivial debates bring. We are not perfect because we still consistently strive to be so on a spiritual level. With the astral realm on this planet likely in a state of chaos right now it's likely there will be much confusion among ourselves as well as mistakes and misunderstandings. This shouldn't be an excuse to allow such disorder to go on however.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Maybe some of you still remember...we already found a kike siren:

...as a brony mermaid. LOL :D

I'm pretty sure he is a vegan and advocates for equal rights for everyone to be sirens as they see fit. Just a hunch...
Ghost in the Machine said:
Anarchism has been a longstanding discussion of debate when it came to politics and social economics as it's origins came from the idea of humanity without any solid foundation to steer it's direction other than the web of separate individual ideals that would have to be mutually agreed upon. It was simply perceived to be a system without hierarchy or any form of organization. It was quoted to be not chaos, but order without control. At least this is how it was when I was into it so long ago.

The issue with Marxism though as you'd learn is the growth of the society as a whole, since all are individually for themselves in a sense the mass as a whole reaches no destination and branches off into splitting paths, many of which go the wrong way. It's like how religions came to be today after the enemy fucked everything up. When the true religion of Satanism was essentially hidden away the state of beliefs and faith fell to a form of anarchy where people began to develop their own religions like Buddhism or Caodaism, finding directions of their own but directions that were incorrect and lead them nowhere but dead-ends.

You have to be a fool in general as many "Anarchists" claim nowadays to state that anarchism is even anything else than a thought generated from a jew's ass. Even microbes follow patterns and the more intellectually low animals follow hierarchy.

In "Anarchism" your leader is the jew in the room who spills the intellectual shit for everyone else to consume. This is your "hierarchy".

He is your 'egoless' all love and nice stuff jesus which enforces a new xianity on you.
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
You have to be a fool in general as many "Anarchists" claim nowadays to state that anarchism is even anything else than a thought generated from a jew's ass. Even microbes follow patterns and the more intellectually low animals follow hierarchy.

In "Anarchism" your leader is the jew in the room who spills the intellectual shit for everyone else to consume. This is your "hierarchy".

He is your 'egoless' all love and nice stuff jesus which enforces a new xianity on you.

Agreed. And not only that but even the historical vision it had as something once 'sensible' had been downsized anyways to something all the edgy teens believe is just a society where you're free to shoot, kill and torment whoever the hell you want.

When I was into it ages ago all they ever did was complain about political structure and authority and cry about how much their lives sucked and that there shouldn't be any kind of rule or order whatsoever. If you asked me from my experience it's literally just nihilism disguised as something 'with meaning'. It's all bullshit and the only idiots that are still into it these days are people that just want to jump on the living room couch without mommy and daddy grounding them.
Anarchism major appeal is its simply total retard liberalism. And most Anarchists believe abolishing the state and all forms of government and social authority will grant them total liberty. Which is false and the Founders of America who where Liberal's understood you need a state government to grant and protect Liberty by rule of law and social protection. Something interesting to note with the psychology of a lot of hardcore anarchists is they had authoritarian parents. Which they unconsciously project their hatred for parental authority onto all forms of authority. Which is the reason they only find abuse of authority everywhere because that is the conditioning they are trapped in.
The thing about anarchy is it appeals to the human inner desire for 'freedom'. And it's just this desire of freedom that the enemy corrupted into a system where everyone would just fight one another. That's just the whole basis of it to the enemy, pitting gentiles against one another and calling it Anarchy. It's basically a trap of supposed 'freedom' dangling on a string towards self-destruction.

The enemy caused this inner desire for freedom and obviously without any kind of outlet to this desire, the people would eventually have woken up to figure out the real truth, so they invented anarchism as an alternate outlet for the freedom their soul wants, and it only ends up ruining them in the end.
I always found it kind of strange that Sargon of Akkad promoted a style of Liberalism which denied the racialism of its foundering thinkers despite what you think of their over all ideology note I have to put that disclaimer in there for everyone to keep the easily trigger types clam. Can't have my post here removed by the beer can brigade they have small brain so I must explain.

Anyway I always found it strange he argued with the Alt-Right types..... totality jew like and engaged in so much jew like behaviour because he hated their racialism and somewhat pro National Socialist opinions and only promoted civic nationalism which destroys the native population. Then I found out Sarggy's full name is Charles Benjamin. Benjamin is as jewish as you get its one of the 12 tribes of Israel and a common surname of jews. This is explains why Benjamin and another one of such Alt-Light types he worked with to attack White racialists both turned out to be jews.
HP Mageson666 said:
I always found it kind of strange that Sargon of Akkad promoted a style of Liberalism which denied the racialism of its foundering thinkers despite what you think of their over all ideology note I have to put that disclaimer in there for everyone to keep the easily trigger types clam. Can't have my post here removed by the beer can brigade they have small brain so I must explain.

Anyway I always found it strange he argued with the Alt-Right types so well.....jew like because he hated their racialism and somewhat pro National Socialist opinions and only promoted civic nationalism which destroys the native population. Then I found out Sarggy's full name is Charles Benjamin. Benjamin is as jewish as you get its one of the 12 tribes of Israel and a common surname of jews.

It's definitely important to notice those kinds of contrasts especially in historic information. You'd think Sargon wouldn't have promoted such a style because of previous ideals of the Akkadians, that's how you smell a rat amongst the lions.

The extent of corruption the jews have ingrained into many aspects of history is absolutely repulsive and appalling. You think you've found somebody from history who was sensible and had their head screwed on right, then it turns out they did a 180 and were jewish filth. That's why it's so difficult to discern things from history as truth or corruption. In the present times of events it's a lot easier to figure out what is what, but information from millennia ago has been in and out of the jewish shredder, pieced together like an autistic puzzle and then displayed on a platter of shit by the time it reaches the 21st century.
The human needs freedom as stated. However people need to understand that social freedom only comes from having a society that can grant and protect these freedoms. And to maintain such a society requires a structure like foundations hold up a building. This includes the fulfilment of social duties which maintain this structure which maintains social and personal freedoms. That is why when people state Freedom. What freedom and what context of such freedom and how is this freedom developed in society and what responsibilities come with such and the effects on society. The Anarchist crowd the Libertarians opinions is that they are individuals and all the freedoms they enjoy somehow exist outside of the society that created them and maintains them. So they promote ideology which destroys the very society that grants them their freedoms. Such as legalization of all drugs, open boarders and all kinds of destructive insanity. When we lose society we lose our freedoms.
It might be out of context , and also I might not have the correct mental predisposition to judge, but still - I think I get what HP cobra says in the sense that he censored what could have been considered subliminal redirection (unintended) towards an enemy ideological package that functions as weapons against us, knowledge of which ,yes indeed is important but not acceptance of such (if the issue is only of enemy's benefit =created by the very same enemy), now for that one time out of many, me the naturally lower in rang SS had to see what both of your indications had to offer and taking this quote into consideration : " it doesn't make you less thoughtful or clever to never read the bible, for example. A lot of material is created with the intention of brainwashing the reader" and the answer HP Mageson gave in regards to it , I tested myself a few moments ago and came with a conclusion. There are people here (from my category) that just aren't ready to face the big ugly filth as that of the bible in a systematic and counscious manner as you HPs are capable of , this works against our cause at time being , and cost people time and even brain damage only to reenforce that already powerful gut-feeling Spiritual Satanists naturally have- RTRs and what they're doing are the very proof of how much validity we have in front of any other spiritual or political organisation out there - and it's also quite far-fetched to call it an ellytist caprice , because many of us had to eat pain and filth on slices of bread to actually grasp the meaning of our very partecipation in this group. If I said anything too stupid please inform me .thank you !
Ravenheart666 said:
It might be out of context , and also I might not have the correct mental predisposition to judge, but still - I think I get what HP cobra says in the sense that he censored what could have been considered subliminal redirection (unintended) towards an enemy ideological package that functions as weapons against us, knowledge of which ,yes indeed is important but not acceptance of such (if the issue is only of enemy's benefit =created by the very same enemy), now for that one time out of many, me the naturally lower in rang SS had to see what both of your indications had to offer and taking this quote into consideration : "it doesn't make you less thoughtful or clever to never read the bible, for example. A lot of material is created with the intention of brainwashing the reader" and the answer HP Mageson gave in regards to it , I tested myself a few moments ago and came with a conclusion.

There are people here (from my category) that just aren't ready to face the big ugly filth as that of the bible in a systematic and counscious manner as you HPs are capable of , this works against our cause at time being , and cost people time and even brain damage only to reenforce that already powerful gut-feeling Spiritual Satanists naturally have- RTRs and what they're doing are the very proof of how much validity we have in front of any other spiritual or political organisation out there - and it's also quite far-fetched to call it an ellytist caprice , because many of us had to eat pain and filth on slices of bread to actually grasp the meaning of our very partecipation in this group. If I said anything too stupid please inform me .thank you !

The bible and many such things are not comic books of superman. They are occult manuscripts weaved and created with a severe amount of calculation, patterns, and occult warfare, to corrode and destroy minds as part of occult warfare. This is the reason a bible is in every hotel room and every place potentially possible. It is not an empty superman comic as atheists try to treat it.

Even atheists themselves are affected by this book subconsciously. The same thing is done in many other things of the enemy. They are deliberate weapons calculated to erode and destroy the human mind gradually.

If you open the bible the first four to five pages do suffice to know it's a crock of shit, logically speaking. You don't need to read all the fake fraudulent history of the jewish race to understand the illogical aspect of it. You do not need to read the whole story of how the universe was farted out of the jews ass.

There are far deeper and more ingrained things in these works than their logically strange patterns and logical surfaces of superficiality. If this were not the case people wouldn't be reading the Quran that talks about a pedophile prophet as your god and take it seriously.

Spending what can be half a year or a year to read a 2000 page, boring as fuck book that the jew shitted out of their own ass, sorry, but it's not necessary for you. You can spare yourself the pain. As for censorship this is a joke as you can find the said material online. But it is not a necessity to find them here however.

In all ways, it delays you, and it is keeping you back, let alone all the rest of the instilled shit this can potentially cause to people who are gullible to brainwashing.
HP Mageson666 said:
The human needs freedom as stated. However people need to understand that social freedom only comes from having a society that can grant and protect these freedoms. And to maintain such a society requires a structure like foundations hold up a building. This includes the fulfilment of social duties which maintain this structure which maintains social and personal freedoms. That is why when people state Freedom. What freedom and what context of such freedom and how is this freedom developed in society and what responsibilities come with such and the effects on society. The Anarchist crowd the Libertarians opinions is that they are individuals and all the freedoms they enjoy somehow exist outside of the society that created them and maintains them. So they promote ideology which destroys the very society that grants them their freedoms. Such as legalization of all drugs, open boarders and all kinds of destructive insanity. When we lose society we lose our freedoms.

It goes back to the fundamental structure of order within nature. Because even nature has rules it must follow, lest the ecological system and foundations of life itself crumble, taking everything down with it. If you take away a major aspect of an ecosystem, the entire thing falls apart and everything perishes within. The enemy knows this in the case for humanity, they take away what we need which is spirituality and just like when people try to fix an ecosystem by replacing the lost aspect with something that ends up making the situation worse, so too does the enemy do this; and they guise it under 'loving' and 'hopeful' or 'positive' bullshit. And it's not just trying to replace Satanism with Xianity, it's just about everything they can get their hands on.

It's the same exact scenario that Cobra was discussing in regards to the Song of The Siren. It's all just something made to seem like a positive or beautiful thing that just 'works' and when reality slaps you in the face, it's often too late. You eventually see the ugliness that lies beneath it, and luckily this was the case for me when it came to anarchism and I came to realize that order is everywhere in the universe. The enemy is unnatural, they are parasites. They never give anything positive, and when they do it is never without a negative repercussion to go alongside it.

Ravenheart666 said:

I would not recommend studying the enemy by reading their bullshit if you are not advanced enough to protect yourself against it. I've read the bible a hundred times over in the past when I was a dumb xian boy, and now I refuse to even open one even for research purposes because the filth is just poison to your soul and mind, and it only ever gave me a nasty headache around my third eye. It is dangerous and is against everything that we are; just writing this with even the mere recollection of reading a bible is making me cringe and my soul writhe with every keystroke. If someone wants to research that way, then you face the consequences of your own actions, but the bible or any of it's texts or bullshit should never be reiterated here for the safety of our members.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I would not recommend studying the enemy by reading their bullshit if you are not advanced enough to protect yourself against it. I've read the bible a hundred times over in the past when I was a dumb xian boy, and now I refuse to even open one even for research purposes because the filth is just poison to your soul and mind, and it only ever gave me a nasty headache around my third eye. It is dangerous and is against everything that we are; just writing this with even the mere recollection of reading a bible is making me cringe and my soul writhe with every keystroke. If someone wants to research that way, then you face the consequences of your own actions, but the bible or any of it's texts or bullshit should never be reiterated here for the safety of our members.

What you define basically is what the jew does with many of these things. Others, like you have, do walk likewise in Marxism etc. Others, even worse, in the Quran. The list goes.

If you can look at the Sun, why the fuck should you be looking at the sewer? If this is part of being 'open minded', be careful then to what you open your mind to.

Some people lose their minds from this and many other related works. Or we wouldn't be having literally tuned in robots running around this world who want to kill us for not accepting the jewish borg.

Lastly, of course - you CAN find these manuscripts. If you want to corrode yourself there are infinite places on the net to do so, and infinite people suggesting you to do exactly that. There is no point to add one more place to the list. You can literally fuck up your brain easily enough as it is.
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
What you define basically is what the jew does with many of these things. Others, like you have, do walk likewise in Marxism etc. Others, even worse, in the Quran.

If you can look at the Sun, why the fuck should you be looking at the sewer? If this is part of being 'open minded', be careful then to what you open your mind to.

Some people lose their minds from this and many other related works. Or we wouldn't be having literally tuned in robots running around this world who want to kill us for not accepting the jewish borg.

Lastly, of course - you CAN see these manuscripts. If you want to corrode yourself there are infinite places on the net to do so, and infinite people suggesting you to do exactly that. There is no point to add one more place to the list. You can literally fuck up your brain easily enough as it is.

It's a recipe for self-destruction and even those who think they can protect themselves from everything in it will eventually realize in the long-term that things will slip in between the cracks and corrupt you slowly. That's why I'd sooner have every last one of the enemy's crap melted, burned, incinerated and thrown into the super-heated furnace of the sun.
HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ravenheart666 said:
It might be out of context , and also I might not have the correct mental predisposition to judge, but still - I think I get what HP cobra says in the sense that he censored what could have been considered subliminal redirection (unintended) towards an enemy ideological package that functions as weapons against us, knowledge of which ,yes indeed is important but not acceptance of such (if the issue is only of enemy's benefit =created by the very same enemy), now for that one time out of many, me the naturally lower in rang SS had to see what both of your indications had to offer and taking this quote into consideration : "it doesn't make you less thoughtful or clever to never read the bible, for example. A lot of material is created with the intention of brainwashing the reader" and the answer HP Mageson gave in regards to it , I tested myself a few moments ago and came with a conclusion.

There are people here (from my category) that just aren't ready to face the big ugly filth as that of the bible in a systematic and counscious manner as you HPs are capable of , this works against our cause at time being , and cost people time and even brain damage only to reenforce that already powerful gut-feeling Spiritual Satanists naturally have- RTRs and what they're doing are the very proof of how much validity we have in front of any other spiritual or political organisation out there - and it's also quite far-fetched to call it an ellytist caprice , because many of us had to eat pain and filth on slices of bread to actually grasp the meaning of our very partecipation in this group. If I said anything too stupid please inform me .thank you !

The bible and many such things are not comic books of superman. They are occult manuscripts weaved and created with a severe amount of calculation, patterns, and occult warfare, to corrode and destroy minds as part of occult warfare. This is the reason a bible is in every hotel room and every place potentially possible. It is not an empty superman comic as atheists try to treat it.

Even atheists themselves are affected by this book subconsciously. The same thing is done in many other things of the enemy. They are deliberate weapons calculated to erode and destroy the human mind gradually.

If you open the bible the first four to five pages do suffice to know it's a crock of shit, logically speaking. You don't need to read all the fake fraudulent history of the jewish race to understand the illogical aspect of it. You do not need to read the whole story of how the universe was farted out of the jews ass.

There are far deeper and more ingrained things in these works than their logically strange patterns and logical surfaces of superficiality. If this were not the case people wouldn't be reading the Quran that talks about a pedophile prophet as your god and take it seriously.

Spending what can be half a year or a year to read a 2000 page, boring as fuck book that the jew shitted out of their own ass, sorry, but it's not necessary for you. You can spare yourself the pain. As for censorship this is a joke as you can find the said material online. But it is not a necessity to find them here however.

In all ways, it delays you, and it is keeping you back, let alone all the rest of the instilled shit this can potentially cause to people who are gullible to brainwashing.

Okay thanks very much for the feedback , I'll be ok I'll do some extra finalRTRs I hope now things will sort out , I personally dislike when members here pocke each others eyes.

Also good fortune ghost in machine ! Ignore the pain and blot out their (((names))) !! ;)
That is true however the problem is as well so many people have already been indoctrinated in the bible just removing the bible is not going to be enough. You are going to have to actually study this book and use it to debunk its spell it has on people by showing it for what it is within the book. Then people realize its a disgusting lie and want nothing to do with it. The future generations this argument world work. But not now. If you just take the bible away the xians will write down what they remember and pass it around.

The most successful debunkers of Xianity are the Murdock types and the Atheist Experience types for such reasons. Which shows both would work the best. Murdock showed xianity is jew scam created by copying and corrupting Pagan religion. The AA fellow Matt Dillyahunty shows the entire bible is a lie from the Bible. Matt is a former Baptist minster and is good at what he does and has woken a lot of people out of the spell. That is why I wrote articles exposing the bible from within the bible I used this to prove jesus is not the messiah nor god. That works quite well for a Christian who prays to their lampshade because they think jesus lives there. It creates the needed doubt to set them free. And helps others along. Even the most brainwashed Christian that argument has a good effect. That is why the Xian church outlawed doing this and would put you in jail at the least for such. The Murdock approach just does not work on those types.

Ghost in the Machine said:
I would not recommend studying the enemy by reading their bullshit if you are not advanced enough to protect yourself against it. I've read the bible a hundred times over in the past when I was a dumb xian boy, and now I refuse to even open one even for research purposes because the filth is just poison to your soul and mind, and it only ever gave me a nasty headache around my third eye. It is dangerous and is against everything that we are; just writing this with even the mere recollection of reading a bible is making me cringe and my soul writhe with every keystroke. If someone wants to research that way, then you face the consequences of your own actions, but the bible or any of it's texts or bullshit should never be reiterated here for the safety of our members.
HP Mageson666 said:
That is true however the problem is as well so many people have already been indoctrinated in the bible just removing the bible is not going to be enough. You are going to have to actually study this book and use it to debunk its spell it has on people by showing it for what it is within the book. Then people realize its a disgusting lie and want nothing to do with it. The future generations this argument world work. But not now. If you just take the bible away the xians will write down what they remember and pass it around.

The most successful debunkers of Xianity are the Murdock types and the Atheist Experience types for such reasons. Which shows both would work the best. Murdock showed xianity is jew scam created by copying and corrupting Pagan religion. The AA fellow Matt Dillyahunty shows the entire bible is a lie from the Bible. Matt is a former Baptist minster and is good at what he does and has woken a lot of people out of the spell. That is why I wrote articles exposing the bible from within the bible I used this to prove jesus is not the messiah nor god. That works quite well for a Christian who prays to their lampshade because they think jesus lives there. It creates the needed doubt to set them free. And helps others along. Even the most brainwashed Christian that argument has a good effect. That is why the Xian church outlawed doing this and would put you in jail at the least for such. The Murdock approach just does not work on those types.

To debunk a myth stolen and corrupted from an original piece there will need to be comparisons for convincing as the enemy has severely dumbed down humanity to unbelievably stubborn and arrogant levels. But even still all too many times I've dealt with people when given everything that blatantly yells truth in their face, after hours wasted of attempts at convincing they will still hold onto their bullshit and come up with the most ridiculous reasons. For many of them there is no point and they are not worth our time.

But even when it comes to that kind of 'sacrifice' to delve into the enemy's tactics, to deconstruct it and understand it so that others may see the truth, it is still a grave risk. You've stated before the many times of studying the Hebrew alphabet that it negatively affects you, but to the extents you go into your research can and probably is negatively affecting you in ways that you can't see. Which is why I honestly worry about you doing such things. I'm aware that you protect and clean your soul when doing so, but you take great risk and if in the long-term this somehow impacts you negatively, I certainly hope you notice it immediately before it's too late.

I don't need to tell you what I'm sure you already know though. I just hope you're going to every length possible to ensure that nothing slips between the cracks. Who even knows the depths of which HPS Maxine must go to to ensure that she remains forever unaffected by her own research. I'll have to return later on to continue this discussion though, the hour of Saturn for the RTR doesn't last forever.
Just show a Christian that jesus stated in the bible its second coming would be within in 40 years which is the time the jewish messiah must return in. And you can watch the look on their face their whole religion belief is built on jesus is coming back anytime now. Start to point out the contradictions in the bible and their head spins it really affects them. The Christian has been taught this is the perfect word of god. It dismantles the entire mental construct they have. Just taking their bible away plays into their persecution mentality and it makes them go deeper into the religion it does not work. The National Socialist's knew it would take time to slowly bring the Xian population out of it. They banned the printing of the bible but didn't go door to door confiscating them.
The problem with leftist thought is that it tries to play saviour without discriminating people on their worth or considering the big picture such as is that gonna benefit the whole or hurt it to keep these people around. And of course the kikes love pushing that mentality in all their "siren songs" aimed at turning people into marshmallows. That's how we end up with idiots holding welcome refugees banners in one street while in the alley neabry these same rapefugees are raping them. But we can remove the bible and remove toxic elements. It doesn't have to be limited to the former. This world needs Justice. And these people all want to be judged anyway. Xtians and mudslimes want to die and have their soul "judged" by God for their actions. I say let them get the judgement they always wanted. God stands for Justice and He has been wronged very much :
HP Mageson666 said:
Just show a Christian that jesus stated in the bible its second coming would be within in 40 years which is the time the jewish messiah must return in. And you can watch the look on their face their whole religion belief is built on jesus is coming back anytime now. Start to point out the contradictions in the bible and their head spins it really affects them. The Christian has been taught this is the perfect word of god. It dismantles the entire mental construct they have. Just taking their bible away plays into their persecution mentality and it makes them go deeper into the religion it does not work. The National Socialist's knew it would take time to slowly bring the Xian population out of it. They banned the printing of the bible but didn't go door to door confiscating them.
They can start saying BS and evade constantly. They can say generation means " [insert random number] of years according to g_d". They can say none knows the time of the return of the nazarene. They can throw insults without listening. Or they will just go to their pastor/priest/pedophile and ask him to clarify and he will add another thick layer of brainwashing on their brain. And this is why it's not really possible to argue with xtians in most cases. They simply don't care. Xtians have the attitude of MaximumShitWhizztard.

All the research the clergy have done on xtianity, it's of course extremely useful, but it's only relevant for people who care about knowing the Truth. It's not relevant for people who simply don't care. Many have thick ear waxes that they don't wanna remove. Even if some of the most retarded xtians stumbled of the JOS main page by hazard they would probably close it in terror immediately to not allow the Devil to "tempt" them or "demons to possess them" or some other shit like that that their guru made up. They would see "Satan" in the title they would freak out and start chanting some xtian garbage and prey the nazarene to save them from "demonic possession" opening themselves for actual possession by the enemy...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
