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Some questions about Astrology and Spiritual Satanism

Lux Amoris

New member
Dec 29, 2023
Hello there!

I have some questions about Spiritual Satanism.

1. Astrology determines a person's destiny, I have seen a 40 year old man's chart match exactly, I have seen everything from the person he will marry to his children. How does Spiritual Satanism deal with astrology? If our destiny is determined, why do we live?

2. I believe that western astrology is a complete lie, that the angle of deviation in the solar system, in space, is not calculated and that Vedic astrology is the true astrology. Many astrologers also say that Vedic astrology is more accurate. How does spiritual Satanism deal with this issue? (Science also says that western astrology does not take into account the deviation angle of the solar system).

3. Is the symbol in the Vedic astrological chart called Rahu, which means the head of Satan, important? Should the fixed star Algol be taken into account? It is said that this fixed star, known as the Satan's star, was also present in Hitler, is this true?

4. What are the things Satanists must do?

5. What steps should a new Satanist follow?

6. What exactly is wrong with astrology in the popular media and why is it wrong?

Thank you!
Lux Amoris said:
1. Astrology determines a person's destiny, I have seen a 40 year old man's chart match exactly, I have seen everything from the person he will marry to his children. How does Spiritual Satanism deal with astrology? If our destiny is determined, why do we live?

It's not exactly determined. As Spiritual Satanists, we can clear our karma when we advance spiritually so that fate can no longer affect us. So, think of the chart as *tendencies* from your past lives which can be overcome.

Lux Amoris said:
2. I believe that western astrology is a complete lie, that the angle of deviation in the solar system, in space, is not calculated and that Vedic astrology is the true astrology. Many astrologers also say that Vedic astrology is more accurate. How does spiritual Satanism deal with this issue? (Science also says that western astrology does not take into account the deviation angle of the solar system).

People confuse the signs with the constellations. Nobody really said that the zodiac signs in western astrology are the actual constellations. Nobody here claims that. We all know that the zodiac signs used are different from the placement of the actual constellations, such as when the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius it may be in the actual constellation of Capricorn. Also, did you know that some of the actual constellations span more than 30 degrees each and some others less? And that there's also the constellation of Ophiuchus? If you want to be pedantic like those who follow Vedic astrology because they claim it is more "scientific", you would make Scorpio smaller and add Ophiuchus too. Otherwise it's not completely accurate either.

HP Maxine was asked by someone who believes as you do that Western Astrology is wrong and she replied that from her experience, it's more accurate than Vedic Astrology. On JoS, HP Maxine has been using Western astrology for decades to make accurate predictions, and so does Lydia and others. Nobody uses Vedic astrology here yet all make accurate predictions.

Lux Amoris said:
3. Is the symbol in the Vedic astrological chart called Rahu, which means the head of Satan, important? Should the fixed star Algol be taken into account? It is said that this fixed star, known as the Satan's star, was also present in Hitler, is this true?

Rahu is just the North Node, it shows your life path. Algol doesn't have anything to do with Satan (only people who believe that Satan is evil associate it with Him). Satan's actual star is Betelgeuse, as it's near where he lives in Orion.

Algol is the most violent star and I highly doubt it was in Hitler's chart (again, this is claimed by people who falsely believe Hitler was evil violent and commited the fake holohoax). There's a description in this page https://joyofsatan.org/Degrees.html

CAPUT ALGOL - [25 Degrees of Taurus]
Caput Algol is one of the most violent stars in the zodiac. In natal charts, this gives a most violent disposition, along with murderous tendencies. These violent tendencies are intensified when one is intoxicated with drugs and/or alcohol. Here is the nasty, violent, mean, and vicious drunk. On the upside, it can bestow athletic ability. The intense nature, when sublimated, can give the drive to reach the top, but the affairs of the planet occupying this degree often end in disaster and misfortune. When conjunct the descendent, violence can come from others, especially the lover or marriage partner. I have noted more than one person with the Sun in conjunction with this star in being a pathological liar.

Lux Amoris said:
4. What are the things Satanists must do?

What you must do is daily power meditation. That's the only thing mandatory. For the others, you can include as you will.

Lux Amoris said:
5. What steps should a new Satanist follow?

Please read this: https://joyofsatan.org/NEWPEOPLE.html

Also read the entire JoS site if you haven't already.

Lux Amoris said:
6. What exactly is wrong with astrology in the popular media and why is it wrong?

It focuses on the sun sign alone, which is often off as the other planets are important too. If someone is a Scorpio and has a Sagittarius stellium for example, his personality will be more like that of a Sagittarus, instead of a Scorpio.

Just think about, there are 300 millions of people in America. If we assume there are equal numbers of people born under each sign, then there 25 million Scorpions in America. Do you really believe that all of these 25 millions will begin a new relationship and get sudden money like these popular fake astrologers predict?

Of course not. Your sign doesn't determine everything. One needs to look at your personal natal chart to see any other planets, aspects and houses to make accurate predictions.
Lux Amoris said:
Hello there!

I have some questions about Spiritual Satanism.

1. Astrology determines a person's destiny, I have seen a 40 year old man's chart match exactly, I have seen everything from the person he will marry to his children. How does Spiritual Satanism deal with astrology? If our destiny is determined, why do we live?

2. I believe that western astrology is a complete lie, that the angle of deviation in the solar system, in space, is not calculated and that Vedic astrology is the true astrology. Many astrologers also say that Vedic astrology is more accurate. How does spiritual Satanism deal with this issue? (Science also says that western astrology does not take into account the deviation angle of the solar system).

3. Is the symbol in the Vedic astrological chart called Rahu, which means the head of Satan, important? Should the fixed star Algol be taken into account? It is said that this fixed star, known as the Satan's star, was also present in Hitler, is this true?

4. What are the things Satanists must do?

5. What steps should a new Satanist follow?

6. What exactly is wrong with astrology in the popular media and why is it wrong?

Thank you!


A1. We accept astrology as truth and live according to it/ do magical workings to change our path. We have even our own astrology site: https://www.jos-astro.com/#/

The highest goal in Spiritual Satanism/Live is to reach the godhead archive spiritual and physical immortality raise your self above the influence off the planets and live your live the way you want it to be.

A5. You can look in the for new people section on here:

after that you can search for the 40 day training program in the JOS library:

Lux Amoris said:
The way I generally look at things is from a scientific point of view, correlating it to spirituality afterwards, and maybe this is going to help you as well.

Looking at the way astrology works, we see that the planet movements are created through gravity, they gravitate around the sun, which creates waves, vibration, in forms of frequencies.

These frequencies inevitably reach earth and affect all living beings on it, even penetrating a person's skull, influencing their brainwaves. Also keep in mind, every atom in one's body is close together, and rubs against each other, creating, again, vibration, which is also called bioelectricity. The whole body vibrates.

[Nikola Tesla once said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."]

Now, we, as spiritual satanists, have been given the meditations by the Gods, which through changing our brainwaves, influence the frequency of our bodies' atoms, and further than that, making the bioelectricity stronger. The stronger the bioelectricity is, the more impenetrable by other forces (eg. planets frequencies).

It is of course more detailed than this, but general idea is that the more one meditates, the less they are affected by astrology, and so a spiritual satanist has their faith in their own hands. (1)

Every satanist should meditate since day one, and advance their soul. It is our duty to our Gods, our creators, and our own selves, to complete the great work (4), but baby steps should be taken, therefore it is recommended for beginners to start with the 40 days program. (5)

Our Gods and Goddesses have a very strong bioelectricity, which is also why it is said that astrology doesn't influence Them.

One of the main goals in Spiritual Satanism is to free one's self from destiny, being able to write our own. This is perfected through the great working of Magnum Opus.

However, astrology is not to be abandoned just because one meditates, but should be viewed as a map in this journey to godhead. To see a person's strengths and weaknesses, and to work with the energies of the universe, not against them.

As for Vedic astrology, take a look at this reply from HPS Lydia in which she also quotes HPS Maxine here:
https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=91013#p91013 (2)(6)

Rahu in vedic astrology is the equivalent of the North node of the Moon in Western Astrology, with Ketu being the South node, and they are both important. (3)

Also generally fixed stars can be taken into account for a more in-depth reading. There's more about it here, if you want to take a look:
https://www.joyofsatan.org/Degrees.html (3)

I have put the number of your question in in text in this form "()" so you find the answers to your questions easier.
Hail Satan!
Lux Amoris said:
What exactly is wrong with astrology in the popular media and why is it wrong?

I would go as far to state that it's beyond wrong, it's a psyop designed to make astrology look stupid. The entire psyop was started by R.H. Naylor in the 1930's who wrote the first horoscope column and popularized by Linda Goodman in her book "Sun Signs". They basically reduced an entire complex system into just 12 signs to dupe people who don't know about real astrology and make it look really stupid and simplistic.

Now there are millions of people who think the only astrology that exists is the extremely watered down "Sun sign" astrology, both those who are duped by it and those skeptics who dismiss astrology as BS.

An accurate description of it:

The way I generally look at things is from a scientific point of view, correlating it to spirituality afterwards, and maybe this is going to help you as well.

Looking at the way astrology works, we see that the planet movements are created through gravity, they gravitate around the sun, which creates waves, vibration, in forms of frequencies.

These frequencies inevitably reach earth and affect all living beings on it, even penetrating a person's skull, influencing their brainwaves. Also keep in mind, every atom in one's body is close together, and rubs against each other, creating, again, vibration, which is also called bioelectricity. The whole body vibrates.

[Nikola Tesla once said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."]

Now, we, as spiritual satanists, have been given the meditations by the Gods, which through changing our brainwaves, influence the frequency of our bodies' atoms, and further than that, making the bioelectricity stronger. The stronger the bioelectricity is, the more impenetrable by other forces (eg. planets frequencies).

It is of course more detailed than this, but general idea is that the more one meditates, the less they are affected by astrology, and so a spiritual satanist has their faith in their own hands. (1)

Every satanist should meditate since day one, and advance their soul. It is our duty to our Gods, our creators, and our own selves, to complete the great work (4), but baby steps should be taken, therefore it is recommended for beginners to start with the 40 days program. (5)

Our Gods and Goddesses have a very strong bioelectricity, which is also why it is said that astrology doesn't influence Them.

One of the main goals in Spiritual Satanism is to free one's self from destiny, being able to write our own. This is perfected through the great working of Magnum Opus.

However, astrology is not to be abandoned just because one meditates, but should be viewed as a map in this journey to godhead. To see a person's strengths and weaknesses, and to work with the energies of the universe, not against them.

As for Vedic astrology, take a look at this reply from HPS Lydia in which she also quotes HPS Maxine here:
https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=91013#p91013 (2)(6)

Rahu in vedic astrology is the equivalent of the North node of the Moon in Western Astrology, with Ketu being the South node, and they are both important. (3)

Also generally fixed stars can be taken into account for a more in-depth reading. There's more about it here, if you want to take a look:
https://www.joyofsatan.org/Degrees.html (3)

I have put the number of your question in in text in this form "()" so you find the answers to your questions easier.
Hail Satan!
So how we read astrology I be confused to
So how we read astrology I be confused to
You follow the instruction on JoS, Azazel Astrology. Generally, as we advance in knowledge, more knowledge comes to us as we are ready to welcome it.. The timing of the Universe.
The information on JoS is a very good start if you want to learn astrology.
You follow the instruction on JoS, Azazel Astrology. Generally, as we advance in knowledge, more knowledge comes to us as we are ready to welcome it.. The timing of the Universe.
The information on JoS is a very good start if you want to learn astrology.
But how we know our powers n Abilities in the chart is it mercury or mars

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
