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Some JOS members call the JOS black MEMBERS Monkeys and THAT'S unacceptable


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Nobody has ever called a black JoS member here a "black monkey" yours is a nice bait, you don't even have proof about it.
Immagine living in a white founded country and wanting to be equal to white people, that's not gonna happen. Even then, most of the USA is diversity friendly, which makes your claims absurd, yours is the result of a victimization hangup.

Putting aside the calling "black monkeys" the black JoS members, if someone adresses some blacks as monkeys I don't see any problem with it, as most of the black race is degenerated up to that point.
But nobody ever called anyone racially a monkey. NPC's and others who behave like animals [irrespective of their race] have been called monkeys, Whites who behave without soul qualities also included.

Please stop making up dangerous lies, since that was never the case for JoS since day one.

Even if someone has randomly said anything [it has went both ways since people are allowed to post] none of this is anything pronounced. People while arguing have called each other many bad things, but this has not been any advanced member or officially JoS member.

Also, please shed yourself of the victimhood mindset, because you are not a victim. Some of the best SS are Black people, but contrary to you, they have shedded this mindset long ago and they know how the JoS really is, which is not as you say.
LORD Vortex said:

If you're going to make such accusations, provide the necessary evidence.

Otherwise, it is no different from projection and slander.

Do not come here to get into your little "white privilege" spiel, this marxist idea and mentality is not accepted here, same as perpetuating the racial hatred for unjustified reasons.

We are all Gentiles trying to live together on this Earth while the jew wants all of us dead and enslaved in the end.

Therefore any sort of racial hatred between the gentile races serves only to further the jewish and enemy agenda of destruction of our Earth and the gentile races of the Earth.

Projecting and putting blame on others does nothing to better yourself or destroy the enemy, and neither gentile race is at all privileged these days in any way whatsoever.

There is no point arguing who has it harder than the other. You do not understand the greater picture about this, and how suffering has come about in the first place if you are stuck on the level of blaming "whitey".

No white or other True SS ever insulted our Black Spiritual Satanic Brothers and Sisters for any racial reasons. There is only mutual respect for each other, because we are all on the same path and doing this for the betterment of our selves and our respective races so we may live in a world free of the jewish filth and corruption.

Some of the most advanced and enlightened SS with us are Black, and I assure you, there is only great respect for them.

They are the pioneers of the spiritual Satanic path for the Black Race, and doing some of the greatest and most important work just by being here, advancing and doing the necessary rituals for their race and people.

You should visit the Black SS forum more if you haven't already and read what members like BlackDragon666, TanzanianGod and HPs Shannon have to say on these matters.

As for any insults to random black thugs doing random destructive things or serious crimes, or especially BLM rioters burning down streets and businesses because one random drug addicted idiot died on the streets, and other subhuman drones used by the jew to further their great reset agenda, it is entirely justified, regardless of race, as this filth dares to break down our society and destroy the civilized world because of some jewish induced motivations.

One should be appalled seeing this purely destructive subhuman behavior from their own people.

I am when I see disgusting brainwashed subhuman whites doing purely destructive crimes against others randomly, or for jewish motivations. In my eyes, they forfeit their racial heritage and alignment the moment this is undertaken.

I no longer see them as fellow whites. It is an insult and disgrace to me and my great race to see whites stoop so low.

Marxist revisionist groups, especially Antifa (unrelated to the black race specifically, but in the same sphere of influence as BLM), have a lot of disgusting subhuman marxist whites with them.

Any groups of that liking, as well as any people from any race who aid, abet and propagate that behavior, are universally our enemies same as the jew.

This counts for retarded white supremacists who think it a good idea to hunt down or attack random black people or others without reasonable justification, and it counts for random retarded black people who go out and do the same to White people.

All these are condemned by us all the same as enemies.

We know these behaviors and cliques do not serve any benefit in the end and only play into the jewish hand, therefore we stand opposed to it all the same.

Lastly, if someone makes a random insult to another person here, regardless of motivation, none of the random things said by people are reflective of the JoS's stance on this matter, unless written by official members of the Clergy, which they never do.

Seeing some insult flung around randomly at others is not uncommon on the Internet. Do not mistake that as us being accepting or agreeing with whatever.

Excessive things when they are known, are always taken care of.

If you ever see a post that you feel is insulting to you, or where some member does things you believe are very distasteful and go against the forum rules, or you see someone post something distasteful about your race which understandably would make one upset, use the report function.

The moderation team always looks at those and evaluates any reports and removes anything found to break forum rules or is deemed inappropriate either for moral reasons, or otherwise.

Hail Satan!
LORD Vortex said:
I find that when I go through the forum the admin approves Rascist Remark post/replys about some JOS members calling the JOS Black members Monkeys, I have never seen a post about whites being dragged down the drain or shit like that, coz we as black maintain what I call "Ubuntu" which is humility.
We practice "Ubuntu" humility until we are provoked to a point of no return, I have had it with fucks and their racist remarks, We also have names we can use for whites like "pink pigs" and "White rats" yet you don't see none of that here on the JOS forum, I am not asking yall bunch of Rascist fuxks to Respect us I'm fucken demanding it.
Show us some fucken Respect coz we as blacks have it the hardest then most of yall, we fucken live in a white privileged world wer it's hard for a educated black man to even get a home loan and an uneducated white man is a fucken manager at work and this racist fucks come here on the forum and Start using Rascit Remarks on Black people even though they know who the real enemy is, the enemy doesn't even wear their hats anymore coz they don't wanna be recognized, we not here to fight each other yet we here with a common cause common enemy that's doesn't wear their hats in public anymore coz they don't wanna be recognized, matter of fact I'm not speaking on behalf of the black race I'm speaking for myself.
YOU KNOW HOW FUCKED UP IT IS when you going through the forum and you see black Monkey this Black monkey that, get the fuck out of here with that Rascist Shit, We as black people we don't teach hate to our children unlike the whites race where they teach their children to hate blacks to be racist, they wer not born like that with hate, they were taught to hate by their parents whom I believe are resonating with Inferior lower vibrations and they pass it on to the next generation, well I'm here to say cut the fucken chain of hate it's a set back for your own spiritual growth show campasion to your fellow JOS brothers and sisters whether they black or green.


Here in this forum all races are respected. I am mixed race and I have never seen a White person hate Black people for just being Black, now, if you are a BLM supporter, support race mixing and disrespect your race, people will consider you a monkey, regardless of what race you are.
LORD Vortex said:
I find that when I go through the forum the admin approves Rascist Remark post/replys about some JOS members calling the JOS Black members Monkeys, I have never seen a post about whites being dragged down the drain or shit like that, coz we as black maintain what I call "Ubuntu" which is humility.

Please cite the posts which use the word "monkey" to refer to black people in general, and not degenerate anti-white black people. There's only one recent post I found which uses the word monkeys and refers to black people, however it's clear from its context that it's not referring to all black people:

Way_Seeker666 said:
I've always wondered what made him turn 180 and give this country to the communist monkeys. We know the jews were behind it, remember Slovo singing with Mandela "we have pledged ourselves to kill the White man". He may have been threatened with genocide or something.
But if he did it for money or anything like that, then yes, absolutely fuck him and I hope he is punished with the jews. If he did it for himself then every White life the baboons have taken is on him.

You can see he's talking about the violent anti-white communist black people who kill White farmers in South Africa. And they deserve the title "monkey", to be honest.

LORD Vortex said:
I have never seen a post about whites being dragged down the drain or shit like that, coz we as black maintain what I call "Ubuntu" which is humility.

You may have not seen anything about white people here because it's moderated. However, if you join online black supremacist forums/groups or even in real life you'll see the most vile anti-white hatred that will make your blood curl. For example, there's a tumblr blog (which I won't link here) called "euthanize white people" and also a New Black Panther party leader said "the time is coming...we will kill everything white in sight". Also if you search on Twitter "white people" you'll see even worse things like "kill and rape white women and children". I guarantee you: you won't see any such vile hatred directed at blacks, not even on Chimpmania (which is an online forum solely focused on hating black people). You may also read my recent post here: Facebook ‘Hate Speech’ Algorithm Finds 90% of Hate Speech Directed Towards White People

LORD Vortex said:
Show us some fucken Respect coz we as blacks have it the hardest then most of yall, we fucken live in a white privileged world wer it's hard for a educated black man to even get a home loan and an uneducated white man is a fucken manager

Except this doesn't really happen. In most western countries there is some bullshit called "affirmative action" which discriminates against white people, it forces companies to hire non-whites and women just to fill a quota and not because they are worth it. So blacks can be hired just because they are black while whites are shut down because they are white. And the same happens with universities. Here's an example: Whites Need Not Apply: BBC Still Advertising Positions Which Exclude White People
Lol blaxx practice humility. You people go apeshit (no pun intended) after getting called nigger one time and beat old women to a pulp.
I believe there are two types of blacks. Black people and black monkeys. Black people are great people. You'll find them in the waffen SS on the Joy Of Satan and other places where humanity is being fought to protect for.
Now the black monkeys well there isn't much description needed I mean read this guys post. A previlaged black man calling white previlaged cost he is too stupid to see who the real victim is and who is the real previlaged one so who goes on to ignore the existence of fellow black monkeys who openly screams of killing white men and raping white girls including kids. Another day in this world of illusion. Its right in front of them. The truth is there they just have too open their eyes. Well they cant see it coz "Muh Feelz" its sad to see how the Jews have made most black people comparable to them in mindset. Having all the previlage and benefits as part of a country built by white people sacrifices and yet these ungrateful idiots are backstabbing the same people that feed them and welcome them as family members. Sometime when I read post like this I get depressed. It feels like I just rather sleep all day than read a few minutes, yet I still read them and it hurts. I'm no white man. I'm Filipino yet do I hate white for conquering Philippines in the Spanish or american colonization? No! They did bad things yes, but look what they gave us? Education, science, ethics, philosophy, medicine, language. Without the spanish and americans we would still be living in tribes where slavery is common and laws are not that good. And maybe some of us would be still in caves. If half the black people would be as grateful as I am to white people then half the jewish bullshit like race wars inciting would fall in an instant.
...do people not see the jew? Or the orc golem? I don't think this is a SS at all. I think it's a troll going out if it's way to push the nigger stereotype- which is a real thing- black SS have to accept and deal with that just as white SS have to accept and deal with white shabbos goyim.
"White privileged world"..

I don't own, I rent.
I work a 9 -5 job.
I drive a 22 year old car.
I am in moderate debt.
I have maybe a few different outfits.

However, I am much further along then I was last year, and the year before, and the year before that. All the way back to when I found Father Satan in 2017.

Stop blaming your own shortcomings on another race. Every race comes from Satan and is meant for apotheosis. Direct your attention to the Jew, he is the reason for your misdirection.
tyrantmage said:
Having all the previlage and benefits as part of a country built by white people sacrifices and yet these ungrateful idiots are backstabbing the same people that feed them and welcome them as family members.

To be honest, most Western countries are run by anti-white jews and that's why they have anti-white policies like "affirmative action", welcome millions of immigrants from 3rd world countries and give them free welfare even if they don't work and do nothing and teach white people to hate themselves. Most whites are taught that "racism" is the ultimate evil while degeneracy is good. They are taught to put non-whites first and themselves second, to feel guilt for something their ancestors did (even though Muslims owned more slaves and treated them worse and for a longer period of time, and those "whites" who owned slaves were mostly jews). So you can see: if you coddle and pander to minorities and beat yourself down, they don't respect you either because you don't respect your own people. And these minorities, especially blacks, end up being criminals and degenerates because they have no motivation to become better since they are coddled by whites and receive welfare for being lazy. In this sense, the minorities are the ones who are privileged: Whites need to work hard to succeed while non-whites enjoy affirmative action, welfare, scholarships and other things exclusive to non-whites. There are also "hate speech" laws and a white person can be fired from his job just for making a politically incorrect joke, while non-whites can say the most vile things about white people and nothing bad will happen to them. Even white liberals will make excuses for them.

I don't even know where people like the OP get the "white privilege" BS he mentioned from:

LORD Vortex said:
we fucken live in a white privileged world wer it's hard for a educated black man to even get a home loan and an uneducated white man is a fucken manager at work

If you are black and you live in a western country and you think you are treated unfairly, go to an African country and see how they will treat you there. There's no "welfare" or free stuff or affirmative action there that will give you benefits just because you are black.

Also remove that victim mentality you have because it does you harm, both in your life and in your spiritual development. Instead of blaming whitey, try improving yourself and teach your people to improve themselves and become educated, honest, hard-working people instead of being lazy drug-addicted criminals. Work to improve the Black community. There are hard-working black SS's here who are trying to do exactly that.
LORD Vortex said:
I find that when I go through the forum the admin approves Rascist Remark post/replys about some JOS members calling the JOS Black members Monkeys, I have never seen a post about whites being dragged down the drain or shit like that, coz we as black maintain what I call "Ubuntu" which is humility.
We practice "Ubuntu" humility until we are provoked to a point of no return, I have had it with fucks and their racist remarks, We also have names we can use for whites like "pink pigs" and "White rats" yet you don't see none of that here on the JOS forum, I am not asking yall bunch of Rascist fuxks to Respect us I'm fucken demanding it.
Show us some fucken Respect coz we as blacks have it the hardest then most of yall, we fucken live in a white privileged world wer it's hard for a educated black man to even get a home loan and an uneducated white man is a fucken manager at work and this racist fucks come here on the forum and Start using Rascit Remarks on Black people even though they know who the real enemy is, the enemy doesn't even wear their hats anymore coz they don't wanna be recognized, we not here to fight each other yet we here with a common cause common enemy that's doesn't wear their hats in public anymore coz they don't wanna be recognized, matter of fact I'm not speaking on behalf of the black race I'm speaking for myself.
YOU KNOW HOW FUCKED UP IT IS when you going through the forum and you see black Monkey this Black monkey that, get the fuck out of here with that Rascist Shit, We as black people we don't teach hate to our children unlike the whites race where they teach their children to hate blacks to be racist, they wer not born like that with hate, they were taught to hate by their parents whom I believe are resonating with Inferior lower vibrations and they pass it on to the next generation, well I'm here to say cut the fucken chain of hate it's a set back for your own spiritual growth show campasion to your fellow JOS brothers and sisters whether they black or green.

No, High Priest Hoodedcobra actually has called out many unnecessarily racially biased posts. The JoS has members from all Gentile races. I'm Black and I have a very easy time on the forums.

That is not true. Many Blacks are unnecessarily aggressive especially towards Whites. Go on Twitter and search 'I hate white people' or 'I want white people dead', or even Facebook and look at how many posts from Blacks show up. Ubuntu for you right there.

Respect is not demanded, it is earned.

Yes, getting underprivileged, shamed for your race, forced to watch your peoples' resources go to infinite foreigners and become a minority in your own land sounds like Disneyland for Whites. Meanwhile, you live in a White country, enjoy rights from a country built by Whites and use an electronic device largely developed by Whites to slander Whites. Let's not forget that evil White guy with a mustache who stopped Communism, allowing you to have the freedoms you still have today as opposed to working 20+ hours in a death camp in the expanded, world engulfing Soviet Union.

Yes, true, we're not here to fight each other. We are comrades. However, many Blacks in White lands are enemies of the White race and I would myself be very disturbed if the White race were not to react accordingly. Let Whites defend their rights. Why would you feel threatened by people who are trying to save themselves from being wiped out? This is why we encourage venting and sharing of truthful information regarding the situation between Whites and other races. If it offends you when we call someone like George Floyd a degenerate, even a monkey, I can only tell you that you have some way to go.

Actually, White kids are taught to love other races. It's taught at schools, through the media and so on. This is all the enemy's plan to wipe them out through race mixing. As for Blacks, I have literally had to deprogram my mind from all the hate I was taught to have against Whites.

Brother, let's not be like the jews. The jews cry victim while stabbing you. You complain of racism and your feelings about Whites are oozing out of your words. And as it was said, no one ever called Blacks monkeys as a racial slur.
Blackdragon666 said:
LORD Vortex said:
I find that when I go through the forum the admin approves Rascist Remark post/replys about some JOS members calling the JOS Black members Monkeys, I have never seen a post about whites being dragged down the drain or shit like that, coz we as black maintain what I call "Ubuntu" which is humility.
We practice "Ubuntu" humility until we are provoked to a point of no return, I have had it with fucks and their racist remarks, We also have names we can use for whites like "pink pigs" and "White rats" yet you don't see none of that here on the JOS forum, I am not asking yall bunch of Rascist fuxks to Respect us I'm fucken demanding it.
Show us some fucken Respect coz we as blacks have it the hardest then most of yall, we fucken live in a white privileged world wer it's hard for a educated black man to even get a home loan and an uneducated white man is a fucken manager at work and this racist fucks come here on the forum and Start using Rascit Remarks on Black people even though they know who the real enemy is, the enemy doesn't even wear their hats anymore coz they don't wanna be recognized, we not here to fight each other yet we here with a common cause common enemy that's doesn't wear their hats in public anymore coz they don't wanna be recognized, matter of fact I'm not speaking on behalf of the black race I'm speaking for myself.
YOU KNOW HOW FUCKED UP IT IS when you going through the forum and you see black Monkey this Black monkey that, get the fuck out of here with that Rascist Shit, We as black people we don't teach hate to our children unlike the whites race where they teach their children to hate blacks to be racist, they wer not born like that with hate, they were taught to hate by their parents whom I believe are resonating with Inferior lower vibrations and they pass it on to the next generation, well I'm here to say cut the fucken chain of hate it's a set back for your own spiritual growth show campasion to your fellow JOS brothers and sisters whether they black or green.

No, High Priest Hoodedcobra actually has called out many unnecessarily racially biased posts. The JoS has members from all Gentile races. I'm Black and I have a very easy time on the forums.

That is not true. Many Blacks are unnecessarily aggressive especially towards Whites. Go on Twitter and search 'I hate white people' or 'I want white people dead', or even Facebook and look at how many posts from Blacks show up. Ubuntu for you right there.

Respect is not demanded, it is earned.

Yes, getting underprivileged, shamed for your race, forced to watch your peoples' resources go to infinite foreigners and become a minority in your own land sounds like Disneyland for Whites. Meanwhile, you live in a White country, enjoy rights from a country built by Whites and use an electronic device largely developed by Whites to slander Whites. Let's not forget that evil White guy with a mustache who stopped Communism, allowing you to have the freedoms you still have today as opposed to working 20+ hours in a death camp in the expanded, world engulfing Soviet Union.

Yes, true, we're not here to fight each other. We are comrades. However, many Blacks in White lands are enemies of the White race and I would myself be very disturbed if the White race were not to react accordingly. Let Whites defend their rights. Why would you feel threatened by people who are trying to save themselves from being wiped out? This is why we encourage venting and sharing of truthful information regarding the situation between Whites and other races. If it offends you when we call someone like George Floyd a degenerate, even a monkey, I can only tell you that you have some way to go.

Actually, White kids are taught to love other races. It's taught at schools, through the media and so on. This is all the enemy's plan to wipe them out through race mixing. As for Blacks, I have literally had to deprogram my mind from all the hate I was taught to have against Whites.

Brother, let's not be like the jews. The jews cry victim while stabbing you. You complain of racism and your feelings about Whites are oozing out of your words. And as it was said, no one ever called Blacks monkeys as a racial slur.

You are truly a great soul Brother. I respect you and always take time to consider what you share. I know for a fact you are more advanced than I am and I take that as an opportunity to learn from you.

LORD Vortex said:
At the end of the day word is out, and those that got offended Good coz i also got offended,
3 words degenerate, stupid, victim 3 insults from replys:)
yall are a perfect example of that which u mention, if you were any better you would see beyond that which you are, lower form of existence, you are what I call keyboard superheros, you say alot of shit you won't even be to able to backup or say in real life, Thanks for this forum you can vent alot...
Regarding this matter all that is true is that the pyramid of this Reality is as I see it as how everyone see it yall can try to deny it as much as you want yet all I know is those that dont know the Jews are responsible for all the misery (large number of people) will be coming for the white and Asian first coz thats how it's made to look like in the copral world and then Arabs in the small businesses world....
on the other hand mixed coloured hate to be black (mix of black) and the (other) they try by all means to fit in with the white race coz of soft hair and light brownish skin tone, real shit real life.

White white
Asian Asian Asian
Indian Arab Indian Arab Indian
mixed coloured mixed coloured mixed
black black black black black black black black

TALK ABOUT VICTIM MENTALITY , Degenerate white farmers that shoot black people in open farms and claim that they thought it was a monkey, monkeys live in trees a farm is an open field racist mentality more like white fools thinking Hitler was a racist and using the swastika wrong yet he wasnt, fuxken tell me i got a victim mentality compare me to Marxism a Jewish cunt how dare you?, mass murder of black people both from whites and Arabs they call it the Phoenix massacre they say black people wer looting, fuck out of here with that media bullshit,
black people are oppressed intentionally, they are fucken hungry they oppresedd by all races there is a deep rooted hate projected at the Race that dont burn under the sun the shining Ones
( https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2021-07-28-phoenix-massacre-what-really-happened-in-the-deadly-collision-of-brutalised-communities/ ) the shooting of black people in fucken 2021 months ago, see Gun control is strict for black people yet whites , Arabs and Chinese all have guns that's how they protect their business whilst if a black man open a small business he get killed by indian arabs foreigners, fuxken internet links dont mean shit when it comes to real life experience, miners were killed in numbers by the orders of mine owners clearly they are not black, so blacks must go underground mine for minerals that dont serve any of them then the minerals like gold, platinum etc goes straight to European countries, So risk their lives to make European countries first world countries for mineral they steal from Africa and if the African miners ask for a lil insentive the owners of the mines refuse and shoot to kill to make themselves heard, coz a black man is a Duracell battery fuckn useless and replaceable however I tell you all the The Blacks ones that do not burn under the sun will rise up the shining ones..
Yall live in European countries enjoying the fruits of the black man labour, Africa has all the minerals Africa is first world continent, yall can say alot of shit here and pretend to be brave yet if you wer in a position of presidency would you be brave like Kennedy would you be brave like hitler, Patrice lumumba, Kwame nkrumah, Thomas sankara etc man that rose up against the tyrrany or would you run with you tail up your Ass?
get the fuxk out of here with that bullshit, Dont Disrespect me like that, I am Veerabathiran an extremely fierce and fearsome form of lord Shiva I was created by the wrath of Shiva Lord Satan himself, I engage in Astral battles at all times slaying Reptilians, my spiritual body could give a fuck about what's really happening in lower density physical reality yet I can see it and it affects people around me, dont tell me about other black JOS members, Shiva Boom meditates alone ontop of mount Kailash And when he feels like he will come down to drink the poison affecting this earth....





I like Blackdragon am also black, so you statements so far a bit valid in the context that you try to present it as. We are advanced on this forums because to evolve or change one must look at the problems that are present. The White race is not our problem as them being the resulting factor in our failures. There are only two factors here. Us and the Jews. Nothing more. We take care of ourselves by advancing in the correct manner. Perhaps you don’t like the white race. That is optional as that is one’s feelings. But don’t be dissuaded and think that only is deserve respect. We do owe the whites the credibility where it is well deserved. If you really want to point fingers, point at yourself and try to fix you. Stop worry about the White Race. What good will it do?
LORD Vortex said:
I am Veerabathiran an extremely fierce and fearsome form of lord Shiva I was created by the wrath of Shiva Lord Satan himself, I engage in Astral battles at all times slaying Reptilians, my spiritual body could give a fuck about what's really happening in lower density physical reality yet I can see it and it affects people around me, dont tell me about other black JOS members, Shiva Boom meditates alone ontop of mount Kailash And when he feels like he will come down to drink the poison affecting this earth....

This part sums the deep level of delusion this person is in.

If you guys quote him, you'll also see how the list of people he made is literally a step pyramid with kikes at the top.
Related to this I've seen a lot of nasty memes aimed at black people on Nordfront.se (Nordic Resistance Movement's online magazine). Besides that I've noticed a lot of hate/bad words about blacks from people within that movement. It's a bit sad I think since there actually exists black people who are pro NS, like here for example. They have also sometimes targeted asians with memes etc. but It's become way better now thankfully. Now it's mostly just memes about vaccines, politicians etc.

It's very good that JoS has a section for blacks and that someone reacts to bad behaviour like this, even if it's possibly about a misconception in this case.
xlnt said:
Related to this I've seen a lot of nasty memes aimed at black people on Nordfront.se (Nordic Resistance Movement's online magazine). Besides that I've noticed a lot of hate/bad words about blacks from people within that movement. It's a bit sad I think since there actually exists black people who are pro NS, like here for example. They have also sometimes targeted asians with memes etc. but It's become way better now thankfully. Now it's mostly just memes about vaccines, politicians etc.

It's very good that JoS has a section for blacks and that someone reacts to bad behaviour like this, even if it's possibly about a misconception in this case.
We must eradicate all subvertive ideas inside NationalSocialism.

1. NationalSocialist can live on their own racial homeland. When you are non-white and living in Europa you are invader who is living here only because jewish politicans invite you here. When we NationalSocialist win, then Europe will be again 100% white, and all non-whites will be sent back where they come from. Even if they larp as nazis.

2. Transgender is not NationalSocialist or Satanic. It is mental illness supported by jews. Somtimes rarely here are threads like "hello, I cut off my dick, I think that I am now satanic and rebel."

3. You can't be NationalSocialist and work in police/army. One day you are speaking against jewish world order but in other day you will beat your own people on streets or kill people in Middle-East for Israel.

xlnt said:
Related to this I've seen a lot of nasty memes aimed at black people on Nordfront.se (Nordic Resistance Movement's online magazine). Besides that I've noticed a lot of hate/bad words about blacks from people within that movement. It's a bit sad I think since there actually exists black people who are pro NS, like here for example. They have also sometimes targeted asians with memes etc. but It's become way better now thankfully. Now it's mostly just memes about vaccines, politicians etc.

It's very good that JoS has a section for blacks and that someone reacts to bad behaviour like this, even if it's possibly about a misconception in this case.

I think that stems from the fact that they are being literally invaded by African people brought there by the enemy or, rather, influenced by the enemy to go there in most cases. They are fed up with them taking social benefits that do not belong to them but belong to rightful Scandinavian citizens and could, at most, be extended to other Northern Europeans. Certainly not people of other races, and not people of Southern European ethnicity either.

However, making memes about blacks is completely unjustified as they are not the real enemy. The real an only enemy is the kikes. It would take little to influence foreigners to go back to their own continents once this is over.
I read your post as well as the replies and rebuttals. I understand why you may be feeling animosity but take a step back and put things into perspective. Words, like the N-word, are spells that have power over you if you let them. I know I've used nasty words like that on twitter etc. My advice would be to meditate, empower your chakras using the instructions on the JoS site. When you're mind and soul open up, you start to see things differently and it's like a veil of deception is lifted to where you can see your real enemies. Then certain words (spells) like "monkey" "nigger" "faggot" for example can not touch you. I believe you're stronger than that, have a Happy New Year and Hail Satan!
GoldenxChild1 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
LORD Vortex said:
I find that when I go through the forum the admin approves Rascist Remark post/replys about some JOS members calling the JOS Black members Monkeys, I have never seen a post about whites being dragged down the drain or shit like that, coz we as black maintain what I call "Ubuntu" which is humility.
We practice "Ubuntu" humility until we are provoked to a point of no return, I have had it with fucks and their racist remarks, We also have names we can use for whites like "pink pigs" and "White rats" yet you don't see none of that here on the JOS forum, I am not asking yall bunch of Rascist fuxks to Respect us I'm fucken demanding it.
Show us some fucken Respect coz we as blacks have it the hardest then most of yall, we fucken live in a white privileged world wer it's hard for a educated black man to even get a home loan and an uneducated white man is a fucken manager at work and this racist fucks come here on the forum and Start using Rascit Remarks on Black people even though they know who the real enemy is, the enemy doesn't even wear their hats anymore coz they don't wanna be recognized, we not here to fight each other yet we here with a common cause common enemy that's doesn't wear their hats in public anymore coz they don't wanna be recognized, matter of fact I'm not speaking on behalf of the black race I'm speaking for myself.
YOU KNOW HOW FUCKED UP IT IS when you going through the forum and you see black Monkey this Black monkey that, get the fuck out of here with that Rascist Shit, We as black people we don't teach hate to our children unlike the whites race where they teach their children to hate blacks to be racist, they wer not born like that with hate, they were taught to hate by their parents whom I believe are resonating with Inferior lower vibrations and they pass it on to the next generation, well I'm here to say cut the fucken chain of hate it's a set back for your own spiritual growth show campasion to your fellow JOS brothers and sisters whether they black or green.

No, High Priest Hoodedcobra actually has called out many unnecessarily racially biased posts. The JoS has members from all Gentile races. I'm Black and I have a very easy time on the forums.

That is not true. Many Blacks are unnecessarily aggressive especially towards Whites. Go on Twitter and search 'I hate white people' or 'I want white people dead', or even Facebook and look at how many posts from Blacks show up. Ubuntu for you right there.

Respect is not demanded, it is earned.

Yes, getting underprivileged, shamed for your race, forced to watch your peoples' resources go to infinite foreigners and become a minority in your own land sounds like Disneyland for Whites. Meanwhile, you live in a White country, enjoy rights from a country built by Whites and use an electronic device largely developed by Whites to slander Whites. Let's not forget that evil White guy with a mustache who stopped Communism, allowing you to have the freedoms you still have today as opposed to working 20+ hours in a death camp in the expanded, world engulfing Soviet Union.

Yes, true, we're not here to fight each other. We are comrades. However, many Blacks in White lands are enemies of the White race and I would myself be very disturbed if the White race were not to react accordingly. Let Whites defend their rights. Why would you feel threatened by people who are trying to save themselves from being wiped out? This is why we encourage venting and sharing of truthful information regarding the situation between Whites and other races. If it offends you when we call someone like George Floyd a degenerate, even a monkey, I can only tell you that you have some way to go.

Actually, White kids are taught to love other races. It's taught at schools, through the media and so on. This is all the enemy's plan to wipe them out through race mixing. As for Blacks, I have literally had to deprogram my mind from all the hate I was taught to have against Whites.

Brother, let's not be like the jews. The jews cry victim while stabbing you. You complain of racism and your feelings about Whites are oozing out of your words. And as it was said, no one ever called Blacks monkeys as a racial slur.

You are truly a great soul Brother. I respect you and always take time to consider what you share. I know for a fact you are more advanced than I am and I take that as an opportunity to learn from you.


Thank you for the kind words. Black people have a deep seated hatred for the White race and it irks me a lot. This has to be addressed not only in the JoS but also out there, and it will.

Once the races are separated, much of the hatred will fade as everyone will have their people to focus on and no jew will be pushing psychological warfare against anyone. The rest will be healed by time and spiritual advancement.
I am 70% convinced the OP is Whitecloud.
Stormblood said:
xlnt said:
Related to this I've seen a lot of nasty memes aimed at black people on Nordfront.se (Nordic Resistance Movement's online magazine). Besides that I've noticed a lot of hate/bad words about blacks from people within that movement. It's a bit sad I think since there actually exists black people who are pro NS, like here for example. They have also sometimes targeted asians with memes etc. but It's become way better now thankfully. Now it's mostly just memes about vaccines, politicians etc.

It's very good that JoS has a section for blacks and that someone reacts to bad behaviour like this, even if it's possibly about a misconception in this case.

I think that stems from the fact that they are being literally invaded by African people brought there by the enemy or, rather, influenced by the enemy to go there in most cases. They are fed up with them taking social benefits that do not belong to them but belong to rightful Scandinavian citizens and could, at most, be extended to other Northern Europeans. Certainly not people of other races, and not people of Southern European ethnicity either.

However, making memes about blacks is completely unjustified as they are not the real enemy. The real an only enemy is the kikes. It would take little to influence foreigners to go back to their own continents once this is over.
They are justified, we DO need racism in white countries, and even if the blacks aren't the real enemy hatred towards them in my opinion is completely justified. With racism we would have many less problems, we wouldn't have raped and slaughtered girls and things like that.
Now don't confuse my words, I do not harbour hatred towards the black race, but I also don't like black immigrants, general hatred is at a lower level of understanding, it's not the ideal but it's better than nothing.
Why are you so obsessed with a group that is against your seemingly unchangeable ideals Whitecloud? I know its you. Man you don't even change your manner of writing or word choices.

Yes, we hate race mixing, White genocide, the jews and their manifestations and everything you're trying to defend.

No, Satan is Nordic or in simpler terms, White. As are the original Gods who created humanity. Have you seen the Greek God and Goddess statues? Another ancient African kingdom, the Bachwezi, describe a race of super advanced White beings who built their civilization.

Blacks also have climatic regions that are unsuitable for them so your rant is pointless. Gods like Set are known to have a tan from their star in their home planet. Doesn't mean they are 'weak'. I mean, should we take Blacks to live on Venus since it's a hot planet to prove their 'superiority'?

It's not racist to call out degeneracy. I love my race deeply which is why I am trying to better them by showing them their flaws and mistakes. You on the other hand are a menace because you want us to be stupid, retarded and weak. You want us to embrace our problems and therefore never grow from them. You want us to hate and attack Whites yet this would mean the end of us all when there is no White country to fight communism for you. Not to mention the injustice in attacking an innocent people. You want us to steal the achievements of White people to feel good instead of toiling and building real lasting things for ourselves.

I'm sick and tired of your nonsense, you make Black people look stupid. Do you think life is a joke? We work our asses off to save all Gentiles and bring a much brighter world but people like you who find the truth, shit on it and worse, try to corrupt it are absolutely disgusting. You wouldn't be a leader in any Black country in Satan's world because you'd just push for more racial tensions and stupidity among your own people. You'd be an outcast and a joke. As Blacks work to build their nations, you'd be somewhere whining about a 'White washed advanced Black kingdom' that only exists in your head.

You keep repeating the same lies ad nauseum over what is probably years like some rabbi. Fuck right out of here. You and your worthless anti Black and anti White crap are unwanted.
LORD Vortex said:
Yet you will not hear black people invading other countries and killing millions, you know why because in each and everyone of us the so called degenerate species there is Humilty and Morals inbeded in our Shing DNA strand.
And also, when we were building ships and sailing all the globe, your own race was living in huts and selling its brethren to some jew for some cheap alcohol.

You should start meditating and see past your vicim mindset, it will do you no good in the future, nor now.
Blackdragon666 said:
Why are you so obsessed with a group that is against your seemingly unchangeable ideals Whitecloud? I know its you. Man you don't even change your manner of writing or word choices.

Yes, we hate race mixing, White genocide, the jews and their manifestations and everything you're trying to defend.

No, Satan is Nordic or in simpler terms, White. As are the original Gods who created humanity. Have you seen the Greek God and Goddess statues? Another ancient African kingdom, the Bachwezi, describe a race of super advanced White beings who built their civilization.

Blacks also have climatic regions that are unsuitable for them so your rant is pointless. Gods like Set are known to have a tan from their star in their home planet. Doesn't mean they are 'weak'. I mean, should we take Blacks to live on Venus since it's a hot planet to prove their 'superiority'?

It's not racist to call out degeneracy. I love my race deeply which is why I am trying to better them by showing them their flaws and mistakes. You on the other hand are a menace because you want us to be stupid, retarded and weak. You want us to embrace our problems and therefore never grow from them. You want us to hate and attack Whites yet this would mean the end of us all when there is no White country to fight communism for you. Not to mention the injustice in attacking an innocent people. You want us to steal the achievements of White people to feel good instead of toiling and building real lasting things for ourselves.

I'm sick and tired of your nonsense, you make Black people look stupid. Do you think life is a joke? We work our asses off to save all Gentiles and bring a much brighter world but people like you who find the truth, shit on it and worse, try to corrupt it are absolutely disgusting. You wouldn't be a leader in any Black country in Satan's world because you'd just push for more racial tensions and stupidity among your own people. You'd be an outcast and a joke. As Blacks work to build their nations, you'd be somewhere whining about a 'White washed advanced Black kingdom' that only exists in your head.

You keep repeating the same lies ad nauseum over what is probably years like some rabbi. Fuck right out of here. You and your worthless anti Black and anti White crap are unwanted.

Lol, I it felt like a similarity to Whitecloud.

All jokes aside, I understand the frustration all to well brother. We are trying to uplift our race. E have a non SS trying to tell us what we should and should not do, like they command our whole being just because they themselves are losers and have no life to lead? I find it indeed agonizing to even reply to people like that, but we must stand to point out the facts, despite they are of positive or negative origin. It must be understood if one is to advance.
LORD Vortex said:
Blah blah blah I'm delusional whatever, oh I'm trolling let me troll more it's about time another high priest say a piece of his mind, they cant find monkey in the forum wow, a fuxker just mentioned that blacks are degenerates well well anyway in the Rig vedas when they teach us about Shiva Boom dyana... the canto says
He is dark like the heavily laden Rain clouds, he has three eyes and terrific fangs, his raiment is red, so also is the ungent on his body, he has a battle axe, a damaru, a shield, a bow, an arrow, a trident a human skull, and peacock feathers on his waist and serpents circle around HIM, the goat head Demi God gives salutation to HIM Day and night non stop

Even if you Google Krishna you will find that Krishna means Black God (Dark like the Raiden Dark clouds) yet he appears blue so as Shiva why is that coz according to white supremacy any color as long as its not black so they change them to blue instead

There is nothing which cannot be achieved by means of a mantra that has been perfectly practised. What to say about a person who has practised many mantras. He is really Śiva Himself, I get my mNtras astrally they are not written anywhere and only I can recite them and hear them, 27 years chanting Shiva mantra 12 years in Joy of Satan so yeah when it comes to Shiva Boom don't white wash him, WE ARE ALL GENTILES yet alot of effort has been put in to white wash everything..
For example.
"The ancient title for Shiva is Swarupa which means “The White God” this is a racial term. When the Europeans arrived in later India the native Hindu’s called them “Swarupa’s” due to their race. The White God is due to Satan being the God of the Aryan’s and the Father of the Aryans. The Sumerian’s state this as well. Satan created them in His image and called them The Ari the Aryan of which this term Aryan in ancient India texts is stated to be a racial term not a universal term. Satan in Sumeria created Adapa the first blue eyed man in their texts created in the image of Satan [ENKI]. The Sumerian’s were a White Race and the Yezidi’s were part of their civilization are still largely a White Race"
Well in this case why IS IT when we look at the pictures of Michael Reptilian angel HE IS ALL white and Satan is always black, shouldn't he be white or is it another way of painting white Suprememacy like all the Demons and Satan supposed to be white,

Yet we find deep in the jungles of Congo and cameroon statues of LORD Shiva and worshipers of Lord Shiva, Dark as The night sky without stars, Black matter as is stated is the biggining of everything how can the yezidi, sumerian be the first gentile race?, yet we find that 80 % of the population is black (the shining ones the one that do not burn under the sun) things like skin cancer, sun burn only affect the so called light skin race.. Do you think LORD SATAN Would do such a thing, create a species that will be affected by the Shining Bright star?

STOP TRYING TO PROVE SO HARD THAT SATAN IS WHITE, This gives a lot of Rascist fuxks a platform to think yeah we are the original species another white washing strategy. HE IS WHAT EACH ONE OF US MAKE HIM TO BECOME HE TAKES MANY FORMS, He Gave Krishna a boom in the caves of Veribhdra the lord of all demons and demi God's so that Krishna can fullfill his spiritual journey,
To me he can appear as dark black color to you he can appear as Aryan white in that case keep it to your self don't try to prove to everyone that he is green, black, blue, white, pink etc that's WERE racial Indifferences come in don't paint the God of Gentiles as you see fit let everyone in here tell you how he appears to them, which form he took don't always paint him white white white white programming our subconscious mind to expect white Gentile savior God to appear, he appeared to me like I said Dark as Dark years before joy of Satan so I know him as Shiva boom the one that doesn't blink until I came across Jo's Aryan swarupa, it's the same as the church teaching that Jewsus is a white God same shit different platforms...

This forum is full people claiming that I'm playing the VICTIM card yet they always moaning and crying that the Jews trying to eradicate the white race, the Jews are trying to mix races, SATAN hates race mixing, what a bunch of BS wait let me rephrase that a bunch of Bull shit, if we are all Gentiles what's wrong with Gentiles mixing unless of that deep rooted hate they have for the Real Shining Ones (Black Race)...

If we are all Gentiles don't we all come from the same seed? But I'm gonna live that here for you decide..
NOW our attention have to go to Jews trying to eradicate the white race, where was yall attention since In the begging when the black race was being attacked sold into slavery, raped and murdered shit that is still happening today, it didn't bother anyone until it start happening to the light skin races, only after realizing the Jews put yall in the same circle as the blacks that's when they woke up from the slumber, still we don't see a lot of that information regarding that on the Jo's forum, the only bold letters in our face is JEWS TRYING TO EXERMINATE WHITE RACE, SATAN HATE RACE MIXING, How can the same gentile Mix?
WAIT A MIN IT'S SOUND MORE LIKE The same thing that happened during apartheid, killing of blacks man and woma, children, blind, mute etc for being in town after 6pm why the children we ask coz if they grow up they gonna revenge there families and then after murdering the black race they preach peace give black people white Tshirts with two doves on them and a lame ass song that goes like this "let's show the whole wide world we can bring peace in our land" a fucken Song and a fucken Tshirt after murdering millions of black people.. Arabs are the ones invading Europe raping children and killing, thats the people of Allah not black people, White have killed so many black people also lol let's not even go there, fucken Victims..

DEFENETLY there have been a Islamic invasion wer black people wer being murdered

DEFENETLY There have been a white invasion wer black people wer being slaughtered

Yet you will not hear black people invading other countries and killing millions, you know why because in each and everyone of us the so called degenerate species there is Humilty and Morals inbeded in our Shing DNA strand.

The only time black people become violent is when the corrupt leaders take bribes from the so called rulers of the world and black on black crime happens not black on white or black on Arabs, and if it's black on white it's not millions not even in the 50 000 Tau not even..it's not even in the 1000 Tau
And then they Fucken beat their head around for the death of one farmer, death of one farmer make headlines for a whole fucken MOnth, I love one of lord Satan qoates "Create with all of your being. Destroy with all of your being"

VICTIMS it was not black people that invaded Germany no no it WAS THE Jews orders yet the soldiers wer DEFENETLY white Americans..kiling their own kind in the millions... For a fucken pay check how ignorant are they...more like degenerates animals fucken GOY killing their own for a pay check, no wonder they call all of us FUXKEN Goys..killing each other and always fighting amongst eachother,
In the words of wise man of Africa the only time you will see the true God's of this earth appear is when they drop a nuclear bomb on Africa then you will see the wrath of the God's
Hiroshima it happened, Germany bomb dropping happened even if it was not nuclear yet it happened...
Comon prove to us again that we are degenerate lower species, fuxkers talking about if they make Rascist jokes they get fired or FINED AT JOBS, why the fuck would you make a racist joke about another human, being coz he is black, so basically if the alien jew calls me a animal, a white person can also call me a FUXKEN animal that eats bananas but this animal that east bananas is clean and takes cares of itself unlike the other one that looks so pink that swim in dirt and eat everything from rotten food to dead corpses...
And then we have people that eat pork, Alot. Of black people choose not to eat pork coz it's dirty and disgusting and none of them are Islamic...
So before you make shit racist jokes think about how animalistic you are in the eyes of the enemy and you hate that SO MUCH THAT THEY PUT YOU U IN THE SAME CIRLCE AS BLACK PEOPLE FUXKEN GOY that you take that ANGER and project it to the black race...
You know who you are you fuxk...

With this post you just proved you came here with an agenda. No, your concern isn't what was originally stated in the first post. Your purpose here is to push your beliefs on others, you expect this place to conform to your delusion.

It's not gonna happen.
It's bait moments like these that you see who really is advancing here blatantly. No person who is past a certain level of spiritual advancement will have blind hatred towards another Gentile race. By then you will start having the understanding of bigger picture the Gods have for us where we need to SEPERATED but MUTUAL RESPECT. That second part is just as important.

For people to blindly hate black people or white people as a race because of general assumptions they made in their weak minds means you're not anywhere near as advanced as others here if at all.

I just don't see the logic in otherwise.

Justified hatred is normal but you can tell when it's unjustified and only people who can't understand things well YET go to these bizarre lengths and then act like they're wise but then wonder why others don't take them serious and think we're just out to get them.

My hope is these aren't grown ass women and men acting in this manner but in today's world this might be the case more than I would like to know sometimes.
Larissa666 said:
With this post you just proved you came here with an agenda. No, your concern isn't what was originally stated in the first post. Your purpose here is to push your beliefs on others, you expect this place to conform to your delusion.

It's not gonna happen.

These WE Wuz kangz morons need to shut the fuck up already. No we dark skin Asians (that goes for dark Indians) ARE NOT directly descended from you or your culturals. Screw you for thinking your that special over us. We don't owe you shit. Our cultures were molded by us with initial influences of spiritually advanced beings who created the white race in an more direct manner than the non whites. The white race by this standard should be seen higher on the hierarchal ladder but only if they keep themselves worthy. Any low life that tries to talk shit in our face when we aren't even bothering them is just a piece of shit that shouldn't be seen as part as the noble white race but lower than an animal. Because even animals can understand mutual respect. This goes for any person of any Gentile race also.

I have literally a black dude come to my job twice telling me, a kind of Asian looking Mexican that I'm black descendent. Lmaooo. Physical proof doesn't seem to even work with stupid people nowadays. They literally see I'm not black but their pseudo black scholars told them so so it's true :lol: :roll:

(Let me not even get into the ones who "think" they black when they have no physical qualities of it either...)
LORD Vortex said:

For how mad you get over one white person making a joke that doesn't hurt anybody, I wonder why you don't care about the Millions of Black people who are slaves right this moment today in Africa. In places like Libya.

I know why you don't care. It's because you have no way to try to blame white people for it. Black people enslaved by other black people, black people killing and raping other black people. Why do you not care about this? Why do you not think that this is a problem?

And instead what you say is a problem is an imaginary and fictional thing that you have shown no example of, of white people calling black Satanist a monkey. Which has absolutely never happened here.

I have been here since the first few days of this website. I have read every post and every comment that has ever been written here, except for some recent ones I haven't gotten to yet. And there has never been any time when a black Satanist was called a monkey.

But even if it did happen, who would actually care? How is the word "monkey" in any way comparible to how bad problems like slavery, murder, and rape are? There is no comparison, the word monkey is nothing compared to any actual problem. If you want to solve any problems that the black race is having, white people are not the cause of any of them. Why don't you do something helpful and solve the problems of black crime rate, black murder rate, black rape rate, black slavery, all of these are situations where the perpetrator and the victim both are black. Instead of trying to invent imaginary fake reasons to complain about white people who have never done anything to you.
LORD Vortex said:

Whitecloud, you are just plain stupid. Nearly 100% of all black people who have ever been killed throughout all of history, have been killed by other black people. Right now in places like Chicago, it is black people killing other black people by the thousands. Right now in Africa, it is millions of black people killing other black people, and millions of black people enslaved by other black people. There are no white people involved with any of this, except as victims of more violence and crime by violent black criminals.

The entire triangle slave trade was based on black tribes enslaving other black tribes, and then trading them for dumb things like liquor and cheap broken muskets. All slave ships were owned, financed, and run by jews, and nearly all slave owners outside of Africa were jews. And still right this moment, millions of black slaves are owned by black owners.

But you don't care about this because you are just an infiltrator on a new fake account after many previous accounts from you have been banned for being an infiltrator. And not only are you an infiltrator, but you are one of the dumbest and most dishonest ones we have ever had here.
This doesn't seem like whotecloud to me tbh, as he seemed more psychotic, this guy here just looks like a ranter, but I may be wrong.
Aquarius said:
This doesn't seem like whotecloud to me tbh, as he seemed more psychotic, this guy here just looks like a ranter, but I may be wrong.

One of the things Whitecloud was most angry about was he knew some things about hinduism, but he was too stupid to understand any of the symbolism or spiritual concepts. He thought that the gods are actually blue and green, like they have been painted in hindu images with the color symbolic of the Venus energies. Then saying we are all evil racists if we think the gods are white instead of blue.

This is the same person a few weeks later still complaining about the gods being white.
hailourtruegod said:
It's bait moments like these that you see who really is advancing here blatantly. No person who is past a certain level of spiritual advancement will have blind hatred towards another Gentile race. By then you will start having the understanding of bigger picture the Gods have for us where we need to SEPERATED but MUTUAL RESPECT. That second part is just as important.

For people to blindly hate black people or white people as a race because of general assumptions they made in their weak minds means you're not anywhere near as advanced as others here if at all.

I just don't see the logic in otherwise.

Indeed and this was just a total troll. Basically it conjured up one lie that doesn't exist anywhere in JoS, then it went on to attack Whites randomly for no reason. Trolls always dress differently and do the same thing. Whether a literal troll or just insane, that's another case, but all in all they wanted to engage in this bullshit hoax creation for negative purposes. They have been banned after their latest post espousing genocide now.
hailourtruegod said:
Larissa666 said:
With this post you just proved you came here with an agenda. No, your concern isn't what was originally stated in the first post. Your purpose here is to push your beliefs on others, you expect this place to conform to your delusion.

It's not gonna happen.

These WE Wuz kangz morons need to shut the fuck up already. No we dark skin Asians (that goes for dark Indians) ARE NOT directly descended from you or your culturals. Screw you for thinking your that special over us. We don't owe you shit. Our cultures were molded by us with initial influences of spiritually advanced beings who created the white race in an more direct manner than the non whites. The white race by this standard should be seen higher on the hierarchal ladder but only if they keep themselves worthy. Any low life that tries to talk shit in our face when we aren't even bothering them is just a piece of shit that shouldn't be seen as part as the noble white race but lower than an animal. Because even animals can understand mutual respect. This goes for any person of any Gentile race also.

I have literally a black dude come to my job twice telling me, a kind of Asian looking Mexican that I'm black descendent. Lmaooo. Physical proof doesn't seem to even work with stupid people nowadays. They literally see I'm not black but their pseudo black scholars told them so so it's true :lol: :roll:

(Let me not even get into the ones who "think" they black when they have no physical qualities of it either...)

All true. Also the We Wuz Kangs also feel like everyone needs to be their slave simply because of a foolish lie that all of humans "descended" from them, which is irrelevant and a debunked theory. Even if it were true, we are different groups now, which of course it was a lie - still, that breeds no justification for the nonsense that they preach.

Despite of what the Gods did back then, nobody asked anyone to be anyone's slave nor it's morally or otherwise justified. People belong to themselves.

The We Wuz Kangz is like jewish racism but rebranded with claims similar to jews, feeling like they own the planet and us in it, but that they are in a disenfranchised position like jews, and that we should be their slaves but that we are all disobedient goyim or something.

In some Kangz sites I have seen banners where they walk people around in leashes and call themselves "Master Race" and do all the stuff jews want to do, but they somehow say they do this because of "Hitler" and "White Supremacy", while especially Hitler never really touched any Blacks nor he ever affected negatively Africa whatsoever.

We are in a world with many stupid people and we have to skillfully navigate it. This irrationality and strange tendencies exist and we have to live through them. Logic is absent in many people.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
Larissa666 said:
With this post you just proved you came here with an agenda. No, your concern isn't what was originally stated in the first post. Your purpose here is to push your beliefs on others, you expect this place to conform to your delusion.

It's not gonna happen.

These WE Wuz kangz morons need to shut the fuck up already. No we dark skin Asians (that goes for dark Indians) ARE NOT directly descended from you or your culturals. Screw you for thinking your that special over us. We don't owe you shit. Our cultures were molded by us with initial influences of spiritually advanced beings who created the white race in an more direct manner than the non whites. The white race by this standard should be seen higher on the hierarchal ladder but only if they keep themselves worthy. Any low life that tries to talk shit in our face when we aren't even bothering them is just a piece of shit that shouldn't be seen as part as the noble white race but lower than an animal. Because even animals can understand mutual respect. This goes for any person of any Gentile race also.

I have literally a black dude come to my job twice telling me, a kind of Asian looking Mexican that I'm black descendent. Lmaooo. Physical proof doesn't seem to even work with stupid people nowadays. They literally see I'm not black but their pseudo black scholars told them so so it's true :lol: :roll:

(Let me not even get into the ones who "think" they black when they have no physical qualities of it either...)

All true. Also the We Wuz Kangs also feel like everyone needs to be their slave simply because of a foolish lie that all of humans "descended" from them, which is irrelevant and a debunked theory. Even if it were true, we are different groups now, which of course it was a lie - still, that breeds no justification for the nonsense that they preach.

Despite of what the Gods did back then, nobody asked anyone to be anyone's slave nor it's morally or otherwise justified. People belong to themselves.

The We Wuz Kangz is like jewish racism but rebranded with claims similar to jews, feeling like they own the planet and us in it, but that they are in a disenfranchised position like jews, and that we should be their slaves but that we are all disobedient goyim or something.

In some Kangz sites I have seen banners where they walk people around in leashes and call themselves "Master Race" and do all the stuff jews want to do, but they somehow say they do this because of "Hitler" and "White Supremacy", while especially Hitler never really touched any Blacks nor he ever affected negatively Africa whatsoever.

We are in a world with many stupid people and we have to skillfully navigate it. This irrationality and strange tendencies exist and we have to live through them. Logic is absent in many people.

And the fucked up part about it is that once they do know the truth, they gon start feeling insecure and impotent because if that were the case, if those same kings they love talking about were alive today, they would've been putting a flame under their feet until they start getting serious about actually fixing the issues the world is facing right now especially with the Jewish problem. Hitler is a perfect example here where he actually was a reincarnation of a Pharaoh, and his actions showed his majesty, and it help fight for his people and the world against the Jewish problem. One can feel good about their race without being ignorant about the greatness about other races, especially the White race, or to take their achievements as one's own, and even most importantly, realize the state one is in and their people as a whole and stepping up to make a change, especially when the issue is caused by Jews, which the kings they love mentioning either tried to warn against or were victims to. It's really just quality of wisdom and maturity one needs to actually even show (not claim) regality in the first place.
This is not me, so @ black dragon and ol adgedco luciftias, SHUT UP

Especially you blackdragon, don't come here again to spout what I didn't say or do, I am not talking to you again

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
