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Some Questions About Planetary Squares Answered

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
So I wanted to answer quickly some really popular questions about the squares. The Kabbalistic Squares are not the easiest of workings, but they can be the real keys to make functional changes in life.

For those who might be newer and don't understand yet what this post is about, refer to this page:

1. Do you completely re-do the square if you fail the amount of repetitions for the day? No, you don't have to.

You can let it go for this day and affirm that the energy for this day is cancelled, and do this later in the day with the correct amount of repetitions, after let's say some hours. For this to work, you need to be within the same planetary date.

For example, at 32 reps for the day, you are confused and you do 33. Before you do the affirmation, if you know you have been wrong, program this energy to do something else or let it dissipate. Allow 1 hour to pass, and then do again 32 for the same day, with the correct affirmation.

2. The real "daily" day for this square is the planetary date, not the date of the regular clock. Ie, you can conclude the same reps for this day until about 6 AM per day, and if you lose it at 12 AM, you didn't lose the day.

Check out planetary hours. Based on the conventional time calendar, the "day" changes at 12 AM. That is not accurate, it is false. You can still do a working for that day from the Sunrise of one day to the Sunrise of the next, which is typically at 6 AM. At 6 AM, the real next planetary day occurs.

The real day changes on about 6 AM broadly based on Planetary hours and the Sunrise in each location.

3. If you do a completely wrong number for the day and you affirm it, the square is gone, you must restart it.

4. If you muffle specific words or forget some of the mantra, you need to redo it for the day. It must be said accurately. Cracks of the throat, loss or short syllabes that were said, are OK. Only a wrong flat mispronouncing should be taken as a failed vibration, as in Gram to Sram.

5. If you have a set number of affirmation after it, like let's say 8, and you say 9, it is not a big problem. But it is better to stay always within the same number.

6. If you mumble the affirmation by accident, you can follow up and do it all again for the day.

7. Be aware that the higher the amount of focus and inner power, the better the outcomes of the squares.

The above is verified by those that have done hundreds of squares, and I had other advanced SS verify the situation before anything. Additionally, extensive experimentation that was necessitated and none of the above would have been written unless there was 100% certainty which was attained through extensive experimentation and consultation with the Demons on this.

Similar rules can also apply to other workings where there are set numbers of repetitions and affirmations.

One further information about the Squares is that the Methdodology that HPS Maxine has given on them is extremely powerful, and is based on the see-saw pattern or Boustrophedon, which has to do the serpentine movement and working. That is one of the reasons these squares are very powerful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for the clear up!
Wow this answered so many questions I had! Thanks HP

Could you further elaborate on 2 and 4?

2, I don't understand what you mean.

4, what about slight changes? For example, I am doing a Jupiter Square and and during GRAAM I had a cackle in the back of my throat during the R on accident. This was a week ago now.

Also, this may not relate but sometime when I'm doing the square I second guess the number I am at even though I'm using a calculator. is this just an issue of awareness?

I've been really trying to work with Lady Agares to help answer these question but it doesn't hurt to ask my HP.
This is so helpful thank you Hp! I myself have started a moon square yesterday. I have messed up on sun and mars squares before for the rep counting and also the order of the numbers by accident in the past.

Thank you bigot boy for your awesome square app! its a lifesaver if you are reading this :)

I will also make a note about some testimonials with my own mars squares.
When i made an affirmation to have the aspects of my natal planet manifest for me in only positive ways this also included all of a sudden being approached by random people of the opposite sex who had their mars in the same house i do...and this happened several times during the square. It was almost like doing a venus square but different and i didn't even program the energy to attract prospective partners to me. I think it had to do with the house my mars was in because its affairs where what the interactions were centered around, at least from their end :p. i wasn't about it.

I did notice however how one manifestation of this brought out somethings my venus can also attract since this was manifesting things in the neighborhood so to speak as it is. our chart is all connected of course so this made sense. It actually led me to see my venus also needs some good work which is what my recent munka was for. If one has a good eye, they can see from each point of working what the next step is when it comes to refining and bettering what or whom one has a tendancy to attract.

I have also noticed doing a square for the planet that has the weakest element in your chart brings out the element more in terms of the sign the planet is in. This helped me with emotional peace and stability. it was a breath of fresh air so to speak :lol:

Thank the Gods For this great knowledge of the planetary squares!
Is an affirmation necessary for the spiritual squares, or only the material squares? Because the spiritual squares, according to the pages, already do things on their own as if the programming is inbuilt. Logically, you're saying something in Sanskrit before saying something in English so I'm guessing the affirmation might already be built into the Sanskrit mantra and square. It's only my guess though. It was only clearly stated on the pages that an affirmation is necessary for the material square so I wanted to ask for clarification about the spiritual square.
jrvan said:
Is an affirmation necessary for the spiritual squares, or only the material squares? Because the spiritual squares, according to the pages, already do things on their own as if the programming is inbuilt. Logically, you're saying something in Sanskrit before saying something in English so I'm guessing the affirmation might already be built into the Sanskrit mantra and square. It's only my guess though. It was only clearly stated on the pages that an affirmation is necessary for the material square so I wanted to ask for clarification about the spiritual square.

You always need to use your intentions, focus, will and affirmations to direct the energies into a goal. If you do not do this, you definitely raise the energies (as you can clearly feel them) but you do not control them, and set them loose.

But HighPriest can explain this better than me. This is just my current understanding of spirituality.
jrvan said:
Is an affirmation necessary for the spiritual squares, or only the material squares? Because the spiritual squares, according to the pages, already do things on their own as if the programming is inbuilt. Logically, you're saying something in Sanskrit before saying something in English so I'm guessing the affirmation might already be built into the Sanskrit mantra and square. It's only my guess though. It was only clearly stated on the pages that an affirmation is necessary for the material square so I wanted to ask for clarification about the spiritual square.

The Sanskrit mantras provided are energy raising mantras, not affirmations.

Both squares require their own separate affirmation.

Even the Spiritual Square might require an affirmation that it does empower X chakra, or X thing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Very interesting. Can I add another question?

Can you do a material square and a spiritual square of the same planet at the same time? I personally did in the past more than once and I had success with them, but some members were saying this is not the case.

I just wanted your opinion.
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Very interesting. Can I add another question?

Can you do a material square and a spiritual square of the same planet at the same time? I personally did in the past more than once and I had success with them, but some members were saying this is not the case.

I just wanted your opinion.

I would say that yes, this is definitely possible, but the degree of potential confusion if one is not very organized and focus might be the only factor that would cause an issue.

There is no functional issue in doing this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Very interesting. Can I add another question?

Can you do a material square and a spiritual square of the same planet at the same time? I personally did in the past more than once and I had success with them, but some members were saying this is not the case.

I just wanted your opinion.

I would say that yes, this is definitely possible, but the degree of potential confusion if one is not very organized and focus might be the only factor that would cause an issue.

There is no functional issue in doing this.

Yeah, I had the issue of sometimes losing focus and vibrating the wrong final word, and had to cancel the square... I think that spacing them throughout the day helps.

Shadowcat said:
This is so helpful thank you Hp! I myself have started a moon square yesterday. I have messed up on sun and mars squares before for the rep counting and also the order of the numbers by accident in the past.

Thank you bigot boy for your awesome square app! its a lifesaver if you are reading this :)

Hey, I just wanted to thank you for mentioning the Moon square. I knew I wanted to do it but I double-checked if I entered it in my schedule. Next week's start is better for my goal.

Also, if any programmer is reading, I had a problem with bigot boy's desktop app two days ago: it doesn't load anymore. It just shows the initial godot logo, then shuts down. Maybe Windows did something about it. Thankfully, I remember perfectly where I am at with each square and the affirmations, and could make a spreadsheet to make up for it temporarily. Do you know if there is a way to revive it without uninstalling and reinstalling? Or at least how to salvage the current squares and progress from the malfunctioning app's code?
This was very helpful! I have started squares at times and then freaked out and quit because of doing something imperfectly and now I know some issues can be fixed. Thank you!
Hail Satan
Hail Eligos
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Is an affirmation necessary for the spiritual squares, or only the material squares? Because the spiritual squares, according to the pages, already do things on their own as if the programming is inbuilt. Logically, you're saying something in Sanskrit before saying something in English so I'm guessing the affirmation might already be built into the Sanskrit mantra and square. It's only my guess though. It was only clearly stated on the pages that an affirmation is necessary for the material square so I wanted to ask for clarification about the spiritual square.

The Sanskrit mantras provided are energy raising mantras, not affirmations.

Both squares require their own separate affirmation.

Even the Spiritual Square might require an affirmation that it does empower X chakra, or X thing.

Following up from jrvan's question: Is it possible that performing the spiritual squares without affirmations can still have an effect or influence? I have done some spiritual squares in the past without affirmations and still found them to bring benefit, in some cases it was profound. At the time, I wasn't aware that affirmations were necessary for spiritual squares, but having read the areas of empowerment that each planetary spiritual square brings, I did have some idea of what to expect - perhaps this helped direct the energy?

Thanks, HP.
If someone wanted to do a spiritual or material square on someone else for whatever reason (obviously only focusing on something positive and that you would not mind connecting to or done to yourself as this wouldn't be safe for you otherwise I do know that) is it less effective or more effective if the person doing the square on someone is more powerful than the person it's being done on. Does this work.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Is an affirmation necessary for the spiritual squares, or only the material squares? Because the spiritual squares, according to the pages, already do things on their own as if the programming is inbuilt. Logically, you're saying something in Sanskrit before saying something in English so I'm guessing the affirmation might already be built into the Sanskrit mantra and square. It's only my guess though. It was only clearly stated on the pages that an affirmation is necessary for the material square so I wanted to ask for clarification about the spiritual square.

The Sanskrit mantras provided are energy raising mantras, not affirmations.

Both squares require their own separate affirmation.

Even the Spiritual Square might require an affirmation that it does empower X chakra, or X thing.

What would be a good example for a debilitated planet? Would you focus in on an aspect of the planet to empower or the placement of the planet itself such as "in a safe and positive way, my [natal planet] is now strengthened and empowered"?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Do you completely re-do the square if you fail the amount of repetitions for the day? No, you don't have to.

You can let it go for this day and affirm that the energy for this day is cancelled, and do this later in the day with the correct amount of repetitions, after let's say some hours. For this to work, you need to be within the same planetary date.

For example, at 32 reps for the day, you are confused and you do 33. Before you do the affirmation, if you know you have been wrong, program this energy to do something else or let it dissipate. Allow 1 hour to pass, and then do again 32 for the same day, with the correct affirmation.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I was aware of the other clarifications you made, but this I had no idea about.

Thank you so much for clarifying this. Absolutely amazing!

Makes the squares significantly easier to complete. Definitely going to focus extensively on them this year.

Hail Satan!
I've asked before but I want a more official answer from a higher up. I'm sure others have had such thought.

Can we (remove) squares from our system? Or are the squares once done it's over, your stuck with it permanently?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

So is it possible to make two or more squares of the same planet at the same time for two or more different purposes?
I don't know how to thank you, HP, for this very useful post. I was making some squares and this post was very useful and will be very useful.
Just one question, similar to the one they have already asked you, please: can you perform two squares of the same planet in the same period (with different statements of course) but BOTH with material purpose (Nama)?
Last year, i abandoned the Venus square I was doing so many times, because I miscounted and I think it affected me, same as the Moon Square and I think it kinda affected my mom.
Part of this issue was due to low tenacity which I have no problems with now cos I even look forward to high reps of viberations now. But I really abandoned so many squares in even 2021 and I don't think that's a good thing. I abandoned them and waited for the next time to do it and I will experience some kind of deterioration in some certain aspects that is been ruled by that planet. I'm happy this has been cleared. Oh my.
I'm on the mercury square and I'm glad there'll be no fuck ups again.
This was fantastic. Thank you.
If you need to restart completely how long do I have to wait for the energy to dissipate to start again from day 1?
For how long will the energy try to do its job, and what will it do if it fails?

Let's say I did a sun square in the summer, I almost got the money I wanted, right the way I wanted it, but at the last moment it was gone and I didn't get anything.

What could this be about, and could the energy still pay off in the future?
Thanks, this helps. Didn't know it's possible to continue the square if you mess up the counting.
I have messed up some in the past.
The Master Squares app really changed everything for me in regards to counting the squares but either way good to know this.

Thank you doing this investigation and sharing the knowledge.
Will the square still work if you changed the affirmation on the second day. I think it was the second day that I changed the ending from "continuously and abundantly" to "continuously and abundantly in a positive and healthy manner" I just added to it.
This is great, thanks for clarifying it all HP :)

For those who don't know what planetary days are, there are many apps and online resources that show it. Basically, the day begins at sunrise. Any planetary hours app also includes it, the first minute of the first hour is the beginning of the planetary day.
slyscorpion said:
If someone wanted to do a spiritual or material square on someone else for whatever reason (obviously only focusing on something positive and that you would not mind connecting to or done to yourself as this wouldn't be safe for you otherwise I do know that) is it less effective or more effective if the person doing the square on someone is more powerful than the person it's being done on. Does this work.

I think there is a possibility to direct the energies on someone else. I have never tried it. I think this really applies to the material square though, for directing the energies on another person as an object. You can always direct the energies to do what you want, basically.

As for the spiritual, I wouldn't recommend it. It is very spiritual and have the nature of the Kundalini, which the material also have, but in a different manner. To me it is very personal to say the least. It all depends in the "why" one is doing it. The squares are for improving, bettering and empowering things about the self. Connecting the finer planetary influence onto the soul.

Personally, I would use the squares on myself, or in assistance of my guardian if using it for something greater.
Yeah, I forgot an affirmation for my material Jupiter square. I'm already halfway in. I didn't see that piece of text, as I went off of the Satan's Magickal Squares pdf and ctrl+F'd straight down to Jupiter.

If I make an affirmation now, it should still be fine, right? From what I'm guessing, all the energy raised up until now would direct properly once an affirmation is established.
Excellent! The reassurance of this is very much appreciated.

First time I did the mercury square, I messed up one of the days, and was very stressed about it. Buer instructed me somehow I could cancel the energies of that day and restart again a little bit later. I seriously thought this was just my wishful thinking. I haven't had that much of mistakes again though, which is a mix of luck and a woke attention to not doing such a failure again (because of the "fear" restarting it), and because I have too canceled out the energies so to speak by giving it to Buer instead.

Thank you HP Hooded Cobra!
Stormblood said:
Also, if any programmer is reading, I had a problem with bigot boy's desktop app two days ago: it doesn't load anymore. It just shows the initial godot logo, then shuts down. Maybe Windows did something about it. Thankfully, I remember perfectly where I am at with each square and the affirmations, and could make a spreadsheet to make up for it temporarily. Do you know if there is a way to revive it without uninstalling and reinstalling? Or at least how to salvage the current squares and progress from the malfunctioning app's code?
I found that Master Squares saves the progress into a folder. The path is: [username]/AppData/Roaming/Godot/app_userdata/MasterSquares/Saves

I don't know if the software will recognize the save file automatically when you enter it into that folder with a new installation.
Academic Scholar said:
What affirmations would you recommend for the Planetary Squares? I recall you saying that you’ve done Saturn squares before, what affirmations would you recommend for a Saturn square? Should I use a Mars square or a Sun square to enhance my mental strength / mental toughness?
You need to look at what certain planet rules over and then direct you will accordingly with an affirmation, preferably in a safe and prosperous manner (or similiar safety clause in the affirmation). It is also good to state when. The affirmation part really is not much more complicated than that.

Sometimes it is better to do karma removing working(s) before certain squares since there can be karma that blocks empowerment of certain qualities.
Thank you, planetary squares are a bit too complicated for me but you never know when this tips would come in handy :D

Still i know this is not the same but i am curious, if i do a meditation or working with mantras and i suddenly change the number or add something more to an affirmation does that mean i messed up a bit?

Like there are days when I do the RAUM meditation and i cannot follow all the repetitions so i cut a bit from repetitions.
Or the aura of protection meditation, i used "i inhale a protective and pozitive energy that protects me at all time" and now i want to change to include the forming of the aura of protection, you know the normal one.

Again sorry if it's offtopic, i just read this and it came through my head.
SleepingWolf said:
If you need to restart completely how long do I have to wait for the energy to dissipate to start again from day 1?

36 hours in the case of the squares as they are repeated daily.
I asked you before and said that the Jupiter square can be done when retrograde and its even the spiritual square is even more powerful when done retrograde. Just putting this here for everyone.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SleepingWolf said:
If you need to restart completely how long do I have to wait for the energy to dissipate to start again from day 1?

36 hours in the case of the squares as they are repeated daily.

Perfect timing, I know I can restart my Mercury square just fine later today, thank you.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

3 questions Mr djinni

1Why do the random numbers matter?
2Things vibrating makes sound, un making the sound unmakes the thing, why?
3 are the petals of the chakras, and the planet's numbers the same?

Thanks for being awesome and wasting time on me I really admire you ❤

1 it is not random, its divine numerology

2. Its about the energy u put into the vibration

3 🤔
❤️❤️❤️Thank you for explaining!!! ❣️
Could you kindly speak relative to using a set number of repetitions vs. the entire square?

I ask because HPs Maxine stated this in regards to performing square workings after raising sufficiently energy via the RAUM meditation:

Following this, one may vibrate a short mantra or a word of power as in Satan's Squares, such as SURYAE. Vibrating the word alone SUUU-RR-YAH-YAY, nine times, or a multiple of nine is effective. You do not need to vibrate all of the Sun mantra given in the squares.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
