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Something About Learning Astrology (Transits, SRs)

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
Not everything can be learned solely from reading books. For many things, you need to actually see and examine charts of people you know, transits during important life phases, and so on. If you want to become skilled in astrology, you need to put in the time to actually learn, not just read books. Reading books is essential for learning, but it will only be theory or hearsay until you put it into practice! I have spent countless hours going over the transits and solar returns of my parents, grandparents, other relatives, and famous people in history (kings, queens, artists, etc), and more.

And don’t go according to theory alone! For example, many people think Saturn = bad. Saturn = life ruined. This is not true at all. When my parents met and entered a relationship, they both had Saturn transiting their 4th houses (they have the same house cusps), and that was a permanent relationship for them as they married and never broke up. And when Saturn entered their 5th houses, they started a family and had their first child.

Someone else I know moved to a new country when Saturn entered their 9th house. Someone else had Saturn enter their 10th house when they were promoted to manager of the store they worked at.

So going by observation of reality, Saturn brings responsibilities and permanence, very often good things that help a person grow and mature.

The more you work, the more you prepare, the more you see things realistically: the more Saturn will reward you. But if you run from it, it will chase you down. Life lessons need to be learned and managed, in order to advance, expand, and prosper. Saturn will often force this to happen for your own sake.

If you see Saturn entering a new house in your natal chart, or see it about to aspect a planet, look to how you can prepare for it. Do deep cleaning (Witches Sabbat dates, for added cleaning power, are listed in our SS Calendar), do freeing the soul workings for problems you have, do magick workings to improve things, learn real life skills, learn how to manage your money, and so on.

Read or re-read these sermons by HP HoodedCobra666 for more information about Saturn:

About Your First Saturn Return [Updated - How To Manage This And The Good News]

The Wisdom Of Saturn

On Saturn

Witches Sabbath Purification

Getting back to the point of this post. To learn transits and solar returns, look at people you know, get their charts if possible, or even just their date of birth and look at their planets. This is best done for people who have had experiences in life, like someone who has moved internationally at least once, someone who has had promotions in career, someone who has had multiple marriages or someone who has had one permanent marriage, someone who has done stuff. Then go through their transits and solar returns for those dates in their life.

The year someone made a major move of residence, did Uranus hit their Moon or enter their 4th or 9th house? Did Saturn?

When someone’s house got robbed, flooded, etc, was transiting Neptune aspecting natal Moon? Or in 4th? How about their Solar Return for that year?

When someone got cancer or another major illness, did Mars station then go retrograde in hard exact aspect to their 6th house ruler? (Real life observation of someone I know.)

If someone died, look not just at their transits for that year/month, but also at their child’s chart, parent’s chart (especially mother’s), and spouse if any. A friend who had a parent die, I could not find it in my friend’s transits, so I looked at the chart and transits of their other parent (the spouse), and it was clearly indicated. One woman I know who had a child die, Saturn was retrograding over her 4th house cusp. (5th rules children, but 4th rules family and is an angle.) There were other factors shown as well, so don’t ever think that one transit will definitely cause something bad to happen – this is not true. Many times, it will just be some upsetting problems, some extra stress, possible unemployment; usually not death.

All of the above taken into consideration, things can be offset by workings and advancement. I have had solar returns that made no sense, looking at them again after the year had passed. I had major indications of events, and nothing happened. Cleaning bad karmic seeds from the chakras, keeping up a strong and healthy aura, working on an aura of protection, and staying close to Satan will do wonders for you and your life. Knowledge is power, seeing planetary transits and solar returns will help you prepare and even offset them, or at least minimize the potential damage. We are so fortunate to have the JoS and our Gods and Goddesses.
Agreed. You can never just learn Astrology from a book.

A lot of the signs have more dimensions than the cookbook approach suggests too, and there are even near constant lies told about Astrology outside of the JoS. The amount of shit I see on twitter... :roll:

Plus, one advantage of knowing the Gods is knowing there is an occult layer to the planets too: the functions of Satan and Astarte we describe in the Rituals and which are alluded to in mythology can be applied to Venus on the higher level, or the number 5 as a degree [numerology is a very important part], life path or birthday number, for example. Knowing what Artemis [an aspect of Astarte] really conveys helps us understand a lot of the Moon's nature in the context of the Chart, and so on.

Another important thing is life experience and knowing people. Very young people, unless they had numerous past lives doing it, often don't make amazing Astrologers. Those who are isolated can have issues using their intuition with this.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=440179 time=1683012938 user_id=57]

All of the above taken into consideration, things can be offset by workings and advancement. I have had solar returns that made no sense, looking at them again after the year had passed. I had major indications of events, and nothing happened.

i totally agree, i saw something about strong romance in my life months ago in a lunar transit and i obviously focused even on how today, in my development, could it be that i got away with something bad or something good, given my control of my destiny?

and lydia [jg] do you think that the point of view of practically total autonomy of the serious SS, is having to take action in a lot of things and do life the way you want? without external impulses
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=440179 time=1683012938 user_id=57]

When someone’s house got robbed, flooded, etc, was transiting Neptune aspecting natal Moon? Or in 4th? How about their Solar Return for that year?

I have had solar returns that made no sense, looking at them again after the year had passed. I had major indications of events, and nothing happened.

When it comes to looking at a solar returns to see how the year will play out, how exactly do you do that? When the sun hits the same degree as the natal sun is that when you would look at where all the planets are and their aspects to each other for prediction?

I put a random chart here, when I look at it I'm not sure what to make of it in terms of events.

I have also learned so far it is better to read as many charts as you can. Thanks Lydia this is great to read! For the record, Neptune was actually transiting my 9th house when I flew across the Atlantic to live in NL for a good portion of my 20s. Neptune rules large bodies of water, namely the ocean and the 9th house rules travel :).
Big Dipper said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=440179 time=1683012938 user_id=57]

When someone’s house got robbed, flooded, etc, was transiting Neptune aspecting natal Moon? Or in 4th? How about their Solar Return for that year?

I have had solar returns that made no sense, looking at them again after the year had passed. I had major indications of events, and nothing happened.

When it comes to looking at a solar returns to see how the year will play out, how exactly do you do that? When the sun hits the same degree as the natal sun is that when you would look at where all the planets are and their aspects to each other for prediction?

I put a random chart here, when I look at it I'm not sure what to make of it in terms of events.


Oh my Gods look at all that fire. Leo Ascendant and 3 aries planets with a fire grand trine? I bet they are psycho lmao. Especially with that lack of water. Grug smash :lol:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=440179 time=1683012938 user_id=57]

Thank you for this post.

Although some people may be overwhelmed by the idea that you need to study even more to fully understand what may already be complex, the silver lining here is that looking at reality makes it easy to figure out what you need to focus on.

Sometimes people look at their chart(s) and get completely overwhelmed when trying to ask themselves a question such as "What am I good at?". The chart will gives some clues, but reality shows the final output of all the possible factors.

Once people start to memorize the basics of each planetary energy, houses, etc, then they can tie this into their analysis of real life. As you describe in your examples, your mind immediately starts to correlate the real life event with possible astrological causes.


Also, I am curious if you ever got strange looks from people when you asked to have their natal data, especially if this was after some significant event?

I think astrology is one of the best examples of a Pisces/Virgo translation tool. It is kind of crazy how the Gods were able to map the energies of the universe, then put this into a tool of some sort from which we can understand at our level. Modern scientists struggle to draw conclusions about a rat, whereas here we can see a map of major events and people.

Another thing I realized is that is does not fully show certain "structural" differences, such as racial differences or broader qualities of souls, like cleanliness. Saturn to a unclean soul in a third world means something much different than a 1st world SS, although the charts may be "the same".
Shadowcat said:
Oh my Gods look at all that fire. Leo Ascendant and 3 aries planets with a fire grand trine? I bet they are psycho lmao. Especially with that lack of water. Grug smash :lol:

Whats up with you and your hate on fire people? Its all really funny since you're giving off Aries vibes yourself.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=440352 time=1683095161 user_id=21286]
Also, I am curious if you ever got strange looks from people when you asked to have their natal data, especially if this was after some significant event?

I've actually never asked people for their data, I didn't want anyone to be suspicious or weirded out. I have rectified the charts of my parents, grandmother, and one friend, for my own study purposes. It gave me practice for rectifying charts too. That friend was an obvious 6th house Sun person, and I can often tell the AC by how they look and hers was obvious, so her chart took me like 2 minutes to rectify.

Another friend, her birth time just randomly came up in conversation, she said she was born at supper time, and I knew in her family the approximate time they ate supper.

For other people, I knew their birthday so I could at least see transit planets hitting their natal planets.

For some SS friends, they gave me their data and told me I could look into significant events for my practice (a thank you to them if they are reading this, it really helped me a lot).

Big Dipper said:
When it comes to looking at a solar returns to see how the year will play out, how exactly do you do that? When the sun hits the same degree as the natal sun is that when you would look at where all the planets are and their aspects to each other for prediction?

I can't see that chart, the image doesn't show (I'm using tor). On our JoS-astro.com site, you can use the Solar Return option, and it casts a chart for the SR. Look at the planets in houses, AC, Moon sign, and how the SR planets aspect natal planets (if applicable), and see if any events are shown. Maybe I'll write a detailed guide when I have some time, but it won't be for many months from now.

Thanks Shadowcat, yes that makes perfect sense about Neptune transiting the 9th.

Very true.

I'm not sure if we can ever have total autonomy, unless we are Gods maybe. There will still be astrological and other factors at play. But we do often need to take action regardless.
Shadowcat said:
Oh my Gods look at all that fire. Leo Ascendant and 3 aries planets with a fire grand trine? I bet they are psycho lmao. Especially with that lack of water. Grug smash :lol:

I strongly disagree. Fire is not psycho. As for lack of Water, the 8th house planets makes up for that. Fire is very spiritual. And that chart has Taurus planets to balance well.

(I couldn't see the chart before, but it was re-uploaded.)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=440395 time=1683116684 user_id=57]
Shadowcat said:
Oh my Gods look at all that fire. Leo Ascendant and 3 aries planets with a fire grand trine? I bet they are psycho lmao. Especially with that lack of water. Grug smash :lol:

I strongly disagree. Fire is not psycho. As for lack of Water, the 8th house planets makes up for that. Fire is very spiritual. And that chart has Taurus planets to balance well.

(I couldn't see the chart before, but it was re-uploaded.)

That's true thanks for the feedback. As far as elemental dominance in the chart is there a way to take all the aspects and house placements into account also if we get to know how to or is this just something with the planets, with the aspects and house placements making up for other elemental absense? I have seen people who were supposedly water dominant with only 3 fire planets yet the fire seemed to crowd this out...maybe because of the house placements and aspects that technically added more fire to the chart making them ultimately more fire?

Lastly nah I was partially just joking around and poking and the general abrasiveness and self centeredness this can give, also based on personal experience. I know there is a variety of things that can make this and the other element come out in different ways but i have to look at many more charts in the future.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=440179 time=1683012938 user_id=57]

My personal experience with Saturn is exactly as you described. It takes a great level of understanding and intuition to realize certain events are linked to the cosmos and how they are supposed to teach you certain lessons for you to grow. Once you're past that level, it actually goes smoothly if you embrace the journey. If that makes sense. Saturn will definitely chase you down and brutally punish you for not learning, especially if it was due to fully conscious poor decisions, such as when you know you shouldn't do something but you choose to do it anyway. I have always looked at Saturn as a harsh but just teacher. The rewards are always permanent and powerful if you abide by what Saturn demands of you. Thanks to the JoS I have learned Astrology with the right mindset and my life was never the same.

One thing I wanted to ask - Since I have a very prominent Saturn, I often create hard aspects with other people I come across. I have noticed my Saturn always squares women's Sun, Ascendant, or some other personal planet. And obviously, this can go both ways depending on the nature of the other person - I can be an extremely positive transformative influence, or I can be perceived as restrictive and negative, even though my intentions all along were to elevate them. When I notice that my Saturn's teachings will not be accepted, I walk away, because I know that the situation can only get worse from there, and they unfortunately end up emotionally hurt.

Is it something that all people like me have in common? Have you noticed that? Honestly, I have never encountered others with a similar strong Saturnian nature so I wouldn't know, but I have wondered about this. I often try to analyze people and see how they can improve and try to teach them, and because I can come across as cold and detached, this can be perceived as me trying to be controlling just for the sake of it, for those who are not at a level of understanding in which my advice makes sense to them.
From your comment, it seems like you have the mindset that *you* need to improve others and teach them. If they were your children, then yes, but as they are not, then they are not your responsibility. People can offer help and advice, but ultimately it is up to the individual to grow through their life, and you seem to take it too far that you are their teacher.

(This is just an observation from your comment though.)

Look also at planetary aspects. Is the chart mostly conjunctions or trines, for example. And the planets in houses, the element that rules the house.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=440546 time=1683181811 user_id=57]

Thanks. After meditating on what you said, over the past few days, I realize that you were right. I tend to be an all-or-nothing kind of guy and want to guide those around me in my personal life and encourage them to improve themselves, with the ultimate goal of leading them to this place. Since I am so obsessed with personal growth, I can take things to unhealthy extents which also includes having too much expectations from people.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=440179 time=1683012938 user_id=57]
Not everything can be learned solely from reading books. For many things, you need to actually see and examine charts of people you know, transits during important life phases, and so on. If you want to become skilled in astrology, you need to put in the time to actually learn, not just read books. Reading books is essential for learning, but it will only be theory or hearsay until you put it into practice! I have spent countless hours going over the transits and solar returns of my parents, grandparents, other relatives, and famous people in history (kings, queens, artists, etc), and more.

And don’t go according to theory alone! For example, many people think Saturn = bad. Saturn = life ruined. This is not true at all. When my parents met and entered a relationship, they both had Saturn transiting their 4th houses (they have the same house cusps), and that was a permanent relationship for them as they married and never broke up. And when Saturn entered their 5th houses, they started a family and had their first child.

Someone else I know moved to a new country when Saturn entered their 9th house. Someone else had Saturn enter their 10th house when they were promoted to manager of the store they worked at.

So going by observation of reality, Saturn brings responsibilities and permanence, very often good things that help a person grow and mature.

The more you work, the more you prepare, the more you see things realistically: the more Saturn will reward you. But if you run from it, it will chase you down. Life lessons need to be learned and managed, in order to advance, expand, and prosper. Saturn will often force this to happen for your own sake.
I love this. Saturn is a planet of restriction, but also structures and foundations. It's associated with bricklayers and masons for a reason. Your parents were building something, something that was built to last. That is the good in Saturn. Wonderful planet if you can harmonize with it, and living without it is far worse than living with it, in my opinion.

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=440179 time=1683012938 user_id=57]
Getting back to the point of this post. To learn transits and solar returns, look at people you know, get their charts if possible, or even just their date of birth and look at their planets. This is best done for people who have had experiences in life, like someone who has moved internationally at least once, someone who has had promotions in career, someone who has had multiple marriages or someone who has had one permanent marriage, someone who has done stuff. Then go through their transits and solar returns for those dates in their life.

The year someone made a major move of residence, did Uranus hit their Moon or enter their 4th or 9th house? Did Saturn?

When someone’s house got robbed, flooded, etc, was transiting Neptune aspecting natal Moon? Or in 4th? How about their Solar Return for that year?

When someone got cancer or another major illness, did Mars station then go retrograde in hard exact aspect to their 6th house ruler? (Real life observation of someone I know.)

If someone died, look not just at their transits for that year/month, but also at their child’s chart, parent’s chart (especially mother’s), and spouse if any. A friend who had a parent die, I could not find it in my friend’s transits, so I looked at the chart and transits of their other parent (the spouse), and it was clearly indicated. One woman I know who had a child die, Saturn was retrograding over her 4th house cusp. (5th rules children, but 4th rules family and is an angle.) There were other factors shown as well, so don’t ever think that one transit will definitely cause something bad to happen – this is not true. Many times, it will just be some upsetting problems, some extra stress, possible unemployment; usually not death.
I don't have the full charts of my parents. I'm not sure if they're even accurate. But when one parent died, I checked my SR for that year, and it was glaringly obvious that something major was set to happen, even to my unskilled eyes. Lots of major factors at play in that chart. If I had been paying enough attention and practiced astrology enough to be able to interpret SRs, I could have prepared for it. I almost asked you for a reading on it. Everything single thing that happened was accounted for.

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=440179 time=1683012938 user_id=57]
All of the above taken into consideration, things can be offset by workings and advancement. I have had solar returns that made no sense, looking at them again after the year had passed. I had major indications of events, and nothing happened. Cleaning bad karmic seeds from the chakras, keeping up a strong and healthy aura, working on an aura of protection, and staying close to Satan will do wonders for you and your life. Knowledge is power, seeing planetary transits and solar returns will help you prepare and even offset them, or at least minimize the potential damage. We are so fortunate to have the JoS and our Gods and Goddesses.
I suffered alot, needlessly, out of ignorance. Some of it isn't my fault. But most of it is, especially since I know better now. Satan gave me an incredible opportunity to cast away the ignorance and confusion when he welcomed me into the JOS.
Unless you have a photographic memory you also need to keep a journal. Write down the major and even some of the minor events that you remember throughout the day, or if possible make a quick note of them the time they happen, and write it all down later on at the end of the day. Often I forget to do this, but with certain things, like where I went and at what time, you can look it up on google maps under timelines. Then you need to write down the transits occurring during these times, even looking up your solar, lunar, progressed, and even other planetary return charts and make associations between any event and your astrology charts. This takes alot of time and patience. It should be seen as a meditation.
Astrology actually gets easier and easier the more you get into it!
And I was always somebody that had problems with math is a little kid growing up but now as I have gotten older I've learned to appreciate it more and more! And you have to respect math especially if you're in a cultist!.. because you use it with everything you do and get into! And it's a part of everything. And it is all around us! You can't ignore it! And I've learned to love numbers more and more because of it! And because of it as a student it's made it easier for me to understand palmistry which is what I started with! And then from there I got into astrology! It's a little confusing! From time to time! But as I read the different charts and read about the different personalities! It makes it easier for me to follow and understand it just takes a little time and a little practice! One of these days I will have it figured out!❤️🙂

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
